EP Bhumika English

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It’s time to come together and think for ourselves

To save the society from violent and predatory conspiracies of Brahmanwadi!

We request you to see Sharjeel’s entire speech, before reading this position put forth by the
organizers of Elgar Parishad 2021. The link for video of his speech is given below. We urge
everyone to listen to his entire speech carefully before making a judgment on merit of
‘truthfulness and factuality’.


Sharjeel Usmani is a 23-year-old Muslim student. The “Muslim” part of his identity had to be
mentioned because the perverted, vile and violent reaction to Sharjeel’s speech is solely
because of his religion. The Brahmhinical element has recently created hoopla around one
statement in Sharjeel Usmani’s speech on 30th January 2021 at Ganesh Kala Krida Rang
Manch, Pune. We, Bhima Koregaon Shaurya Din Prerna Abhiyan, the organizing body of Elgar
Parishad 2021, are releasing our official position on the said issue through this statement. We
as organizers of the Elgar Parishad are firmly standing with Shrjeel Usmani.

Elagar Parishad was held in Pune on 30th January 2021 from 11 am to 9 pm. The objective
behind organizing Elgar Parishad, as stated multiple times in past, is to save our constitution,
our democracy and our country, as we know it. Anyone and everyone who believes in the ideals
of liberty, equality and fraternity are fighting to save our constitution, our democracy, our
country. This, in itself, is an indication of the grave danger that our constitution, our democracy
and our country are in. But since when is this shadow looming over this land? If one looks at it
in an historical context, this shadow began forming around 2500 years ago when the
Brahmanical system came into existence. While killing Charvak, while beheading Shambuk,
while chopping off Eklavya's thumb, while decapitating the Buddhist Bhikkus in the Sangha
created by Tathagat Gautam Buddha, while drowning the works of Sant Tukobarai, while
denying the coronation of Bahujan Pratipalak Shivaji Maharaj, while giving Sambhaji Maharaj
the death penalty, while throwing feces at Jyoti and Sau, while disrespecting Babasaheb
Ambedkar by considering the water he drank as impure, when Rajarshi Shahu Maharaj was
not allowed to hear recitation of ‘Vedas’ .It is this same Brahminical shadow which loomed over
us then, as it looms over us now. To keep this shadow alive and to keep this Brahmhnical
system alive, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh and other Brahminical terrorist organisations
were given birth. Bharatiya Janata Party is nothing but a branch from this same tree. So, when
in 2014, the BJP government backed by RSS came to power, the presence of this shadow grew
stronger. From Kharda, Javkheda, Una, Rohith Vemula, Jisha, Delta, Champa, Anitha, Najeeb,
Akhlaq, Junaid, Pehlu, Dabholkar, Pansare, Kalburgi and Gauri Lankesh; this shadow has
played a part in the killings of multiple people. Bhima Koregaon and Hathras being some of the
recent incidents. It was this shadow at work during the disastrous implementation of
demonetization and GST. During the Covid-19 lockdown and the resulting migrant workers’
crises, majority of India’s toiling masses which until then, hidden away from the mainstream
consciousness, were engulfed completely in the pitch darkness of this shadow cast by the
Brahminical-corporate structure/social order came out in the light and searing heat while
walking bare-footed, without water or assistance back to their homes. Today, when the Indian
farmer, who feeds the world, has taken to streets to save the entire human civilization; the same
Brahminical culture is thanking them in spikes, nails, bloodshed and murder.

As such, it becomes paramount to be alert and suspicious whenever RSS backed BJP, the
guardians of this Brahminical system, claims to represent or speak for a certain population. Let
us now turn to the analysis of Sharjeel Usmani’s (entire) speech.
What exactly did Sharjeel say?

23 year old Sharjeel is an ex-student of Aligarh Muslim University, Uttar Pradesh and an
independent researcher. He has a degree in political science. He is also the National Secretary
of ‘Fraternity Movement’. Sharjeel was actively involved in organizing the protests against NRC-
CAA-NPR. He was amongst the many Muslim and Dalit students who were arrested by UP’s
Yogi Government under the false charges of inciting violence. He was inhumanly tortured in
custody by the Uttar Pradesh’s Yogi Government which is infamous for its brutal attacks on
Muslim and Dalit people.

The one tiny bit amongst Sharjeel’s entire speech that they find problematic and have created
such a hullabaloo around is – “Hindu society within Hindustan has been rotten”. This bit
constitutes not even 10 secs of the 26 minute long speech given by Sharjeel. It is clear that
RSS-BJP and other Brahminical organizations have cherry-picked just this tiny bit from
Sharjeel’s speech to spread hatred amongst us. If we focus only on certain cherry-picked words
without taking into consideration the context and dishonestly ignore the “Truth and Facts” of the
matter at hand, then we aren’t worthy of being conscious citizens anymore. If we start cherry-
picking such bits and pieces from the speeches, writings and literature produced by our
intellectuals, academics, activists, artists and students; with the intention of creating communal
and casteist tensions between different groups; then we run the risk of letting our country slip
further into chaos and anarchy.

“Now I first remember with gratitude all my childhood Mussalman neighbours and
playmates, in whose company I began to have true thoughts about the falsities of the
selfish Hindu religion and its false ideas of caste distinctions, etc.” – Krantiba Jyotiba
Phule, Shetkaryanche Asud

“I have, therefore, no hesitation in saying that such a religion must be destroyed, and I
say there is nothing irreligious in working for the destruction of such a religion. Indeed I
hold that it is your bounden duty to tear off the mask, to remove the misrepresentation
that is caused by misnaming this Law as Religion” – Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar,
Annihilation of Caste

“The virtuosity demonstrated by the Hindus in making a mockery of time is reflected in

their overall downfall and ruin. Today’s Hindu society has become unworthy of being
called a ‘society’. Hindu religion is a Bramhinical chicanery and Hindu culture is a dented
pot with no base. There is nothing more to it than this.” – Prabodhankar Thackeray,
Devalancha Dharm ani Dhrmanchi Devale

“Let that religion, where only one person is privileged, and the rest deprived, vanish
from the earth and let it never enter our minds to boast of such a (discriminatory)
religion. “ - Mukta Salve (1855)

Great thinkers like Krantiba Jyotiba Phule, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar and social critics like
Prabodhankar Thackeray and various other laureates, commentators and social-political
analysts had also criticized the social structure of this country and especially Hindu religion. Dr.
Babasaheb Ambedkar's opinion on the concept of Hindu Rashtra was quite clear. “If Hindu Raj
becomes a reality then it would be the greatest menace to this country. It is an enemy of
democracy. We should make all our efforts to stop Hindu Raj from becoming a reality." Also
this : "I have no hesitation in saying that if the Mohammedan has been cruel, the Hindu has
been mean; and meanness is worse than cruelty." This is also stated by Dr. Babasaheb

We will find multiple such events in our history. Why did Jotiba Phule call Hinduism mean? Why
did he highlight the difference between Arya Bhat Brahmhins and Shudra-Atishudra people and
homogenize them as the Hindu community? Why did Babasaheb Ambedkar reject Hinduism's
status of religion and call it a mere set of laws? What is this law book? Why did Dr Babasaheb
Ambedkar say “I Was Born A Hindu But I Shall Not Die A Hindu” ? Why did Prabodhankar
Thackrey call Hinduism a goblet of malaise? Are we ready to introspect our intellectual honesty
to understand these questions? To study the work of these thinkers and then articulate the
malignant impact of hinduism would indeed be pain inducing to the RSS-BJP ideology. There
are no shortcuts to this. We must engage with the political writings of these people and do so
with scholarly rigour. ‘Cultivator’s whipcord (Shetkaryache Asud)’ by Jotiba Phule, ‘Annihilation
of caste’ and ‘Riddles in Hinduism’ by Dr B R Ambedkar, Prabodhankar Thackey’s ‘Devlacha
Dharma ani Dharmachi Devle’ (The religion of the temple and temples of religion) must be read
to understand the analytical study carried out by these thinkers. It is pertinent to study and
understand the literature,commentary and life struggle of all those who fought against the unjust
brahmanical society. How can we underline inequality in society by ignoring social justice and
that too the social position of the person who is resisting it? Can we ignore the heinous crimes
committed by the Brahminical establishment upon the Dalit, Bahujan, Adivasi, and all other
minorities? And again constrained us into the same definition of Brahmanical established
system? Don’t we have the right to define social justice? What is this arrogance of Brahminical
supremacy that thinks it can censor and erase the debates-discussions and democratic
engagement from the public sphere?

