ProView 30
ProView 30
Kamal Gray
Pa500 Pitchblack KAOSSILATOR
ZERO Mixers
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publication are © 2008 by Korg USA Inc. and may not be reproduced in any manner without prior written permission of Korg USA Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Front cover photo by Keith Smith.
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The M3 heralds the third generation of Korg
Workstations. The M1 started it all, first appearing in
1988 to bring the world a new concept called the
CELEBRATING THE GENESIS OF A KEY TREND ‘music workstation.’ It went on to become the best
selling workstation in history, and was further
THE 20TH ANNIVERSARY OF KORG’S M1 MUSIC WORKSTATION expanded and enhanced through the T and 01/W
series. Trinity defined a new level of innovations
By Mark Vail
including touch screen technology, and was the
forbearer of the wildly successful TRITON range
Twenty years ago, synth players and manufacturers were in search of wave-sequencing, waveshaping, and other types of synthesis,
of products.
the Next Big Thing. Nearly everyone had abandoned analog synths, synchronized sequencing and hard-disk recording, and so much more.
making digital the synthesis flavor of choice. Megabuck machines with The new M3 offers Enhanced Definition synthesis, Firewire DAW
high-tech capabilities offered some amazing possibilities, but their price integration, a color touchscreen with KAOSS Pad controller capabilities, Now Korg once again has delivered powerful new
tags kept them well beyond the reach of the typical musician. and a whole lot more. advancements in the workstation category. With a
Meanwhile, companies that catered to those of us with more limited number of innovations distilled from the flagship
funds searched to find the magical combination of features that we “I think a crucial secret in the sauce,” Hotop concludes, “is that Tsutomu OASYS including the new EDS (Enhanced
wanted and needed the most. Katoh and Seiki Kato had the vision to create an International team of Definition Synthesis) sound generator derived from
musicians and sound designers, involving them in the product design the HD-1 engine design, the advanced second-
It was Korg that came through with the M1, bundled with the goods decisions, and coming together in Japan to work with the whole team of generation KARMA functionality, and the multi-
that struck the right chord for so many of us. Before the M1, most engineers. Each product we work on is a labor of love with each person purpose control surface, the M3 has learned a lot
synths were using analog, digital or some hybrid forms of the synthesis contributing something special to make it a musical instrument, not a from its upper-end sibling.
that while interesting, were still lacking in realism for acoustic sounds. piece of science. We’re like a wonderful international family with a
The M1 was the first affordable keyboard that fully embraced sampled special bond. And we are as excited today to be working together on the As a stand alone instrument, the M3 offers unparalleled fidelity and an interactive interface that is second to none. The M3 is
sounds, or PCM for its sound engine. new ideas and products that you’ll be seeing in the near future.” also a workstation in tune with the times – the era of the “Integrated Workstation” has arrived due to the M3’s ability to be
used in conjunction with your computer. It is no longer an either/or decision! The abundant controllers and hardware can all
Enclosed in its 4MB of ROM were 86 musically useful and downright be used to control your favorite software instruments and apps. With our “Virtualized Hardware,” the M3 transforms into a
stunning 16-bit PCM samples, including superb drum and percussion powerful plug-in for your favorite computer DAW program. Best of all, since the M3 provides its own processing it adds more
hits — a first for a sample-playback synth — and exotic instruments that power to your system instead of draining it. No other workstation offers anywhere near this versatility!
previously hadn’t been heard by many in the mainstream. “The M1 had
a lot of innovative features for its day,” says Korg’s legendary sound
Whether used on its own or with your computer, what you’ll most appreciate about the M3 is its stunningly expressive and
programmer, Jack Hotop. “It had sampled PCM sounds in ROM, a
inspiring sounds, and the ways it will bring your performances and recording to new heights. The M3 Music
built-in sequencer, and a good variety of digital multi-effects. We also
Workstation/Sampler opens a new and exciting page in music making, and is the workstation that rightfully deserves to wear
gave it memory expansion via card slots. Insert a RAM card and you
the “M” that started it all.
could access more banks of sounds. If you wanted more samples, plug > TRITON
in a PCM card that you could carry in your pocket and trade like
baseball cards.”
Korg founder and chairman Tsutomu Katoh and his son Seiki Kato
pulled the strings that spelled success for the company. They
assembled an international team to develop the M1 and its successors,
along with industry-leading sounds and feature sets for each of them.
“The sound developers and Korg’s engineers collaborate internationally > OASYS
as one team with one mission: To create great instruments,” Hotop
explains. “There are no egos, and everyone contributes.”
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KARMA is our revolutionary
algorithmic performance
Generated Effects have been
organized into 13 “Real-Time
Control Models,” which
The control surface has
multiple modes of operation –
it can be a mixer for the 16
Combination mode provides
the ability to layer and split
OASYS offers an astounding
12 Insert, two Master and
two Total effects. With 185
OASYS combines Korg’s
acclaimed 16-track MIDI
OPEN ARCHITECTURE technology that generates
amazing phrases, grooves,
standardize controllable
parameters and assignments.
MIDI or audio tracks, a real-
time interface for sounds and
up to 16 Programs, freely
blending all the synth engines
algorithms, the possibilities
are vast and include the
sequencer with 16 tracks of
Audio recording. Up to four
SYNTHESIS STUDIO and other musical effects that
can be altered and
OASYS OS 1.3 has added
support for loading new and
KARMA parameters, and can
even be used to control
to create amazing new
textures. A powerful Tone
ToneWorks (REMS) mic,
amp and speaker models;
tracks of 16-bit, 48 kHz
audio can be recorded
creating your own KARMA external MIDI gear. the Chorus/Vibrato circuit
randomized in real time. Adjust feature allows easy simultaneously with
IN A CLASS ALL ITS OWN patterns via optional software
available from Karma-Lab.
tweaking of over 33 timbre from the CX-3; and more! automation editing provided.
> KARMA 2 > UNDER CONTROL parameters. Record through the on-board
OASYS brings together over 40 years of refined expertise in making the finest This easier-to-use, second OASYS offers a large, 10.4" effects, and use the many
musical instruments in the world. OASYS is more than the instrument you buy generation KARMA includes
> PAD CONTROL color TouchView display. The mic, amp and speaker
today; it’s a platform to support Korg innovations for years to come. Powered by The OASYS also features traditional joystick, dual models to enhance your
KARMA Wave Sequencing,
eight velocity-sensitive drum switch and ribbon controllers recordings.
an ultra-fast processor and an open architecture, OASYS offers all the benefits of which manipulates the
pads which can be used to are joined by a Vector
a variable software system with the hardware integrity that can only come from a playback of the samples
trigger notes, controllers, or joystick, eight knobs, 16
fully-integrated instrument design. used for a sound, allowing
chord voicings. switches, nine sliders, plus
each note triggered to
access a different waveform. three pedal inputs.
OASYS ships with four synthesis engines that deliver a new level of realism,
fidelity and sound quality for a professional musical instrument.
