Zero-error communication via quantum channels, non-commutative graphs and a quantum Lov´asz ϑ function
Zero-error communication via quantum channels, non-commutative graphs and a quantum Lov´asz ϑ function
Zero-error communication via quantum channels, non-commutative graphs and a quantum Lov´asz ϑ function
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, WC1E 6BT London, U.K.
Department of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol BS8 1TW, U.K.
Centre for Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore, 2 Science Drive 3, Singapore 117542∗
(Dated: 11 March 2010)
We study the quantum channel version of Shannon’s zero-error capacity problem. Moti-
vated by recent progress on this question, we propose to consider a certain operator space
as the quantum generalisation of the adjacency matrix, in terms of which the plain, quan-
tum and entanglement-assisted capacity can be formulated, and for which we show some
new basic properties.
Most importantly, we define a quantum version of Lovász’ famous ϑ function, as the
norm-completion (or stabilisation) of a “naive” generalisation of ϑ. We go on to show that
this function upper bounds the number of entanglement-assisted zero-error messages, that
it is given by a semidefinite programme, whose dual we write down explicitly, and that it
is multiplicative with respect to the natural (strong) graph product.
We explore various other properties of the new quantity, which reduces to Lovász’ orig-
inal ϑ in the classical case, give several applications, and propose to study the operator
spaces associated to channels as “non-commutative graphs”, using the language of Hilbert
For a classical channel N : X → Y between discrete alphabets X and Y (in the following
assumed to be finite), i.e. a probability transition function N (y|x), Shannon [31] initiated the study
of zero-error capacities, i.e. of transmitting messages by one and asymptotically many uses of the
To transmit messages through this channel with no probability of confusion, different mes-
sages m need to be associated to different input symbols x in such a way that the output distri-
butions N (·|x) have disjoint supports. This motivates the introduction of the confusability graph
G of N , that has the vertex set X and an edge x ∼ x′ whenever x and x′ can be confused via
the channel, i.e. if there exists y ∈ Y such that N (y|x)N (y|x′ ) 6= 0. Clearly then, a code has to
consist of an independent set (also known as stable set, or anti-clique) X0 ⊂ X, i.e. a set of ver-
tices without edges between them. The maximum size |X0 | of an independent set in G is called
the independence number α(G), and by the preceding discussion it is the maximum number of
messages that can be transmitted through the channel without the possibility of confusing them.
Using two channels N1 and N2 in parallel means really that we have a product channel
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If the channels have confusability graphs G1 and G2 , respectively, the confusability graph of the
product channel is the (strong) graph product G1 × G2 which has vertex set X1 × X2 and edges
′ ′
either x1 ∼ x1 and x2 ∼ x2 ,
x1 x2 ∼ x′1 x′2 iff or x1 ∼ x′1 and x2 = x′2 ,
or x1 = x′1 and x2 ∼ x′2 .
(If this looks complicated, it does so because it has to encapsulate the idea that a symbol can be
confused with itself.) An integer n uses a channel with confusability graph G is thus described by
the n-fold graph product Gn . With this we can define the zero-error capacity of the graph as
1 1
C0 (G) = lim log α(Gn ) = sup log α(Gn ),
n→∞ n n n
i.e. the asymptotically largest number of bits transmissible with certainty, per channel use
(throughout, log is understood as the binaryp logarithm). Note that in graph theory the convention
is prevalent to call Θ(G) := 2C0 (G) = supn n α(Gn ) the zero-error capacity, but in this paper we
prefer to stay in keeping with the information theoretic usage.
For some graphs, C0 (G) = log α(G), but in general the zero-error capacity is larger – a well-
known example is the pentagon C5 whose capacity is 21 log 5 [26], and there are graphs such that
for every finite n, n1 log α(Gn ) < C0 (G) [19]. Finding α(G) (and a maximal-size independent set)
is in general an NP-hard problem, and the calculation of the zero-error capacity is even worse as
it is not even known whether C0 (G) is computable.
It should be noted that Shannon [31] also considered (and solved) the problem of zero-error
transmission via many realisations of N in the presence of instantaneous (passive and noiseless)
feedback. In that case, it is not sufficient to look at the confusability graph G of the channel, but
rather at the full bipartite graph that represents the possible input-output transitions. The capac-
ity C0F (N ) in that case is either 0, if C0 (N ) = 0, or given by the logarithm of a linear programming
relaxation of the independence number, called fractional packing number. Note that C0N S (N ), the
zero-error capacity in the presence of arbitrary non-signalling correlations [3] has the same prop-
erty, and in fact is always the logarithm of the fractional packing number [12].
A much better upper bound on α(G) was given by Lovász [26] as a semidefinite programming
relaxation, and called ϑ(G): rephrasing slightly [26, Thms. 5 and 6],
ϑ(G) = max k11 + T k : Txx′ = 0 if x = x or x ∼ x′ , and 11 + T ≥ 0 , (1)
where the maximum is over |X| × |X| complex (Hermitian) matrices T , though one can show
that it is sufficient to consider real symmetric A in the above formula. In fact, via an expres-
sion of ϑ as the solution to a semidefinite programme, it can also be shown to be multiplicative
with respect to the graph product (i.e. ϑ(G × H) = ϑ(G)ϑ(H)). Thus, it also gives an upper
bound C0 (G) ≤ log ϑ(G) on the zero-error capacity. Apart from some special graphs exhibited by
Haemers [20] and a particular construction by Alon [1], it remains the best upper bound on the
zero-error capacity, and has been deeply studied ever since it appeared [23].
In the rest of the paper we will extend this theory to quantum channels and structures gen-
eralising the confusability graph (see section II). Instead of introducing only the mathematical
objects, we shall precede each definition by a motivating discussion of the zero-error information
theory; for instance in section III we will introduce zero-error codes for channels to motivate our
definitions of quantum independence numbers (there are at least three meaningful ones). Then
in section IV, we introduce the quantum ϑ function, explore some of its properties, of which the
most important one is the semidefinite formulation (section V). We end with highlighting sev-
eral applications (section VI), and discussing future directions with non-commutative graphs, in
section VII, where we propose an algebraic framework for them.
To describe the quantum generalisations of the above combinatorial concepts, we start with
quantum communication channels, mapping quantum states to quantum states. The input and
output alphabets of a channel are replaced by (complex) Hilbert spaces A and B – in the present
paper of finite dimension |A| and |B| – with their spaces of linear operators L(A), etc. The Her-
mitian (self-adjoint) operators L(A)sa are the physical observables on A, while the states are the
density operators ρ ∈ S(A) ⊂ L(A), i.e. ρ ≥ 0 and Tr ρ = 1. Note that the set of states is a
convex body whose extreme points are exactly the one-dimensional projectors |ψihψ| onto one-
dimensional subspaces C|ψi with a unit vector |ψi ∈ A. [We use Dirac notation throughout:
|ψi ∈ A is a vector, hψ| it’s adjoint (a linear form), hϕ|ψi denotes the Hilbert space inner product
(linear in the second argument), and |ψihϕ| is the corresponding outer product, a rank one opera-
tor in L(A), etc.] A quantum channel is now a linear map N : L(A) → L(B) that is additionally
completely positive and trace preserving (cptp). The latter means that Tr N (ρ) = Tr ρ; the former
means that not only N maps positive semidefinite operators into positve semidefinite operators
(being a “positive” map, for short), but also all extensions N ⊗ idR for an arbitrary Hilbert space
R. The class of completely positive maps is the largest subset of positive maps containing the
identity and stable under tensor products [17].
