Parenting Stress Theory

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Article  in  Infant Mental Health Journal · June 2018

DOI: 10.1002/imhj.21717


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3 authors, including:

Qiong Wu
Florida State University


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The Ohio State University

ABSTRACT: This article tested a model of parenting stress as a mediator between maternal depressive symptoms, emotion regulation, and child behavior
problems using a sample of homeless, substance-abusing mothers. Participants were 119 homeless mothers (ages 18–24 years) and their young children
(ages 0–6 years). Mothers responded to questions about their depressive symptoms, emotion regulation, parenting stress, and child behavior problems.
A path analysis showed that maternal depressive symptoms were positively associated with child behavior problems through increased parenting stress
whereas maternal cognitive reappraisal was negatively associated with child behavior problems through decreased parenting stress. Moreover, maternal
expressive suppression was negatively related to child externalizing problems. Findings support the parenting stress theory and highlight maternal
parenting stress as a mechanism associated with homeless children’s mental health risk. This study has significant implications for understanding the
parenting processes underlying child’s resilience in the context of homelessness and maternal substance use.
Keywords: homeless mothers, parenting stress, depressive symptoms, behavior problems, substance use

* * *

Substance-abusing, homeless mothers experience high lev- of the intergenerational transmission of risk in mental health and
els of parenting stress, which is exacerbated by their depressive informs intervention programs designed for this population.
symptoms and deficits in regulating emotions (Banyard & Graham-
Bermann, 1998; Weinreb, Buckner, Williams, & Nicholson, 2006).
Children of these mothers are at great risk of adverse outcomes, PARENTING STRESS THEORY
especially elevated behavior problems (Yu, North, LaVesser, Os- Parenting stress theory (Abidin, 1990a, 1992) places parenting
borne, & Spitznagel, 2008; Zima, Wells, Benjamin, & Duan, stress in a central role connecting multiple parental characteris-
1996). However, a limited number of studies has examined ma- tics to dysfunctional parenting behaviors as well as adverse child
ternal factors and child outcomes associated with parenting stress outcomes. Abidin (1990a) conceptualized parenting stress as prob-
among homeless and substance-abusing mothers. The current study lematic situations concerning parental distress and child difficulties
adopted the parenting stress theory (Abidin, 1990a) and tested a within the family. Clearly, homeless, substance-abusing mothers
model of parenting stress as a mediator between maternal depres- experience high levels of parenting stress which can be associated
sive symptoms, emotion regulation, and child behavior problems. with their living situation and parenting practices. Homeless moth-
This study highlights parenting stress as a potential mechanism ers experience great financial stress and can lack resources to meet
food, hygiene, and other physical demands for their children; they
also are not likely able to afford quality and consistent childcare for
This study was funded by NIDA Grant R01DA023062, awarded to second au- their children (Meadows-Oliver, Sadler, Swartz, & Ryan-Krause,
thor. The Ohio State University Institutional Review Board approved all study 2007). Moreover, in the United States, homeless mothers tend to
procedures. We declare that there are no conflicts of interest. All procedures experience high levels of physical and mental health problems and a
performed in this study involving human participants were in accordance with lack of social support, as compared to housed mothers, which limit
the ethical standards of the institutional and/or national research committee their mental resources for meeting parenting demands (Weinreb
and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its later amendments or comparable
ethical standards. Informed consent was obtained from all adult participants et al., 2006). In addition, U.S. mothers who report problem levels
included in the study. of alcohol and drug use tend to report stressful, conflictual, and
Direct correspondence to: Qiong Wu, Department of Human Sciences, The strained relationships with their young children (Berlin, Shanahan,
Ohio State University, Campbell Hall Room 135, 1787 Neil Avenue, Colum- & Appleyard Carmody, 2014; Herbers et al., 2011). In fact, high
bus, OH 43210; e-mail: [email protected]. rates of childhood abuse and neglect have been reported among

INFANT MENTAL HEALTH JOURNAL, Vol. 00(0), 1–8 (2018)

