Module 1: Introduction To Microsoft Azure Lab: Managing Microsoft Azure
Module 1: Introduction To Microsoft Azure Lab: Managing Microsoft Azure
Module 1: Introduction To Microsoft Azure Lab: Managing Microsoft Azure
A. Datum Corporation wants to expand their cloud presence by taking advantage of the benefits of
Azure. Your task is to explore and compare the available IaaS features by using the Azure portal,
Windows PowerShell, and Azure CLI.
Lab Setup
Virtual Machine: 20533E-MIA-CL1
User Name: Student
Password: Pa55w.rd
Before starting this lab, ensure that you have performed the "Preparing the Environment"
demonstration at the beginning of the first lesson in this module, and that the setup script has
Note: The Microsoft Azure portal is continually improved, and the user interface might have been
updated since this lab was written. Your instructor will make you aware of any differences between
the steps described in the lab and the current Azure portal user interface.
A. Datum has asked you to explore the available browser-based Azure portals to assess how the
corporation will use them. In the Azure portal, you must observe the organization of resources and
customize the interface to make your testing environment more accessible. In the Azure Account
Center, you must view and download your current billing data. You must also identify the association
between your subscription and an Azure AD tenant.
3. Move the Service health tile and the Marketplace tile such that they remain adjacent but
their top edge aligns with the bottom edge of the Quickstart tutorials tile.
4. Save the edits.
5. Review the results and reset the dashboard to the default state.
2. If prompted, sign in by using the Microsoft account that is the Account Administrator of your
Azure subscription.
3. On the Account portal page, navigate to the summary page of your Azure subscription and
review the billing summary for your subscription.
6. Close Notepad.
7. Close the Microsoft Edge window.
Result: After completing this exercise, you should have used the Azure portals.
A. Datum has asked you to create some temporary resources in Azure via the Azure portal. You must
create a resource group and a resource, and then tag them to indicate that they are part of the lab
environment. Finally, you must delegate the contributor permissions to the resource.
3. Configure tagging
4. Configure RBAC
3. From the Resource groups blade, add a new resource group with the following settings:
Resource group location: the Azure region closest to the lab location
Task 2: Create Azure resources
2. From the New blade, create a new route table with the following settings:
Name: 20533E0101-rt
Subscription: the same Azure subscription in which you created the resource group
Location: the same Azure region in which you created the resource group
1. In the Azure portal, assign the tag named project with the value test to the resource
group 20533E0101-LabRG.
2. In the Azure portal, assign the tag named project with the value test to the route
table 20533E0101-rt
2. From the resource group blade, grant the contributor role to a valid Microsoft account name.
Result: After completing this exercise, you should have used the Azure Resource Manager features in
the Azure portal.
A. Datum has asked you to investigate the capabilities of Azure PowerShell. You must connect to
your Azure subscription by using Azure PowerShell, use Azure PowerShell to create a resource group
and a resource, and then move the resource to another resource group.
3. From the console pane of the Windows PowerShell ISE window, review the list of
subscriptions associated with the account you used to sign in.
4. From the console pane of the Windows PowerShell ISE window, enumerate Azure resource
providers, their registration state, their resource types, and the Azure regions where these
resources are available.
Task 2: Manage Azure resources and resource groups by using Azure PowerShell
2. In the # Variables section, note the values of predefined variables. They need to match the
names of resource and the resource group you created in the previous exercise.
3. Under the line that states # Identify the location of the resource group containing the
resource, type the following:
$locName = (Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $rg1Name).Location
5. Under the line that states # Create a new resource group in the same location, type the
7. Under the line that states # Retrieve an object representing the resource and store it in a
variable, type the following:
9. Under the line that states # Move the resource to the new resource group, type the
Result: After completing this exercise, you should have used Azure PowerShell to manage Azure
resources and resource groups.
A. Datum has asked you to investigate the capabilities of Azure CLI. You must connect to your Azure
subscription by using Azure CLI. Then you must use Azure CLI to create a resource group and a
resource, and move the resource to another resource group.
2. From Administrator: Command Prompt, use Azure CLI 2.0 to sign in to your Azure
3. From Administrator: Command Prompt, use Azure CLI 2.0 to display properties of the
Azure subscription associated with the account you used to sign in. Take note of the value of
the id parameter, representing your Azure subscription ID. You will need it in the next task.
4. From Administrator: Command Prompt, use Azure CLI 2.0 to list Azure resource providers,
their registration state, and their resource types.
Task 2: Manage Azure resources and resource groups by using Azure CLI
1. From Administrator: Command Prompt, use Azure CLI 2.0 to display properties of the
resource group 20533E0101-LabRG.
2. From Administrator: Command Prompt, use Azure CLI 2.0 to list resources in the resource
group 20533E0102-LabRG.
3. When prompted, sign in by using the Microsoft account that is the Service Administrator of
your Azure subscription.
4. If you have multiple Azure subscriptions, select the one you want the script to target.
7. Start Microsoft Edge, browse to the Azure portal, and sign in by using the Microsoft account
that is the Service Administrator of your Azure subscription.
Result: After completing this exercise, you should have used Azure CLI to manage Azure resources
and resource groups.
Question Why did you use Azure PowerShell cmdlets that contained Rm in the lab?
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