To understand why Sharjeel said, “Hindu society is rotten” (“Hindu samaj sad chuka hai – िहन्दू

समाज सड चूका है”) it is important to examine what he said before and after making the statement

and the entire context of his speech. The Aligarh Muslim University alumnus and activist
Sharjeel Usmani expressed the distress of the Muslim community and commented on the
regressive elements of the society. He declared that he is speaking “as a young man from an
ordinary Muslim family.” He honestly stated, “I am speaking for the first time in front of a
non-Muslim audience, so if you disagree with what I said,or if you find any of my word
offensive, then I apologize in advance and I would like to express your opinion here." He
also asked, “if - Hindu-Muslim-Sikh-Christian, Hum Sab Bhai-Bhai – is true then it is necessary
to think about why it is always the Muslim brother who is lynched by the mob.” Sharjeel then
continued, "The lynch mob has now become a part of our normal life. This hatred needs to be
eradicated. This hatred fuels the anti-people policy of the government. It is the responsibility of
the majority community, not Muslims, to eradicate this hatred.”

Sharjeel Usmani had pointed out the intolerance of the Hindu community by recounting the
incident of Junaid. His supposedly 'controversial' statement was part of these remarks. Who
was the Junaid that Sharjeel talked about? Fifteen-year-old Junaid was stabbed in public on the
Delhi-Mathura railway in July 2017. Junaid, who was returning from Eid shopping with his
brother and friends, was stabbed to death by some Hindu youths in a dispute over sharing a
train seat. Yet, no bystander came forward to save him. Six people were arrested by the police
for the crime but four of them were acquitted within two months. All charges against them
including for inciting riots were dropped. Junaid's 50 years old father, Jalaluddin, supports his
family by driving a taxi. Jalaluddin went to the Punjab and Haryana High Court against the
Faridabad court's verdict to request that the verdict be stayed and the case be referred to the
High Court or the CBI. The High Court rejected the request. He then went to the Supreme
Court. He again appealed before a two-member bench of the apex court and demanded that
the charges against the culprits should not be withdrawn. While talking to the media he said,
"Nowadays, I often talk to myself. When I heard the news of his death, I thought someone must
have gotten the name wrong."

Sharjeel’s statement referred to such collective apathy towards lynching of the minorities and
those who instigate it. That is, he questioned a society, in this case Hindu society, that can
cultivate so much hatred and tolerate such perversion. Sharjeel is not the first one to ask such a
question or express this sentiment. When under the guise of love-jihad, of cow-protection, of
“ghar-wapasi - घर-वापसी”, the RSS-BJP were inciting the common people as ‘Hindu’ against

Muslims, other minorities, Dalits and Bahujans; a large section of people born as Hindus had
taken to the streets against this hatred. They made it clear to the Brahmanical RSS-BJP and all
their affiliated organizations to not run such hateful campaigns in the name of Hindus. This
movement was called “Not in My Name.” They went on to say that, “we are also Hindus but we
are opposed to the violence and bloodshed you are committing in the name of Hinduism.”

