ERIEZ Limpiador Magnético de Refrigerante

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Smooth-faced and extended-pole
Coolant Cleaners extend the
life of cutting tools, grinding
wheels, pumps and coolant fluids.

FEATURES & Benefits

• Cleaner coolant with a longer
service life
• Lengthened tool life
• Machine accuracy maintained
• Reduced machine downtime
• Lower cost per workpiece
• Reduced pump wear
• Easy installation in restricted
• Can be used on new or existing
• Available in different capacities,
different types
• Low initial cost
• Virtually no maintenance costs

Eriez Coolant Cleaners are designed for use

with surface grinders, gear grinders, honing
and lapping machines, broaches, milling and
drilling machines, face grinders, oil reclaiming
wherever clean coolant is needed.
O n l y f r o m E r ie z
Industry’s demands for higher production rates
and closer tolerances at lower costs spurred
development of the new Eriez Coolant Cleaners.
These cleaners keep machine tools running
longer and more accurately with lower costs per
unit produced.


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Permanent-Magnetic Coolant Cleaners

INDEXING MODELS IS AND IE flow through the magnetic field. The amount of roll
Indexing Coolant Cleaners from Eriez, available movement can be adjusted within a range of 1/4 to
with either a smooth-faced or extended-pole 1-1/4 inches (6 to 32 mm); the frequency of move-
roll, are used when both ferrous and non-ferrous ment is controlled by flow and feed conditions, so
contaminants are present. No replaceable filter the Coolant Cleaner operates at maximum efficien-
medium is required. cy under varying conditions. A phosphor-bronze
The magnetic roll, under which the coolant flows, scraper blade removes the accumulation of fines
rotates intermittently. The magnetically attracted from the magnetic roll at the discharge point.
material builds up a mass of fine hair-like particles
between the magnetic roll and the housing. This
accumulation serves as a filter medium to entrap
fine non-magnetic particles such as grinding wheel
scale or other coolant contaminates.
The mass of magnetically-held materials accumu-
lates until it restricts the passageway between the
magnetic roll and the housing, causing coolant to
back up into the sump. The rising coolant level
activates a pressure-type level switch; the magnet-
ic roll is then automatically indexed forward, which
moves the packed filter plug from the restricted
passageway and permits coolant to once more

The second type of Eriez Coolant Cleaner, the
continuously rotating model, is also furnished
with either smooth-faced or extended-pole rolls.
These units are designed for use where little or no
non-magnetic material is contaminating the cool-
ant. Coolant fluid is gravity fed tothe Eriez cleaner
where it flows underthe magnetic roll. The roll’s
powerful permanent-magnetic field reaches out
and captures ferrous contamination in the fluid.
Since the roll surface is revolving against the cur-
rent flow, large and small ferrous particles clinging
tightly to its surface are carried upward out of the
liquid. Coolant fluid drains back down into the
hopper as ferrous particles are removed by the
scraper blade. Chips, grindings and other con-
tamination are scraped off the drum and deposited
on the inclined scraper blades. Chips will build
up on the scraper blade and slowly move to the
discharge lip which slopes down to a waiting