Cptp maps between Hilbert space operator algebras have several useful representations with
associated physical interpretation. One of them is the Kraus form N (ρ) = j Ej ρEj† with Kraus
operators Ej : A → B, which can be read as the state change under a generalised measurement
with “events” j. Every such form defines a completely positive map, and it is trace preserving iff
P †
j Ej Ej = 11.
Classical channels are embedded into this picture as follows: starting from the sample space,
e.g. the inputs X to a channel, we consider the Hilbert space CX, spanned by the orthonormal
basis {|xi}x∈X . The probability simplex is mapped to the convex hull of the pure basis states
|xihx|, so that we focus only on density operators diagonal in the computational basis. A classical
channel N : X → Y has to be translated into a cptp map between the diagonal matrices over
p = CX and B = CY , which is done canonically by constructing it from the Kraus operators
N (y|x)|yihx|, x ∈ X, y ∈ Y . I.e., for each classical probabilistic transition x → y there is an event
in the quantum cptp map.
For the channel N : L(A) → L(B), with Kraus operators Ej : A → B, we now define the
non-commutative (confusability) graph as the operator subspace
S := span Ej† Ek : j, k < L(A). (2)
In [11, 15] it is shown that a subspace S is associated in the above way to a channel iff 11 ∈ S
and S = S † . That is why we shall call an operator space S < L(A) with these properties a non-
commutative graph, regarding the operator space S as the quantum generalization of the classical
confusability graph G. This idea is enforced by the observation that for two channels N1 and
N2 , with associated subspaces S1 and S2 , respectively, the tensor product channel N1 ⊗ N2 has
operator subspace S1 ⊗ S2 . We shall come back to this notion, with a proper (and more subtle)
definition, in the last section VII.
Again, let us review thisp concept in the classical case: as we have seen, the Kraus operators
may be chosen as Exy = N (y|x)|yihx|, meaning that
Ex† ′ y′ Exy = N (y ′ |x′ )N (y|x)hy ′ |yi|x′ ihx|
is nonzero iff y = y ′ and N (y|x′ )N (y|x) 6= 0. Thus,
S = T : ∀x 6∼ x′ hx|T |x′ i = 0 ,
which means that from the patterns of zeros in the |X| × |X|-matrix representation of the admissi-
ble T we can read off the graph complement G of the confusability graph G. Note that an operator
space such as this is always a non-commutative graph, and that there is always a classical channel
N giving rise to S: simply choose as the output alphabet Y the set of edges of G, and N maps an
input symbol to a random edge incident with it.
Coming back to the general case: An alternative way of thinking about the state change due
to the channel N is to view it as a pulling-back of observables on B to observables on A: the
linear map effecting this translation is the adjoint N ∗ (X) = j Ej† XEj (in physics often called
the “Heisenberg picture”, in contrast to the “Schrödinger picture” N ), and indeed one may think
of the channel N as allowing the receiver to make (generally distorted) measurements on A. The
adjoint map is characterised by being completely positive and unital, i.e. N ∗ (11) = 11.
Every channel has a Stinespring dilation, representing the dynamics as an isometry followed
by a partial trace: i.e., there exists V : A ֒→ B ⊗ C such that
N (ρ) = TrC V ρV † ,
and up to isometric equivalence, C (the “environment”) and V are unique. Then one has a unique
complementary channel
b (ρ) = TrB V ρV † ,
representing the information loss of the original channel to the environment. Note that the adjoint
maps of N and N b can be written compactly using the Stinespring isometry V :
N ∗ (X) = V † (X ⊗ 11)V,
b ∗ (Y ) = V † (11 ⊗ Y )V.
so that for an arbitrary operator X ∈ L(C) the Heisenberg map of the complementary channel
X †
Nb ∗ (X) = V † (11 ⊗ X)V = Ej Ek hj|X|ki.
b ∗ is indeed S.
i.e., the image of N ⊔
Note that this lemma also shows that our definition of S was sound: it doesn’t depend on the
particular choice of Kraus operators, and can be entirely understood in terms of the channel map
(or rather its complement).
Remark In general, S does not uniquely define the channel N from which it originates. Already
classical graphs and channels show this, as the confusability graphs records only which pairs of
inputs can lead to the same output with the same probability, but it doesn’t remember the value of
this probability, nor can it tell us about the triples of inputs which can end up at the same output
(note that even if there is a triangle in G, there may not be a single output symbol which can be
reached by all of its vertices).
Returning to the channel motivation, we can ask what happens to a non-commutative graph
S = N b ∗ (L(C)) if we add post-processing or pre-processing to the channel N : L(A) → L(B).
I.e., considering channels R : L(B) → L(B ′ ) and T : L(A′ ) → L(A), let us look at the non-
commutative graphs Sb < L(A) and S ′ < L(A′ ) belonging to the compositions R◦N and N ◦T ,
b which is the natural
Regarding the former, looking at the definition eq. (2) shows that S < S,
relation of S being a subgraph of S.b Regarding the latter, fix a Stinespring isometry U : A′ ֒→
A ⊗ D, and observe that
S ′ = N◦T L(C ⊗ D) = U † S ⊗ L(D) U.
Zero-error information transmission via general quantum channels was considered first by
Medeiros et al. [27], and then by Beigi and Shor [5] (in those investigations, communication sig-
nals were, implicitly or explicitly, restricted to product states across multiple channel uses); more
recently in full generality by Cubitt, Chen and Harrow [11], Duan [15] and Cubitt and Smith [13];
Duan and Shi [16] present results on multi-user quantum zero-error capacity, while quantum ef-
fects for classical channels were discovered by Cubitt, Leung, Matthews and Winter [12].
Let N : L(A) → L(B) be a quantum channel, i.e. a linear c.p.t.p. map, with Kraus operators
Ej : A → B, so that N (ρ) = j Ej ρEj† . Then to send messages m one has to associate them with
states ρ such that different states ρ, σ lead to orthogonal channel output states: N (ρ) ⊥ N (σ),
because it is precisely the orthogonal states that can be distinguished with certainty. Clearly,
these states may, w.l.o.g., be taken as pure, as the orthogonality is preserved when going to any
states in the support (i.e., the range) of ρ, σ, etc.
Now we make the elementary observation, made in previous work, that two input pure states
ϕ = |ϕihϕ| and ψ = |ψihψ| for unit vectors |ϕi, |ψi ∈ A, lead to orthogonal output states N (ϕ) and
N (ψ) iff
0 = Tr N (ϕ)N (ψ) = hϕ|E † Ek |ψi2 ,
the non-commutative confusability graph of the channel N , where the orthogonality is with re-
spect to the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product Tr A† B of operators.
