Bee4113 Chapter 4
Bee4113 Chapter 4
Bee4113 Chapter 4
The load current is controlled by the transistor. By adjusting the transistor base
current, the output voltage may be controlled over a range of 0 to roughly . The base
current can be adjusted to compensate for variations in the supply voltage or the load,
thus regulating the output. This type of circuit is called a linear DC-DC converter or a
linear regulator because the transistor operates in the linear region, rather than in the
saturation or cutoff region. The transistor, in effect, operates as a variable resistance.
DC-DC Converter
Figure 4.2 (a) A basic dc-dc switching converter (b) Switching equivalent
(c) Output voltage.
The DC component of the output is controlled by adjusting the duty ratio D, which is
the fraction of the period that the switch is closed:
ton ton
D= = = ton f (4.2)
ton + toff T
Where, f is the switching frequency in hertz. The DC component of the output will be
less than or equal to the input for this circuit. The power absorbed by the ideal switch
is zero. When the switch is open, there is no current in it: when the switch is closed,
there is no voltage across it. Therefore, all power is absorbed by the load, and the
energy efficiency is 100%. Losses will occur in a real switch because the voltage
across it will not be zero when it is on and the switch must pass through the linear
region when making a transition from one state to the other.
Controlling the dc component of a pulse output of the type in Fig. 4.2(c) may be
sufficient for some applications, but often the objective is to produce an output that is
purely dc. One way of obtaining a do output from the circuit of Fig. 4.2a is to insert
a low-pass filter after the switch. Figure 4.3(a) shows an inductor-capacitor (L-C)
low-pass filter added to the basic converter. The diode provides a path for the
inductor current when the switch is opened and is reverse biased when the switch is
closed. This circuit is called a buck converter or a down converter because the output
voltage is less than the input.
If the low-pass filter is ideal, the output voltage is the average of the input voltage
to the filter. The input to the filter, in Fig. 4.3(a), is when the switch is closed
and is zero when the switch is open, provided that the inductor current remains
positive, keeping the diode on. If the switch is closed periodically at a duty ratio D,
the average voltage at the filter input is , as seen by Equation 4.1.
This analysis assumes that the diode remains forward biased for the entire time
that the switch is open, implying that the inductor current remains positive. An
inductor current that remains positive throughout the switching period is known as
continuous current. Conversely, discontinuous current is characterized by the
inductor current returning to zero during each period.
Another way of analyzing the operation of the buck convener of Fig. 4.3(a) is to
examine the inductor voltage and current. This analysis method will prove useful
for designing the filter and for analyzing circuits that are presented later in this
DC-DC Converter
The buck converters (and dc-dc converters in general) have the following properties
when operating in the steady state:
1+ T
IC =
T ∫i
C ( λ ) dλ = 0 (4.5)
4. The power supplied by the source is the same as the power delivered to the
load. For nonideal components, the source also supplies the losses:
Ps = Po (ideal)
Ps = Po + losses (nonideal). (4.6)
Analysis of the buck converter of Fig. 4.3(a) begins by making these assumptions:
The key to the analysis for determining the output is to examine the inductor
current and inductor voltage first for the switch closed and then for the switch open.
The net change in inductor current over one period must be zero for steady-state
operation. The average inductor voltage is zero.
Analysis for the switch closed. When the switch is closed in the buck converter
circuit of Fig. 4.3a the diode is reverses biased and Fig. 4.3b is an equivalent circuit.
The voltage across the inductor is
vL = VS − VO = L ,
diL Vs − Vo
= (switch closed).
dt L
Since the derivative of the current is a positive constant, the current increases
linearly, as shown in Fig. 4.4b. The change in current while the switch is closed is
computed by modifying the preceding equation:
di L ΔiL ΔiL Vs − Vo
= = =
dt Δt DT L
DC-DC Converter
⎛ Vs − Vo ⎞
(Δi L ) closed = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ DT (4.7)
⎝ L ⎠
Analysis for the switch open. When the switch is open, the diode becomes forward
biased to carry the inductor current, and the equivalent circuit of Fig. 4.3(c) applies.