C 2018 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health

View this article online at

DOI: 10.1002/imhj.21717

2 • Q. Wu, N. Slesnick, and A. Murnan

children of homeless and substance-using mothers in both U.S. combined effects of maternal depression and other aspects of psy-
and U.K. samples (Hogan, 1998; Walsh, MacMillan, & Jamieson, chological functioning, such as emotion regulation, have been
2003). As such, the parenting stress of homeless, substance-using largely unexplored.
mothers can be challenging. However, parenting stress among these
mothers has been largely overlooked by researchers.
When mothers report more parenting stress, their children are
at greater risk for internalizing and externalizing problems (Ben-
zies, Harrison, & Magill-Evans, 2004; Zima et al., 1996). A U.S. Mother’s ability to regulate her own emotions is central to the
study compared homeless children to those in low-income families distress that she experiences and the parenting behaviors that she
and found that children’s behavior problems were more related to practices (Lorber, 2012). Emotion regulation is conceptualized as
parental stress than to housing status (Masten, Miliotis, Graham- one’s ability to experience, express, and modulate emotions in
Bermann, Ramirez, & Neemann, 1993). Similarly, the security of adaptive ways (Gross & John, 2003; Thompson, 1994). Two com-
infant attachment was more related to parenting stress than to hous- monly used emotion regulative strategies (Gross & John, 2003) in-
ing status in the United States (Easterbrooks & Graham, 1999). clude cognitive reappraisal and expressive suppression. Cognitive
These findings have indicated that in addition to being homeless, reappraisal occurs when an emotion-eliciting situation is recon-
parenting stress can explain a great deal of the mental health risk ceptualized in a way that changes its emotional impact (Gross &
that these children experience. Prior studies also have revealed the John, 2003; Lazarus & Alfert, 1964). Expressive suppression is
potential mediating relationship of parenting stress on the link be- a form of response modulation that inhibits ongoing emotion-
tween maternal factors and child outcomes. However, no research expressive behaviors (Gross, 1998; Gross & John, 2003). Use
has directly tested a mediation model of parenting stress, espe- of cognitive reappraisal is usually related to decreased stress as
cially in a sample of homeless, substance-abusing mothers. Next, well as increased positive experience and well-being whereas use
evidence of how maternal depression and emotion regulation are of expressive suppression is commonly related to elevated stress
associated with parenting stress is presented. and decreased emotional well-being (Gross & John, 2003; Moore,
Zoellner, & Mollenholt, 2008
Maternal capacities to regulate emotions are associated with
family functioning and child problematic behaviors (Crandall,
Homeless mothers experience significant psychosocial stress, and Ghazarian, Day, & Riley, 2016). Specifically, maternal cognitive
one of the most common mental health challenges is depression reappraisal is associated with less harsh parenting (Lorber, 2012)
(Crawford, Trotter, Hartshorn, & Whitbeck, 2011; Padgett, Gulcur, whereas previous findings about maternal suppression have been
& Tsemberis, 2006). Among a sample of U.S. homeless mothers, mixed. In a sample of healthy and housed U.S. mothers, mater-
the lifetime prevalence of major depressive disorder was 45.0% nal suppression of emotion expression was found to be associated
(1-month prevalence rate = 9.6%) while the lifetime prevalence of with less maternal negativity as well as negative emotions expe-
a substance-use disorder was 41.1% (1-month prevalence rate = rienced and expressed by mothers (Lorber, 2012). However, in a
4.6%). These rates are twice as high as those in a U.S. nationally higher risk U.S. sample in which mothers were below the age of
representative sample (Bassuk, Buckner, Perloff, & Bassuk, 1998; 30, low-income, and experiencing partner’s psychological aggres-
Crawford et al., 2011). Moreover, U.S. studies have found that sion, maternal suppression of emotion expression was found to be
homeless mothers were more likely to experience higher rates positively associated with poor maternal maladjustment, aggres-
of depression, as compared to homeless women without children sion toward children, and more externalizing problems in toddlers
(Bassuk et al., 1998; Marra et al., 2009). (Lorber, Del Vecchio, Feder, & Slep, 2017). Lorber and colleagues
The parenting stress theory posits that depressive mood con- (2017) argued that in the context of family aggression, parents can
tributes to the parenting stress of homeless mothers and elucidates use suppression in situations where it is likely to generate more
contributing factors to parenting stress, which include parental intense negative expressions later.
depression, ability to regulate emotions, and parent–child attach- The interaction patterns between homeless, substance-using
ment (Abidin, 1990a, 1992). Furthermore, U.S. researchers have mothers and their children can be very different since their life can
reported that the association between depression and stress is am- be chaotic and unstructured, and these mothers tend to be disen-
plified with the experience of homelessness (Banyard & Graham- gaged and neglectful toward their children (Hogan, 1998; Walsh
Bermann, 1998). Elevated depressive symptoms create coping dif- et al., 2003). Current research on regulatory processes among
ficulties and increase tension in the mother–child relationship homeless, substance-abusing mothers has been limited. One U.S.
(Goodman, 2007). In addition, depressed mothers tend to rate study has found that homeless mothers used more avoidant reg-
their children as having more problematic behaviors (Webster- ulation strategies than did housed mothers, but no difference on
Stratton & Hammond, 1988) and rate themselves as less compe- cognitive strategies were found (Banyard & Graham-Bermann,
tent with parenting (Gelfand, Teti, & Radin Fox, 1992). However, 1998). However, more research is needed to examine emotion reg-
more recent studies examining the relationship between depres- ulation and how it is associated with parenting stress and child
sion and stress among homeless mothers have been sparse, and the functioning among this special population of at-risk mothers.

