Micropropagation of Aglaonema Using Axillary Shoot Explants

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Micropropagation of Aglaonema using axillary shoot explants

Article  in  International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences · December 2011

10 3,739

5 authors, including:

Totik Sri Mariani Any Fitriani

Bandung Institute of Technology Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva Adhityo Wicaksono

Retired / independent Åbo Akademi University


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International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 01 27

Micropropagation of Aglaonema using Axillary Shoot

Totik Sri Mariani*1), Any Fitriani2), Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva 3),
Adhityo Wicaksono1), Tet Fatt Chia 4)
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Ganesha 10,
Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Program Study on Biology, Indonesia University of Education, Dr. Setiabudhi 229, Bandung
40154, Indonesia
Faculty of Agriculture and Graduate School of Agriculture, Kagawa University,
Miki-cho, Ikenobe 2393, Kagawa-ken, 761-0795, Japan
National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, 1 Nanyang Walk,
Singapore 637616
* Totik Sri Mariani. Fax number: 62-22-253-4107
E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract-- Micropropagation of Aglaonema var. Cochin was of Aglaonema up to the acclimatizat ion stage. Yeh et al. [6]
performed using axillary shoots as explants. S hoots could be used Aglaonema inflorescences as initial exp lants while
induced on the bulb region on Murashige and Skoog (MS ) axillary shoots were used as explants in this study, in which
medium supplemented with 1.5 mg/l thidiazuron (TDZ). For we also calculated the mu ltip licat ion rate of Aglaonema. To
shoot proliferation, small shoots were multiplied on MS medium our knowledge, there are no reports on the micropropagation
supplemented by 1.5 mg/l TDZ and 3 mg/l benzylamino purine
(BAP), whose addition was important to avoid callus growth. The of Aglaonema using axillary shoot explants.
highest multiplication rate of Aglaonema shoots was achieved at
the 5th subculture. After the 5th subculture (10 weeks) 1000 shoots II. M AT ERIAL AND M ET HODS
could be obtained from two initial axillary shoots. Plantlets Material
rooted and de veloped on MS medium containing 3 mg/l indole-3- A 2-month-old Aglaonema var. „Cochin‟ plant was used.
butyric acid. Acclimatization was performed successfully with
100% survival rate on sphagnum moss followed by transfer to Methods
soil. 1. Hormonal Injection
The Aglaonema plant was injected with 30 µl of 30 mg/l of
Index Term-- Aglaonema, axillary shoot, multiplication rate, benzylamino purine (BAP (Sig ma, St. Louis, MO, USA)) in
plantlet, thidiazuron.
the corm area to induce axillary shoot development. A xillary
shoots were then used as explants.
Ornamental p lants have accompanied the history of human 2. Explant Sterilization
civilizat ion, have always been a symbol of expression of well- Exp lants were washed in running water fo r 1 hr, then soaked
being and used for improving landscape beauty. Various in Antracol fungicide (active co mpound: 70% propineb) for 30
ethnic groups in Asia, Africa and Latin A merica continue min. Thereafter, the exp lants was dried in a Petri d ish atop a
traditions of using ornamental plants to brighten ceremonies layer of sterilized Whatman no 1 filter paper. Inside a laminar
and national day celebrations. As the affluence of a society air flow bench, exp lants were soaked in 70% alcohol for 2
establishes and grows, so too do ornamental plants increase in min. The exp lants was then washed with sterile d istilled water.
popularity. Currently, the most rapidly expanding domestic Subsequently, the explants was sterilized in 50% chloro x
crops are foliage plants for patio or indoor use, bedding and (sodium hypochlorite) + 2 drops of Tween-20 for 10 min for
garden plants. the explants near the root and 20% chloro x + 2 drops of
Aglaonema (Araceae) is one of the most beautiful foliage Tween-20 fo r 10 min for exp lants near the shoot. All explants
plants, as are many members of this monocotyledonous was washed 3 t imes with sterile distilled water. The explants
flowering plant in which flo wers are borne on a type of were then dried in a Petri dish atop a layer of sterilized filter
inflorescence called a spadix. It has a good combination of paper.
leaf color, such as green and red, green and white, pink and
green, red, among others. Several Araceae p lants have been 3. Tissue Culture
tissue cultured, such as Anthurium andraeanum [1-3], Sterilized explants (5 mm in length) were cut at the node and
elephant yam [4] and taro [5]. In this study, we established inoculated in a culture tube containing 20 ml o f solid
and optimized a tissue culture and micropropagation protocol Murashige and Skoog (MS) [7] mediu m (fu ll-strength

111601-9393 IJBAS-IJENS © February 2011 IJENS

International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 01 47

macronutriens, micronutrients and vitamins), 3% sucrose and 4. Acclimatization

7.5 g/ l agar and ad justed to pH 5.8 with 1 M KOH before Aglaonema plantlets (one plantlet/pot) fro m M5 were
autoclaving at 121°C and 103 kPa for 15 min (M1 mediu m; acclimat ized on sphagnum moss and pot (diameter: 10 cm,
Table 1). After 1 week, sterile explants were subcultured onto height: 10 cm) was covered by aerated plastic fo r 1 month.
M2 med iu m (Table 1). On this mediu m, shoot grew and Plants were transferred to fertile soil in pots. The pots were
several small shoots developed. After 4 weeks in cu lture, the placed on an indoor rack at 27°C/ 18°C (day/night). All other
small shoots (5 mm in height) were subcultured onto M3 conditions were ambient.
med iu m (Tab le 1) where they proliferated. For shoot
elongation, the proliferated mult iple shoots were subcultured
1. Hormonal Injection
onto M4 mediu m (Table 1). For rooting, the elongated shoots
Two weeks after injection with 30 mg/l BAP, shoots began to
were subcultured onto M5 med iu m (Tab le 1). Cu ltures were
emerge fro m the nodal region of corms (Fig. 1), i.e. BAP was
maintained under continuous light under white fluorescent
able to induce shoots. Large shoots (Fig 1, arro w) could not be
lamps (30 µmol m-2 s -1 ) at 25°C.
used as explants but small protruding shoots (Fig. 1, arro w
head) could.