From the above formula it is clear that the maximum number α(N ) of one-shot zero-error
distinguishable messages down the channel is given as the maximum size of a set of (orthogonal)
vectors {|φm i : m = 1, . . . , N } such that
∀m 6= m′ |φm ihφm′ | ∈ S ⊥ . (3)
Since it is only a property of S, we shall denote α(N ) also as α(S), and we call it the independence
number of S. Note that the defining property of the operators |φm ihφm′ | in eq. (3) is that they are
rank-one and an orthonormal system orthogonal to S, with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt inner
product. [In [5] it was proved that computing the independence number α(S) is QMA-complete,
much like α(G) is known to be NP-complete for graphs.]
There are at least two further reasonable notions of independence number possible for quan-
tum channels and their confusability graphs. They are motivated by entanglement-assisted zero-
error communication, and by the zero-error transmission of quantum information.
First, to transmit quantum information, one needs a subspace A′ of A with projection operator
P such that P SP = CP – this is exactly the Knill-Laflamme error correction condition [22]. For
the channel this is precisely the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a decoding
cptp map D : L(B) → L(A′ ) such that the composition
L(A′ ) ֒→ L(A) −→ L(B) −→ L(A′ )
is the identity map. Let αq (S) be the largest dimension of such a quantum error correcting code
A′ , which we call the quantum independence number.
Finally, α
e(S) is defined to be the largest integer N such that there exist Hilbert spaces A0 and
B0 , a state ω ∈ S(A0 ⊗ B0 ) and cptp maps Em : L(A0 ) → L(A) (m = 1, . . . , N ) such that the N
states ρm = (N ◦ Em ⊗ idB0 )ω are pairwise orthogonal. This definition of the entanglement-assisted
independence number is motivated by the scenario where sender and receiver share the state ω
beforehand, and the sender uses the encoding maps Em to modulate the state before sending her
share into the channel. The receiver has to be able to recover the message from his final state,
ρm . As before, we can argue that the shared state is w.l.o.g. pure, i.e. ω = |ΩihΩ| for a unit vector
|Ωi ∈ A0 ⊗ B0 , either by picking |Ωi from the support of ω, or by purification. In this way, we
can already assume A0 ≃ B0 . Furthermore, all Em have Stinespring dilations Vm : A0 ֒→ A ⊗ R
(w.l.o.g. using the same extension R), so that Em (ρ) = TrR V ρV † . Now it is easily seen that the
orthogonality condition on the ρm is equivalent to the the states
|φm i = (Vm ⊗ 11)|Ωi ∈ A ⊗ R ⊗ B0
forming an independent set for S ⊗ L(R)⊗11B0 . We can reformulate this in turn without referring
to B0 , by noting that there is a state ρ ∈ S(A ⊗ R) and unitaries Um on A ⊗ R such that
TrB0 |φm ihφm′ | = Um ρUm ′,
A special case is when the encoding modulation is only unitary, and the extension system is
trivial, R = C. The largest number of messages under this additional restriction we denote α eU (S),
and call it the unitary entanglement-assisted independence number.
On the other hand, if we lift the restriction that the encoding maps Em have to be trace pre-
serving (but demanding it for the decoding), we obtain the generalised entanglement-assisted inde-
P † P †
pendence number α b(S): we demand instead that Em (σ) = j Ejm σEjm is such that j Ejm Ejm ∈
GL(A0 ) is invertible. Since such cp maps still have a Stinespring dilation, only that V is no longer
isometry by invertible, we arrive at the notion of a generalised entanglement-assisted independent set,
consisting as before of a state ρ ∈ S(A ⊗ R) and invertible operators Wm ∈ GL(A ⊗ R), such
that for m 6= m′ , Wm ρWm ′ ⊥ S ⊗ L(R). Note that this concept even makes sense for generalised
non-commutative graphs: S = S † , without the condition that 11 ∈ S but only assuming that there is
a positive definite element M ∈ S.
The following proposition records some elementary properties of the independence numbers.
αq (S) ≤ α(S) ≤ α
eU (S) ≤ α
e(S) ≤ α
If dim S ⊥ < k(k − 1), then α(S) < k; in particular α(S) ≤ |A|. Furthermore, αb(S) ≤ 1 + dim S ⊥ , even
for generalised non-commutative graphs.
Finally, all these independence numbers are monotonic (non-increasing) under pre- and postprocessing (see
section II).
Proof The ordering of the five numbers is clear from the definition, and so is the monotonicity.
For the bound on α(S), note that an independent set requires |φm ihφm′ | ∈ S ⊥ , for 11 ≤ m 6=
m ≤ k. But these operators are clearly mutually orthogonal with respect to the Hilbert-Schmidt
inner product, hence k(k − 1) ≤ dim S ⊥ .
For the bound on α b(S), we first present a simple argument for α eU (S): Consider an
entanglement-assisted independent set with trivial R: we need a state ρ ∈ S(A) and unitaries
† √
U1 , . . . , UN such that for all m 6= m′ , Um ρUm ⊥
′ ∈ S . In particular, all the operators Um ρ are
mutually orthogonal, implying their linear independence. But then also the Um ρU1 are linearly
independent, and they are all in S ⊥ . Thus, N − 1 ≤ dim S ⊥ .
To bound the generalised independence number, assume that there are N cp maps E1 , . . . , EN
from L(A0 ) to L(A), and a state ρ ∈ S(A0 ). In order to write out the condition for a gener-
alised independent set explicitly, let us make some additional assumptions. First, we can write
Pr(m) †
Em (σ) = j=1 Emj σEmj , where {Emj : A0 → A}k=1,...,r(m) is a set of Kraus operators for Em .
It is convenient to denote Km := span{Emj : 1 ≤ j ≤ r(m)}, the Kraus operator space of Em ,
P †
and dm := dim Km . Furthermore, Em := j Emj Emj is a positive definite operator in L(A0 ). We
can also assume that ρ is invertible in L(A0 ) as we can always choose A0 to be the support of ρ
without changing N . Now by a simple calculation, the condition for a generalised independent
set can be rewritten as follows:
† ⊥
Emj ρEm ′k ∈ S , for 1 ≤ m 6= m′ ≤ N, 1 ≤ j ≤ r(m), 1 ≤ k ≤ r(m′ ).
Multiplying both sides of the above from the right by E1k , and summing over k, we obtain
Emj ρE1 = Xmj := Xmj,k E1k ∈ S ⊥ K1 ,
for 2 ≤ m ≤ N and 1 ≤ j ≤ r(m). Since ρ and E1 are invertible, this can be rewritten as
quite a bit is known: In [15] examples of S are found such that α(S) = 1 but α(S ⊗ S) ≥ 2,
and examples of S1 and S2 such that C0 (S1 ) = 0 but C0 (S1 ⊗ S2 ) ≫ C0 (S2 ); furthermore, non-
commutative graphs S such that C0 (S) = 0 but C0E (S) ≥ 1 (all of which are impossible for
classical graphs). In fact, while α(S) can be 1 (and even C0 (S) = 0) for highly nontrivial graphs
S, any non-trivial S L(A) (i.e. not a complete graph) is easily seen to have α e(S) ≥ αeU (S) ≥ 2.
