A Comparative Analysis of Some One-Dimensional Shape Memory Alloy Constitutive Models Based On Experimental Tests
A Comparative Analysis of Some One-Dimensional Shape Memory Alloy Constitutive Models Based On Experimental Tests
A Comparative Analysis of Some One-Dimensional Shape Memory Alloy Constitutive Models Based On Experimental Tests
KEYWORDS Abstract Recently, Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) have been receiving more attention and further study,
Shape memory alloys; due to their ability to develop extremely large, recoverable strains and great forces. In this paper, three
1-D constitutive models; major models of SMA behavior, used in the literature, for studying the static performance of SMA
Experimental data. components attributed to Tanaka, Liang and Rogers, and Brinson, have been analyzed and compared. The
major differences and similarities between these models have also been emphasized and presented in this
paper, based on the experimental data of the shape memory and superelastic behavior of an SMA wire. It
is shown that these models all agree well in their prediction of the superelastic behavior of SMAs at higher
temperatures, but the models developed by Tanaka, and Liang and Rogers cannot be used for predicting
the shape memory effect behavior of SMAs. It is also shown analytically that the original evolution kinetics,
proposed by Brinson, in a specified region, are inadmissible for some thermomechanical loading and initial
conditions. Furthermore, corrected evolution kinetics is addressed here in detail, that is; admissible and
valid in this region. According to this research, regarding the validation assessment of three major 1-D
constitutive models with experimental data, it will be shown that the Brinson model with the corrected
evolution kinetics developed by Chung et al. can be applied for the modeling of SMA smart structures,
such as flexible SMA beam structures.
© 2012 Sharif University of Technology. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction wide range of fields, such as aerospace, medical, civil and me-
chanical engineering [1].
One well known example of the real-world application of
Smart materials have been extensively used in recent years,
SMAs is hydraulic tube coupling used on the F-14 in 1971 [2].
due to their great potential in revolutionizing engineering ap-
Since then, engineers in various industries have continued
plications and design, particularly for active and passive con-
to use the unique properties of SMAs in solving engineering
trol of structures. Among these materials, Shape Memory Al- problems. One problem in the aerospace industry is shape
loys (SMA) have been receiving more attention and further control in morphing structures.
study, due to their ability to develop extremely large recov- Another application of SMA in the aerospace industry is
erable strains and great force. Their applications encompass a the development of a variable geometry airfoil. Through SMA
actuation, the airfoil effectively changes its configuration from
∗ Corresponding author.
symmetric to cambered [3]. Pairing SMAs and Micro Electro-
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Sayyaadi). Mechanical Systems (MEMS) to decrease the turbulence of
an aerodynamic surface is another use in the aerospace
1026-3098 © 2012 Sharif University of Technology. Production and hosting by industry [4].
Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Peer review under responsibility of Sharif
With regard to their unique mechanical properties, the
University of Technology.
Ni–Ti SMAs have appealed to engineers much more than other
doi:10.1016/j.scient.2012.01.005 SMA types. The Ni–Ti SMAs are characterized by a very high
ultimate tensile strength of up to 1000 MPa, elongation to
failure reaching 50%, a high recovery stress up to 800 MPa or
recovery strain up to 8% and an excellent damping capacity [5].
To use these SMA wires in industrial applications, such as
shape control applications, it is necessary to have a meticulous
250 H. Sayyaadi et al. / Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering 19 (2012) 249–257
understanding of the mechanical behavior of SMAs, in order to In Brinson evolution kinetics, under certain conditions, the
predict and control their potential. Although the characteriza- local evolution law for the formation of the martensitic fraction
tion of SMAs is based on the same principle used to test other leads to an inadmissible phase fraction (ξ > 1). This pertains to
materials, special consideration should be paid when monitor- a case where both stress and temperature induced martensite
ing the response of shape memory alloys in experimental tests, evolve simultaneously. Modified evolution laws presented by
due to their complex behavior [6]. Chung et al. to overcome this anomaly are analyzed [15].
