Operative Gynecology

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Operative Gynecology



• Indications
• A. Dilatation of the cervix
• 1.A preliminary to curettage
• 2.Prior to hysteroscopy
• 3.As a step of other operations e.g. cervical
amputation or Fothergill repair
• 4. Insertion of IUD in stenotic cervix 5.
Introduction of intracervical or intrauterine
radium 6. Cervical stenosis 7. Spasmodic
dysmenorrhea 8. Drainage of pyometra or
• B. Curettage of the uterine cavity
• 1.Diagnosis & treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding
• 2.Diagnosis of endometrial cancer
• 3.Diagnosis & treatment of endometrial hyperplasia,
endometrial polypi & submucous myoma
• 4.To detect ovulation & its defects in infertility
• 5.Removal of IUCD
• 6. Fractional curettage
• 7. Endocervical curettage
• 8. In pregnancy:
• Abortion: therapeutic, missed, incomplete,
inevitable, septic
• Molar pregnancy
• Postabortive or postpartum bleeding
• Technique
• 1.Evacuate the bladder
• 2.Anesthesia
• 3.Vaginal speculum & grasp the cervix
• 4.Sounding
• 5.Dilate the cervix
• 6.Curette
• Complications
• 1.Cervical laceration
• 2.Cervical incompetence
• 3.Perforation of the uterus
• 4.Spread of infection
• 5. Asherman syndrome
• 6.Persistence of bleeding: missing of an endometrial
polyp or remnants of conception
• Perforation of the uterus Diagnosis: Sound,
dilator or curette is passed beyond the
pre-determined length of the uterus.
• 1.Avoid the part where perforation occurred (no
necessarily to stop)
• 2.Observation: hemorrhage, peritonitis
• 3.Laparotomy: intestine is exposed for possible
injury, uterine wound is sutured, peritoneal
• Indications:
• Cystocele Steps:
• 1. Anterior vaginal wall incision
• 2. The anterior vaginal wall is separated from the bladder &
the bladder is pushed to its normal position as a pelvic
• 3. Plication of the the pubovesical fascia beneath the
bladder to form a shelf
• 4. Redundant vaginal wall is removed
Posterior colpoperineoraphy
• Indication: Rectocele Steps
• 1.Incision at the mucocutaneous junction.
• 2.The posterior vaginal wall is separated from the
• 3.The 2 levator ani are approximated in front of the
• 4.Redundant vaginal wall is removed
• 5.The superficial perineal muscles are approximated in
the midline
• 6.The vagina is closed
• 7.The skin of the perineum is closed

• Indication Combined vaginal & uterine prolapse

with supravaginal elongation of the cervix Steps
• 1.Dilatation & curettage: Dilatation to cover the
cervical stump. Curettage to exclude uterine
• 2.Anterior colporrhaphy: repair cystocele
• 3. Amputation of the cervix: restore the normal
length of the cervix
• 4. Shortening & approximating of the
Mackenrodt ligaments in front of the cervix:
elevate the uterus & pull the cervix posteriorly
to correct the retroversion
• 5. Posterior colpoperineoraphy: repair rectocele
& to strengthen the lax pelvic floor to prevent

• Indication Symptomatizing patient who did not

complete her family Types
• 1.Abdominal
• 2.Vaginal
• 3.Hysteroscopic: submucous <5cm
• 4.Laparoscopic: Pedunculated subserous
• Indications
• I.Gynecological:
• 1.Fibroid
• 2.Advanced endometriosis & adenomyosis
• 3.Malignant tumors of the cervix, body, tubes or ovary
• 4.Recurrent DUB not responding to conservative
• 5.Chronic pyometra
• 6.Chronic inversion of the uterus
• II. Obstetric indications
• 1.Uncontrolled postpartum hemorrhage
• 2.Rupture uterus
• 3.Placenta accreta
• 4.Invasive mole
• 5.Couvelaire uterus

• 1.Abdominal
• 2.Vaginal
• 3.Laparoscopic
Types of abdominal hysterectomy

• •Subtotal: removal of the uterus with

preservation of the cervix
• •Total: removal of the uterus & cervix
• •Pan: total with bilateral salpingo-oophrectomy
• •Radical: removal of the uterus, cervix,
parametrial tissue, endopelvic fascia,
uterosacral ligaments & pelvic lymph nodes
• •Cesarean hysterectomy:
• •removal of the uterus after C.S e.g. atonic
postpartum hemorhage or placenta accreta.
• •Hysterectomy-en-toto: Removal of the uterus
with a contained dead fetus without opening
the uterus to decrease blood loss e.g. couvelaire

• 1.Extrafacial: removal of the uterus with its

fascial layer. It is the operation usually
performed 2. Intrafascial: The outer
(endopelvic) fascia is left attached to the
bladder. It is used when it is difficult to dissect
the bladder from front of the cervix e.g.
adhesions from previous CS.

• 1. Division & ligation of the round ligaments 2.

Division & Ligation of the tubes & ovarian
ligaments if the ovaries will be left, or the
infundibulo-pelvic ligaments if the ovaries will
be removed. 3. Incise the peritoneum of the
vesicouterine pouch by extending the incision in
the anterior leaf of the broad ligament, then
dissect the bladder downward
• 3. Clamp the uterine arteries & divide them 4.
Uterosacral ligaments & Mackenrodtks
ligaments are divided & ligated. 5. The vagina is
divided from its attachment to the cervix.

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