In [11] even non-commutative graphs S1 and S2 are shown to exist such that C0 (S1 ) = C0 (S2 ) = 0,
yet α(S1 ⊗ S2 ) ≥ 2; this result is further improved in [13] to yield even αq (S1 ⊗ S2 ) ≥ 2.
We can similarly define the generalised entanglement-assisted zero-error capacity
b0E (S) = lim 1 log α
C b S ⊗n ,
n→∞ n
which is evidently an upper bound on C0E (S). Both α b0E (S) have, by their very defini-
b(S) and C
tion, an important symmetry property: for any invertible W ∈ GL(A),
α b(W SW † ) and
b(S) = α b0E (S) = C
C b0E (W SW † ), (4)
which are meaningful because S ′ = W SW † contains W W † > 0, and S ′ = S ′ † . (Note at the same
e(S) and C0E (S) satisfy these equations only if W is a unitary.) We call S and S ′ as
time that α
above congruent, S ≃ S ′ , and denote the congruence class of S by [S].
The independence numbers αq (S), α(S), α e(S) and αb(S) are computable: this is obvious for
the first two, since they are formulated in terms of the solvability of a set of real polynomial
equations and inequalities in a finite number of variables. For the latter two, the potentially un-
bounded dimension of the entangled state needed appears to create an issue. However, noting
that the existence of a zero-error code with N messages can be cast as real algebraic problem in
non-commuting variables with polynomial constraints, we can invoke recent results by Pironio et
al. [28]: these state that a certain hierarchy of semidefinite programmes asymptotically charac-
terises the solvability of such constraints by Hilbert space operators for some sufficiently large
dimension. More precisely, one finds zero-error codes by solving polynomial equations for in-
creasingly higher dimensional entangled states and measurements, and finds increasingly better
witnesses that certain numbers of messages cannot be sent with zero-error by climbing higher in
the hierarchy.
The algorithms implicit in these remarks are very inefficient (in fact, we cannot even give an
upper bound on the runtime for α e and α
b), but apart from the QMA-completeness of α no results
concerning the complexity of the independence numbers have been reported. In contrast, as far
as we know, none of the asymptotic capacities are even known to be decidable – cf. [2].
For the any non-commutative graph S < L(A), i.e. 11 ∈ S and S = S † , we make, motivated by
eq. (1), the following definition.
ϑ(S) := max k11 + T k : T ∈ S ⊥ , 11 + T ≥ 0 , (5)
where the norm is the operator norm (i.e. the largest singular value). Note that all elements in S ⊥
are traceless, hence for d = |A| the norm on the right hand side is at most that of the case where T
has d − 1 eigenvalues −1 and a single eigenvalue d − 1; hence ϑ(S) ≤ |A|.
By the discussion in sections I and II, for a classical channel N : X →pY with confusability
graph G, we can model the channel as a cptp map with Kraus operators N (y|x)|yihx|, so S is
spanned by all |x′ ihx| such that x ∼ x′ or x = x′ . Thus, the space S ⊥ is exactly the set of matrices
T with zeros in all entries Txx′ = 0 whenever xx′ ∈ G or x = x′ . Thus, the eligible 11 + T in the
definition (5) are positive semidefinite matrices with ones along the diagonal and zeroes in all
entries (x, x′ ) where x and x′ are confusable. The maximum norm in eq. (5) coincides thus with
the expression for ϑ(G) in [26, Thms. 5 and 6], and we conclude that ϑ(S) = ϑ(G).
The above definition has some desirable properties:
Lemma 3 For any non-commutative graph S, α(S) ≤ ϑ(S). Furthermore, ϑ is monotonic with respect
to subgraphs, i.e. when S ⊂ S ′ for two non-commutative graphs, then ϑ(S) ≥ ϑ(S ′ ).
Proof The monotonicity is clear from the definition. For the relation toPα, consider a maximal
size indendent set {|φm i : m = 1, . . . , N }, i.e. N = α(S). Then, T = ⊥
m6=m′ |φm ihφm′ | ∈ S .
11 + T ≥ |φm ihφm | + |φm ihφm′ | = |φm ihφm′ | ≥ 0,
m m6=m′ m,m′
Lemma 4 ϑ is supermultipicative, i.e. for non-commutative graphs S1 < L(A1 ) and S2 < L(A2 ),
Proof Observing that the operator subspace associated to the tensor product N1 ⊗ N2 of channel
Ni with operator subspaces Si , respectively, is given by S1 ⊗ S2 , we can show
Namely, for Ti ∈ Si⊥ and 11 + Ti ≥ 0, we have
and 11 + T = (11 + T1 ) ⊗ (11 + T2 ) ≥ 0. At the same time it follows that k11 + T k = k11 + T1 k k11 + T2 k,
and we are done. ⊔
It turns out however that, unlike the classical Lovász function, our definition (5) is not multi-
plicative. In fact, it fails even for tensoring certain channels with a trivial channel. (A channel is
called trivial if it maps all states ρ on A to a constant state σ0 on B, thus having associated operator
subspace L(A), which corresponds to the complete non-commutative graph.)
We shall show that one may even take the identity channel id : L(Cd ) → L(Cd ), which has
subspace S = C11d . We claim that
sup ϑ 11d ⊗ L(Cn ) = d2 . (6)
Proof First we show that the value d2 can be attained with n = d. Namely, for any orthogonal
operator basis of unitaries, including the identity, 11 = U0 , U1 , . . . Ud2 −1 , let
2 −1
T = Uα ⊗ U α = d2 Φd − 11 ⊗ 11,
where the supremum is over all integers n, and the maximum in the second line is again over Hermitian
operators T .
Note that by our above result on the ideal channel, also ϑ(S) ≤ |A|2 . And for classical graphs G,
n e
since ϑ is multiplicative and L(C ) is the operator space version of the complete graph, ϑ(S) =
ϑ(S) = ϑ(G).
Remark From the point of view of operator spaces it might appear rather natural and pleasing
that we have to consider the norm completion ϑ, e so to speak, of ϑ, by taking the supremum over
tensor products with arbitrary full matrix spaces.
There seems to be an analogy to the construction of the completely bounded norm from the
“naive” norm of operator maps [29]. Much like completely bounded norms [33], also our defini-
tion via completion will turn out to be given by a semidefinite programme (see the next section).
From the definition it is clear that in general ϑe inherits the supermultiplicativity from ϑ:
Lemma 6 ϑe is supermultipicative, i.e. for non-commutative graphs S1 < L(A1 ) and S2 < L(A2 ),
e 1 ⊗ S2 ) ≥ ϑ(S
ϑ(S e 1 )ϑ(S
e 2 ).
More importantly, however, it is related to the entanglement-assisted independence number:
X † ′
≥ Um XUm ′ ⊗ |mihm |
! !
X √ X√ † ′
= Um X ⊗ |mi XUm ′ ⊗ hm | = M M † ≥ 0,
m m′
P †
where in the second line we have used 11 ≥ m Um XUm ⊗ |mihm|.
