BSCS Provisioning V1

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EPLUS BSCS provisioning document

BSCS Provisioning

1) Service Activation
2) Service Deactivation
3) GPRS Activation
4) GPRS Deactivation
5) AGB Activation
6) AGB Deactivation
7) Contact Extension
8) Tariff Change
9) MSISDN Change
10) SIM Change
11) Brand Change
12) Deactivate Promotions
13) Contract Takeover
14) Contract Passivation
15) Repassivation
16) Service Pack Change
17) Other useful Queries

1 Author-: Pankaj Loshali, Test Architect, ATOS India

EPLUS BSCS provisioning document

1) Service Activation:
First find out the co_id with the help of below query:

select co_id,customer_id,tmcode,co_activated ,
co_moddate,co_entdate, co_expir_date from contract_all where co_id in
(select CO_ID from CONTR_SERVICES_CAP where DN_ID in
(select DN_ID from directory_number where DN_NUM='<MSISDN>'))

Take the co_id for which the co_moddate is of order’s date.

Then run the below query to check the SN code:

select * from pr_serv_status_hist where co_id = '<Contract_id>' order by 8 desc

Check the SN code. Valid from date should be of orders date and status should be A.


select * from mpusntab where sncode in(select sncode  from contract_service where CO_ID

Description of SN code can be found in the mpusntab table:

select * from mpusntab where sncode = '<SN_Code>'

2) Service Deactivation:

Follow the same steps as in service activation

The only change is when we check the status of the service in pr_serv_status_hist table; the
status should be D (Decativate).

3) GPRS Activation:

We have 3 SN codes (143,163,172) for GPRS services. The assignment to a particular customer is
based on selection from Kubis Front end.
select * from pr_serv_status_hist where CO_ID ='<Contract_id>' and sncode in

Valid from date should be of orders date and status should be A for respective SN code..
For co_id use the below query:

select co_id,customer_id,tmcode,co_activated ,
co_moddate,co_entdate, co_expir_date from contract_all where co_id in
(select CO_ID from CONTR_SERVICES_CAP where DN_ID in
(select DN_ID from directory_number where DN_NUM='<MSISDN>'))

2 Author-: Pankaj Loshali, Test Architect, ATOS India

EPLUS BSCS provisioning document

4) GPRS Deactivation:
Follow the same steps as in GPRS activation
The only change is when we check the status of the SN code in pr_serv_status_hist table ,the
status should be D (Decativate).
5) AGB Activation:
First we need to verify the customer status. The cstype should be A. Also the csactivated should
be the date of activation.
select customer_id,cstype, csactivated from customer_all where customer_id=’Customer_id’

Then we should verify the associated contract with the customer. Co_activated should be the
date of activation.
select co_id, co_activated from contract_all where customer_id=’Customer_id’

We can also verify the contract history.

select co_id , ch_seqno, ch_status, ch_validfrom from contract_history where co_id=’co-id’

We should verify the SIM status. Sim status sm_status should be A and sm_status_mod_date
should be the date of activation.
select sm_id, sm_serialnum, sm_status_mod_date,sm_status from storage_medium where
sm_serialnum=’SIM Serival num’

We should verify the MSISDN status. MSISDN status dn_status should be A and
dn_status_mod_date should be the date of activation.
select dn_num, dn_status, dn_status_mod_date from directory_number where dn_num
6) AGB Deactivation:
First we verify if the customer in customer_all table.
select csactivated, csdeactivated, customer_id from customer_all
where customer_id = '<customer_id>';

The Deactivation date “csdeactivated” should be set as deactivation date.

