Grindex Minor-Major

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Revision 03 2009.08

Installation, care and maintenance
Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Guarantee_ ___________________2 Operation _ __________________15
Data plate interpretation_________2 Care and maintenance _ ________16
Safety precautions______________3 Safety precautions ________________ 16
Inspection _ _____________________ 16
Product description _____________4
Recommended inspections_ _______ 17-18
Applications ______________________ 4
Changing the oil __________________ 19
Motor data _ ______________________ 5
Removing the impeller _____________ 20
Dimensions and weights ____________ 6
Installning the impeller and setting
Performance curves _ ________ 7-10 clearance _ ____________________ 21-22
Transportation and storage______11 Tools_ ______________________23
Installation __________________11 Service log _ _________________23
Electrical connections _______ 12-14

Grindex undertakes to remedy faults in products Hence, the guarantee does not cover faults
sold by Grindex provided: caused by deficient maintenance, improper
— that the fault is due to defects in design, ma­ installation, in­correctly executed repair work or
terials or workmanship; normal wear and tear.
— that the fault is reported to Grindex or Grin­ Grindex assumes no liability for either bodily
dex’s rep­resentative during the guarantee injuries, material damages or economic losses
period; beyond what is stated above.
— that the product is used only under condi­
tions described in the care and maintenance Grindex guarantees that a spare parts stock will
instruc­tions and in applications for which it is be kept for 10 years after the manufacture of
intended; this product has been discontinued.
— that the monitoring equipment incorporated in The manufacturer reserves the right to alter
the product is correctly connected; perfor­mance, specification or design without
— that all service and repair work is done by a notice.
workshop authorized by Grindex;
— that genuine Grindex parts are used.

Data plate interpretation

Data plate interpretation
A Pump model
B Serial No.
C Rated voltage
D Maximum height
E Direction of impeller rotation
A K F Direction of start reaction
G Rated current
H Maximum capacity
C M I Degree of protection
D N J Maximum submersion depth
K Pump type No.
L Frequency
F P M Phases, type of current
G Q N Rated shaft power
O Thermal class
P Locked rotor code letter
I J S Q Country of origin
R Maximum power consumption
S Weight
Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Safety precautions
This manual contains basic information on the Precautionary measures
installation, operting and maintenance and
In order to minimize the risk of accident in con­
should be followed carefully. It is essential that
nection with service work, the following rules
these instructions are carefully read before
should be followed:
installation or commisioning by both the
1. Before starting work on the pump, make sure
installation crew as well as those responsible
that the pump is isolated from the power sup­
for operation or maintenance. The operating
ply and cannot be energized.
instructions should always be readily available at
2. Bear in mind the risk of accidents. Make sure
the location of the unit.
that the machine or parts of the machine can­
Safety symbols not roll or fall over and injure people or dam­
age property.
3. Make sure that the lifting equipment can han­
DANGER! dle the weight you want to lift and that it is in
Is used when there will be a good condition.
risk to cause severe injury to 4. Don't work under suspended load.
people, death or considerable 5. Carry out the work on a sturdy workbench.
damage to property. 6. Bear in mind the danger of electrical acci­
7. Check that tools and other equipment are in
WARNING! good condition.
Is used when there can be a 8. Bear in mind health hazards. Observe strict
risk to cause severe injury to cleanliness.
people, death or considerable 9. When carrying out repair work take care to
damage to property. avoid injury by cutting or pinching.
10.Make sure you have a first-aid box near at
Follow all other health and safety regulation, lo­
CAUTION! cal codes and ordinances.
Is used when there will be or
Safety regulations for the
is a risk to cause smaller inju-
ry to people, or smaller dam- owner/operator
age to property. All government regulations, local health and
safety codes shall be complied with.
All dangers due to electricity must be avoided
NOTE! (for details consult the regulations of your local
Is used to pay intention to installation, use, electricity supply company).
operation or service information that is im-
portant but not involved with any risk.
Unilateral modification and
spare parts manufacturing
Modifications or changes to the unit/installation
Following symbols are used in should only be carried out after consulting with
this manual: Grindex.
Original spare parts and accessories authorized
by the manufacturer are essential for compli­
For electrical related warnings. ance. The use of other parts can invalidate any
claims for warranty or compensation.
Local and/or private laws and regulations regarding
recycling must be followed. If there are no laws or
For all other warnings.
regulations, or the product is not accepted by an aut-
horized recycling company, the product or it’s parts can
be returned to the nearest Grindex sales company or
service workshop.
Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Product description
Minor and Major are intended to be used for: The pump may not be used
— pumping of water which may contain abrasive in an explosive or flammable
particles. environment or for pumping
The pumps are available in the following ver­ flammable liquids.
N= Normal head version
H= High head version WARNING!
The machine is not to be
Liquid temperature: standard version, max.
installed in locations classified
40°C (104°F).
as hazardous in accordance
with the national electric code,
Liquid density: max. 1100 kg/m3 (9.2 lb per US
ANSI/NFPA 70-1990
The pumped liquid may contain particles up to
a size which corresponds to the openings in the
strainer. See drawing.
The pH of the pumped liquid: 5 – 8. If the pump run dry or snore,
Depth of immersion: max. 20 m (65 ft). the pump surface and the sur-
For other applications contact your nearest rounding liquid may be hot.
Grindex representative for information. Bear in mind the risk of burn