FEATURES of the cleaner is positioned out of the MAXIMUM FLOW RATES

• STRONG MAGNETIC ROLL splash area to extend motor life.
For optimum separation derate by 20-25%
A specially designed magnetic circuit, • ADAPTABLE DESIGN Type
The roll, scraper blades, pressure Coolant NR–Not Recommended
using magnet materials that will never
Water Oil Oil
lose their attractive force, gives posi- switch, adjustable gap plate and Soluble 40 SSU 100 SSU
tive removal of ferrous particles. At indexer-control enclosure are MODEL GPM LPM GPM LPM GPM LPM
the maximum operating distance from interchangeable from one model to
another. By adding and substituting CS5-7 21 79 13 49 11 42
the face of the roll, where removal
is most difficult, Eriez’ five-inch (127 parts, an existing Coolant Cleaner can CS5-10 30 114 19 72 16 61
mm) diameter rolls are 28 easily be converted from one model to CS5-13 39 148 25 95 21 79
percent stronger than a another. CS5-20 60 227 38 144 32 121
major competitor’s. • LIFT LUGS CS5-27 81 307 51 193 43 163
• TWO TYPES OF ROLLS For easy movement when necessary,
CE5-7 17 64 11 42 7 26
For normal conditions, a smooth- lift lugs are provided on the housing.
CE5-10 24 91 15 57 10 38
faced roll is used; for an even more
powerful magnetic field, best for EIGHT MODELS, CE5-13 31 117 20 76 13 49
removing micron-sized particles, NINE SIZES CE5-20 48 182 30 114 20 76
extended-pole plates are provided. Choose from a total of 36 standard CE5-27 65 246 41 155 27 102
• ADJUSTABLE GAP Coolant Cleaners to match the require- IS5-7 11 42 7 26 NR
The distance at which the ments of flow rate, viscosity and degree
IS5-10 15 57 10 38 NR
contaminated coolant flows past of separation desired:
IS5-13 20 76 13 49 NR
the magnetic roll is controlled by an Models CS5 and CS8
IS5-20 30 114 20 76 NR
adjustable plate. The Coolant Cleaner Continuously rotating roll; smooth
can be quickly and easily “fine tuned” face IS5-27 41 155 27 102 NR
to individual requirements of flow rate Models CE5 and CE8 IE5-7 8 30 6 23 NR
and percent of separation desired. Continuously rotating roll; extended- IE5-10 12 45 8 30 NR
• ADJUSTABLE BAFFLE pole plates IE5-13 16 61 10 38 NR
An easily adjusted baffle in the incom-
Models IS5 and IS8 IE5-20 24 91 16 61 NR
ing coolant sump controls turbulence
Indexing roll; smooth face IE5-27 32 121 22 83 NR
to provide a constant,
even flow to the magnetic roll. Models IE5 and IE8 CS8-21 180 681 85 322 70 265
• DRY DISCHARGE Indexing roll; extended poles CS8-35 300 1135 142 537 117 443
Eriez rolls have a radial magnetic These models come in nine magnetic- CS8-49 420 1590 198 749 163 617
circuit; this causes the swarf to form roll widths ranging from 7 to 70 inches CS8-70 600 2271 283 1071 233 882
rings around the circumference of the (178 to 1780 mm).
CE8-21 144 545 68 257 56 212
roll and allows coolant to drain back
CE8-35 240 908 114 431 94 356
into the sump. In addition, the scrap-
er blade which removes contaminates CE8-49 336 1272 158 598 130 492
from the magnetic roll is installed at CE8-70 480 1817 226 855 186 704
a slight incline, further facilitating IS8-21 95 360 45 170 NR
drainage. This produces a discharged IS8-35 158 598 75 284 NR
material which is virtually liquid-free.
IS8-49 222 840 105 397 NR
IS8-70 317 1200 150 568 NR
Eriez Coolant Cleaners have a
IE8-21 72 272 36 136 NR
load height of either 6-1/2 or 10-3/4
inches (165 or 273 mm), IE8-35 120 454 60 227 NR
making them easy to install IE8-49 168 636 84 318 NR
in restricted spaces. IE8-70 240 908 120 454 NR
* Rates shown are based on physical
An off-the-shelf direct-drive motor capacity. Lower rates may be required
which can be mounted on either side depending upon turbulence, amount of
contaminants present and the degree of
separation desired.


Permanent-Magnetic Coolant Cleaners


Magnetic Drum

Extended Poles on CE Models Only

Coolant Sump

8-3/4 3/4
Adjustable A
260 19
Scraper 16-1/2

Coolant 165

1 6 1/4
A+ 1 Gear Box
3-1/2 25 152 6 25
16-15/16 A + 10 1/2
430 267
Inches Adjustable Baffle 5/16-18 X 3/4 Deep
Millimeters Gap Plate Mounting Holes (4)

Pressure Switch
on IS and IE
Models Only

Height 3/4
Adjustment 19

A 16-1/2
8-3/4 419


1 6 1/4 A+ 1
3- 1/2 25 152 6 25
16 15/16 A + 10 1/2
430 267
5/16-18 X 3/4 Deep
Mounting Holes (4)
MODELS CS5, CE5, IS5 and IE5
Dimension WEIGHTS
Model A Model CS Model CE Model IS Model IE
Number in mm lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg
7 7 178 110 50 116 53 135 61 141 64
10 10-1/2 267 130 59 138 63 155 70 163 74
13 13-3/4 349 150 68 161 73 175 79 186 84
20 20-1/2 521 195 88 212 96 220 100 237 108
27 27-1/4 692 235 107 257 117 260 118 282 128

Power Requirements: 1/4 HP, 230/460V, 3 PH, 60 cy; 0.65 amp @ 460V. Control (for Models IS and IE only): NEMA 12 enclosure, 10” x 12” x 5” (254 x 305 x 127 mm);
Weight: 25 lbs (11 kg). Specify voltage for models IS and IE.
Dimensions and specifications are subject to change without notice.


