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Course Code : MS-10

Course Title : Organizational Design, Development and Change

Assignment No. : MS-10/TMA/Sem-II/2020

Coverage : All Blocks

Note: Attempt all the questions and submit this assignment to the Coordinator of your Study
Centre on or before 31st October, 2020.

1. Describe and discuss T-Group Training and Team Building as interventions to

organisation development, giving examples. Briefly discuss their merits and demerits.

2. Describe the importance of organization diagnosis. Discuss and describe organisational

analysis perspectives and their relevance in the present day context.

3. Explain the evolutionary process of organizational design and describe Mintzberg’s

typology as to how it provides linkage between organisational business strategy and
organisational design and its relevance in the present day organisations.

4. Briefly discuss the role of Change Agent and describe the competencies required for a
Change Agent to be effective and successful.

5. Describe and discuss Quality of Work-life and its importance, giving examples.
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Q1. Describe and discuss T-Group Training and Team Building as interventions to
organisation development, giving examples. Briefly discuss their merits and demerits.

Ans:- T-Group Training

T-Group (Training Group) is a small unstructured group in which the participants learn from
their own inter-actions and evolving dynamics about issues pertaining to inter-personal
relations, group dynamics and leadership. This is also primarily know as Sensitivity training
and is a training approach based on experiential learning.

In a group, around 10-12 participants assemble together and work with a facilitator to
discover something about themselves –their strengths, styles, inter-personal relationships,
participation in the group, how they are perceived by others etc.
T-Group Training normally adopts two paths (directions):

i) To gain deeper understanding about self and personal growth (inter-personal focus); and

ii) to explore group dynamics and relationship between members. This leads to team building
interventions (Interpersonal and organizational focus).


The following are some of the objectives frequently set for T-Group:

Enhance understanding about self, gain insights into one’s own behaviour and its impact on

other included the ways in which these are interpreted by other.


Enhance the understanding the awareness about other’ behaviour (thoughts, feelings and

Enhance the understanding and awareness of group and inter-group processes; processes that
facilitate and inhibit group effectiveness.

Identify and develop greater awareness of behavioural processes associated with one’s life.

Increasing diagnostic skills in inter-personal and inter-group situations.

Experimentation of new behaviours initiated during the lab.

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Improve one’s effectiveness in inter-personal situations so as to derive Discover one’s

dormant potential to live more effectively and meaningfully.

Increase ability transform the learning into action etc.

Benefits of T-Group Training

The benefits of T-Group training may be enumerated at individual, group and organizational

Individual Level

With the venting out of feeling bottled since long, the person becomes more spontaneous,

tension free and is able to perceive things in more unbiased manner.

Inter-personal Level

Due to increase in the insights to understand others, and enhanced self-esteem,

communication with other persons becomes supportive resulting in productive relationships.

Aggression and defensiveness decrease which help in developing better relationships and
increased influence. People want to work together and thus the teamwork improves.
Organizational Level

T-Group training increases openness, trust realisation and inter-dependence which helps in

creation of a conducive climate where everybody strives for realizing his potential. The T-

Group Training is not beneficial to Corporate Sector alone, it has been observed to be equally
effective for persons engaged in the areas of Education, Health Services, Social Work and
Industry. It should not be misunderstood that this training is useful for Trainers /HRD
Professionals only. This is one of the most effective interventions for Self Development /
Personal Growth and is useful to all persons irrespective of their education or level in the

Q2. Describe the importance of organization diagnosis. Discuss and describe

organizational analysis perspectives and their relevance in the present day context.

Ans: Organisational Diagnosis


Organisational diagnosis is to make an analysis of the organisation, its structure, subsystem

and possesses to identify the strengths and weaknesses of its structural components and

processes and use it as a base for developing plans to improve and / or maximise the
dynamism and effectiveness of the organisation. Their structure and functioning can be
compared to structure and functioning of the human system. Just as an organism has several
parts An organization is also structured with several subsystems. Effective functioning of the
human sub-systems depends on the effective functioning of all the constituent parts. When
the human system is in trouble it is either due to a problem, in a part that could be located or
due to problems that affect the entire system. In any case when there is trouble the entire
system gets affected. Organisational analysis is group of individual coordinated into different
level of authority and segments of specialisation for the purpose of achieving the goals and
objectives of organisation. So an organisation is structured with several subsystems.