Finally, to bound the norm, define the unit vector |φi = √1N m Um |ϕi ⊗ |mi. Then observe
TrA Φ = 11A′ , the normalisation of |φi translates into ρ = M † M being a state (i.e. of trace 1) on A′ .
hφ|(11 ⊗ 11 + T )|φi = hΦ| 11 ⊗ ρ + (11 ⊗ M † )T (11 ⊗ M ) |Φi,
ϑ(S) = max hΦ|(11 ⊗ ρ + T ′ )|Φi (8)
′ ⊥ ′
s.t. T ∈ S ⊗ L(A ), Tr ρ = 1,
11 ⊗ ρ + T ≥ 0, ρ ≥ 0,
which is a semidefinite characterisation of ϑ. ⊔
This has two important consequences: first, we have now an optimisation with a bounded di-
mension of the extension (namely |A|) and furthermore it is semidefinite [32], so it is computable
efficiently. Second, and much deeper, we have a dual semidefinite programme for the same value
that is a minimisation problem and allows us to put upper bounds on ϑ(S).
ϑ(S) = min k TrA Y k (9)
s.t. Y ∈ S ⊗ L(A ), Y ≥ Φ,
where A′ is isomorphic to A.
Before we prove this, we record an immediate corollary:
Corollary 10 ϑe is multiplicative: for non-commutative graphs S1 < L(A1 ) and S2 < L(A2 ),
e 1 ⊗ S2 ) = ϑ(S
ϑ(S e 1 )ϑ(S
e 2 ). (10)
Indeed, we know already that it is supermultiplicative, so we only have to show that it is also
submultiplicative. I.e., for two subspaces Si < L(Ai ), ϑ(Se 1 ⊗ S2 ) ≤ ϑ(S e 1 )ϑ(S
e 2 ). But that we can
read off from the dual: if Y1 is dual feasible for S1 and Y2 for S2 , then clearly Y1 ⊗Y2 is dual feasible
for S1 ⊗S2 . At the same time, k TrA1 A2 Y1 ⊗Y2 k = k(TrA1 Y1 )⊗(TrA2 Y2 )k = k(TrA1 Y1 )k k(TrA2 Y2 )k,
and we are done. ⊔
Proof (of Theorem 9) The primal is a semidefinite programme of the general form
with a linear vector-valued function ℓ : L(H)sa → Rn . The dual of such a form is given by
ofX11 and
and the linear constraint has to ensure this form of the matrix, the trace normalisation
0 0
the fact that T ′ is orthogonal to S ⊗ L(A′ ). The objective function is given by C = .
0 Φ
Thus, fixing an operator basis {Fα }α of S, and a basis {Gβ }β of L(A′ ), the components of ℓ are
11 0
ℓ0 (X) = Tr X11 = Tr X =: Tr XL0 ,
0 0
(− Tr Fα )Gβ 0
ℓαβ (X) = Tr(Fα ⊗ Gβ )(X22 − 11 ⊗ X11 ) = Tr X =: Tr XLαβ ,
0 Fα ⊗ Gβ
while b0 = 1 and all other bαβ = 0. With these notations, the adjoint map ℓ′ can be constructed as
ℓ′ (y) = y0 L0 + yαβ Lαβ .
Using that the second term in ℓ′ is a generic element of S ⊗L(A′ ), we can simplify our expressions,
and find that the objective function is y0 , and that
Y11 0
ℓ′ (y) = , where
0 Y22
Y22 ∈ S ⊗ L(A′ ),
Y11 = y0 11 − TrA Y22 .
I.e., the constraints are Y22 ≥ Φ and y0 11 ≥ TrA Y22 , proving the form of the dual, since the optimal
y0 is the norm (maximum eigenvalue) of TrA Y22 .
To finish, we only need to verify feasibility of both primal and dual; for the primal this is
shown by T ′ = 0, for the dual by Y = d11 ⊗ 11. Thus, the conditions of strong duality are fulfilled,
both primal and dual optimal values are finite and equal. ⊔
Using this dual, we can now show that ϑe is monotonic under pre- and post-processings of
the channel defining S, and more generally under enlarging the graph and going to induced
where S is the non-commutative graph associated to G, meaning Yxx′ = 0 whenever x 6∼ x′ , and J is the
all-1 matrix. ⊔
There are a few immediate consequences, the most obviously important being obtained by
putting together Lemma 7 and Corollary 10:
Corollary 13 For any non-commutative graph S < L(A), C0E (S) ≤ log ϑ(S). ⊔
Then, for a classical channel with confusability graph G, we observed earlier that ϑ(S) = ϑ(G).
e(G) ≤ ϑ(G) and so:
Hence, α
While we do not have a separating upper bound for the unassisted capacity C0 (G) of these
graphs, of course even as a bound on the independence number, our Corollary 13 is an improve-
ment over Lovász [26], since we find that ϑ(G) is even larger or equal than α e. In this sense,
the increase of independence number from α to α e due to entanglement-assistance somehow “ex-
plains” the fact that Lovász’ ϑ is not always a tight bound [20] – and in fact, it is quite possible
that C0E (G) can be strictly larger than C0 (G).
There are, furthermore, other quantum channels for which ϑ(S) e = ϑ(S). For instance, perhaps
⊥ ⊥
the simplest one is S = ∆ , where S = C∆ (with a traceless Hermitian operator ∆) is one-
dimensional. In that case one has evidently α eU (S) = αe(S) = α
b(S) = 2 (see Proposition 2). In fact,
the gap between α e
b(S) and ϑ(S) can be made arbitrarily large, since the latter can be up to d as
shown by the example of
∆= .. ,
e ⊥ ).
and in fact similar examples show that every real value between 2 and d is realised as some ϑ(∆
We do not know a better upper bound on C0E (S) for this channel other than log ϑ(S).
Non-commutative graphs for which we can determine C0E include all S < L(C2 ):
• If S = C11, then the channel is perfect, and by superdense coding we can achieve α
e(S) =
4 = ϑ(S), hence C0E (S) = 2.
• The other extreme is S = L(C2 ), then ϑ(S) = 1 and hence C0E = 0.
• In the intermediate case, 2 ≤ dim S ≤ 3, and we claim C0E (S) = 1. Indeed, the capacity
is largest for the smallest subspace, hence we consider only dim S = 2. The subspace is
spanned by 11 and another operator, which we may take to be diagonal and traceless, thus
w.l.o.g. Z. This is P
the subspace corresponding to the noiseless classical (i.e. Z-dephasing)
channel N (ρ) = b=0,1 |bihb|ρ|bihb|, which clearly has entanglement-assisted capacity 1,
even in the Shannon setting [6], which can be achieved error-free and without entangle-
ment since α(S) = 2, C0 (S) = 1. For dim S = 3, we still have α e(S) = α eU (S) = 2, by
Proposition 2.
Yet another one can be found in [15, Thm. 3, eq. (8)], where a channel is constructed with non-
commutative graph S = 112 ⊗ 11d + 11⊥ ⊗ L(Cd ), so that S ⊥ = 112 ⊗ 11⊥ e(S) ≥ d2 ,
d . It was shown that α
and indeed, because S contains L(C2 ) ⊗ 11d , ϑ(S) e
≤ ϑ(L(C 2 ) ⊗ 11 ) = d2 , hence C (S) = 2 log d.
d 0E
Perhaps the most interesting open question regarding the entanglement-assisted zero-error
capacity is whether C0E (S) = log ϑ(S). Note that this would imply that C0E is multiplicative
(whereas C0 is not [1]); one might recall that entanglement-assistance has made also the theory of
communication via quantum channels more elegant [6], and likewise so-called XOR games [8], for
which a semidefinite characterisation lead to multiplicativity of the optimal winning probability.