The voltage across the inductor when the switch is open is
vL = −Vo = L
diL − Vo
= , (switch open).
dt L
Power Electronic
The derivative of current in the inductor is a negative constant and the current
decreases linearly, as shown in Fig. 4.4(b). The change in inductor current when the
switch is open is
Δ iL Δ iL Vo
= =−
Δt (1 − D )T L
⎛V ⎞
(ΔiL )open = −⎜ O ⎟(1 − D )T (4.8)
⎝ L⎠
Steady-state operation requires that the inductor current at the end of the switching
cycle be the same as that at the beginning, meaning that the net change in inductor
current over one period is zero. This requires
( ΔiL)closed + (ΔiL)open = 0.
⎛ Vs − Vo ⎞ ⎛ Vo ⎞
⎜ ⎟⎟ DT − ⎜ ⎟(1 − D)T = 0
⎝ L ⎠ ⎝L⎠
which is the same result as Eq. 4.1. The buck converter produces an output which is
less than or equal to the input.
Solving the preceding equation for Vo yields the same result as Eq. 4.9, Vo, = Vs D.
Note that the output voltage depends only on the input and the duty ratio D. If the
input voltage fluctuates, the output voltage can be regulated by adjusting the duty
ratio appropriately. A feedback loop is required to sample the output voltage,
compare it to a reference, and set the duty ratio of the switch accordingly.
The average inductor current must be the same as the average current in the load
resistor, since the average capacitor current must be zero for steady-state operation:
DC-DC Converter
IL = IR = (4.10)
Since the change in inductor current is known from Eqs. 4.7 and 4.8, the maximum
and minimum values of the inductor current are computed as
Imax = IL +
Vo 1 ⎡ Vo ⎤ ⎡ 1 (1 − D )⎤
= + ⎢ (1 − D )T ⎥ = Vo ⎢ + ⎥ (4.11)
R 2⎣L ⎦ ⎣R 2 Lf ⎦
Imin = IL −
Vo 1 ⎡ V o ⎤ ⎡ 1 (1 − D ) ⎤
= − ⎢ (1 − D )T ⎥ = Vo ⎢ − ⎥ (4.12)
R 2⎣L ⎦ ⎣R 2 Lf ⎦
where f = 1/T is the switching frequency in hertz.
For the preceding analysis to be valid, continuous current in the inductor must he
verified. An easy check for continuous current is to calculate the minimum inductor
current from Eq. 4.12. Since the minimum value of inductor current must be positive
for continuous current, a negative minimum calculated from Eq. 4.12 is not
allowable due to the diode and indicates discontinuous current. The circuit will
operate for discontinuous inductor current, but the preceding analysis is not valid.
Discontinuous current operation is discussed later in this chapter.
Equation 4.12 can be used to determine the combination of L and f that will result in
continuous current. Since Imin = 0 is the boundary between continuous and
discontinuous current,
⎡ 1 (1 − D )⎤
I min = 0 = Vo ⎢ − ⎥ (4.13)
⎣R 2 Lf ⎦
If the desired switching frequency is established,
Lmin =
(1 − D )R
computed from the voltage-current relationship of the capacitor. The current in the
capacitor is
iC = iL - iR
The change in charge, ΔQ, is the area of the triangle above the time axis:
1 ⎛ T ⎞⎛ ΔiL ⎞ TΔiL
ΔQ = ⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟=
2 ⎝ 2 ⎠⎝ 2 ⎠ 8
Resulting in
DC-DC Converter
ΔVo =
ΔVo 1− D
= (4.16)
Vo 8LCf 2
If the ripple is not large, the assumption of a constant output is reasonable and the
preceding analysis is essentially valid. Since the converter components are assumed
to be ideal, the power supplied by the source must be the same as the power absorbed
by the load resistor:
Ps = Po
VsIs = VoIo
Vo Is
or =
Vs Io
Note that the preceding relationship is similar to the voltage-current relationship for
transformer in ac applications. Therefore, the buck converter circuit is equivalent to a
dc transformer.
The buck dc-dc converter of Fig. 4.3(a) has the following parameters:
Vs = 50V
D = 0.4
L = 400µH
C =100µF
F = 20 kHz
R = 20 Ω
Power Electronic
(a) The inductor current is assumed to be continuous, and the output voltage is
computed front Eq. 4.9:
Vo = VsD = (50)(0.4) = 20 V.
