Anisha Shati - French Revolution Webquest
Anisha Shati - French Revolution Webquest
Anisha Shati - French Revolution Webquest
Banks/Pappas/ Sukhoo
Directions: Follow the directions for each activity and type the answers on the Cornell sheet. Make sure to
check the due dates and follow the pacing guide. Your work will be checked daily, late work will not be
given full credit (you will. lose 1 point for each day it is late)
On the video it says,the French revolution was a fight between the Bourgeois with the King.
French’s king was Louis XVI and he was the absolute monarchy of French. The Bourgeois
wanted to have their rights because the king was putting pressure on them to pay high taxes.
The Bourgeois were speaking up and they were so mad at the King. Then Robespierr killed the
king by Guillotine because he was against the wealthy and he was able to kill the king because
the Bourgeois was supporting him, later on John of Arc moved Robespierre because he said the
Bourgeois didn’t want one dealer. He was a Napoleon and emperor of France. He went to
invade Russia but he couldn't because it was so cold. So the revolution was a change in France
and the people used the Enlightenment thinkers' ideas to get ideas for the government to have
a good change.
Activity 2: Click on each of the links and list the causes for each category
Causes of the
French Revolution Social Causes-People Political Causes Economic Causes
Tuesday, October
27, 2020 The social cause for the The political cause was Economic issues were
French Revolution was the the king who is top of theKing Louis XVI and his
Estates System. The Estates 3 estates .The political wife Marie Antoinette.
system was unfair because
causes were the king The economic cause was
it made the 3rd Estate pay
Louis XVI was controlling the cost was rising. He
100% in taxes, when they
only owned 65% of the land. the people and he was and his wife were
They were carrying the 1st imprisoning people for no spending so much money
and 2nd Estates reason. Also, he was to live luxury. Also during
being unfair to the 1775-1789 America and
Estates Systems: peasants by spending the Britain had a war and he
1. Clergy 3rd estate’s money to sent 1.3 billions
2. Nobility wear expensive clothes to livers,soldiers and ships
3. Peasants
look good. to help America which
cost a lot of money.
Activity 3: Watch Storm the Bastille and answer the following questions
Actions of the
French Revolution 1. Why was the Bastille stormed?
Wednesday, The Bastille stormed because they wanted gunpowder and it symbolized an absolute
October 28, 2020 monarchy.
2. Why do some historians mark the Storming of the Bastille as the start of the French
Some historians mark the Storming of the Bastille as the start of the French Revolution
because there was gun fire between the mob and the french military.
I.This document is written I.This is being written for I.This is being written for the
for the 3rd estate. women in France. people in French.
P.The author believes the P.Olympe de Gouges feels P.The author believes that
people should have freedom as though women should everyone should have the
and rights. have the same rights as men right to choose their leader.
P.To inform the king of the P.the purpose of this P.The purpose of this
rights of people and to tell document was created to document was to not have
the people what their rights give women equal rights to absolute monarchy.
are. men in society and
H - Historical Circumstance- the facts that surround the situation. What is happening
before this event?
I - Intended Audience - Who is it written for? (Be Specific)
P - Point of View - The author’s position on the topic (How does the author feel about
the topic?)
P - Purpose - Why did he/she write the document?
O - Outside Information - Facts about the topic that are not in the document
Activity 4:
Reign of Terror
Thursday, October
29, 2020
"Execution of Louis XVI" – German copperplate engraving, 1793, by Georg Heinrich Sieveking
See Think Wonder
Identify three things you Based on this image, what Based on this image, what
see in the image above. do you think the Radical questions do you have
Revolution stage of the about the Radical
French Revolution was like? Revolution stage of the
French Revolution?
4. According to the pie chart, which groups suffered the most during the Reign of Terror?
Based on what you’ve learned about the goals of the French Revolution, why is this impact
unexpected or surprising?
The 3rd estate will suffer the most.The goals of the French Revolution was
unexpected because the king was controlling over the country and nobody knew he
was gonna be killed and there's gonna be a rule of justice.
Activity 5: Click on the link and watch the video about Napoleon Bonaparte. While you watch
Napoleon the video, answer the questions directly on to the website.
Friday, October 30,
Pacing Calendar
October 26, 2020 Activity 1: Flocabulary