Safety Concerns On Ayurvedic Herbomineral Formulations-Myth or Reality?

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Safety Concerns on Ayurvedic Herbomineral

Formulations—Myth or Reality?
Shreshtha Kaushik, 2Rohit Singh, 3Pramod Yadav, 4Galib Ruknuddin, 5Pradeep Kumar Prajapati

ABSTRACT strong network of sophisticated laboratories, scientists of

biotechnology, and Ayurvedic physicians can be developed.
Background: Ayurveda, systematically evolved science of the
universe, focuses on preventing, preserving health, and curing How to cite this article: Kaushik S, Singh R, et al. Safety
diseases in a comprehensive way. This heritage is survived Concerns on Ayurvedic Herbomineral Formulations—Myth or
through the ages and Ministry of Ayurvedic, Yoga and Naturopathy, Reality? J Drug Res Ayurvedic Sci 2018;3(4):234-241.
Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH) took a number of Source of support: Nil
initiatives to showcase its usefulness at global levels. Exclusive
and extensive use of various metals and minerals in therapeutics Conflict of interest: None
is an integral part in Ayurveda. But, safety and toxicity concerns
in the past couple of decades opened debates in conventional
community, which attempted to malign the glory of Ayurveda. INTRODUCTION

Aim: The aim of this study is to review classical concepts and Traditional systems of medicines are being utilized since
published researches on metallic formulations and generate thousands of years for healthcare by individuals in coun-
evidences inferring the effectiveness and safety of Ayurveda tries of the South-East Asia Region as well as in other
interventions in different pathologies. parts of the world. In recent times, public interest has
Results: Classical Ayurveda texts are filled with comprehensive shifted toward traditional medicines for various concerns.
information pertaining to drug collection, storage and They continued to be a valuable source of remedies to the
preservation methods, standards of raw materials, standard people around the world to secure their health.1 World
operative procedures for different dosage forms, quality
Health Organization (WHO) also encourages, recom-
control aspects for finished products, shelf life, posology,
safety, adverse drug reactions (ADRs) on inappropriate use mends, and promotes traditional medicines in national
of medicines and their management, concurrent diet advices, health programs because such drugs are easily available,
etc., to avoid possible ill effects. It infers that the seers were comparatively safe, and people have faith in such remedies,
well studied about good collection practices (GCPs), good and their industrial production is environment friendly.2
storage practices (GSPs), good manufacturing processes They are attracting attention of developing countries too
(GMPs), therapeutic use of such formulations, good dispensing
as an alternative or adjuvant to synthetic drugs.
practices (GDPs), good agricultural and collection practices
(GACPs), etc., and took maximum care in the management of The Ayurvedic Materia Medica comprises of resources
diseases. To substantiate classical concepts, a good number of plant, animal, metal, and mineral origin,3 which have
of studies on herbomineral and metallic formulations have been advocated for use in different pathologies. Exclu-
been conducted that have proven their safety and efficacy. sive and extensive use of various metals and minerals in
Conclusion: It can be said that rational use of Ayurvedic therapeutics is an integral part in this system of medicine.
formulations is well established before the period of Charaka Often, these resources (plant, animal, metal, and mineral)
Samhita, more than 5,000 BC. All the safety and efficacy are being used as ingredients of poly-herbal, herbomineral,
concerns raised in the recent past are possibly some part of
and metallic compound formulations by the seers, who
conspiracy that needs to be addressed systematically.
have documented their clinical experiences and passed
Keywords: Herbomineral formulations, Metals, Multicentric on the knowledge to further generations. Comprehensive
studies, Safety, Toxicity. description of drugs, their varieties, characteristics, identifi-
Clinical significance: Besides preclinical studies, simple cation methods, guidelines toward good collection practices
case studies to multicentric studies can be initiated. A (GCPs), good storage practices (GSPs), good manufacturing
processes (GMPs), therapeutic use of such formulations,
MD Scholar, 3Assistant Professor, 4Associate Professor,
Professor good dispensing practices (GDPs), regulations towards
specific diet and deeds during treatment, possibilities of
Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, All
India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India developing adverse effects and their management, etc., is
vividly available in the classical texts of Ayurveda.
Corresponding Author: Shreshtha Kaushik, MD Scholar
Department of Rasa Shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, All India Considering the potentiality and possibility of signifi-
Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India, Phone: +91 7982681421; cant contribution of Ayurveda in global healthcare, the
e-mail: [email protected] science is receiving momentum as an effective alternative


