Statement of Teaching Philosophy

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Statement of Teaching Philosophy

Megan Ressler

I believe that as a teacher, I have the potential to change lives. As cliché as this may sound,
this is what I strive to do. I believe education has the power to create endless opportunities and
paths that help students better themselves. My goal is to teach beyond the concepts of biology. It
is my job to promote emotional and personal growth to each student. I will assist students on
learning how to advocate for themselves and become educated, productive members of society.
Through education, we learn how to critically think and form well-informed thoughts and
opinions about our everyday lives.
Building positive relationships is the foundation that successful teaching is built on.
Teaching unique individuals comes before teaching biology. In order to create a curriculum that
is well tailored to my students, I must first get to know each of them – as a student and a person.
Everyone has their own quirks who make them their own beautiful self. It is through this
knowledge of understanding the different learning styles, interests, and past experiences in my
classroom that helps me help my students them be successful in the classroom.

By acknowledging the individuals in my classroom and understanding the different learning

styles, interests, and past experiences they possess, I hope to help my students be successful in
the classroom. The following is a set of core beliefs to my teaching philosophy.

 Creating an environment of respect

As a teacher, it is my duty to recognize the individuality of each student and create an
environment where everyone feels safe and is encouraged to express themselves. Mutual respect
between all in necessary to create a sense of trust, safety, and openness. All of these are needed
in order for students to feel comfortable to make the inevitable mistakes that are going to be
made. It is through our mistakes where we learn the most – how to bounce back stronger and
better than before. Students must feel comfortable to express their thoughts and ask questions.

 Making material relevant and engaging

No student comes into the classroom as a blank slate; students come in with previous
experiences and knowledge that affect learning. Relating science to these experiences and
interests help students see how science is relevant to themselves and the world we live in. It is
through relevancy that students see the importance and appreciation of learning and in return,
increases student engagement and understanding.

 Practice critical thinking

Critical thinking is essential in the field of science, but also to be a well-informed citizen. Critical
thinking is uncomfortable at first, therefore, it is essential to help guide students on how to
analyze and evaluate a problem before coming up with a solution or opinion. To give students
practice with this tough task, material must be challenging and well-structured.

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