Ratio Analysis of NIBL
Ratio Analysis of NIBL
Ratio Analysis of NIBL
Nepal Investment Bank Limited
A Fieldwork Report
Submitted to
Parashar College
Damauli, Tanahun
Tribhuvan University
March , 2013
Faculty of Management
This is to certify that the fieldwork assignment report
Submitted by
Ratio Analysis
Nepal Investment Bank Limited
has been prepared as approved by this
This fieldwork assignment report is forwarded for examination.
I have been able to prepare this report only by receiving significant help in
different ways from my family and friends. I would like to express thanks to all of
them for their guidance, inspiration and invaluable assistance. I would be
extremely delighted to appreciate the efforts of Mr. Kehar Singh Ale ( Image
Digital Pvt Ltd.) for computer setting and printing of the report.
Parashar College
Damauli, Tanahun
A/c Account
BBS Bachelors of Business
BOD Board of Directors
BS Bikram Sambat
EBIT Earning Before Interest and
eg exempligratia (for example)
etc etcetera (and so on)
FOM Faculty of Management
FY Fiscal Year
HDI Human Development Index
i.e. id est (that is)
Ltd Limited
No Number
P/L Profit and Loss
ROA Return on Assets
NPR Nepalese Rupees
NIBL Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.
TU Tribhuvan University
NRB Nepal Rastra Bank
% Percentage
Fig Figure
Ltd Limited
Pvt Private
Dia. Diagram
List of Figures
Figure Page
Fig.1 Shareholding Pattern of NIBL 15
Fig.2 Earning Per Share 15
Fig.3 Return on Asset 16
Fig.4 Price Earning Ratio 16
Fig.5 Valuation Highligts 17
List of Diagrams
D i ag r am Page
Dia.1 Trend Analysis of EPS, ROA & PE Ratio 16
Dia.2 Bargraph of Valuation Highlights 17
Table of Contents
List of abbreviations
List of Figures
List of Diagrams
Chapter Page
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Meaning of Bank 1
1.2 History of Banking 1
1.3 Banking in Nepal 2
1.4 Introduction to NIBL 3
1.5 Vision 4
1.6 Mission 4
1.7 Statement of Problem 5
1.8 Objectives of Field Report 5
1.9 Literatures Review 6
1.10 Methodology of Fieldwork 7
1.11 Significance of the Study 8
1.12 Limitation of the Fieldwork 9
1.13 Organization of the study 10
Bibliography 18
Table of Contents
List of abbreviations
List of Figures
List of Diagrams
Chapter Page
1. Introduction 01
1.1 Meaning of Bank 01
1.2 History of Banking 01
1.3 Banking in Nepal 02
1.4 Introduction to NIBL 03
1.5 Vision 04
1.6 Mission 04
1.7 Statement of Problem 05
1.8 Objectives of Field Report 05
1.9 Literatures Review 06
1.10 Methodology of Fieldwork 07
1.11 Significance of the Study 08
1.12 Limitation of the Fieldwork 09
1.13 Organization of the study 10
List of Diagrams
D i ag r am Page
Dia.1 Shareholding Pattern of NIBL 17
Dia. 2 Trend Analysis of EPS, ROA & PE Ratio 18
Dia.2 Bargraph of Valuation Highlights 19
Ratio Analysis of Nepal Investment Bank Ltd 2068-69
Chapter -1
1.1 Meaning of Bank
Finance is the blood of trade, commerce and industry. Now-a-days
banking sector acts as the backbone of the modern business. Development of
any country mainly depends upon the banking system.
The term ‘Bank’ is derived from the French word Banco which means a
Bench or Money exchanging table. In olden days, European money lenders or
money changers used to display coin of different countries in big heaps
(quantity) on benches or tables for the purpose lending or exchanging.
1.3 Banking in Nepal
Banks and banking activities have always played a prominent role in the
economic prosperity of the country. The pace of the economic development of
the country flourished as banks and its activities gradually developed. Ever
since democracy was restored in 2007 BS the government as well as citizen felt
the necessity of establishing banks in the country. Likewise, Nepal Rastra Bank
(NRB) was established in 1955 AD. It was established as an apex regulatory
body for the banks to be operated in Nepal.