Shape memory behavior in SMAs is due to a reversible To show how each of these models match with a given set
thermoelastic crystalline phase transformation between a high of experimental data of a SMA sample, the thermomechanical
symmetry parent phase (austenite) and a low symmetry properties of that sample are first obtained. Furthermore,
product phase (martensite) [7]. The phase transformation the phase diagram is constructed by determining the phase
occurs as a function of both temperature and stress. At zero boundaries using experimental data, wherein tests are carried
stress point, phase transformation is triggered at temperatures out under simple loading conditions like a constant stress
addressed by As , Af , Ms and Mf , which, respectively, are thermal cycle or a constant temperature mechanical (stress)
representative of austenite start and finish, and martensite cycle. A linear fit to the test data is used to obtain idealized
start and finish. At temperatures lower than Ms , applying stress phase boundaries.
causes a transformation from the ‘twinned’ martensite phase In the majority of work performed to obtain thermome-
to the stress-preferred or ‘detwinned’ martensite. This results chanical properties, the SMA were heated using Joule resistive
in large strains under relatively constant stress conditions. heating and the cooling was done by free convection. Further-
This strain can be wholly recovered by heating the material more, wire temperature was measured using a thermocouple
above Af and then cooling it without applying any stress. mounted on the wire, while the wire was heated by passing an
This phenomenon is called the Shape Memory Effect (SME). electric current through it. Since passing an electrical current
However, at temperatures above As , applying stress causes through wires results in local non-uniformities in wire temper-
a transformation from the austenite phase to the stress- ature [8], the test on the mentioned SMA wires in this paper
preferred martensitic phase. This process, which is reversible is carried out using a test machine with a controllable thermal
in a hysteresis loop by removal of the stress, is called chamber. By using a thermal chamber for temperature control,
pseudoelasticity [8]. electrical current passing through the wire is eliminated and
The physical behavior of SMA is a function of three relevant uniform wire temperature along the wire is ensured.
variables: stress, strain and temperature, and their related time This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the
rates. The SMA constitutive models try to describe the SMA Tanaka, Liang and Rogers, and Brinson constitutive models.
behavior as a function of these three variables. Most of these Section 3 analyzes the testing methods that are used to obtain
constitutive models are based on specific material parameters material parameters of a SMA wire (Ni–Ti, one way shape
and are determined by experimental tests [8]. memory, 0.25 mm diameter). In order to obtain the required
Several three-dimensional constitutive models have been thermomechanical properties and parameters of this wire,
developed for SMAs, such as the Boyd and Lagoudas model [9], careful experimental measurements have been carried out.
Ivshin and Pence [10], Graesser and Cozzarelli [11]. However, Section 4 discusses the validity of each of the mentioned
none of these models is widely used in engineering applications, models with experimental data. Finally, in Section 5, it is
because the developed models are too complicated and require shown analytically that the evolution kinetics proposed by
many parameter definitions. These models can be simplified for Brinson [14] is inadmissible for certain thermomechanical
the 1-D applications, but it is not reasonable to use 3-D models loading. Furthermore, a corrected evolution kinetics presented
for 1-D applications, such as SMA wires. Another advantage by Chung et al. [15] to overcome this anomaly is addressed.
of 1-D models is that the parameters are engineering-based
and simply determined by typical mechanical engineering 2. SMA constitutive models
The Tanaka model is one of the first constitutive models for In this section, three of the 1-D constitutive models that
SMAs [12]. This formulation assumes that strain, temperature have been proposed to describe the SMA behavior are discussed.
and martensite volume fraction are the only state variables The reason for only these models being discussed is due to
for this model and the stress is determined based on these their applicability to the entire range of thermomechanical
variables. Also, phase transformation kinetics is expressed in an conditions. Furthermore, they are simple and widely used in
exponential form and is a function of stress and temperature. many engineering applications.
Liang and Rogers [13] proposed a model based on the rate form
of the Tanaka constitutive formulation. Nevertheless, a cosine 2.1. Tanaka model
function is used to model the martensite volume fraction [8].
A major and important shortcoming for both Tanaka Tanaka proposed a unified one-dimensional martensitic
and Liang and Rogers models is that they only explain phase transformation model in 1986 [12]. This formulation
phase transformations from martensite to austenite and was actually limited to the stress-induced martensite phase
austenite to martensite. Since the Shape Memory Effect transformation only. The basic assumption he made was that
(SME) at lower temperatures is caused by the conversion the thermomechanical process of the SMA material is fully
between stress-induced martensite and temperature-induced expressed by three major state variables: strain, temperature
martensite, these models cannot be implemented in the and martensite volume fraction [16].
detwinning of martensite, which is responsible for the SME [8]. The critical stress-temperature profile used in this constitu-
This problem was solved by the Brinson model [14]. In this tive model is shown in Figure 1. The two material constants,
model, the martensite volume fraction is separated into two CA and CM , called stress-influence coefficients, which indicate
parts, stress-induced and temperature-induced martensitic the influence of stress on the transition transformation, are ob-
volume fractions. tained from experimental tests.
