Sale and Purchase Agreement - With Title

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DATED THIS       DAY OF       2010


      NRIC No.:      

(the vendor)


      NRIC No.:      

(the purchaser)




Vendor’s solicitors Purchaser’s solicitors

Messrs       Messrs      
[Address] [Address: ]
Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

AN AGREEMENT is made on the day stated in part I of the first schedule hereto
BETWEEN the person named in part II of the first schedule hereto (hereinafter
referred to as the vendor) of the one part AND the person named in part III of the
first schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the purchaser) of the other part.

A. The vendor is the registered proprietor of all that piece of land together with a
building erected thereon more particularly described in part IV of the first
schedule (which land and building shall hereinafter be collectively referred to as
the property).

B. The property is presently subject to the encumbrances the particulars of which

are set out in part V of the first schedule hereto.

C. The vendor has agreed to sell and the purchaser has agreed to purchase the
property on an as is where is basis and subject to the express conditions and
restrictions-in-interest affecting the title to the property, the particulars of which
are set out in part VI the first schedule hereto but otherwise free from all
encumbrances whatsoever and with vacant possession at a total purchase
price stipulated in part VII of the first schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as
the total purchase price) upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.

D. The purchaser intends to apply to a bank or other financial institution

(hereinafter referred to as the purchaser’s financier) for a loan (hereinafter
referred to as the loan) to finance the purchase of the property.

E. Messrs      , advocates & solicitors of       are the solicitors acting for the
purchaser (hereinafter referred to as the purchaser’s solicitors).

F. Messrs      , advocates & solicitors of       are the solicitors acting for the
vendor (hereinafter referred to as the vendor’s solicitors).

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B


1. Agreement to sell and purchase
(a) In consideration of the deposit (as defined in the second schedule hereto)
paid by the purchaser to the vendor, the vendor shall sell and the
purchaser shall purchase the property on an as is where is basis and
subject to the express conditions and restrictions-in-interest affecting the
title to the property but otherwise free from all encumbrances whatsoever
and with vacant possession of the property at the total purchase price and
upon the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.

2. Payment of total purchase price

(a) The total purchase price shall be paid by the purchaser in the manner
described in the second schedule hereto.
(b) In the event that the purchaser shall fail to pay the balance purchase price
within the completion period stated in part VIII(a) of the first schedule
hereto, the vendor hereby agree to grant to the purchaser an extension of
time for such period more particularly described in part IX(a) of the first
schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to as the extended completion
period) for the purchaser to make payment of the balance purchase price
as aforesaid PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the purchaser shall pay to the
vendor interest on the balance purchase price or any part thereof
remaining unpaid at the rate stipulated in part X of the first schedule
hereto calculated from the day next after the expiry of the completion
period to the date of full payment of the balance purchase price based on
a three hundred and sixty-five day year and on the actual number of days
elapsed, such interest to be payable together with the balance purchase
(c) The receipt by the vendor’s solicitors as stakeholders of the balance
purchase price shall be deemed sufficient discharge to the purchaser of
the sums so received and the vendor’s solicitors are hereby authorised to
deal with the same in accordance with clause 6 hereof.
(d) Notwithstanding anything hereinbefore stated, the period of time taken by
the vendor or vendor’s solicitors in attending to each task(s) as set out

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

below in excess of fourteen days shall be deemed to be time extended in

favour of the purchaser, free of interest, and shall not be taken into
account in computing the completion period or the extended completion
period, as the case may be:-
(i) In providing to the purchaser’s financier’s solicitors the redemption
statement (as defined in clause 4(a) hereof), as from the date of
receipt by the vendor’s solicitors of the request for the same;
(ii) In procuring the release of the vendor’s documents (as defined in
clause 4(a) hereof) from the vendor’s financier, as from the date of
receipt by the vendor’s solicitors of the redemption sum (as
hereinafter defined) from the purchaser’s financier’s solicitors; and
(iii) In providing to the purchaser’s financiers solicitors the vendor’s letter
of undertaking to refund of the loan in the event the memorandum of
transfer in favour of the purchaser cannot be registered for any
reason whatsoever or any other relevant documents incumbent to be
provided by the vendor as from the date of receipt by the vendor’s
solicitors of the request for the same.

