Auto Sweep Enrollment Form

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wh Sweep RFID REQUEST FOR ENROLLMENT OF ADDITIONAL VEHICLE [SUBSCRIBER INFORMATION AccountName ‘Trower te (sas Orare sb siete ote aaiohe) EMean cionen onsen Account No. {he vetice is rolunder he name of scribe: ova correo on Feed reread Mobile No Soren nares SThomny oe ae ote ered cae ee potent re Sanu artereniees owe \VEHICLE INFORMATION ‘Bose Alar No.| Make | Wodsi | Year | Calor | Plate No | Condueon No | Vehicle Class_| Suter No. 5 7 ‘Total No, of Vehicles I hereby certty thatthe information provided herewith i tue, correct and complete. | voluntaiy disclose my petsonal information forthe {alflment ofthis Agreement. | understand that any false, misleading, incorect or withheld information may cause the disapproval of this requestor the termination of my Autoswieep RFID Account. {Ihave read and clearly understood the Autosweep RFID Subscription Agreement and | agree and consentto be bound by the terms and ‘conditions of the Autoswieep RFID Subscription Agreement, including any amendments thereto, for allvehicles enralled under my RFID. ‘Account, including he above-Isted vehicles ‘Subs cibers Printed Name & Signature Dae

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