Promotion of Cultural Heritage and Its Impact On Tourism Development - With A Focus On The Prizren Region

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Promotion of Cultural Heritage and Its Impact on

Tourism Development - With a Focus on the
Prizren Region
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology- Pristina
University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj, Kosovo
Faculty of Tourism and Environment, Tourism and Hotel Management
University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj, Kosovo
Faculty of Tourism and Environment, Tourism and Hotel Management
University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj, Kosovo
Faculty of Tourism and Environment, Tourism and Hotel Management
University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj, Kosovo
Faculty of Tourism and Environment, Tourism and Hotel Management

Abstract:- The purpose of this paper is to present a further development and promotion of these tourist
summary of knowledge on cultural heritage and its products, would be of particular importance, as it would
impact on the development of tourism in the territory of inform the public about the monuments of historical and
Kosovo, with a special focus on the Prizren region, given heritage importance of our country, which should be
the great importance of these industries in economic visited.
Therefore, based on the available data on the topic
We know that methods in the social sciences are in question, we can conclude that the development of
indispensable research tools that enable us to achieve tourism depends on the promotion of products, so our
new results and knowledge, or to correct existing ones. recommendation is that local institutions pay great
In this paper we have applied almost all the methods attention to the strict implementation of long-term
little by little, but we will single them out: the historical tourism development strategy, thus investing in the
method which consists of techniques and instructions by preservation of the rich cultural heritage that our
which historians use primary sources and other data, country has and its promotion through various cultural
such as: archaeological data, for to make studies on the and artistic activities, as well as informing the general
histories of the past for the cultural heritage and the population about them through the media.
descriptive or descriptive method, through which we
have described the various historical monuments, as an Keywords:- Cultural Heritage, Tourism, Historical
important part of the cultural heritage as well as as a Monuments.
basis for the development of tourism in the country.

People all over the world organize tourist trips with I. LITERATURE REVIEW
the aim of relaxing, having fun, doing various activities
so that they get away from their work routine and their 1.1Theory of tourism
work responsibilities. This paper provides a theoretical By tourism we mean the movement of people for the
approach to cultural heritage and tourism, as well as the purpose of recreation, entertainment, healing and expansion
impact of effective and efficient management in of cultural knowledge.1
increasing the number of tourists and visitors and
increasing the use of cultural heritage capacities in Kosovo, with its territorial size and small geographical
Kosovo. area in the Balkan Peninsula in Southeast Europe, has a
wide cultural heritage, including ancient cultural
Based on the data of the cultural heritage in the monuments, clothing, museums, and traditional food, as an
country, such as various historical monuments built important cultural, political and economic resource.
centuries ago, for which local and foreign tourists show
special interest to visit, through which the development 1
of tourism in the country is enabled, Investing in the %C3%AB

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
As a rich country in cultural and historical heritage heritage, civilizations and different religions. Thanks to the
resources, it has its own opportunities for development, favorable geographical position, the harmonious
which can lead to a change in the role of tourism in the interweaving of these cultures throughout history and an
economic development of the country.2 enviable number of monuments of all time, the city of
Prizren rightly bears the epithet of "museum city", "open air
The territory of today's Kosovo has an ancient history museum" or even "Dubrovnik of the Balkans", to be listed
of civilization that is evidenced by archeological sites, as one of the most beautiful cities in Kosovo.
fortifications, cities, sacred and profane monuments,
monuments and natural landscapes that enable the Located at the foot of the Sharr Mountains (which
development of cultural tourism.3 have been declared a "national park"), on both shores of
With its natural and human motives, Kosovo offers Lumbardh and at the intersection of important trade routes
good opportunities for the development of several types of between east and west, the city of Prizren, throughout
domestic, regional and international tourism, which makes it history was known as an important cultural, economic and
a very attractive and open place for all. diplomatic center.5

Although Kosovo includes a small territory, it has Over the centuries, starting from the Illyrian-
monuments with rich treasures that have special values of Dardanian, Roman and Byzantine periods, Prizren was one
cultural and historical heritage, which can be used by its of the main stations on the road "Via de Zenta" that
population for excursions, sports, recreation, leisure, culture, connected the Adriatic coastal cities with other centers
education and training. Also, this area is rich in spiritual, inland.
material and natural heritage values that reflect traces of
ancient civilization and traditions, culture and way of life Connecting with the southern road "Via Egnatia",
from the early Neolithic period to the present day creativity. which went to Thessaloniki, the ancient "Theranda" or
Even though there is no sea, has many tourist resources that "Prizdriana" of Byzantine times, was a bridge between the
create the opportunity for the development of other types of shores of the Adriatic Sea and the Aegean.
tourism. It has rich cultural and natural heritage that create
opportunities to benefit economically but also in terms of II. TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN THE PRIZREN
presenting cultural values, both to foreign and local visitors. REGION

