When We Become Strangers Notes

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  1 Neil Postman, Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show
Business, Penguin, New York, 2006
  2 Hugh Mackay, Reinventing Australia: The mind and mood of Australia in the 90s,
HarperCollins, Sydney, 1993
  3 Robert D. Putnam, Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community,
Simon & Schuster, London, 2000
  4 Eleanor Morgan, ‘Why Loneliness Affects So Many Young People’, VICE, 15 February
2017, vice.com
  5 John T. Cacioppo and William Patrick, Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for
Social Connection, W. W. Norton & Company, London, 2009
  6 John T. Cacioppo et al., ‘Alone in the Crowd: The Structure and Spread of Loneliness
in a Large Social Network’, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 97
No. 6, December 2009
  7 Miller McPherson et al., ‘Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion
Networks over Two Decades’, American Sociological Review, Vol. 71 No. 3,
June 2006
  8 ‘Social Media Influencers Drive Trends–But How? And Why?’, Mediakix, 18 April
2019, mediakix.com
  9 Stuart Jeffries, ‘Modern lover’, The Guardian, 13 November 2005, theguardian.com

1. Our Brave New World

  1 Gene Weingarten, ‘Pearls Before Breakfast: Can one of the nation’s great musicians cut
through the fog of a D.C. rush hour? Let’s find out.’, The Washington Post, 8 April 2007,
  2 Steve Mollman, ‘Photographer removes our smartphones to show our strange and lonely
new world’, Quartz, 28 August 2019, qz.com
  3 Jill Suttie, ‘How Smartphones Are Killing Conversation’, Greater Good Magazine,
7 December 2015, greatergood.berkeley.edu
  4 Stuart Jeffries, ‘Modern lover’, The Guardian, 13 November 2005, theguardian.com
  5 Jo Griffin, ‘The Lonely Society?’, Mental Health Foundation, 2 May 2010,
  6 ‘16-24 year olds are the loneliest age group according to new BBC Radio 4 survey’,
BBC Media Centre, 1 October 2018, bbc.co.uk
  7 University of Arizona, ‘Poor social skills may be harmful to health’, ScienceDaily,
6 November 2017, sciencedaily.com
 8 Ibid.
  9 Audrey Hamilton talking with Suniya Luthar, ‘Speaking of Psychology: The mental
price of affluence’, Episode 18, American Psychological Association, apa.org
10 Lydia Coutré, ‘Healthcare workers face violence “epidemic”’, Modern Healthcare,
11 March 2019, modernhealthcare.com
11 Anna Patty, ‘Retail workers campaign against abuse from customers’, The Sydney
Morning Herald, 14 December 2017, smh.com.au
12 Leon F. Seltzer, ‘What Your Anger May Be Hiding’, Psychology Today, 11 July 2008,
13 John Scott, ‘Decline in Human Empathy Creates Global Risks in the “Age of Anger”’,
Zurich Insurance, 8 April 2019, zurich.com


2. iGen Kids
  1 Laura Pappano, ‘The iGen Shift: Colleges Are Changing to Reach the Next Generation’,
The New York Times, 2 August 2018, nytimes.com
  2 Response to Laura Pappano, ‘The iGen Shift: Colleges Are Changing to Reach the Next
Generation’, The New York Times, 3 August 2018, nytimes.com. Name changed for
privacy so no direct link given.
  3 Jean M. Twenge, iGen: Why Today’s Super-­Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less
Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy—and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood—
and What That Means for the Rest of Us, Simon & Schuster, New York, 2017
  4 Jean M. Twenge, ‘Meet iGen: The new generation of workers that is almost everything
millennials aren’t’, Quartz, 12 January 2018, qz.com
  5 Response to Laura Pappano, ‘The iGen Shift: Colleges Are Changing to Reach the Next
Generation’, The New York Times, 3 August 2018, nytimes.com. Name changed for
privacy so no direct link given.
 6 Ibid.
  7 Victoria L. Dunckley, ‘Gray Matters: Too Much Screen Time Damages the Brain’,
Psychology Today, 27 February 2014, psychologytoday.com
  8 Victoria L. Dunckley, Reset Your Child’s Brain: A Four-­Week Plan to End Meltdowns,
Raise Grades and Boost Social Skills by Reversing the Effects of Electronic Screen-­Time,
New World Library, Novato, 2015
  9 Darcia F. Narvaez, ‘Are You or Your Child on a (Touch) Starvation Diet?’, Psychology
Today, 26 September 2010, psychologytoday.com
10 Chandra Johnson, ‘Face time vs. screen time: The technological impact on communication’,
Deseret News, 29 August 2014, deseret.com
11 Paula Cocozza, ‘No hugging: are we living through a crisis of touch?’, The Guardian,
8 March 2018, theguardian.com
12 Cari Romm, ‘The Lasting Damage of Depriving a Child of Human Touch’, The Cut,
20 June 2018, thecut.com
13 Maria Konnikova, ‘The Power of Touch’, The New Yorker, 4 March 2015,
14 Maia Szalavitz, ‘Touching Empathy’, Psychology Today, 1 March 2010,
15 Chandra Johnson, ‘Face time vs. screen time: The technological impact on communication’,
Deseret News, 29 August 2014, deseret.com
16 Katie J. Parsons and Jo Traunter, ‘Muddy knees and muddy needs: parents perceptions
of outdoor learning’, Children’s Geographies, 26 November 2019
17 B. Brett Finlay and Marie-­Claire Arrieta, Let Them Eat Dirt: Saving Your Child from
an Oversanitized World, Greystone Books, Vancouver, 2016
18 Amy Packham, ‘Children Around the World Spend Less Time Outdoors Than Prisoners,
Global Study Reveals’, Huffington Post, 22 March 2016, huffingtonpost.co.uk
19 Maggie Hamilton, What’s Happening to Our Girls?, Viking, Penguin, Melbourne, 2009
20 University of Plymouth, ‘Transforming Outdoor Learning in Schools: Lessons from the
Natural Connections Project’, September 2016, plymouth.ac.uk
21 Response to George Monbiot, ‘If children lose contact with nature they won’t fight for it’,
The Guardian, 20 November 2012, theguardian.com. Name changed for privacy so no
direct link given.
22 Stephen Moss, ‘Natural Childhood’, Natural Trust Report, 2012, nationaltrust.org.uk
23 Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, ‘Every Child Outdoors: Children need nature.
Nature needs children’, RSPB, 2010, rspb.org.uk
24 Jack Gelsthorpe, ‘Disconnection from nature and its effect on health and well-­being’,
Natural History Museum, April 2017, nhm.ac.uk
25 Maryanne Wolf, Reader, Come Home: The reading brain in a digital world,
HarperCollins, New York, 2018


3. Parenting Right Now

  1 Eileen Kennedy-­Moore, ‘How to Resist Competitive Parenting’, Psychology Today,
31 March 2019, psychologytoday.com
  2 Jackie Sinnerton, ‘Triple P Parenting survey: Parents given a voice in stressful times’,
The Sunday Mail, 3 February 2019, couriermail.com.au
  3 Zoe Williams, ‘Me! Me! Me! Are we living through a narcissism epidemic?’,
The Guardian, 3 March 2016, theguardian.com
  4 ‘The Evolution of Parenting: Five Biggest Challenges Faced by Parents Today’,
Toddler’s Den, todden.com
  5 Eileen Kennedy-­Moore, ‘How to Resist Competitive Parenting’, Psychology Today,
31 March 2019, psychologytoday.com
  6 Jennifer Rabin, ‘Just Say No to a Curated Life’, Jennifer + Rabin, jenniferrabin.com
  7 Kitty Dimbleby, ‘My Generation’, Good Housekeeping, 1 February 2018
  8 William Verity and Aristo Risi, ‘The Rise of Competitive Parents’, The Stand,
  9 ‘Baby blues’, The Women’s: The Royal Women’s Hospital, thewomens.org.au
10 Katherine Harmon, ‘Mothers’ Depression Can Go Well Beyond Children’s Infancy’,
Scientific American, 5 May 2010, scientificamerican.com
11 William Verity and Aristo Risi, ‘The Rise of Competitive Parenting’, The Stand,
12 Kristen Anne Burriel, ‘POPPY Playgroups’, Helping Families Change Conference,
March 2014, helpingfamilieschange.org
13 Heather Dessinger, ‘18 Ways To Help A New Mom’, Mommypotamus,
14 Pavithra Mohan, ‘My kid is an Instagram Influencer. Here’s what I do with her money’,
Fast Company, 8 May 2019, fastcompany.com
15 Ibid.
16 Madison Medeiros, ‘The Biggest “Kidfluencers” You Need to Know’, SheKnows,
12 June 2019, sheknows.com
17 ‘Who is Pixie Curtis?’, Pixie’s Bows, pixiespix.com.au
18 ‘Digital Birth: Welcome to the Online World’, Business Wire, 6 October 2010,
19 ‘Parents “oversharing” family photos online, but lack basic privacy know-­how’, Nominet,
5 September 2016, nominet.uk
20 ‘“Sharenting”: Are you OK with what your parents post?’, Newsround, BBC, 7 February
2017, bbc.co.uk/newsround
21 ‘Who knows what about me?: A Children’s Commissioner report into the collection
and sharing of children’s data’, Children’s Commissioner, November 2018,
22 Jamilah Lemieux, ‘What Oversharing on Social Media Taught Me About Parenting’,
Wired, 27 March 2018, wired.com
23 Ibid.
24 Stacey B. Steinberg, ‘Sharenting: Children’s Privacy in the Age of Social Media’, Emory
Law Journal, Vol. 66 No. 839, 2017
25 Christie Tate, ‘My daughter asked me to stop writing about motherhood. Here’s why
I can’t do that.’, The Washington Post, 4 January 2019, washingtonpost.com
26 Response to Christie Tate, ‘My daughter asked me to stop writing about motherhood.
Here’s why I can’t do that.’, The Washington Post, 4 January 2019,
washingtonpost.com. Name changed for privacy so no direct link given.
27 Charlotte Philby, ‘I’m giving up the “sharenting” – for the sake of my children’,
The Guardian, 4 August 2017, theguardian.com


28 Stacey B. Steinberg, ‘Sharenting: Children’s Privacy in the Age of Social Media’, Emory
Law Journal, Vol. 66 No. 839, 2017
29 Angela Oswalt Morelli, ‘Children’s Need for Privacy’, Gracepoint, gracepointwellness.org

