Riview Jurnal 5 B.ing

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Jurnal 5 :

Title : Stylistic Analysis of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter

Journal : Stylistic Analysis
Email :-
Address : Central Mindanao University, Philippines
Year :-
Author : Rene Marquez Bonifacio
Published :-
Reveiwer : Dara Dwi mei Nanda
Keywords : Style, Transformational Grammar, Harry Potter, J. K. Rowling
Scope : J. K. Rowling mostly used compound complex, declarative, simple
past, and active voice.
The problem raised :
This study mainly investigates the stylistic features in the novel hinging heavily on the
theory of cohesion in discourse, and reveals that various stylistic features are used by the
novelist to communicate the writer’s thematic concerns. They include substitution,
repetition, conjunctions, digression, temporal abridgement and figurative language.

Research purposes :
The paper examines language use in African fiction through a stylistic appraisal of Ayi
Kwei Armah’s The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born. A fiction which ponders on the
corruption that pervades Ghana even after independence, the novel reveals interesting
societal vices through the hero, The Man. This study mainly investigates the stylistic
features in the novel hinging heavily on the theory of cohesion in discourse, and reveals
that various stylistic features are used by the novelist to communicate the writer’s
thematic concerns.

Research Method :
This study is a qualitative descriptive study with the application of stylistics

Research result :
Stylistics is simply the study of style. In stylistics, texts of various disciplines
can be seen as “language in action”. Defining stylistics therefore presupposes a
clear understanding of the term “style”, which refers to the way language is used
in a given context, by a given person, for a given purpose. Style relates the critic’s
concern of aesthetic properties with the linguist’s concern of linguistic
description. As a vehicle of communication, style consists of five parts: the
encoding of the message, the transmission, its realization as a signal, its reception
and its decoding. There are three significant views to the study of stylistics:
dualism, monism and pluralism. Dualism distinguishes between the “manner” of a
text and its “matter”; this distinction is between “textual expression” and “textual
content”. Dualists therefore restrict style to those choices which concern “manner”
or “form” rather than “matter” or “content”. During the period, style was
classified into three strata: a. The low (plain) style; b. The middle (mean) style; c.
The elevated (grand) style. Each of the above levels was linguistically and extra-
linguistically unique and motivated. “Persuasion”, the business of rhetoric was
also the concern of style besides writing.
Banjo (1982) defines stylistics as “the exhaustive study of the role of language
in literary works”. In stylistics, we find a meeting point between literary and non-
literary study of texts. Stylistics is a registration of a writer’s artistic prowess in
the communication of themes, and this is achieved through the manipulation of
the linguistic repertoire at the disposal of the writer. Selecting or ordering
language, as well as deviating from the norm is essentially the concern of style.
Distinction exists between stylistic, grammatical and non-stylistic choice.
Halliday’s (1971) conceptual tools for the analysis of discourse, facilitates the
textual analysis of selected samples from the novel, The Beautyful Ones Are Not
Yet Born. He opines that substitutions, conjunctions, repetitions, ellipses and
other linguistic properties make texts cohere. The rhetorical functions of such
linguistic devices are obvious as will be seen in the subsequent sections of this
study. According to Halliday (1978), text refers to any passage, written or spoken
irrespective of the length that constitutes a linguistic entity. See Fakuade
(1998:24) who cites that “texture”, “tie” and “cohesion” characterize texts.
We consider the stylistic features in The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born as
evident in our twelve corpora below:
Corpus 1:

You see, we can share,’ he said, as he came up to the man. But only the
unending rattle of the bus answered and absorbed his words. The man in the back
seat just sat and his eyes just stared, even when the conductor brought his cigarette
to within about a foot of his face.... Then a savage indignation filled the
conductor. For in the soft vibrating light inside the bus, he saw running down
from the left corner of the watcher’s mouth, a stream of the man’s spittle. Oozing
freely, the oil-like liquid first entangled itself in the fingers of the watcher’s left
hand, underneath… the watcher was no watcher after all, only a sleeper (p.5).

Corpus 2:

I know people who won more than five hundred cedis last year. They still
haven’t got their money.’ ‘Have they been to the police?’ ‘To help them get their
money?’ ‘You’re joking,’ said the messenger with some bitterness. ‘It costs you
more money if you go to the police that are all.’ ‘What will you do? the man
asked. ‘I hope some official at the lottery place will take some of my hundred
cedis as bribe and allow me to have the rest.’ The messenger’s smile was dead.
‘You will be corrupting a public officer.’ The man smiled.‘This is Ghana,’ the
messenger said … (pp.18-19).
“Point of view” refers to the manner narratives are told. It makes clear the
place of the narrator in the story. The trio “person” “mask” and “narrator” form a
novelist’s narrative media as he attempts to enact realism into his story 4. Ayi
Kwei Armah’s The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born is told with the third person
Abrams (1981:62) evolves the “showing” and “telling” methods of
characterization in narratives. We note that the stylistic potency of the telling
method over the showing or dramatic method is that the former affords a writer
the opportunity to enact his evaluative remarks on the actions and utterances of
the characters as the story unfolds whereas the latter only leaves the reader
making inferences or deductions from what the characters say and do 8. In
exploring the advantages which the telling method affords the writer, the
omniscient point of view enables the writer to capture a wide range of
characterization possibilities as he clings to his didactic and thematic concerns.