Infant Mental Health Journal DOI 10.1002/imhj. Published on behalf of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
Parenting Stress in Homeless Families • 3


Maternal depressive symptoms

Maternal parenting Child behavior

stress problems

Maternal emotion regulation

(Cognitive reappraisal,
Expressive suppression)

FIGURE 1. A conceptual model of the current study.

CURRENT STUDY A majority of women (89.9%) were single mothers. Many mothers
were currently unemployed (63.0%) and had not completed a high-
Given high rates of parenting stress among homeless mothers and
school diploma or its equivalency (43.5%).
the association with child problems, the current study sought to
expand the current literature by specifying the mechanisms under-
lying maternal depressive symptoms, emotion regulation, and child
problems by considering parenting stress as a potential mediator.
Two mediating hypotheses were tested. In particular, elevated ma- Mothers were engaged and screened in a private office by a study
ternal depressive symptoms were expected to be associated with research assistant. Following the initial screening, the informed
increased child behavior problems through greater parenting stress. consent was signed, and mothers continued with formal eligibility
In addition, less cognitive reappraisal and more expressive suppres- testing using the SCID-5 (First et al., 2015) sections on substance-
sion were expected to be associated with increased child behavior use disorder and schizophrenia. Women who were identified as
problems through greater parenting stress (Figure 1). eligible for the study continued with a baseline assessment inter-
view consisting of several individual and family measures. The
baseline assessment interview required approximately 2.5 hr to
complete, and mothers were compensated with a $40 Walmart gift
This study utilized preliminary data from a larger randomized con-
trolled trial testing a housing intervention with homeless mothers
and their young children. Mothers (n = 119) were recruited through Mother’s depressive symptoms were measured using the Beck De-
a local drop-in center and other locations that young homeless pression Inventory II (BDI-II; Beck, Ward, Mendelson, Mock, &
mothers access, such as shelters, libraries, bus stops, and medical Erbaugh, 1996). The BDI-II is a 21-item, frequently used self-
facilities, in the United States. To be eligible for the study, women report instrument for the assessment of mood, cognitive, and
had to (a) be between the ages of 18 and 24; (b) meet criteria for somatic aspects of depression over the past 2 weeks. It has
homelessness as defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assis- demonstrated high test-retest reliability, and the measure appears
tance Act, Re-Authorized (2002); (c) have physical custody of a sensitive to depression severity across community and clinical
biological child 6 years old and younger; and (d) meet criteria for populations, including mothers (Huprich, Pouliot, & Bruner,
a substance-use disorder (SUD) as determined by the Structured 2012). Example items of the BDI include rating the level of one’s
Clinical Interview for DSM-5 (SCID-5; First, Williams, Karg, & “sadness” and “loss of interest.” Mothers rated their depressive
Spitzer, 2015). The Ohio State University Institutional Review symptoms on a 4-point scale (0 = not at all, 3 = extremely). About
Board approved all study procedures. half of the mothers (45.4%) suffered from moderate to severe de-
Mother’s ages ranged from 18 to 24 years (M = 21.61, SD pressive symptoms in the current study. The reliability of this form
= 1.81) whereas children (66 boys) were 0 to 6 years old (M = in the current study was 0.93.
2.32, SD = 1.61). The majority of mothers were African American Maternal parenting stress was measured using the Parenting
(84.0%) whereas 16.0% were White, non-Hispanic, or other races. Stress Inventory Short Form (PSI-SF; Abidin, 1995). The PSI-SF is