The HD-1 High Definition PCM synthesizer offers up to 172 notes
of polyphony and comes preloaded with a staggering 628 MB of
wave ROM. This includes stereo waveforms with long sample lengths
and up to 4-way velocity-switched instrument and drum samples.
Dual multi-mode resonant filters, three LFOs per-voice, a 3-band EQ,
and three detailed Envelope Generators allow for very complex and
nuanced Program design.
PCM waveform to pluck, strike, scrape, or otherwise “excite” a virtual string. code purchased from the To hear and see more and find complete specifications
MS-20EX and the rich- the MOD-7 takes this website. and options, go to:
Other unique modeling parameters involve damping, harmonics, and dispersion sounding PolysixEX, available technology to a completely
– even physical characteristics of the string and modeled feedback interaction. in the LAC-1 Legacy Analog new level.
bundle. Demo versions are
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“A big portion of my life was spent tug-of-warring between jazz and Gear-wise, this musician’s path is the same as many of the greats that
hip-hop. A lot of time during my youth was spent trying to follow the came before him. Now, coming upon the 20 year anniversary of Korg’s
trends of hip-hop: break dancing, DJ’ing and graffiti writing. Then I had breakthrough best-selling workstation of all time, Kamal recounts how it
my dad on the other side saying, ‘Get away from that hip-hop stuff, all went down. “The first Korg keyboard I was introduced to was the
you need to be over here sitting down at this piano, playing this jazz Korg M1. I had a friend who did all of his stuff on the M1 back in the
music.’ I kind of fell into both musical categories growing up.” And day. My piano teacher had one, too. When I started making my own
that, my friends, is where the story begins for The Root’s 14-year money and buying keyboards, I was introduced to the Korg Trinity. That
keyboard veteran, Kamal Gray. was a sound being used by a lot of people. We bought a few Trinitys
around here. I used them to make beats over and over and over. I knew
“Early on in my musical development, with my hip-hop edge, I met my
almost every sound in the Trinity. Then, I knew it was time to upgrade. I
manager Rich. He gave me an introduction to MIDI and keyboards
used the Trinity on stage, but I got a Korg TRITON to use on my
through a production course for little kids that he was teaching. Rich
recordings and for the albums. That kind of put me in a situation where it
and I developed a relationship that we kept through the years, and he had to be a staple in my performance because those were the sounds
eventually went on to put The Roots together. He called me up and said, that I used on all of The Roots recordings. It was the easiest thing. It
‘You should be in this group that I’ve got. We need a keyboard player.’ became second nature to me. The TRITON has been a staple for our
I’d say ‘I can’t really do it. You know, my dad…this, that and the other performance, because I understand that workstation for what I need to
thing. I’m in trouble. I’m here. I’m there.’ Rich came back with, ‘Aw use it for. The main thing about the TRITON that’s always made it so
man, just graduate high school, and see what you’re going to do.’ It usable for me is the touch screen. During the show, I don’t want to have
seemed like the day I graduated he was on my phone, ‘So, what’s up? to turn knobs and scroll through things. I can push the screen three
The guys are in London. Why don’t you meet up with us? We’re going times, and I’m right at the sound that I need to be.”
to go live in London for a little while.’ Live in London? I had all the
Moving forward, there’s always room for change, explains Kamal, “I can
pressures of going to college, and other things that I wanted to do, but
definitely see myself using the Korg M3 for sounds and production
eventually I agreed. The next thing you know, I’m living in London with a
because I already have an idea of how to use it.” Continuing, “I’m the
bunch of people I didn’t know except for my manager Rich and our bass
worst at learning something brand new. I’ve had a few new keyboards
player Hub,” explains Kamal. Little did he realize at the time but these
put in front of me that I didn’t understand. The fact that the M3 is so
‘people’ would soon become his fellow band mates, the ‘legendary’
very familiar to me in a lot of ways, though it has a lot of new toys built
Roots. Sitting across from me at The Studio, in Philadelphia, PA, Kamal
in, will allow me to progress and move forward. I can definitely see
still seems amazed telling his ‘right place at the right time’ story…
myself incorporating it more. Maybe it’ll eventually replace the TRITON.
“I was just there. Seriously, the second I graduated from high school. I The M3 has the quality that I need in a keyboard, and since I can build
was in London, in a two bedroom apartment with, I don’t know, seven one of my main sounds, the Rhodes, to my liking with the M3, that’s
of us. Living there, fighting over beds and who was sleeping in which pretty cool, too.”
bedroom. We lived off of fish and chips. It was quite an experience. I
Since he was just starting to dig into all the rich features the M3 offers
had been places, but I had never been anywhere by myself for that long
at the time of this interview, Kamal was bursting with product
of a period of time. We developed a brotherhood, but it was similar to
knowledge. “I like all the effects options, the expansions, the fact that
being broke. Seriously, like being a broke-ass family, living in one place
you have a whole extra board, the RADIAS, to load into it and the idea
together. That type of situation will definitely bring you together and
of having pads built in. It’s pretty cool to be able to assign chords to
cause you to develop a bond. There’s nothing else to do in that
different pads. It will take time for me to figure out ways to use some of
situation but be a man. You walk out into the streets, and you’re on
the features.” But wait, he remembered, “The KAOSS pad function in
your own,” Kamal reflects.
the touch screen – now that seems like something that’s going to be fun
Looking back, hopping a plane to London fresh out of high school may to use on stage to spice up my solos and give me some flair!”
have been one of the smartest decisions that Kamal could have made.
All in all, Kamal is decidedly a humble guy (don’t let his Paul Wall
The Roots are now a Grammy Award-winning ensemble that also have
designed diamond grill fool you!) and a proud dad with some great
various MTV Award nods, a N.A.A.C.P. Image Award for Best Duo or
insight for up and coming musicians. “You know what’s funny is that I’ve
Group and the prestigious honor of being named one of the ‘twenty
done so many things that are far beyond my wildest expectations of
greatest live acts in the world’ by Rolling Stone!
being a musician that I look at them and am numb to it now. I’ve played
Some of Kamal’s major musical influences growing up were with the best; I’ve been around the best and eaten with the best. You
Thelonious Monk, Herbie Hancock and Chick Corea, and he actually know what I mean? I’ve been everywhere, done everything that I can
got a chance to meet and get involved with those guys at an early age, imagine doing. I feel my biggest accomplishment is sticking in there as
too! But when he was a bit older, Kamal started getting into Prince long as I have and not giving up on any of it. Never thinking in broke
(now the artist formerly known as…) “When Prince came around, I times that it was never going to work. The most major accomplishment
thought, ‘Oh man, he looks like me a little bit. We were both light- is sticking in there this long and keeping it moving, because it’s what
skinned and had these big giant curls that I hated when I was growing I’ve gotta do.”
up,” Kamal laughs. “I immediately thought, ‘I need a guitar, I’ve gotta
The Roots expect to release their yet-to-be named 10th album in early
have a guitar. It gets you girls, dude!’ And my dad bought me a guitar.”