Corpus 3:
“checking the coins against the tickets, he began to count the morning’s take. It
was mostly what he expected at […] was certainly easier, but at the same time not
as satisfactory as in the swollen days after pay day” (p.1).

Corpus 4:
Zacharias Lagos, living so long here that he had forgotten he was ever a Nigerian.
Working for a Sawmill and getting, in the days of pounds and shillings, ten
pounds twelve a month…when he was caught people called him a good, generous
man, and cursed the jealous man who had informed on him.

Corpus 5:
There would always be only one way for the young to reach the glean… eating
the fruits of fraud (p.95).

It is obvious that images are instruments of metaphorical expressions, and they

are tied to writers’ authorial statements. In playing with the reader’s sense of
hearing (phonological features) through the choice of the words “fruits” and”
fraud”, Armah is theme-driven; “fruits of fraud” is thematically appropriate as
stylistic unusual collocates because the central message of the novel is “that
corruption pervades the society”. Another metaphorical device in the novel is
Corpus 6:
Outside, the sight of the street itself raised thoughts of the reproach of loved
ones, coming in silent sounds that ate into the mind in wiry spirals and stayed
there circling in tightening rings, never letting go (p.35). The extract above shows
the linguistic prowess of the author who relies on metaphor in capturing the
intense concern which the character has for his povertystricken nuclear family
members. Literal language may not be able to convey the atmosphere which the
use of “silent sounds that […] wiry spirals and stayed… in tightening rings […]”
conveys in the text 11.

Corpus 7:
… coming in silent sounds that ate into the mind in wiry spirals and stayed
there… (p.35)

The use of the expressions “silent sounds that ate” and “[…] and stayed” is a
transfer of inanimate attributes (personification) to the abstract noun, “sounds”.
Rhetorical elements in The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born perform dual
functions: they convey speakers’ illocutionary goals and create linguistic flavour
12. The following rhetorical devices abound in the narration:

Corpus 8:
These were the men who had finally, and so early, so surprisingly early, seen
enough of something in their own lives and in the lives around them to convince
them of the final, futility of efforts to break the mean monthly cycle of debt and
borrowing, borrowing and debt (pp. 21 & 22).

Although repetition is capable of phonological effects in literary works, it

concretizes and draw readers’ attention to writers’ message; repetition is for
emphasis. The elements which exemplify repetition in the above extract are the
alternated (“debt and borrowing”, “borrowing and debt”). The writer uses this
device to capture the “repeated” experiences (cycle) and practices of the people of
Ghana during Passion Week.
Corpus 9:
“Have they been to the police?’ ‘To help them get their money?” (p.18)

We note that rhetorical questions are used in the narration as a result of the
linguistic presuppositions which the characters have with one another, or as a
result of writer-reader shared linguistic presuppositions. Rhetorical questions in
the novel are theme-laden and are indirect speech acts. The decoder of Corpus 9
understands it as an indirect speech act13.
Corpus 10:
So the conductor had not lowered his eyes. Instead he had kept them fastened to
the hungry eyes of the giver of the cedi, and fed them with admiration. He had
softened his own gaze the better to receive the masculine sharpness of the giver’s
stare (p.2)

Journal of Excellence :
In this journal is very complete and well presented so that it makes it easier for
readers to understand what is written by the author.

Journal of loss :
In this journal it is very complete but the language used is too complicated so if
those who have no experience reading it will feel more difficult to interpret and

Conclusion :
Fiction presupposes authorial use of diverse narrative techniques, and this
process is messagedriven as every literary writer communicates central and
subthemes through the agency of linguistic and extralinguistic elements. Thus,
Armah succeeds in conveying his thematic pre-occupations in The Beautyful
Ones Are Not Yet Born. The various stylistic methods the writer uses in the
novel: point of view, reminiscence, temporal abridgement, textual cohesive
devices, digression, figurative language, among others, interacts with his
ideological underpinning on the issue of corruption in society. We note that
fiction writers do not just ignore writer-reader shared knowledge even when they
make use of the omniscient narration point of view. They align with their
audience but stick to their message; achieving these two ends is essentially
stylistic prowess. Our effort in this study accentuates the fact that in literary
works, meaning transcends the signification for which formal linguistics is
known; meaning is taken to be a function of the relationship which this
signification and the value these elements take on as elements in a pattern created
in the context.

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