Infant Mental Health Journal DOI 10.1002/imhj. Published on behalf of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
4 • Q. Wu, N. Slesnick, and A. Murnan

36-item version of the Parenting Stress Index (PSI; Abidin, 1990b) RESULTS
using a scale of 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). A total
Descriptive statistics and the bivariate correlations of the study
stress score yields from three subscales: Parental Distress, Parent–
variables are shown in Table 1. Maternal parenting stress was
Child Dysfunctional Interaction, and Difficult Child. An example
related to higher depressive symptoms, r = .33, p < .001, and
item of the PSI-SF is “My child does a few things which bother
lower cognitive reappraisal, r = −.25, p < .01. Maternal parenting
me a great deal.” The PSI-SF has demonstrated strong internal
stress was associated with elevated child externalizing, r = .43, p
consistency with lower socioeconomic status, primarily African
< .001, and internalizing problems, r = .41, p < .001. Maternal
American mothers (Reitman, Currier, & Stickle, 2002). Cronbach’s
depressive symptoms were positively associated with externalizing
α was 0.90 in the current study.
problems, r = .18, p = .05.
Maternal emotion regulation was measured by the Emotion
A path model was then estimated with maternal parenting
Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ; Gross & John, 2003). The ERQ
stress mediating the pathways between maternal depressive symp-
consists of 10 items assessing two factors, cognitive reappraisal
toms, cognitive reappraisal, expressive suppression regulation, and
and expressive suppression, using a Likert scale of 1 (strongly
child behavior problems. The model yielded a good fit, χ 2 (18) =
disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). Examples of the two subscales
22.47, p = .21; RMSEA = .046, CI90 [.000, .098]; CFI = .979.
include “When I want to feel more positive emotion (such as joy
The R2 value was 0.27 for externalizing problems and 0.24 for
or amusement), I change what I’m thinking about” and “I control
internalizing problems. As shown in Figure 2, maternal depressive
my emotions by not expressing them,” respectively. The ERQ
symptoms were positively associated with parenting stress, B =
has demonstrated strong psychometric properties (Gross & John,
.45, SE = .15, t = 2.94, p < .01. Maternal cognitive reappraisal
2003). The reliability of the Cognitive Reappraisal and Expressive
was negatively correlated with parenting stress, B = −.49, SE =
Suppression subscales was 0.84 and 0.64, respectively.
.22, t = −2.25, p = .03. Maternal expressive suppression was neg-
Child behavior problems, specifically child externalizing and
atively associated with externalizing problems, B = −.44, SE =
internalizing behavior problems, were measured using a maternal
.17, t = −2.57, p = .01, whereas maternal parenting stress was
report of the Child Behavior Checklist for Ages 1.5–5 (CBCL/ 12 –5;
positively related to externalizing, B = .22, SE = .05, t = 4.91, p
Achenbach & Rescorla, 2000). The CBCL/ 12 –5 is a 120-item in- < .001, and internalizing problems, B = .17, SE = 0.04, t = 4.50,
strument that elicits parent’s report of their child’s behavior prob- p < .001. Among the covariates, only child age was a significant
lems on a scale of 0 (not true) to 2 (very true or often true) for predictor of children’s internalizing behaviors, B = 1.17, SE =
the past 2 months. Example items for the Externalizing and In- 0.46, t = 2.53, p = .01.
ternalizing Problem subscales include “defiant” and “cries a lot,” Mediating pathways were tested from maternal depressive
respectively. This measure has demonstrated high reliability, va- symptoms and emotion regulation to child behavior problems,
lidity, and consistency across a variety of samples. The reliability based on 5,000 bootstrap samples. Results indicated that mater-
