Domestic Periphery: Assign An Inferior Rank or Position To)
Domestic Periphery: Assign An Inferior Rank or Position To)
Domestic Periphery: Assign An Inferior Rank or Position To)
position to) them to the demonstic periphery which means the edge of a domestic circle.
- There was an Underground Railroad that was used to free American slaves in the early
and mid-1800’s. This is reformed into the Underground Female road in THMT that helps
women. It is also mocked in the Historical Notes as ‘Underground Frailroad’.
- The narrator’s life had been designed by the government to be uneventful and to not
require independent thought; hence the tone of the novel is drab, flat and desensitized.
Deus ex Machina
- Is an ancient Greek drama concept that a complex and twisted plot is resolved in the end
by suddenly having a god-like character descend to punish the bad and reward the
- Some critics see the sudden appearance of the Mayday group as a deus ex machina,
that provides a happy ending that was sudden and not prepared for.
Atwood depicts viable backlash from current feminist momentum: the idea of
gynocentric(centred on or concerned exclusively with women) misogyny and ‘traditional’
misogyny combined with one militaristic socio-religious order.
- Gilead establishes a form of matriarchal network; the epilogue (historical notes) affirms
the purpose of matriarchy: “the best and most cost-effective way to control women for
reproductive and other purposes was through women themselves”. This matriarchal
network within a supposed patriarchy destroys any female solidarity worked for by
feminists of the previous decades.
Fictive autobiography
The Ceremony is placed at the centre of the novel.
Freedom is relative
In an oppressive society, freedom comes in minute forms.
- A movement that considers the relationship between literature and the environment.
- Focus on effects and consequences of environmental abuse and lack of environmental
Both Frankenstein and the Handmaid’s tale looks at the idea of playing God- Gilead does what
it believes God wants by abusing religion.
- Past event(s) are narrated at a point later than its chronological place in the story.
Metafictive narration
- Emphasises its own constructedness