Sharjeel is not against those born Hindu who have opposed such Brahminism. He distinguishes
between the two streams among Hindus and that is why he emphatically stated in his speech,
“Who are we fighting against in this country? It is not against a leader or a religion. It is not
against any party. It is against hatred.” Sharjeel proceeded to say, “We must point our fingers in
both the directions” – to those who spread hatred on either side. He emphatically spoke, “You
get your people out of this and we will get our people out at the same time. And only then the
concept of unity can be talked about.”

Moreover, he said that this communication should not happen “only with those who agree with
us.” He concludes that "we should also have a dialogue with those who disagree with us."

This can only be said by a person who is committed to the principles of equality and fraternity
and who passionately believes that those principles are logically and morally aligned in the
interest of humanity.

Sharjeel Usmani is a sincere and scholarly activist engaged in the cause of Manavmukti
(Liberation of all peoples). If one listens to Sharjeel’s speech carefully, it becomes clear that he
is always talking in the context of the severe oppression faced by him and many other Muslims
like him. The chamber of horror that Muslims have faced in our country because of their religion
is devoid of any humanitarian values and morals. In spite of this, Sharjeel’s efforts lay not in
spreading hatred and causing destruction but are rather focused on establishing peace and
basic human rights. Another issue that is being raised regarding his speech is because he said -
he does not trust the Indian Judicial system. What trust remains within people when four senior
most supreme court judges have already warned us regarding the threat to our democracy via a
press conference and have urged people to save it? The RSS backed BJP must take it upon
itself to ponder and wonder upon its undemocratic actions which have led us to this sad
helpless state of the Indian Judiciary. How are students and common people expected to trust
the Indian Judiciary of delivering unbiased rulings when the top most judges of the country have
declared publicly of the compromised and weakened position of the Indian Judiciary in face of
unprecedented pressure by the Centre. As such Sharjeel hasn’t said anything wrong even in
this particular allegation.

A lot of this has already been stated quite clearly by Sharjeel in his speech. As such it becomes
pertinent to investigate the source of all this fuss and the forces at play in spreading hatred and

Brahminism is that operating paradigm in this country. Government, governance, judiciary,

journalism are all infected with this malignancy. The state apparatus of Brahminism is to
alienate communities, manufacture antagonistic violence from it and to use that as fodder for
governance. It is not capable of understanding the whole truth and as such it has only taken a
part of Sharjeel’s speech to make him look hostile and spread hatred in our society. This is
nothing but a media trial. These media trials have become a regular feature since the BJP took
power in 2014. Initiatives like Elgar Parishad which struggle for the liberation from caste-class-
patriarchy threaten the Brahmanical order. This maligning of Sharjeel and Elgar is the
Brahmanical state apparatus at work fighting against people’s struggles for liberty, equality and

Devendra Fadanvis, RSS backed BJP functionaries and their allied Brahmanical terrorist
organisations have many reasons for taking up (or rather crashing into) this issue.

1. The farmers' protests have received nationwide and even global support. The recent calls of
solidarity from American pop singer Rihanna, 17 year old environmental activist Greta
Thunberg, US congressman Jim Costa, British parliamentarian Claudia Webbe, Mina Harris
have all tweeted in support of the protesting farmers. The Union government formed by the BJP
is being criticised on a global level. To counter this the BJP government has propped up
celebrities, entertainers, sportspersons [who are guardians of the brahmanical culture] to
spread government sanctioned Brahminical fascist propaganda. Violent attempts to crush
farmers’ protests, including war-time military level fortification of New Delhi, are a testament to
the fear induced by our farmers in the hearts of the RSS-BJP camp.

2. Union Budget for 2021-22 is another document through which RSS-BJP have demonstrated
their anti-people agenda. The intention to proceed with divestment of multiple state-owned
corporations is a good indicator of their anti national policies. Nirmala Sitharaman has declared
that Health and Well being, Physical and Financial capital and infrastructure , inclusive
development for aspirational India, reinvigorating human capital, innovation and R&D, minimum
government and maximum governance are the six pillars upon which the budget stands. In the
foundation of all these pillars exploitative capitalism, privatisation, and imperialism is clearly
visible. This document has been roundly criticized throughout the country.