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Motor data
Minor Major
Motor type: Squirrel-cage 3-phase induc- Motor type: Squirrel-cage 3-phase induc-
tion motor for 50 Hz and 60 Hz markets. tion motor for 50 Hz and 60 Hz markets.
3~ 50 Hz, 2855 r/min 3~ 50 Hz, 2895 r/min
Rated output: 3.7 kW (5 hp). Rated output: 5.6 kW (7.5 hp).
Max consumption: 4,4 kW (5.9 hp) Max consumption: 6,6 kW (8.9 hp).
Voltage Rated current Starting current
Voltage Rated current Starting current
220 D 19 123
220 D 13 80
230 D 19 129
230 D 13 84
240 D 19 135
240 D 13 88
380 Y 11 73
380 Y 7.4 45
400 Y 11 78
400 Y 7.3 49
415 Y 10 67
415 Y 6.9 43
440 D 10 71
440 D 6.9 46
500 D 8.7 59
500 D 6.0 40
550 D 7.9 55
550 D 5.3 34

3~ 60 Hz, 3480 r/min 3~ 60 Hz, 3490 r/min

Rated output: 4.4kW (5.9 hp) Rated output:6.6kW (8.9 hp)
Max consumption: 5.2 kW (7.0 hp) Max consumption: 7.7kW (10.3 hp)
Voltage Rated current Starting current Voltage Rated current Starting current
200 D 17 127 200 D 24 185
208 D 17 133 208 D 24 194
220 D 15 104 220 D 22 159
220 Y// 15 103 220 Y// 22 158
230 D 15 109 230 D 21 167
230 Y// 15 110 230 Y// 22 166
240 D 15 115 240 D 21 175
240 Y// 15 114 240 Y// 22 174
380 D 8.7 63 380 D 13 101
400 D 8.7 67 400 D 13 107
440 D 7.3 49 440 D 11 80
440 Yser 7.4 52 440 Yser 11 79
460 D 7.1 53 460 D 11 84
460 Yser 7.3 54 460 Yser 11 83
480 D 7.1 54 480 D 11 88
480 Yser 7.5 57 480 Yser 11 87
575 D 5.8 43 575 D 8.5 64
600 D 5.9 45 600 D 8.4 67

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Dimensions and weights

Minor N Minor H

Major N Major H

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Performance curves
Each pump is tested in accordance with ISO 9906.

Minor N, 50 Hz Minor H, 50 Hz

P1 [hp] / [kW]
P1 [hp] / [kW]
6,0 4,4 6 4,5
4,0 4,0
5,0 3,5
4 3,0
4,0 3
2,8 2,0

Head [ft] / [m]

Head [ft] / [m]
80 24
130 40

60 100

40 12 70

0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

0 40 80 120 160 200 240 280

0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Capacity [l/s] / [usgpm] Capacity [l/s] / [usgpm]

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Minor N, 60 Hz Minor H, 60 Hz
P1 [hp] / [kW] P1 [hp] / [kW]
7,0 5,2 5,5
6,5 5,0
6 4,5
4,4 4,0
5,5 3,5

5,0 4 3,0
0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 30,0 35,0 40,0
0,0 2,0 4,0 6,0 8,0 10,0 12,0 14,0 16,0 18,0 20,0
Head [ft] / [m] Head [ft] / [m]
80 24 45
20 120
60 35

16 100 30

80 25
40 12
60 20
8 15
4 20
0 0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Capacity [l/s] / [usgpm] Capacity [l/s] / [usgpm]

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Major N, 50 Hz Major H, 50 Hz
P1 [hp] / [kW] P1 [hp] / [kW]

7 9 7
8 6 7
5 4
4 3

Head [ft] / [m]

