University Urdaneta City: Owned and Operated by The City Government of Urdaneta
University Urdaneta City: Owned and Operated by The City Government of Urdaneta
University Urdaneta City: Owned and Operated by The City Government of Urdaneta
Owned and operated by the City Government of Urdaneta
and Human Sciences
Course Title: : BPEd 100: Philosophical and Socio- Antropological Foundations of Physical Course Credit: 3 units (18 weeks, 54 hours)
Education and Sports (3 Units)
Course Code: BPEd Prerequisite: None
A leading university that transforms individuals into morally upright and To provide exemplary outcome-based and advanced instructions; socially
globally competitive professionals through quality and practical education for all relevant and innovative researches; and inclusive extension services,
partnerships and/or linkages
Research 3. To establish sustainable livelihood projects that will uplift the quality of life
2. Mold individuals who will conduct scientific, innovative, and advanced of the members of the community, and to expand transnational
researches in the quest for new knowledge, provide leadership in various fields collaborations that will have socio-economic benefits to the present and
toward dynamic and self-sustaining economy, and enrich historical and cultural future generations
Community Services
3. Undertake participatory and inclusive extension services which are relevant and
responsive, accessible and equitable, through efficient and effective community
development programs, and broaden symbiotic partnerships and linkages to
establish intergenerational responsibility for the common good.
Integrity Competence
True UCUians imbued with the spirit of nobility live their lives guided by Passion for excellence drives noble persons to shine in their chosen craft.
the ideals of honesty and authenticity. Their words and actions consistently reveal They do not settle for mediocrity, and capacitate themselves with the requisite
their commitment to decency and honor. They pursue the path of truth even if this know-how and skills to establish their expertise and credibility in their
were the less popular choice. discipline. They continue the pioneering character of Dr. Pedro Orata by
spearheading innovations while building on traditions of excellence.
Teamwork Transcendence
The spirit of nobility moves UCUians to cooperate with other members of the Noble UCUians are selfless stewards of goodness and compassion to their
university in realizing a common goal. With humility, they accept that each fellow human beings, to the school, to the community, and to those in need—
member of the UCU community brings his or her own capabilities to actualize the prioritizing the cause of others before theirs, willing to accept, do, and get the
university’s vision. Noble UCUians seek and pursue to achieve unity in any area or job done without expecting recompense. Going beyond self-actualization, they
situation, understanding that the best outcomes almost always happen in the spirit aim to reach their full potential to best serve noble causes beyond the self.
of cooperation.
Course Information
Course Title: BPEd 100: Philosophical and Socio- Antropological Foundations of Physical Course Credit: 3 units (18 weeks, 54 hours)
Education and Sports (3 Units)
Course Code: Prerequisite: None
A study of the diverse justifications on the educational value of PE and an examination how the various Ronalyn Joy T. Sarmiento
structures, patterns, organizations and institution in culture and society create, relate to, and influence __09954050530______
physical education and sports; discussion of the historic tradition of mind/body and theoretical/practical [email protected]
knowledge dualism; conceptual analysis of the issues of sport as a human activity and distinction and Consultation schedule
relationship between PE and Sport. 1:00-2:00 MW
At the end of the course, Physical Education and Sports are expected to:
1. Apply scientific and evidence-based practices critical the educational and learning process.
2. Demonstrate skillful performance in a variety of physical activities.
3. Adapt performance to variety of physical activity settings.
4. Use appropriate assessments in, as and for student or client learning
5. Use information, media and technology in pedagogy and for lifelong learning.
6. Plan and implement safe and effective physical activity programs to address the needs of the individual in schools and/or non-industry settings.
7. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional development
8. Use oral, written, and technology formats deftly.
(9 hours) the Physical Education and philosophy in sport: Review on Origins of Physical Diagnostic assessment through
Sports students are expected Education and attitudes on the body objective test/open-minded test on
to: Origins of Physical and ancient civilization and sport origins of physical education and
Discuss the origins of Education and Attitudes early Greeks and romans; attitudes on the body and ancient
Physical Education on the body. through video presentation civilization and sport early Greeks
and Attitudes on the body Ancient Civilization and Sharing discussion about The role of and romans through video
Identify the development sport early Greeks and history and philosophy in modern presentation
of the ancient civilization Romans. sport and Pre- modern sport and its Participation in sharing and
and sport early Greeks and The role of history and origins/ influences through recorded analyzing reviews of the role of
Romans philosophy in modern video clips history and philosophy in modern
Explain the significance sport and Pre- modern Create Video presentation about sport and pre-modern sport and its
role history and sport and its origins/ History and philosophy in sport origins/influences
philosophy in modern influences Evaluating the video presentation
sport and Pre modern sport CBL with the use of rubric
and its origins/influences Write a reaction paper about the role
of history and philosophy in modern CBL
sport and Pre- modern sport and its Evaluate the reaction papers with
origins/ influences the use of rubrics.