2008. For now, do yourself a favor and catch up on your Roots
Classic sibling rivalry is what we’ve got to thank for the Kamal Gray
knowledge by picking up their 2006 release Game Theory or checking
Photo by Keith Smith we all know and love today. He explains, “Eventually, I wanted to play
out a live show in a city near you!
Location: The Studio, Philadelphia, PA the piano because my little brother was taking piano lessons. I’d tell
him, ‘I can do that. That’s easy, son!’” Thankfully for all the fans out Stay tuned to or for the
there, the lessons took off really well. latest info on The Roots.
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microX By Thomas James
As the keyboardist and pianist in one of the most successful and
MUSIC SYNTHESIZER highly acclaimed British bands of the last 40 years, Tony Banks
knows exactly what he needs from technology. “Most people think
I’m still using the old instruments, which really is a good thing!”
HOOK UP, TAKE OFF laughs Tony Banks, reflecting on the fine job his Korg OASYS
It’s a software plug-in. It’s a hardware module. It’s keyboard workstation has been doing on the mammoth 2007
a multifunction controller. The microX is all this and Genesis reunion tour.
more! Its compact size makes it perfect for
gigging, plus you can use it as a fully-featured, It was while still at school, that Tony Banks formed a series of
multi-timbral MIDI expander module! bands with fellow pupils Peter Gabriel and Mike Rutherford,
eventually landing a recording deal and settling on the name
Genesis. By 1970, Phil Collins had joined as drummer and,
> BEST SOUND AROUND > MULTI CAPABLE > DUAL ARPEGGIATORS microX AT A GLANCE together with guitarist Steve Hackett, the band fully established
microX starts with the most For multi-timbral Dual polyphonic arpeggiators
themselves as one of the most important progressive rocks acts
Synthesis: HI synthesis of the era.
up-to-date version of Korg’s performances, the microX can be used individually or
legendary Hyper Integrated offers 128 sixteen-timbre Multi together on individual or ROM: 64 MB
Now for the first time in more than a decade, keyboardist Banks
(HI) synth engine and then sets, perfect for working with multiple timbres. Polyphony: 62 voices (max)
and guitarist Mike Rutherford have been joined by Phil Collins to
doubles the ROM with new, software sequencers. Keyboard: 25 full sized keys; velocity sensing
specially created PCM perform a set of old favorites, celebrating the band’s 40-year
> COMPUTER Programs/Combinations/Multi: 640 Programs/ 384
waveforms. 640 Programs > FINDERS KEEPERS anniversary, and helping to promote a host of newly formatted
COMPATIBLE Combinations/128 Multis; GM
and 384 Combinations are All sounds are grouped by DVD releases.
An External Control feature Effects: 2 master effects; 1 insert effect; master 3-band EQ; Effect
provided, with a special category making it easy to allows 12 functions to be types: 89 The task of recreating the sounds from songs written using
emphasis on modern synth find what you need, and the assigned to the four knobs generation after generation of equipment has not been a simple
and dance applications, as Click-Point controller makes Controllers: Joystick, 2 assignable switches, 4 real-time knobs
as a “set” – and 64 of these
well as unique ethnic navigating the display a Control Inputs: Damper pedal; Assignable Switch; Assignable one, but Korg’s flagship workstation, the OASYS, is Tony’s secret
sets can be stored. A USB
instruments and traditional breeze. jack talks MIDI directly with Pedal weapon. It also came to the rescue during the band’s Wembley
sounds. Stadium performance as part of the UK Live Earth climate
your computer. We’ve also Outputs: L/Mono, R; Indiv. 1, 2; Headphone
included a graphic Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: Weight: 23.86 x 8.9 x 3.15; 5.29 lbs. awareness show in July.
> CASE INCLUDED editor/librarian program that
The microX comes with a runs as a plug-in under VST,
See and hear more at: Not one to hang onto his vintage gear, Tony originally intended to
cool, custom carry case that AU or RTAS. Now comes with the valuable Creative Kontrol Pack Vol.3!! See recreate his old sounds using virtual instruments running from a
includes space for the page 16 for more information. dedicated rack-mounted computer, but eventually decided that the
adapter and cables. OASYS – offering a selection of different synthesis types within
the one box – was a better bet. “It is something of a coincidence
that I happened to come across it at this particular time,”
continues Tony. “I was looking at something to power my virtual
instruments and went as far as buying the hardware, but when I
started fiddling around with OASYS I realized that I didn’t need
the other system.
> ROBUST VOICE > POWERFUL > PERFORMANCE “A lot of people do the same thing using computers, but I trust the
Two oscillators with over 70
Grouped by genre for quick
In performance, these five
OASYS more, and it is much easier because it’s a complete
system. I find that the trouble with virtual instruments is the
waveshapes power each of access, the microKORG is knobs default to cutoff,
RETRO TO GO! the microKORG’s four loaded with 128 great- resonance, etc. for on the fly latency. Sequencing is fine but when you are actually trying to
The future/retro microKORG delivers seriously big voices. The four filter modes sounding, fully editable tweaking.In Edit mode, they build up an idea they are not terrifically user friendly.”
sound, combining analog modeling, vocoding, provide 12dB and 24dB Programs. Each can play up provide direct access to
On stage, the OASYS provides almost all the sounds originally
slopes, with Low, High and to two Timbres, layered or every parameter.
multiple effects and step-arpeggiation with an easy- Band pass settings. Two split across the keyboard. created using analogue synthesizers and other pre-digital gear.
to-use performance interface. ADSR envelope generators, “Everything that pre-dates 1980 is almost exclusively done on the
two MIDI syncable LFOs, > PLAY IT AND SAY IT Thirty-seven mini, velocity OASYS, and it’s been fantastic for that,” he insists. “We do a
switchable distortion and a An eight-band vocoder (with sensing keys keep the long medley starting with ‘In The Cage,’ passing through lots of
Virtual Patch matrix provide included mic) provides microKORG compact for go- instrumental passages and ending with ‘Afterglow,’ and every
unpreced ented creative exciting talking music and anywhere action – it can sound in that is from the OASYS. I don’t have any of those
microKORG AT A GLANCE options. other effects. Vocal
formants can be
even run on batteries. keyboards anymore and wouldn’t want to tour with them. It’s got a
great piano, organ, strings and voices, plus all the monophonic
captured and played
Synthesis Method: Analog Modeling synthesizers I used in the old days.”
across the keyboard.
