S & CSR End Term Part 1

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End Term Assignment

Part 1

Submitted By

Zankhana Jadhav (MFT/19/82)

Submitted to

Prof. Aarti Solanki

Department of Fashion Technology (MFT)

National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT)

Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Higg Index
Higg Facility Environment Module (Higg FEM)
Assessment Question Higg Facility Environment Module
(Higg FEM) Assessment Questions

Banswara Syntex Ltd.

Table of Contents
Section – 1 EMS.........................................................................................................................6
EMS – Level 2.......................................................................................................................7
EMS – Level 3.......................................................................................................................7
Section 2 – Energy.....................................................................................................................8
Energy – Level 1....................................................................................................................8
Energy – Level 2..................................................................................................................11
Energy – Level 3..................................................................................................................13
Section 3- Water Use...............................................................................................................14
Water Use – Level 1.............................................................................................................14
Water Use – Level 2.............................................................................................................14
Water Use – Level 3.............................................................................................................16
Section 4 Wastewater...............................................................................................................17
Wastewater – Level 1...........................................................................................................17
Wastewater – Level 2...........................................................................................................18
Wastewater – Level 3...........................................................................................................18
Section 5 Air Emissions...........................................................................................................19
Air Emissions Level 1..........................................................................................................19
Air Emissions Level 2..........................................................................................................19
Air Emissions Level 3..........................................................................................................19
Section 6 Waste........................................................................................................................20
Waste Level -1.....................................................................................................................20
Waste Level -2.....................................................................................................................20
Waste Level -3.....................................................................................................................21
Section 7. Chemicals Management..........................................................................................22
Chemicals Management – Level 2.......................................................................................22
Chemicals Management – Level 2.......................................................................................24
Chemicals Management – Level..........................................................................................24
1. Does your factory site have a valid operating license, if required by law?
Ans – Yes
2. Did your facility receive any government-issued environmental violation records in
Ans- No
3. 3. Please complete the following questions to provide details on your facility’s
environmental permits requirements and compliance status

Permit / Requir Name Effective Is there What is Uplo Provide

Agreement ed for of the Date an your ad a any
Type your regulat (MM/YY expirati Complia copy additio
site? If ory YY) on date nce of nal
yes, all agency Status your notes
colum issuing for this perm
ns the permit? it
must permit
be or
compl agreem
ete to ent
Is a permit Yes _ - - - - -
for water
Is a permit Yes GPCB 07/2020 07/202 In
required 0 compline
for water
Is a permit No - - - - - -
Are NO GPCB - - - - -
for specific
use and
Are Yes GPCB 07/2020 07/202 In
permits 0 compline
for air
Is a permit NO
for solid
Are any NO
ntal Impact
t her
Section – 1 EMS

1. Are one or more employees at your facility responsible for coordinating your
facility’s environmental management activities?
Ans- Yes
o Name
 Vedant V. Pandya – Safety Officer
 Sanjay Kappor – A- GM Quality
o Time spent on environmental management (select one): Full time (100%)
o Select environmental topic (select all that apply):
 Energy
 Waste
 Water
 Wastewater
 Air Emissions
 Chemicals Management
2. Does your facility have a company environmental management strategy that
guides long-term decision-making on environmental management?
Ans- Yes (environmental strategy that aligns with requirements in - GRS)
topics covered by this strategy:
 Energy
 Waste
3. Has your facility identified the significant environmental impacts associated with
current operations within the factory premises?
Ans- No
4. Does your facility have a program or system in place to review and monitor
environmental permit status and renewal (where appropriate) and ensure
Ans- Yes
5. Does your facility maintain a documented system to identify, monitor and
periodically verify all laws, regulations, standards, codes and other legislative and
regulatory requirements for your significant environmental impacts?
Ans- Yes
topics covered by the system:
 Energy
 Air
 Waste
6. Does your facility have a process and schedule to maintain all equipment?
Ans- Yes

EMS – Level 2
7. Does your facility review the environmental management strategy with your
facility’s managers each calendar year?
Ans- No
8. Do employees at your facility responsible for environmental management have the
technical competence required to do their job?
Ans – Yes

