Curriculum Vitae: of Mohammed Faruk
Curriculum Vitae: of Mohammed Faruk
Curriculum Vitae: of Mohammed Faruk
Contact: +8801852016028
Contact: +8801828910968
Career view:
To be an effective, efficient, creative and innovative executive. Face the challenges
to evaluate and prove myself as a skilled, professional and challenging person and
a responsible position in an organization. Excellent working environment where I
can use my proper efficiency.
Educational Qualification:
Diploma in Engineering
Institute : Cox’s Bazar Polytechnic Institute
Result : GPA 3.49 (Out of 4.00)
Board : Technical education board
Session : 2012-2013
Group : Food Engineering
Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C)-2012
Institution : Uttar Parua High School, Chittagong.
Group : Science
Result : GPA 3.81 (Out of 5.00)
Board : Chittagong.
Job Experience:
• Training course complete in “Folkali Food Product Ltd.” for 6 (six) month.
• Then enter the job in “Globe Biscuits & Dairy Milk Ltd. sister group of
“Globe Pharmaceuticals Group of Company” as a Quality Control Officer
and running till now from 1st March 2017.
• Then enter the job in “Delight Food & Beverage Ind. Ltd.” as a Sr. Q.C
Officer and running till now from 01st October 2020.
Job Responsibility: As Quality Control Officer
• Ensure quality product both further and ethnic.
• Knowledge on new product development.
• Maintain and follow flow chart both for production and packaging.
• Maintain proper documentation, BSTI doc, ISO 9001 & 22000 docs, GMP,
GHP, HACCP doc, recall product doc and others related doc.
• Ensure the quality of Raw Material, Packaging Material & Finished product.
• Knowledge on food nutrition.
Key Qualifications:
Fields of Description
1.Enthusiastic ✓ Self-motivated, persistent and convincing power.
2.Co-ordinate ✓ Good at interpersonal and communication skill.
3.System ✓ Ability to work individually as well as team member.
Management ✓ Warm, friendly and have the ability to easily interact with people at all levels.
4.Hardworking ✓ Ability to strategically plan, develop and implement programs and operations
5.Responsible toward achievement of teams mission, goals, and objectives
✓ Ability to coordinate and oversee the work of subordinates.
✓ Ability to work under challenging, stressed conditions and long hours.
Training Course:
I have completed 6(six) months COMPUTER OPERATION course from
Prime Computer Training Center, Noakhali.
Computer Skills:
Operating Platform : Windows XP, 2007
Application : Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Power Point
and internet browsing.
Language Proficiency:
Excellent communication skill both in Bengali & English.
Personal Information:
Father’s Name : Faquerul Islam
Mother’s Name : Monowara Begum
Date of birth : 11th February, 1996
Nationality : Bangladeshi
Religion : Islam
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Unmarried
Blood group : N/A
National ID No. : 7313812468
Permanent Address:
C/o- Nurul Islam Member Bari,
Village- Jungle Parua P.O- Parua
P.S- Rangunia. Dist. - Chattogram, Bangladesh.
Mailing Address:
Vill- Kalampur P.O- Kalampur-1351
P.S- Dhamrai Dist.-Dhaka, Bangladesh.
I do declare that all the above information is true and correct to the best of my
Date: 18.01.2021