The history of banking has started after the establishment of Nepal Bank
Limited (NBL) by special act in 1973 AD. The bank was established with an
authorized capital of NRS 10 million.
NRB worked hard to minimize the use of Indian currency in Nepal and to
teach the use of money instead of Barter exchange. It was overwhelmingly
successful by opening branches outside the valley. It helped a lot in raising
awareness of banking. In a decade it has its offices in 7 places which afterwards
turned into branches of commercial banks.
As the monetary transaction got more and more complex, NRB finally
suggested the movement to establish another commercial bank. As a result,
Rastriya Banijya Bank (RBB) came in to existence in 1966 AD.
Likewise, there have been 32 commercial banks established so far till this
date. Apart from this many financial institutions and co-operatives societies
have also started contributing in the economy.
1.4 Introduction to the Nepal investment Bank Limited
Nepal Investment Bank Limited (NIBL) previously Nepal Indosuez Bank
Ltd, was established in 1986 as a joint venture between Nepalese and French
partners. The French partners holding 50% of the capital was credit Agricole
Indosuez, a subsidiary one of the largest banking group in the world. The name
of the bank has been changed to Nepal Investment Bank Limited upon the
approval of bank’s annual general meeting , Nepal Rastra Bank and Company
Registrar’s office with the following shareholding structure.
Over the past 7 years, this bank has grown to become one of the biggest
commercial bank in Nepal. This bank has helped to fulfill growing
requirements of credit and collects deposits for the development projects and
support in the business.NIBL has the highest deposit amongst the private
sectors banks throughout the Nepal.
NIBL has been very aggressive in innovating and offering new products
and services in the financial market. NIBL started Visa Electron Debit Card for
the first time in Nepal after acquiring Principal Membership of Visa
International in 2003. Since then, NIBL has been pioneering other existing
banks and financial institutions in the card business. NIBL has the largest ATM
network in Nepal with the addition of nine more ATMs to the Bank's network.
At present, NIBL has in total, seven Visa Associate Member Banks and 260
ATM outlets connected to Switch. We have also enabled recharge card options
for telecom and Wi-Fi subscribers of Broadlink Ltd. to carry out top-ups
through their ATMs; they are the only Bank to have enabled this feature. It has
also enabled ATM-based money transfers for cardholders having multiple
accounts with NIBL. Currently, it is implementing their Switch based
electronic payment gateway which will enable card to card money transfer to
any client within their Switch network. They are also updating their systems to
be EMV compliant and to issue Smart Cards. They are currently undergoing
PCI-DSS certification as well. They now have 35 Member Banks and
58 ATMs in their Proprietary Card Network called National Payment Network
which began in 2009. They now have over 400,000 cardholders in their Bank
and have issued 300,000 on behalf of their National Network.
1.5 Vision
To be the most preferred provider of financial services in Nepal.
1.6 Mission
They aspire to be the leading Nepali bank, delivering world class services
through a blend of state-of-the-art technology and visionary management in
partnership with competent and committed staff, to achieve sound financial
health with sustainable value addition to all their stakeholders. They are
committed to fulfilling this mission while ensuring the highest levels of ethical
standards, professional integrity, corporate governance and regulatory
1.7 Statements of Problems
The organized summary of detailed information about financial
position and performance of a concern is known as financial statement. It is
prepared at the end of accounting year for periodic review of the activities of
organization and results achieved by it. It includes Profit and Loss
account or income statement and Balance Sheet. The former shows the results
of operation for a particular period while the latter indicates the financial
position of the concern at the end of that period. Hence, financial statements
are the condensed form of accounts.
A. Liquidity Ratio:
It reflects the firm’s ability to pay its short terms debts or claims within a
period less than one year. They assess the capacity of the concern to repay its
short term liabilities. The position of the concern can be measured mainly by
using two liquidity ratios such as:
I. Current Ratio/ Short term Solvency Ratio/ Working Capital
II. Quick Ratio/ Acid test Ratio/ Liquid Ratio
B. Leverage Ratio:
It is long term solvency ratio or capital structure ratio. It weighs up the
ability of a firm to meet the payments associated with its long term debts. It
measures the effectiveness of the long term financial position. It stands for
relationship between internal and external sources of funds of a firm. The
major types of leverage ratios are:
C. Profitability Ratio:
It shows the overall efficiency of the concern to in terms of its sales,
investments, and earnings and dividends. An undertaking without profit is
unthinkable. The profitability ratio is related to profit. The following are the
major types of profitability ratios.