4. Hyper-­connectivity
  1 ‘New Report Finds Teens Feel Addicted to Their Phones, Causing Tension at Home,’
Common Sense Media, 3 May 2016, commonsensemedia.org
 2 Ibid.
  3 Alex Hern, ‘Instagram is supposed to be friendly. So why is it making people so
miserable?’, The Guardian, 17 September 2018, theguardian.com
  4 Akshay, ‘19 Mind-­Blowing Facts About The Internet’, Life Hacks, lifehacks.io
  5 ‘Who knows what about me?: A Children’s Commissioner report into the collection
and sharing of children’s data’, Children’s Commissioner, November 2018,
  6 Lisa O’Kelly and Daniel J. Levitin, ‘We’ve created more information in the past few years
than in all of human history before us’, The Guardian, 18 January 2015, theguardian.com
  7 Steven Rosenbaum, ‘A Framework For Living The Curated Life’, Forbes, 10 May 2015,
  8 Laura Robinson, ‘The identity curation game: digital inequality, identity work, and
emotion management’, Journal of Information, Communication and Society, Vol. 21
No. 5, 21 December 2017; Laura Robinson et al., ‘Digital inequalities and why they matter’,
Journal of Information, Communication and Society, Vol. 18 No. 5, 16 March 2015
  9 Louis-­Philippe Beland and Richard Murphy, ‘Ill Communication: Technology, Distraction
and Student Performance’, CEP Discussion Paper 1350, London School of Economics
and Political Science, May 2015, cep.lse.ac.uk
10 Jeffrey H. Kuznekoff and Scott Titsworth, ‘The Impact of Mobile Phone Usage on Student
Learning’, Journal of Communication Education, Vol. 62 No. 3, 12 February 2013
11 Adrian F. Ward et al., ‘Brain Drain: The Mere Presence of One’s Own Smartphone
Reduces Available Cognitive Capacity’, Journal of the Association for Consumer
Research, Vol. 2 No. 2, 3 April 2017
12 Rachel Smith, ‘Instagram: I both love and loathe it for my mental health’, Mental Health
Foundation, 25 March 2019, mentalhealth.org.uk
13 Rachel Cohen et al., ‘“Selfie”-­Objectification: The Role of Selfies in Self-Objectification
and Disorded Eating in Young Women’, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 79,
February 2018
14 Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography, trans. Richard Howard,
Hill and Wang, New York, 1980
15 Chandra Johnson, ‘Face time vs. screen time: The technological impact on communication’,
Deseret News, 29 August 2014, deseretnews.com
16 Sebastian Smee, Net Loss: The Inner Life in the Digital Age, Quarterly Essay 72, Black
Inc., Carlton, 2018
17 Susan Tardanico, ‘Is Social Media Sabotaging Real Communication?’, Forbes, 30 April
2012, forbes.com
18 Ibid.
19 Ekaterina Orekh and Elena Bogomiagkova, ‘“Being on Trend”: Selfie as a Social
Phenomenon’, International Journal of Digital Society, Vol. 8 No. 1, March 2017
20 Scott Mautz, ‘A New Deloitte Study of 10,455 Millennials Shows They Need Help
Improving These 4 Skills’, Inc., 21 May 2018, inc.com
21 John Rossheim, ‘How to Help Millennials Fill the Soft Skills Gap’, Monster, monster.com
22 Yalda T. Uhls et al., ‘Five days at outdoor education camp without screens improves
preteen skills with nonverbal emotion cues’, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol. 39,
October 2014


23 Anita L. Cloete, ‘Living in a digital culture: The need for theological reflection’,
Theological Studies, Vol. 71 No. 2, February 2015
24 ‘Instagram Ranked Worst for Young People’s Mental Health’, Royal Society for Public
Health, May 2017, rsph.org.uk
25 Jennifer King, ‘Are Young Adults Growing Tired of Constant Social Connectivity?’
eMarketer, 7 March 2018, emarketer.com
26 Corey Ann, ‘Why You Might Want to Consider an Unplugged Wedding’, Huffpost,
6 December 2017, huffpost.com
27 India Ennenga, ‘Toward a More Radical Selfie’, The Paris Review, 27 November 2018,
28 Clarissa Silva, ‘Social Media’s Impact On Relationships And Self-­Esteem’, Thrive Global,
6 February 2018, thriveglobal.com
29 Rebecca Webber, ‘The Comparison Trap’, Psychology Today, 7 November 2017,
30 Zach Baron, ‘Miley Everlasting,’ Vanity Fair, March 2019, vanityfair.com
31 Clarissa Silva, ‘Social Media’s Impact On Relationships And Self-­Esteem’, Thrive Global,
6 February 2018, thriveglobal.com
32 Rebecca Webber, ‘The Comparison Trap’, Psychology Today, 7 November 2017,
33 ‘Instagram Ranked Worst for Young People’s Mental Health’, Royal Society for Public
Health, 19 May 2017, rsph.org.uk
34 Rebecca Webber, ‘The Comparison Trap’, Psychology Today, 7 November 2017,
35 Olivia Remes, ‘“Smiling depression”: it’s possible to be depressed while appearing
happy – here’s why that’s particularly dangerous’, The Conversation, 19 February
2019, theconversation.com
36 Rebecca Webber, ‘The Comparison Trap’, Psychology Today, 7 November 2017,
37 Rachel Cohen et al., ‘#BoPo on Instagram: An experimental investigation of the effects
of viewing body positive content on young women’s mood and body image’, New Media
& Society, Vol. 21 No. 7, 1 July 2019
38 Rachel Smith, ‘Instagram: I both love and loathe it for my mental health’, Mental Health
Foundation, 25 March 2019, mentalhealth.org.uk
39 Aleks Krotoski, ‘Robin Dunbar: we can only ever have 150 friends at most…’,
The Guardian, 14 March 2010, theguardian.com
40 Mitch Prinstein, ‘Does Our High School Popularity Affect Us Today?’, TEDx Talks,
University of Nevada, 22 March 2019, youtube.com
41 Rebecca Webber, ‘The Comparison Trap’, Psychology Today, 7 November 2017,
42 Christina Hope, ‘I Did #ScrollFreeSeptember. Here’s Why Everyone Should Try It.’,
Medium, 1 October 2018, medium.com
43 Olga Alexandru, ‘What I learned from #ScrollFreeSeptember’, Olga Writes Things,
7 October, olgawritesthings.com

5. Looking for Love

  1 Samuel Fishwick, ‘Do I Date: the new dating app that’s like a “TripAdvisor” for people’,
Evening Standard, 18 January 2018, standard.co.uk
  2 Kurt Wagner, ‘Tinder’s business will double this year to more than $800 million’, Vox,
8 August 2018, vox.com
  3 Sai Sachin R., ‘Dating site eHarmony sees revenue from new job portal late this year’,
Reuters, 1 April 2016, reuters.com


  4 Martin Zwilling, ‘How Many More Online Dating Sites Do We Need?’, Forbes, 1 March
2013, forbes.com
  5 Eden M. Davis and Karen L. Fingerman, ‘Digital Dating: Online Profile Content of Older
and Younger Adults’, The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, Vol. 71 No. 6, November
  6 Stephanie Linning, ‘Debrett’s guide to online dating for the over-­50s: Etiquette bible
reveals its romance do’s and don’ts for the digital age (and insists you CAN kiss on the
first date)’, Daily Mail, 15 April 2018, dailymail.co.uk
  7 Eleanor Morgan, ‘Why Loneliness Affects So Many Young People’, VICE, 15 February
2017, vice.com
  8 Kelly Cooper, ‘A Digital Decade: Sex’, OkCupid, 5 February 2016, theblog.okcupid.com
  9 ‘November 2017: Online Dating’, Relationships Australia, November 2017,
10 Shana Lebowitz, ‘A scientist who’s worked at Tinder and Bumble says too many people
make the same mistake in their dating profile photo’, Business Insider Australia, 13 May
2018, businessinsider.com.au
11 James Lindsay, ‘I’m a serial “ghoster” in dating – here’s why I do it,’ Business Insider
Australia, 5 June 2018, businessinsider.com.au
12 Jennice Vilhauer, ‘Why Ghosting Hurts So Much’, Psychology Today, 27 November
2015, psychologytoday.com
13 Kate MacLean, ‘POF Survey Reveals 80% of Millennials Have Been Ghosted!’,
The Latest Catch, 29 March 2016, blog.pof.com
14 Alison Stevenson, ‘I Asked Men Why They Ghosted Me’, VICE, 11 November 2015,
15 Rachel Hosie, ‘I Tracked Down All the Men Who’ve Ghosted Me and This is What
Happened’, Independent, 10 August 2018, independent.co.uk
16 Aly Walansky, ‘Worst Online Dating Behaviors: Don’t Ever Pull Any Of These Terrible
Online Dating Moves, Dude’, AskMen, 6 July 2016, askmen.com
17 Ethan Kross et al., ‘Social rejection shares somatosensory representations with physical
pain’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Vol. 108 No. 15, 12 April 2011
18 Nancy Jo Sales, ‘Tinder and the Dawn of the “Dating Apocalypse”’, Vanity Fair, 6 August
2015, vanityfair.com
19 Joshua Pompey, ‘Has Online Dating Turned Me Into a Bad Person? Confessions of a
Professional Online Dater’, HuffPost, 6 December 2017, huffpost.com
20 Deepa Lakshmin, ‘The Science Behind Why Tinder is Effing Up Your Love Life’,
MTV News, 9 July 2015, mtv.com
21 Joshua Pompey, ‘Has Online Dating Turned Me Into a Bad Person? Confessions of
a Professional Online Dater’, HuffPost, 6 December 2017, huffpost.com
22 Alfie Kohn, ‘Clicking for Love: The Curious, Odious, Hilarious World of Online Dating’,
Alfie Kohn blog, 10 January 2016, alfiekohn.org
23 Eli J. Finkel et al., ‘Online Dating: A Critical Analysis From the Perspective of
Psychological Science’, Psychological Science in the Public Interest, Vol. 13 No. 1, 2012
24 Brooke Donald, ‘New Stanford research on speed dating examines what makes couples
“click” in four minutes’, Stanford News, 6 May 2013, news.stanford.edu
25 Erica Gordon, ‘How Accepting The Hook-­Up Culture Is Getting 20-­Somethings
Nowhere’, Elite Daily, 30 July 2014, elitedaily.com
26 Giselle Au-­Nhien Nguyen, ‘Online dating has been a huge part of my life, and now
I’m burnt out’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 3 February 2017, smh.com.au
27 Nancy Jo Sales, ‘Tinder and the Dawn of the “Dating Apocalypse”’, Vanity Fair, 6 August
2015, vanityfair.com
28 Kelly Cooper, ‘A Digital Decade: Sex’, OkCupid, 5 February 2016, theblog.okcupid.com
29 Nancy Jo Sales, ‘Tinder and the Dawn of the “Dating Apocalypse”’, Vanity Fair, 6 August
2015, vanityfair.com


