SL - No Regions Location/Area Climate Temperature/Rainfall/Season Natural Vegetation Wildlife Human Adaptations

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1 Equatorial 1. ASIA:Indonesia, papua 1. TEMPT= 25 º C – 30ºC 1. ebony 1. snakes, 1. Primitive ones=
region new guinea,Malaysia 2. RAINFALL = 175 to 250 2. mahogany, lizards, apes, hunting &
Ø 0º to 10º 2. S.America: lowlands of cm.(Conventional rainfall 3. rosewood monkeys, gathering,
N/S Guiana & Brazilian 3. No winter/or dry season. Broad leaves & elephants etc. 2. Advance ones=
highlands,amazon evergreen. shifting agriculture.
basin. 3. plantation=rubber
3. Africa: zaire basin, cocoa.
west Africa.

2 Tropical deserts 1. Africa= Sahara desert, 1. Tempt= 30ºC – 45ºC (58ºC) 1. cactus 1. Lizards 1. nomadic hunters.
Ø 15º to 30º Kalahari desert 2. Rainfall= less than 25cm. 2. xerophytic 2. squirrels 2. food gathers.
NS 2. Asia= Arabian desert, 3. season= winter and plants. 3. snakes 3. cultivation
thar desert. summer.(mistral, bora,sirocco 3. date palms. 4. rats
3. N.America= Mexican local winds) 5. foxes
desert 6. mice
4. S.America= Atacama
5. Australia= Australian
3 Tropical 1. S.America= campos of 1. tempt = 22ºC – 37º C. 1. Tall coarse 1. ELEPHANTS 1. herdsmen
Grasslands Brazilian highlands. 2. Hot, wet summer and cool dry grasses & short 2. GIRAFFES, 2. pastoralist.
Ø 7º to 20 º 2. Africa= sudan, chad, winters. trees,long roots. 3. ZEBRA. 3. cattle ranching
N/S Cameroon. etc 3. Rainfall = 100 cm 2. thorny scrubs 4. plantation
3. Australia= Northern 4. Seasons= hot, rainy season. 3. baobabs and 5. agriculture.
territory, Queensland. bottle trees.

4 Tropical monsoon 1. Asia= India, Pakisthan, 1. hot summer and cool winters, 1. ferns, bamboos, 1. elephants, 1. Agriculture.
type s.China, laos, Taiwan 2. Tempt= 27º-30ºC coastal areas. 2. ebony, sisam monkeys,
etc, 35ºC- 38ºC in interiors. 3. teak,sal etc. reptiles,
2. Australia= northern tip 3. 75 cm to 250 cm (1200cm) birds,tiger.
of Australia. 4. season:Hot and dry season,
rainy season, cool, dry season.

5 Mediterranean 1. Europe=Portugal, 1. oak, laurel,ash 1. Reptiles, 1. orchard farming
region Bulgaria,france, 1. tempt= Summer 20ºC- 28ºC. olive 2. tortoise (citrus fruits)
Ø 30º and 45º Greece etc. winter= 6ºC- 10ºC. 2. chesnut, 3. chameleon. 2. other food crops=
N/S 2. Asia= 2. Rainfall= 35cm to 75 cm. maple,cedar wheat, barley, rice.
3. N.America= coastal
6 Temperate 1. Europe=narrow belt of 1. Tempt= 15ºC- 25ºC 1. coarse and tall 1. Antelope 1. Extensive wheat
grasslands Caspian sea, black sea, 2. Continental and cool oceanic grasses. 2. horse, cultivation
Ø 40º and 55º pustaz temperature. 2. short and soft kangaroo.
N/S 2. Asia= western Siberia, 3. Rainfall= 20cm to 60cm. grasses.
NW. China. 4. season=summer , winter.
3. N. America= usa,
4. Australia= Murray-
darling basin
7 Taiga 1. Europe= finland, 1. pine, fir 1. Foxes 1. little practice of
Ø 55º and 70ºN Norway 1. season=Severe winters for long 2. cedar, hemlock 2. bears agriculture unders
2. N.America= s.alaska duration, cool brief summer 3. spruce. 3. wolves. sheltered
3. Asia= N. 2. rainfall= 25 cm– 100 cm valleys.(potatoes,b
Siberia,Sakhalin eetroots.

8 Tundra 1. Europe= Greenland, 1. Tempt= 10ºC to -37ºC 1. mosses, 1. polar bears, 1. Semi-normadic
Ø Beyond 65º N Iceland, 2. Rainfall= 12”. lichens,sedges. polar dogs, people= hunting,
2. N.America= Alaska fishermen, &
3. Asia= Siberia gatherers.

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