(b) Maximum and minimum inductor current are computed from eqs. 4.11 and 4.12:
⎡ 1 1− D⎤
Imax = Vo ⎢ + ⎥
⎣ R 2 Lf ⎦
⎡1 1 − 0 .4 ⎤
= 20 ⎢ + 3 ⎥
⎣ 20 2(400 )(10 ) 20(10 ) ⎦
=1+ = 1.75 A
⎡ 1 1− D⎤
I min = Vo ⎢ − ⎥
⎣ R 2 Lf ⎦
=1- = 0.25 A
The average inductor current is 1A, and ΔiL = 1.5 A. Note that the minimum inductor
current is positive, verifying that the assumption of continuous current was valid.
ΔVo 1 − D 1 − 0.4
= =
8(400)(10) (100)(10) (20000)
2 −6 −6 2
Vo 8LCf
= 0.00469 = 0.469%.
DC-DC Converter
Since the output ripple is sufficiently small, the assumption of a constant output
voltage was reasonable.
Most buck converters are designed for continuous-current operation. The choice of
switch-in- frequency and inductance to give continuous current is given by Eq. 4.13,
and the output ripple is described by Eq. 4.16. Note that as the switching frequency
increases, the minimum size of the inductor to produce continuous current and the
minimum size of the capacitor to limit output ripple both decrease. Therefore, high
switching frequencies are desirable to reduce the size of both the inductor and the
The trade-off for high switching frequencies is increased power loss in the switches,
which is discussed later in this chapter. Increased power loss for the switches
decreases the converter's efficiency, and the larger heat sink required for the transistor
switch offsets the reduction in size of the inductor and capacitor. Typical switching
frequencies are in the 20-kHz to 50-kHz range, although frequencies in the hundreds
of kilohertz are not uncommon. As switching devices improve, switching frequencies
will increase.
The inductor wire must be rated at the rms current, and the core should not saturate
for peak inductor current. The capacitor must be selected to limit the output ripple to
the design specifications, to withstand peak output voltage, and to carry the required
rms current.
The switch and diode must withstand maximum voltage stress when off and
maximum current when on. The temperature ratings must not be exceeded, possibly
requiring a heat sink.
The duty ratio for continuous-current operation is determined from Eq. 4.9:
Power Electronic
Vo 18
D= = = 0.375
Vs 48
Lmin =
(1 − D )R = (1 − 0.375 )10 = 78μH
2f 2(40000 )
Let the inductor be 25% larger than the minimum to ensure that inductor current is
Average inductor current and the change in current are determined from Eqs. 4.10
and 4.7
Vo 18
IL = = = 1.8 A
R 10
⎛ Vs − Vo ⎞ ⎛ 48 − 18 ⎞
⎟(0.375 )⎛⎜
1 ⎞
ΔiL = ⎜ ⎟ DT = ⎜⎜ ⎟ ⎟ = 2.88 A
⎝ 97.5(10 )
⎝ L ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ 40000 ⎠
The maximum and minimum inductor currents are determined from Eqs. 4.11 and
Imax = IL + = 1.8 + 1.44 = 3.24 A
Imin = IL - = 1.8 − 1.44 = 0.36 A
2 2
⎛ Δi / 2 ⎞
I IL, rms = IL
+⎜ L ⎟ = (1.8) + ⎛⎜ 1.44 ⎞⎟ = 1.98 A
⎝ 3 ⎠ ⎝ 3 ⎠
1− D 1 − 0.375
C= = = 100 μF
⎛ ΔVo ⎞ 2 8(97.5)(10 )− 6 (.005 )(40000 )2
8 L⎜ ⎟f
⎝ Vo ⎠
Peak capacitor current is ΔiL = 1.44 A , and rms capacitor current for the triangular
waveform is 1.44 = 0.83 A. .
The maximum voltage across the switch and diode is Vs or 48 V. The inductor
voltage when the switch is closed is Vs - Vo = 48 -18 = 30 V. The inductor voltage
when the switch is open is Vo = 18 V. Therefore, the inductor must withstand 30 V.
The capacitor must be rated for the 18 V output.