EMS – Level 3
9. Does your facility promote awareness of the environmental strategy to
Ans- Yes
10. Does your facility monitor, evaluate, and/or engage with your subcontractors on
their environmental performance using the Higg Index?
Ans- No
11. . Does your facility engage in environmental improvement in your local context?
Ans- Yes
The ways in which your facility engages in environmental improvement:
 We work with other similar businesses to share best practice for
environmental management.
 We engage in dialogue with local communities to understand their views
on how we as a company should manage our environmental impacts.
 We work within a group of other local stakeholders including government
and communities, to understand and address local environmental issues
 We engage directly with local or national governance bodies on
environmental regulation or management issues.
12. Does your facility monitor, evaluate, and/or engage with your upstream suppliers
using the Higg Index?
Ans- No.
Section 2 – Energy
Energy – Level 1
1. Select all sources of energy for your facility:

Select all Does your What Which What was the Provide any
sources of facility quantity of method frequency of additional
energy for track its energy was was used measurement? comments
your facility energy use used by to track
from this this source this
source? in 2018? energy
Biomass Yes Enter Meters Monthly
Select all Quantity:
types of Kg
used at your
Chilled NO
The most
practice is to
your own
chilled water
by chilling
but in some
areas, you
chilled water
from a
system -
must track
for Scope 1
Coal (Sub-
Coal (Sub-
Coal (Sub-
Coal (Sub-
Volatile C)
Volatile B)
- high
volatile A;
volatile; low
Anthracite -
type not
Diesel Yes
Electricity Yes
Fuel Oil
Hydro Yes
Natural Gas

Energy – Level 2
2. Has your facility set baselines for energy use? If yes, select all sources of energy for
which your facility has set a baseline.

Energy Is the What is the Enter the How was Was the
Source baseline baseline baseline your baseline
(fills from absolute or quantity? If year baseline verified?
source normalized? you are calculated?
selections reporting a
above) normalized
baseline, it
must be
by the
unit you
specified in
the Site Info
Please make
sure your
reflects your
from your
baseline year,
not from
Wooden Normalized Enter Yes
Briquette Quantity:

3. Does your facility know what facility processes or operations use the most energy?
What are the highest energy use factors at your facility?
Ans- Electricity
4. Has your facility set targets for improving energy use or GHG emissions? If yes,
select all sources of energy for which your facility has set an energy or GHG
reduction target.
Ans – Yes

Fuel kW What is Ente Is this a Proposed Prop Describ

Source h your r the normaliz Emission os ed e the
(pull (aut target targ ed or s kwH measur
down o for et absolute reduction reduc es
info pop change year target? (renewabl ti on planne
from u in es does d to
table late energy not achieve
above) d) use from calculate this
Add this unless target
option source? there is
for: Enter a an
Overall negative applicabl
energy / percenta e
GHG ge for a emissions
emissio reductio factor)
ns n target,
and a
ge for an
Electrici Scop -30% Normaliz
ty e2 ed

5. Does your facility have an implementation plan to improve energy use and/or GHG
Ans- Yes
6. Has your facility improved energy consumption compared with its baseline? If yes,
select all sources of energy that have been improved.
Ans- No

Energy – Level 3
7. Were your facility’s annual Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions calculated in
2018? (This question is not scored.)
Ans- No
Section 3- Water Use
Water Use – Level 1
1. . Select all water sources used by your facility (see table below)

Does your What Which What was the

facility track quantity of method was frequency of
water use water from used to track measurement?
from this this source water use
source? was used in from this
2018? source?
Fresh Surface Yes Litter Estimate Monthly
Rainwater NO
Groundwater No
Produce/Proces No
s Water
Municipal Yes
Wastewater No
from another
Brackish No
Total Water

Water Use – Level 2

2. Has your facility set baselines for water use? If yes, select all water sources for which
your facility has set a baseline

Water Source Is the What is the Enter How was Was the
(fills from source baseline baseline the your baseline
selections above) absolute or quantity? (#) baseline baseline verified?
normalized? If you are year calculated?
reporting a
baseline, it
must be
by the
unit you
specified in
the Site Info
Please make
sure your
n calculation
reflects your
from your
baseline year,
not from
Fresh Surface Normalized Enter
Water Absolute Quantity:
_____ Select

Municipal Water
Brackish Surface
Water / Seawater
Total Water

3. Does your facility know what facility processes or operations use the most water?
4. Has your facility set targets for reducing water use? If yes, select all sources of water
for which your facility has set a reduction target.
5. Does your facility have an implementation plan to improve water use?
6. Has your facility reduced water withdrawal, compared with your baseline? Select all
water sources that have been reduced.