Head [ft] / [m] 50
100 30 160
25 40
60 100 30
80 25
5 40

0 5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Capacity [l/s] / [usgpm] 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Capacity [l/s] / [usgpm]

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Major N, 60 Hz Major H, 60 Hz
P1 [hp] / [kW] P1 [hp] / [kW]
7 7

8 6 8 6

5 5

4 3
Head [ft] / [m]
Head [ft] / [m]
100 30 60

80 25 50


20 20
5 60

0 0 10
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
0 200 400 600 800
Capacity [l/s] / [usgpm] 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350

Capacity [l/s] / [usgpm]

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Transportation and storage

The pump may be transported and stored in a The pump is frostproof as long as it is operating
vertical or horizontal position. Make sure that it or is immersed in the liquid. If the pump is taken
cannot roll or fall over. up when the temperature is below freezing, the
impeller may freeze. The pump shall be operated
for a short period after being taken up in order
WARNING! to expel all remaining water.
Always lift the pump by its
A frozen impeller can be thawed by allowing the
carrying handle or lifting eyes,
pump to stand immersed in the liquid for a short
never by the motor cable or
period before it is started. Never use a naked
the hose.
flame to thaw the pump.
For longer periods of storage, the pump must be
protected against moisture and heat. The impel­
WARNING! ler should be rotated by hand occasionally (for
Before starting to work on the example every other month) to prevent the seals
pump or moving the pump, from sticking together. If the pump is stored for
make sure that the pump is more than 6 months, this rotation is mandatory.
isolated from the power sup-
After a long period of storage, the pump should
ply and cannot be energized.
be inspected before it is put into operation. Pay
This applies to the control cir-
special attention to the seals and the cable entry.
cuit as well.
Follow the instructions under the heading “Be­
fore starting”
Make sure that the pump can-
not roll or fall over and injure
people or damage property

Pump installation NOTE!
Run the cables so that they do not have any
Where required by local au-
sharp bends and are not pinched.
thorities an acceptable motor-
Connect the discharge connection and motor circuit switch or other discon-
cable. See “Electrical connections”. necting device shall be provid-
ed at the time of installation.
Lower the pump into the sump.
Place the pump on a base which will prevent it
from sinking into a soft sump bottom. Alternati­
vely, the pump can be suspended by its lifting
handle just above the sump bottom. NOTE!
At certain installations and
operation points on the pump
curve the noise level 70 dB,
noise level specified for the
actual pump, can be exceeded.

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Electrical connections
Level regulators
Start and stop of the pump at different water
All electrical equipment must
levels may be manual or automatic. If automatic
be earthed (grounded). This
start and stop is required, a level regulator can
applies to both pump equip-
be ordered (as option).
ment and any monitoring
equipment. Failure to heed The level regulator can be set at different oper­
this warning may cause a le- ating levels by adjusting the length of cable. A
thal accident. Make sure that clamping bracket situated at the discharge con­
the earth (ground) lead is cor- nection holds the level regulator cable in place.
rectly connected by testing it. If continuous pumping is required at any time
the level regulator can be placed in a special
WARNING! rubber bracket on the discharge connection thus
eliminating the level regulator function.
If the pump is equipped with
automatic level control or con-
tactor unit, there is a risk of
sudden restart. ON

Bear in mind the risk of elec-
trical shock if the electrical
connections are not correctly
carried out or if there is fault
or damage on the pump.

Make sure that the monitoring
equipment incorporated in the
product is correctly connected
and in use.

All electrical work shall be carried out under the

supervision of an authorized electrician.
Local codes and regulations shall be complied
Check that the mains voltage and frequency
agree with the specifications on the pump data OFF
NOTE! For safety reasons, the earth (ground)
lead should be longer than the phase and moni­
toring leads. If the motor cable is jerked loose
by mistake, the earth (ground) lead should be
the last lead to come loose from its terminal.
This applies to both ends of the cable. NOTE!
If cable with ground check
Make sure that the pump is correctly earthed
is used for pump with level
regulator, the ground check
When the pump is connected to the public mains connection must be done at
it may cause flicker of incandescent lamps when the GC-connection point with
starting. In this case the supply authority should a stud and two nuts.
be notified before installing the pump.

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

If persons are likely to When pumping near a lake
come into physical contact (jetties, beaches, ponds,
with the pump or pumped fountains etc) a safety-dis-
media (liquid), e.g on con- tance of at least 20 m (65
struction sites and farms, ft) between the person and
the earthed (grounded) the pump is applicable. The
socket must have an addi- pump must never be placed
tional earth(ground-) fault directly into a swim ming
protection device (GFI) pool. If used in connection
connected. with swimming pools, spe-
cial safety regulations apply.