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Just as a doctor diagnoses the problem with the human system on the basis of the symptoms
and analysis of the system using some tests (standard tests like pulse rate, BP etc. as well as
special tests) an organization facing problems could be diagnosed by an organizational
specialist on the basis of noticeable

Another parallel between the diagnosis of the human being and an organisation is the need to
go through a diagnostic check up periodically even if there are no problems. Fitness tests are
quite common for the human being. From the time a child is born there are periodic check
ups that are conducted which are used as diagnostic instruments. The size, growth, activity
level, heat rate etc.


Organisations can be analysed with different perspectives in mind. The perspectives one
takes depends both on the purpose for which the analysis is being done and the professional
analysis. The following perspectives could be used for analyzing organisations:

1. Economics Perspective

2. Political Science Perspective

3. Sociology and Social Psychology Perspective

4. Management Perspective

5. Applied Behavioural Science or OD Perspective

Economic Analysis of Organisations:- The economic analysis focuses primarily on the use
of money, allocation of resources, distribution and consumption patterns, pricing decisions

The following is a sample of questions that are usually asked in the Economic Analysis of an

· How are the resources allocated?


· What is the market structure? (Is it competitive, monopolistic, oligopolistic? etc)


· What is the organization market and its characteristics?


· Are the products and services in the industry homogeneous or differentiated?

· What is the nature of demand for organisation’s services?

· What is the cost of making the product or services?

· How are the various elements in the process of making it related? Are there substantial
economics of scale?

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Political Analysis:- Political analysis is used to find out the strategies and tactics, which are
employed by the individuals and groups in the organisation itself in the quest for power. The
following is a sample of questions asked in the analysis:

(1) What is the power base of each of the categories of people in the organisation (Is it
position based, competency based, collectivity based like in unions is it because of closeness
to top executive or ruling party? Is it due to the ability of the person to reward, hire and fire?)

(2) How is the power distributed among individuals, groups and departments?

(3) Who is most influential in the organisation? (individuals, groups, departments, etc.)

(4) How is the power used? How much for organisational purpose? How much for expanding

one’s power base? etc.

(5) What strategies do people use in influencing or controlling each other?

(6) What kinds of control are needed to regulate the behaviour of people?

(7) How much is there a commitment for organisational goals? Is decentralisation functional
or centralisation useful?
(8) What are ideologies of different groups? What implications do these have for
organisational functioning? Is there congruence with organisational goals?

Q3. Explain the evolutionary process of organizational design and describe Mintzberg’s

typology as to how it provides linkage between organisational business strategy and

organisational design and its relevance in the present day organisations.
Ans: The Process of organisation design passing through four stages. The stages are birth
stage, youth stage, middle stage and maturity stage.

Birth stage : The basic stage when the organization is created is called the Birth stage. At
this creation stage, the organization’s decision making is highly centralized. The organization

is informal. There are usually few rules and regulations, no professional staff and no internal

system for planing.


Youth stage : Additional employees are employed as the sales for the company’s products
and services increase during this stage. Although authority is fairly centralized, a few trust

worthy employees are involved in decision making process. Some informal rules and
procedures are involved. Now, there are a few professionals and administrative personnel in
the organization. The division of labour begins to occur as the newly formed departments are
assigned tasks.

Middle stage : After the youth stage the organization reaches the middle stage, it has become
somewhat successful and grown in size. Its structure is similar to that of a formal bureaucracy
with formalized departments, supporting staff departments and many professional and
clerical staffs. A large set of rules and procedures have been introduced. Authority has been
effective decentralized. The division of labour has become extensive.