3. Execution of transfer
(a) The parties hereto shall simultaneously with the execution of this
agreement execute a memorandum of transfer (in form 14A of the
National Land Code 1965) in favour of the purchaser and deposit the
same with the purchaser’s solicitors as stakeholders who shall at the
appropriate time stamp the same and effect the registration of the
property to the purchaser, upon:-
(i) Full payment of the purchase price; or
(ii) In the event the purchaser intends to apply for the loan from the
purchaser’s financier to part finance the purchase of the property,
and if the purchaser’s financier granting the loan requires that the
memorandum of transfer be first presented for registration with the
relevant land registry before the disbursement of the loan then:-
(1) The purchaser shall have paid the difference between the
balance of the purchase price and the actual amount of the

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

loan approved by the purchaser’s financier to part finance the

purchase of the property;
(2) The purchaser’s financier or its solicitors shall confirm that the
purchaser has duly executed the relevant memorandum of
charge and all other relevant and necessary documents
relating as required by the purchaser’s financier to secure the
(3) The purchaser has duly paid all registration fee, stamp duties
and the relevant fees and expenses relating to the
documentation of the loan and memorandum of transfer;
(4) The purchaser’s financier shall undertake to release the part of
the loan required for payment of the redemption sum to the
chargee, (if any), in accordance with the provisions of this
agreement; and
(5) The purchaser’s financier shall extend an irrevocable letter of
undertaking to the vendor undertaking to release the balance of
the loan after payment of the redemption sum (if any) to the
vendor in accordance with the provisions above.

(b) Simultaneously with the execution of this agreement the vendor shall
forward to the purchaser’s solicitors certified true copies of the current quit
rent and assessment receipts for the property.

4. Redemption of the property

(a) If it is applicable, the vendor shall obtain or cause to be obtained from the
vendor’s financier a letter (hereinafter referred to as the redemption
statement) addressed directly to the purchaser or the purchaser’s
financier, as the case may be, confirming the sum of monies payable to
the vendor’s financier to redeem the property (hereinafter referred to as
the redemption sum) and to provide its requisite undertakings which shall
include the following:-
(i) To deliver the original title deed for the property together with the
duplicate charge, form 13 (denoting the change of name, if

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

applicable) together with the vesting certificate (evidencing the

vesting of business), if applicable and all other relevant documents
to the purchaser’s financier; and
(ii) To execute and deliver the discharge of charge form, the withdrawal
of private caveat form from the purchaser’s financier and the change
of name/vesting order (if applicable);
And all the documents aforesaid shall collectively be referred to as the
vendor’s documents.

(b) The vendor hereby undertakes with the purchaser that in the event the
redemption sum exceeds the amount of the balance purchase price, the
vendor shall deposit the shortfall with the vendor’s solicitors within three
days of the vendor’s receipt of notification of the same from the vendor’s

5. Delivery of documents
Upon the vendor’s financier’s receipt of the redemption sum, the vendor shall
deliver or procure the delivery of the vendor’s documents from the vendor’s
financier and deliver the same to the purchaser’s solicitors or the purchaser’s
financiers solicitors, as the case maybe.

6. The vendor’s solicitor’s obligations in respect of the balance purchase

price or any part thereof
The vendor’s solicitors shall be and are hereby authorised to deal with the
balance purchase price or any part thereof in the following manner:-
(a) To pay the redemption sum to the vendor’s financier;
(b) To pay for and behalf of the vendor all the outstanding dues in respect of
the quit rent, assessment, rates and other outgoings for the property (if
(c) To pay such further tax (if any) as shall be required to be paid by the
vendor pursuant to the provisions of the Real Property Gains Tax Act
1976 or any amendments re-enactment or re-certification thereof in
accordance to clause 7(c) hereof; and

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

(d) To release the balance purchase price less the sums referred to in (a), (b)
and (c) above to the vendor after fourteen days from the date of
presentation for registration of the memorandum of transfer in favour of
the purchaser at the relevant land office SUBJECT ALWAYS to the
delivery of vacant possession of the property to the purchaser in
accordance to clause 9 herein.

