Bhakti Sufi Movement 98

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The key takeaways are that the Bhakti movement originated in southern India between the 7th-12th centuries and later spread across mainland India. It criticized social and religious malpractices. Major saints included Alvars, Nayanars, Ramanujacharya, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Tulsidas, Namdev and Tukaram. The Sufi movement in India had orders like Chishti, Qadiriya, Naqshbandi and Shattari.

The major orders of Sufism that flourished in India were the Chishti, Qadiriya, Suhrawardi, Naqshbandi and Shattari orders.

The major writings of Surdas included Sur Saravali, Sahitya Lahari and Sur Sagar.




Bhakti Movement and Sufi Movement

• Bhakti Movement originated in southern parts of India between the 7th and 12th centuries and
slowly spread in the whole mainland.
• The Medieval period is considered as an age of great cultural synthesis in India and during this
period a new phase of cultural development was initiated.
• Alvars and Nayanars were considered as the founder of the Bhakti movement in Southern India.
• Alvars were Vaishnavites while Nayanars were devoted to Shaivism.
• Both Alwars and Nayanars criticised the social and religious malpractices prevalent in society.
• Andal of Alvaras and Karikkal of Nayanaras were major saints.
Two schools of Bhakti-
1. Sagun Bhakti- It believed an indefinite form of god, worship of idols, attributes of God,
incarnations of god, etc.
Ramanuja, Ramananda, Chaitnaya Mahaprabhu belonged to Sagun Bhakti.
2. Nirgun Bhakti- It believes in formless, quality less god, and rejected idol worship.
Kabir, Guru Nanak, Dadu etc. belonged to Nirguna Bhakti.
Major Saints and their contribution in the Bhakti Movement is as follow-
Saints Contribution Region Type
• Roots of Bhakti movement
were planted by
Shankracharya in the 9th
• He revived Advaita
Vedanta philosophy based on Southern Indian
Upnishads and later all over Sagun
Shankracharya • He wrote Vivek Chudamani India
and Atma Bodh and
commentary on Gita and
• Born in Tamil Nadu in the
11th century
• Recognised as the
originator of the Bhakti Tamil Nadu
Movement in Medieval time
• He believed in Sagunbhava Sagun
Ramanuj Bhakti
• He was a Vaishnavite
• Propagated Deviator
Madhavacharya • God, Soul, and Matter are Karnataka Sagun
separate and unique
• Female Saint of Bhakti
Mirabai • Initially princess of Mewar Rajasthan Sagun
• His teacher was Raidas
• Wrote Ramcharitramanas
• Used Awadhi language to
Tulsidas expand the reach of Bhakti Awadh Sagun


• From Allahabad
• Formed Ramanandi Sect
• The opposed caste system,
his major disciples were-
• Kabir, Raidas, Dhanna,
Ramanand Pipa, Narahari, etc. were his Uttar Pradesh Sagun
• His followers are known as
• Wrote Bijak and Uttar Pradesh Nirgun
Kabir contributed in ‘Panch Vani’ and nearby Area

• Born in Talwandi near

• Founder of Sikh Religion
• Establish center at Punjab and Sindh Nirgun
Guru Nanak Kartarpur named Dera Baba
Nanak on banks of Ravi River
• Popularise chanting ‘Hare
Rama Hare Krishna’
• Gave Achintaya Bheda
Abheda Darshan
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu • Sagun Bengal Sagun
• He wrote Siksastakam
• Popularise vaishvanism in
Shankardeva • Wrote ‘Krishna Ghosha’ Assam Sagun
• Wrote Sursagar, Sur UP and central Sagun
Surdas Saravali etc. India

• Belonged to Varkari Panth

Namdev • Wrote ‘Eknathi Bhahvata’ Maharashtra Sagun
• The worshipper of Vithala
or Vithoba
• Composed Abhanga Poetry
Tukaram • Rejected caste barrier in Maharashtra Sagun
bhakti of god
• The worshipper of Rama
and Hanumana
• Wrote Dasbodh
• He was the founder of
Ramdas Samarth Sect Maharashtra Sagun
• Bal Gangadhar Tilak drew
inspiration from his works

Sufi Movement
• Sufism is the mystical section of Islam.


• It aims at establishing direct communion between God and man through the personal experience
of mystery.
• Sufism rejected the orthodox interpretation of texts and blind observance of rituals.
• Hence the Sufi Movement started in medieval time and they tried to realise mystics beyond
science and rituals.
• The goal of Sufism is Union with God.
Sufis were divided into-
A. Be Shara-They do not believe in Sharia. They came to be called as ‘Mast Kalandars’. They ignored
rituals and follow asceticism.
B. Ba Shara- They believe the in-laws of Islam and teacher-disciple relationship carries the
knowledge in Silsila.

Different orders flourished in India are-

1. Chisti Silsila
• Originally began in Herat, Afghanistan in 930 AD.
• In India it was founded by Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti.
• He established his khanqah in Ajmer.
• Their philosophy was based on the concept of “panthetic monoism”
• Major scholars of this silsila were-
a) Qutubuddin Bhaktiyar Kaki
b) Fariduddin Ganjshakar
c) Nizamuddin Aulia
d) Sheikh Burhanuddin Garib
2. Suhrawardi Silsila
• This silsila was founded by Sheikh Shihabuddin Suhrawardi in Baghdad.
• In India it was established by Sheikh Bahuaddin Zakaria.
• He opened his khanqah in Multan.
• They accepted royal gifts, lands, and positions.
• It reached a peak under Sheikh Ruknuddin.
• Saiyid Nuruddin Mubarak was another major saint of this sect.

3. Qadariya Silsilah
• It was founded by Shah Namatullah in India.
• Became popular in Punjab-Sindh and nearby areas.
• Miyan Mir was a famous pir of this silsila.
• Miyan Mir preached his teachings to Dara Shikoh.

4. Naqsbandhi Silsila
• Founded by Khwaja Bahuaddin Naqshbandi in India.
• This silisla became popular during Akbar’s time.

5. Shattari Silsila
• Established by Sheikh Sirajuddin Abdullah Shattar
• Spread in the Awadh-Bengal region.
• Tansen was influenced by this Silsila


Some Important Questions-

1. Namdev and Tukaram Bhakti Saints belong to which area/State?
Ans. Maharashtra
2. What are the major writings of Surdas?
Ans. Sur Saravali, Sahitya Lahari, and Sur Sagar
3. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was popular bhakti saint in which region?
Ans. Bengal Region
4. Who were prominent nirgun bhakti saints?
Ans, Guru Nank, Kabir and Dadu
5. Alvaras and Nayanars belonged to which Bhakti sects respectively?
Ans. Vaishnavite and Shaivites
6. Who started Chisti Silsila in India?
Ans. Khwaja Muinuddin Chisti
7. Sheikh Bahuaddin Zakaria opened his khanqah where?
Ans. Multan
8. Miyan Mir was the famous Pir of which silsila?
Ans. Qadariya Silsilah
9. Naqsbandhi Silsila was founded in India by whom?
Ans. Khwaja Bahuaddin Naqshbandi
10. Who wrote ‘Krishna Ghosha’?
Ans. Shankardeva


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