A most challenging test case is presented by the above non-commutative graphs S = ∆⊥ , for
which we do not even know α e(S ⊗ S) at the time of writing, nor in fact α b(S ⊗ S). Does it perhaps
hold that Cb0E (S) ≤ log 1 + dim S ⊥ in general? – which by the above examples would imply a
separation between log ϑ(S) and C0E (S).
Another question pertains to a possible generalisation of a property of Lovász’ ϑ(G): Is it true
e 1 ∩ S2 ) ≤ ϑ(S
that ϑ(S e 1 )ϑ(S
e 2 )? Note that it holds for classical graphs – because the intersection is
an induced subgraph of the strong product along the diagonal –, and that it would be an extension
of the multiplicativity statement.
Third, it is a bit unsatisfactory that we have three entanglement-assisted independence num-
bers. Are they really different? Is it perhaps true that at least they lead to the same asymptotic
capacities? What is in general the relation between α e
b(S) and ϑ(S)?
Finally, looking back at our path, it may seem odd and in fact a bit arbitrary that we arrived at
a Lovász type bound on the entanglement-assisted independence number. Do there exist similar
bounds for the unassisted zero-error capacity and the zero-error quantum capacity that are strictly
better than ϑ(S)?
In this last section, no longer concerned with zero-error communication but driven by the idea
of developing a proper theory of non-commutative graphs, we will finally give the proper defini-
tion of graphs, of subgraphs, induced substructures, etc. For this purpose, we have to come back
to the characterisation of S in terms of the adjoint Nb ∗ of the complementary channel (Lemma 1).
Such maps, by being completely positive and unital, obey the Kadison-Schwarz (operator) in-
b ∗ (X)† N
N b ∗ (X) ≤ N
b ∗ (X † X),
for all X ∈ L(C). The set of operators which satisfy this with equality is, by Choi’s theorem [7, 29],
the so-called multiplicative domain
b ∗ (X)N
M := X ∈ L(C) s.t. ∀Y N b ∗ (Y ) = N
b ∗ (XY ) , (11)
b ∗ : M → S0 :=
which is in fact a ∗-subalgebra (containing 11) of L(C), and restricted to it, N
Nb ∗ (M) is a ∗-algebra homomorphism. The image S0 is clearly a subspace of S, a ∗-algebra itself,
and by eq. (11) it satisfies
S0 S = SS0 = S,
i.e., S is a (left and right) S0 -module, all presented explicitly as operator subspaces of L(A). In fact,
it is even a so-called Hilbert-S0 -module [25]; all we need is to choose an S0 -valued inner product
h·, ·i : S × S → S0 , which we shall however always assume to be defined on L(A). The inner
product should be linear in the first, and conjugate linear in the second element, hX, Y i∗ = hY, Xi,
it should respect the module structure (from the right) as hX, Y ai = hX, Y ia for X, Y ∈ S and
a ∈ S0 (which is equivalent to hXa, Y i = a† hX, Y i), and hX, Xi ≥ 0 with equality iff X = 0. This
defines a very strong notion of orthogonality in L(A).
In the first part of the paper, we effectively treated every non-commutative graph as if it had
trivial S0 = C11. In this case, there is a whole family of inner products hX, Y i = (Tr X † RY S)11 for
some positive definite 0 < R, S ∈ L(A)sa , but there are many more. Because of its importance for
the independent set question discussed above, and its relation to matrix multiplication, we assign
special status to the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product (i.e. R = S = 11), which shall be the default
when no inner product is specified.
To obtain some more structure, note that since, S0 < S it is reasonable to demand that h11, Y i =
Y and hX, 11i = X † for X, Y ∈ S0 (which is equivalent to asking hX, Y i = X † Y ). Motivated
by this, and using also the left module structure, we could ask for the even stronger property
hX, aY i = ha† X, Y i for a ∈ S0 (together with h11, 11i = 11).
while h·, ·i gives rise to a conditional expectation E(X) = h11, Xi (satisfying E(XA) = E(X)A for
X ∈ S and A ∈ S0 and E(A) = A, by the above additional assumption). The general form of the
conditional expectation is
M p p
E(X) = TrZj (Pj ⊗ ζj )X(Pj ⊗ ζj ) ⊗ 11Zj ,
with the projectors Pj = 11Aj onto Aj and Qj = 11Zj onto Zj , and states ζj ∈ S(Zj ). For the
conditional expectation to be faithful, i.e. X ≥ 0 and E(X) = 0 implying X = 0, it is necessary and
sufficient that all the ζj are faithful.
Now, from the left and right module structure,
S= (Pj ⊗ Qj )S(Pk ⊗ Qk ), and for each j, k,
(Pj ⊗ Qj )S(Pk ⊗ Qk ) = (L(Aj ) ⊗ Qj )S(L(Ak ) ⊗ Qk )
= L(Ak → Aj ) ⊗ Sjk ,
where Sjk < L(Zk → Zj ) such that Skj = Sjk and Qj ∈ Sjj . From this we see that each non-
commutative graph gives rise to an underlying classical graph “skeleton”
G(S0 < S) := V = [r], E = jk : Sjk 6= 0 .
A general inner product is not uniquely defined by its conditional expectation, but each con-
ditional expectation E gives rise to the following canonical inner product
M p p
hX, Y iE = E(X † Y ) = TrZj (Pj ⊗ ζj )X † Y (Pj ⊗ ζj ) ⊗ 11Zj . (13)
As before for the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product, the tracial states ζj = |Zj | 11Zj are distinguished
because of the symmetry of the resulting inner product
which characterises them uniquely. (And hence its relation to the usual matrix product.) This
choice is understood as the default if we only specify S0 but not an inner product.
We did not need all this additional structure before, but it motivates our eventual definition:
Definition 15 A non-commutative graph is a pair S0 < S of operator subspaces of some L(A), with
a complex Hilbert space A, equipped with an inner product hX, Y i that makes S a Hilbert left and right
S0 -module.
That is, S0 is a ∗-subalgebra of L(A) containing 11 and contained in S, S = S † and S is a left and
right S0 -module with respect to matrix multiplication, i.e. S0 S = SS0 = S. The inner product satisfies
hX, Y i∗ = hY, Xi for all X, Y ∈ L(A), h11, 11i = 11, hX, Y ai = hX, Y ia for X, Y ∈ S and a ∈ S0 (which
is equivalent to hXa, Y i = a† hX, Y i), hX, aY i = ha† X, Y i, for a ∈ S0 , and hX, Xi ≥ 0, with equality
iff X = 0.
In fact, with the conditional expectation E(X) = h11, Xi from L(A) to S0 , we shall only look at inner
products of the form hX, Y i = E(X † Y ).