A. Primary Sources
Primary data refers to data collected for the first time for a specific
purpose. It can be collected through interviews, observations or
experimentation. The data needed for this fieldwork report was collected from
face- to- face interview with the manager of the organization Mr. Hemanta
Karki and official Mr. Ram Bahadur Poudel. The respondents were asked
questions through questionnaire.
B. Secondary Sources
Secondary data refers to data already available. It was collected earlier
for another purpose and exists in published form. The necessary data is also
gathered from the organization’s financial statements Income statement,
Balance Sheet and the annual report submitted in Annual General Meeting
(AGM). It is also collected from published magazines, books, articles and
literature about the organization.
The collected data and information are edited, classified, tabulated and
presented in different types of charts to serve the needs of the study.
The study depends heavily on secondary data and is not free from its
It may suffer from the inherent weaknesses of the financial
statements of the organization.
The deadline for the submission of report restricted the depth study.
1.13 Organization of the study
A well managed and orderly arranged scheme of the study is essential to
facilitate the overall study, which is known as organization of the study.
This fieldwork report encompasses three different parts as stated below:
1.13.1 Part One
It is the preliminary section of the report. It consists of acknowledgement
which expresses thanks to different individuals for their pivotal role to prepare this
report in this existing form. It also includes lists of abbreviation used as well as
lists of tables and figures.
1.13.2 Part Two
It contains three chapters. It is the main text of the report. It provides a bird’s
eye view of the report. The first chapter deals with introduction, background of the
fieldwork, statement of the problems, objectives of the fieldwork, literatures
review, methodology of the fieldwork, significance of the study and limitations of
the fieldwork.
The second chapter is the largest section of the report. It involves analysis and
presentation of data by using appropriate techniques. The third chapter comprises
summary, conclusion and recommendation.
𝑵� � 𝑷 � � � � � 𝑨� � � � �𝒂𝒙
EPS = 𝑵�.��
The EPS trend is fluctuating, but it is clear that the EPS of NIBL is
substantially high than other competitors. The average EPS of NIBL is Rs
51.77. The highest and lowest EPS of NIBL are Rs 62.57 and Rs 37.42 resp. in
the FY 2064/2065 and 2066/2067. Therefore, from above analysis we can say
that the earning power of NIBL is in good condition.
2.1.2 Return on Asset (ROA):
It measures the firm’s return on investment of financial resources. It also
helps us to provide the information of proper utilization of the resources. It is
the relation between profit and total assets. Lower ROA means lower profit and
higher ROA means higher profit. In the present study, this ratio is examined to
measure the profitability of all financial resources in the bank assets.
𝑵� � 𝑷 � � � � � 𝒂� � � � � 𝒂𝒙 (𝑵𝑷 𝑨� )
ROA = ���𝒂� 𝑨�����
The trend of ROA is also fluctuating; it rises in the year 2067/2068. The
highest ROA was 2.20 % in the fiscal year 2067/2068 and lowest was 1.70 % in
the fiscal year 2066/2067. The above table shows that the ROA is satisfactory.
However the management of NIBL must keep their eyes towards the situation
and mobilize their working assets more to earn more profit. The average ROA is
In the fiscal year 2065/2066 , the PE ratio was 42.34 and further
decreased up to 37.09 in the FY 2066/2067 likewise it continuously
decreases in the year 2067/2068 and 2068/2069. The PE ratio is 10.54
In the fiscal year 2066/2067 the ratio of Net Profit to Gross Income is
16.71% but increases up to 20.26 % in the year 2067/2068. In current year
2068/2069 its ratio is 23.99
In the fiscal year 2067/2068 the ratio of Net profit to Gross Income is
20.26 which are greater than last year and this year ratio was 23.99 which is
more than last year.