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Maturity stage : In the Maturity stage, the organization becomes very large and mechanistic.
A set of bureaucratic rules, regulations and policies prevail. Decision making is centralized.
The division of labour is highly refined. As a result of the rigid virtual hierarchy, the
organization is on the brink of stagnation. At this stage, the organization attempts to become
innovative and flexible. As such, it de-centralizes authority within the lateral structures such
as liaison personnel, task forces and project teams.

From the above it is clear that an organization’s structure characteristics undergo different
stages of organization’s life cycle.

Henry Mintzberg’s typology for integration of organisation structure to contingency factors

provides a clear understanding of the linkage between an organisation’s business strategy and
organisation design. Mintzberg believed that every organisation has five basic parts as shown

in Figure 3. The top management is created at the very top of each organisation. This part is
also known as ‘strategic apex’. The middle management is found at the intermediate level. In
the bottom is the technical core, which is otherwise called as ‘operating core’. These three
parts are shown in a sequence indicating a single line of hierarchical authority. In other
words, the line function is the chain of command that runs from top management to the
technical core.


The technical and professional staff personnel are shown to the left of the middle line. These

personnel are the engineers, researchers and systems analysts, who assist in the creation of
the many plans and controls that are applied to the technical core. The administrative staff

shown to the right of the middle line performs such indirect services as maintenance,
accounting, and clerical. According to Mintzberg, the relative size of each of these parts in
determined by the organisation’s contingency factors.

Mintzberg further proposed that each of these five organisational parts combine together in
five basic forms : (1) simple structure, (2) machine bureaucracy , (3) professional
bureaucracy (4) divisionalised form, and (5) adhocracy . Table 1 gives details of the main
features of these five forms.

Q4. Briefly discuss the role of Change Agent and describe the competencies required for
a Change Agent to be effective and successful.

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Ans: Organisation exist from external environment and organization have and internal
environment. The internal environment is in terms of the task, structure, technology, social
(people) and economic variables, while the external environment is in terms of the larger
social, political, economic and culture factors.

Role of change agent

Most of the competencies are not very unique to the change agents rather they are required
for any manager because to day the manager are expected to be change agents. They provide
a good exposure to the roles of change agents. Change agents have diverse roles. They create
a state conducive to change and also produce desired change.

Some professionals consider three main roles of change agents, of course somewhat

overlapping and with varying focus and emphasis. These three main or primary roles are:


2.Trainer; and

3. Researcher.

There three roles are have been briefly described below

Consultant:- The Consultant is a professional (internal or external) who applies behavioural
Science knowledge in an ongoing organization (or client system) with clear objectives of

managing change and improving effectiveness.

A consultant is a professional assisting managers and organizations in achieving

organizational purposes and objectives by solving management and business problems,
identifying and seizing new opportunities, enhancing learning and implementing changes.

According to Curtis Mial: “ The Consultant may serve as the exhaust valve, enabling the
client to let off steam: as the ignition to spark action: as the accelerator to buildup
momentum; as the break for too quick action; as the radiator absorbing some of the heat of

the controversy; as the shock absorber when the going is rough; or as the fog lamp when the

future is hazy. The Consultant may fulfill a variety of functions, but one thing he/she is not
the driver”

‘Change agents’ and ‘Consultant’ have many roles in common, and that’s why, these two

works are used interchangeable.

The role of a Consultant may be ‘content role’, ‘process role’ or a combination of both. In
other words, a consultant may have ‘Task orientation’, ’Process orientation’ or a combination
of both.

In the fully ‘Task oriented’ or ‘Technical expert’ role, the Consultant identifies / verifies the
problem as an ‘expert’ or through an expert, helps in problem solving by giving his/her ideas
and opinions. His/her involvement is temporary and confined to specific problem solving,
relationship with client short-term and problem focused.