Select source that was Describe the strategies

reduced used to achieve this

Water Use – Level 3

7. Has your facility implemented a water balance or another analysis to evaluate the
traceability of water intake vs. usage (i.e. which processes) and output (i.e. to
wastewater treatment plant)?

Section 4 Wastewater
Wastewater – Level 1
1. Does your facility track its wastewater volume?

Industrial Domestic Combined

Wastewater Wastewater Industrial and
What was the total
quantity of
discharged from
your facility in
Which method was
used to track
What was the
frequency of
What was the final
discharge point for
your facility’s
Provide any

2. Do you have the name and contact information of the offsite wastewater treatment
Ans- NO
3. Does your facility have a back-up plan if there is an emergency situation related to
4. Is hazardous sludge (chemical / industrial) disposed of properly?
Ans- No
5. Is non-hazardous sludge disposed of properly? (Domestic wastewater only)
Ans- Yes
Dispose direct to municipality Sewage line
6. Does your facility treat septic wastewater before it is discharged?
Ans- Yes

Wastewater – Level 2
7. Is your facility reporting against a wastewater standard?
Ans- Yes
Have you tested and met all parameters specified in the standard?
Ans- yes
8. Have you requested wastewater quality test results from the offsite wastewater
treatment plant?
Ans- No

Wastewater – Level 3

9. Does your facility reuse and/or recycle process wastewater as process water (closed
Ans- No

Section 5 Air Emissions

1. Does your facility contain any of the following operations equipment?
Ans- Generators
2. Does your facility conduct any of the following processes or use any of the following
Ans- NO.

Air Emissions Level 1

1. Does your factory have any air emissions from facility operations that:
 Are not regulated by a permit?
o NO
 Are regulated by a permit, but you are not in compliance.
o NO
2. . Select all sources of air emissions that result from production processes.
Ans- Repeated Frequently
3. Did your facility add additional refrigerants to any existing equipment in 2018?
Ans- No
4. Does your facility have control devices or abatement processes for on-site emissions
to air? If yes, select all sources of emissions that have abatement processes.
Ans – Third Party Test Report – Annually
5. Does your facility have control devices or abatement processes for indoor air quality
issues from production processes? If yes, select all sources of air quality issues that
have abatement processes.
Ans- Annually

Air Emissions Level 2

6. Has your facility gone beyond permit requirements to achieve a higher level of air
performance in Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Sulfur Oxides (SOx), and Particulate Matter
Ans – No

Air Emissions Level 3

7. Do you have a process for implementing modernized equipment to reduce or
eliminate air emissions and indoor air quality issues at your facility?
Ans- No

Section 6 Waste
Waste Level -1
1. Which non-hazardous waste streams does your site produce? Select all that apply:
Ans- materials (Fabric Waste), Plastic, Paper, Cartons
2. Which hazardous waste streams does your site produce? Select all that apply:
Ans- No
3. Does your facility segregate all waste streams into non-hazardous and hazardous
waste, and store them separately?
Ans- Yes
4. Does your facility have well-marked, designated hazardous waste storage areas?
Ans- No
5. Does your facility have well-marked, designated non-hazardous waste storage areas?
Ans- Yes
6. Does your facility provide training to all employees whose work involves hazardous
waste handling (such as maintenance and custodial staff)?
7. Ans- Yes
 Proper Handling
 Storage and disposal techniques and procedures
 Use of personal protective equipment

Waste Level -2
8. Has your facility set a baseline for solid waste? If yes, select all sources of waste for
which your facility has set a baseline:
Ans- No
9. Did you set a baseline for waste disposal methods for your facility's overall waste?
Ans- NO
10. Does your facility set formal targets to reduce waste quantity?
Ans- No
11. Did you set a target for improving waste disposal methods for your facility's overall
Ans- No
12. Does your facility have an implementation plan to reduce waste quantity or improve
type of treatment?
Ans- Yes
13. Has your facility reduced waste quantity or improved type of treatment, compared
with the established baseline?
Ans- NO
14. Have your facility improved waste disposal methods for overall waste in 2018,
compared with the baseline?
Ans- No

Waste Level -3
15. Does your facility validate the final disposal and treatment of all hazardous wastes?
Ans- NO
16. Has your factory diverted at least 90 percent of all discarded materials from landfills,
incinerators and the environment?
Ans- No
17. Does your facility upcycle some of its waste or insert its waste into a circular
economy system?
Ans- No