In the FY 2065/2066 the ratio of Exchange Gain to Total Income is 8.80 but it
increases up to 9.63 in the year 2066/2067, after 2066/2067 it was decreasing
In the FY 2066/2067 the ratio was 9.63 which were higher than previous
year and this year 2068/2069 i.e. 8.60
In the FY 2064/2065 the ratio of net profit to loan and advances is 2.10 %
but it decreases by 0.13 and became 1.975 in the fiscal year and that it
continuously increases up to 2068/2069 i.e. 2.66 %
In the FY 2067/2068 the ratio was 84.68 % which is less than previous
year and in FY 2064/2065 the ratio was the lowest during 5 year. Thus, the bank
has less liquidity in FY 2064/2065. Cash and Bank balance include cash in
hand and total bank balance.
In the FY 2067/2068 the ratio was 84.68 which is less than previous year
84.78% and the FY 2068/2069 it is 136.92 which is higher than last year . The
average ratio is 88.83%.
2.1.8 Cash and Bank balance to Total Deposit Ratio (CRR) Cash Reserve
In the FY 2064/2065 the cash reserve ratio is 8.12 % and later become
11.70 % in FY 2065/2066. The trend line is fluctuating it goes up and down.
However cash reserve ratio should be minimum. In current year CRR is 12.33%
In the FY 2065/2066 the cash reserve ratio is 11.70% that were higher
than previous year i.e. 12.33 %. The average cash reserve ratio is 10.63 %.
The ratio of Saving Deposit to Total Deposit are 30.83% , 30.72 %, 42.40
%, 47.03% and 42.70 % in FY 2064/2065, 2065/2066, 2066/2067, 2067/2068
and 2068/2069 resp. In the FY 2066/2067 ratio is 42.40% which is greater than
FY 2065/2066 and this year’s ratio is 42.70 % which is lesser than previous
year which indicates liquidity has increased this year.
In the FY 2067/2068 the ratio is 22.53 which is greater than previous
year. This year ratio 28.60% which is greater than previous year , which means
liquidity is higher than previous year.
Chapter -3
Summary , Conclusion & Recommendations
3.1 Summary
This fieldwork is prepared under the format prescribed by Faculty of
Management (FOM) of TU in a partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of BBS. This study analyzes the financial position of the Nepal Investment
Bank Ltd. (NIBL) in terms of accounting ratios. A brief summary of the result of
fieldwork so carried out is presented as follows:
Table 3.1
Ratios FY 2067/68 FY 2068/69
1. EPS (Rs) 52.55 48.44
2. ROA 2.2% 2.02%
3. Price Earning Ratio 13.42% 10.54%
4. Net Profit to Loans & Advances Ratio 2.49% 2.66%
5. Cash & Bank balance to Current Deposit 84.68% 136.92%
6. Cash Reserve Ratio 7.68% 12.33%
7. Saving Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio 47.03% 42.70%
8. Fixed Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio 22.53 % 28.60%
In table 3.1 & Appendices, the EPS trend is fluctuating, but it is clear that the
EPs of EPS of NIBL is substantially high than other competitors. The average EPS
of NIBL is Rs 51.77. The highest and lowest EPS of NIBL are Rs 62.57 and Rs
37.42 resp. in the FY 2064/2065 and 2066/2067. Therefore, from above analysis
we can say that the earning power of NIBL is in good condition.
The trend of ROA is also fluctuating; it rises in the year 2067/68. The highest
ROA was 2.20 % in the fiscal year 2067/2068 and lowest was 1.70 % in the fiscal
year 2066/2067 . The above table shows that the ROA is satisfactory. However of
NIBL must keep their eyes towards the situation and mobilize their working assets
more to earn more profit. The average ROA is 1.91 %.
In the FY 2064/2065 the ratio of net profit to loan and advances is 2.4 % but it
decreases by 0.13 and became 1.975 in the fiscal year and that it continuously
increases up to 2068/2069 i.e. 2.66 %
In the FY 2067/2068 the ratio of cash & bank balance to current deposit was
84.68 which is less than previous year 84.78% and the FY 2068/2069 it is 136.92
which is higher than last year . The average ratio is 88.83%. Thus , a bank has
highest liquidity in last five years.
In the FY 2067/2068 the cash reserve ratio is 7.68 % that were lower than
current year i.e. 12.33 %. The average cash reserve ratio is 10.63 %.