30 Review of Plenty Of Fish on productreview.com.au. Name changed for privacy so

no direct link given.
31 Ibid.
32 Ibid.
33 Pamela Anne Quiroz, ‘From Finding the Perfect Love Online to Satellite Dating And
“Loving-­the-­One-­You’re Near”: A Look At Grindr, Skout, Plenty of Fish, Meet Moi,
Zoosk and Assisted Serendipity’, Humanity & Society, Vol. 37 No. 2, April 2013
34 Katherine Rushton, ‘Police are now dealing with 20 “Tinder crimes” a WEEK as number
of call-­outs linked to dating app more than doubles in the last three years’, Daily Mail,
28 January 2019, dailymail.co.uk
35 Elizabeth Hernandez, ‘Dating apps spurred at least 53 crimes in Denver last year. Here
are tips from a cyberdating guru for a safer rendezvous.’, The Denver Post, 7 January
2019, denverpost.com
36 Jack Nicas, ‘Facebook Connected Her to a Tattooed Soldier in Iraq. Or So She Thought.’,
The New York Times, 28 July 2019, nytimes.com
37 Shao-­Kang Lo et al., ‘Contradictory deceptive behavior in online dating’, Computers
in Human Behavior, Vol. 29 No. 4, July 2013
38 ‘The Big Lies People Tell In Online Dating’, OkCupid, 7 July 2010, theblog.okcupid.com
39 Ibid.
40 Kyla C. Flug, ‘Swipe, Right? Young People and Online Dating in the Digital Age’,
St. Catherine University, May 2016, sophia.stkate.edu
41 Martin Zwilling, ‘How Many More Online Dating Sites Do We Need?’, Forbes, 1 March
2013, forbes.com
42 Carl Anka, ‘“Online Infidelity Can Be Addictive”, Says New Study’, Independent,
23 October 2015, independent.co.uk
43 Kris Gage, ‘How to *really* know you’re in love’, Medium, 3 August 2017,
44 Dan Ariely, ‘Why Online Dating Is So Unsatisfying’, Big Think, 6 July 2010,
45 Kim Brooks, ‘What Happens When a Married Woman Goes on Tinder?’, The Cut,
23 February 2018, thecut.com
46 Matthew Beard, ‘Love me, Tinder: How Dating Apps are Killing Romance’,
ABC Religion & Ethics, 19 March 2015, abc.net.au
47 Dan Slater, ‘A Million First Dates’, The Atlantic, January/February 2013, theatlantic.com
48 Ibid.
49 Hayley Matthews, ‘Dating Coach Laurel House Provides Direct & Actionable Advice
in Confidence-­Building Videos & One-­on-­One Sessions’, DatingAdvice.com, 27 July
2017, datingadvice.com
50 Fox Van Allen, ‘The Words Most Likely to Find You Online Dating Success’, Techlicious,
22 April 2014, techlicious.com
51 Clarissa Silva, ‘This Explains Why You’re Having So Much Trouble Finding Real
Love’, Clarissa Silva, 23 January 2019, clarissasilva.com
52 Christian Alexander Hurley, ‘Online Dating for “Ordinary” People: A brief ethnography
of internet dating for middle-­aged middle-­class divorced women from Leigh-­on-­Sea’,
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of MSc in Digital Anthropology, University
College London, 2013
53 David Levine, ‘Online dating – the psychology (and reality)’, Elsevier, 12 February
2015, elsevier.com
54 Kaitlyn Tiffany, ‘Why are we still debating whether dating apps work?’, The Verge,
15 February 2018, theverge.com
55 Giselle Au-­Nhien Nguyen, ‘Online dating has been a huge part of my life, and now I’m
burnt out’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 3 February 2017, smh.com.au


6. When Love and Reality TV Collide

  1 Response to Kerri Sackville, ‘Married At First Sight Has Gone Too Far This Time’,
news.com.au, 13 March 2017, news.com.au. Name changed for privacy so no direct
link given.
 2 Ibid.
  3 Response to Robert Moran, ‘Want to understand MAFS’ popularity? Go read some
Shakespeare’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 9 April 2019, smh.com.au. Name changed
for privacy so no direct link given.
  4 Diana Appleyard, ‘We were ruined by reality TV: The humiliated families who dreamed
they would be stars’, Daily Mail, 3 January 2008, dailymail.co.uk
  5 Grace Back, ‘Are The “Married At First Sight” Experts Lacking On Their Duty Of Care?’,
Marie Claire, 11 March 2019, marieclaire.com.au
  6 Diana Appleyard, ‘We were ruined by reality TV: The humiliated families who dreamed
they would be stars’, Daily Mail, 3 January 2008, dailymail.co.uk
 7 Instagram/@traceyjewel_ify
  8 Josephine Rozenberg-­Clarke, ‘“MAFS” Star Tracey Jewel Says She Overdosed After Being
Trolled Online’, Pedestrian, 13 August 2018, pedestrian.tv
  9 Diana Appleyard, ‘We were ruined by reality TV: The humiliated families who dreamed
they would be stars’, Daily Mail, 3 January 2008, dailymail.co.uk
10 Dusty Baxter-­Wright, ‘I was on Married At First Sight and this is what it’s ACTUALLY
like’, Cosmopolitan, 21 March 2019, cosmopolitan.com/uk
11 Response to Kerri Sackville, ‘Married At First Sight Has Gone Too Far This Time’,
news.com.au, 13 March 2017, news.com.au. Name changed for privacy so no direct
link given.
12 Matilda Dixon-Smith, ‘Boys Clubs And Bad Edits: Susan Tells Us She’s “Furious”
About “Married At First Sight”’, Junkee, 6 April 2017, junkee.com
13 Bek Day, ‘The Sinister Theory Behind MAFS Experts’ Decisions’, Body and Soul,
1 February 2019, bodyandsoul.com.au
14 Response to Paul Barry, ‘Why Married At First Sight leaves some former contestants
battered, bruised and angry’, ABC Media Watch, 18 February 2019, abc.net.au. Name
changed for privacy so no direct link given.
15 Suzan Delibasic, ‘Married At First Sight “destroying” people’s mental health’, The New
Daily, 20 February 2019, thenewdaily.com.au
16 James Weir, ‘Married At First Sight brides expose conditions’, Sunshine Coast Daily,
2 April 2017, sunshinecoastdaily.com.au
17 Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Family, domestic and sexual violence in
Australia: continuing the national story 2019, cat. no. FDV 3, Canberra: AIHW, 2019,
18 ‘Personal Safety Australia, 2016’, Australian Bureau of Statistics, No. 4906.0,
8 November 2017, abs.gov.au
19 ‘Viewing news of trauma worse than experiencing it’, ABC Science, 10 December
2013, abc.net.au
20 British Psychological Society, ‘Viewing violent news on social media can cause
trauma’, ScienceDaily, 6 May 2015, sciencedaily.com
21 Response to Kerri Sackville, ‘Married At First Sight Has Gone Too Far This Time’,
news.com.au, 13 March 2017, news.com.au. Name changed for privacy so no direct
link given.
22 Anita Lyons, ‘FIRST PERSON: Why Married At First Sight has left me with a mental
hangover’, Now To Love, 9 April 2019, nowtolove.com.au
23 Response to Robert Moran, ‘Want to understand MAFS’ popularity? Go read some
Shakespeare’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 9 April 2019, smh.com.au. Name changed
for privacy so no direct link given.
24 Imaan Joshi, ‘How trauma impacts your dating life’, SBS, 1 April 2019, sbs.com.au


25 Response to Robert Moran, ‘Want to understand MAFS’ popularity? Go read some

Shakespeare’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 9 April 2019, smh.com.au. Name changed
for privacy so no direct link given.
26 Hannah-­Rose Yee, ‘What I Learnt From Applying For Married At First Sight’, Body
and Soul, 30 January 2019, bodyandsoul.com.au
27 Dusty Baxter-­Wright, ‘I was on Married At First Sight and this is what it’s ACTUALLY
like’, Cosmopolitan, 21 March 2019, cosmopolitan.com/uk
28 ‘Apply Now: Married at First Sight Channel 9’, eTribez, esgau.etribez.com
29 Response to Robert Moran, ‘Want to understand MAFS’ popularity? Go read some
Shakespeare’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 9 April 2019, smh.com.au. Name changed
for privacy so no direct link given.
30 Mahalia Chang, ‘The Psychological Reason You Love Watching Those Catfights
On “Married At First Sight”’, Elle, 12 March 2019, elle.com.au
31 Response to Robert Moran, ‘Want to understand MAFS’ popularity? Go read some
Shakespeare’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 9 April 2019, smh.com.au. Name changed
for privacy so no direct link given.
32 Kellie Scott, ‘Married at First Sight’s Davina devastated about “death threats, abuse” after
“villain” portrayal’, ABC News, 8 March 2018, abc.net.au
33 ‘Married at First Sight contestants to go into hiding after season finale amid safety fears’,
Perth Now, 5 April 2019, perthnow.com.au
34 Áine Ryan, ‘“Married At First Sight” 2019: How Ines’ troubled upbringing has
influenced her approach to dating’, 9Honey: Celebrity, celebrity.nine.com.au
35 M. Basoglu et al., ‘Torture vs Other Cruel, Inhuman, and Degrading Treatment’, Archives
of General Psychiatry, Vol. 64 No. 3, March 2007
36 Uwe Jacobs, ‘Documenting the Neurobiology of Psychological Torture: Conceptual
and Neuropsychological Observations’, In: Almerindo E. Ojeda (Ed.), The Trauma
of Psychological Torture, Praeger, Westport, 2008
37 Response to Kerri Sackville, ‘Married At First Sight Has Gone Too Far This Time’,
news.com.au, 13 March 2017, news.com.au. Name changed for privacy so no direct
link given.
38 Harris R. Lieberman et al., ‘Effects of caffeine, sleep loss, and stress on cognitive
performance and mood during U.S. Navy SEAL training’, Psychopharmacology, Vol. 164
No. 3, 2002
39 Claudia Catani et al., ‘The Tortured Brain’, In: Almerindo E. Ojeda (Ed.), The Trauma
of Psychological Torture, Praeger, Westport, 2008
40 Glenn Collins, ‘The Psychology of the Cult Experience’, The New York Times,
15 March 1982, nytimes.com
41 ‘10 Things to Know About the Psychology of Cults’, Online Psychology Degree
Guide, onlinepsychologydegree.info
42 ‘Part 2: Common Cult Tactics’, Decision Making Confidence,
43 Maggie Hamilton, What’s Happening to Our Girls?, Viking, Penguin, Melbourne, 2009
44 Rachel Spencer, ‘Telly Death Toll: Love Island’s Mike Thalassitis and Sophie Gradon’s
deaths among 38 suspected suicides linked to reality TV shows worldwide’, The Sun,
23 March 2019, thesun.co.uk
45 Tim Stickings, ‘Reality TV’s death toll revealed: 38 stars are feared to have taken their
own lives worldwide since 1986, including Love Island contestants Sophie Gradon and
Mike Thalassitis’, Daily Mail Australia, 25 March 2019, dailymail.co.uk
46 Sabrina Barr, ‘Sophie Gradon’s Mother Accuses ITV Boss Of “Belittling” Death Of
Ex-­Love Island Contestant’, Independent, 30 July 2019, independent.co.uk
47 ‘Mike Thalassitis: Love Island star dies aged 26’, BBC News, 17 March 2019,


48 Rachel Spencer, ‘Telly Death Toll: Love Island’s Mike Thalassitis and Sophie Gradon’s
deaths among 38 suspected suicides linked to reality TV shows worldwide’, The Sun,
23 March 2019, thesun.co.uk
49 Tim Stickings, ‘Reality TV’s death toll revealed: 38 stars are feared to have taken their
own lives worldwide since 1986, including Love Island contestants Sophie Gradon and
Mike Thalassitis’, Daily Mail Australia, 25 March 2019, dailymail.co.uk