Section 7. Chemicals Management

Chemicals Management – Level 2
1. A) Does your facility keep an inventory of chemicals used and the suppliers of each
chemical product?
Ans- Yes
All types of chemicals included in the inventory
 All chemicals used in manufacturing processes (including chemicals in
production, spot cleaners, and wastewater treatment plant chemicals where
o Ans- - No
 All chemicals used in tooling/equipment (lubricants and grease
o Ans- Yes
 All chemicals used to operate and maintain the facility
o Ans- No
1. B) Does your facility's chemical inventory include chemical identification data?
Check all that apply:
Ans- No
1. C) . Does your facility’s chemical inventory include the following data? Select all that
Ans- No.
2. Does your facility make Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available to employees for all
chemicals used?
Ans- Yes
 Are Safety Data Sheets posted where hazardous chemicals are stored?
o Ans- Yes
 Are Safety Data Sheets available in languages workers understand (at least
sections directly related to operational worker safety and storage requirements,
such as first aid, hazard, and flammability information)?
o Ans- Yes
3. Does your facility train all employees who use chemicals on chemical hazards, risk,
proper handling, and what to do in case of emergency or spill?
Ans- Yes
4. Does your facility have a chemical spill and emergency response plan that is practiced
Ans- yes
 Does your facility keep records of all employee and environmental incidents
related to chemical spills and emergency response?
o Ans- Yes
5. Does your facility have appropriate and operable protective and safety equipment, as
recommended by the Global Harmonization System compliant (or equivalent) Safety
Data Sheet, in all areas where chemicals are stored and used?
Ans- Yes
6. Does your facility have chemical hazard signage and safe handling equipment in the
areas of the facility where chemicals are used?
Ans- Yes
7. Does your facility select and purchase chemicals based on their hazards and MRSL /
RSL requirements?
Ans- NO
8. Does your facility have an environmental and occupational health and safety program
specific to chemicals management?
Ans- Yes
9. Does your facility have well marked, designated chemical storage and temporary
storage areas?
Ans- Yes, it only has chemical storage areas
10. Does your facility train employees responsible for the chemical management system
on Restricted Substance Lists (RSLs) and Manufacturing Restricted Substance Lists
Ans- No
11. Does your facility have a documented process to systematically identify, monitor and
verify compliance with all product Restricted Substance Lists (RSLs)?
Ans- Unknown
12. Does your facility have a documented process to systematically monitor, update and
demonstrate compliance with Manufacturing Restricted Substance Lists (MRSLs)?
Ans- Unknown
 Does your facility require its chemicals suppliers to do the same?
o Ans- Unknown
 Does your facility require its washing and printing subcontractors to do the
o Ans- Unknown

13. Can all of your production chemicals be traced from the manufacturing process back
to chemical inventory?
Ans- NO

Chemicals Management – Level 2

14. Does your facility have an implementation plan to improve your chemicals
management program?
Ans- No
15. Does your facility have an implementation plan to reduce the use of hazardous
chemicals beyond chemicals specified by regulations and/or Restricted Substance
Lists / Manufacturing Restricted Substance Lists?
Ans- No
16. Does your facility source already-approved or preferred chemicals from a positives
list beyond chemicals specified by regulations and/or Restricted Substance Lists /
Manufacturing Restricted Substance Lists?
Ans- No

Chemicals Management – Level

17. Does your facility collaborate with brands and/or chemical suppliers to select
chemicals for alternatives assessment?
Ans- No
18. Does your facility contribute a chemical analysis against human and environmental
hazard criteria (e.g., persistent, bio-accumulative, and toxic) to this alternatives
Ans- No
19. Does your facility contribute an analysis of lifecycle impacts to this alternatives
Ans- No
20. Can your manufacturing process chemicals be traced from product lot number back to
chemical lot number?
Ans- No
21. Does your facility have a documented Quality Assurance (QA) Program that includes
performance of chemicals?
Ans- No
22. Do your contractors/subcontractors source already-approved or preferred chemicals
from a positives list to replace chemicals not already included in RSL/MRSL?
Ans- No
23. Does your facility have documented business goals, processes and actions showing
commitment (e.g., equipment, process, choice of substitute chemicals) to new
sustainable chemistry innovation?
24. Ans-NO

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