Structure: 128 Programs; 2 Timbres per Program Tony’s live setup employs three keyboards, two of which are
Vocoder: 8-Band; Formant Shift, Formant Hold merely controllers, set up to play the sounds stored in the
Arpeggiator: 6 patterns OASYS. For each song, the relevant sounds are split between
Effects: Modulation (3 Types); Delay (3 Types); EQ the three, enabling Tony to instantly access whatever he needs
Ins &:Outs: Audio In 1; Line/Mic switch; Audio In 2, without too many button presses. “I just use about 30 or 35 user
L/Mono out, R out; Headphone presets to represent all the different songs and set it up so that
Dimensions (W x D x H) in.; Weight: 20.63 x 9.13 x 2.76; the splits are appropriate for each song. For example, for ‘In The
4.85 lbs. Cage,’ which has about seven or eight sounds, three of them can
For video demo, soundclips and more info go to: be played on the OASYS itself, the lead is played remotely from a little sprung keyboard sat on top and then I have two types of
Also available: Limited edition reverse key model. Find out organ on the third.”
more at
Read more of our interview with Tony Banks at
Photo by Keith Smith | Location: Verizon Center, Washington D.C. and find out more about Genesis at
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Two assignable knobs provide continuous control of two MIDI
You’ll appreciate the fantastic feel of the illuminated pads. They
respond well no matter where you strike them, and each pad
The K61P offers two switches,
two knobs, a slider, mod wheel
CLICKPOINT™ The K61P takes full-featured
USB control one step beyond
The innovative ClickPoint
can have its own velocity curve so you get responsive, great- and footswitch input – all MIDI controller can be set to act as by providing 24 pro-quality Keyboard: 61 full-size keys, velocity sensitive, 4 velocity curves
sounding results every time! assignable. Switches can be a USB mouse + left click, to sounds on-board. Natural Programs: 24 sounds
set to toggle or momentary navigate through your soft sounding acoustic and electric
> X-Y PAD Connections: Pedals, MIDI Out, USB, DC in
operation, with separate on synths or DAW software. In pianos, organs, strings and
The X-Y pad can be used to intuitively manipulate any two and off values. more are right there for you Power: USB power, optional AC adaptor
addition, this versatile interface
continuous controllers in real time. It can also be set to control can be switched to send two whether you’re connected to a Dimensions: 38.66” (W) x 8.70” (D) x 2.72” (H)
realistic flams and rolls. By moving from left to right you increase MIDI controllers; one on the X computer or to a keyboard Weight: 6.39 lbs.
the speed of the roll or the distance between the flammed notes, axis and one on the Y axis. amplifier.
and by moving up, you increase the volume of the roll or the For more detailed specs, sound clips and information, visit:
second note in the flam.
With an optional footswitch, you can add real kick-drum parts or
close an open hi-hat. The footswitch input can also be set as a
momentary or toggle switch for any parameter.
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— Chris Dudley, Underoath
> MONO/POLY > MS-20 > POLYSIX “The KP3 has so many effects packed into a small package. The power and portability make
The Mono/Poly was a This semi-modular monophonic The Polysix programmable
monophonic/polyphonic synthesizer has enjoyed polyphonic analog synthesizer the KP3 perfect for my Live Remix Project shows. My favorite features are the filter and
behemoth that many musicians unbroken popularity for its thick provided a surprisingly full- grain effects, as well as the sample banks. Plus, with the illuminated red touchpad, it looks
acclaimed as the best analog and solid sound, aggressive sounding voice structure and cooler than any performance effects processor that I’ve seen!”
synthesizer Korg ever made. filters and inexhaustible powerful performance functions,
— DJ Enferno
And we’ve improved its patching possibilities. The quickly becoming a worldwide > KORG EFFECTS INSIDE
functionality in software by software MS-20 adds 32-voice hit. The Polysix software gives KLCAE-07 includes the same • •
adding a powerful eight-virtual- polyphony, up to 16-voice you all the power of the original great MDE-X effects suite as its
patch matrix for near infinite unison (with detune/spread) hardware and then adds the brethren. Here, we include yet “I can honestly say that [KP3] exceeds the fist two KAOSS Pads, which were amazing as
modulation routing, two and flexible modulation settings. same polyphony, unison and another powerful effect plug-in – well! This is quiet too, which is always more helpful in the studio.”
integrated multi-effects, 16- modulation enhancements as the MS-20FX – which allows
voice unison and up to 128 the MS-20 – readying this you to run audio through the — Aaron Johnston, Brazilian Girls
voices. classic for modern music MS-20’s snarling filters and •
production. Aaron Johnston
flexible DSP signal processing.
“I’ve always been a big fan of Korg products and the KAOSS KP3 is just another reason
why. It’s an amazing improvisational tool for me and the interface is pretty much the most fun
you can have with a piece of gear.”
— EL-P •
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KP3 has 128 all-new effects
designed to appeal to players,
MUSIC SYNTHESIZER Outputs: Line Out L, R (RCA), Headphone Jack
Power Supply: Four alkaline AA batteries
DYNAMIC EFFECT/SAMPLER producers and DJs alike.
The new pad lighting system
provides visual cues for the
Along with traditional effects – current program, held position,
The next innovation in musical expression and creation from Korg has arrived! Dimensions (WxDxH) in.: 4.17 x 5.08 x 1.14 The KP3 KAOSS Pad takes real-time effects control and sampling to a new delays, flangers and more – and more – it can even scroll a
The KAOSSILATOR is a new pocket-sized instrument that packs Korg's For more detailed specs, A/V examples and information, visit: level! Just move or tap your finger along the X/Y pad to manipulate sample the KP3 provides exciting new custom message!
world renowned sound along with innovative performance features in an ultra- and effects parameters in a totally unique and intuitive fashion. effects, like grain shifter,
compact unit. decimator, analog style filter > BEYOND EFFECTS
with a tone-bending drive
Instant drum grooves and
circuit and EQs controllable
RADIAS-inspired vocoder and
directly from the pad.
> BIG SOUND, SMALL > GET LOOPY!!!! > HOW DID THEY GET ALL synthesizer sounds can also be
FOOTPRINT Loop Recording allows you to THAT IN THERE?!?! played on the X/Y pad.
The nifty little KAOSSILATOR record a phrase with a To add another dimension of KP3 AT A GLANCE > SYNC’D UP
comes packed with 100 specified number of beats expression, 50 Gate
powerful sound programs that (maximum 8 beats = 2 Arpeggiator patterns are there Sampling: 16 bit, 48 kHz; 24-bit A/D, D/A The KP3’s Auto BPM circuit
combine Korg's legendary measures), and play it back for the using, applicable to any Data Storage: SD Card (100 samples max) derives tempo information from
modeling synthesizer engine endlessly. Now, go ahead and of the programs. a turntable or CD player and
Inputs: Mic (1/4" ) with trim knob; Line In L,
with effects from the KAOSS choose a different sound and KAOSSILATOR also provides can sync effects to play in
PAD series, perfect for any play it on top… and repeat 31 available scales to help you perfect timing, while providing
infinitely! Each time you add a Outputs: Headphone (1/4"Ç Stereo) with MIDI clock to other devices.
musical genre. devise phrases that inspire.
phrase, KAOSSILATOR volume; Line Out L, R (RCA)
KAOSSILATOR doesn’t just
offer synths. In fact, there are “stacks” it on top of what was Interface: USB Type B (PC), MIDI IN/OUT > CAPTURE CONTRAPTION
drum patterns that previously entered, resulting in Dimensions (WxDxH) in.: 8.27 x 8.9 x 1.93 Sampling and effects are totally
automatically sync with the complete musical works as integrated, so you can sample
For more detailed specs and information,
selected tempo, drum hits, simple – or complex – as you through the effects, and even
basses, chorded sounds and desire! resample the output to create
even realistic horn models. powerful, multi-element sounds.