7. Real property gains tax

(a) The vendor and the purchaser hereby expressly agree covenant and
undertake with one another that each shall notify the Director-General of
Inland Revenue of the sale herein within thirty days from the date of the
execution of this agreement and each party shall do all acts execute all
letters documents instruments and file all return and furnish and supply all
information to the relevant authorities as may be necessary under the
provisions of the Real Property Gains Tax Act 1976 or any amendments
thereof (hereinafter referred to as the Act);
(b) The vendor hereby irrevocably authorizes the purchaser’s solicitors to
deduct an amount equivalent to 2% being the sum of Ringgit Malaysia
      (RM     ) only of the purchase price from the deposit (hereinafter
referred to as the 2%) and forward the same to the Director-General of
Inland Revenue for purpose of payment of the real property gains tax
simultaneously with the documents stated in sub-clause (a) of this clause;
(c) The vendor irrevocably agrees covenants and undertakes to pay to the
Director-General of Inland Revenue any further tax, if any assessed as
being payable on the disposal of the property within such time as may be
prescribed in the notification received from the Director-General of Inland
Revenue requesting for payment and the vendor hereby agrees
covenants and undertakes with the purchaser to keep the purchaser and
the purchaser’s solicitors fully indemnified against all claims demands
proceedings costs and expenses and tax liabilities of the vendor in
respect of the property made by the Director-General of Inland Revenue
under the Act;

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

(d) In the event no tax is payable by the vendor, the vendor is hereby
authorise to liaise with the Director-General of Inland Revenue for the
refund of the 2% upon receipt of the certificate of clearance.

8. Caveats
(a) Upon execution of this agreement, the vendor hereby irrevocably agrees
and consents to the purchaser lodging a private caveat over the property
to protect his registrable interest over the property PROVIDED ALWAYS
THAT in the event this agreement is lawfully terminated for any reason
whatsoever, the purchaser shall forthwith remove such caveat/s lodged by
the purchaser at his own cost and expense.
(b) Simultaneous with the execution of the entry of private caveat forms by
the purchaser, the purchaser shall also execute the withdrawal of private
caveat (in form 19G of the National Land Code 1965) (hereinafter referred
to as the withdrawal of private caveat) and deposit the withdrawal of
private caveat together with the requisite registration fee with the
purchaser's solicitors and the purchaser’s solicitors shall be irrevocably
authorised by the purchaser to present the withdrawal of private caveat at
the relevant land office for registration upon the lawful termination of this

9. Delivery of vacant possession of the property

(a) Vacant possession of the property shall be delivered by the vendor to the
purchaser within five days from the date the balance purchase price is
received by the vendor’s solicitor (hereinafter referred to as the delivery
(b) The vendor shall submit to the purchaser on delivery of vacant possession
of the property to the purchaser, copies of receipts evidencing payment of
all quit rent, assessment, electricity, water, sewerage (Indah water) and
other outgoings payable in respect of the property up to the date of
delivery of vacant possession of the property.

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

(c) The vendor hereby expressly agree and confirm that any risks in respect
of the property shall pass to the purchaser only as from the date the
vendor deliver vacant possession of the property to the purchaser.
(d) In the event that the vendor is unable to deliver vacant possession of the
property to the purchaser after the expiry of the delivery date, the vendor
shall pay to the purchaser an agreed interest on the purchase price at the
rate of 8% per annum to be calculated on daily basis from the delivery
date to the date of actual delivery of vacant possession by the vendor to
the purchaser being the penalty on the late delivery of vacant possession
of the property. The vendor’s solicitors are hereby authorised by the
parties hereto to deduct form the balance purchase price such sum
sufficient for payment of such penalty.

10. Condition of the property

(a) The purchaser hereby acknowledges that they have inspected the
property and is satisfied with the state and condition of the same and shall
purchase the property on an as is where is basis.
(b) The vendor covenants with the purchaser that the property shall
substantially be in the same condition, state, nature and character (fair
wear and tear excepted) at the time of delivery of vacant possession as it
is at the date of this agreement.
(c) The parties hereto agree that in the event the property is destroyed or
damaged by fire, floods or other occurrences before the delivery of vacant
possession, the purchaser shall be entitled to terminate this agreement by
notice in writing to the vendor and the vendor shall within fourteen (14)
days from their receipt of the notice of termination, refund to the purchaser
free from interest all moneys paid by the purchaser to the vendor pursuant
to this agreement and the purchaser shall return the vendor’ documents
and the memorandum of transfer (unless the same is required for the
refund of stamp duty), if the same are in his or the purchaser’s solicitor’s
custody, whereupon this agreement shall terminate and be of no further
effect whatsoever save and except for any antecedent breach of this