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In ‘Process oriented’ consultation, the Consultant is a Process facilitator not a solution

(context / content) provider. He helps problem identification and verification by sensing and
facilitating expression of feelings and attitudes, helps in problem solving not by providing
(solutions/contents) but by enhancing problem identification and solving capability. The
consultation is represent important people and groups in the organisation. The consultation its
important term to meet new people in the organisation.

Trainer :- A change agent have to be trainer and educator. The change agent must train and
develop the variety in the organization. A Change agent needs to be a trainer and educator.
He has to educate people on the need and importance of change using a variety of
methodologies –lectures, presentation, films, group discussions, role-plays and instruments,
cases and experiential learning etc.

The trainer role is most widely and intensively used at all stages of a change project:
unfreezing, changing (intervening) and refreezing.

Training is required for enhancing knowledge, skills and change in behaviour, attitudes and
beliefs. Training is used both in ‘content orientation’ and ‘process orientation’.

The Change agent, many times has to provide instruction, information on other kinds focused
learning opportunities for the client. In many helping situations, particularly when the client
is expected to acquire competence in certain areas, the ability to train and educate is
indispensable. A Change agent must to assess training needs, write learning objectives,
design learning experiences and educational activities and use a variety of training / learning
techniques for transfer of learning.

Researcher:- If change process will start so a Change agent has to carry out some research

activities for the purpose of generating valid information prior to and during the change
process. Data collection, diagnosis, generation of new behavioural science knowledge,
evolving best strategies for change by assessing alternatives and the important stages in a
change project where the change agent has to be a Researcher. Useful hypothesis are to be

formulate and tested. A Change agent also searches and studies literature, new development
and experiences of past interventions.

Change agents also generate new, useful knowledge about the process of change, about

specific change methods or techniques about specific changes of a technical, structural, or

process nature, or about the means of resolving certain problems.

Goodstein and Pfeiffer consider managing change as a problem solving activity, and

enumerate five roles of a Change Agent:

- Catalyst

- Process Helper- Facilitator

- Solution provider

- Resource Linker; and

- Stabiliser

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Q 5. Describe and discuss Quality of Work-life and its importance, giving examples.

Ans:- Dissatisfaction with working life affects the workers some time or another, regardless
of position or status. The frustration, boredom and anger common to employees can be costly
to both individuals and organisations.

Managers seek to reduce job dissatisfaction at all organizational levels, including their own.
This is a complex problem, however, because it is difficult to isolate and identify the
attributes which affect the quality of working life.

Profitability of a company is linked to satisfaction of its work force. A company that does not
measure and improve employee satisfaction may face increasing turnover, declining
productivity and limited ability to attract and retain qualified replacements.

Employee satisfaction and quality of work life directly affect company’s ability to serve its
customers. Efforts towards QWL measurement help in efficient and effective allocation of
resources to enhance productivity and stability of the workforce.

It leads to:

i. Positive employee attitudes toward their work and the company.
ii. Increased productivity and intrinsic motivation.

iii. Enhanced organizational effectiveness and competitive advantage.


Quality of work life involves three major parts:

1. Occupational health care:

Safe work environment provides the basis for people to enjoy his work. The work should not

pose health hazards for the employees.

2. Suitable working time:


Companies should observe the number of working hours and the standard limits on overtime,
time of vacation and taking free days before national holidays.

3. Appropriate salary:

The employee and the employer agree upon appropriate salary. The Government establishes
the rate of minimum salary; the employer should not pay less than that to the employee.
Work represents a role which a person has designated to himself. On the one hand, work
earns one’s living for the family, on the other hand, it is a self-realization that provides
enjoyment and satisfaction.

Work-Life Quality — defined, as the balance between an employee’s work demands and
outside interests or pressures — is a long-standing but ever-evolving area of corporate social
responsibility. Some organizations view QWL as important, but do not formally link it to
their strategic or business plans.

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Nature and Scope of Quality of Work Life:

Quality of work life is the quality of relationship between employees and total working

A Great Place to work is where “You Trust the people you work for, have pride in what you
do, and enjoy the people you work with.”


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