Safety Concerns on Ayurvedic Herbomineral Formulations—Myth or Reality?

to the conventional system of medicine by virtue of its sys- characteristic feature in Ayurveda. Different categories of
tematic approach to cure and prevent ailments through metals, minerals, and other schedule E-1 drugs being used
natural resources.4,5 Being used for over a long period, therapeutically in the system of Ayurveda are depicted at
these medicines are acknowledged as safe, which is the Table 1. Various herbal or animal resources used during
ultimate proof for their nontoxic beneficial effects. different pharmaceutical procedures help in converting
However, in the past couple of decades, the use of the minerals and metals into bio-assimilable forms. Seers
traditional interventions including Ayurveda has raised have prescribed specific processing techniques (Shodhana,
safety, efficacy, and toxicity concerns and initiated debates Marana, etc., exclusively for schedule E-1 drugs and other
in scientific conventional community.6-14 In addition to drugs of metallic/mineral origin), which help in remov-
this, UN Environment Programme (UNEP) released a ing hazardous properties from these drugs. Classics have
report Mercury—Time to Act, where imposing a ban on also prescribed testing methods (like Bhasma pariksha),
mercury for trade considering its effect on environment which will tell the manufacturer whether the drug has
has been put forward.15 Such controversies have tried to attained a form, which does not have hazardous proper-
malign the reputation of Ayurveda at global levels. ties when used properly, i.e., with specified adjuvants and
dosage prescribed by a physician. In the absence of such
typical pharmaceutical procedures, there is a possibility
Classical texts of Ayurveda including Charaka samhita, of toxicity.16
Sushruta Samhita, and Ashtanga hridaya were reviewed Parada (mercury), one of such important metals, is
for classical information. Published researches available inseparable part of Ayurveda and is used in prepara-
at online databases like PubMed, etc., were screened to tion of various formulations like Makaradhwaja, Rasa
collect information. sindhura, etc. Classical preoperative procedures like
Shodhana, Marana, etc., are mandatorily to be followed in
the pharmaceutical processes of these formulations. Such
Concerns on Metal /Mineral-based Formulations procedures are anticipated to make the metals/minerals
(Rasa aushadhi) harmless and render suitable for therapeutic use. Meticu-
Using processed metals/minerals, herbomineral prepa- lous guidelines have been laid down in classical texts
rations, i.e., Rasaushadhi in healthcare is the unique while preparing Rasaushadhies.17 In due course of time,

