Edu433 All Quizes
Edu433 All Quizes
Edu433 All Quizes
1. Recent research has implied the power of the social context on learner-
centered instruction.
2. Lack of confidence can lead to social mistakes or errors and unprofessional
3. The progressive approach change in the schools was occurring in the most
recent decade of twentieth century.
4. Social diversity meaning is different groups in a school.
5. Clarity (vague Vs clear) is related to WHAT one presented by the teacher in
6. Professional practitioners require a high degree of individual autonomy or
of judgment for effective practice.
7. The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: ―Getting knowledge is obligatory to every
Muslim man and woman”.
8. The all positive and negative aspect of teacher personality is being part of
student„s personality.
9. Due to the lack of ethical considerations in all educational setups, the
discipline problems are
increasing day by day
10. Teacher performs moral duty formally and informally, he/she is considered
to be same role inside and outside the classroom.
11. Utilitarianism perspective is concerned with outcomes.
12. School climate has indirect influence on students „achievement.
13. School climate has indirect influence on students „achievement.
14. The virtue perspective emphasizes a person„s moral character.
15. Ethics are concerned with the moral philosophy or codes practiced by a
person or group of people.
16. One of the most important task for TALIS is to assess quality
17. Teaching profession is notion of regulated autonomy because it acts on
behalf of the state in the best interest of its citizens.
18. Learning does not only depend upon the teacher„s leadership skills, mastery of content,
planning skills, integration of technology, programmed learning and books.
19. Social context provide the opportunities for meaningful advisement,
development of friendships, and testing of ideas and talents.
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20. Intellectual excitement is exhibited in the classroom and can be judged by how well
the instructor presents material.
22. The formal responsibilities of teacher are an immense ethical issue for the
whole educational process such as at planning phase, classroom
management and classroom control.
23. two versions of teacher professionalism are portrayed as ―old professionalism‖ and ―new
24. Professional ethics are acceptable standards of personal and business
behavior, value and guiding principles.
25. Teacher interact with students what they practice in relational manners are:
knowledge of students, pedagogical knowledge, principles of classroom
26. The formal responsibilities of teacher are an immense ethical issue for the whole
educational process such as at planning phase, classroom management and classroom
27. According to Joseph Lowman, effectiveness of college teaching can be judged
on two dimensions.
29. Risk taking is another element of a professional attitude
30. Classroom climate has also strong impact on cognitive as well as
motivational aspects of individual learning in different subjects.
31. Which one of these has strong impact on cognitive as well as motivational
aspects of individual learning in different subjects? Classroom climate
32. Social interactions between student and teachers contribute to create healthy
learning process.
33. Justice is mainly related with the duties and rights of all stakeholders and its
emphasizes the fairness and equity of an action.
34. Justice is mainly related with the duties and rights of all stakeholders
35. Ethics is a set of moral principles.
36. Faculty political interaction affect adversely in school-based leadership.
37. Teaching involves a knowledge base and a performance dimension.
38. Learning does not only depend upon the teacher„s leadership skills.
39. It is common that children try to imitate their teachers out of inspiration from them.
40. Teaching is deemed a profession with responsibility, trust and truthfulness.
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64. Teacher Autonomy The concept of teacher refers to the professional independence of
teachers in schools,
65. Fairness and Care is the right of students to treat students evenly, fairness in dealing day
to day activities, conversations, and teachings.
66. Performance dimension will improve like any other performance with appropriate
67. Ethics are the fundamental ways of human behavior or basic principles of social and
personal life.
68. Professional ethics is conceived as an extra theoretical component in courses of
professional education.
69. Underdevelopment theory is the base of political revolution.
70. Communication is the heart of any educational process whether it is carried in classroom
or beyond the classroom.
71. Every job and profession has its ups and downs, and a true professional focuses his or her energy in a
positive way assertiveness.
72. Schooling is the act of interacting people with each other towards the mutual goal.
73. Teaching is associated with physical, mental, social, psychological and moral upbringing
of students.
74. In order to cope with the ethical issues embedded with social and
cultural contexts, the teachers must practice ethical standards of the teaching profession.
75. Relational work skill is the term used to describe the ways in which professionals interact
with each other. Relational Professionalism.
76. It is a teacher who prepares students to behave appropriately within
campus and in the society.
77. How students‟ progress and mastery of concepts or skills can be measured? Formal and
informal measures
78. Utilitarianism perspective is concerned with outcomes and always leads to the greatest
79. Excellence as a critical criterion for judging their actions and attitudes.
80. First step in approving teaching is called instructional awareness or intellectual
81. In how many stages teachers' professionalism take place in history? Four
82. In which the structure-oriented teaching practices should primarily relate to high levels of
classroom climate, while student-oriented practices should be linked with positive social
83. The furniture arrangement and classroom displays often reveal how the teacher
uses the space.
84. Teaching was managerially demanding but technically simple in following era pre-professional age.
85. Professionals should have the autonomous decision making powers free from external pressures.
86. Knowledge base is derived by reading.
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87. One of the best ways to develop instructional awareness is to Review of videotaped
samples of teaching.
88. To, develop instructional awareness; teachers must get feedback from students and peers.
89. TALIS is abbreviation of: Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS).
90. For improving teaching it is important to observe others teach preferably the
same subject.
91. One of the first signs that pre-service teachers are becoming
more professional is that teachers take initiative.
92. A positive attitude is an essential component of professionalism.
93. Classroom climate has also strong impact on cognitive as well as
motivational aspects of individual learning in different subjects.
