Denver BIMForum Greg Rohr
Denver BIMForum Greg Rohr
Denver BIMForum Greg Rohr
What is Modular Building…
Permanent vs. Relocatable
About half of the industry builds permanent
About half of the industry revenue is generated
space from the sale or lease of temporary space
Provides markets with permanence and
Provides market with instant relief for space
performance of conventional construction in needs
roughly half the time
Generally 1 – 7 year requirements on a site
Permanent installation with a life cycle ●
Lower cost/price driven
expectancy identical to conventional ●
Stock/fleet space often available
Competitively priced with site built ●
Economy and speed of delivery are key
Design considerations are higher ●
Design considerations are lower
Can be Type II or Type V
Markets Served…
Permanent Modular Construction…
Building Modules
• Complete Building Structures
• Buildings are constructed in “modules” that when
put together on site, reflect the identical design
intent and specifications of the most sophisticated
traditionally built facility – without compromise.
Building Components
• Smaller repeated portions of a building
Bathroom PODs
Corridor and Vertical mechanical rack systems
Structural Systems
Exterior wall systems
Building Modules…
Advantages of Building Modules…
Building Modules
• Perform more complex designs
• Aesthetically pleasing designs
• Utilization of architect specified
• With added complexity comes a
better schedule advantage
• Single Source coordination
• Maximize SF to fullest occupancy
Building Component/Off-Site Prefabrication…
Advantages of Building Components…
Building Components- Single Source Off-Site
• Greater Design Control
• Adaptable to all project deliver models and
building styles and designs.
• Easily integrated into Type 1 Building
• Improved speed-to-market
• Improved cost control and contingency
Why is Now the Time for Modular…
Why Now…
Design Standards
Design Detailing
Product Modeling
An estimated $4.9 Billion of cost is spent on
Inadequate Interoperability
in the
Design Standards
Design Detailing
Product Modeling
Sub/ Sub/ Sub/ Sub/ Sub/
Vendor Vendor Vendor Vendor Vendor
Design Detailing
Design Detailing
Design Standards
Design Standards
Single Source
Modular Provider
Product Modeling
Product Modeling
Why Now…
Why is Now the Time for Modular…
• IMPLEMENTATION- There are many levels of detail that need to be
added to the design to bridge the gap between the drawing intent and
the final design and installation of a product. The responsibility of
adding this detail is falling on the subs and vendors.
• TOOLS- General and Subcontracting industries are becoming more
advanced in design systems and tools.
TOLERANCES- Advancement and use of Total Station and GPS
layout systems has allowed for better and more efficient coordination
and placement.
BROADER REACH- BIM Coordination beyond MEP systems.
• VALUE- Better way of doing business
Less waste, more control, repeatable tolerances and standards
• NEED- Declining number of skilled trades
• AVAILABILITY- Improvement in Modular Building Products
Why is Now the Time for Modular…
Non-Farm Industries/
Why is Now the Time for Modular…
Why is Now the Time for Modular…
“The major opportunities for positive change include better use of BIM
enabled processes and procurement contracts that allow improved
collaboration, design for constructability, greater use of prefabrication and
use of virtual design and construction to support enhanced understanding,
and efficiency. The industry needs to reduce its use of low-tech “stick
built” approach and learn to take advantage of IT enabled practices closer
to those used in the manufacturing industry.”
Paul Teicholz
Professor Emeritus, Stanford University
What’s Next…
What’s Next…
What is Next…
Single Source Modular Building Modules
and Building Components provide the most
effective means to utilize all of the measures
necessary to improve the productivity of
construction without reducing initial value or
life cycle costs. These measures include
improvements in…
Trade processes
Management and Coordination
Architectural and Engineering Designs
Accurate Communications
Early Design and Build Team
Fragmentation of information and work