The boost converter is shown in Fig. 4.6. This is another switching converter that
operates by periodically opening and closing an electronic switch. It is called a boost
converter because the output voltage is larger than the input.
Figure 4.6 The boost converter: (a) Circuit. (b) Equivalent for the switch closed. (c)
Equivalent for the switch open.
The analysis proceeds by examining the inductor voltage and current for the switch
closed and again for the switch open.
Analysis for the switch closed . When the switch is closed, the diode is
reverse biased. Kirchhoff's voltage law around the path containing the source,
inductor, and closed switch is
di L di L VS
v L = VS = L or = (4.18)
dt dt L
The rate of change of current is n constant, so the current increases-linearly while the
switch is closed, as shown in pig. 4.7(b). The change in inductor current is computed
DC-DC Converter
Δi L Δi L V S
= =
(Δi L ) closed = (4.19)
Analysis for the switch open. When the switch is opened, the inductor
current cannot change instantly, so the diode becomes forward biased to provide a
path for inductor current. Assuming that the output voltage Vo is a constant, the
voltage across the inductor is
Figure 4.7 Boost converter waveforms. (a) Inductor voltage. (b) Inductor current.
(c) Diode current. (d) Capacitor current.
di L
v L = V S − VO = L
di L V S − VO
dt L
Power Electronic
The rate of change of inductor current is a constant, so the current must change
linearly while the switch is open. The change in inductor current while the switch is
open is
Δi L Δi L V − VO
= = S
Δt (1 − D)T L
Solving for ∆ iL ,
( VS − VO )(1 − D )T
(ΔiL )open = (4.20)
For steady- state operation, the net change in inductor current must be zero. Using Eqs.
4.19 and 4.20,
(Δi L )closed + (Δi L )open = 0
V S DT (V S − VO )(1 − D )T
+ =0
VO = (4.21)
1− D
Also, the average inductor voltage must be zero for periodic operation. Expressing the
average inductor voltage over one switching period,
= .
and input power is . Equating input ad output powers and using Eq. 4.21,
⎛ VS ⎞
2 ⎜ ⎟ 2
VO ⎝1 − D ⎠ VS (4.22)
V SI L = = =
R R (1 − D ) 2 R
IL = (4.22)
(1 − D ) 2 R
Maximum and minimum inductor currents are determined by using the average
value and he change in current from Eq. 4.19:
I max = I L + = − S (4.23)
2 (1 − D) R
I min = I L − = − S (4.24)
2 (1 − D) R
Equation 4.21 was developed with the assumption that the inductor current is
continuous, meaning that it is always positive. A condition necessary for continuous
inductor current is for to be positive. Therefore, the boundary between continuous
and discontinuous inductor current is determined from
I min = 0 = −
(1 − D ) R2
= =
(1 − D ) R 2
2L 2 Lf
D(1 − D) 2 R
Lmin = (4.26)
Output Voltage Ripple
The preceding equations were developed on the assumption that the output voltage
was a constant, implying an infinite capacitance. In practice, a finite capacitance will
result in some fluctuation in output voltage, or ripple.
The peak-to-peak output voltage ripple can be calculated from the capacitor current
waveform, shown in Fig. 4.7(d). The change in capacitor charge can be calculated
⎛V ⎞
ΔQ = ⎜ O ⎟ DT = CΔVO
⎝ R ⎠
An expression for ripple is then
ΔV O = =
= (4.27)
ΔiL VS DT (12)(0.6)
= = = 1.2 A
2 2L (2)(120)(10)− 6 (25,000)
I max = 1.5 + 1.2 = 2.7 A
I min = 1.5 − 1.2 = 0.3 A
Analysis for the switch closed. When the switch is closed, the voltage across the
inductor is
di L
v L = VS = L
di L VS
dt L
Power Electronic
Figure 4.8 Buck- boost converter. (a) Circuit. (b) Equivalent for the switch closed. (c)
Equivalent for the switch open.
di L
v L = VO = L
di L VO
dt L
Again, the rate of change of inductor current is constant, and the change in current is
Δi L Δi L V
= = O
Δt (1 − D )T L
Solving for ∆ ,
VO (1 − D)T
(Δi L ) open = (4.29)
For steady- state operation, the net change in inductor current must be zero
over one period. Using Eqs. 4.28 and 4.29,
Figure 6.9 Buck- boost converter waveform. (a) Inductor current. (b) Inductor voltage. (c)
Diode current. (d) Capacitor current.