H. Sayyaadi et al. / Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering 19 (2012) 249–257 251
Ω is called the phase transformation coefficient and is defined As stated before, the major shortcoming of both Tanaka,
and Liang and Rogers models is that they can only explain
Ω (ξ ) = −εL E (ξ ), (3) the phase transformation from martensite to austenite and
its reverse transformation. Since the Shape Memory Effect
where εL is the maximum recoverable strain. The kinetics
(SME) at lower temperatures is caused by the conversion
equations describing the martensite volume fraction as an
between stress-induced martensite and temperature-induced
exponential function of stress and temperature are:
martensite, these models cannot be implemented to the
ξA→M = 1 − exp(aM (Ms − T ) + bM σ ), detwinning of martensite, which is responsible for the SME [8].
for T > Mf This problem was solved by the Brinson model [14]. In this
model, the martensite volume fraction (ξ ) is separated into
and CM (T − Ms ) < σ < CM (T − Mf ), (4)
stress-induced (ξs ) and temperature-induced components (ξT ):
ξM →A = exp(aA (As − T ) + bA σ ),
for T > As ξ = ξs + ξT . (8)
and CA (T − Af ) < σ < CA (T − As ), (5) The original form of the constitutive equation in this model is,
as follows [14]:
where aA , aM , bA and bM are material constants, in terms of
transition temperatures As , Af , Ms and Mf . σ − σ0 = E (ξ )ε − E (ξ0 )ε0 + Ω (ξ )ξs − Ω (ξ0 )ξs0
+ Θ (T − T0 ). (9)
2.2. Liang and Rogers model
Brinson and Huang, in their research, applied some different
This model has almost the same form of constitutive loading and unloading operations with special initial conditions
equation as proposed in the Tanaka model. However, for and also performed mathematical techniques, while using new
phase kinetics, a cosine function to describe the martensite parameter definitions to violate initial conditions. A simplified
volume fraction as a function of stress and temperature is governing equation is reduced to the following form [17]:
supposed, respectively [13]. The kinetics equations describe the
martensite volume fraction as a cosine function of stress and σ = E (ξ )(ε − εL ξs ) + Θ (T − T0 ). (10)
temperature, as follows:
To allow for the shape memory effect at temperatures below Ms ,
1 − ξA 1 + ξA the transformation phase equations of Liang and Roger Eqs. (6)
ξA→M = cos[aM (T − Mf ) + bM σ ] + ,
2 2 and (7) with critical stresses, as defined in Figure 1, are modified
for T > Mf , to describe the definition of ξT and ξs [14]. Variation of critical
stresses with temperature for transformation consistent with
and CM (T − Ms ) < σ < CM (T − Mf ), (6)
separation of ξ into two components is shown schematically in
ξM Figure 2.
ξM →A = cos [aA (T − As ) + bA σ ) + 1] ,
2 The evolution equations for calculation of the martensite
for T > As , fractions as a function of temperature and stress can now be
and CA (T − Af ) < σ < CA (T − As ), (7) represented, according to Figure 2, as follows:
252 H. Sayyaadi et al. / Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering 19 (2012) 249–257
1 − ξT 0
∆T ε = {cos[aM (T − Mf )] + 1}.
2 heat to advance the endothermic transition. So, a characteristic
else: dip is seen in the heating curve. On the contrary, during cooling,
due to the exothermic transition from the austenite phase to
∆T ε = 0.
martensite, the SMA sample gives off heat and, therefore, a
- Conversion to austenite: characteristic peak is seen in the heat flow curve [18].