Whether you’re an established KAOSSILATOR is a EDITOR
“tweaker,” an aspiring completely portable, travel An editor/librarian program
electronic artist or somewhere friendly device that runs on is included so you can build
in between, KAOSSILATOR is batteries, so you can have fun libraries of samples and edit
one musical sketch pad that creating music anywhere your them using your computer
you should not be without! life takes you, with seemingly (via USB).
Anyone can instantly play endless possibilities.
musical phrases by simply
tapping or sliding their finger
across the KAOSSILATOR’s
touch pad.
>> 20 >>21
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>> 22 >>23
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Duran Duran killed in the ‘80s electric pop scene, and their was no way that I was going to be able to make all this work
newly released Red Carpet Massacre shows that they still have with a regular bass, and I had to find new ways of saying things
the razor-sharp sensibility for combining catchy, danceable hits with my bass.” For his amazing synth bass sounds, John relies
with artful songwriting. With over 70 million records sold, 18 on the Korg RADIAS Synthesizer/Vocoder. He loves how it
American hit singles, 30 top 30 songs in the UK, and an arena- combines the old school, hands-on feel of a real analog unit
filling international presence, Duran Duran has endured a with modern voicing, user ease and capabilities. “It has
longevity that is rarely associated with its contemporaries. everything I could possibly want to use it for,” he notes, adding,
Bassist John Taylor explains why this is by saying, “I think it’s “I’ve only touched the surface of what that machine is capable
just not quitting. I see groups and individuals just hang up their of. I didn’t pick up my RADIAS until we went on tour, but I have
guitars, their drumsticks – whatever it is, and often times people to say it has been able to adapt to everything that I did in the
don’t want to work out the issues that arise with their band studio with Timbaland and Nate.”
mates. We just keep moving forward. We love what we do,
we’re very passionate about it, and we feel very honored to still When John showed the RADIAS to Duran Duran keyboardist,
be doing it.” Nick Rhodes, it blew him away. That led to what they call the
“electro set,” a collection of their hits that they perform on tour
While Duran Duran did experience additional commercial and where the whole band is playing synths. John explains, “We’d
critical success in the ‘90s with its second self-titled album, it sort of been talking about how a lot of bands today have what
had its share of member changes and breaks. John says, “I left they call the “acoustic portion” of the set. It’s become sort of an
the band for a while and I tried making music with others.
industry standard...and we’ve done that but it never felt really
Through that experience, I appreciated the particular chemistry I
genuine because we’re not that kind of a band. When we go
have with these guys…and I’ve got to say that we may not be
back to our roots, we go back to synthesizers and early
virtuosos, but there’s a chemistry we have and it works.”
sequencers and that sort of thing. So we thought instead of
going back to an acoustic guitar type of presentation, why don’t
Now not only are we approaching the 30th anniversary of Duran
Duran, but the beginning of the next era for the band. They’ve we go electro?”
collaborated with the stellar production team of Timbaland and
Nate ‘Danja’ Hills, as well as long-time Duran fan Justin In addition to the RADIAS, they’ve equipped the stage setup
Timberlake on Red Carpet Massacre. John describes the with a Korg M3 Music Workstation/Sampler and microKORG
experience as, “Pretty damn intense. Timberlake was in the first Synthesizer/Vocoder. They can’t get enough of all three
day on the New York session, and then we did five days with instruments and are looking forward to utilizing them on future
Timbaland and Danja…we kind of felt a flow. Then Danja came recordings. John says, “Basically, we’re all playing keyboards in
to London and he produced a bunch of tracks with us there. He the electro set so there was a bit of a learning curve. I was
picked up from the New York sessions and got the band’s vibe. already into them so I thought this is going to be great for me,
We then worked with Justin one more time right at the very end because I have to play a bit of keyboard in the presentation of
and cut a track with him.” He adds, “They’re very exciting guys the new album. I suggested to Simon (Le Bon, lead singer,)
to work with. Since I’ve got back into the band, we’ve worked ‘How would you feel about just playing a couple of lines here
with producers but nobody that was really on their game the and there?’ and he was willing to try it. Of course, once he
way these guys were. They were very inspiring to work with. It started working with the vocoder on the microKORG, he was
just really pushed you to up your game.” The result is a like a kid in a candy store! We’re all interfacing with technology
collection of powerful, club-ready cuts like “Nite Runner,” that in a way certainly Simon, Roger (Taylor, drummer,) and I are not
displays Duran’s versatility and ability to keep up with the used to, and we’re having a lot of fun. We’re really loving it.”
changing times.
Be sure to check out Duran Duran’s Red Carpet Massacre and
John realized right away when working with this production visit their website, for additional
team that he’d be playing some keyboard bass. He says, “There information on the band, including performance dates!
Photos by Stephanie Pistel
>> 24 >>25
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Multi-level stereo sampling ENHANCE Our RH3 graded hammer For practice and reference, a With two headphone outputs, Integrated into the SP-250 is a
ensures accurate and faithful A spacious reverb effect and action provides 88 keys and convenient metronome can be you can share your music with rich, vibrant sound system.
and C-320
technology accurately reproduces C-520’s 88 keys feature a graded
every dimensional detail of the hammer action (RH3), getting
piano, using multi-velocity stereo progressively lighter towards the
samples, key release and damper top end of the keyboard. Sound Engine: Piano eXperience multi-level
CONCERT PIANOS resonance to create all of the
subtle shadings inherent in a
stereo sampling; 62 note polyphony (max)
Keyboard: RH3 Graded Hammer Action;
> PLAY IT AGAIN 8 touch curves
superior instrument.
