Balsa Wood and Jumbolon

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#Note: Red means missing information

Balsa Wood

 Overview:
After various load tests and analysis via industry standard software, balsa was
considered the perfect match taking the mission constraints into account since it is stiff,
easily repairable and provides an ease in fabrication.

 Selection Criteria:
Materials were selected after exclusive research. Mission constraints, weather
conditions at Tucson, load, resistance and strength were the main factors that led to the
selection of balsa. Various scientific papers were studied, and conclusions were derived
that gradually led us to the choice of balsa - a perfect match for this year’s missions.

 Weight and Strength:

 Ease of Manufacturing:
Balsa Wood is cheap, easily available, and flexible. It is easy to bend, twist, break and
can be stored anywhere. Using balsawood enabled us to fabricate the plane without
using expensive tools. Balsa Wood plays a vital role in the pace of the fabrication phase;
we were able to fabricate X planes within a time frame of X days.

 Cost Efficiency:
After an in-depth cost analysis, Balsa wood was finalized as the main material to be
used in the construction of the UAV.
Missing the price of the material (PKR/kg or whatever is the standard rate)

 Reparability:
Our top three choices of materials were put to load tests to the point of breakage. Each
of the materials was then put to the reparability process whereby materials underwent
through various subphases of repairing. Balsa stood out of the remaining choices
because of its ease in repairing. The lightweight, moderately thin but flexible structure of
balsawood makes it easier to join two broken parts via glue or thin metallic scraps
placed across the broken area. Balsa being easily repairable not only will save us time
during the mission, should we need to repair a broken part but is also deemed best
when it comes to overnight fabrication and shipping.

 Cutting and Fabrication Processes:

The fuselage and the empennage will be made entirely of Balsa Wood which will be cut
using a laser cutting machine.

 Overview:

 Selection Criteria:

 Weight and Strength:

 Ease of Manufacturing:

 Cost Efficiency:
Sheets of Jumbolon will be used in sensor storage compartments to restrict the motion
of the sensor in flight.
Missing the price of the material (PKR/sheet or whatever is the standard rate)

 Reparability:

 Cutting and Fabrication Processes:

The Jumbolon reinforcements will be cut using a CNC machine (CNC wire cutting).

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