Template For Submitting Question Paper in Hard Copy in Person in Examination Section
Template For Submitting Question Paper in Hard Copy in Person in Examination Section
Template For Submitting Question Paper in Hard Copy in Person in Examination Section
A. Deduplication
B. Domain consistency
C. Segmentation
D. Disambiguation
3. _____ describes the data contained in the data warehouse
A. Relational data
B. Operational data
C. Informational data
D. Meta data
4. ______ is a data transformation.
A. Re-format
B. Selection
C. Projection
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D. Comparison
5. The important aspect of the data warehouse environment is that data found
within the data warehouse is___________.
A. subject-oriented
B. Time-variant
C. Integrated
D. All of the above
6. The source of all data warehouse data is the____________.
A. operational environment.
B. informal environment.
C. formal environment.
D. technology environment.
7. ___________ is a good alternative to the star schema.
A. Fact constellation
B. Snowflake schema
C. Star schema
D. Star-snowflake schema
8. The type of relationship in star schema is ____________.
A. many to many
B. many to one
C. one to one
D. one to many
9. _______test is used in an online transactional processing environment.
10. An operational system is _____________.
A. used to run the business in real time and is based on historical data.
B. used to support decision making and is based on current data.
C. used to run the business in real time and is based on current
D. used to support decision making and is based on historical data.
11. _________________operation of OLAP provides alternate presentation of data
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by rotating it.
A. Slice
B. Roll up
C. Dice
D. Pivot
12. It is because of ________________ that enables OLAP to achieve great
performance for a query.
A. Aggregation
B. Composition
C. Dice
D. Hybrid
13. Which of the following below is/are OLAP vendors?
A. Cognos
B. Infor
C. Oracle corporation
D. All of the above
14. What are the applications of OLAP?
A. business reporting for sales, marketing
B. Budgeting
C. Forecasting ption
D. All of the above
15. Aggregations are built from the _________________ by changing the
granularity on specific dimensions
A. Fact table
B. schema
C. Dimension table
D. Both c and d below
16. The following technology is not well-suited for data mining:
A. Expert system technology
B. Technology limited to specific data types such as numeric data
C. Parallel architecture
D. Data visualization
17. What is true of the multidimensional model?
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A. It typically requires less disk storage
B. It typically requires more disk storage
C. Typical business queries requiring aggregate functions take more
D. Increasing the size of a dimension is difficult
18. The most common source of change data in refreshing a data warehouse is:
A. Queryable change data
B. Cooperative change data
C. Logged change data
D. Snapshot change data
19. The generic two-level data warehouse architecture includes which of the
A. At least one data mart
B. Data that can extracted from numerous internal and external
C. Near real-time updates
D. All of the above
20. The following is true of three-tier data warehouses:
A. Once created, the data marts will keep on being updated from
the data warehouse at periodic times
B. Once created, the data marts will directly receive their new data
from the operational databases
C. The data marts are different groups of tables in the data warehouse
D. A data mart becomes a data warehouse when it reaches a critical size
21. In the relational database terminology, a table is synonymous with:
A. A column
B. A relation
C. A row
D. An attribute
22. The generalization of multidimensional attributes of a complex object class can
be performed by examining each attribute, generalizing each attribute to
simple-value data and constructing a multidimensional data cube is called
A. Object cube
B. Relational cube
C. Transactional cube
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D. Tuple
23. A Business Intelligence system requires data from:
A. Web servers
B. Data warehouse
C. Operational systems
D. Database servers.
24. Which of the following should not be considered for each dimension attribute?
A. Attribute name
B. Attribute definition
C. Rapid changing dimension policy
D. Cardinality
25. Multiple Regression means
A. Extension of linear regression involving more than one
predicator value
B. Extension of linear regression involving only one predicator value
C. Data are modeled using a straight line
D. Data are modeled using a curve line
26. What is/are the different types of Meta data?
I. Administrative.
II. Business.
III. Operational.
A. Both (II) and (III) above
B. Both (I) and (III) above
C. Both (I) and (III) above
D. All (I), (II) and (III) above.
27. Most common kind of queries in a data warehouse
A. Inside-out queries
B. Outside-in queries
C. Browse queries
D. All (a), (b) and (C) above.
28. Which of the following is not a data mining functionality?
A. Characterization and Discrimination(classification)
B. Classification and regression
C. Selection and interpretation
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D. Clustering and Analysis
29. ________________is a summarization of the general characteristics or features
of a target class of data.