7. Home Alone
  1 David de Vaus and Lixia Qu, ‘Demographics of living alone’, Australian Family Trends,
No. 6, Australian Institute of Family Studies, March 2015, aifs.gov.au
  2 Joseph Stromberg, ‘Eric Klinenberg on Going Solo’, Smithsonian Magazine, February
2012, smithsonianmag.com
  3 David de Vaus and Lixia Qu, ‘Demographics of living alone’, Australian Family Trends,
No. 6, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2015, aifs.gov.au
  4 Sue Williams, ‘Living alone: The fastest growing trend that’s outstripping supply’,
Domain, 7 March 2017, domain.com.au
  5 Joseph Stromberg, ‘Eric Klinenberg on Going Solo’, Smithsonian Magazine, February
2012, smithsonianmag.com
  6 ‘Single-­person households: Another look at the changing face of the American family’,
Deloitte Insights, 12 November 2015, deloitte.com
  7 Alexis Carey, ‘Australia’s shocking food delivery bill revealed by new research’,
news.com.au, 7 February 2018, news.com.au
  8 Alana Mitchelson, ‘Australia is becoming an Uber Eats nation’, The New Daily,
19 March 2018, thenewdaily.com.au
  9 Daryna P., ‘7 Hot Trends That Will Change the Future of the Food Delivery Industry’,
RubyGarage, 11 Jan 2020, rubygarage.org
10 Andria Cheng, ‘Millennials Are Ordering More Food Delivery, But Are They Killing
The Kitchen, Too?’, Forbes, 26 June 2018, forbes.com
11 Nicola Davis, ‘Is it true that eating alone is bad for you?’, The Guardian, 6 July 2018,
12 Alana Mitchelson, ‘Australia is becoming an Uber Eats nation’, The New Daily,
19 March 2018, thenewdaily.com.au
13 ‘Social eating connects communities’, University of Oxford: News & Events, 16 March
2017, ox.ac.uk
14 Amanda MacMillan, ‘Why Eating Alone May Be Bad for You’, Time Magazine,
25 October 2017, time.com
15 ‘The Sainsbury’s Living Well Index’, Oxford Economics, May 2018,
16 David de Vaus and Lixia Qu, ‘Demographics of living alone’, Australian Family Trends,
No. 6, Australian Institute of Family Studies, 2015, aifs.gov.au
17 ‘Australian Social Trends: Living Alone’, Australian Bureau of Statistics, No. 4102.0,
December 2009, abs.gov.au
18 Tetyana Rocks, ‘Eating alone? Join the club!’, Food & Mood Centre, December 2017,
19 Matthew Cochrane, ‘How to Invest in the Booming Food Delivery Trend’, The Motley
Fool, 17 June 2018, fool.com
20 Sam Sabin, ‘Most Young Adults Have an Appetite for Binge-­Watching Shows’,
Morning Consult, 6 November 2018, morningconsult.com
21 Erin Dwyer, ‘2017 on Netflix – A Year in Bingeing’, Netflix Newsroom, 11 December
2017, about.netflix.com
22 ‘Netflix & Binge: New Binge Scale Reveals TV Series We Devour and Those We Savor’,
Netflix Newsroom, 8 June 2016, about.netflix.com


23 Sam Sabin, ‘Most Young Adults Have an Appetite for Binge-­Watching Shows’, Morning
Consult, 6 November 2018, morningconsult.com
24 Michael J. Breus, ‘Binge Watching and Its Effects on Your Sleep’, Psychology Today,
18 January 2018, psychologytoday.com
25 Elissa Bassist, ‘Addicted to Netflix: Teen-­Soap-­Opera Binge As Psychosis’, The Cut,
27 February 2013, thecut.com
26 Rob Marvin, ‘How Does Binge-­Watching Affect Your Other Habits?’, PC Magazine,
14 November 2018, au.pcmag.com
27 Jason Mittell, ‘Notes on Rewatching’, Random thoughts from media scholar Jason
Mittell, 27 January 2011, justtv.wordpress.com
28 Response to Jason Mittell, ‘Notes on Rewatching’, Random thoughts from media scholar
Jason Mittell, 11 March 2011, justtv.wordpress.com. Name changed for privacy so no
direct link given.
29 Maèva Flayelle et al., ‘Towards a qualitative understanding of binge-­watching behaviors:
A focus group approach’, Journal of Behavioral Addictions, Vol. 6 No. 4, December 2017
30 Danielle Page, ‘What happens to your brain when you binge-­watch a TV series’,
NBC News, 5 November 2017, nbcnews.com
31 Monita Karmakar and Jessica Sloan Kruger, ‘Those Post-­Binge-­Watching Blues? They
Might Be Real’, The Feed, 7 March 2016, sbs.com.au
32 David J. Hill, ‘Researcher studies the binge-­watching blues’, Medical Xpress, 2 April
2019, medicalxpress.com
33 Ibid.
34 Madeleine O’Keefe, ‘Does Binge-­Watching Netflix Warp Your View of the World?’,
The Brink, 6 March 2019, bu.edu
35 Danielle Page, ‘What happens to your brain when you binge-­watch a TV series’,
NBC News, 5 November 2017, nbcnews.com
36 Elissa Bassist, ‘Addicted to Netflix: Teen-­Soap-­Opera Binge As Psychosis’, The Cut,
27 February 2013, thecut.com

8. A Curated Life
  1 David Balzer, Curationism: How Curating Took Over the Art World and Everything Else,
Coach House Books, Toronto, 2014
  2 Lisa O’Kelly and Daniel J. Levitin, ‘We’ve created more information in the past
few years than in all of human history before us’, The Guardian, 18 January 2015,
  3 India Ennenga, ‘Toward a More Radical Selfie’, The Paris Review, 27 November 2018,
  4 Daniel J. Levitin, The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information
Overload, Penguin, London, 2015
 5 Kevan Lee, ‘How to Curate Content: The Secret Sauce to Getting Noticed, Becoming an
Influencer, and Having Fun Online’, Buffer, 2016, buffer.com
  6 Response to Julia Brenner, ‘OK, We Give. Enough With “Curate’’!’, Apartment Therapy,
12 June 2015, apartmenttherapy.com
  7 Response to Julia Brenner, ‘OK, We Give. Enough With “Curate’’!’, Apartment Therapy,
12 June 2015, apartmenttherapy.com. Name changed for privacy so no direct link given.
  8 David Balzer, Curationism: How Curating Took Over the Art World and Everything Else,
Coach House Books, Toronto, 2014
 9 Ibid.
10 Maggie Hamilton, What’s Happening to Our Girls?, Viking, Penguin, Melbourne, 2009
11 Response to Julia Brenner, ‘OK, We Give. Enough With “Curate’’!’, Apartment Therapy,
12 June 2015, apartmenttherapy.com. Name changed for privacy so no direct link given.


12 Katy Huie Harrison, ‘What is Reality, Anyway? Curated Life in the Age of Social Media’,
Undefining Motherhood, 5 November 2018, undefiningmotherhood.com
13 Hilde Holsten, ‘How does internet use affect well-­being?’, Phys.org, 26 February 2018,
14 Jennifer Rabin, ‘Just Say No to a Curated Life’, Jennifer + Rabin, jenniferrabin.com
15 Julia Brenner, ‘OK, We Give. Enough With “Curate’’!’, Apartment Therapy, 12 June 2015,
16 Mindi Palm, ‘Social Media Influencers: I Call BS On Your Over-­Curated Life’, Mindi
Palm, 27 October 2017, mindipalm.com
17 ‘The Care You Deserve’, Tweed Health For Everyone Superclinic, thesc.com.au
18 Frank Lipman, ‘The Surprising Reasons You Might Be Feeling Sluggish’, Well+Good,
22 April 2016, wellandgood.com
19 ‘Home’, The Mind Room, themindroom.com.au
20 Chelsea McLaughlin, ‘“I stared her in the eye.” Kate was one of Belle Gibson’s victims.
Then she saw her in a cafe.’, MamaMia, 24 June 2019, mamamia.com.au
21 Amanda J. Slavin, ‘Curating Your Own Life’, HuffPost, 27 September 2012,
22 Anna Edmundson, ‘Curating in the Postdigital Age’, Journal of Media and Culture,
Vol. 18 No. 4, 2015, journal.media-­culture.org.au

9. Narcissism Rules
  1 ‘Is narcissism on the rise?’, Radio 4 in Four, BBC Radio 4, bbc.co.uk
  2 kristibruno, ‘Instagram is making us all narcissists [who are obsessed with capturing
the perfect photo and not enjoying life]’, Medium, 7 June 2016, medium.com
  3 Brad Simpson and Nina Jacobson, The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American
Crime Story, Netflix, 2018
  4 Christopher Lasch, The Culture of Narcissism: American Life in An Age of Diminishing
Expectations, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 1979
  5 John Tierney, ‘A Generation’s Vanity, Heard Through Lyrics’, The New York Times,
25 April 2011, nytimes.com
  6 Ramani Durvasula, Should I Stay or Should I Go?: Surviving a Relationship with
a Narcissist, Post Hill Press, New York, 2015
  7 ‘Is narcissism on the rise?’, BBC Radio 4: Radio 4 in Four, bbc.co.uk
  8 Sadie F. Dingfelder, ‘Reflecting on narcissism’, American Psychological Association,
Vol. 42 No. 2, February 2011
  9 Katie Hopkins, ‘Rescue boats? I’d use gunships to stop migrants’, The Sun, 17 April
2015, gc.soton.ac.uk
10 Gerhard Blickle et al., ‘Some Personality Correlates of Business White-Collar Crime’,
Applied Psychology: An International Review, Vol. 55 No. 2, 2006
11 Ramani Durvasula, Should I Stay or Should I Go?: Surviving a Relationship with
a Narcissist, Post Hill Press, New York, 2015
12 kristibruno, ‘Instagram is making us all narcissists [who are obsessed with capturing
the perfect photo and not enjoying life]’, Medium, 7 June 2016, medium.com
13 Rebecca Webber, ‘Meet the Real Narcissists (They’re Not What You Think)’, Psychology
Today, 5 September 2016, psychologytoday.com
14 Peter Gray, ‘Why Is Narcissism Increasing Among Young Americans?’, Psychology Today,
16 January 2014, psychologytoday.com
15 ‘Narcissistic adolescents may perform better at school’, Queen’s University Belfast,
25 June 2018, qub.ac.uk
16 Jeremy Dean, ‘Narcissism Is Highest In People At This Age’, PsyBlog, 16 October 2017,


17 Jean M. Twenge, ‘The Evidence for Generation Me and Against Generation We’,
Emerging Adulthood, Vol. 1 No. 1, 1 March 2013
18 Robert Raskin and Howard Terry, ‘A Principal-­Components Analysis of the Narcissistic
Personality Inventory and Further Evidence of Its Construct Validity’, Journal of
Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 54 No. 5, May 1988
19 Laura E. Buffardi and W. Keith Campbell, ‘Narcissism and Social Networking Web Sites’,
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 3 July 2008
20 ‘2012 Report Card on the Ethics of American Youth’, Josephson Institute of Ethics,
20 November 2012, charactercounts.org
21 W. Keith Campbell et al., ‘Understanding the Social Costs of Narcissism: The Case
of the Tragedy of the Commons’, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 31 No.
10, October 2005
22 Pat MacDonald, ‘Narcissism in the Modern World’, Psychodynamic Practice, Vol. 20 No.
2, 14 March 2014