Table 1: Categorization of metals, minerals and other schedule E-1 drugs used in Ayurveda therapeutics
Category Description No. Substances under the group
1 Rasa The prime substance of Rasa Shastra 1 Rasa (mercury)
2 Maha Rasa The next important group of minerals 8 Abhraka, Vaikranta, Makshika, Vimala, Shilajatu,
Sasyaka, Chapala, and Rasaka
3 Upa Rasa These are the substances next to 8 Gandhaka, Gairika, Kasisa, Kankshi, Haratala,
Maha Rasa Manahshila, Anjana, and Kankushtha
4 Sadharana Substances next to Upa Rasa are 8 Kampillaka, Gauripashana, Navasadara, Kaparda,
Rasa Sadharana Rasas Vahnijara, Girisindoora, Hingula, and Mriddara Sringa
5 Dhatu Varga Group of metals. Further categorized in to
three subdivisions
Shuddha Pure metals 4 Swarna, Rajata, Tamra, and Loha
Puti Loha Metals, which emits fetid smell while 3 Naga, Vanga, and Yashada
Misra Loha Alloy metals 3 Pittala, Kamsya, and Varta
6 Ratna/Mani Precious stones. Have astrological 9 Manikya, Mukta, Pravala, Marakata, Pushparaga,
importance in addition to their role on Vajra, Indraneela, Gomeda, and Vaidhurya
human health
7 Uparatna Semiprecious stones 6 Vaikranta, Suryakanta, Chandrakanta, Rajavarta,
Varga Pairojaka, and Sphatika
8 Sudha Varga Group of substances, which are rich 12 Sudha, Khatika, Godanti, Swetanjana, Mrigasringa,
calcium compounds Hastidanta, Kurmaprista, Kukkutanda Twak, Shankha,
Shukti, and Shambuka
9 Sikata Varga Silicate compounds 4 Dugdha Pashana, Naga Pashana, Kausheyashma,
and Badarashma
10 Ksara Varga Substances with alkaline nature 3 Tankana, Sarja Ksara, and Yava Ksara
11 Visha Poisonous substances 9 Halahala, Kalakuta, Sringaka, Pradeepana, Saurash-
trika, Brahmaputra, Haridra, Saktuka, and Vatsanabha
12 Upavisha Poisonous substances of less potency 11 Kupeelu, Ahiphena, Jayapala, Dhattura, Bhanga, Gunja,
Bhallataka, Arka, Snuhi, Langali, and Karaveera
Note: Differences of opinions are available regarding the types and numbers of respective categories of substances. Only one version has
been depicted in the table

Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, October-December 2018;3(4):234-241 235

Shreshtha Kaushik et al.

Table 2: Synoptic outlook on anupana, pathya, apathya and chikitsa of ADRs

Name of Anupana Pathya/apathya
S. no. substance Matra (dose) (vehicle) (do’s/don’ts) Chikitsa (treatment)
1 Abhraka 1 Valla (Rasa Madhu, Dug- Apathya—Kshara, Amla, Uma phala (Atasi) rubbed with
Bhasma Ratna Sa- dha, Ghrita Dwidala, Karkati, Vrintaka, water for 3 days (Rasa Jala Nidhi
(mica) mauchya 2/51) Kareera and Taila. (Rasa Vol 2, 1/31)
Jala Nidhi Vol 2, 1/30)
2 Gandhaka 1–8 Ratti (Rasa Godugdha, Apathya—Kshara, Amla, Milk + Ghrita for 5-7 days
(sulfur) Tarangini 8/39) Ghrita, Madhu Lavana, Taila, Sauvira, (Rasayana Sara—Parada
Vidahi Anna, and Dwidala, Prakarana 102)
Indulgence in excessive
physical stress and sexual
excessive travels
3 Haratala 1/4 to 1/2 Ratti Madhu, Ghrita, Pathya—Madhura Rasa, Sharkara + Madhu + Jiraka TDS,
Bhasma (Rasa Tarangini Dugdha, Vasa Saindhava Apathya— Madhu + Kushmanda Swarasa
(orpiment) 11/56) Swarasa, Lavana, Amla, Katu Rasa, TDS, Ajaji + Sharkara, Yava
Kantakari Vahni & Atapa Sevana Kshara + Kushmanda Swarasa
Swarasa for 3 days (Rasa Jala Nidhi
vol 2, 2/141)
4 Suvarna 1/8 to 1/4 Ratti Dugdha, Ghrita Pathya—Dugdha, Haritaki Churna + Madhu for
Bhasma (Rasa Tarangini Sharkara, Snigdha anna, 3 days (Brihad Rasa Raja
(gold) 15/81) etc., Apathya—Bilwa phala, Sundara, Swarna prakarana
Kakarashtaka (Rasendra khanda 1, p 64)
Chudamani 14/25)