We can find the customer_id and co_id with the help of below query:
select co_id,customer_id,tmcode,co_activated ,
co_moddate,co_entdate, co_expir_date from contract_all where co_id in
(select CO_ID from CONTR_SERVICES_CAP where DN_ID in
(select DN_ID from directory_number where DN_NUM='<MSISDN>'))

We verify the contract in contract_all table. “co_expir_date” or “co_moddate” should be set as

deactivation date.
select co_id, customer_id, co_activated, co_expir_date, co_moddate from contract_all
where customer_id = '<customer_id>';

Verify if the contract is deactivated completely. The value "ch_status" should be set to 'd' for
Use the following statement:
select co_id, ch_status, ch_validfrom
FROM contract_history where co_id = <'co_id'>;

3 Author-: Pankaj Loshali, Test Architect, ATOS India

EPLUS BSCS provisioning document

7) Contract Extension:

We verify the new contract information updated in “contract_all” table.

FROM contract_all
WHERE CUSTOMER_ID = ‘<Customer_id>’ ;

We can find the customer_id and co_id with the help of below query:
select co_id,customer_id,tmcode,co_activated ,
co_moddate,co_entdate, co_expir_date from contract_all where co_id in
(select CO_ID from CONTR_SERVICES_CAP where DN_ID in
(select DN_ID from directory_number where DN_NUM='<MSISDN>'))

8) Tariff Change:

Check status of tariff change

Upon successfull completion of the task new rateplan will be attached to that contract. New
tariff code should be the output of the below query.
SELECT rph.seqno, tm.des as tarifmodell, rph.tmcode_date as datum, tm.tmcode
FROM rateplan_hist rph, mputmtab tm
WHERE tm.vscode =
(SELECT max(tm2.vscode)
FROM mputmtab tm2
WHERE tm2.tmcode = tm.tmcode) and tm.tmcode = rph.tmcode and co_id = 'Contract_id'
ORDER BY rph.seqno

9) MSISDN Change:

We can find the customer_id and co_id with the help of below query:
select co_id,customer_id,tmcode,co_activated ,
co_moddate,co_entdate, co_expir_date from contract_all where co_id in
(select CO_ID from CONTR_SERVICES_CAP where DN_ID in
(select DN_ID from directory_number where DN_NUM='<MSISDN>'))

First we check the status of the customer.

Select * from customer_all where customer_id = >customer number<

We should check for the status of new and old MSISDN. For Old MSISDN the status should be
deactivated (d) or free (f). For new MSISDN the status should be ‘a’.
select DN_ID, DN_NUM, DN_STATUS, dn_status_mod_date from directory_number where

4 Author-: Pankaj Loshali, Test Architect, ATOS India

EPLUS BSCS provisioning document

10) SIM Change:

We can find the customer_id and co_id with the help of below query:
select co_id,customer_id,tmcode,co_activated ,
co_moddate,co_entdate, co_expir_date from contract_all where co_id in
(select CO_ID from CONTR_SERVICES_CAP where DN_ID in
(select DN_ID from directory_number where DN_NUM='<MSISDN>'))

We verify the deactivation date of old and new Sim in “CONTR_DEVICES” table. For old SIM it
should not be null and for new SIM it should be Null.
WHERE CO_ID = ‘<Contract_id>’
and CD_SM_NUM = '<SIM>'

We also verify the sm_status (SIM status) for both Old and New SIM. For new SIM it should be
activated and for old it should be deactivated.
select sm_id,sm_serialnum,sm_status_mod_date,sm_status from STORAGE_MEDIUM where
sm_serialnum='<sim no>'

11) Brand Change:

12) Deactivate Promotions:

We can find the customer_id and co_id with the help of below query:
select co_id, customer_id, tmcode, co_activated ,
co_moddate,co_entdate, co_expir_date from contract_all where co_id in
(select CO_ID from CONTR_SERVICES_CAP where DN_ID in
(select DN_ID from directory_number where DN_NUM='<MSISDN>'))

We verify the status of promotions and it should be deactivated (D).

select a1.co_id,
from pr_serv_status_hist a1, mpusntab b1
WHERE a1.CO_ID = ‘<co_id>’
and a1.sncode = b1.sncode
order by a1.entry_date desc;

13) Contract Takeover:

5 Author-: Pankaj Loshali, Test Architect, ATOS India
EPLUS BSCS provisioning document

We can find the co_id with the help of below query:

select co_id, customer_id, tmcode, co_activated ,
co_moddate,co_entdate, co_expir_date from contract_all where co_id in
(select CO_ID from CONTR_SERVICES_CAP where DN_ID in
(select DN_ID from directory_number where DN_NUM='<MSISDN>'))

Contract will be deactivated under the old customer and will be added under the new customer.