10. The Empathy Deficit

  1 Emma Seppälä, ‘Empathy is on the decline in this country. A new book describes what we
can do to bring it back.’, The Washington Post, 11 June 2019, washingtonpost.com
  2 Stephanie L. Brown et al., ‘Social Closeness Increases Salivary Progesterone in Humans’,
Hormone Behavior, Vol. 56 No. 1, June 2009
  3 Harper Lee, To Kill A Mockingbird, HarperCollins, New York, 2015
  4 Stephen J. Thoma, ‘Measuring moral thinking from a neo-­Kohlbergian perspective’,
Theory and Research in Education, Vol. 12 No. 3, 2014
  5 Paul Barnwell, ‘Students’ Broken Moral Compasses’, The Atlantic, 25 July 2016,
  6 Sasha Gonzales, ‘Empathy: why we need more of it in a polarised world, and how
to cultivate the human touch’, South China Morning Post, 22 February 2018,
  7 ‘Studies Show a 40% Decline in Empathy Among College Students’, Twenty One Toys,
  8 Susannah Heschel, foreword to Rufus Burrow Jr., Ethical Prophets along the Way,
Cascade Books, Oregon, 2019
  9 Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, ‘All Are Responsible’, Evolve, evolve.
10 Lee Rainie and Kathryn Zickuhr, ‘Americans’ Views on Mobile Etiquette’, Pew Research
Center: Internet & Technology, 26 August 2015, pewresearch.org
11 Natasha Lunn, ‘Humanity Can Astonish You’, Red Magazine, May 2016
12 Sarah H. Konrath et al., ‘Changes in Dispositional Empathy in American College
Students Over Time: A Meta-­Analysis’, Personality and Social Psychology Review,
Vol. 15 No. 2, 5 August 2010
13 Shalini Misra et al., ‘The iPhone Effect: The Quality of In-­Person Social Interactions in
the Presence of Mobile Devices’, Environment and Behavior, Vol. 48 No. 2, 1 July 2014
14 Mark Sagor, ‘A Wealth Of Information Creates A Poverty Of Attention’, CompEAP,
1 April 2013, compeap.com
15 Thomas Curran and Andrew P. Hill, ‘Perfectionism is increasing over time: A meta-
analysis of birth cohort differences from 1989 to 2016 ’, Psychological Bulletin,
Vol. 145 No. 4, April 2019
16 Thomas Curran and Andrew P. Hill, ‘How perfectionism became a hidden epidemic
among young people’, The Conversation, 4 January 2018, theconversation.com
17 John Scott, ‘Decline in Human Empathy Creates Global Risks in the “Age of Anger”’,
Zurich Insurance, 8 April 2019, zurich.com
18 Tim Elmore, ‘Why Empathy is Declining Among Students and What We Can Do’,
Psychology Today, 20 March 2014, psychologytoday.com


19 Liz Mineo, ‘Harvard study, almost 80 years old, has proved that embracing
community helps us live longer, and be happier’, The Harvard Gazette, 11 April
2017, news.harvard.edu/gazette
20 Naoyuki Osaka et al., ‘How Two Brains Make One Synchronized Mind in the Inferior
Frontal Cortex: fNIRS-­Based Hyperscanning During Cooperative Singing’, Frontiers:
in Psychology, 26 November 2015
21 Kym Agius, ‘School of Hard Knocks: University of Queensland study finds physical,
mental health gains’, ABC News, 14 October 2016, abc.net.au
22 Sarah Hargreaves et al., ‘Sharing and Empathy in Digital Spaces: Qualitative
Study of Online Health Forums for Breast Cancer and Motor Neuron Disease
(Amyotophic Lateral Sclerosis)’, Journal of Medical Internet Research, Vol. 20
No. 6: e222, 14 June 2018
23 Emma Seppälä, ‘Empathy is on the decline in this country. A new book describes what we
can do to bring it back.’, The Washington Post, 11 June 2019, washingtonpost.com

11. Brain Fatigue

  1 Timothy D. Wilson et al., ‘Just think: The challenges of the disengaged mind’, Science,
Vol. 345 No. 6192, 4 July 2014
  2 Sofie Bates, ‘A decade of data reveals that heavy multitaskers have reduced memory,
Stanford psychologist says’, Stanford News, 25 October 2018, news.stanford.edu
  3 Nicholas Carr, The Shallows, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 2010
  4 Maryanne Wolf, Proust and the Squid, HarperCollins, New York, 2008
  5 Annie Brown, ‘In a world of distractions, have you considered “monotasking”?’,
The Sydney Morning Herald, 23 August 2019, smh.com.au
  6 Guangheng Dong and Marc N. Potenza, ‘Behavioural and brain responses related
to Internet search and memory’, European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 42 No. 8,
October 2015
  7 Stéphane Amato and Eric Boutin, ‘Study of order effects in the search for information
on the Web: the case of an experiment about smoking cessation techniques’, Journal
for Communication Studies, Vol. 6 No. 1, 2013
  8 Maryanne Wolf, Reader, Come Home, HarperCollins, New York, 2018
  9 Xenia Kessler, ‘Internet of Change: How the Internet Changed our Thinking’, Medium,
5 January 2018, medium.com
10 Shelley Emling, ‘Study Shows Millennials Are More Forgetful Than Seniors’, HuffPost,
3 August 2013, huffpost.com
11 Xenia Kessler, ‘Internet of Change: How the Internet Changed our Thinking’, Medium,
5 January 2018, medium.com
12 Betsy Sparrow et al., ‘Google Effects on Memory: Cognitive Consequences of Having
Information at Our Fingertips’, Science, 2011; Vol. 333 No. 6043, August 2011
13 Nicholas Carr, The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains, W. W. Norton &
Company, New York, 2010
14 Larry D. Rosen, ‘This Is the Real Reason You Can’t Stop Checking Your Phone’,
Psychology Today, 14 July 2015, psychologytoday.com
15 Howard Soloman, ‘Cognitive Load Theory (John Sweller)’, InstructionalDesign.org,
16 Eleanor A. Maguire et al., ‘London Taxi Drivers and Bus Drivers: A Structural MRI
and Neuropsychological Analysis’, Hippocampus, Vol. 16 No. 12, December 2006
17 ‘Communications Market Reports’, Ofcom, 2 August 2018, ofcom.org.uk
18 Linda A. Henkel, ‘Point-­and-­Shoot Memories: The Influence of Taking Photos on
Memory for a Museum Tour’, Psychological Science, Vol. 25 No. 2, 2013
19 Julia S. Soares and Benjamin C. Storm, ‘Forget in a Flash: A Further Investigation
of the Photo-­Taking-­Impairment Effect’, Journal of Applied Research in Memory
and Cognition, Vol. 7 No. 1, March 2018


20 Emma Betuel, ‘Endless Streams of Content Really Are Changing Human Attention
Spans’, Inverse, 16 April 2019, inverse.com
21 Michael Landon-­Murray and Ian Anderson, ‘Thinking in 140 Characters: The Internet,
Neuroplasticity, and Intelligence Analysis’, Journal of Strategic Security, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2013
22 Samuele M. Marcora et al., ‘Mental fatigue impairs physical performance in humans’,
Journal of Applied Physiology, Vol. 106 No. 3, March 2009
23 Feng Zhou et al., ‘Orbitofrontal Gray Matter Deficits as Marker of Internet Gaming
Disorder: Converging Evidence From a Cross-­Sectional and Prospective Longitudinal
Design’, Addiction Biology, Vol. 24 No. 1, January 2019
24 Will Knight, ‘“Info-­mania” dents IQ more than marijuana’, NewScientist, 22 April 2005,
25 Larry D. Rosen, ‘This Is the Real Reason You Can’t Stop Checking Your Phone’,
Psychology Today, 14 July 2015, psychologytoday.com
26 Harriet Griffey, ‘The Lost Art of Concentration’, The Gloss, thegloss.ie

12. Working Life Doesn’t Appear to be Working

  1 Thomas Watson, ‘Job Satisfaction Index: July 2018’, Totaljobs, 2 July 2018,
  2 Ashley Autry, ‘2018 Employee Engagement & Loyalty Statistics’, Access Perks, 7 January
2019, blog.accessperks.com
  3 ‘Workplace Stress’, The American Institute of Stress, stress.org
  4 Alexandra Cain/Fairfax Syndication, ‘Are our workplaces more stressed than ever
before?’, Heads Up, 26 September 2017, headsup.org.au
  5 Obed D. Louissaint, ‘Future-­Proof Your Career: 4 Ways To Enhance Your People Skills’,
IBM Careers Blog, 6 January 2020, ibm.com
  6 ‘Beyond Blue Annual Report 2014–2015: Messages from the Chairman and CEO’,
Beyond Blue, beyondblue.org.au
  7 Karen Higginbottom, ‘Workplace Stress Leads To Less Productive Employees’, as
published in Forbes, 11 September 2014, xhilarateofficemassage.co.uk
  8 Lindsay McMillan OAM, ‘2016 Snapshot of the Australian Workplace’, Reventure Ltd.,
  9 Aphrodite Papadatou, ‘Professor Sir Cary Cooper CBE: “People need more autonomy
and control”’, HRreview, 23 November 2018, hrreview.co.uk
10 ‘“UK office workers are suffering from “vocation frustration”’, Staples, 5 November
2018, staplesadvantage.co.uk
11 Donald O. Clifton and Tom Rath, ‘The Power of Praise and Recognition’, Gallup
Business Journal, 8 July 2004, news.gallup.com
12 Emma Luxton, ‘Does working fewer hours make you more productive?’, World
Economic Forum, 4 March 2016, weforum.org
13 Rebecca Greenfield, ‘The six-­hour work day increases productivity. So will Britain
and America adopt one?’, Independent, 6 June 2016, independent.co.uk
14 Steve Fleetwood, ‘Why work-life balance now?’, The International Journal of Human
Resource Management, Volume 18 No. 3, March 2007
15 Victoria Sayo Turner, ‘The Strain of Always Being on Call’, Scientific American, 5 January
2016, scientificamerican.com
16 Carla M. Ziebertz et al., ‘The effect on sleep of being on-­call: an experimental field
study’, Journal of Sleep Research, Vol. 26 No. 6, 2017
17 Sookhan Ho, ‘Employer expectations on off-­hours email: new study shows
adverse health effects on workers and families’, Virginia Tech, 10 August 2018,
18 Erinn Beth Langille, ‘Everyone deserves to disconnect’, Driftwood, 3 October 2018,


19 Liuba Y. Belkin et al., ‘Exhausted, but Unable to Disconnect: After-­Hours Email,

Work-­Family Balance and Identification’, Academy of Management, Vol. 2016 No. 1,
30 November 2017
20 Richard Haridy, ‘The right to disconnect: The new laws banning after-­hours work
emails’, New Atlas, 14 August 2018, newatlas.com
21 Laura Rediehs, ‘From Dehumanization to Rehumanization’, Carnegie Council for Ethics
in International Affairs, 14 February 2014, carnegiecouncil.org
22 Paul Glavin et al., ‘Workers in the gig economy feel lonely and powerless’, The
Conversation, 21 November 2019, theconversation.com
23 Charles Towers-­Clark, ‘The Uberization Of Work: Pros And Cons Of The Gig Economy’,
Forbes, 8 July 2019, forbes.com
24 Paul Glavin, Alex Bierman and Scott Schieman, ‘Workers in the gig economy feel lonely
and powerless’, The Conversation, 21 November 2019, theconversation.com
25 Sheila Keegan, ‘The Psychology of Fear’, DMA UK, 5 February 2013, youtube.com
26 ‘EY Survey 2017: Could trust cost you a generation of talent?’, Scribd, scribd.com
27 Brendan Burchell, ‘A Temporal Comparison of the Effects of Unemployment and Job
Insecurity on Wellbeing’, Sociological Research Online, Vol. 16 No. 1, February 2011
28 Liz Ryan, ‘Ten Unmistakable Signs Of A Fear-­Based Workplace’, Forbes, 7 March
2017, forbes.com
29 Sheila Keegan, ‘The Psychology of Fear’, DMA UK, 5 February 2013, youtube.com
30 Max De Pree, Leadership Is an Art, Currency, New York, 1987
31 Steven Prokesch, ‘Employees Go to the Rescue at Miller’, The New York Times,
14 August 1986, nytimes.com
32 ‘In a digital world, how can being more human be key to unlocking more growth?’,
EY, ey.com
33 ‘The Ashcroft Interviews: Bankers on the Couch with Julia Noakes’, Renegade Inc.,
17 January 2015, youtube.com
34 Stuart Gentle, ‘New research reveals “confidence-crisis” in the workplace’, onrec,
10 September 2015, onrec.com
35 Lars Wirtén, ‘The unlimited workplace bloke’, ECO Magazine, ecophon.com
36 Rachael E. Potter et al., ‘Bullying and harassment in Australian workplaces: Results From
the Australian Workplace Barometer Project 2014/2015’, Safe Work Australia, November
2016, safeworkaustralia.gov.au
37 ‘Infographic: Workplace bullying and violence’, Safe Work Australia, 8 April 2017,
38 Christopher Magee et al., ‘Workplace Bullying in Australia’, Centre for Health Initiatives,
30 May 2014, headsup.org.au
39 Ingrid Griggs, ‘Bullying at work and in the classroom.’, Teaching Treasures, 2000,
40 John Scott, ‘Decline in Human Empathy Creates Global Risks in the “Age of Anger”’,
Zurich Insurance, 8 April 2019, zurich.com
41 Howard Mustoe, ‘Business jargon: Squaring the circle’, BBC News, 4 June 2014,
42 Cheryl J. Wakslak et al., ‘Using Abstract Language Signals Power’, Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, Vol. 107 No. 1, March 2014
43 Daniel M. Oppenheimer, ‘Consequences of Erudite Vernacular Utilized Irrespective of
Necessity: Problems with Using Long Words Needlessly’, Applied Cognitive Psychology,
Vol. 20 No. 2, March 2006
44 Jochim Hansen and Michaela Wänke, ‘Truth From Language and Truth From Fit:
The Impact of Linguistic Concreteness and Level of Construal on Subjective Truth’,
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Vol. 36 No. 11, 1 November 2010