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

11. Apportionment of quit rent, assessments and other outgoings

(a) All quit rent, assessment charges, sewerage, electricity and water
charges, rates and other outgoings if any payable in respect of the
property shall be apportioned as at the date of delivery of vacant
possession of the property and any sums due by virtue of such
apportionment shall be paid on the date of delivery of vacant possession
PROVIDED ALWAYS that the vendor shall indemnify the purchaser, his
personal representatives, heirs and permitted assigns in respect of all
penalties, fines, expenses and damages which may arise as a result of
any late payments or defaults in payment by the vendor in respect of such
quit rent, assessment charges, sewerage, electricity and water charges,
rates and other outgoings, if such defaults are incurred prior to the date of
(b) The vendor shall submit to the purchaser on delivery of vacant possession
of the property to the purchaser, copies of receipts evidencing payment of
all quit rent, assessment, electricity bills, water bills, sewerage bills (if any)
and all other utility charges payable in respect of the property up to the
date of delivery of vacant possession of the property.
(c) The purchaser shall upon delivery of vacant possession, forthwith notify
all appropriate authorities, in particular the appropriate authorities
responsible for the levy and collection of quit rent, assessments and rates
payable in respect of the property, of the change of ownership of the
property and shall indemnify and keep indemnified the vendor, its heirs,
personal representatives and successor-in-title in respect of all claims,
penalties and other liabilities whatsoever which may arise as a result or by
reason of or in connection with any default by the purchaser in performing
such obligation.
(d) In respect of utilities accounts, the vendor shall be entitled to terminate the
utilities accounts with the relevant authorities and to apply for refund of the
deposits from the relevant authorities and the purchaser shall apply for
fresh utilities accounts upon the date of the vendor’s delivery of the vacant
possession of the property to the purchaser.

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

12. Non-completion by vendor

In the event the vendor shall fail for any reason whatsoever to complete the
sale of the property to the purchaser pursuant to this agreement save and
except due to the default of the purchaser, the purchaser shall be entitled at his
option to specific performance of the sale and purchase hereunder of the
property or by notice in writing (hereinafter referred to as the election notice)
served on the vendor to terminate this agreement and accept a sum equivalent
to the deposit as agreed liquidated damages (hereinafter referred to as the
liquidated damages) from the vendor who shall on or before the expiry of
fourteen days from their receipt of the election notice pay the liquidated
damages to the purchaser and cause all other moneys paid by the purchaser
towards settlement of the deposit, the balance purchase price and all sums
paid upon apportionment pursuant to clause 11 hereinabove to be refunded
(free of interest ) to the purchaser in default of which payment and refund as
aforesaid, the vendor shall further pay to the purchaser interest on the
liquidated damages and the aforesaid moneys calculated at the rate of 8% per
annum from the 15th day of the vendor’s receipt of the election notice until the
date of actual payment and refund IN EXCHANGE FOR delivery by the
purchaser to the vendor of the following :-
(a) Where vacant possession of the property has been delivered, immediately
re-deliver vacant possession of the property to the vendor;
(b) A valid and registrable withdrawal of private caveat duly executed by the
purchaser and the necessary fees (if the purchaser has lodged a private
caveat over the property); and
(c) The memorandum of transfer and the vendor’s documents delivered to
the vendor’s solicitors as the case may be, with the vendor’s interest in
the property intact PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT if the memorandum of
transfer has been duly adjudicated and stamped, the purchaser’s
solicitors shall surrender the same to the relevant authority to obtain a
refund of the stamp duty paid by the purchaser and for cancellation of the
same thereafter.

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

AND THEREAFTER the sale and purchase of the property hereunder shall be
deemed to be mutually rescinded and thereafter, this agreement shall be
deemed null and void and of no further effect and neither party shall have any
claim against the other hereunder save in respect of any antecedent breach of
this agreement and the vendor shall be at liberty to sell or otherwise deal with
the property in such manner and to and with such persons as the vendor shall
deem fit without tendering or offering the property to the purchaser.