exclusive techniques have been developed with an inten- extremely well described in classical texts. Qualified
tion to prepare more bio-assimilable forms of metals/ Ayurveda physician should consider these factors before
minerals. Great care has been imposed while using metal- they recommend any medicine in patients.21,22 Right
lic preparations in therapeutics.18 These preparations are drug at the right dose by the right route at the right time
to be administered orally in specified quantities with for the right person will always provide beneficial
great caution along with requisite Anupana (vehicles) effects.23 Increased morbidity, risk of unwanted effects,
like Ghrita (ghee), Dugdha (milk), Madhu (honey), Haritaki etc., have repeatedly been attributed with irrational
(Terminalia chebula), Agastya (Sesbania grandiflora), Sita drug use.24
(sugar), Dhanyaka (Coriandrum sativum), etc. Besides WHO also considers irrational use of medicines
Anupana, exclusive regulations in terms of Ahara (diet) (overuse, underuse, or misuse) as a major problem in
and Vihara (deeds) have also been imposed during the widespread health hazards.25 This aspect has been con-
treatment period, as briefed in Table 2. In the absence of sidered by the pioneers of Ayurveda in addition to other
Anupana and other classical posological considerations, possible ways by which toxicity, untoward effects can
adverse reactions are likely to happen.19 occur and provided all guidelines to avoid such occur-
In susceptible cases of toxicity, drugs are to be with- rences. Even, if in any eventuality, some untoward effects
drawn for 1 or 2 or 3 days and then treatment can be are noticed due to noncompliance of code of conduct, the
continued.20 Treatment for all such occurrences of toxicity treatment procedures for such conditions have also been
is also mentioned in the classics. prescribed (Table 2).
The science is filled with concepts pertaining
to drug administration. A few such approaches are
Table 3: Concepts pertaining to drug administration
provided in Table 3 that reveal the vision of the seers
Concept Reference
toward possible posological considerations, phar-
1 Importance of drug Kashyapa Khila 3/111
macokinetics, and dynamics of various categories of examination
formulations. 2 Form of the drug Charaka Sutra 4/7
3 Knowledge of side Kashyapa Khila 3/28
Regular Caution while Using Ayurveda effects
Formulations 4 Persistent use of drugs Kashyapa Khila 3/58-60
5 Post medication Kashyapa Khila 3/65
All the preparations are not recommended for all the precautions
patients. Ayurveda considers various factors before 6 Care to be taken in Kashyapa Khila 3/116
emaciated patients, etc.
administrating a drug. The indications, dose, to whom
7 Dose fixation Astanga Hridaya Kalpa
to administer and to whom not to administer, what Siddhi 6
should be the vehicle, what are the diseases, where 8 Effect of administering in Kashyapa Khila 3/115
they are not recommended, etc. are major factors and excess or less dose


Safety Concerns on Ayurvedic Herbomineral Formulations—Myth or Reality?