of the Externalizing and Internalizing Problem subscales was 0.94 nal parenting stress mediated the links between maternal depres-
and 0.89, respectively. sive symptoms and child externalizing problems, B = .10, SE
Covariates included child age, sex, maternal age, race, and = .04, CI.90 [.03, .19], and internalizing problems, B = .08, SE
education, and were measured by a demographic questionnaire that = .03, CI.90 [.02, .15]; maternal parenting stress also mediated
assessed core variables necessary to characterize the sample. the relations between maternal cognitive reappraisal and child ex-
ternalizing problems, B = −.11, SE = .06, CI90 [−.23, −.006],
DATA ANALYSES and internalizing problems, B = −.08, SE = .05, CI.90 [−.19,
−.004]. The pathways from maternal expressive suppression to
Analyses were conducted using the lavaan package (Rosseel, 2012)
child behavior problems through parenting stress were not sig-
in R (R Core Team, 2014). A path analysis model was estimated
nificant. Therefore, as expected, maternal depressive symptoms
testing the mediation model. The root mean squared error of ap-
were associated with increased child problem behaviors through
proximation (RMSEA) and comparative fit index (CFI) were used
elevated parenting stress whereas maternal cognitive reappraisal
to evaluate the model fit, with an RMSEA of .05 and below and
was associated with decreased problem behaviors through lower
a CFI of .95 and above, indicating good fit, and an RMSEA of
parenting stress.
.05 to .08 and a CFI of .90 to .95, indicating acceptable fit (Hu
Because of the study’s cross-sectional nature, it is possible that
& Bentler, 1995). The mediation effects were analyzed based on
alternative model paths exist. It is likely that maternal parenting
procedures recommended by Preacher, Rucker, and Hayes (2007).
stress and less adaptive emotion regulation contribute to maternal
The bootstrap sampling method (Shrout & Bolger, 2002) was used
depressive symptoms, which also would be associated with child
to estimate the mediation effect and the conditional indirect effect.
behavior problems. Thus, an alternative model was tested with
One advantage of the bootstrap method is that it does not assume
maternal depressive symptoms as a mediator between maternal
a normally distributed parameter estimate, thus providing a more
parenting stress, emotion regulation, and child behavior problems.
powerful test in detecting indirect effects, as the distribution of
The model fit was good, χ 2 (16) = 21.01, p = .18, RMSEA =
the indirect effects tend to be skewed (MacKinnon, Lockwood,
.05, C90 [.00, .11], CFI = .98. However, results showed that the
Hoffman, West, & Sheets, 2002; Shrout & Bolger, 2002).

Infant Mental Health Journal DOI 10.1002/imhj. Published on behalf of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
Parenting Stress in Homeless Families • 5

TABLE 1. Descriptive Statistics and Correlations of Study Variables

N % M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Child sex 119 55.46

2. Child age 119 2.32 1.60 −.04
3. Maternal race 119 84.03 .12 .10
4. Maternal age 119 21.61 1.81 −.06 .33∗ .12
5. Maternal education 115 11.30 1.47 .07 .15 .17 .41∗∗∗
6. Maternal depressive symptoms 119 19.43 11.68 .08 .09 −.07 .14 −.01
7. Maternal cognitive reappraisal 119 29.70 8.63 .00 −.02 .03 −.05 −.02 −.20∗
8. Maternal expressive suppression 119 18.92 5.31 .00 −.01 .15 −.05 −.02 .03 .31∗∗∗
9. Maternal parenting stress 119 85.71 20.77 .14 .04 −.01 .17 .07 .33∗∗∗ −.25∗∗ .02
10. Child externalizing problems 119 13.75 10.78 .08 .16 .06 .19∗ .22∗ .18∗ −.06 −.17 .43∗∗∗
11. Child internalizing problems 119 9.77 8.69 .07 .25∗∗ .02 .20∗ .18 .13 −.09 −.07 .41∗∗∗ .78∗∗∗

Note. Child sex: 0 = female, 1 = male. Maternal race: 0 = White and other, 1 = Black
∗ p < .05. ∗∗ p < .01. ∗∗∗ p < .001.