13. Non-completion by purchaser

In the event the purchaser shall fail for any reason whatsoever to pay the
balance purchase price at the time and in the manner stipulated in clause 2
herein, except due to the default of the vendor, the vendor shall be entitled to
forfeit the deposit sum only and to terminate this agreement by notice in writing
(hereinafter referred to as the termination notice) served on the purchaser but
shall cause all other monies paid hereunder by the purchaser pursuant to this
agreement (including the balance purchase price and all sums paid upon
apportionment pursuant to clause 11 herein) to be refunded to the purchaser
on or before the expiry of fourteen days from the date of the vendor’s receipt of
the termination notice free of interest IN EXCHANGE FOR delivery by the
purchaser to the vendor of the following: -
(a) Were vacant possession of the property has been delivered, immediately
re-deliver vacant possession of the property to the vendor;
(b) A valid and registrable withdrawal of private caveat duly executed by the
purchaser and the necessary fees (if the purchaser has lodged a private
caveat over the property); and
(c) The memorandum of transfer and the vendor’s documents delivered to
the vendor’s solicitor as the case may be, with the vendor’s interest in the
property intact PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT if the memorandum of transfer
has been duly adjudicated and stamped, the purchaser’s solicitors shall
surrender the same to the relevant authority to obtain a refund of the
stamp duty paid by the purchaser s and for cancellation of the same

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

AND THEREAFTER the sale and purchase of the property hereunder shall be
deemed to be mutually rescinded and this agreement shall be deemed null and
void and of no further effect and neither party shall have any claim against the
other hereunder save in respect of any antecedent breach of this agreement
and the vendor shall be at liberty to sell or otherwise deal with the property in
such manner and to and with such persons as the vendor shall deem fit without
tendering or offering the property to the purchaser .

14. Non-registration of the transfer

If the registration of the memorandum of transfer of the property free from all
encumbrances, in favour of the purchaser cannot be effected for any reason
which cannot be remedied by either party then the vendor shall within fourteen
days from the date of receipt by the vendor of such written notice from the
purchaser, unconditionally refund or cause to be refunded to the purchaser, all
moneys paid by the purchaser (free of interest) towards the account of the total
purchase price under this agreement failing which the vendor shall further pay
to the purchaser’s interest on the aforesaid moneys calculated at the rate of 8%
per annum from the fifteenth day of the vendor’s receipt of such notice until the
date of actual refund, IN EXCHANGE FOR the delivery by the purchaser to the
vendor of the following :-
(a) Where vacant possession of the property has been delivered, immediately
re-deliver vacant possession of the property to the vendor;
(b) A valid and registrable withdrawal of private caveat duly executed by the
purchaser and the necessary fees (if the purchaser has lodged a private
caveat over the property); and
(c) The memorandum of transfer and the vendor’s documents delivered to
the vendor’s solicitors as the case may be, with the vendor’s interest in
the property intact PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT if the memorandum of
transfer has been duly adjudicated and stamped, the purchaser’s
solicitors shall surrender the same to the relevant authority to obtain a
refund of the stamp duty paid by the purchaser and for cancellation of the
same thereafter,

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

WHEREUPON this agreement shall terminate and be of no further effect

whatsoever but without prejudice to any right which either party may be entitled
to against the other party in respect of any antecedent breach of this

15. Acquisition
(a) The vendor hereby warrants and undertakes with the purchaser that as at
the date of the execution of this agreement there has not been any
acquisition of the property or any part thereof and that the same is not
subject to any acquisition or intended acquisition by any governmental
statutory urban or municipal authority and that no advertisement in the
government gazette of such intention has been published pursuant to the
Land Acquisition Act 1960 or any amendment re-enactment or re-
certification thereof (hereinafter referred to as the act).
(b) In the event of any governmental statutory, urban or municipal authority
acquiring or exercising any rights or taking any steps under the act and/or
any other legislation to acquire the property or any part thereof for any
purpose whatsoever between the date of this agreement and the
completion date or the extended completion date as the case may be, the
purchaser shall be lawfully entitled to EITHER :-
(i) Continue with and complete this agreement in which event the
purchaser shall not be entitled to any reduction of the total purchase
price PROVIDED ALWAYS THAT the vendor shall immediately
notify the relevant authority of the purchaser's interest in the property
and the terms of this agreement. Any compensation payable under
such acquisition shall belong to the purchaser as and when the
same shall be paid provided that there is no termination of the
agreement and provided further that the purchaser shall have paid in
full the total purchase price in accordance with and in the manner
provided for in this agreement. The vendor shall in all matters
concerning such acquisition at the cost and expense of the
purchaser, take such steps as may be reasonably expected of the
vendor to secure the best compensation payable; OR

