Europe-Africa Meeting Report

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Europe  -­‐  Africa  meeting  

Sunday,  9  January  2011  
World  Scout  Conference,  Brazil  

1  –  Welcome  and  introductions  

60 participants met for 90 minutes as scheduled. They were welcomed by the Vice Chairmen of the Africa
and European Committees – Dr Jabulani Muchado and Hernik Soderman. They passed on the good wishes
of their respective Regional Chairs who were participating in a meeting of the World Scout Committee.

2  –  Updates  on  progress  

2.1 Partnerships
• Malawi - Unguvu
• Uganda – Sweden (cycling to Jamboree, linking to Italy, Germany and Denmark as well)
• Burundi, Rwanda, D.R. Congo East with Sweden - Scouts and Guides - Amahoro Amani – on
• Rafiki - with SGV - educational manuals
• DPSG - Rwanda - Amahoro Amani
• Netherlands and Ghana - five year partnership
• CNGEI - Uganda plus Kenya - supporting a group
• Finland - Senegal - environmental and micro credits
• Denmark - citizenship project with Regional Office
• DPSG - campaign with South Africa - climate change
• UK - Sierra Leone
• Finland – Benin and Niger - food for life

2.2 Political support

The European Region has a priority theme on Relationships with other Regions in regional plan agreed by
the European Conference. The Africa Region has a similar resolution from the Africa Conference.

2.3 2nd Africa Summit

There is a report on needs and this is feeding into the work of the Africa Committee and Regional Office.
Those wishing to support projects are asked to consult the Africa Office so that such projects can meet
real needs.

2.4 Europe-Africa liaison officer

This position is in place to support existing projects between the two Regions, to facilitate the
establishment of contacts, to report on progress and to help with project identification.

2.5 Unguvu Project - strength through unity

A presentation was made outlining this project involving both regions and 11 associations. The aims are:
• Train young people
• Establish and strengthen partnerships
• Promote intercultural dialogue and understanding.
These will be achieved by 2 workshops -1) in February in Senegal and 2) in June in Germany.
The outputs will be to produce tools to create a long-term impact – a manual and training module.
The project is made possible by funding from the European Union, Education and Culture Directorate and
financial contributions from all partners

2.6 European Union – Africa Union youth cooperation

This will enable better representation of Scouting and both Regions in the wider youth policy arena.

2.7 Africa Scout Foundation

A brief input was made encouraging people to join the Africa Scout Foundation.
3  Discussion  on  next  steps  
• There was an impassioned plea for more to be done concerning the large issues affecting Africa
such as the health of young people affected by malaria and HIV Aids.

• An issue was identified about projects just happening with no contact, permission, monitoring or
evaluation. Good communications were requested between International Commissioners between
the two Regions to reduce the problems that unmonitored projects caused. However, there was
an urge to understand that the two Regions had different ways of operating.

• Continuing issues about procedures - better communications and protocols were anticipated and
it was agreed that the Marrakech Charter provided a basis for agreements and protocols as would
the outcomes of the Unguvu Project.

• Thanks were expressed by Malawi – who promised continuing accountability and reporting.

• It was suggested that a future call for projects will be made by the EU and those interested in
being part of the next application should indicate this to their respective regional office. One NSO
which identified interest was Ireland.

• Frederic Tutu Kama Kama indicated a hope that new countries in Africa seeking recognition as
members of WOSM would be supported by other NSOs inside and outside Africa.

4  Conclusion  
Dr Muchado and Mr Soderman thanked all for their participation, urged all to completed the project
summary forms for the joint database on projects and identified that:

• Partnerships are working

• All are giving and Receiving
• We are exchanging our cultures
• We are expanding the funding potential
• We are building friendships based on the values of Scouting

17 February 2011

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