6-leads, Y or D


9-leads, Y// or Yser

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Connection of motor protector

The thermal contacts in the winding are CSA approved only for 250 V and below.
For other voltages when CSA approval is required a transformer is used to reduce
the voltage over the thermal contacts.
As a consequence the transformer has to be disconnected when the connection is
changed from 440-460 V Yser to 220-240 V Y// .
If the change is done from 220-240 V Y// to 440-460 V Yser the transformer has
to be connected.

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Before starting Cleaning
Check the oil level in the oil casing. If the pump has been running in very dirty wa­
Remove the fuses or open the circuit breaker ter, let it run for a while in clean water, or flush
and check that the impeller can be rotated by it through the discharge connection. If clay,
hand. cement or other similar dirt is left in the pump it
Check that the monitoring equipment (if any) may clog the impeller and seal, preventing the
works. pump from working.
The impeller shall rotate clockwise, as viewed During a longer period out of operation, the
from above. When started, the pump will jerk in pump must be test run every other month to
the opposite direction to the direction in which prevent the mechanical seals from sticking to­
the impeller rotates. See the figure. gether.

Starting jerk
Watch out for the starting jerk,
which can be powerful.

Always lift the pump by its
carrying handle or lifting eyes,
never by the motor cable or
the hose.

The pumps are equipped with SMART ROTASENSE™ (rotation control). Note the following at start:
Connect the pump to power. If the pump fails to start and the fuses are correct, shift two phases in
the CEE plug or turn the knob on phase shifter to start the pump.
NOTE! Do not reverse phase sequence while pump motor is running. Doing so may cause temporary
incorrect rotation, resulting in damage to motor electronics and rotating parts.
If the pump still doesn’t start, call a qualified electrician and ask him to check the mains and the

Insert the plug Pull out the plug

and shift two phases


CEE plug

On/Off The pump If the pump still
doesn’t start doesn’t start, call a
switch qualified electrician

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Switch on Shift phases

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Care and maintenance

Safety precautions Inspection
Regular inspection and preventive maintenance
WARNING! ensure more reliable operation.
Before starting to work on the The pump should be inspected at least twice a
pump or moving the pump, year, more frequently under severe operating
make sure that the pump is conditions.
isolated from the power sup-
Under normal operating conditions, the pump
ply and cannot be energized.
should have a major overhaul in a service shop
This applies to the control cir-
once a year.
cuit as well.
This requires special tools and should be done by
an authorized service shop.
When the pump is new or when the seals have
WARNING! been replaced, inspection is recommended after
Make sure that the pump can- one week of operation.
not roll or fall over and injure
people or damage property

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Recommended inspections:
Inspection of Action

Visible parts on pump Replace or fix worn and damaged parts.

and installation Make sure that all screws, bolts and nuts are tight.

Pump casing and Replace worn parts if they impair function.


Condition of the oil A check of the condition of the oil can show whether there has been an
increased leakage. Note! Air/oil mixture can be confused with water/oil
Insert a tube (or hose) into the oil hole. Cover the top end of the tube and
take up a little oil from the bottom.
Change the oil if it contains too much water.
See “Changing the oil”. Check again one week after changing the oil.
If the oil contains too much water again, the fault may be:
— that an oil screw is not sufficiently tight.
— that the O-ring on an oil screw or its sealing surface is damaged.
— that the mechanical seal is damaged. Contact a Grindex service

Oil quantity 0.94 litres (0.25 US gallon)

If the seal leaks, the oil casing may be under pressure.
Hold a rag over the oil casing screw in order to prevent
splatter. See “Safety precautions” for additional informa-

If there has been leakage, the stator casing may be un-
der pressure. Hold a rag over the inspection screw to
prevent splatter. See “Safety precautions” for additional

Liquid in the inspec­ Lay the pump on its side.

tion chamber Tilt the pump so that any liquid in the inspection chamber can run out
through the hole.
If there is water in the stator casing, the cause may be:
— that the inspection screw is not sufficiently tight.
— that the O-ring on the inspection screw or its sealing surface is dam
— that an O-ring is damaged.
— that the cable entry is leaking.
If there is oil in the inspections chamber, the cause may be:
— that the inner mechanical seal is damaged. Contact a Grindex serv
ice shop.