To emphasise the dependence on S0 and E, we shall call S a (non-commutative) S0 -graph (if we don’t
specify the inner product), or more precisely an E-graph.
We do not have a sufficient overview over the literature to claim that this concept is entirely new
and unexplored. The term – apart from a single occurrence in the context of non-commutative
geometry [18] – appears not to have been used before. And while there is some literature re-
garding finitely generated Hilbert-modules over finite-dimensional ∗-algebras, to the best of our
knowledge no-one seems to ever have made the connection to graph theory.
Remark Abstractly, there seems no reason to insist on N being trace preserving, which would
correspond to S not necessarily containing the identity matrix 11. In the first part of the paper
we could indeed have relaxed the definition of non-commutative graph to be an operator space
S = S † < L(A) containing some positive definite element D > 0.
However, the above concepts do not go well with this generalisations, as for non-unital N b ∗ we
do not have unital ∗-subalgebra structure of S0 , nor is it characterised by Choi’s theorem. Thus
we stick with our original definition for now, leaving an exploration of alternative definitions for
Clearly, the same operator subspace S can originate from different channels, which might how-
ever have different S0 . All pairs S0 < S according to the above definition occur, however. The
∗-subalgebra S0 serves as a kind of “diagonal” in the operator space S, in fact, whereas S gener-
alises the edges of a graph, S0 is representative of the vertices (their number being remembered in
the dimension |A| of the underlying Hilbert space). It is perhaps helpful to remember, for the sake
of intuition, to recall one of the original motivations to consider Hilbert modules [21] as an abstract
version of vector bundles over manifolds, represented as the module of vector fields over the al-
gebra of continuous functions, where the inner product originates from a Riemannian structure of
the vector bundle; this intuition has been immensely fruitful in the creation of non-commutative
geometry and its applications [9].
The basic example of course is once more the classical graph: we saw before that starting from
a noisy channel, one can arrive at the confusability graph in its non-commutative guise
but that made no distinction between vertices (x = x′ ) and proper edges. Looking at the quan-
tum version of the channel as discussed in section II, one can see that S0 will contain all |xihx|.
By appropriately modifying the channel N , for instance by considering N ′ = 12 N ⊕ 21 idX (with
the same input alphabet X and the larger output alphabet X ∪ Y ), one canPindeed enforce
S0 = span{|xihx| : x ∈ X}, with the canonical conditional expectation diag(X) = x |xihx|X|xihx|.
Now, it is clear that one can recover the graph G from S0 < S up to isomorphism. Thus, the clas-
sical graphs are precisely the diag-graphs, the graph structure recovered precisely as the skeleton
G(S0 < S) of the algebraic data.
Furthermore, the module S over diag is generated by a single element (using left and right
multiplication), for instance by the Laplacian of the graph. This property is shared by all non-
commutative graphs where in eq. (12), Sjk is at most one-dimensional for all j, k.
A class of examples that are already more “quantum” are graphs S < L(A), with S0 = C11
and a conditional expectation of the form Eρ (X) = Tr(ρX)11 for a state ρ ∈ S(A). Such a non-
commutative graph we call ρ-graph, and all we require for it is 11 ∈ S = S † .
Going back once more to the motivation of our concepts from channels, one may recall that
each classical channel N : X → Y also gives rise to a bipartite graph with vertex set X . Y ,
where x ∈ X and y ∈ Y are connected by an edge iff N (y|x) > 0. This bipartite graph captures
much more about the channel than the confusability graph, and indeed Shannon’s zero-error
feedback result [31] and Cubitt et al.’s regarding assistance by non-signalling resources [12] can be
formulated in terms of this bipartite graph. As its quantum version we propose to consider, for a
quantum channel N : L(A) → L(B) with N (ρ) = j Ej ρEj† , the operator subspace
This space was crucial in the proof of Proposition 2, and it is evident that the non-commutative
graph of the channel is obtained as S = Z † Z < L(A). Furthermore, one can confirm that indeed Z
is still a right S0 -module, and that the above conditional expectation E makes it indeed a Hilbert
module, via the same rule hX, Y i = E(X † Y ) for X, Y ∈ Z.
Proof This is essentially only an extension of Choi’s reasoning [7]. We use the Stinespring repre-
sentation of the channel, with isometry V : A ֒→ B ⊗ C, such that N b ∗ (m) = V † (11B ⊗ mC )V .
Then, a generic element of Z can be written X = (11B ⊗ hξ|C )V = j ξj Ej for an appropriate
vector |ξi ∈ C. A generic element of S0 instead is a = N b ∗ (m), for an element m ∈ M < L(C) of
the multiplicative domain. We wish to show that Xa ∈ Z, and indeed we will find that
hence Xa = (UBX,a ⊗ hξ ′ |C )V for some unitary U X,a ∈ U (B). But for another Y ∈ Z, b ∈ S0 , once
more by Choi’s theorem,
showing U X,a = U Y,b for all X, Y and a, b, which concludes the proof. ⊔
This motivates the following definition, for which each cptp map yields an example:
Definition 16 A non-commutative (directed) bipartite graph with “vertex spaces” A and B is a sub-
space Z < L(A → B) together with a unital ∗-subalgebra S0 < S = Z † Z < L(A), and a conditional
expectation E : L(A) → S0 , such that Z is a right S0 -module, and indeed a Hilbert module for the inner
product hX, Y i = E(X † Y ).
Again, all non-commutative bipartite graphs originate from some cptp channel.
We call an E-graph S < L(A) and an E ′ -graph S ′ < L(A′ ) isomorphic, if there exists a unitary
isomorphism U between A and A′ such that
This implies a definition of automorphism, too, and we denote the automorphism group of S as
Aut(S) < U (A). We say that the automorphism group acts (vertex) transitively if the only operators
in the commutant of S0 that also commute with the automorphism group, are C11.
Now we can start defining the usual graph notions: we call a complete graph a pair S0 < S =
L(A) together with any faithful conditional expectation E : L(A) → S0 . To be precise, it is the
complete E-graph.
The complement of an E-graph S is defined to be the subspace
which by virtue of the Hilbert-module property is again an E-graph. The definition is made in
such a way that (S c )c = S and S ∩ S c = S0 ; in particular the complete E-graph is the complement
of S0 (which we call the empty E-graph). Note that the notion of complement depends on the
conditional expectation E and its image S0 .
Also graph products are defined easily: and E-graph S < L(A) (with subalgebra S0 ) and an
E ′ -graph S ′ < L(A′ ) (with subalgebra S0′ ) give rise to the (strong) product, which is the E ⊗ E ′ -
graph S ⊗ S ′ < L(A ⊗ A′ ), with subalgebra S0 ⊗ S0′ . Thus we also have the powers S ⊗n , which
are E ⊗n -graphs.