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

(ii) Terminate this agreement in which event the same shall be

terminated and be of no further force or effect whereupon:-
(1) All moneys paid to the vendor or the vendor’s solicitor as
stakeholder by the purchaser or purchaser's financier including
the deposit, the balance purchase price and all sums paid upon
apportionment shall be refunded by the vendor to the
purchaser free of interest on or before the expiry of fourteen
days from the receipt of notice in writing (hereinafter referred to
as the notice) served on the vendor by the purchaser to
terminate this agreement in exchange for the purchaser having
performed the conditions as stipulated in clause 14(a), (b) and
(c), in default of which refund as aforesaid, the vendor shall
further pay to the purchaser interest on the aforesaid moneys
calculated at the rate of 8% per annum from the date of the
notice until the date of actual refund; and thereafter
(2) The parties hereto shall have no claim or claims whatsoever
against each other on any matter in respect of or arising out of
this agreement save and except for the provisions of this
clause and any antecedent breach of this agreement.

(c) The vendor hereby undertakes to give a notice in writing to the purchaser
immediately upon receipt of any notice of the acquisition of the property or
part thereof and the purchaser shall be entitled by notice in writing served
on the vendor within fourteen days from the date of receipt of such notice
from the vendor to exercise the option referred to in clause (b) herein.

16. Covenants, warranties and undertakings of the vendor

(a) The vendor hereby covenants, undertakes, warrants and represents to
and with the purchaser that :-
(i) The vendor is the registered owner of the property and is not holding
the property on trust for any third parties;

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

(ii) The vendor is not undischarged bankrupt as at the date of this

agreement, nor is there any bankruptcy proceedings initiated or
contemplated against the vendor;
(iii) The vendor shall within fourteen days of the receipt of any written
communication relating to the property from a person or body
exercising powers under any statute or other law deliver to the
purchaser a copy of such communication;
(iv) There are no rates, charges, taxes or other outgoings which are in
arrears and outstanding in respect of the property and if there shall
be any sum outstanding or payable therefore as at the date hereof,
the vendor shall pay the same on or before the completion date or
within fourteen days upon being informed of the same, whichever is
(v) No circumstances exist which are or would on reasonable inquiry be
known to the vendor, which may in any manner whatsoever cause
the rights of the vendor to the property to be detrimentally affected.
(vi) There is no charge, lien or other encumbrance whether legal or
equitable affecting the property, other than those disclosed herein;
(vii) The vendor shall not hereafter mortgage, charge, transfer, sell,
convey or otherwise deal with property so as to encumber, encroach
upon or divest the purchaser of their rights, title and interests to the
(viii) There is no previous sale or agreement for the sale of the property
or any part or portion thereof which is still subsisting and which has
not been validly and lawfully terminated or rescinded and that there
are no claims or interests in relation to or affecting the property or
any part or portion thereof;
(ix) The property shall substantially be in and of the same condition state
nature and character (fair wear and tear excepted) at the date of
delivery of vacant possession as it is at the date of this agreement;
(x) As at the date of this agreement, the property is not subject to any
acquisition proceedings and further that to the best of their

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

knowledge and belief, no acquisition proceedings are pending or

contemplated in respect thereof.

(b) The vendor further covenants warrants and undertakes to and with the
purchaser that all warranties and undertakings on their part herein
contained will be true and correct on the completion date or extended
completion date in all respects as if they had been entered into afresh at
(c) Notwithstanding the completion of the sale and purchase hereunder, all
covenants, warranties, undertakings and obligations given hereunder or
undertaken shall continue hereafter to subsist until the date of registration
of the memorandum of transfer.
(d) The vendor will keep indemnified the purchaser against all actions,
proceedings, damages, penalties, costs, claims and demands by reason
of or on account of any breach or misrepresentation or non-fulfilment of
the representations, warranties and covenants set forth in clause 16.1
hereof or any of them.
(e) It is hereby agreed that in the event there is a breach of any of the above
representations, warranties, undertakings and covenants, the vendor
shall, without prejudice to the purchaser’s rights under this clause and to
all other recourse in law, rectify the breach within fourteen days of their
receipt of the purchaser’s notice requiring such rectification (or any
extension as shall have been granted by the purchaser in writing) failing
which, unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties herein or
rectification thereof cannot be effected due to reason(s)/causes(s)
absolutely beyond the vendor’s control, the provisions of clause 12 hereof
shall immediately be applicable. Pending rectification of the breach by the
vendor, all the purchaser’s obligations under this agreement to be
performed within the completion period or the extended completion period
shall be suspended.