Power absorbed by the load must be the same as that supplied by the source,
PO = O
PS = V S I S
= VS I S
resulting in
= VS I L D
For continuous current, the inductor current must remain positive. To determine the
boundary between continuous and discontinuous current, is set to zero in Eq. 4.33,
resulting in
(1 − D) 2 R
( Lf ) min = (4.34)
(1 − D) 2 R
Lmin = (4.35)
where f is the switching frequency in hertz.
Solving for ∆ ,
Power Electronic
VO = =
= (4.36)
Example 4.4 Buck- boost Converter
The buck- boost circuit of Fig- 4.8 has these parameters:
= 24V
D= 0.4
R= 5Ω
L= 100 µH
C= 400 µF
f= 20 kHz
Determine the output voltage, inductor current, and output ripple.
Solution Output voltage is determined from Eq. 4.30:
⎛ D ⎞ ⎛ 0.4 ⎞
VO = −VS ⎜ ⎟ = −24⎜ ⎟ = −16V
⎝1 − D ⎠ ⎝ 1 − 0.4 ⎠
Figure 4.10 The Ćuk converter. (a) Circuit. (b) Equivalent for the switch closed. (c) Equivalent
for the switch open. (d) Current in for a large inductance.
The average voltage across is computed from Kirchoff’s voltage law around the
outermost loop. The average voltage across the inductors is zero for steady- state
operation, resulting in
V C1 = V S − V O
With the switch closed, the diode is off and the current in capacitor is
(iC1 )closed = −I L2 (4.37)
With the switch open, the currents in and force the diode on. The current in
capacitor is
(iC1 )open = I L1 (4.38)
The power absorbed by the load is equal to the power supplied by the source:
− VO I L 2 = V S I L1 (4.39)
For periodic operation, the average capacitor current is zero. With the switch on for
time DT and off for (1-D)T,
[(i )
C1 closed ]DT + [(i )
C1 open ](1 − D)T = 0
Next, the average power supplied by the source must be the same as the
average power absorbed by the load:
V S I L1 = −VO I L 2
I L1 − VO
Combining Eqs. 4.40 and 4.41, the relationship between the output and input voltage is
VO ⎛ D ⎞
= −⎜ ⎟ (4.42)
VS ⎝1− D ⎠
DC-DC Converter
Note that the components on the output ( , and R) are in the same
configuration as the buck converter and that the inductor current has the same form as
for the buck converter. Therefore, the ripple, or variation, in output voltage is the same
as for the buck converter:
ΔVO 1− D
= 2 (4.43)
VO 8L2 C 2 f
L1,min =
(1 − D) R
2 Df
L2,min =
(1 − D)R
DC-DC Converter
Buck Converter
1. The buck converter of Fig. 4.3(a) has the following parameters: = 24V, D=
0.65, L = 250 µF, and R = 10 Ω. The switching frequency is 25kHz. Cetermine
(a) The output voltage
(b) The maximum and minimum inductor currents
(c) The output voltage ripple
2. The buck converter of Fig. 4.3(a) has the following parameters: = 15V, D=
0.6, L= 50 µH, C= 150µF, and R=5Ω. The switching frequency is 50kHz.
(a) The output voltage
(b) The maximum and minimum inductor currents
(c) The output voltage ripple
Boost Converter
1. The boost converter of Fig. 4.6 has the following parameters: = 20, D= 0.6,
R= 12.5Ω, L= 65µH, C= 200µF, and switching frequency= 40kHz.
(a) Determine the output voltage
(b) Determine the average, maximum and minimum inductor current
(c) Determine the output voltage ripple
(d) Determine the average current in the diode
2. The buck- boost converter of Fig. 4.8 has 24V, = -36V, and a load
resistance of 10Ω. If the switching frequency is 60kHz,
(a) Determine the inductance such that the minimum current is 40% of the
Power Electronic
(b) Determine the capacitance required to limit the output voltage ripple to