The disjoint union of an E-graph S < L(A) and an E ′ -graph S ′ < L(A′ ) is the direct sum
S ⊕ S ′ < L(A ⊕ A′ ) (with subalgebra S0 ⊕ S0′ ). Denoting the projections onto A and A′ in A ⊕ A′
by P and P ′ = 11 − P , this is an E ⊕ E ′ -graph, where (E ⊕ E ′ )(X) := E(P XP ) ⊕ E ′ (P ′ XP ′ ). If
the graphs originate from channels, their direct sum originates from the direct sum channel. Note
that the corresponding orthogonal sectors in the direct sum are always perfectly distinguishable;
one can make them indistinguishable by adding the full operator sets L(A → A′ ) and L(A′ → A)
to the direct sum, “filling up the off-diagonal blocks”:
which we call the complete union of the graphs (because it corresponds to placing a complete
bipartite graph between the vertex spaces A and A′ ).
Clearly, products, disjoint and complete unions are associative, and both unions are distribu-
tive with respect to the graph product.
Proof We only need to show the first claim for ϑ. By eq. (5),
11 + T M
ϑ(S ⊕ S ) = max
⊥ ′
:T ∈S , T ∈S ,
M † 11 + T ′
where the maximum is restricted to positive semidefinite block matrices. It is an easy observation
that for all positive semidefinite L1 , L2 ,
: ≥ 0 = kLk + kL′ k,
M M † L′
M † L′
Another easy notion is the distance-≤ t-graph of an E-graph S < L(A): this is the subspace
S t = S · S · · · S (the t-fold product), which is indeed an E-graph. By convention, here S 0 := S0 .
It may happen that the same S is an E-graph (with subalgebra S0 ) and an F -graph (with
subalgebra S1 > S0 ), such that E factors through F , i.e. there is a conditional expectation G :
S1 → S0 such that E = G ◦ F . We call then the F -graph S1 < S a refinement of the E-graph S0 < S.
(The idea being that with F and S1 , the graph has more vertices.) Conversely, by concatenating
the conditional expectation E with another one E ′ : S0 → S1 < S0 , we can obtain coarse grainings
of any E-graph as E ′ ◦ E-graphs.
The notions of subgraph and induced subgraph are more subtle, because we have to take care
of the conditional expectation. The simplest is when S ′ is a proper subgraph of an E-graph S, which
means that S0 < S ′ < S and that S ′ is a sub-Hilbert-S0 -module of S with the same inner product:
S0 S ′ = S ′ S0 = S ′ . We call proper subgraphs also E-subgraphs. Less strict, we call an E ′ -graph
S ′ with subalgebra S0′ a (generally: improper) subgraph of the E-graph S < L(A) if S ′ < S and
S0′ < S0 , and E ′ |S ′ = E|S ′
Induced subgraphs of an E-graph S < L(A) (with algebra S0 ) are defined with respect to a
subspace A′ < A with projector P : the E ′ -graph S ′ := P SP < L(A′ ) (with algebra S0′ ) is called
proper induced subgraph if P S0 P = S0′ and the restriction to A′ commutes with the conditional
expectations: E ′ (P XP ) = P E(X)P for all X ∈ L(A). Again, there is a less strict notion of induced
subgraph, which only demands P S0 P < S0′ and that S0′ < S ′ is a refinement of P S0 P < S ′ .
To illustrate these notions, we note that the Stinespring dilation theorem implies that every
E-graph S0 < S < L(A) is a proper induced subgraph of the strong product between a complete
F -graph L(C) an empty ρ-graph C11 < L(B). We can also re-interpret the independence numbers
of a non-commutative graph S as the largest dimensions of (improper) induced subgraphs: an
induced empty ρ-graph C11 < L(A′ ) for αq (S) [and such A′ we should hence call a quantum
independent set], and an induced diag-graph span{|mihm| : m = 1, . . . , |A′ |} < L(A′ ) for α(S) [and
such A′ we should call an independent set]. Cliques are defined analogously.
Going back to eq. (12), recall that a non-commutative graph S has the form
M r
L(Aj ) ⊗ 11Zj = S0 < S = L(Ak → Aj ) ⊗ Sjk .
j=1 j,k=1
As yet, we do not have many illuminating examples of non-commutative graphs, nor can we
offer applications to classical graph theory. Instead, we close with highlighting several questions
motivated by the above definitions.
• For classical graphs on n vertices, the largest known ratio between independence number
and Lovász function occurs for random graphs and is Ω( n/log n), which is conjectured
to be maximal. What is the largest value of ϑ(S)/e α(S) for non-commutative graphs? (Our
example S = ∆ in section VI shows a lower bound of |A|/2.)
• Random graphs are a powerful tool in combinatorics; what would be the natural non-
commutative random graphs? The simplest one can think of is to fix the dimension D
of a subspace S = S † < L(Cn ) containing 11, and to choose it uniformly at random ac-
cording to the Haar-induced measure on the Grassmannian (very much like what is done
in [11]). What are the expected values of clique and independence numbers, and of our ϑe
as functions of n and D?
• The bipartite graphs Z < L(A → B) play a central role in the zero-error capacity of classical
channels assisted by feedback or non-signalling correlation, as we have mentioned. Does
this extend to quantum channels in the appropriate sense? For this, one first has to confirm
that the classical noiseless feedback-assisted zero-error capacity, C0F (N ), can be expressed
in terms of Z alone. This is indeed possible, even when the feedback is allowed to be an
arbitrary quantum message after each channel use. We are currently exploring fractional
packing/covering numbers for non-commutative bipartite graphs, with the motivation of
extending Shannon’s zero-error capacity theory to quantum channels with feedback.
• There are many other graph notions we didn’t generalise yet: Perhaps the most interesting
ones are chromatic number and perfectness of a graph. Is there a Laplacian operator with
distinguished properties in each non-commutative graph? Finally, is there a good notion of
edge contraction which would lead to a theory of graph minors?
Remark A final comment on the definition ϑ(S): There, it would seem more natural to consider
the subspace orthogonal with respect to the Hilbert-module inner product h·, ·iE (in particular
excluding the entire diagonal S0 from S (⊥E ) ). This highlights the dependence of the notion of
orthogonality on the inner product chosen. In our definition of the independence numbers – and
then again when we defined ϑ, ϑe – we relied on the underlying Hilbert space structure, which
led us to consider the Hilbert-Schmidt inner product on L(A), and more generally the conditional
expectations with tracial ζj . This seems to suggest that there are privileged conditional expecta-
tions to define the Hilbert module. We leave an investigation of this issue to future explorations
of non-commutative graphs.
It is a pleasure to thank many people for discussions and feedback on the present work, in-
cluding Toby Cubitt, Debbie Leung, Will Matthews, Ashley Montanaro, Tomasz Paterek, Marcin
Pawłowski, and Aram Harrow.
While completing this paper, we learned of a direct proof by Salman Beigi [4] that the
entanglement-assisted independence number of a classical channel (and hence a classical graph)
is bounded by Lovász’ ϑ (Corollary 14). We are grateful to him for sharing his manuscript with
us prior to publication.
RD is partly supported by QCIS, University of Technology, Sydney, and the NSF of China
(Grant Nos. 60736011 and 60702080). SS is supported by a Newton International Fellowship.
AW is supported by the European Commission, the U.K. EPSRC, the Royal Society and a Philip
Leverhulme Prize. The Centre for Quantum Technologies is funded by the Singapore Ministry
of Education and the National Research Foundation as part of the Research Centres of Excellence