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

17. Covenants, warranties and undertakings of the purchaser

(a) The purchaser hereby covenants, undertakes, warrants and represents to
and with the vendor that:-
(i) The purchaser is not undischarged bankrupt as at the date of this
agreement, nor is there any bankruptcy proceedings initiated or
contemplated against the purchaser; and
(ii) The purchaser has the authority to enter into and to carry out his
obligations herein contained.

(b) The purchaser will keep indemnified the vendor against all actions,
proceedings, damages, penalties, costs, claims and demands by reason
of or on account of any breach or misrepresentation or non-fulfilment of
the representations, warranties and covenants set forth in clause 17(a)
hereof or any of them.

18. Time
Time, wherever mentioned herein is of the essence of this agreement.

19. Costs
(a) Each party shall bear its own solicitors' costs in respect of the sale and
purchase hereunder.
(b) The purchaser shall bear the expenses of all stamp and registration fees
together with such other disbursements of and incidental to this
agreement and the memorandum of transfer.
(c) The vendor shall bear the expenses of all stamp and registration fees
together with such other costs (including solicitors' costs) and
disbursements of and incidental to the discharge of charge, the withdrawal
of private caveat mentioned in clause 4(a)(ii) above and change of
name/vesting order (if applicable).

20. Notice
(a) Any notice or communication requiring to be served hereunder shall be in
writing and may be delivered, given or sent by:-

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

(i) Hand; or
(ii) Prepaid registered post; or
(iii) Telex, facsimile transmission or other instantaneous electronic
media and any such notice and communication given shall be
deemed to have been duly served upon and received by the
(1) If delivered by hand prior to 5.00 p.m. on a working day, at the
time of delivery or, if delivered by hand at any other time, at
9.00 a.m. on the next working day following the date of such
delivery; or
(2) If sent by prepaid registered post, within seven days of
dispatch; and
(3) If transmitted by way of telex, facsimile transmission or other
instantaneous electronic media prior to 5.00 p.m. on a working
day, at the time of transmission, or if transmitted by way of
telex, facsimile transmission or other instantaneous electronic
media at any other time, at 9.00 a.m. on the next working day
following the date of such transmission.

(b) In proving the giving of a notice or any other document under or in respect
of this agreement it shall be sufficient to show:-
(i) In the case of prepaid registered post, that the notice or other
document was duly addressed and posted; or
(ii) In the case of telex, facsimile transmission or other instantaneous
electronic media, that the notice or other document was duly
transmitted from the dispatching terminal as evidenced by a
transmission report generated by the dispatching terminal.

(c) No change of address howsoever brought about shall be effective or

binding on either party unless that party has given to the other actual
notice of the change of address and nothing done in reliance on
paragraph above shall be affected or prejudiced by any subsequent

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

change in address over which the other party has no actual knowledge of
at the time the act or thing was done or carried out.

21. Knowledge/acquiescence
Knowledge or acquiescence by either party hereto of any breach of any of the
conditions or covenants herein contained shall not operate as or be deemed to
be waiver of such conditions or covenants or any of them and notwithstanding
such knowledge or acquiescence each party hereto shall be entitled to exercise
their respective rights under this agreement and to require strict performance
by the other of the terms and conditions herein.

22. Severability
Any term, condition, stipulation, provision, covenant or undertaking in this
agreement which is illegal, void, prohibited or unenforceable shall be ineffective
to the extent of such illegality, voidness, prohibition or unenforceability only and
shall not invalidate or render illegal, void or unenforceable any other term,
condition, stipulation, provision, covenant or undertaking herein contained.