Maternal parenting
β =.26** β = .43***

β = .07 Child externalizing

Maternal depressive problems
β = -.02
β = -.20* β = .40***
Maternal cognitive β = .13
Child internalizing
reappraisal β = .05 problems

β = .10 β = -.22*
β = -.07
Maternal expressive

FIGURE 2. The path model.

Note.∗ p < .05. ∗∗ p < .01. ∗∗∗ p < .001. Covariates: child sex, child age, maternal age, race, and maternal education. Child sex: female = 0, male = 1. Maternal race: 0 =
White and other, 1 = Black.

indirect effects from depressive symptoms or emotion regulation symptoms were positively related to child externalizing and inter-
to child behavior problems through parenting stress were not sig- nalizing problems through elevated parenting stress. These find-
nificantly different from zero. Thus, the model that maternal de- ings are consistent with previous studies that reported homeless
pressive symptoms mediated the links between maternal parenting mothers’ depressive symptoms contributed to their reported stress
stress, emotion regulation, and child behavior problems was not (Weinreb et al., 2006). Similar findings were reported in samples
supported by the current data. from the general population of housed, but depressed, mothers
(e.g., Gelfand et al., 1992; Leigh & Milgrom, 2008). Depressed
mothers likely have a negative bias in perceptions of their chil-
dren’s behaviors, thus exacerbating parenting stress (e.g., Webster-
This study sought to advance our understanding of parenting stress Stratton & Hammond, 1988). It also is likely that depressed moth-
among homeless, substance-abusing mothers by testing a medi- ers direct more energy to coping with their own distress (Goodman,
ation model to reveal how risks of maternal mental health are 2007) and focus less attention on external stimuli, including their
conveyed to the mother’s children. Findings supported the parent- children. Notably, although maternal stress and depression tend
ing stress theory (Abidin, 1990a, 1992) and provide insight into to be intercorrelated (Hammen, 2005), and although this was a
the role of parenting stress in the intergenerational transmission of cross-sectional study, the path analysis model revealed that ma-
emotional problems among homeless families. ternal depressive symptoms were predictive of parenting stress,
In particular, two mediating pathways were significant in the rather than vice versa. This finding provides a basis for future hy-
current study. The first pathway showed that maternal depressive potheses and will need to be confirmed using a longitudinal design.

Infant Mental Health Journal DOI 10.1002/imhj. Published on behalf of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
6 • Q. Wu, N. Slesnick, and A. Murnan