The ratio of Saving Deposit to Total Deposit are 30.83% , 30.72 %, 42.40 %,
47.03% and 42.70 % in FY 2064/2065, 2065/2066, 2066/2067, 2067/2068 and
2068/2069 resp. In the FY 2066/2067 ratio is 42.40% which is greater than FY
2065/2066 and this year’s ratio is 42.70 % which is lesser than previous year which
indicates liquidity has increased this year.
In the FY 2067/2068 the ratio is 22.53 which is greater than previous year. This
year ratio 28.60% which is greater than previous year , which means liquidity is
higher than previous year.
3.2 Conclusion
Ever since the establishment of NIBL is playing a pivotal role to foster in the
economy of Nepal. Strong financial position of the organization is a must to
survive, grow and succeed in this world passing through tumultuous changes. The
crux of this fieldwork report is to analyze the financial status of NIBL with the help
of Ratio Analysis. For this purpose the liquidity ratio, leverage ratio and
profitability ratio were ascertained.
The liquidity ratio of the concern shows calculation of leverage ratio
portrays that the financial status of the enterprise is in somewhat good
condition. The
profitability ratio of the organization doesn’t depict a favourable condition. There
has been significant diminution in its net profit from FY 2067/68 to FY 2068/69.
Summing up, the bank still needs to make hard efforts to achieve better outcome.
3.3 Recommendations
On the basis of the study following recommendations are forwarded to the
It needs to endeavor to bear low risk by increasing the proportion of
financing by the owners.
It has to increase its profit to more satisfactory point by proper utilization of share
members’ fund and other available resources.
It needs to endeavor to bear low risk by increasing the proportion of
financing by the owners.
Chapter -4
Appendix I
Shareholding pattern of NIBL
Appendix II
Earnings per share
FY NPAT in NPR No. of Common EPS in NPR
Share (in No.)
2064-65 501,398,852 8,013,406 62.57
2065-66 696,731,516 12,039,154 57.87
2066-67 900,619,072 24,090,977 37.42
2067-68 1,265,949,588 24,090,977 52.55
2068-69 1,176,641,031 24,090,977 48.44
Average 51.77
Fig 2: Earning per Share (Source : NIBL Annual Report 2064/2065-2068/2069)
Appendix III
Return on Asset (ROA)
FY NPAT in NPR Total Asset in NPR ROA
2064-65 501,398,852 27,590,844,761 1.82%
2065-66 696,731,516 38,873,306,084 1.79%
2066-67 900,619,072 53,010,803,126 1.70%
2067-68 1,265,949,588 57,305,413,482 2.2%
2068-69 1,176,641,031 58,356,827,501 2.02%
Average 1.91%
Fig 3: Return on Asset (Source: NIBL Annual Report 2064/2065-2068/2069)
Appendix IV
Price Earning Ratio
2064-65 1729 62.57 27.63
2065-66 2450 57.87 42.34
2066-67 1388 37.42 37.09
2067-68 705 52.55 13.42
2068-69 515 48.44 10.54
Average 26.20
40 EPS
30 ROA
20 PE Ratio
FY 2064-65 FY 2065-66 FY 2066-67 FY 2067-68 FY 2068-69
Diagram 2 :Trend Analysis of EPS, ROA & PE Ratio (Source: Appendices II , II & IV)
Appendix V
Valuation Highlights
Particulars 2064-65 2065-66 2066-67 2067-68 2068-69
Ratio of Net profit to Gross Income 11.36% 14.23% 16.71% 20.26% 23.99%
Exchange Gain to Total Income Ratio 7.5 % 8.8 % 9.63% 8.2% 8.6%
Net Profit to Loans & Advances Ratio 2.10% 1.97% 2.25% 2.49?% 2.66%
Cash & Bank balance to Current Deposit Ratio 43.14% 94.63% 84.78% 84.68% 136.92%
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) 8.12% 11.70% 13.32% 7.68% 12.33%
Saving Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio 30.83% 30.72% 42.40% 47.03% 42.70%
Fixed Deposit to Total Deposit Ratio 22.65% 21.11% 19.92% 22.53% 28.60%
Fig 5 : Valuation Highlights (Source: NIBL Annual Report 2064/2065-2068/2069)
Fixed Deposit to Total Deposit
250 Ratio
Saving Deposit to Total Deposit
Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)