Permanent-Magnetic Coolant Cleaners


Magnetic Drum
Extended Poles on CE Models Only
Coolant Sump Gear Box
Adjustable 12
Discharge 16 1/2
Chute 419

7 1/2 10 3/4
191 273

1 1/4 7 1/4 A+ 1
32 178 6 25
23 1/4 A 8 1/2
591 (Inside) 216
Inches Adjustable Adjustable Baffle 3/4 5/16-18 X 3/4 Deep
Millimeters Gap Plate 19 Mounting Holes (4)

Pressure Switch
on IS and IE
Models Only
16 1/2

7 1/2 10 3/4
191 273

1 1/4 7 1/4 A+ 1
32 178 6 25
23 1/4 A 8 1/2
591 (Inside) 216
5/16-18 X 3/4 Deep
Indexing 19 Mounting Holes (4)

Dimension WEIGHTS
Model A Model CS Model CE Model IS Model IE
Number in mm lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg
21 22 559 360 163 370 168 385 175 395 179
35 36 914 550 249 560 254 575 261 585 265

NOTE: Motor can be mounted in either the 3, 9 or 12 o’clock position on all Series 5 and Series 8 Coolant Cleaners.
Motors normally mounted as shown can be mounted on opposite side – optional.
Scraper normally mounted as shown can be mounted at 30° downslope. Also, 45° downslope option for Series 8.
Motorized automatic scraper is availablefor all units.
Power Requirements: 1/4 HP, 230/460V, 3 PH, 60 cy; .65 amp @ 460V. Control (for Models IS and IE only): NEMA 12 enclosure, 10” x 12” x 5” (254 x 305 x 127 mm);
Weight: 25 lbs (11 kg). Specify voltage for models IS and IE.
Dimensions and specifications are subject to change without notice.


Permanent-Magnetic Coolant Cleaners


8 1/2

Gap Bars
Magnetic Drum (5 RPM) Chute)
Extended Poles on
CE Models Only
Coolant Inlet Discharge A + 10 1/2
Chute 267

8 1/2
10 3/4 A 216
6 1/2
165 Coolant
13 9/16 7 1 1/4
344 178 32
23 1/4 3 1/2
591 89
5/16-18 X 3/4 Deep (Inside
Mounting Holes (4) Chute)

Adjustable Baffle

Continuous or Indexing 2

MODELS CS8, CE8, IS8 and IE8

Dimension WEIGHTS
Model A B C Model CS Model CE Model IS Model IE
Number in mm in mm in mm lb kg lb kg lb kg lb kg
49 59 1499 28-3/4 730 21-3/4 552 775 351 790 358 800 361 815 370
70 80 2023 35-3/4 908 35-3/4 908 1075 487 1100 499 1100 499 1125 510
Power Requirements: 1/4 HP, 230/460V, 3 PH, 60 cy; .65 amp @ 460V. Control (for Models IS and IE only): NEMA 12 enclosure, 10” x 12” x 5” (254 x 305 x 127 mm);
Weight: 25 lbs (11 kg). Specify voltage for models IS and IE
Dimensions and specifications are subject to change without notice.


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Rare-Earth Coolant Cleaners

Eriez Xtractor Rare-Earth Coolant Cleaner utilizes FEATURES
a powerful magnetic field designed to maximize • Unique radial-circuit design
Superior removal of capture and remove fine ferrous particles from a
fine, ferrous contami- coolant. Its unique magnetic-circuit design makes • Deep magnetic field
nants from coolants the separator much stronger than all other conven- • Removes particles as small as 3-microns
extends the life of tional permanent-magnetic separators, which use
• Field strengths in excess of 5,000 gauss
alnico or barium ferrite elements.
pumps, cutting tools Available in four sizes, the unit will handle up to • Improved separation effectiveness
and grinding wheels. 30 gallons per minute of water-soluble coolant per • Adjustable discharge mechanism
Developed for the foot of drum width (4 lpm per cm of width). Each
• Self-cleaning
metalworking and model is powered by a standard TEFC 230/460V,
specialty industrial 60 Hz, 3-phase motor. • Continuous operation
markets. • Low maintenance

PRINCIPLE OF Eriez Xtractor Rare-Earth Coolant Cleaners

utilize a powerful magnetic- circuit design
OPERATION to maximize magnetic-field strength.
The resulting high field provides the most
effective separation response of any
drum-type magnetic separator.

In operation, liquid contaminated

with fine-ferrous particles enters the
sump area and flows past a counter-
rotating magnetic drum. Particles attracted
to the drum are held tight and lifted to the
top, where a mechanical-discharge
mechanism moves them to a discharge
chute. Cleaner liquid is discharged from the
bottom of the separator.

