Test de Echivalare Studii La Limba Engleza Clasa A 7

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Test de echivalare studii la limba engleza clasa a 7-a

Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii

Varianta 1

1. Read the web forum page and check your answers.


Wayne Rooney’s contract with Manchester United sees him earning a reported £15.6 million a
year. This makes him the highest-paid player in the English Premier League ... for now. It means
that at the end of his five-year contract, he’ll have £70 million in his bank account. And that isn’t
counting the money he’ll get from sponsorship deals.
Of course, Rooney isn’t the only one. In fact, Premiership footballers earn on average £1.1
million a year. That’s 14 times more than the average person working in management and an
incredible 36 times more than someone working in public service, such as a nurse or a teacher.
As the footballers turn up to matches in their Ferraris and Aston Martins, their fans take the bus
or walk. The question we’re asking is: are these players really worth the money?

 In a word, no. The problem with the current system is that it sets such a bad example for
the younger generation. So many teenage boys want to be footballers or pop stars because they see
it as a quick way to make a lot of money. They don’t think about the fact that for every boy who
makes it, there are thousands who don’t. Of course, they don’t think about that before they leave
school and then it’s too late.

 The Football Assocation (FA) keeps saying they want to control the amount of money a
footballer can earn, which will be a good thing. However, the FA is never the quickest organisation
at getting things done. Who knows, hopefully, they’ll sort this mess out until 2050. Something
needs to be done.

 The top footballers make far more money for their clubs than they get paid in salaries.
These clubs make a fortune from the sales of tickets, TV rights and football shirts because of these
stars. It’s a question of business and these players are good for business. Of course they deserve
their salaries.

 The problem with the current situation is that only the really big clubs can afford to pay
these kinds of salaries, so they get all the best players and win everything. This means they get
more money from sponsorship and TV and they can increase their players’ salaries even more. It
makes life really difficult for the smaller clubs.
Read the forum entries again. Answer the questions.
Who thinks that footballers’ high salaries ...

 cause problems for other teams?

 might cause people problems in the future?
 need to be looked at seriously by the authorities?
 are a good thing?
 are bad for young people’s education?

30 puncte

2. Complete the dialogue with the words in the list.

o hired
o invitations
o the guest list
o choose
o deposit
o organise


Can you help me with a few things for the party for next month?


Sure. Have you sent out the invitations?


Yes and I’ve drawn up 1_________ –there are 40 people coming. Could you 2_________ the
food – we need crisps, sandwiches and drinks.


Okay. Have you 3_________ a DJ?


Yes, my mum called him and she paid the 4_________ too.


Great! So we just need to 5_________ a theme – what about 70s disco?!

30 puncte

3. Interview your mother and find out what she would like for Mother’s Day.
Prepare six questions and write down the answers.

30 puncte

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