A. Data Characterization
B. Data Classification
C. Data discrimination
D. Data selection
30. The full form of KDD is __________.
A. Knowledge Database
B. Knowledge Discovery Database
C. Knowledge Data Definition
D. Knowledge Data House
31. Operational database is _____________.
A. A measure of the desired maximal complexity of data mining
B. A database containing volatile data used for the daily operation
of an organization.
C. Relational database management system.
D. None of these.
32. Which of these is not a frequent pattern mining algorithm?
A. Apriori
B. FP growth
C. Decision trees
D. Eclat
33. Two fundamental goals of Data Mining are ___________.
A. Analysis and Description
B. Data cleaning and organizing the data
C. Prediction and Description
D. Data cleaning and organizing the data
34. Cluster is ________________.
A. Groupon a training dataset to transform or simplify data in order to
prepare it for a machine-learning algorithm.
B. Group of similar objects that differ significantly from other
C. Symbolic representation of facts or ideas from which information
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can potentially be extracted.
D. Botha and b.
35. Reduce amount of time and memory required by data mining algorithms
A. Target Data.
B. Data sampling.
C. Data aggregation.
D. Data reduction.
36. What does Apriori algorithm do?
A. It mines all frequent patterns through pruning rules with lesser
B. Option 2 It mines all frequent patterns through pruning rules with
higher support.
C. Both a and b.
D. None of the above.
37. What does FP growth algorithm do?
A. It mines all frequent patterns through pruning rules with lesser
B. It mines all frequent patterns through pruning rules with higher
C. It mines all frequent patterns by constructing a FP tree
D. All of the above
38. When do you consider an association rule interesting?
A. If it only satisfies min_support
B. If it only satisfies min_confidence
C. If it satisfies both min_support and min_confidence
D. There are other measures to check so
39. Which of the following is true?
A. Both apriori and FP-Growth uses horizontal data format
B. Both apriori and FP-Growth uses vertical data format
C. Apriori uses horizontal and FP-Growth uses vertical data format
D. Apriori uses vertical and FP-Growth uses horizontal data format
40. Which of the following is direct application of frequent itemset mining?
A. Social Network Analysis
B. Market Basket Analysis
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C. Outlier Detection
D. Intrusion Detection
41. Prediction is ________________________________.
A. The result of the application of a theory or a rule in a specific
B. One of several possible enters within a database table that is chosen
by the designer as the primary means of accessing the data in the
C. Discipline in statistics that studies ways to find the most interesting
projections of multi-dimensional spaces.
D. None of these.
42. Which of the following is the data mining tool?
A. Borland C.
B. Weka.
C. Borland C++.
D. Visual C.
43. What is classification?
A. Process of getting frequent patterns
B. Process of grouping similar items
C. Process of classifying new item into existing groups
D. None of the above
44. The ability of the model to make correct predictions given noisy data or data
with missing values is called ______________.
A. Precision
B. Robustness
C. Accuracy
D. Interpret-ability
45. On what data is classification performed?
A. Supervised
B. Unsupervised
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
46. Prediction can be viewed as forecasting a _________ value.
A. non-continuous.
B. constant.
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C. continuous.
D. variable.
47. _________needs to be find out to determine patterns and trends Question.
A. Relationship
B. Data
C. Intelligence
D. Information
48. In classification scalability problem can be handled using?
A. Parallelization
B. Sampling
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
49. Which data is used for testing the accuracy of classifier model?
A. Training data
B. Testing data
C. Complete data set
D. All of above
50. Support Vector Machines (SVM) is used for analysis of ___________.
A. Linear data
B. Non-liner data
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
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Time: Maximum Marks: 40
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