Facts: Rosaria Lupitan Pang-Et, G.R. No. 167261

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G.R. No. 167261

- versus -
  CATHERINE MANACNES-DAO-AS, Heir of Promulgated: 
MANACNES, March 2, 2007
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The instant petition draws its origin from an Action[4] for recovery of possession of real property
situated in , Sagada filed by herein petitioner before the MCTC against the spouses Leoncio and
Florentina Manacnes the predecessors-in-interest of herein respondent.

the parties agreed to refer the matter to the Barangay Lupon (Lupon) of Dagdag,Sagada for arbitration
Thereafter, the Lupon issued a Certification to File Action 1995 due to the refusal of the Manacnes
spouses to enter into an Agreement for Arbitration

An Order was issued by the MCTC ordering the Lupon to render an Arbitration Award thereon

In compliance with the MCTC Order, the Lupon rendered an Arbitration Award on 10 May 1995 ordering
herein petitioner to retrieve the land upon payment to the spouses Manacnes of the amount of P8,000.00
for the improvements on the land

Florentina Manacnes filed a Motion with the MCTC for the resumption of the proceedings praying that the
MCTC consider her repudiation of the Arbitration

the MCTC heard the Motion of Florentina Manacnes The MCTC denied Florentina Manacnes Motion to
repudiate the Arbitration Award elucidating that since the movant failed to take any action within the 10-
day reglementary period provided for under the Katarungang Pambarangay Law, the arbitration award
has become final and executory upon motion of herein petitioner Pang-et, the MCTC issued an Order
remanding the records of the case to the Lupon for the execution of the Arbitration Award

Said Notice of Execution was never implemented.

petitioner Pang-et filed with the MCTC an action for enforcement of the Arbitration Award

the MCTC dismissed the Petition for Enforcement of Arbitration

Petitioner Pang-ets Motion for Reconsideration having been denied, she filed an Appeal before the RTC
which reversed and set aside the Resolution of the MCTC and remanded the case to the MCTC for
further proceedings

Aggrieved by the reversal of the RTC, herein respondent filed a petition before the Court of Appeals
seeking to set aside the RTC Judgment

The CA affirmed the decision of the RTC. Hence this petition.


WON the Arbitration Award was proper in this case – NO


petitioner Pang-et filed the instant petition. Petitioner maintains that the appellate court overlooked
material facts that resulted in reversible errors in the assailed Decision. According to petitioner, the Court
of Appeals overlooked the fact that the original parties, as represented by their respective counsels in
Civil Case No. 83, mutually agreed to submit the case for arbitration by the Lupon ng Tagapamayapa of
Barangay Dagdag

We do not agree with the petitioner.

First and foremost, in order to resolve the case before us, it is pivotal to stress that, during the initial
hearing before the Lupon ng Tagapamayapa, the spouses Manacnesdeclined to sign the Agreement for
Consequently, the Lupon issued a Certification to File Action 2) that the Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo
was constituted but the personal confrontation before the Pangkat failed likewise because
respondents do not want to submit this case for arbitration and insist that said case will go to

the disputing parties are not compelled to settle their controversy during the barangay proceedings before
the Lupon or the Pangkat, as they are free to instead find recourse in the courts[16] in the event that no
true compromise is reached

Absent this voluntary submission by the parties to submit their dispute to arbitration under the
Katarungang Pambarangay Law, there cannot be a binding settlement arrived at effectively resolving the
case. Hence, we fail to see why the MCTC further remanded the case to the Lupon ng Tagapamayapa
and insisted that the arbitration proceedings continue, despite the clear showing that the spouses
Manacnes refused to submit the controversy for arbitration.

Absent this voluntary submission by the parties to submit their dispute to arbitration under the
Katarungang Pambarangay Law, there cannot be a binding settlement arrived at effectively resolving the
case. Hence, we fail to see why the MCTC further remanded the case to the Lupon ng Tagapamayapa
and insisted that the arbitration proceedings continue, despite the clear showing that the spouses
Manacnes refused to submit the controversy for arbitration.

It should be emphasized that while the spouses Manacnes appeared before the Lupon during the
initial hearing for the conciliation proceedings, they refused to sign the Agreement for Arbitration form,
which would have signified their consent to submit the case for arbitration. Therefore, upon certification
by the Lupon ng Tagapamayapa that the confrontation before the Pangkat failed because the
spouses Manacnes refused to submit the case for arbitration and insisted that the case should go
to court, the MCTC should have continued with the proceedings in the case for recovery of
possession which it suspended in order to give way for the possible amicable resolution of the
case through arbitration before the Lupon ng Tagapamayapa.

, the parties may only be compelled to appear before the Lupon ng Tagapamayapa for the necessary
confrontation, but not to enter into any amicable settlement, or in the case at bar, to sign the Agreement
for Arbitration.

the MCTC should not have persisted in ordering the Lupon ng Tagapamayapa to render an arbitration
award upon the refusal of the spouses Manacnes to submit the case for arbitration since such arbitration
award will not bind the spouses

WHEREFORE, premises considered, the instant petition is hereby DENIED

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