THE MODERN ART OF The two-part recorder allows over-
dub and play-along options with Sounds: 40 total; (9 Pianos, 8 Electric
>> 26 >>27
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as much or as little information as
> SIEZE CONTROL you need for performance. ENTERTAINMENT
Two assignable switches and a Contextual HELP screens are a Two individual sequencers allow Keyboard: 76 keys, semi-weighted; velocity
four-way joystick offer versatile button push away – select any of one to play while the other loads. and aftertouch
Professional Arranger real-time control. The nine multi-
mode sliders provide full drawbar
seven languages! Cue the next song and use the DJ-
style crossfader to smoothly Synthesis Method: Extended Definition
transition between the two Synthesis (EDS)
With the same renowned RX Technology and EDS organ control, MP3 volume, mixer > EFFECTS EVERYWHERE
synthesis as the Pa2XPro, the all-in-one PA800 adds a levels, and eight are fully sequencers. Each sequencer can Polyphony: 120 voice
Four stereo processors access a
pair of 22 Watt amplifiers and a four-speaker sound assignable. The optional EC-5 treasure trove of effects, from rich play MIDI or MP3 files! MP3: Play, Record; Transpose +6/-5 steps;
system. With sixty-one keys and minus a few luxury offers five assignable footswitches reverbs and dazzling delays to Tempo change ± 30%
>> 28 >>29
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Peter and his wife, Gilia, recently used the Korg MR-1000 on her new Christmas album. “I heard it and was
really blown away!” says Peter. “We mixed the album to the MR-1000 – it really sounds fantastic! We usually mix
to 1/2 inch analog tape because the bottom end is so much better. But we compared it to the MR-1000 version
Based on the Korg Pa80 – the instrument that started the Arranger Revolution – the and felt that we didn’t have to do that any more. The sound was huge already!” Peter also uses the MR-1000 in
Pa50 provides the proven TRITON synth engine combined with our XDS dual his everyday musical activities. “I’m using it for my composing ideas – I have two C-12s recording my
sequencer, studio-quality effects, and an internal stereo speaker system. Eight-part, Boesendorfer piano.
world-class Styles along with assignable pads, a four-way joystick and other For more info on Peter Wolf, visit;;
performance features keep you in control. A huge custom backlit LCD lets you view
everything at a glance.
>> 30 >>31
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& MR-1
1-bit recording is the latest Today’s state-of-the-art 24-bit In addition to providing the FEATURES SOFTWARE SOLUTION
advancement in audio. It converters already use high- finest audio performance Recording formats include Korg’s innovative AudioGateTM
offers a frequency response speed 1-bit conversion to available, the 1-bit format can DSDIFF, DSF, and WSD 1-bit software for Mac® and PC
of DC to 100 kHz and capture audio, and then be readily converted to any of
1-BIT PROFESSIONAL dynamic range of 120 dB,
exceeding even the best
employ real-time decimation
and other processes to thin
today’s multi-bit PCM formats.
The critical issue is that you
formats, as well as multi-bit
PCM format (BWF) with
converts 1-bit recordings into
WAV and AIFF formats at
resolutions up to 24-bit/192 various bit-rates (and vice
MOBILE RECORDERS analog tape recording
systems, and has already
out the data stream into the
correct bit depth/sample rate
want to be capturing your
recordings/mixes in the highest
kHz. Both MR recorders versa) and offers real-time
UNCOMPROMISING, been adopted for use in the to match the desired format. fidelity possible; you can always
feature an internal hard drive
and a USB 2.0 connection for
conversion and playback of 1-
bit files. Free with every MR,
FUTURE-PROOF FIDELITY critically acclaimed SACD
recording format. This
The beauty of the MR’s bit-
stream format is that it uses
repurpose it to the format of
your current project, but if you
fast and easy file sharing with AudioGate also offers DC
your computer. offset removal, gain control,
AT AN UNPRECEDENTED PRICE uncompromising fidelity, low the original 1-bit data, without haven’t recorded it with the and fade in/out.
Korg’s new, super-portable MR Professional Mobile noise floor, extended dynamic the need for the other best fidelity in the first place, it
range, lifelike imaging and processes. What comes in can never be improved upon.
Recorders break new ground by providing high fidelity
analog quality depth has been comes out, with no
1-bit recording technology at unheard of low prices. praised by top experts. manipulation needed.
The hand-held MR-1 provides high quality 1-bit/2.8
MHz recording and playback, while the mobile/tabletop
MR-1000 delivers an astonishing 1-bit/5.6 MHz,
doubling industry DSD recording quality standards.
Recording Formats: <1-bit audio formats> DSDIFF, DSF, WSD:
2.8224 MHz @ 1-bit, 5.6448 MHz @ 1-bit <PCM audio formats>
WAV, BWF: 44.1 kHz @ 16/24- bit, 48 kHz @ 16/24-bit, 88.2
kHz @ 24-bit, 96 kHz @ 24-bit, 176.4 kHz @ 24-bit, 192 kHz @
Number of Tracks: 2 tracks, 2-track recording/playback
Input L/R: XLR-3-31 type / 1/4" TRS phone combo jack
Output L/R: XLR-3-32 type (balanced), RCA jacks (unbalanced)
Headphones: 1/4" stereo phone jack
Internal Hard Disk Drive: 40 GB
Dimensions (W x D x H) in.; Weight: 7.56 x 6.7 x 2.2; 2.20 lbs.
Power Supply: AC adapter, or 8 AA batteries (not included)
Accessories: AC adapter, carrying bag, CD-ROM (AudioGate
audio file conversion software)
Find out much more at:
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D888 D3200
Tracks: 64 plus master track, eight-track simultaneous
>> 34 >>35
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Effects: 180 types (Max. simultaneous
by Miki
effects: 7)
Number of Programs: User: 100,
Preset: 100
Inputs: guitar input (1/4" jack), AUX
The Korg PANDORA series is famous for packing dozens of realistic modeling effects and (mini stereo jack)
a multitude of versatile functions into a pocket-sized unit. Now we’re proud to introduce Output: line/headphone dual-purpose output
the new PANDORA PX5D multi-effect processor, optimized to work with your computer as (stereo phone jack)
a powerful recording tool. The PX5D for guitar and bass is the first in the PANDORA Control: FOOTSW jack, USB connector
series to provide a USB audio interface so you can plug directly into your computer. Tuner Section: detection range:
27.5 Hz-2,093 Hz (A0-C7), calibration:
A = 438 Hz-445 Hz
Rhythm Section: 128 patterns, 40-208 bpm
GET MORE! WHAT’S NEW WITH THE PX5D: Includes: strap holder
Power Supply: 2 x AA alkaline batteries
• More live control! Footswitch jack lets you use any common footswitch to select Dimensions (W x D x H) in.:
programs—a first for Pandora. 4.65 x 2.95 x 0.79
• More effects! Over 20 new effects brings the grand total to 180. Option: AC adapter, KORG PS-1 pedal
• More Recording! With USB audio, your Pandora doubles as a direct recording interface.
Find audio files, effects listings and more
• More jam tracks! 744 Rhythm and Bass patterns to jam along to. That’s over seven times info at:
more than the PX4D. Plus you can chain up to 20 different patterns together.
• More memory! 80 second phrase trainer samples and slows down your favorite tune
without altering the pitch. And if you want to change the key, we’ve got you covered with a
transpose feature.