For T > As and CA (T − Af ) < σ < CA (T − As ) Figure 3 illustrates the result of a DSC test for the sample
SMA wire. The required power to maintain a constant heating
ξ0 σ
ξ= cos aA T − As − +1 , or cooling rate for the SMA specimen is shown on the ordinate
2 CA axis, and the temperature of the SMA wire is represented on the
ξs0 abscissa axis. The transformation temperatures are generally
ξs = ξs0 − (ξ0 − ξ ),
ξ0 determined by drawing tangent lines to the beginning and end
regions of the transformation peak/dip, and the baseline of the
ξT 0
ξT = ξT 0 − (ξ0 − ξ ). (13) heating and cooling curves. The transformation temperatures
ξ0 at zero-stress for the available SMA wire are obtained and
As discussed before, in the last section, it was shown that this tabulated in Table 1 [6].
evolution kinetics is incorrect for certain thermomechanical
loading and leads to an inadmissible martensite fraction 3.2. Loading test method
(ξ > 1).
Since the characteristic phase transformation temperatures
3. Experimental tests are stress-dependent, their value must be obtained at different
stress levels. To obtain the transformation temperatures at
In order to obtain the required thermomechanical properties different stress levels, isostress tests were performed on the
of a Ni–Ti alloy, careful experimental measurements have been SMA wire.
carried out on a FlexinolTM actuator wire manufactured by Since performing the constant stress test, using a tensile
Dynalloy, Inc. For the experiment, a one way shape memory, test machine, is very difficult, this test is done by hanging
0.25 mm in diameter with low temperature (70 °C) and a Ni–Ti the dead weights to the wire in the controllable temperature
SMA actuator wire, has been selected. chamber, as shown in Figure 4. During each measurement,
Several methods have been reported for determining changes in the position of the dead weight (expressing the
SMA transformation temperatures of which the Differential length of the wire), being a function of its temperature over
Scanning Calorimeter (DSC) test, the electrical resistance the transformations, were precisely observed and measured.
method and the applied loading method are the most A proximity inductive position sensor was used to measure
commonly used. Among these methods, in this paper, data from the position of the dead weights. A thermal chamber with a
the DSC test and loading methods are used. controller was used to control the temperature of the specimen.
One thermocouple mounted directly on the wire was used
3.1. DSC test method to monitor the temperature of the wire. Also, a HBM data
acquisition system was used to record the temperature and
The DSC test is the most popular and convenient way strain values.
for determining SMA phase transformation temperatures [18]. Furthermore, experimental stress–strain tests were carried
In this test, the austenite start (As ), austenite finish (Af ), out at different temperatures using an Instron Tensile Test
martensite start (Ms ) and martensite finish (Mf ) temperatures Machine with a temperature controllable chamber. This setup
at zero-stress can be obtained. When the SMA starts its was used to characterize quasi-static stress–strain properties at
transformation from martensite phase to austenite, it absorbs different temperatures (Figure 5).
H. Sayyaadi et al. / Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering 19 (2012) 249–257 253
Material Value
Table 3: Changes in the martensite volume fractions of the Brinson and the Chung et al. models for different initial conditions.
Initial Process Brinson model Chung et al. suggested Initial Process Brinson model Chung et al. suggested
condition model condition model
ξs = 1 ξs = 1 ξs = 1 ξs = 1
Case-1 ξ =1 ξ =1 Case-1 ξ =1 ξ =1
ξT = 0 ξT = 0 ξT = 0 ξT = 0
ξs = 0 ξs = 0 ξs = 0.2 ξs = 0.2
ξs0 = 0 Case-2 ξ =1 ξ =1 ξs0 = 0.2 Case-2 ξ = 1.2 ξ =1
ξT = 1 ξT = 1 ξT = 1 ξT = 0.8
ξT 0 = 1 ξT 0 = 0.5
ξs = 1 ξs = 1 ξs = 1 ξs = 1
Case-3 ξ =1 ξ =1 Case-3 ξ = 1.5 ξ =1
ξT = 0 ξT = 0 ξT = 0.5 ξT = 0
ξs = 1 ξs = 1 ξs = 1 ξs = 1
Case-1 ξ =1 ξ =1 Case-1 ξ =1 ξ =1
ξT = 0 ξT = 0 ξT = 0 ξT = 0