Depressed mothers experiencing homelessness might experience perceived child problems can intensify parenting stress, which can
more negative life events such as job loss and stress in interper- be associated with increasing strain in the parent–child relationship
sonal relationships than those who are not depressed, given that as well as negative child outcomes. However, longitudinal studies
the symptoms of depression can lead to problems in social role and transactional models are needed to further elucidate the re-
functioning (Goodman, 2007), which may ultimately contribute to lationships among maternal mental health, parenting stress, and
their parenting stress. child outcomes. Notably, the age of mothers in this sample is very
Another significant mediating pathway was that maternal young, and some of the mothers may have experienced teenage
cognitive reappraisal was related to less child behavior problems pregnancy. Although maternal age was not a significant predictor
through decreased parenting stress. These results are in line with of child maladjustment after controlling for maternal psychologi-
findings in the general population that cognitive reappraisal tends cal functioning and stress, teenage pregnancy can place adolescent
to be related to less stress and general well-being (Gross & John, mothers at unique risk for low education levels, unemployment,
2003) and that maternal ability to regulate emotions is associated and psychological distress, thus conveying adverse child outcomes
with less child problems (e.g., Crandall et al., 2016). It has been (Meadows-Oliver et al., 2007).
suggested that mothers with high cognitive appraisal may be able to Limitations of this study also highlight future directions for
adaptively interpret/experience life events in a manner that lowers research. First, this study is cross-sectional, and does not allow us
their own stress (Lorber, 2012), thereby reducing environmental to make conclusions regarding the temporal ordering of predic-
risk for their children. tive factors. Future studies should include a longitudinal design
Unexpectedly, maternal expressive suppression was nega- to test prospective relations between variables. Second, the vari-
tively associated with child externalizing problems, such that ables used in this study were based solely on self-report, which
when mothers suppressed their negative affect expression, chil- were limited to the available options of instruments and may be
dren showed fewer externalizing problems. The opposite rela- biased by social desirability. In addition, the associations among
tionship was found among housed mothers experiencing partner maternal depressive symptoms, stress, and child outcomes may
psychological aggression, such that maternal expressive suppres- be inflated due to shared method variance because depressed and
sion was related to more child externalizing problems (Lorber stressed mothers tend to report their children’s behaviors as more
et al., 2017). Given that children of homeless, substance-abusing problematic (Webster-Stratton & Hammond, 1988). Future studies
mothers experience an unstable, stressful, and chaotic life (Bassuk should take a multimethod and multi-informant approach and as-
& Rubin, 1987), maternal excessive expression of negative emo- sess maternal depressive symptoms, emotion regulation, parenting
tion might intensify the negative environment, and could serve to stress, and child behavior problems using both maternal report and
model, in a negative way, how these emotions are overly expressed observational measures.
and communicated in these families. That is, whereas appropri- Despite these limitations, this study has several notable
ate expression of negative affect is likely healthy in nonhomeless strengths. First, this study attempted to unravel the multifaceted
families, when stress is high, homeless mothers with substance- relationship between maternal mental health (depressive symp-
use disorders and other psychopathologies may have difficulty toms), parenting stress, and child internalizing and externalizing
appropriately expressing negative affect. Especially, a number of problems in a very high-risk sample, indicating differences from
homeless, substance-using mothers suffer from serious and chronic housed mothers and children. Second, mother’s own emotion regu-
comorbid psychopathologies such as depression, anxiety, posttrau- lation was taken into account to understand the internal regulatory
matic stress, or personality disorders (Weinreb et al., 2006), which processes of mothers, which has been less investigated. Third, this
may disrupt healthy expression of emotions. Thus, suppression of study highlights parenting stress as a potential mechanism of inter-
negative emotion expressions among homeless, substance-using generational transmission for mental health concerns among their
mothers actually might be protective in their children’s devel- children.
opment of externalizing problems, including throwing tantrums, The findings of this study can inform prevention/intervention
harsh and aggressive expression of anger, and even physical programs targeted at homeless families. Specific intervention pro-
aggression. grams should be tailored toward promoting effective emotion
Taken together, results of this study support the parenting regulation, reducing depressive symptoms, and enhancing adap-
stress theory (Abidin, 1990a, 1992). As the theory suggests, this tive mother–child interactions among homeless, substance-abusing
study revealed that parenting stress served as a mediator be- mothers beyond providing housing and connecting mothers to so-
tween maternal depressive symptoms, cognitive appraisal, and cial services. In particular, programs should be directed toward
child behavior problems. Elevated stress is likely associated with reducing expression of negative emotions and increasing positive
maladaptive parenting behaviors (Abidin, 1990a; Anthony et al., emotions between dyads as well as managing stress among mothers
2005), which are further associated with adverse child outcomes so that they can be more attentive and supportive to their children’s
(e.g., Benzies et al., 2004). Also in line with the theory, stressed par- developmental needs. These efforts can reduce the prevalence of
ents were more likely to report that their children had higher inter- mental health problems in homeless families and promote healthy
nalizing and externalizing problems. In either of these cases, more mother–child relationships.

Infant Mental Health Journal DOI 10.1002/imhj. Published on behalf of the Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.
Parenting Stress in Homeless Families • 7

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