Studies that have Proven Efficacy To showcase the actual potentiality, visionary pio-
neers have proposed of developing a strong networking
There are good numbers of studies that have proven
in between sophisticated laboratories and Ayurvedic
significance of Ayurvedic formulations in managing
physicians. At the same time, they suggested of under-
various disorders, where no satisfactory treatment is
standing chemical nature of the finished traditional
available in conventional system of medicine. A first-
products being administered in therapeutics, educating
ever, double blind, randomized, placebo-controlled pilot
regulatory authorities, and consumers about the facts of
study comparing Ayurveda, methotrexate, and their
basic traditional concepts that can help in differentiating
combination, with approximately equivalent efficacy has
myth and reality.48
been reported.26 Formulations like Chandraprabha vati in
In addition to this
diabetes, 27 Garbhachintamani rasa in lipid disorder, 28
• The actual effectiveness of Ayurveda is to be dissemi-
Arogyavardhini vati in hepatic ailments,29 Rasa sindhura
nated through systematically designed researches.
as Rasayana and metabolic deficit reversal agent, 30,31
Though RCTs are undisputed gold standards in
Makaradhwaja in rheumatoid arthritis and as an antistress
researches of synthetic drugs, as such, they cannot
agent,32,33 Rajata bhasma as an hypnotic and analgesic
be applied to Ayurveda. Approaches like whole body
agent,34,35 Sameerapannaga rasa in bronchial asthma,36,37
systems, multiphase optimization strategy (MOST),
and Yashada bhasma in diabetes38 have been established.
strengthening the reporting of observational studies
Formulations like Swasa kuthara rasa, Smriti sagara rasa,
in epidemiology (STROBE), etc., are to be attempted
Swarnamakshika bhasma, Hridayarnava rasa, and Tamra
in researches that include Ayurveda drugs.
bhasma are reported to be free from genotoxic potential.39-42
• Simple case studies to multicentric studies can be
Though mercury is said to be a potent neurotoxin, Rasa
initiated at least for noncommunicable diseases to
sindhura and Kajjali are proven to be safe and free from tox-
show the potentiality of Ayurveda in providing sat-
icity on the Zebra fish behavior model.43 All such studies
isfactory results.
on Ayurvedic formulations provided leads, emphasizing
• Regulation of private AYUSH practices and accredit-
safety, efficacy, and usefulness of traditional systems of
ing mechanism at regular intervals may be thought of.
medicines. A few more such evidences are given in Table 4.
• Empowering the farmers and villages with good
cultivation, good agriculture practices. AYUSH Gram
Proven Facts
Yojana, the one initiated in Madhya Pradesh, may be
Absorption, distribution, and excretion of all metallic revived and expanded to all states.
compounds vary based on the chemical forms. Absorp-
Shortcomings of previous studies that raised safety
tion of inorganic compounds of mercury in human body
concerns are as follows:
is poor on oral administration (10–15%), while organic
• Conventional scientists were not aware of traditional
mercurial compounds absorb more than 90%. In addition,
principles of patient examination, evaluation, and art
organic mercurials cross blood–brain barrier and blood-
of drug administration.
placental barrier, hence, they are more fatal.44 Interest-
• In most of the western studies, metallic drugs were
ingly, many studies on Ayurvedic mercurial preparations
subjected to chemical examination using standards
have proven the chemical nature of the finished products
applied in modern medicine, focusing only on the
to be inorganic (mostly sulfides).45 Further, traditionally
metallic content. No works are accounted on clinical
prepared mercurials are proven to be different from
or pharmacological aspects by them. The chemical
industrial mercurials and supported safety of such
forms of the metallic preparations were never thought
medicines.46 Researches also established that cinnabar is
to be attempted.
not converted into methylmercury by human intestinal
• The number of cases with adverse reactions with the
bacteria, thus, safe for human administration.47
use of Ayurveda preparations is very few worldwide
against the use of thousands of consumers. While
reports with synthetic drug molecules are very fre-
A drug can be panacea or poison. A drug satisfying quently being published throughout the world. In
the criteria of a standard drug will always become such instances, blaming the traditional practices or
panacea, if it is used properly. On the other hand, a metallic preparations is not appropriate.
poorly prepared or manufactured drug, however, used • In a few cases, the medicines are being purchased as
skillfully, will always prove to be a poison. Importance over the counter or through Internet. This practice is
of Ayurveda in global healthcare cannot be denied at not applicable in the practice of Ayurveda. This also
any platform. indicates the trend of self-medications.

Journal of Drug Research in Ayurvedic Sciences, October-December 2018;3(4):234-241 237

Shreshtha Kaushik et al.