45 ‘The Ashcroft Interviews: Bankers on the Couch with Julia Noakes’, Renegade Inc.,
17 January 2015, youtube.com
46 Karen Friedman, ‘What did you say? Why big words & jargon don’t make sense’, Karen
Friedman Enterprises, 22 February 2016, karenfriedman.com
47 Karen Friedman, ‘You’re on! How strong communication skills help leaders
succeed’, Business Strategy Series, Vol. 12 No. 6, 8 November 2011
48 ‘The Ashcroft Interviews: Bankers on the Couch with Julia Noakes’, Renegade Inc.,
17 January 2015, youtube.com
49 Michael Schneider, ‘Tired of Shallow Work Relationships? Here Are 5 Ways to Build
Camaraderie and Foster Community’, Inc., 6 October 2020, inc.com
50 Anne Milek et al., ‘“Eavesdropping on Happiness” Revisited: A Pooled, Multisample
Replication of the Association Between Life Satisfaction and Observed Daily Conversation
Quantity and Quality’, Psychological Science, Vol. 29 No. 9, September 2018
51 Chantrelle Nielsen, ‘How Microsoft Used an Office Move to Boost Collaboration’,
Harvard Business Review, 11 October 2016, hbr.org
52 Ben Waber et al., ‘Workspaces That Move People’, Harvard Business Review, October
2014, hbr.org
53 Ibid.
54 Marthe Fourcade, ‘Unilever’s Former Chief Moves On With Plan to Fix the World’,
Bloomberg, 4 July 2019, bloomberg.com
55 ‘Paul Polman launches sustainability consulting firm Imagine’, Consultancy Europe,
17 July 2019, consultancy.eu
56 Tim Baker, ‘Bringing the Human Being Back to Work’, HR Daily, 28 April 2016,

13. Understanding Our Current Work Ethos

  1 ‘The Ashcroft Interviews: Bankers on the Couch with Julia Noakes’, Renegade Inc.,
17 January 2015, youtube.com
  2 Stephen Crittenden with Henry Mintzberg, ‘MBA: Mostly bloody awful’, ABC Radio
National: Background Briefing, 29 March 2009, abc.net.au
  3 C. S-­W., ‘Nothing special: MBAs are no longer prized by employers’, The Economist,
13 June 2016, economist.com
  4 Philip Delves Broughton, Ahead of the Curve: Two Years at Harvard Business School,
Penguin, New York, 2008
  5 Stephen Crittenden with Henry Mintzberg, ‘MBA: Mostly bloody awful’, ABC Radio
National: Background Briefing, 27 March 2009, abc.net.au
  6 Kenneth Hopper and William Hopper, The Puritan Gift: Triumph, Collapse and Revival
of an American Dream Amidst Global Financial Chaos, I. B. Tauris, New York, 2009
 7 Ibid.
  8 Sheila Keegan, ‘The Psychology of Fear’, DMA UK, 5 February 2013, youtube.com
  9 Response to Walter Baets, ‘Why it’s time for business schools to radically rethink
the MBA’, The Conversation, 7 March 2016, theconversation.com. Name changed
for privacy so no direct link given.
10 Megan Gibson et al., ‘Top 10 Worst Bosses’, Time Magazine, 18 October 2010,
11 Richard Sandomir, ‘Albert J. Dunlap, Tough Executive Known as Chainsaw Al, Dies
at 81’, The New York Times, 5 February 2019, nytimes.com
12 ‘The Ashcroft Interviews: Bankers on the Couch with Julia Noakes’, Renegade Inc.,
17 January 2015, youtube.com
13 Ibid.
14 Max De Pree, Leadership Is an Art, Currency, New York, 1987


15 Jeff Grabmeier, ‘Narcissistic People Most Likely To Emerge As Leaders’, Ohio State
News, 5 October 2008, news.osu.edu
16 Max De Pree, Leading Without Power: Finding Hope in Serving Community, Jossey-­
Bass, San Francisco, 1997
17 Tim Baker, ‘Bringing the Human Being Back to Work’, HR Daily, 28 April 2016,
18 Laura Rediehs, ‘From Dehumanization to Rehumanization’, Carnegie Council for Ethics
in International Affairs, 14 February 2014, carnegiecouncil.org
19 Tim Baker, ‘Bringing the Human Being Back to Work’, HR Daily, 28 April 2016,
20 Stephen Crittenden with Henry Mintzberg, ‘MBA: Mostly bloody awful’, ABC Radio
National: Background Briefing, 29 March 2009, abc.net.au
21 Alison Beard with Sydney Finkelstein, ‘Avoiding the Expertise Trap’, Harvard Business
Review IdeaCast, 16 April 2019, hbr.org
22 Rakesh Khurana, From Higher Aims to Hired Hands: The Social Transformation of
American Business Schools and the Unfulfilled Promise of Management as a Profession,
Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 2007
23 ‘The Ashcroft Interviews: Bankers on the Couch with Julia Noakes’, Renegade Inc.,
17 January 2015, youtube.com
24 Kate Waldock and Luigi Zingales, ‘Capitalisn’t: The moral case against the MBA’,
Chicago Booth Review, 15 February 2018, review.chicagobooth.edu
25 Max Anderson and Peter Escher, The MBA Oath: Setting a Higher Standard for Business
Leaders, Portfolio, New York, 2010
26 Robert J. Shiller, ‘How Wall Street Learns to Look the Other Way’, The New York Times,
8 February 2005, nytimes.com
27 Joel M. Podolny, ‘The Buck Stops (and Starts) at Business School’, Harvard Business
Review, June 2009, hbr.org
28 Duff McDonald, The Golden Passport: Harvard Business School, the Limits of
Capitalism, and the Moral Failure of the MBA Elite, Harper Business, New York, 2017
29 Response to Walter Baets, ‘Why it’s time for business schools to radically rethink the
MBA’, The Conversation, 7 March 2016, theconversation.com. Name changed for
privacy so no direct link given.
30 Walter Baets, ‘Why it’s time for business schools to radically rethink the MBA’, The
Conversation, 7 March 2016, theconversation.com
31 Srikant M. Datar et al., Rethinking the MBA: Business Education at a Crossroads,
Harvard Business Press, Boston, 2010
32 Robert Carver, ‘Comment: Is this the end of the MBA for jobs in banking?’,
eFinancialCareers, 16 January 2019, news.efinancialcareers.com
33 James McGrath, ‘Do you still need an MBA to reach the top?’ MYOB, 20 June 2018,
34 ‘Decades of Scientific Research that Started a Growth Mindset Revolution’, Mindset
Works, mindsetworks.com
35 Alison Beard with Sydney Finkelstein, ‘Avoiding the Expertise Trap’, Harvard Business
Review IdeaCast, 16 April 2019, hbr.org
36 ‘The Future of Jobs: Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy for the Fourth Industrial
Revolution’, World Economic Forum, January 2016, weforum.org
37 Laura Rediehs, ‘From Dehumanization to Rehumanization’, Carnegie Council for Ethics
in International Affairs, 14 February 2014, carnegiecouncil.org
38 Diana Hembree, ‘CEO Pay Skyrockets To 361 Times That Of The Average Worker’,
Forbes, 22 May 2018, forbes.com
39 John Paul Rollert, ‘Greed Is Good: A 300-­Year History of a Dangerous Idea’, The
Atlantic, 7 April 2014, theatlantic.com


40 Milton Friedman, ‘The Social Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits’, The
New York Times Magazine, 13 September 1970, umich.edu
41 Jared Bennet, ‘“Money and Greed”: how non-­compete clauses force workers to fight
for rights’, The Guardian, 24 October 2018 theguardian.com
42 Steve Denning, ‘Making Sense Of Shareholder Value: “The World’s Dumbest Idea”’,
17 July 2017, Forbes, forbes.com
43 Henry Mintzberg et al., ‘Beyond Selfishness’, MIT Sloan Management Review, 15 October
2002, sloanreview.mit.edu
44 Nicholas Kristof, ‘Need a Job? $17,000 an Hour. No Success Required.’, The New York
Times, 17 September 2008, nytimes.com
45 Response to Greg Jericho, ‘The banking royal commission report should be a mark of
shame for the sector’, The Guardian, 5 February 2019, theguardian.com. Name changed
for privacy so no direct link given.
46 Philip Delves Broughton, Ahead of the Curve: Two Years at Harvard Business School,
Penguin, New York, 2008
47 Oscar Williams-Grut, ‘Mark Carney’s “lost decade” in one stark chart’, Business Insider
Australia, 7 December 2016, businessinsider.com.au
48 Neil Ormerod, ‘Why ignorance, not greed, caused the GFC’, Eureka Street, 20 October
2009, eurekastreet.com.au
49 Kevin A. Hassett, ‘Harvard Narcissists with MBAs Killed Wall Street’, American Enterprise
Institute, 17 February 2009, aei.org
50 Neel Burton, ‘Is Greed Good?’, Psychology Today, 6 October 2014 psychologytoday.com
51 Rupert Neate, ‘Richest 1% own half the world’s wealth, study finds’, The Guardian,
14 November 2017, theguardian.com
52 Allan Gotthelf and Gregory Salmieri, A Companion to Ayn Rand, Wiley-­Blackwell,
New Jersey, 2016
53 Ayn Rand, ‘Introducing Objectivism’, The Objectivist Newsletter, August 1962,
54 Henry Mintzberg et al., ‘Beyond Selfishness’, MIT Sloan Management Review,
15 October 2002, sloanreview.mit.edu
55 Greg Jericho, ‘The banking royal commission report should be a mark of shame for
the sector’, The Guardian, 5 February 2019, theguardian.com
56 R. J. Eskow, ‘6 Signs Our Culture Is Sick With Greed’, AlterNet, 28 November 2013,
57 Neel Burton, ‘Is Greed Good? The psychology and philosophy of greed’, Psychology
Today, 6 October 2014 psychologytoday.com
58 Neil Ormerod, ‘Why ignorance, not greed, caused the GFC’, Eureka Street, 20 October
2009, eurekastreet.com.au
59 Gillian Tett, ‘Commentary: Overcoming hubris, greed and opacity, lessons of the global
financial crisis for China’, CNA, 5 September 2018, channelnewsasia.com
60 Gillian Tett, ‘Have we learnt the lessons of the financial crisis?’, Financial Times,
31 August 2018, ft.com
61 Richard Dobbs et al., ‘Poorer Than Their Parents? Flat or Falling Incomes in Advanced
Economies: Executive Summary’, McKinsey & Company, July 2016, mckinsey.com
62 Alberto Gallo, ‘How the American dream turned into greed and inequality’, World
Economic Forum, 9 November 2017, weforum.org
63 Tae Kim, ‘Warren Buffett on why bubbles happen: People see neighbors “dumber than
they are” getting rich’, CNBC, 12 September 2018, cnbc.com
64 Gillian Tett, ‘Commentary: Overcoming hubris, greed and opacity, lessons of the global
financial crisis for China’, CNA, 5 September 2018, channelnewsasia.com
65 Steve Denning, ‘Making Sense Of Shareholder Value: “The World’s Dumbest Idea”’,
17 July 2017, Forbes, forbes.com