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Recommended inspections:
Inspection of Action

Cable entry Make sure that the cable clamps are tight. If the cable entry leaks:
— check that the entry is firmly tightened into its bottom-most position.
— cut a piece of the cable off so that the seal sleeve closes around a new
position on the cable.
— replace the seal sleeve.
— check that the seal sleeve and the washers conform to the outside
diameter of the cables.

Cables Replace the cable if the outer jacket is damaged. Make sure that the cable
do not have any sharp bends and are not pinched.

Starter equipment If faulty, contact an electrician.

Pipes, valves and other Repair faults and notify supervisor of any faults or defects.
peripheral equipment

Insulation resistance in Contact a Grindex service shop.

the stator

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Explanation of symbols
= Oil screw

= Inspection plug

Changing the oil

Lift the pump horizontally with an overhead
crane and place on relief table.
Turn the pump so that one of the oil screws
faces downwards. Lock the pump with a support
preventing it from rolling over.
Unscrew the oil screw.

If the seal leaks, the oil casing
may be under pressure. Hold
a rag over the oil casing screw
in order to prevent splatter.
See “Safety precautions” for
additional information.

It is easier to drain the oil if the other oil screw

is also removed.
Fill up with new oil.
A paraffin oil with viscosity close to ISO VG32 is
recommended. The pump is delivered from fac­
tory with this type of oil.
In applications where poisonous properties are
of less concern, a mineral oil with viscosity up to
ISO VG32 can be used.
Always replace the O-rings on the oil screws. Put
the screws back and tighten them.

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Removing the impeller

Remove the strainer, the suction cover and


Lock the impeller with a screw driver or similar

(L= min. 200 mm/7.9 inch), see fig. to prevent N H
rotation of the impeller.
Loosen and remove the impeller screw and

Worn impellers often have
very sharp edges. Use protec-
tive gloves.

Using a 8 mm hexagon bit adaptor (allen socket)

with a 100 mm (4”) extension turn the adjust­
ment screw counter clockwise until the impeller
breaks free from the shaft.
Remove the impeller.

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Installing the impeller and

setting clearance
Make sure that the end of the shaft is clean and
free from burrs. Polish off any flaws with fine
emery cloth. Grease end of shaft, conical sleeve
and the threads of the adjustment screw. The
proper lubrication is grease for bearings e.g.
Exxon Mobile Unirex N3 or equivalent.

Remove surplus grease from conical and cy-
lindrical surfaces of the shaft and the sleeve

Align the edge of the adjustment screw with the

edge of the conical sleeve so that they are flush.
Grease the threads of the screw and the washer.
The proper lubrication of the screw and washer
is lubricating grease for assembly of bolts etc.
e.g. Kluber ALTEMP Q NB 50 or equivalent.

Before assembly, check that the impeller screw

is clean and easy to screw into the shaft end
(a). This to prevent the shaft to rotate with the
impeller screw. Assemble the conical sleeve and
the impeller onto the shaft.

Mount the cover with its O-ring.

Tighten the screws, tightening torque 22 Nm
(16.2 lbf-ft).
Make sure that the impeller rotates freely. If not,
the adjustment screw and the conical sleeve has
not been aligned and the shaft might have been
displaced relative to the main bearing!

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Turn the adjustment screw clockwise until the

impeller makes contact with the suction cover.
Tighten it further 1/8 turn, 45o . This will ensure
the correct clearance between the impeller and
the suction cover in the next step.

Lock the impeller with a screw driver or similar

(L= min. 200 mm/7.9 inch), see fig. to prevent
rotation of the impeller. Fit the washer and the
greased impeller screw and tighten, torque to 22
Nm (16.2 lbf-ft).
Check that the impeller rotates freely.
When changing an impeller or after service, we
recommend that the screw is first tightened to
the prescribed torque and then turned an addi­
tional 1/8 ( 45°) of a revolution. The screw will
be loaded to its yield point and the load capacity
of the jonit will be higher.

Mount the strainer and the nuts,

tightening torque 22 Nm (16.2 Lbf ft).

Installation, care and maintenance Minor , Major

Most of the tools needed for servicing the pump Tools
are tools normally included in every serviceman’s Part No. Denomination Remarks
tool kit. However, there are some special tools 51 085 00 Mounting sleeve Mechanical seal unit
exclusively for this pump type without which 51 086 00 Mounting/dismantling tool Main bearing
the servicing of the pump will be difficult and the
pump can be very easily damaged.

Service log
Most recent service date Pump No. Hours of operation Remarks Sign.

897387 EN 2009.08

Grindex AB • Box 7025 • 174 07 Sundbyberg • Sweden • Tel +468 606 66 00 • Fax +468 745 53 28 • [email protected]

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