Table 4: Proven safety and efficacy of few ayurvedic formulations

Intervention Activity Result Reference
1 Swarna bhasma Protein adsorption, blood Particles were noncytotoxic Paul W, Sharma CP. Blood
compatibility and compli- compatibility studies of Swarna
ment activation potential in bhasma (gold bhasma), an Ayur-
Caco-2 cell line along with vedic drug. Int J Ayurveda Res
its physicochemical 2011 Jan;2(1):14-22.
2 Mahayograj Heavy metal estimation and Safe at tested dose levels Lavekar GS, Ravishankar B,
Guggulu safety studies in Charles et al. Int J Ayurveda Res
foster strain Albino rats 2010;1(3):150-158
3 Jasada bhasma Safety and bioactivity No bio-accumulation of zinc in Chavare A, Chowdari P, et al.
studies of Jasad Bhasma major organs No deleterious J Ethno pharmacol
and its in-process inter- effect on kidney and liver 2017;197:73-86
mediate in Swiss mice
4 Black Shilajit Evaluation of its safety pro- No significant change was found Velmurugan C, Vivek B, et
file after 91 days repeated in iron level of treated groups. It is al. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed
administration in albino rats safe for long-term use as a dietary 2012;2(3):210-214
5 Lauha Bhasma Acute and subacute toxicity It was found to be safe at the Joshi N, Dash MK, et al. Toxicity
study in Albino rats therapeutic dose and also at five study of Lauha Bhasma (calcined
times the therapeutic dose levels iron) in albino rats. Ancient Sci
Life 2016;35:159-166
6 Immuforte—an Subchronic safety evalu- It does not cause any observable Dhumal R, Patil P, et al.
Ayurvedic ation in Holtzman rats in toxicity up to dose used in the Sub-chronic safety evaluation
immunostimulant reverse pharmacology study (600 mg/kg) administered of ayurvedic immunostimulant
formulation for the period of 90 days and is formulation ‘immuforte’ in rats in
safe for the human use reverse pharmacology. Toxicol Int
7 Basanta Evaluation of their safety No significant changes in cogni- Kumar G, Gupta Y. Evidence for
Kusumakara on neurobehavioral activity tive and motor functions and safety of Ayurvedic herbal, herbo-
Rasa and oxidative stress in male biochemical parameters in doses metallic and Bhasma prepara-
Wistar rats equivalent to the human dose tions on neurobehavioral activity
demonstrates the safety of metal and oxidative stress in rats. Ayu
based Ayurvedic formulations 2012;33(4):569-575
8 Ayurvedic herbo- Total 10 clinical studies These preparations were found Shingadiya RK, Chaudhary S,
metallic prepara- showing their safety and quite safe and effective in chronic et al. Evidence-based safety and
tions containing efficacy in pediatric pediatric disorders such as sickle efficacy of Ayurvedic herbo-
gold, iron, and disorders were compiled cell anemia and seizure with metallic preparations containing
mercury proper dose and adjuvant gold, iron, and mercury with spe-
cial reference to pediatrics. Med J
DY Patil Univ 2017;10:222-228
9 Makaradhwaja Ninety days repeated dose No adverse effect on body Jamadagni S, Jamadagni PS,
oral toxicity weights, feed consumption and et al. Ninety days repeated
biochemical parameters was dose oral toxicity study of
observed on administration of 10 Makaradhwaja in Wistar rats. Ayu
therapeutic equivalent dose (TED) 2017;38:171-178
level. There was no treatment-
related changes observed in the
histopathological evaluation at
dose level 10 TED
10 Rasamanikya Acute and chronic toxicity The dose of 2,000 mg/kg did not Chaudhari SY, Biradar S, et al.
produce any observable toxic Acute and Chronic Toxicity of
effects or mortality in acute toxic- Rasamanikya, an Ayurvedic
ity Safety of Rasamanikya at ther- Arsenical Formulation in Rats.
apeutic and five-fold therapeutic Indian J Pharm Sci
dose level has been revealed in 2018;80(2):325-333
the chronic toxicity study. Mild to
moderate pathological changes
on different hematological, serum
biochemical and cytoarchitecture
of different organs were observed
at 10-fold therapeutic dose level.
Based on these observations,
it can be concluded that Rasa-
manikya is safe at therapeutic
dose levels when used judiciously
along with specified adjuvants


Safety Concerns on Ayurvedic Herbomineral Formulations—Myth or Reality?

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