23. Waiver
No delay or failure by any of the parties to exercise or enforce at any time any
right or provision of this agreement shall be considered a waiver thereof, unless
made in writing. No single waiver shall constitute a continuing or subsequent

24. Variation
It is hereby expressly agreed and declared by the parties hereto that
notwithstanding any of the provisions of this agreement to the contrary, the
provisions and terms of this agreement may at any time and from time to time
be varied or amended by mutual consent of the parties hereto by means of
mutual exchange of letters or such other means as the parties may agree upon
from time to time.

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

25. Successors bound

This agreement shall be binding upon the successors-in-title, respective heirs,
personal representatives and permitted assigns of the parties hereto.

26. Interpretation
In this agreement unless there is something in the subject or context
inconsistent with such construction or unless it is otherwise expressly
(a) The expression the vendor and the purchaser shall include their
respective successors in title and where two or more persons are included
in any of the aforesaid expressions this agreement binds such persons
jointly and severally.
(b) Words importing the masculine gender only includes the feminine and
neuter genders;
(c) Words importing the singular number only include the plural and vice
(d) Words applicable to human beings include any body of persons corporate
or incorporate; and
(e) The expression ‘days’ means Mondays to Saturdays and if a period of
days from the happening of an event or the doing of any act or thing is
done shall be deemed to be inclusive of the day on which the event
happens or the act or thing is or is required to be done and if the last day
of the period is a Sunday or a public holiday in the state of Selangor
and/or federal territory of Kuala Lumpur (hereinafter referred to as the
excluded day) the period shall include the day next following which is not
an excluded day.

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Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands the day
and year first above written.

SIGNED by the vendor(s) )

in the presence of: ) _____________________________
NIRC No:     
Signature of Witness _____________________________
_____________________________ NIRC No:     
Print Name of Witness

SIGNED by the purchaser(s) )

in the presence of: ) _____________________________
NIRC No:     
Signature of Witness _____________________________
_____________________________ NIRC No:     
Print Name of Witness

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B



I Date of this agreement      
II Description of vendor       NRIC:     
of [Address]
III Description of purchaser       NRIC:     
of [Address]
IV Property A double storey link house bearing postal
address of       measuring approximately
1870 square feet and held under freehold
Individual Title HS(D)      
V vendor' financier       BANK BERHAD (Company No.      )
(Chargee) [Address]

VI 1. Category of land use “Bangunan”

2. Express conditions “Bangunan Kediaman”

3. Restrictions-in-interest Nil
VII Total purchase price Ringgit Malaysia       (RM     ) only
VIII a) Completion period Ninety days from the date of this agreement subject
always to the provisions of clause 2.4 herein.

The date within the completion period the balance

b) Completion date purchase price is received by the vendor’s
solicitors as stakeholders.
IX a) Extended completion Thirty days after the expiry of the completion period
period subject always to the provisions of clause 2.4

b) Extended completion The date within the extended completion period

date when the balance purchase price is received by
the vendor’s solicitors as stakeholders.
X Interest chargeable on 8% per annum.
extension of time

Sale and purchase agreement between
vendor :A
purchaser :B


Payment of total purchase price

(referred to in clause 2(a))

(i) The sum of Ringgit Malaysia       (RM     ) only shall be paid by the
purchaser directly to the vendor prior to the execution of this agreement as
earnest deposit and towards account of the total purchase price (hereinafter
referred to as the earnest deposit), the receipt of which the vendor hereby
acknowledge receipt.

(ii) The sum of Ringgit Malaysia       (RM     ) only shall be paid upon the
execution of this agreement by the purchaser to the vendor as the balance
deposit and towards account of and as part payment of the total purchase
price (hereinafter referred to as the balance deposit), the receipt of which
the vendor hereby acknowledge receipt. For avoidance of doubt Ringgit
Malaysia       (RM     ) only from the balance deposit shall be forwarded
by the purchaser’s solicitors to Director-General of Inland Revenue for
purpose of payment of real property gains tax in accordance to clause
Error: Reference source not found hereof. [The Earnest deposit and the
balance deposit shall hereinafter collectively be referred to as the deposit].

(iii) The sum of Ringgit Malaysia       (RM     ) only shall be paid/procured
to be paid by the purchaser to the vendor’s solicitors as stakeholders on or
before the expiry of the completion period or the extended completion
period as the case may be (hereinafter referred to as "the balance purchase

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