Environmental Management System: SANS/ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management System: SANS/ISO 14001:2015
Environmental Management System: SANS/ISO 14001:2015
SANS/ISO 14001:2015
1. Introduction
Sustainable companies have recognised that proper management of an organisation’s
energy, natural resources and waste has a substantial effect on its economic and
environmental performance. Over the years small and big companies have implemented
SANS/ISO 14001 to increase their chances of thriving in the globally competitive market.
1. Introduction 3
7. Training solutions 9
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2. What is SANS/ISO 14001 all about
An Environmental Management System helps organisations identify, manage, monitor
and control their environmental issues in a “holistic” manner.
SANS/ISO 14001 can easily be combined with any management system and is suitable
for organisations of all types and sizes, be they private, not-for-profit or governmental.
It requires that an organisation considers all environmental issues relevant to its
operations, such as air pollution, water and sewage issues, waste management, soil
contamination, climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as resource use and
A majority of organisations around the world have either directly or indirectly impacted
the environment over the past decade of stakeholders. 3. The benefits of SANS/ISO 14001
SANS/ISO 14001 has recently been revised, with key improvements such as the increased
prominence of environmental management within the organisation’s strategic planning
processes, greater input from leadership and a stronger commitment to proactive initiatives
that boost environmental performance.
Our diverse portfolio of highly skilled and technically competent auditors (SAATCA
registered) including high standards of ethical conduct provides the basis of impartial
and value add assessments.
01 Enquiry received from prospective client 06 Stage 2 assessment (Stage 2 to be conducted within 9 months from
Stage 1 assessment)
05 Stage 1 assessment conducted to evaluate readiness for Stage 2 10 Re-certification every 3 years
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7. Training solutions
The SABS Training Academy continues to bring to your doorstep quality training and
development to various management system standards. We actively train industry on
creating overall organisational awareness and implementation of management systems
(SANS/ISO 9001, SANS/ISO 14001, SANS/ISO 45001, FSSC, SANS/ISO 22001, etc.)
Our training sessions are focussed on capacitating management, quality practitioners,
internal audit teams and staff which underpins the successful implementation and
entrenchment of management systems.
The Academy is accredited with SAATCA for the Lead auditor courses in QMS/EMS/
OHSMS and ISO 22000. The Academy is also licensed as a trainingorganisation with
FSSC for all FSSC courses (Introduction, awareness, transition, implementation and
auditing levels).
6. Preparing for Certification The series of courses offered within this quality faculty will enhance the understanding
of the standards and their requirements, thus enabling learners to implement and
• Obtain SANS/ISO 14001 standard ([email protected]) maintain such systems in their respective organisational environments. The most recent
• Understand the requirements of SANS/ISO 14001 information on our training schedule, applications and pricing is available on our website
• Involve executive management and make them understand the concepts and obtain www.sabs.co.za.
their commitment
• Establish an environmental management steering committee
• Train management and employees that will be involved in the implementation and
maintenance of SANS/ISO 14001
• Conduct an environmental compliance audit
• Communicate the certification implementation plan to all employees in the company
• Create self-assessment questions and identify any gaps
• Determine internal and external issues relevant to the context of the organisation
• Determine the needs and expectations of interested parties
• Identify the organisation’s activities, products, services and key processes as well as
the interactions these have with each other.
• Establish environmental objectives and action plans
• Establish environmental documented information and relevant procedures
• Establish an internal auditing programme
• Measure conformance and compliance with the documented information and
• Plan actions to address risks and opportunities
• Conduct a management review
• Establish a comprehensive corrective action plan
• Review results and act appropriately
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Head office: Telephone number: Website:
1 Dr Lategan Road + 27 12 428 7911 or www.sabs.co.za
Groenkloof 0861 277 227
0001 Fax number:
+ 27 12 344 1568
Postal address:
Private Bag X191 E-mail address:
Pretoria [email protected]
@SABSapproved @SABSapproved SABS Approved South African Bureau of Standards