Annie Dan

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Annie Dan!


Dan Hi Annie, how are thinkgs?

A Fine

D Um, look. Are you free at lunchtime?

A Yes

D Great. Could we meet? I need help to buy some clotes for this evening.

A Yeah, sure. But what about Martina? Can´t she help?

D Well I´m meeting her this evening for dinner. She always says I wear the same old clothes, so I want to get something
new. I want to surprise her.

A OK, sure. I´m free at 12:30.

A So what are you looking for?

D I don´t know really. A shirt and trousers. Just something casual.

A OK. What size are you ?

D In trousers 32……. OK, 34.

A Or 36? And probably a large for the shirt?

D Yeah, I think so.

A What colour would you like ?

D Oh, I don´t know. Something dark?

A What about this?.......... Why don´t you try them on ?

D OK. Excuse me , Where are the fitting rooms?

SHOP ASSISTANT The fitting rooms are just over there, sir.

D Thanks.

SA Thanks you.

D What do you think?

A No…..

D This one?

A Ugh……

D And this ?

A No, try the next one.

D How about this one?

A No Dan…….. That´s it ! That looks great.

D These are main! This is what I came in!

A Well, it looks really good on you…..

SA Can I help you, sir.

D Hi. There´s no price on these shoes. How much are they?

SA They´re 49.99

D Great. I´ll take them.

A And these troursers and this shirt, please.

SA All together that´s 115.97 please.

D Can I pay by card?

SA No sorry, only cash. But there´s a cash machine just over there.

D OK, thanks. I´ll be right back.

A Where is Dan?

D Here

SA Found it?

D Yes, thank.

SA There you go, sir.

D Thanks you.

SA Thanks you. Take care now.

A Bye

Hello! Can I help you?

Yes, I´m looking for a t-shirt.

What colour?

Dark green.

What size


OK, here you are.

Thanks. How much is it?


May I help you?

Yes, please. I´m looking for a jacket.

Here´s a nice jacket.

But this is a purple jacket.

That´s ok. Purple jacket are very popular this year.

How many items do you have?


Do you have this in a bigger size?

I can check for you, what size do you need?

I need a size large

Do you have these shoes in size 12?

I love this shoes.

This shoes would look so good on you.

Go try it on

Can I try this one.

Alexis Paul! Hi
Paul Hi Alexis, how are you think?
Alexis Fine
Paul Um, look. Are you free at lunchtime?
Alexis Yes
Paul Great. Could we meet? I need help to buy shoes for this evening.
Alexis Yeah sure. But what about Targelia? Can't she help?
Paul Well yes she will go too but we need your help.
Alexis OK, sure. I´m free at 12:30.

Alexis So what are you looking for?

Paul Just something casual.
Jazmin May I help you?
Paul Yes, please. we looking for a shoes.
Jazmin Here´s a nice shoes.
Paul But this is purple shoes.
Jazmin That´s ok. Purple shoes are very popular this year.
Alexis OK. What size are you?
Paul In shoes 37……. OK, 38.
Alexis To Or 39?
Paul Yeah, I think so.
Alexis Do you have this in a bigger size?
Jazmin I can check for you, what size do you need?
Paul I need a size 39
Alexis What about this? .......... Why don't you try them on?
TARGELIA This shoes would look so good on you.
TARGELIA Go try it on
Paul Can I try this one.
Jazmin YEAH sure
Paul OK. Excuse me, Where are the fitting rooms?
Jazmin The fitting rooms are just over there, sir.
Paul Thanks.
Jazmin Thanks you.
TARGELIA Do you have these shoes in size 12?
Jazmin ummmmm no, sorry
TARGELIA No problem. I needed a size small.

Paul What do you think?

Alexis That´s it! That looks great.
TARGELIA I love this shoes.

Alexis it looks really good on you… ..

Paul Great. I´ll take them.
Alexis and do you want those shoes?
TARGELIA NO. I'm just looking
Paul take them I pay.
TARGELIA seriously?
Paul yes
TARGELIA Tanks you.
TARGELIA love these shoes too
Jazmin Can I help you, sir.
Paul Hi. There´s no price on these shoes. How much are they?
Jazmin They´re 49.99
Jazmin All together that's 115.97 please.
Paul Can I pay by card?
Jazmin No sorry, only cash. But there´s a cash machine just over there.
Paul OK, thanks. I´ll be right back.
Jazmin Found it?
Paul Yes, thank.
Jazmin There you go, sir.
Paul Thanks you.
Jazmin Thanks you. Take care now.

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