66 Alberto Gallo, ‘How the American dream turned into greed and inequality’, World
Economic Forum, 9 November 2017, weforum.org
67 Laurence D. Fink, ‘Profit & Purpose: Larry Fink’s 2019 Letter to CEOs’, BlackRock,
68 Robert J. Shiller, ‘Prize Lecture’, The Nobel Prize, 8 December 2013, nobelprize.org

14. Workspace Challenges

  1 Response to Kay Sargent, ‘Google Didn’t “Get It Wrong”: A Deeper Look Into That
Recent WaPo Piece About Open Offices’, Work Design Magazine, 7 January 2015,
workdesign.com. Name changed for privacy so no direct link given.
 2 Ibid.
  3 Ethan S. Bernstein and Stephen Turban, ‘The impact of the “open” workspace on human
collaboration’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Vol. 373 No. 1753,
2 July 2018
  4 Response to Christian Camerota, ‘The Unintended Effects of Open Office Space’,
Harvard Business School, 9 July 2018, hbs.edu. Name changed for privacy so no
direct link given.
  5 Nic MacBean, ‘High blood pressure? Blame the office layout’, ABC, 13 January 2009,
  6 Ethan S. Bernstein and Stephen Turban, ‘The impact of the “open” workspace on human
collaboration’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Vol. 373 No. 1753,
2 July 2018
  7 Response to Kay Sargent, ‘Google Didn’t “Get It Wrong”: A Deeper Look Into That
Recent WaPo Piece About Open Offices’, Work Design Magazine, 7 January 2015,
workdesign.com. Name changed for privacy so no direct link given.
  8 Gary W. Evans and Dana Johnson, ‘Stress and open-­office noise’, Journal of Applied
Psychology, Vol. 85 No. 5, 2000
  9 Nick Perham and Martinne Sykora, ‘Disliked Music can be Better for Performance than
Liked Music’, Applied Cognitive Psychology, Vol. 26 No. 4, 12 January 2012
10 Response to Kay Sargent, ‘Google Didn’t “Get It Wrong”: A Deeper Look Into That
Recent WaPo Piece About Open Offices’, Work Design Magazine, 7 January 2015,
workdesign.com. Name changed for privacy so no direct link given.
11 Kermit Pattison, ‘Worker, Interrupted: The Cost of Task Switching’, Fast Company,
28 July 2008, fastcompany.com
12 Response to Kay Sargent, ‘Google Didn’t “Get It Wrong”: A Deeper Look Into That
Recent WaPo Piece About Open Offices’, Work Design Magazine, 7 January 2015,
workdesign.com. Name changed for privacy so no direct link given.
13 Response to Christian Camerota, ‘The Unintended Effects of Open Office Space’,
Harvard Business School, 9 July 2018, hbs.edu. Name changed for privacy so no
direct link given.
14 Leigh Stringer, ‘The *Real* Reason Open Offices Bother Us So Much: An Interview with Ethan
Bernstein, Professor at Harvard Business School’, Leigh Stringer, 1 June 2016, leighstringer.com
15 Christian Camerota, ‘The Unintended Effects of Open Office Space’, Harvard
Business School, 9 July 2018, hbs.edu
16 Ethan S. Bernstein and Stephen Turban, ‘The impact of the “open” workspace on human
collaboration’, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, Vol. 373 No. 1753,
2 July 2018
17 Response to Melissa St. John, ‘In Response to “Google Got it Wrong: The Open Office
Trend Is Destroying the Workplace”,’ Linked In, 21 January 2017, linkedin.com. Name
changed for privacy so no direct link given.
18 Kris Byron and Gregory A. Laurence, ‘Diplomas, Photos, and Tchotchkes as Symbolic
Self-­Representations: Understanding Employees’ Individual Use of Symbols,’ Academy
of Management Journal, Vol. 58 No. 1, 28 February 2014


19 Alice Murray, ‘Slow at Work: How to Create a Productive Workspace’, Jobbio,

25 January 2018, blog.jobbio.com
20 Meredith. M. Wells, ‘Office Clutter or Meaningful Personal Displays: The Role of Office
Personalization in Employee and Organizational Well-­Being,’ Journal of Environmental
Psychology, Vol. 20 No. 3, September 2000
21 ‘Memory and Productivity: A White Paper by the Haworth Knowledge and Research
Team’, Haworth, May 2017, haworth.com
22 Ibid.
23 Response to Libby Sander, ‘It’s not just the isolation. Working from home has surprising
downsides’, The Conversation, 15 January 2019, theconversation.com. Name changed
for privacy so no direct link given.
24 Ibid.
25 Sara Pollock, ‘Tips for Remote Workers – How to Avoid Loneliness and Burnout’,
Medium, 24 April 2019, medium.com
26 Linda L. Putnam et al., ‘Examining the tensions in workplace flexibility and exploring
options for new directions’, Human Relations, Vol. 67 No. 4, 2014
27 Eurofound and the International Labour Office, ‘Working anytime, anywhere: The effects
on the world of work’, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, and the
International Labour Office, Geneva, 15 February 2017, ilo.org
28 Kerry O’Shea Gorgone ‘Overcoming Isolation to Boost Employee Engagement: “Back
to Human” Author Dan Schawbel on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]’, 15 November 2018,
29 Dan Schawbel, Back to Human: How Great Leaders Create Connection in the Age of
Isolation, Da Capo Lifelong Books, Boston, 2018
30 Jenna Goudreau, ‘Back To the Stone Age? New Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Bans Working
From Home’, Forbes, 25 February 2013, forbes.com
31 Carsten Foertsch, ‘The 1st Global Coworking Survey’, Deskmag, 13 April 2011, deskmag.com
32 Melissa Howard, ‘More coworking spaces for women are driven by desire for business
success’, Commercial Real Estate, 17 April 2019, commercialrealestate.com.au
33 Larry Schlesinger, ‘Get cozy: Two-­thirds of companies to hot-­desk by 2020’, The
Australian Financial Review, 29 March 2017, afr.com
34 Response to Doug Dingwall, ‘Hot-­desking “tsunami”: ATO eyes changes in Melbourne,
Queensland’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 20 August 2018, smh.com.au. Name changed
for privacy so no direct link given.
35 Response to Melissa St. John, ‘In Response to “Google Got it Wrong: The Open Office
Trend Is Destroying the Workplace”,’ Linked In, 21 January 2017, linkedin.com. Name
changed for privacy so no direct link given.
36 Rebecca Reid, ‘Let’s face it, hot desking is the absolute worst’, Metro, 8 January 2018,
37 Response to Doug Dingwall, ‘Hot-­desking “tsunami”: ATO eyes changes in Melbourne,
Queensland’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 20 August 2018, smh.com.au. Name changed
for privacy so no direct link given.
38 Alison Hirst, ‘The verdict on hot-­desking: it actually sucks’, The Sydney Morning Herald,
14 February 2017, smh.com.au
39 Response to Doug Dingwall, ‘Hot-­desking “tsunami”: ATO eyes changes in Melbourne,
Queensland’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 20 August 2018, smh.com.au. Name changed
for privacy so no direct link given.
40 Ibid.
41 Ibid.
42 Response to Frank Chung, ‘“I don’t want to play musical chairs each day”: Tax office
staff revolt over hot-­desk plan’, news.com.au, 22 August 2017, news.com.au. Name
changed for privacy so no direct link given.


43 Alison Hirst, ‘How hot-­deskers are made to feel like the homeless people of the office
world’, The Conversation, 13 February 2017, theconversation.com
44 Ian Tucker, ‘Susan Cain: “Society has a cultural bias towards extroverts”’, The Guardian,
1 April 2012, theguardian.com
45 Emma Seppälä, ‘Turns Out Burnout is Linked to Loneliness – Here’s What You Can Do
About It,’ Emma Seppälä blog, 9 September 2017, emmaseppala.com
46 John T. Cacioppo and William Patrick, Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for
Social Connection, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 2009
47 Jo Carnegie, ‘Has hot-­desking killed the work drink? Here’s why you feel so lonely
in your job’, The Australian Financial Review, 29 June 2018, afr.com
48 Tom Rath and Jim Harter, Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements, Gallup Press,
Washington, 2010
49 Jo Carnegie, ‘Has hot-­desking killed the work drink? Here’s why you feel so lonely
in your job’, The Australian Financial Review, 29 June 2018, afr.com
50 Julianne Holt-­Lunstad et al., ‘Loneliness and Social Isolation as Risk Factors for
Mortality: A Meta-­Analytic Review’, Perspectives on Psychological Science, Vol. 10
No. 2, March 2015
51 Arlie Russell Hochschild, The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling,
University of California Press, Berkeley, 1983
52 Jahanvash Karim and Robert Weisz, ‘Emotional Labour, Emotional Intelligence, And
Psychological Distress’, Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, Vol. 36
No. 2, July 2010
53 Dan Schawbel, ‘Vivek Murthy: How To Solve The Work Loneliness Epidemic’, Forbes,
7 October 2017, forbes.com
54 John T. Cacioppo and William Patrick, Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for
Social Connection, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 2009
55 Kerry O’Shea Gorgone ‘Overcoming Isolation to Boost Employee Engagement: “Back
to Human” Author Dan Schawbel on Marketing Smarts [Podcast]’, 15 November 2018,
56 John T. Cacioppo and William Patrick, Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for
Social Connection, W. W. Norton & Company, New York, 2009
57 Peter Vink et al., ‘Effects of the Office Environment on Health and Productivity
1: Effects of Coffee Corner Position’, In: Dainoff M. J. (Ed.), Ergonomics and Health
Aspects of Work with Computers, Vol. 4566, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2007

15. Opportunities for More Benign Design

1 Kate E. Lee et al., ‘40-­second green roof views sustain attention: The role of micro-­breaks
in attention restoration’, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol. 42, June 2015
2 Roger S. Ulrich, ‘View through a window may influence recovery from surgery’, Science,
Vol. 4647, 27 April 1984
3 Stephen R. Kellert, Birthright: People and Nature in the Modern World, Yale University
Press, New Haven, 2012
4 Joseph J. Romm and William D. Browning, ‘Greening the Building and the Bottom Line:
Increasing Productivity Through Energy-­Efficient Design’, U.S. Department of Energy
and Rocky Mountain Institute, 1994, aceee.org
5 Ibid.
6 Stephen R. Kellert, Birthright: People and Nature in the Modern World, Yale University
Press, New Haven, 2012
7 Bernadine Cimprich and David L. Ronis, ‘An Environmental Intervention to Restore
Attention in Women With Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer’, Cancer Nursing, Vol. 26 No.
4, August 2003