Viewed from the aspect of tourism, Kosovo is 2.1 Tourist chance

composed of five tourist areas: 1. Tourist area of the Thanks to the installed cultural infrastructure which
Albanian Alps, 2. Tourist area of Shari Mountains, 3. tries to be in the function of preserving, cultivating and
Tourist area of Prishtina, 4. Tourist area of Mitrovica (Shala presenting the values of the material and spiritual cultural
of Bajgore), and 5. Anamorava tourist area4. heritage, the city of Prizren projects its chance in the
development of tourism as a profitable economic activity. It
1.2Prizren Region has an enviable potential of cultural values inherited from
different historical periods. With 24 identified archeological
sites, with 39 Christian cult objects, 46 Islamic sacred
objects, with over 74 objects with pronounced features of
folk architecture, Prizren aims to become a frequented
tourist center.

2.2 Development strategy and preservation of historical

In the strategy of development and investments in the
cultural infrastructure of the city of Prizren, the restoration
of the heritage objects will occupy an important place, in
order to create the most favorable conditions for the
development of cultural activities in them.

Due to its strategic position, cultural heritage and

natural beauty, Prizren is undoubtedly one of the most
important settlements in the country, thus creating very
The city of Prizren has been known since antiquity, as favorable conditions for tourism development. He has a
a unique place in the Balkans, for the values of cultural sensational past that has piqued the curiosity of various
guides, historians, geographers and scientists, who published
2 many works on this well-known administrative region
3 cultural, historical, historical, political, etc.
MSPNP (Ministry of Spatial Planning and Nature
Protection), “Kosovo Environmental Action Plan”, Prishtina,
August 2005. Prizren is the cradle of cultural heritage (

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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The region of Prizren has been inhabited since ancient suggarcake, tespishta, baklava, sytliac, tullumba and halva,
times and preserves evidence and archaeological which are among the most favorite.
monuments from the Neolithic, Eneolithic, Bronze, Iron,
Antiquity and beyond. 3.2 List of historical monuments in Prizren
Prizren, together with its historical values contributes
This is evidenced by the numerous artifacts discovered not only to its city, but to the entire territory of Kosovo.
during the archeological excavations, made in a number of Numerous historical monuments are the clearest evidence
localities. Archaeological data prove that Prizren is one of that this area has been inhabited since ancient times. Among
the oldest cities in Southeast Europe and beyond. the most precious values of Prizren are the monuments of
material culture that are inherited from past centuries.
The Municipality of Prizren with an area of 640 square
kilometers (5.94% of the territory of Kosovo) is located in Prizren has developed as a place where different
the southwest of Kosovo with 74 settlements and about civilizations and cultures intertwine. This list includes a
175,000 inhabitants. It borders the municipalities of range of historical, cultural and religious monuments as well
Gjakova, Rahovec, Suhareka, Strpce, Dragash, Mamusha as as natural monuments of the municipality of Prizren. Among
well as neighboring countries Albania and Macedonia. the most important historical monuments and most visited
by local and foreign tourists we can highlight:
The most valuable wealth of Prizren is its values  Shadervani of Prizren
inherited from past centuries - the cultural heritage it has.  Prizren Castle
These values are manifested with a perfect architecture and  Monumental Complex of the Albanian League of Prizren
magical urban structure on the one hand and with special  Shadervan Fountain
folk traditions on the other.  Stone Bridge (Prizren)
2.3Art and Culture
Prizren is also known for the good tradition of IV. PROMOTION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE
cultivating fine arts. Numerous traditional cultural events
have been organized and continue to be organized in it, such 4.1 Activities Events
as: the Festival of the old civic song "Zambaku i Prizrenit", Prizren as a place of continuous development of art
the Documentary and Short Film Festival "Dokufest", the and culture, thus promoting its cultural heritage through
good start of the work of the Professional Theater of the various cultural and artistic activities, also affects the
city, "Grape Harvest Festival" and a series of other cultural increase of the number of tourists there. Activities there are
events of national and international character, make Prizren organized institutionally, and over time seeing their
even more attractive in terms of tourism. While, to this are importance and impact in promoting tourism in the country,
added the rare natural beauties of the Sharr Mountains with they have now become more traditional and annual.
the famous ski center, it can rightly be said that the "mosaic
of tourist requirements" is fully completed. They are numerous, but some of the main events in the
field of tourism can be highlighted: Cultural Summer,
Dokufest, Astro fest, World Tourism Day, Youth Week,
III. CULTURAL HERITAGE Ecological Week, Earth Day, Old Timer Fest, etc.
Prizren's cultural heritage is a rare color and represents 4.2 Aims
the most attractive omnibus of identities in Kosovo.6 Referring to the undeniable cultural potential,
historical tradition and real opportunities for cooperation,
Prizren is the place where different cultures and the long-term goal remains for the city of Prizren to be
civilizations meet, whose contribution has been essential for included in the network of cultural roads of the Balkan
the city today to be a value of world civilization in terms of region and Europe.
cultural heritage. It has been known since antiquity as a
unique place in the Balkans for the values of cultural In this way, Prizren would be given the place it
heritage, different civilizations and religions. deserves in the string of pearls of world cultural heritage, as
a city of tradition and historical values.
3.1 Prizren kitchen
Prizren is known for its dough preparations, among V. CONCLUSION
which are: pogaqe, topli, pitajak with eggs, pite and fli. The
traditional dishes of Prizren constitute the essence of Prizren The state of tourism in the Municipality of Prizren is
cuisine, as well as cherries with meatballs, peppers with analyzed under the lens of 10 strategic flow of visitors. Each
cottage cheese, Prizren casserole, stuffed-peppers, musak, stream constitutes a certain segment of passengers, who
beans, goulash, burjan with meat, Elbasan casserole, are the have a certain motive and to some extent follow a similar
most outstanding dishes of Prizren. Also, Prizren is activity.
distinguished by different types of sweets such as:


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Volume 6, Issue 1, January – 2021 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
The treatment of tourism at the level of streams, REFERENCES
among others, enables to understand more clearly the profile
of the visitor, his/her interaction with the destination, the [1]. Book - Florina Jerliu,: "Cultural heritage of Kosovo"
motive and impact of the arrival, as well as in general the (2017)
tourist offer with its advantages and challenges. 7 [2]. Book - Florina Jerliu,: "Protection of construction
heritage" (2016)
Advantages and challenges may involve more than one [3]. Book- Alberta Tahiri & idriz Kovaci,: "Management
stream of visitors. However, in order not to repeat, they have in tourism-Theoretical managerial approach" " (2017)
been attempted to appear only in the stream which is most [4]. Taken from the survey conducted in the municipality
relevant. of Prizren - 2021- Questionnaire
 What is the origin of the visitors? [5]. Tahiri, A. and Kovaçi, I., Management in Tourism,
 How old are they? Theoretical
 How long is their stay? [6]. Managerial Approache, Research Center, Peja, 2017
 What are their main activities? [7]. Tahiri, A. and Kovaçi, I., Management in Tourism,
 What motivates them to visit the destination? Theoretical
 What influenced their arrival? [8]. Managerial Approache, Research Center, Peja, 2017
 What works? [9]. Kosovo Agency of Statistics (
[10]. https: // www.
 What does not work/is missing?
[11]. https: // www.
 What are the challenges?
[13]. Ministry of Trade and Industry (https://mti.rks-
 Proposed actions according to the Tourism Development
Strategy 2019-2023
[14]. Tourism development strategy (2019-2023).
The actions that will be taken to address the main
challenges/problems identified during the coverage of the
situation have been drafted in collaboration with Directorate
of Tourism and Economic Development (DTED), experts
and other stakeholders. Also, it is worth noting that the
actions are in line with the Municipal Development Plan, the
Management Plan for the Historic Area of Prizren, the
Conservation Plan and the Law on the Historic Area of
Prizren. In most cases, the action involves more than one
stream of visitors.8

 Construction of Zip Line around Prizren Castle

 Construction of the ‘Via ferrata’ path in Lumbardh
 Meeting the infrastructural conditions for autocamping
 Transforming paragliding into a tourist product
 Cooperation with accommodation/restaurants in the
Sharr Mountains for opportunities to diversify their
 Creating ‘downhill biking’ and other extreme sports
 Organizing cultural programs during summer weekends
 Organizing a market for the end-of-year holidays
 Organizing winter festivals in the Sharr Mountains

Tourism development strategy (
Tourism development strategy (

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