1 2

3 4

5 6
Fig. 1. Shoots of Aglaonema ( ) were growing 2 weeks after BAP injection.and. Small protruding shoot ( ) to be used as an explant.Figure 2. Proliferated
shoots on M2 medium containing 1.5 ppm thidiazuron. Figure 3. Shoots proliferated on M3 medium containing 1.5 ppm thidiazuron and 3 ppm BAP after two
weeks of culture. Figure 4. Shoots proliferated on M3 medium containing 1.5 ppm thidiazuron and 3 ppm BAP after four weeks of culture. Fig.5. Plantlet of
Aglaonema 4 weeks of culture on media containing 3 ppm IBA. Fig. 6. Aglaonema plant 2 months after acclimatization.

2. Tissue culture of Aglaonema (Table I). After one week of culture on M1 mediu m, sterile
Aglaonema corms containing small protruding shoots were explants was transferred onto M2 mediu m containing 1.5 mg/ l
used as explants, which were cultured on M1 medium thidiazuron (TDZ; Table 1). On M2 mediu m, shoots grew and
small shoots, which proliferated on the bulb region (Fig. 2),

111601-9393 IJBAS-IJENS © February 2011 IJENS

International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 01 29

were subcultured onto proliferation mediu m (M 3) containing subculture (8 weeks) and the beginning of the stationary phase
1.5 mg/ l TDZ and 3 mg/ l BAP (Table 1). These shoots were occurred at the 5th subculture (10 weeks). At the exponential
proliferated on M3 med iu m after 2 and 4 weeks of culture phase, the multip lication rate was very high, up to 17
(Fig. 3 and 4, respectively). shoots/initial shoot explant. After the 5th subculture, 1000
The mu ltiplication rate of Aglaonema (Table 2; Fig. 7), shoots were obtained fro m an init ial two axillary shoots.
followed a sig moid curve: a lag phase from the 1st to 3rd Therefore, 1000 shoots could be obtained in a 10-week period.
subculture (2-6 weeks). The e xponential phase was at the 4th
Medium Plant growth regulator Period of time on each medium (days)
M1 - 7
M2 1.5 mg/l TDZ 14
M3 1.5 mg/l TDZ + 3 mg/l BAP 14
M4 3 mg/l BAP 28
M5 3 mg/l IBA 28

shoot bud format ion and plant regeneration fro m cotyledonary

T ABLE II node explants of Capsicum annuum L. [9].
MULTIP LICATION RATES OF AGLAONEMA SHOOTS After the shoots elongated on mediu m containing 3 mg/l
------------------------------------------------------------ BAP and rooted on 3 mg/ l IBA, plantlets developed (Fig. 5).
Subculture Multiplication rate Plantlets were then successfully (100%) acclimatized (Fig. 6).
------------------------------------------------------------ Plants of the Araceae family are mainly propagated
1 3.59 through corms. Alocasia amazonica was micropropagated
2 3.57 using corm explant [10] and fro m corm apica l buds [11].
3 4.6 Colocasia esculenta was also micropropagated using sliced
4 17.65 corm exp lant [12]. In the present study, we used axillary
5 18.67 shoots fro m corm nodes. Deo et al. [12] noted that
------------------------------------------------------------- meristematic cells present in the axillary buds on the periphery
of taro corms may contribute to the format ion of regenerable
callus. We also observed many axillary meristems on the
corms of Aglaonema (unpublished data).
TDZ was used at 0.45-4.5 µM (0.1-1 mg/ l) in the shoot
proliferation of Alocasia amazonica [10], also an Araceae
family member. On our study on Aglaonema we used 1.5 mg/ l
TDZ. This suggests that a low concentration of TDZ (0.1-1.5
mg/l) favors the tissue culture of Araceae plants.
The basal mediu m used in this study was MS mediu m. MS
is a high-salt mediu m [13]. To economize, half- or third-
strength MS can be used [14].
Plantlets fro m axillary shoots usually retain a ch imera
tissue arrangement and resemble the mother plant [13]. The
extension of micropropagation techniques for foliage and
bedding plants has already contributed toward the rapid
Fig. 7. Multiplication rates of Aglaonema shoots
growth of the fo liage and nursery industries [15]. The
reproducible method of Aglaonema propagation in this study
TDZ is a cytokinin-like co mpound that can promote shoot could further contribute to the foliage and nursery industries.
proliferation, although in Aglaonema it also induced callus There are three considerations in the tissue culture propagation
formation, which was avoided by adding BAP (personal of ornamentals: revenues, expenses and investments in
observation). business [16, 17].
According to Akasaka et al. [8] TDZ is the more efficient In conclusion, our protocol has shown that
than BAP, zeatin and kinetin. Yeh et al. [6] also used TDZ micropropagation of Aglaonema could be performed fro m
combined with dicamba in the tissue culture of Aglaonema axillary primo rdial shoots and that 1000 shoots could be
using inflorescence explants. TDZ induced high frequency obtained in a 10-week period fro m 2 axillary shoots as initial

111601-9393 IJBAS-IJENS © February 2011 IJENS

International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol: 11 No: 01 30

Hibah Kerjasama Luar Negeri and Publikasi Internasional
Dikti great ly facilitated this study and are gratefully

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