>> 36 >>37
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Cabinet Types: 11
Number of Programs: User: 50, Effects: Pedal: 11, Modulation: 11,
Preset: 50
Inputs: guitar input (1/4" jack), AUX
BASS MODELING SIGNAL PROCESSOR Delay: 11, Reverb: 11, Noise Reduction: 1
ACOUSTIC PERSONAL (mini stereo jack) The AX3000B packs 72 types of amp models and effect sounds created specifically for bass delivered
Programs: 96 (24 Banks x 4 Channels)
Audio Inputs: INPUT (1/4"), INSERT
by Korg’s world-acclaimed REMS modeling technology. You’ll find unique effects such as a two-octave
MULTI-EFFECT PROCESSOR Output: line/headphone dual-
purpose output (stereo pitch shifter, a fretless effect, and even a bass synth effect. The AX3000B’s bass-specific 16 drive/amp
RETURN (1/4"), AUX IN (stereo mini-jack)
Audio Output: OUTPUT x 2 (1/4"), INSERT
models include fat-sounding tube sounds, ultra-low bottom-end, clean sounds, and many more.
phone jack) SEND (1/4"), PHONES (stereo mini-jack),
OPTIMIZED FOR ACOUSTIC Built-in Tuner LEVEL Knob, S/P DIF OUT (16-bit, 44.1 kHz
Created especially for electric-acoustic players, the PX4A Rhythm Section: 40-208 bpm optical connector)
contains 82 effects including Body effects that model the Built-in tuner
Power Supply: 4x AAA alkaline
resonances and vibrational character of great acoustic batteries MIDI: IN, OUT
guitars. Aspects such as guitar construction and body size
Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 19.7 x 9.5 x 2.8
are modeled in painstaking detail. The PX4A’s effects
Included: AC adapter
include models for resonator guitar, a newly developed
banjo and nylon-string guitar — you can play a wide variety Find audio files, video demos, effects
> With numerous effects ranging from
listings at:
of acoustic sounds using just a single instrument. standards such as compressor, limiter, echo,
delay, reverb, and chorus, through
distinctive effects such as a twelve-string
effect, the PX4A even includes Mic effects
that simulate the sense of space and depth
achieved by mic’ing an instrument.
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Check out Korg ProSessions at You can even sign up to find out when the next
AX5G AT A GLANCE ProSession goes live.
Effects: 57
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y ear
A compact and unique high-
performance dedicated
guitar/bass tuner • Three
types of tuning modes:
GA-40 Strobe, Mirror, and Meter
ADVANCED SOLO TUNER • Flat tuning down to 5
Larger, higher visibility display ensures stable tuning • Output jack for semi-tones • Tune seven-
PITCHBLACK connection to an external amplifier • Built-in folding stand for easy viewing string guitars and six-string
CHROMATIC PEDAL • Tune seven-string guitars and six-string basses • Flat tuning down to 5 basses • Auto Power Off
TUNER semi-tones • Reference tone can be produced from the internal speaker function conserves battery
100% true bypass circuitry (Sound Out) • Auto Power Off function conserves battery life • Built-in life • Built-in high-sensitivity
high-sensitivity microphone for tuning acoustic guitars • Range of pitch microphone for tuning
• Four types of tuning modes:
Full Strobe, Half Strobe, Meter
PITCHBLACK+ detection: B0-B6 • Battery life: approximately 85 hours of continuous use acoustic guitars • Range of
ADVANCED CHROMATIC PEDAL TUNER • Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 3.94 x 2.64 x 0.67 pitch detection: B0-B6
and Mirror • Flat tuning down to
Two selectable inputs for guitar or bass • Dual meter “Focus Mode” • Battery life: approximately
5 semi-tones • 11 point LED
offers ultra-precise tuning within +/- 0.1 cent • 5 programmable tunings 18 hours of continuous use
display • DC out powers other 9
• 5 open tunings (A-G-E-D, DADGAD) • 100% true bypass circuitry • Dimensions (W x D x H)
volt pedals • Range of pitch
• Choose from 6 tuning modes: Full Strobe, Half Strobe, Meter, Mirror, in.: 2.40 x 2.56 x 0.87
detection: E0-C8 • Battery life:
Focus Mode 1 and Focus Mode 2 • Flat tuning down to 7 semi-tones
approximately 5 hours of
• Includes cascade cable for powering other 9 volt pedals • Range of
continuous use • Dimensions (W
pitch detection: E0-C8 • Battery life: approximately 5 hours
x D x H) in.: 2.67 x 4.72 x 1.85
• Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 5.12 x 4.8 x 1.9 (including feet)
Dual display combines a needle indicator and backlit LCD • Five
types of built-in open tunings (D, E, A, G, DADGAD) • Tune
seven-string guitars and six-string basses • Auto or Manual
tuning modes • Reference tone can be produced from the
internal speaker (Sound Out) • Flat tuning down to 4 semi-
tones • Durable suede-type soft case is included • Built-
in high-sensitivity microphone for tuning acoustic guitars
PITCHJACK • Range of pitch detection: A0-C8 • Battery life:
approximately 100 hours of continuous use
• Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 2.91 x 1.42 x 4.72
Plug directly into your
guitar or bass • Built-in
flashlight • Connects to a
keychain ring • Flat tuning
down to 7 semi-tones
• Tune seven-string guitars
and six-string basses
• Range of pitch detection:
B0-B6 • Dimensions
(W x D x H) in.:1.22 x 5.39
(open) x 1.1 GA-30
High-precision LCD needle-type meter for easy tuning • Flat tuning
down to 5 semi-tones • Tune seven-string guitars and six-string basses
New • Reference tone can be produced from the internal speaker (Sound
Out) • Convenient tilt slit lets you insert a plastic card for use as a BUZZ FEITEN GUITAR AND BASS TUNER
stand • Auto Power Off function conserves battery life • Built-in high- Two types of tuning modes: Buzz Feiten or Chromatic • Large
sensitivity microphone for tuning acoustic guitars • Range of pitch LED meter and seven-segment note display • Buffer amp between
detection: B0-B6 • Battery life: approximately 100 hours of continuous the INPUT and BYPASS jack eliminates tone loss • Tune seven-
use • Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 4.1 x 2.52 x 0.6 string guitars and six-string basses • Reference tone can be
produced from the internal speaker (Sound Out) • Built-in high-
sensitivity microphone for tuning nylon or steel acoustic guitars
• Range of pitch detection: A0-B7 • Battery life: approximately 12
hours of continuous use • Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 6.65 x
2.48 x 1.71
Products not shown in relative size.
