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Historical Linguistics: Name: Diajeng Ayu Sukma Nita NIM: 03010320012 Class: A

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Name : Diajeng Ayu Sukma Nita

NIM : 03010320012
Class :A

Historical Linguistics
Introduction of Historical Linguistics
 Historical linguistics is the study of language change, its know as diachronic
 The term diachronic is derived from Greek dia- “through” + chronos “time” “time” +
 Diachronic linguistics concerned to language change or language over time
 Historical linguistics is very important because it contributes significantly to other
sub-areas of linguistics
 Historical linguistics can be said as the foundation in studying linguistics

Kinds of Linguistic Changes

 There are some kinds of linguistics changes ( sound change, grammatical change,
lexical change, semantic change, borrowing and so on )
 There are four periods of linguistics changes, old english, middle english, early of
modern anglish and modern english
 It is the change in translation of the bible below as a small sample from various
stages of englih
1. Old English ( The West-Saxon Gospels, c. 1050)
2. Middle English ( The Wycliff Bible, fourteen century )
3. Early Modern English ( The King James Bible, 1611 )
4. Modern English ( The New English Bible, 1961 )
From the translation in each period above, we can compare the linguistics changes
 The first changes are about sound changes
 The second change is lexical change
 The third change is grammatical change
 There are no many changes in Early Modern English to Modern English. The first
change is sound change. In Early Modern English was not pronounced in exactly the
same way as Modern English. The second change is lexical. The word bewrayeth in
Early Modern English has been replaced by the word ‘speak evil of, to expose ( a
deception ) in Modern English. The third change is about grammatical ( syntatic and
morphological change )
 English Modern was influenced by some other languages. Languages also change
because the community in which it is spoken change
 We can take the history of other countries, when they came to England. Roman is
the first colonizer, conquered some districts in England, then brought Christian
religian to England.
 The second new comer was German. German ( Anglo and Saxon ) come to England
not for conquered.
 The third of new comer in England was Scandinavian ( denmark )
 The next colonizer was Norman ( the people from French; Normandy )
 The influence of the foreign languages to english was not only in words from but also
pronounciation, grammatical gender, adjective, definite article, syntax and so on. All
of them gave impact to the linguistic change
 The process of linguistic change through the borrowing, it was not only words but
also any linguistics material such as sounds, phonological rules, grammatical
morphemes, syntactic patterns, and so on such as in expamples above

Language Family
Language means any district linguistics variety which is mutually unintelligible with other
such varieties. A language family is a group of genetically related languages, that is,
languages which share a linguistic kinship by virtue of having developed from a common
ancestor. Language families can be of different magnitudes; that is, they can involve
different time depths, so that some larger-scale families may include smaller-scale families
among their members of brancesh.

Exercise !
1. Synchronic linguistics is refers to a language at a one point in time, for example, we
write an English grammar at present-day as a spoken in some particular speech
Diachronic linguistics,The term diachronic is derived from Greek dia- “through” +
chronos “time” “time” + -ic. Diachronic linguistics concerned to language change or
language over time.
2. I think its possible to historical linguistics has relation to history of language. Because
according to the study of language change. It concerned to language to clanguage
change or language over time. It like when we are study linguistics changes from Old
English to Modern English.
Linguists and Their Theories
Introduction of Linguists and Their Theories
 There are some modern linguists in the world. Each of them develops their theories
and concepts in different ways. Nevertheless they could be classified into several
groups in which they were a pioneer
 Leonard Bloomfield, Ferdinand de Saussure and Noam Chomsky were linguists who
became the first men in introducing theory and concept differently in linguistic
 Leonard Bloomfield introduces “The Discovery of The Phoneme”
 Ferdinand de Saussure offered structuralism in studying linguistic
 Noam Chomsky proposed generative grammar as new perspective in analyzing

Biography of Linguists and Their Theories

Leonard Bloomfield
 Leonard Bloomfield was born on April 1, 1887, in Chicago, Illinois
 Leonard Bloomfield is the son of Juden Sigmund and Carola Buber Bloomfield
 Leonard Bloomfield was graduated from Harvard College at 19 years old. Then, he
finished his graduate studies at the university of Wisconsin
 His interest in linguistics grew after hearing lectures by Eduard Prokosch, a
philologist in the German Department
 In 1909, Leonard Bloomfield became an intructore of German Language at the
University of Cincinnati
 In 1913-1914, Leonard Bloomfield spent more than a year in Germany. He was
studying at the universities of Leipzig and Gottingen
 In 1917, Leonard Bloomfield became interested in the Algonquian Lnguage
 In 1921, Leonard Bloomfield became professor of German and Linguistics at the Ohio
State University
 Leonard Bloomfield’s contribution to linguistics can be summed up briefly. He is the
first linguist that explicity state if the object of linguistic study is the smallest unit of
sound and what may be directly bulit upon that
 Leonard Bloomfield says that linguistics would concist of two main investigations.
The first investigaton was phonetics and the second investigation is was semantics
 Through phonetic and semantic, Leonard Bloomfield offered a complete
methodology. In this methodology, he used phoneme as the basic unit in analizing
 In addition to the concept of phoneme, Leonard Bloomfield also proposedemic units
that are nuilt data from a lower level of analysis
 It was assumed that the complexities of syntax would keep linguists busy for a very
long time
 Leonard Bloomfield never proposed that linguistics could one day take data from a
syntactical analysis and use it on a semantic level of analysis. It means that Leonard
Bloomfield’s theory and methodology is a series of steps from raw phometic data , to
phonemic, to morphological, to syntactic

Ferdinand de Saussure
 Ferdinand Morgin de Saussure, people usually called with Ferdinand de Saussure
( 1857-19130
 Ferdinand de Saussure is one of the linguists who had great influence to linguists
 Ferdinand de Saussure is a France linguists
 Ferdinand de Saussure interest in the nature of language grew at fifteen
 Ferdinand de Saussure wrote Memoire sur la systeme primitif de voyelles dans les
langues indo-europeens at 21 years old
 Ferdinand de Saussure laid the framework for structuralism. Stucturalism is an
approach to the human sciences that attempts to analyze a specific field as a
complex system of interrelated parts
 What does structuralism do? They analyzes at the units of a system and the rules
that make that system work
 Structuralist analysis places these systems as universal. Every human mind in every
culture at every point in history has used some sort of structuring principle to
organize and understand cultural phenomena
 According to structuralism, all of these organizations are governed by structures
which are univeral :
a. Signifer and Signified
b. Parole and Langue
c. Syntagmatic and Associative Relations
Noam Chomsky
 Noam Chomsky was norn in 1928
 Noam Chomsky was born and raisedin Philadelphia, Pennysylvania
 Noam Chomsky was educated at the University of Pennyslvania
 Noam Chomsky was an American linguist, educator, and political activist
 Noam Chomsky is the founder of transformational-generative grammar, a system
that revolitionized modern linguistics
 Noam Chomsky created amd etablished a new field of linguistics, generative
 In 1957, Noam Chomsky published this theory and called as transformational-
generative grammar through his book, Syntactic Structures
 Noam Chomsky placed linguistics at the core of studies of the mind. He claimed
that linguistic theory must write univeral similarities between all languages
 According to Chomsky, one of the fundamental aspects of human language is its
creative nature. So, we do not seem to learn or to speak language by purely
imitating other people
 Noam Chomsky, whose theories evolved during the late 1950s through 1970s to
replace the previous structuralist and behavorist models of language, believes the
structure of language is determined by an innate, autonomous formal system of


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