8 Marlon Nieuwenhuis et al., ‘The Relative Benefits of Green Versus Lean Office Space:
Three Field Experiments’, Journal of Experimental Psychology Applied, Vol. 20 No. 3,
July 2014
9 Stephen Kaplan, ‘The Restorative Benefits Of Nature: Toward An Integrative
Framework,’ Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol. 15 No. 3, 1995
10 Ibid.
11 Daniel K. Brown et al., ‘Viewing Nature Scenes Positively Affects Recovery of Autonomic
Function Following Acute-­Mental Stress’, Environmental Science & Technology, Vol. 47
No. 11, 2013
12 Melissa Marsh and Carolyn A. Schultz, ‘Multi-­Sensory Resimercial Design Combines The
Best Of Both Worlds’, Work Design Magazine, February 2018, workdesign.com
13 Stephen R. Kellert, Birthright: People and Nature in the Modern World, Yale University
Press, New Haven, 2012
14 Judith H. Heerwagen, ‘Investing In People: The Social Benefits of Sustainable Design’,
2006, semanticscholar.org
15 William Browning et al., ‘14 Patterns of Biophilic Design’, Terrapin Bright Green, 2014,
16 Eric R. Kandel et al., Principles of Neural Science (5th edition), McGraw Hill,
New York, 2013
17 Jeroen Schaap and Johanna H. Meijer, ‘Opposing effects of behavioural activity and light
on neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus’, European Journal of Neuroscience, Vol. 13
No. 10, 2001
18 Olivia Goldhill, ‘The science behind why office lighting feels like it can make or break
your day’, Quartz, 7 August 2016, qz.com
19 Michael H. Nicklas and Gary B. Bailey, ‘Analysis of the Performance of Students in Daylit
Schools’, Educational Resources Information Centre, 1996, ED458782
20 Dara Olmstead and Dona Neely, ‘Genzyme Center: Shedding New Light on Sustainable
Building Strategies’, Tufts Climate Initiative, 27 September 2005, sustainability.tufts.edu
21 Stephen R. Kellert, Birthright: People and Nature in the Modern World, Yale University
Press, New Haven, 2012
22 Fiona Kelliher, ‘Modern Workplaces: Inside Airbnb’s San Francisco headquarters’,
San Francisco Business Times, 20 February 2019, bizjournals.com
23 ‘Kickstarter: Commercial Headquarters’, Terrapin Bright Green, 2016,
24 ‘Biophilic Design and Architecture - 10 of the Best Biophilic Buildings’, Design Curial,
8 February 2019, designcurial.com
25 Mike Steere, ‘Biophilic design: Why nature could be a good investment’, CNN Business,
28 March 2019, edition.cnn.com
26 Mehmet Atesoglu, ‘Is Biophilic Design What’s Missing in Your Office Project?’, Medium, 21
December 2017, medium.com

16. Transforming Our Cities

  1 Olivia Laing, The Lonely City, Picador, New York, 2016
  2 Erin Chantry, ‘Urban Designer Series: Jane Jacobs.’, Smart Cities Dive,
  3 Jone Johnson Lewis, ‘Jane Jacobs: New Urbanist Who Transformed City Planning’,
ThoughtCo., 14 August 2019, thoughtco.com
  4 Jane Jacobs, ‘Downtown is for People’, from William H. Whyte, The Exploding
Metropolis, Doubleday, New York, 1958
  5 Saskia Sassen, ‘How Jane Jacobs changed the way we look at cities’, The Guardian,
5 May 2016, theguardian.com


  6 ‘Who was Jane Jacobs?’, Jane Jacobs Walk, janejacobswalk.org

  7 Jan Gehl, Cities for People, Island Press, Washington, 2010
  8 Alissa Walker, ‘6 Freeway Removals That Changed Their Cities Forever’, Gizmodo,
27 March 2014, gizmodo.com.au
  9 ‘Jan Gehl Interview: How to Build a Good City’, Louisiana Channel, 3 October 2017,
10 ‘Jan Gehl, architect: “Livable Cities for the 21st Century” - Aalto University 21.2.2017’,
Aalto University, 24 February 2017, youtube.com
11 Ibid.
12 Jemimah Clegg, ‘Who wants to live in the city? Melbourne CBD, Southbank and
Docklands face growing pains’, Domain, 15 March 2020, domain.com.au
13 Katelin Butler, ‘Finding the human scale in high-­rise London’, ArchitectureAU, 29 May
2017, architectureau.com
14 Emma Nielsen, ‘Thinking about the human scale’, Social Life, social-­life.co
15 Jacoba Urist, ‘The Psychological Cost of Boring Buildings’, The Cut, 12 April 2016,
16 Ibid.
17 Melanie Rudd et al., ‘Awe Expands People’s Perception of Time, Alters Decision Making,
and Enhances Well-­Being’, Psychological Science, Vol. 23 No. 10, 2012
18 Susan Greenberg, ‘Jennifer Aaker: How to Feel Like You Have More Time’, Stanford
Business, 13 July 2012, gsb.stanford.edu
19 Charles Montgomery, ‘The happy city experiment’, TEDx Talks, Vancouver,
24 December 2014, youtube.com
20 Kim Megson, ‘James Corner: “Landscape architects are the unsung heroes of the public
realm”’, CLADnews, 8 May 2017, cladglobal.com
21 Eric Jaffe, ‘Reviving the Dead Spaces Under Elevated Structures’, Bloomberg CityLab,
19 June 2015, bloomberg.com
22 Land8: Landscape Architects Network, ‘Can Art Revive a Dead Urban Space?’, Land8,
10 June 2015, land8.com
23 ‘How millennials fuelled the rise of “hipster” culture in Singapore’, Malay Mail,
12 August 2018, malaymail.com
24 Linton Weeks, ‘The Hipsterfication of America’, NPR, 17 November 2011, npr.org
25 ‘How millennials fuelled the rise of “hipster” culture in Singapore’, Malay Mail,
12 August 2018, malaymail.com
26 Alice Pfeiffer, ‘The hipster is dead. Long live the hipster’, The Guardian, 3 October 2015,
27 Aleks Eror, ‘How Hipsters Changed the World’, Highsnobiety, 17 August 2016,
28 Chris Furnari, ‘Time Traveling: How Craft Beer Has Evolved Since 1990’, Brewbound,
12 April 2018, brewbound.com
29 Ibid.
30 Janaline Smalman, ‘Top 5 Reasons Why Street Art is Important’, Janaline’s World
Journey, 25 January 2019, janalinesworldjourney.com
31 Linton Weeks, ‘The Hipsterfication of America’, NPR, 17 November 2011, npr.org

17. Belonging
  1 Michael Ungar, ‘Lonely Children Are Hungry for Connections’, Psychology Today,
2 March 2019, psychologytoday.com
  2 Jean M. Twenge et al., ‘Less in-­person social interaction with peers among U.S.
adolescents in the 21st century and links to loneliness’, Journal of Social and Personal
Relationships, Vol. 36 No. 6, 2019


  3 Douglas Nemecek, ‘2018 Cigna U.S. Loneliness Index’, MultiVu, May 2018,
  4 Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?, Zondervan,
Grand Rapids, 2002
  5 Eleanor Morgan, ‘Why Loneliness Affects So Many Young People’, VICE, 15 February
2017, vice.com
  6 Peter Walters, ‘Hipsters have changed inner cities for the better, so why should the
suburbs miss out?’, ABC News, 31 January 2019, abc.net.au
  7 Lauren Suval, ‘Coffee Shop Culture: A Sense of Community’, Psych Central, 8 July 2018,
psychcentral.com [article no longer live]
  8 Since the time of printing, the source of this quote is no longer available online. It was
originally from an article titled ‘Get Hungry: Bonfire Dances and Sweet Desserts with
the Bearded Bakers’, Qantas: What’s On, qantas.com. For further information on the
Bearded Bakers, see knafeh.com.au
  9 Hannah Sinclair, ‘“Tiny homes” a potential solution to help get homeless people off the
streets’, SBS News, 6 August 2019, sbs.com.au
10 ‘Harris Transportable Housing’, Launch Housing, launchhousing.org.au
11 ‘Introducing Hayley, Tiny Homes Foundation Ambassador’, Tiny Homes Foundation,
9 March 2017, tinyhomesfoundation.org.au
12 Hilary Cottam and Cath Dillon, ‘Learning from London Circle’, Participle Limited, 2014,
13 Hilary Cottam, ‘People are the solution’, Social care, 20 May 2014, socialcare.blog.gov.uk
14 Serena Allott, ‘Full circle: the social network for older people’, The Telegraph, 15 July
2011, telegraph.co.uk
15 Joanne Gray, ‘Three reasons why the trust shift threatens all institutions: Rachel
Botsman’, The Australian Financial Review, 6 June 2017, afr.com
16 Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For?, Zondervan,
Grand Rapids, 2002
17 Rachel Botsman, ‘The currency of the new economy is trust’, TED, ted.com
18 Laura Rediehs, ‘From Dehumanization to Rehumanization’, Carnegie Council for Ethics
in International Affairs, 14 February 2014, carnegiecouncil.org
19 ‘In a digital world, how can being more human be key to unlocking more growth?’,
EY, ey.com

18. A Vision for the Future

  1 University of Arizona, ‘Poor social skills may be harmful to health’, ScienceDaily,
6 November 2017, sciencedaily.com
  2 University of Plymouth, ‘Transforming Outdoor Learning in Schools: Lessons from
the Natural Connections Project’, September 2016, plymouth.ac.uk
  3 Kate E. Lee et al., ‘40-­second green roof views sustain attention: The role of micro-­breaks
in attention restoration’, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Vol. 42, June 2015
  4 William Browning et al., ‘14 Patterns of Biophilic Design’, Terrapin Bright Green, 2014,
  5 Timothy D. Wilson et al., ‘Just think: The challenges of the disengaged mind’, Science,
Vol. 345 No. 6192, 4 July 2014
  6 Ritu Sharma, ‘Our Curated Lives: The Insanity of Living Monotonously Happy, Perfect
and Successful Lives’, HuffPost, 6 December 2017, huffpost.com
  7 Laura Rediehs, ‘From Dehumanization to Rehumanization’, Carnegie Council for Ethics
in International Affairs, 14 February 2014, carnegiecouncil.org
  8 Diana Hembree, ‘CEO Pay Skyrockets To 361 Times That Of The Average Worker’,
Forbes, 22 May 2018, forbes.com


  9 Helen Russell, The Year of Living Danishly: Uncovering the secrets of the world’s
happiest country, Icon Books, London, 2015
10 Charles Montgomery, ‘The happy city experiment’, TEDx Talks, Vancouver,
24 December 2014, youtube.com
11 Donald Keys, Earth at Omega: Passage to Planetization, Branden Press, Massachusetts, 1982


The page numbers listed refer to errors in the printed book. All references in Notes are sequential and
correctly refer to the source.

p. 61, references 15 and 16 are not sequential

p. 151, reference 14 appears after reference 20
p. 185, reference 11 appears after reference 14
p. 204, reference 32 and 33 are not sequential


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