3. All the people, intellectuals, students, thinkers, activists who work in emancipatory national
struggles are declared traitors and locked up under various pretenses. This was the modus
operandi in the case of Bhima-Koregaon elgar Parishad, the NRC CAA protests, and now for
the farmers protest. Munawar Faruki, Mandeep Puniya, Navdeep Kaur, are the most recent
political prisoners. Political prisoners taken before are eminent thinkers, activists, students,
lawyers, writers, and artists. They have been abused inside and outside of prison and this fact
has become a national discussion. Apart from Indian nationals the BJP government has turned
its eye towards the world searching for prisoners. 17 year old Greta Thunberg has been listed in
a First Information Report by the Delhi Police. The RSS-BJP is making a display of its
Brahminism informed intolerance, authoritarianism, and caste supremacy on a global stage.

4. The protectors of Brahmanism- Bharatiya Janata Party’s Devandra Fadnavis and others, are
requesting the UP government to arrest Sharjeel Usmani. The world has seen communal and
casteist hatred created by BJP government’s Chief Minister and Home Minister Ajay Bisht. It
was very evident in recent Hathras case. But Fadnavais and BJP Maharashtra don’t bother
about it at all. Because he had played a similar role in Bhima-Koregaon attacks being the Chief
Minister and Home Minister of Maharashtra. Devendra Fadanvis very efficiently protected
Brahmanical terrorists Sambhaji Bhide and Milind Ekbote who generally creates castiest and
communal tension. Devendra Fadanvis is also responsible for making up false cases of half
murders and molestation of female cops of Ambedkarite activists by doing combing operations
after Bhima-Koregaon attacks. So we understand his urges to the Brahmanical UP government
as he believes in the same ideology. He was disgraced alongside Anna Hazare in a recent
press conference and is now looking for places to hide his cowardly self. Devendra Fadanvis
used the considerable force he had as chief minister as well as intelligence services to help
Ekbote and Bhide to launch an attack on Bhima Koregaon when he was in office. This even
merits charges of criminal conspiracy. Now time has come that if we want to establish peace
and tranquility in Maharashtra then along with Bhide and Ekbote, Devednra Fadnavis should
also be put behind the bars.

5. The Elgar Parishad on 31 December 2017 scared the neo-peshwai imposing Brahminvadis.
The Abrahmani mode of emancipatory struggle articulated by Elgar Parishad created a major
impact on the psyche of these neo-peshwaites. Paranoid and unsettled, they want to destroy all
mentions and symbols of our Abrahmani struggle so that their Brahmni hegemony over the
society can be maintained. The speakers and performers at this year’s Elgar Parishad
recommended practical efforts towards the dismantling of Brahmanism-Capitalism-Patriarchy.
The establishment is making shallow and childish attempts to stop these ideas from reaching
the people and arrest the spread of our struggle towards Annihilation of Caste-Class-patriarchy.

These are the reasons why Elgar Parishad and Sharjeel Usmani are being targeted. 

Just one sentence from his speech has laid bare the ideological impotency and moral
degeneracy of these detractors. As such, we, the organizers of Elgar Parishad, via the Bhima
Koregaon Shauryadin Abhiyan platform, wish to present our side of the story to you all.
We condemn those Brahminvadi’s who have targeted, abused, made threats to life, and
burnt effigies of Sharjeel Usmani by crudely reducing him just to his Muslim identity. 

We are firmly standing with Sharjeel Usamani. Here we are declaring that we will intensify
our efforts to struggle for.annihilation of caste-class-patriarchy and islamophobia.

Revolutionary Jai Bhim

Contact: 9834575482, 8369297441, 9890946582, 9822610856 .

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