94. The positive and negative behaviors exhibited by teachers determine, to a great extent,
their effectiveness in the classroom.
95. All could be the Ways to transmit moral messages except controlling attitude in and
outside the classroom.
96. Professionalism is a process more than an outcome
97. Instructional awareness is deals with the questions : All of the above
98. Utilitarianism perspective is concerned with outcomes.
99. NCATE stands for National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
101. This instructional awareness is developed by using all strategies except discussion
with peers.
102. The teacher candidate knows the subject matter and can teach it effectively so
students is known as teacher Preparedness.
103. A person with proper vision, experience, and an education degree can enter the
teaching profession.
104. Appropriate Practice consists of
* Observation of other teachers
* Reading about Teaching performance
* Obtaining feedback about one's teaching All
• Administrators
6. ---------- is one of the main focus feature in professionalism characteristics
• Autonomy
7. Which term has the etymological roots in Latin for terms “ profession “ and “professor “ ?
• Profess
8. The teacher is the representative of the -------- and the school.
• Content
9. The vision of the great teachers helped various societies to gain self-sufficiency and -----------
• Financial
10. Old professionalism is attributed to have
• Conservative practices
12. The teachers gained considerable pedagogical freedom is specified to the age of
• Autonomous professional
13. Ali is teaching in a school . He has to obey organizational order at any cost. He bound to
according to the set standards of the organization. Ali is teaching according to Age of
• Pre-professional
14. All are the Red Flags for the teachers personality except
• Works actively with students
15. Some of the greatest teachers were the cause of political and ----------- revolutions around
the world
• Industrial
16. Which one of these is not main characteristics of professional behavior?
• Research publications
17. Salma is working in an organization where it is compulsory to collaborate with colleagues to
make strong network of sharing knowledge. Salma is teaching age of
• Collegial Profession
18. Efforts to create strong professional culture of collaboration was strong element in age of
• Collegial Profession
19. A well-organized classroom has various ---- -------- in it.
• Instructional Organizers
20. Classroom displays often reveals how a teacher
• Uses the space
21. Autonomy was considered as an important component of teaching profession in the age of
• Autonomous professional
22. One of the main characteristics of professional behavior is follows:
• They have generalized and systematic knowledge
23. It is common that children at schools try to imitate their teachers out of -----
• Inspiration
24. Positive and negative behaviors exhibited by teachers determine their -------- in the
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• Effectiveness
25. New (Transformative) professionalism is attributed to have:
• Public ethical code of practice
26. New understanding of teacher professionalism provides professional space and conditions
for the teachers to take responsibilities in their -------------
• Practices
27. In the business world, professionalism is generally used as synonymous with:
• Success
28. In what language , Professionalism means an activity for which one is paid as opposed to
doing voluntarily
• General
29. Today’s era is marked by polarized directions and today’s professionalism is defined as:
• Post modern professionalism
30. Which element of lessons is evident to observe the effectiveness of teaching?
• Instructional material
Quiz 2
1. Professionalism: the conduct, demeanour and standards which guide the work of
2. Teacher do not control the entrance to their occupation, they have no freedom of
establishment, but are employed by schools.
3. In the logic of the free market, everyone is free to buy or sell goods and services.
4. This feature of teacher professionalism leads to have knowledge, based on research, ,
experience and reflection is called action research.
5. Teaching is seen as a dynamic and innovative profession.
6. All are the different perspective found in literature on professionalism except
professional autonomy.
7. How many perspectives are used to discuss the professionalization project ? 2
8. a distinct category of occupational work is called Profession.
9. Who identify the three different logics of professionalism Freidson (2001).
10. a process in which a professional group pursues, develops, acquires and
maintains more characteristics of a profession is called as Professionalisation.
11. The study of professions and professionalism has a long standing tradition in sociological
research from the beginning of the 20thcentury (Evetts 2006, Crook, 2008)‟
12. Members do not have a job contract but are independent and self-employed. Freedom of
13. teacher do not Freedom of establishment but directly employed by schools.
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15. Professionalism: the conduct, demeanour and standards which guide the work of
16. the classical professions are considered as archetypes of ‗true professions.
17. All are the skills of a teacher required under the assessment standards except: analyze
students behavior.
18. Fair, objective assessment and reporting to students and families is related to assessment
19. According to knowledge of Islamic ethical values the meaning of maroof is good.
21. In the logic of the bureaucracy, production and distribution of goods and services is
planned, controlled and regulated by the administration of a large organization, being
governments, private firms or public agencies.
22. An ethical code as a means to win the trust of the public and public bodies, here the
public bodies means governments.
23. Knowledge and understanding of teacher professional standards means: what teacher
24. There are 10 professional standards for initial teacher preparation in pakistan
25. This ethical and altruistic character is connected to the power imbalance between
professional and client.
26. ‗democratic professionalism „including collaboration with stakeholders outside the
27. Subject matter knowledge standard demands teachers to have understanding of national
curriculum framework.
28. Focus on the development of the knowledge profession, and the improvement of standard
for professional performance comes under the approach professionalization project.
29. Characteristics of teacher professionalism that can be derived from the analysis of
literature except: logic of professionalism.
30. Learning environment standard deals with the how learning takes place in the classroom.
31. Behaviors, attitude and values referred as disposition.
32. Giving examples of application of the content from practical life is attribute of subject
matter and knowledge standard.
33. The idealistic conception can contribute to the increase of societal trust in a profession,
34. Identifying development abilities of students and guiding students with diverse emotional
and psychical challenges is part of human growth and development.
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