The effectiveness of all magnetic separators

depends on the magnetic susceptibility and
The Xtractor Rare-Earth Coolant Cleaner can be
concentration of the contaminants, as well as the
used to remove ferrous contaminant from alu-
viscosity of the liquid. However, the power source
minum paint processing lines to help ensure the
for the Xtractor Coolant Cleaner, Erium® 3000
paint does not appear to “rust” once applied.
(a high-quality rare-earth permanent magnetic
material), develops magnetic fields many times PRIMARY METALS
stronger than conventional ceramic or alnico Eriez Xtractor Rare-Earth Coolant Cleaner is used
magnets, with no increase in size. The additional in the steel industry to remove moderately mag-
strength improves the removal of moderately netic mill scale from rolling-mill cooling water.
magnetic particles or very fine iron from a wide
range of coolants and other liquids.


Eriez Xtractor Rare-Earth Coolant Cleaner can be
APPLICATIONS used in any open process to remove fine-ferrous
contaminant from a slurry.
Eriez Xtractor Rare-Earth Coolant Cleaners remove
grinding swarf to help machine tools run longer
and maintain accuracy. Suitable for use with sur-
face grinders, gear grinders, honing and lapping
machines, broaches, milling and drilling machines,
face grinders…wherever coolant cleaning is


Rare-Earth Coolant Cleaners


7-11/32 B

Fluid Inlet

3 RPM Contaminant Nominal

Discharge Drum Width

14 11
356 279

F G (Spaces)@H=J

1 2
25 51 Clean Fluid Discharge
2-9/16 1-1/8
65 29 Inside Width of Tank
14 Inches
356 Millimeters

*Model Drum **Flow Shipping

Number Width Drive Rate Weight A B C D E F G H J K
11 in 1/4 hp 30 gpm 250 lb in 12-7/8 27-3/8 15-1/8 12-7/8 8-7/8 6-7/16 — — — 25-1/8
280 mm .19 kw 114 lpm 114 kg mm 327 695 384 327 225 164 — — — 638
25 in 1/4 hp 60 gpm 365 lb in 26-7/8 41-3/8 29-1/8 26-7/8 22-7/8 6-15/16 1 13 13 25-1/8
635 mm .19 kw 227 lpm 166 kg mm 683 1051 740 683 581 176 1 330 330 638
36 in 1/3 hp 90 gpm 470 lb in 37-7/8 52-3/8 40-1/8 37-7/8 33-7/8 6-15/16 2 12 24 25-1/8
915 mm .25 kw 341 lpm 213 kg mm 962 1330 1019 962 860 176 2 305 610 638
47 in 1/2 hp 120 gpm 630 lb in 48-7/8 63-3/8 51-1/8 48-7/8 44-7/8 6-7/16 3 12 36 26-7/16
1195 mm .37 kw 454 lpm 286 kg mm 1241 1610 1299 1241 1140 164 3 305 914 672

* Each model is powered by a standard TEFC 230/460V, 60 Hz, 3-phase motor.

** Rates shown are based on physical capacity. Lower rates may be required depending upon turbulence, amount of contaminants present and the degree
of separation desired.
Dimensions and specifications are subject to change without notice.



Eriez products represent quality, durability, and

a long-standing commitment to leadership in
thechnology. A major expression of that com-
mitment is the Eriez Technical Center,
industry’s most complete magnetic and
vibratory testing facility.
Located in Erie, Pennsylvania, adjacent to Eriez
world headquarters, the Technical Center is
equipped with more than 100 types of
permanent magnetic electromagnetic,
vibratory, screening, electronic metal
Eriez Technical Center offers many
detection equipment and eddy
different types of magnetic separators
current separator.
to simulate wet or dry processes for
This equipment is used to separate, purify,
practically every application.
concentrate, move, feed, and recover a variety
of materials. Testing services range from
feasibility studies to complete
flowsheet development.


Note: Some safety warning labels or guarding may have been removed before photographing this equipment.
Eriez and Eriez Magnetics are registered trademarks of Eriez Manufacturing Co., Erie, PA
©2009 Eriez Magnetics • All Rights Reserved

Web Site: e-mail: [email protected]

Telephone 814/835-6000 • 800/345-4946 • Fax 814/838-4960 • International Fax 814/833-3348 ®
HEADQUARTERS: 2200 Asbury Road, P.O. Box 10608, Erie, PA 16514-0608 U.S.A.
MANUFACTURING : Australia • Brazil • Canada • China • India • Japan • Mexico • South Africa • United Kingdom • United States
World Authority in Advanced Technology for Magnetic, Vibratory and Inspection Applications
109-3M-SBC-AP Eriez Manufacturing Co. Printed in USA

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