Reflection Paper

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Differences Bind with Love

(A Reflection Paper)

Being a human created by our Almighty God and living on this earth for years of time,
we experience many things in our life. Sometimes we felt unconditionally happy but sometimes
we can’t control to feel very lonely. It is part of being what we are. Yesterday, August 14, we
attended a talk about “Relationship, Gender and Sexuality”. We talk about different relationship
towards you and other people and how to cope up on these relationships. We also talk about the
differences between gender, sexuality and sex and who are the people who are part of LGBT
community and how to be sensitive and respect one another with different sexuality. Lastly, we
learned about HIV awareness.

We form relationships of all kinds to satisfy our needs for love, companionship, security,
recreation, financial stability and so on. If these relationships are primarily harmonious; provide
a feeling of well-being and are easy to maintain, they worthy of continued involvement.
Occasionally however you may find yourself involved with others who bring you stress,
discomfort and even misery. You stay involved and keep coming back; trying to manage, control
and endure for the sake of the relationship itself. If you learn to see relationships as the mirrors
that they are, revealing where you need to grow, you can discover much about yourself. We are
usually not consciously aware our relational attempts to become complete, whole and integrated.
Since it is particularly difficult to look inside of ourselves to see what we’re unaware of, our
relationships can be one of the most valuable sources of information in our lives. This does not
mean that we need to hold onto harmful or inappropriate relationships. It means as long as they
are in our lives, or as in the case of past relationships, in our thoughts and feelings, we can use
the relationship as a learning experience.

But even so, as an individual, we are responsible to be aware on what is happening in our
society. Awareness is still the key to build respect to other people who are part of the society
where you belong. If you believe that love is unconditional and doesn’t matter with anything, let
us be mature enough and accept the fact that there are people who’re madly in love to their same
sex. Don’t be a reason to build fear and anxiety on coming out their identity. These days, many
celebrities tell the whole world that they are part of LGBTQ. I believe that they can be an
inspiration to many people to find their true uniqueness and where can they be happy. But we
can’t control the mind of other people who thinks LGBT is has the greatest number of people
who are suffering HIV.

HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus are the viruses that are eventually weaken your
body’s immune system and lead to AIDS, the last stage of HIV infection. These viruses are not
only transmitted due to having sex with other person with same or different sex but also due to
improper hygiene with yourself and tools that injects in your body. Let us be aware about this
because we need to learn on how we can avoid this infection. This infection has no cure, but the
virus can be controlled. It is better if we will not be positive in HIV, and became part of a
community who is bringing awareness about this.

“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on
the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man."-
Proverbs 3:3-4

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