>> 42 >>43
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y ear
A compact and unique high-performance
chromatic tuner • Three types of tuning
modes: Strobe, Meter and Mirror • Built-in
high-sensitivity microphone for tuning acoustic
instruments • Adjustable calibration: 410
Hz~480 Hz • Range of pitch detection: A0~C8
• Battery life: approximately 18 hours of
continuous use • Dimensions (W x D x H) in.:
2.40 x 2.56 x 0.87
Dual chromatic tuner display
combines a needle indicator and
backlit LCD • Sound Back™
mode plays a reference pitch
for the note that’s closest to
the input pitch. The meter
indicates the discrepancy
between the input and
the correct pitch
• Choose from three
CA-40 levels of needle
ADVANCED SOLO TUNER response speed
A compact chromatic tuner, ideal for use with band & orchestral (slow, medium
instruments • Larger and more easily readable high-precision LCD and fast) •
needle-style meter • Reference tone can be produced from the internal Transpose
speaker (Sound Out) • Equipped with output jack & folding stand mode is
• Auto Power Off function conserves battery life • Built-in high- convenient for wind TM-40
sensitivity microphone for tuning acoustic instruments • Adjustable instruments • Multiple COMBO TUNER METRONOME
CA-30 calibration: 410 Hz~480 Hz • Range of pitch detection: A0~C8 • Battery Temperaments to support Chromatic tuner and metronome functions can be used simultaneously or
SOLO TUNER life: approximately 85 hours of continuous use • Dimensions (W x D x H) historical tunings • Both auto and manual independently • Large LCD-type needle meter • LED indicators show pitch
in.: 3.94 x 2.64 x 0.67 tuning modes are provided • Reference tone
Compact chromatic tuner, ideal for band & orchestra instruments • deviation or blink to indicate the tempo • Pure major third and minor third
High-precision LCD needle-type meter ensures stable tuning • Marks can be produced from the internal speaker (Sound interval markings • Reference tone can be produced from the internal
provided for pure major thirds and minor thirds • Reference tone can be Out) • Durable suede-type soft case is included • Built-in speaker (Sound Out) • Metronome beat mode with adjustable tempo and
produced from the internal speaker (Sound Out) • Built-in high- high-sensitivity microphone for tuning acoustic instruments time signature selections • Thirteen rhythm variations for practicing a wide
sensitivity microphone for tuning acoustic instruments • Adjustable • Adjustable calibration: 349 Hz~499 Hz • Range of pitch range of styles • Two tempo adjustment modes: “full step” and “pendulum
calibration: 410 Hz~480 Hz • Range of pitch detection: C1-C8 • detection: A0-C8 • Battery life: approximately 100 hours step” • Built-in high-sensitivity mic for tuning acoustic instruments •
Battery life: approximately 100 hours of continuous use • Dimensions of continuous use • Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 2.91 x Adjustable calibration: 410 Hz~480 Hz • Range of pitch detection: C1-C8
(W x D x H) in.: 4.1 x 2.52 x 0.6 1.42 x 4.72 • Battery life: (tuner) approximately 70 hours, (metronome) approximately 50
hours of continuous use • Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 4.45 x 3.03 x 0.71
AT WWW.KORG.COM/MYTUNER Products not shown in relative size.
>> 44 >>45
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Ultra-lightweight chromatic tuner attaches to virtually any
instrument • Tune using the Piezo pickup or the built-in
microphone • Marks to indicate pure major third and minor
Digital accuracy for complete rhythm
third intervals • Meter Reverse function lets you invert the
training • Fits comfortably on your ear.
display for easy viewing • Two clip sizes (Large/Small)
Only the user can hear it. • 1/4, 2/4,
are included for various types of instruments • ACTUAL SIZE 3/4, 4/4, 5/4, 6/4, 7/4 time signatures,
Adjustable calibration: 410 Hz~480 Hz • Range of
plus duplet, triplet and quadruplet
pitch detection: A0-C8 • Battery life:
beats • Hook for attachment to a
approximately 20 hours of continuous use •
keychain • Tempo range: 40-208 BPM
CM-100L Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 0.98 x 2.17 x 0.35
• Battery life: approximately 500 hours
CONTACT MICROPHONE of continuous use • Dimensions (W x
The CM-100L Contact Microphone is a perfect D x H) in.: 0.64 x 1.83 x 0.66
complement to any tuner that offers a 1/4" input
jack. The mic can be positioned on just about any MM-2
instrument to get a more accurate reading, while PERSONAL METRONOME
allowing the tuner to be positioned for easier 39 tempo steps in a 40-208 bpm range • 0,2,3,4,5,6,7 beats,
reading. The jack is a right angled 1/4" male 8th notes, triplets, 16th notes • +/-2% accuracy • Easy-to-adjust
connector. volume control • Piezo electric speaker • Ear hook comfortably
fits either ear • Two interchangeable color caps • Tempo range:
40-208 BPM • Battery life: approximately 100 hours of
continuous use • Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 3.0 x 0.94 x 1.97
“Virtual Conductor” mimics a conductor’s baton • The timer/stopwatch
function lets you time your practice sessions up to 99 minutes • Ten
different beats and six different rhythms can be combined • Tap
function lets you set the desired tempo • Choose from two types of
tempo steps: “Pendulum” or “Full” • Reference tone can be
produced to tune your instrument • Flip top design protects
LCD display • Calibration range: 410 Hz~480 Hz •
Tempo range: 30-252 BPM • Battery life:
approximately 90 hours of continuous use •
Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 3.98 x 3.31 x
0.81 (folded)
Cylindrical resonator speaker offers high volume for use
with multiple instruments • Three different PCM beat
sounds (Cowbell, Agogo & Clave) • An LED provides
visual reinforcement of the tempo • A total of 19 beat
patterns cover your practicing needs for diverse musical
styles • Tap Tempo function lets you set the desired
tempo • Reference tone can be produced from the
internal speaker for tuning • TEMPO/CALIB dial and BEATLAB
switch provide quick access to the desired setting or PERCUSSIONIST’S RHYTHM TRAINING
function • A large LCD screen makes settings easy to METRONOME
see • Tempo range: 30-252 BPM • Battery life: Train with 39 basic rudiments including roll, paradiddle, flam,
MA-30 approximately 120 hours of continuous use • and ruff • Accent sliders add rhythmic variations to practice
SOLO METRONOME Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 4.17 x 1.91 x 4.19 any style • Sound and LED indicators for left and right hand
Thirteen different beats and rhythms are built-in • Rhythms include duplets, sticking • Supports triplets and complex rhythms such as five to
triplets, triplets with inner beats omitted, quadruplets, and quadruplets with nine notes per beat • 24 programmable patterns allows creations of
inner beats omitted • Headphone jack with adjustable volume • Tap Tempo tempos, beats, and rhythms • Chain mode lets you link eight programs,
function lets you set the desired tempo • Reference tone can be produced each containing up to sixteen bars • Tap Tempo function lets you set the desired
from the internal speaker for tuning • Adjustable calibration: 438-445 Hz • tempo • Headphone jack with adjustable volume • Backlit display for excellent
Tempo range: 40-208 BPM • Battery life: approximately 250 hours of visibility • Tempo range: 30-300 BPM • Battery operation (four AAA alkaline batteries)
continuous use • Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 4.09 x 2.52 x 0.59 or optional AC adapter • Dimensions (W x D x H) in.: 5.59 x 4.09 x 1.10
Products not shown in relative size.
>> 46 >>47