ξs = 0.5 ξs = 0.5 ξs = 1 ξs = 1
ξs0 = 0.5 Case-2 ξ= ξ =1 ξs0 = 1 Case-2 ξ =2 ξ =1
ξT = 1 ξT = 0.5 ξT = 1 ξT = 0
ξT 0 = 0.2 ξT 0 = 0
1.5 (inadmissible) (inadmissible)
ξs = 1 ξs = 1 ξs = 1 ξs = 1
Case-3 ξ= ξ =1 Case-3 ξ =2 ξ =1
ξT = 0.8 ξT = 0 ξT = 1 ξT = 0
1.8 (inadmissible) (inadmissible)
ξs = 1 ξs = 1 ξs = 1 ξs = 1
Case-1 ξ =1 ξ =1 Case-1 ξ =1 ξ =1
ξT = 0 ξT = 0 ξT = 0 ξT = 0
ξs = 0.5 ξs = 0.5 ξs = 0 ξs = 0
ξs0 = 0.5 Case-2 ξ= ξ =1 ξs0 = 0 Case-2 ξ =1 ξ =1
ξT = 1 ξT = 0.5 ξT = 1 ξT = 1
ξT 0 = 0.5 ξT 0 = 0
1.5 (inadmissible)
ξs = 1 ξs = 1 ξs = 1 ξs = 1
Case-3 ξ= ξ =1 Case-3 ξ =2 ξ =1
ξT = 0.5 ξT = 0 ξT = 1 ξT = 0
1.5 (inadmissible) (inadmissible)
by SMA wires with great accuracy. The major benefit of using 6. Conclusions
the Brinson thermomechanical constitutive equation is in its
simplicity, as well as its proper predictions. As a result of this research work, three major models of
It is proved in [15] that all the mentioned preconditions are
SMA behavior, used in the literature for studying the static
satisfied. Table 3 summarizes the changes in the martensite
performance of SMA components, attributed to Tanaka, Liang
volume fraction of the Brinson model, and the suggested model
by Chung et al. after stress or/and temperature changes for 3 and Rogers, and Brinson, have been analyzed and compared.
cases: The major differences and similarities between these models
have also been elaborated and presented based on experimental
data of the shape memory and superelastic behavior, as well as
T = Ms (fixed),
the isostress test of a Ni–Ti SMA wire.
σ = σscr → σfcr . Based on the results accomplished in this paper, the
Case-2. following conclusions can be drawn:
σ = σscr (fixed),
• It has been found that the models developed by Tanaka,
T = Ms → Mf . and Liang and Rogers cannot be used for predicting the
Case-3. shape memory effect behavior of SMAs. This is due to the
T = Ms → Mf , fact that in the constitutive equations used in those models,
σ = σscr → σfcr . the transformational component is proportional to the total
martensite volume fraction. However, the model developed
As seen from the above results, the following statement can be
concluded for the region PQRS shown in Figure 11: by Brinson introduces two state variables: stress-induced
and temperature-induced martensite volume fractions. This
1. When stress increases, while the temperature is constant
(Case-1), the Brinson model, like the Chung et al. model, enables prediction of the shape memory effect in SMAs.
shows proper results for any initial conditions. • The models developed by Tanaka, Liang and Rogers, and
2. When temperature decreases, while stress is constant (Case- Brinson all agree well in their predictions of the superelastic
2), the Brinson model shows proper results, only if the behavior of SMAs at high temperatures, when the alloys stay
initial condition is temperature-induced martensite (ξs0 = in the fully austenite phase. However, the Brinson model
0, ξT 0 = 1) or pure austenite (ξs0 = 0, ξT 0 = 0). For other has more accurate predictions of the superelastic behavior
initial conditions, the Chung et al. model must be used. of SMAs.
3. When temperature decreases, while stress simultaneously
increases (Case-3), the Brinson model shows proper results,
• It was shown analytically that the original evolution kinetics
only if the initial condition is temperature-induced marten- proposed by Brinson [14] in a specified region (Mf <
site (ξs0 = 0, ξT 0 = 1). For other initial conditions, the T < Ms and σscr < σ < σfcr ) is inadmissible for some
Chung et al. model should be used. certain thermomechanical loading and initial conditions.
4. Regardless of initial conditions, the Chung et al. model Furthermore, a corrected evolution kinetics developed by
produces results of ξ ≤ 1, if σ = σfcr , then ξs = 1, and, Chung et al. [15] is reviewed that is both admissible and valid
if T = Mf , then ξ = 1. in this region.
H. Sayyaadi et al. / Scientia Iranica, Transactions B: Mechanical Engineering 19 (2012) 249–257 257
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