SELECT * FROM contract_history WHERE co_id=’<Contract_id>’

We can also check the contract information with the help of MSISDN.

select * from contract_all where co_id in

(select CO_ID from CONTR_SERVICES_CAP where DN_ID in
(select DN_ID from directory_number where DN_NUM='<MSISDN>'))

14) Contract Passivation:

We can find the customer_id and co_id with the help of below query:
select co_id, customer_id, tmcode, co_activated ,
co_moddate,co_entdate, co_expir_date from contract_all where co_id in
(select CO_ID from CONTR_SERVICES_CAP where DN_ID in
(select DN_ID from directory_number where DN_NUM='<MSISDN>'))

We verify the status of service which is activated to passivate the contract with the help of
co_id. Generally the contract is passivated with service “Passivierung / Fraud” . The status of
service should be ‘A’.
select a1.co_id,
from pr_serv_status_hist a1, mpusntab b1
WHERE a1.CO_ID = ‘<co_id>’
and a1.sncode = b1.sncode
order by a1.entry_date desc;

15) Repassivation:

6 Author-: Pankaj Loshali, Test Architect, ATOS India

EPLUS BSCS provisioning document

We can find the customer_id and co_id with the help of below query:
select co_id, customer_id, tmcode, co_activated ,
co_moddate,co_entdate, co_expir_date from contract_all where co_id in
(select CO_ID from CONTR_SERVICES_CAP where DN_ID in
(select DN_ID from directory_number where DN_NUM='<MSISDN>'))

We verify the status of service which is activated to passivate the contract with the help of
co_id. Generally the contract is passivated with service “Passivierung / Fraud” . The status of
service should be ‘D’.
select a1.co_id,
from pr_serv_status_hist a1, mpusntab b1
WHERE a1.CO_ID = ‘<co_id>’
and a1.sncode = b1.sncode
order by a1.entry_date desc;

16) Service Pack Change:

We can find the customer_id and co_id with the help of below query:
select co_id, customer_id, tmcode, co_activated ,
co_moddate,co_entdate, co_expir_date from contract_all where co_id in
(select CO_ID from CONTR_SERVICES_CAP where DN_ID in
(select DN_ID from directory_number where DN_NUM='<MSISDN>'))

Using the contract_ID we can check for the new SP_code. Use the below Query. Entry
date should be the orders date.

select * from PR_SERV_SPCODE_HIST where co_id = '<Contract_ID>' order by entry_date


17) Test data check in BSCS:

7 Author-: Pankaj Loshali, Test Architect, ATOS India

EPLUS BSCS provisioning document

The output should come for the below Query and the CS_TYPE should be ‘a’.
select CU.customer_id,CU.cstype,Co.co_id,MP.TMCODE,MP.VSDATE,MP.DES,DN.DN_NUM
from customer_all CU, contract_all CO, CONTR_SERVICES_CAP CONT, directory_number DN,
And Co.co_id=CONT.co_id
And CONT.dn_id=DN.dn_id
And CU.CSDEACTIVATED is null and CU.cstype='a'
And DN.DN_NUM in (4915738945216)
--CO.co_id in ()
--CU.customer_id in ()

For pending orders in BSCS, use the below query. No output should come for this query.
select * from mdsrrtab where co_id in
( select co_id from contr_services_cap where dn_id in
 (select dn_id from directory_number where dn_num='491773053477'))

We can get customer data which is replication of SAP system in table


Fee class.
Gives the information about the reason for the fee generation.
1 - the fee is a credit on the invoice
2 - the fee is a credit on the call
3 - the fee is a credit/charge, based on an event service, generated by a user (OCC)
4 - the fee is a charge, based on an event service, generated by the system
5 - the fee is a free unit credit"

8 Author-: Pankaj Loshali, Test Architect, ATOS India

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