2 Week 4-6 At the end of these weeks, the 2. The Advancement of OBL OBL
(9 hours) Physical Education and Sports sport and Philosophy Discussion of sports in middle ages Short Quiz administered to test
students are expected to Through the middle Ages, through video presentation. student’s attentiveness with
Enrich and explain Sports the Renaissance and the Sharing discussion about the general today’s topic
in idle ages Enlightenment, and Ethics aspect of the renaissance Evaluation of video presentation
Identify the general in Sport: Create a video presentation
aspects of renaissance 2.1 Sports in middle ages pertaining a report and summarize CBL
Present the Ethics in sports 2.2. The General Aspects of the topic and importance of Sport. Evaluate the reaction papers with
the Renaissance the use of rubrics.
2.2 Ethics in sports CBL
Write a reaction paper and about the
importance of sports and summarize
the given topic.
(Week 7) Prelim Examination
3 Week 8- At the end of these weeks, the 3. Theoretical and OBL OBL
10 Physical Education and Sports Professional Development Discussion of development and
(9 hours) students are expected to: of Philippine Physical place in modern sport and sport Short Quiz administered to test
Discuss and identify the Education 18th Century nationalism/early globalism student’s attentiveness with
importance development of through late colonial Create a video presentation today’s topic
indigenous sport in modern period and Underpinnings regarding a report pertaining to Evaluating the video
sport and sport of Modern Sport: the Science and concept of presentation with the use of
nationalism/early 3.1 Indigenous sport: health as applied to sport and rubric.
globalism. development and place physical education
Explain and identify the in modern sport and
science and concept of sport nationalism/early CBL
health applied to sport and globalism Create a reaction paper about CBL
physical education 3.2 Science and concept of Indigenous sport: development Evaluating the reaction paper
health as applied to sport and place in modern sport and with the use of rubrics.
and physical education sport nationalism/early
Week 11- At the end of these weeks, the 4. Historical and OBL OBL
13 Physical Education and Sports Philosophical Development Discussion of Equality: access Evaluating the video
(9 hours) students are expected to of Sport in the Philippines and stratification in sport presentation with the use of
Discuss the equality, of 19th Century to the Mid Create a video presentation rubric.
access and to late 20th Century: regarding the political and social Short Quiz administered to test
stratification in sport 4.1 Equality, access and history of the early modern student’s attentiveness with
Explain the political stratification in sport Olympics and political influence today’s topic
and social history of 4.2 Political and social in sport. CBL
the early modern history of the early Evaluating the reaction paper
Olympics and political modern Olympics and CBL with the use of rubrics.
influence in sport political influence in
Create a reaction paper about the
sport political and social history of the
early modern Olympics and
political influence in sport
(Week 14) Midterm Examination
Week 15- At the end of these weeks, the 5.Modern to Postmodern OBL OBL
17 Physical Education and Sports Sport and Beyond: Discussion about Political and Evaluating the video
(9hours) students are expected to 5.1 Political and social social history of the Olympics presentation with the use of
Discuss and enrich the history of the Olympics mid-20th century to present and rubric.
political and social mid-20 century to Ideology of action/ extreme Short Quiz administered to test
history of the present sports and future movements of student’s attentiveness with
Olympics mid-20th 5.3 Ideology of action/ sport, physical culture, and today’s topic
Century to present extreme sports and exercise science education
Interact the Ideology Future movements of Create a video presentation
1. In view of the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic on the educational landscape, the university is modifying its policy on
attendance for this semester.
2. Every student is required to attend his classes for every week of the course.
3. For online-based mode of learning, the student attendance shall be monitored based on learner’s participation in an interactive online study
group or discussion prompt, student’s submission of outputs (assignments, activities, exams and quizzes), or a documentation showing that the
student initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a question about an academic subject related to the course.
4. For correspondence-based mode of learning, the student attendance shall be monitored based on learner’s accomplishment of outputs
(assignments, activities, exams and quizzes), or a documentation showing that the student initiated contact with a faculty member to ask a
question about an academic subject related to the course.
SARMIENTO, LPT Program Head, Secondary Education Dean, College of Teacher Education and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Instructor Human Sciences
Date Revised: