The Private Collection of Edgar Degas - A Summary Catalogue (PDFDrive)

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Rs The Private Collection of Edgar Degas A Summary Catalogue _— The Private Collection of EDGAR DEGAS A Summary Catalogue Destouchss Le Foctsande, foam pans Sts fonitre , Kentect- tun Coup Nor - Cervbure Viewt Ofime venta Lo r4e an wwrils tne Mpo% - Ln ae trnd Rak aprrlayeds ~ 1597. Dehuche a fain om A trate 9 Coyle Tou Tong. “Destouches— ‘The Fishwife, woman seated ata window, holding a black sea bass. pebpetele Cob, Lou qm ahs Ol bloney oval Ieinn Corfu gun dos abe” te Qalb rund) fest ephe m1 840. y hats [eee Clie Hinde, om Sous de derheche, Ci geal Pe tsp enten ayy ee y eter on Moma /derde Bae - ’ Painting comes from a Roux sale in April or May of 1903. Picked up by Durand-Ruel after the sale—ts0 fr. / Destouche painted a portrait of me atthe age of sor 6 years, which I own—blue smock, big white collar, oval—same ouefc asin the Galbrund portrait, painted in Naples in 1840. /I bought this Fishwife in memory of Destouche, in whose studio [still remember having posed with Mama, rue de From Degas’ inventory of his collection (Degas i ‘no. 64). Private collection. See no. 450 in ths catalogue. The Private Collection of EDGAR DEGAS A Summary Catalogue Compiled by Colta Ives, Susan Alyson Stein, and Julie A. Steiner with Ann Dumas, Rebecca A. Rabinow, and Gary Tinterow THE METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART, NEW YORK “This summary calgue and its companion volume of ey ate published in conjunction with the exibition “The Pvt Callecion of Edgar Degas” held at The Meopalican Mascum of At, New York from Octobe 1 197. 0 Jamiary 11998 ‘The exhibition is made possible by TEXACO ING, ‘A indemity bas en granted by the Federal Council onthe Ants and the Humanities. ‘The publication i mde posible, in pact by Janice H. Levin Published by The Mewopotian Maseum of Ant, New York Joba B O'Neil, ator in Chief Rath Lure Kozodoy, Eton Brace Campbell, Designee Katherine Vin Kes and Rick Bonk, Prdction Robert Weisberg, Computer Specie Supplementary tescarch cared out by Robere McDonald Pkerand Mary C. Wewer Phocopraphic mater allel by Gretchen Wold [New photography at The Metropolitan Museum of Ary the Phorogeaph Sei, “The Meropoitan Museum of Art, New York ‘Separations made and ype ein Adobe Garamond by Profesional Graphics, Rocko Iloos Prine and bound by Arnoldo Mondadori ivr, SpA. ero, Raby Copyrighe © 1997 by The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Alright eserveNo par of his publication may be reproduced or tansmiedin any form or by any means, elecuonic o mechanical, acuding phacocopying, recording, o any ilarmaton storage a reise, ‘without pein in wring fom the publishers Library of Congres Calg in-Fubliaion Dats “The privat colton of Edgar Degas a summary catalogs J compiled by Cols les, Susan Alyson Sti, Je A Seine with Ann Damas, Rebecca A Rabin Gary Tinton Pom ‘Companion volume wo the anthology ented: The pat callecton of gar Degas 197 Tnclads bibliographic references. 1st 0.87099 857-4 — 15m ©-87099-838. (pbk) — 1s o 809-65 (Abrams) 1. At, French-—Eahibitions. 2, At, Moderm—Igth century —Fance— Eshiisons. 5. Are—Evhibiions. 4. Deas, Eda 184-1917—Aue collectionsEshibitions. 5, Aet—Pvae collections ~France— Exhibitions ves, Calta Fle. U, Secin Susan Alon IL Seine, lie IN. Metopolian Mascum af Aet (New York, NY) N6e7076 197 ho!og44'orapa7t—det or-itot “ekefcoverilstation: Del, ean Auguste Domingue Ingres, Rage Feving Angelica, 9-99; 0,624 Contents Introduction Notes to the Reader A SUMMARY CATALOGUE Osher Works Exhibited in “The Private Collection of Edgar Degas” Concordance of Collection Sale and Summary Catalogue Numbers Key to Abbreviated References Photograph Credits vii ix 27 Br 89 ae Introduction ‘When Edgar Degas died in September 1917, the art col- lection he lefe behind came as a surprise both because of ins quality and because of its extent. The collection was dispersed the following year in three sales. This summary catalogue, a companion volume to the anthology entitled The Private Collection of Edgar Degas, provides compre- hensive and detailed information about the contents of that collection. The more than five thousand works of art owned by Degas, which range from great paintings long associated with his collection to hoards of drawings and prints about which lieele is known, are catalogued here. Each entry includes, to the extent possible, descriptive information, provenance information related to Degas’s ownership, selected references, current location, and an illustration. The primary sources of knowledge about Degas’ col- lection are the catalogues for the three Degas collection sales held in March and November of 1918. They were prepared by the dealers Ambroise Vollard, Joseph Durand-Ruel, and Joseph and Gaston Bernheim-Jeune, along with an additional expert, Loys Delteil, for the prints. Though invaluable, chese catalogues were assem- bled in haste and have numerous shortcomings. Only a small proportion of the items are illustrated, and the often imprecise and sometimes inaccurate description of individual works presents a stumbling block to identifi- cation. In addition, large groups of works were sold under single catchall headings (e.g., "62 items, ancient and modern”); and sizeable quantities of miscellaneous “items from Delacroix’ atelier” chat Degas had owned were sold hors catalogue (uncatalogued) and thus are known about only from unpublished auction house records Al the works thae passed through the collection sales (as well as the sales of Degas’ own work) were stamped with a Degas atelier stamp; in the case of drawings and prints these were often placed not on the works them- selves but on the mounts, many of which were long ago removed and discarded or lost. Labels were also affixed to the backs of works at the time of the collection sales. “These octagonal white labels with blue trim measured 1% by 2% inches and carried, from top to bottom, the follow- ing information: collection sale number, artist’ name, title, medium, and the posthumous inventory number assigned to the work when Degas’ estate was inventoried in late 1917 and early 1918 by Joseph Durand-Ruel and Ambroise Vollard. The labels were usually placed on the frame or stretcher bar of cil paintings and on the dark biluish-green backing of framed works on paper. In the course of subseqent remattings and reframings, these labels have not always been preserved. ‘The other important primary document for Degas’ collection isa handwritten inventory by Degas himself — the beginnings of a catalogue of his collection. This rentory is now in a private collection, In it Degas recorded information on well over «wo hundred works, offering telling descriptions of pictures as well as facts and. anecdotes about the sources and dates of his acquisitions. Since these notes were made retrospectively, there are inevitable lapses in che accuracy of remembered detail Various other unpublished documents were consulted with profit: the posthumous inventory of Degas’ studio mentioned above (Musée d'Orsay, Paris); dealers’ records, in particular Vollard’s stockbooks (Musée d'Orsay), the Durand-Ruel stockbooks (Archives Durand-Ruel, Paris), and the archives of the Galerie Bernheim-Jeune, Pariss annotated sale catalogues: proct-verbaux (handwritten Stamp of the Degas collection and axcliee sales Degas collection sale label from reverse of Cézannes Three Pears (no. 13) minutes) from sales; and photographic archives in private and public collections. Visits to the Cabinet des Dessins in the Louvee and to the print and drawing study rooms of the National Gallery in Washington, D.C., the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, the British Museum, London, and other instieutions—during which porefo- lios of works were combed through in search of Degas stamps~led co some discoveries. Other leads came in response to an inquiry sent out last fall ro dealers, collectors, and curators of drawings and prints in America and Europe. This Summary Catalague builds on the work of previ- ous scholars, who, in studies devoted to the subject of Degas’ collection or to individual artists represented in is, have made significant contributions to the identif- cation of the works Degas owned and to the establish- ment of their provenances. This essential licerature may be found in the References section at the end of this cat- alogue and in the Bibliography of its companion volume, The Private Collection of Edgar Degas. Limitations of space and formar preclude giving complete bibliographi- cal and exhibition histories in the entries. Hundreds of individuals and dozens of institutions contributed materially to the realization of this summary catalogue. Their names are recorded on pages x-xi of the companion text. Again we thank them most cordially, as ‘ve do all che owners who generously provided documenta- tion and photographs of the works included in this volume. Notes to the Reader Tue Summary Cararogur This catalogue is arranged alphabetically by artist's sur- name. For each artist, works are grouped by medium, with entries for oil paintings fist, followed by those for original works on paper (pastels, watercolors, drawings) and lastly, prints. Within each grouping, works are listed in the order in which they were sold in the chree Degas collection sales (referred to here as Collection Sale 1, Collection Sale Il, and Collection Print Sale), following the sequence of the lor numbers. Works sold at the time of the auction but hors catalague, and works Degas owned that were not included in the sales, appear last. This orga- nization is intended to highlighe the scope and nature of Degas’s acquisitions in each field and to facilcace refer- ence to the 1918 collection sale catalogues. Full biblio graphic citations for the sale catalogues appear in the References section atthe end of the volume. Each entry has a number, which is keyed to the illa- tration, if there is one. Most entries contain descriptive information about the work of art; documentary informa- tion pertaining to Degas’ acquisition of the work and its sale from his collection in 1918 (or disposal earlier); and identifying information in the form of catalogue raisonné references and the current location, if known. ‘An asterisk (*) preceding an entry number indicates that the work is included in che exhibition “The Privare Collection of Edgar Degas,” held at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, from October 1, 1997 0 January 11, 1998. Other works also shown in the exhibi- tion are listed immediately after the Summary Catalogue. Sources oF Descriptive INFORMATION For works that it has been possible to identify, descriptive information, including attribution, ttle, date, medium, dimensions, and inscriptions, derives from the current ‘owner or the catalogue raisonné or latest reference. Titles have been translated into English. When any portion of this information differs significantly from that recorded in the 1918 Degas collection sale catalogue, the discrepan- cys noted following the collection sale reference. For items that appeared in che 1918 sale catalogues but have not been identified with known works, descriptive information, including attribution, tie, date, medium, dimensions, inscriptions, and collector marks, is based on. the entries from those catalogues, again with titles translar- cd into English. Unidentified works that were not listed in the 1918 catalogues have been described as fully as poss- ble based on the documentation at hand, with the source ‘oF information cited at the References (“Ref”) line. Dimensions: Measurements are given in centimeters, height proceeding width. For identified works, the dimensions have been supplied by the owner when avail- able, or taken from an authoritative catalogue. Princ dimensions refer to the plate, not the sheet, unless other- wise noted. For unidentified works, the dimensions are those recorded in the Degas sale catalogues or, for prints, those cited in catalogues raisonnés, Discrepancies between the actual dimensions of an object and those recorded in the sale catalogues are noted. Illustrations: In the case of prints, which exist in mul- tiples, a surrogate impression of an identified work has been illustrated when Degas’s own impression could not be found. Where several different items of a series or suite of prints were sold in a single lor, generally only one securely identified image from the group has been illustrated. Documentary INFORMATION PERTAINING To Decas's Acquisition of Works Whenever possible, information is provided about how and when Degas acquired a work of art. The documenta- tion comes largely from primary sources: inscriptions on the objects, Degas’s handwritten inventory, dealer stock books, annotated sales catalogues, procés-verbaus: from sales, and contemporary firsthand accounts (letters, diaries, etc.). When specific documentation on the date and source of acquisition is absent but primary sources reveal that a work was auctioned during Degas’ lifecime, information about that sale is provided. To the extent possible, previously published findings have been cri ly evaluated and confirmed against original documents to resolve inaccuracies and contradictions. When documen- tation is unconfirmed, uncertainty is signaled by quali- fiers (presumably, probably, possibly). Although Degas’ inventory remains the principal source of information on this subject, whenever possible his notes were supplemented by concrete information from sales or ftom dealers records, which were judged to be more reliable than Degas’s mem- ory of prices and acquisition dates DocuMENTARY INFORMATION PERTAINING ro THE PosrHuMouS DisreRsaL or Works Works included in the Degas collection sales of 1918 are identified by sale and lot number: for instance, Collection Sale I: 25. Buyers’ Names and Prices: Names of buyers and the prices paid are supplied for works purchased at these sales. This information derives from two principal sources: annotated catalogues of the sales and procts- vebaues, the official handwritten records made in the auc~ tion room at the time of the sales. Unfortunately, che procis-verba! for Collection Sale I is fost. Thus, the names and purchase prices provided here for items included in Sale I are based on annotated sales catalogues. Inevitable discrepancies in names and figures recorded were resolved by consulting more than a dozen annotated catalogues of the sale, including nearly com- plete copies at the Galerie Bernheim-Jeune and the ‘Archives Durand-Ruel, Pars. The procés-verbates do exist for Collection Sale Il and the Collection Print Sale (they ate in the Archives de la Ville de Pati, F Lait-Dubreuil dossier no, 1599). Taken at the time of the sales by the commisaire-priseur, F. Lai Dubreuil, these minutes record the name of the buyer (sometimes spelled phonetically or misspelled) and the price paid for each lot (both written-out and in numer- als). In this summary catalogue, orthographic errors have been corrected when the buyers’ names are well known or are verifiable from other documents. Names difficule ro decipher are so signaled by a question mark, or alternate spellings ate given. The procts-verbaus also record when lots were split, sold jointly with other lots, or added hors catalogue to the sales, information that has been included in this catalogue. A crucial piece of the puzzle that enabled us to pin down the identities of hundreds of works was the name of the buyer. With buyers’ names in hand we could find catalogues of their collections, and then exhibition cata- logues in which the same buyers were reconded as lenders of the works, or museum catalogues in which they were recorded as donors. In these subsequent catalogues the works were often illustrated or more fully described. At times, the buyers name led us directly to the present ‘owner via the telephone book. Similarly valuable was knowledge of previous owners: those who owned works before Degas acquited them. Deduced from collectors’ stamps on the objects or nota tions in Degas’ handwritten inventory, this information led to earlier sale catalogues, which sometimes provided a more complete description of the object than the Degas collection sale catalogues. SupPLemENTARY PROVENANCE INFORMATION Sales and exhibitions subsequent co the dispersal of Degas’ collection are noted here only when they were the source of essential information on unidentifed works. These citations represent the last recorded references to the objects and may prove helpful in the future identif- cation or location of lost works. IDENTIFICATION: REFERENCES AND Current Locations References: Citations are limited to authorative catalogues and to publications that do one of the following: confirm Degas’s ownership of a work or its inclusion in one of the collection sales; describe Degas’ acquisition of a works or provide informacion concerning the most recent where- abouts of a work whose present location is still unknown, Literature is cited in abbreviated form: full citations will bbe found in the References section in the back of the catalogue Unpublished documents are not cited, with the excep- tion of Degas’ hand-written inventory, which was tran- scribed in entry form with numbers by Ann Dumas in “Degas asa Collector” (Masters thesis, Courtauld Insticute of Art, University of London, 1981), Appendix A. This reference is abbreviated as Degas inv the numbers were assigned by Dumas, not Degas himself A copy of the typed posthumous inventory ofall of the possessions belonging to Edgar Degas at the time of his death, prepared by Joseph Durand-Ruel and Ambroise Vollard, was consulted at the Musée d'Orsay, Paris. It had been assembled in great haste and was superseded by the collection sale catalogues; therefore those inventory num- beers are not included in this catalogue. Current locations: Information regarding the present locations of works is included, when known, in the form of credit lines provided by owners. A SUMMARY CATALOGUE ‘Théodore Carucle d French 798-1871 igny 1. alan Landcape with Figures, 838 Pen and ink, 3235 em Signed right and dated: Olevano, 1838 Collection Sale H: 80 Purchased by René de Gas for 5 ft. 2. View fiom Roya, 838 Pen and in, 39x $3 cm Signed lef with monogram and inscribed Vie prise Royar ce 8 aod 1838 Acquired from Chennevies sale, April 4-7, 1900, lr ss, for i Collection Sale H: 8 Purchased by Clausen for 41 Ref: Aubrun 1988, no. D 270 Picere Andeiew French, 1830-1892 5. Study of Cats il on cas, 31x 49 Collection Sale I: x Purchased by Durand-Ruel foe 380 ft Actributed to Pierre Andriew 4. Sill Lif with Frit and Flowers ea 1850-64 illon canvas, 65.8 xem Acquired from Hector Brame, Dec. 26,1898, fa 1,600 Ft, a8 “French Schoal"; had been describe by Degas a a work by Delacroix Collection Sale Il: 55 (Sold as Modern School, Corbeil de fruits et fleure dans nm as) Purchased by Voll for 220 Fe Ref: Degas inv, no. 57 ‘The Trustees ofthe Nationa Gallery, London NG 6349 Paul-Albere Bartholomé French 1848-1028 5. Young Gir at Play Ol on cardboard, 50x 40.em described by Degas as a Fagment of "the Le Ferret painting.” showing girls in a school- ys Colletion Sale I 5 Purchased for 5300 fe, by René de Gas; his sale, Nov. 10,1927 ot 62, 0 Waller Refi: Degas inv, no. $ 6, Study for “Monument to the Dead” Black chalk heightened with white, 38x Gem Signed sight Given to Degas by Bartholomé Collection Sale I 94 [Nor sold kepe by René de Gas his sale, [Now 10,1927, lot 3 t0 Waller Ref: Degas ine, na. § 17. The Refectory 1880 Black chalk heightened with color, 52.5 gem Signed righe and dated: 1880 Probably given to Degas by Bartholomé Calletion Sale I: 9§ Nor sol; kept by René de Gas his sale, Now. 10,1927, lor 2, eo Block 8. Porte, 1882 Black chalk, 46x 26 em Signed right and dace: 1882 Probably given vo Degas by Bartholomé Collection Sale I 96 Nor sold; kept by René de Gas his sale, Nox. 10,1927, lot 2,10 Block ’ 9. Crouching Gir, Study fr “Monument the Dead” hats (a bronze case illustrated here) Given co Degas by Bartholomé Nor in sale Refi Degas in, no. 9 10, Parris of Tidamaa Hl hater (a bronze case isillsteated here) Given to Degas by Bartholomé Nor in sle Ref: Pais, Tokyo 1988, no. 442; Degas in, no. 4 A plaster cast, posibly Degas snow ina private collection, Japan 11, Head of Obrise Phster Given to Degas by Bartholomé described by Degas asthe head of Christ on the cross feom Bartholomés Monument the Dead Not in se Refs Degas in, no, 6 12, Young Woman Plaster Given to Degas by Barcholomé. Degas described the work as portraying a young ‘woman posed on a square stone and remarked that she resembled Jeanne Zit. Naw in sle Ref: Degas in, no. 7 Antoine-Louis Barye French, 1795-1875 1. cuprates of vaso anima subjects, including Sein in Brome Nein le Refs Lond pi, p18; “Sucoan de M. Edgar lid Depa (ample), Centred Documentation Musée Or. Pars 3 Albert Belleroche ‘Acquited from the arts, in 1887 or soon Collection Sale I 98 French, 1854-1944 alicr. Degas broke with Blanche after the lat __ Purchased by Georges Via for 250 fc. ters porte of him (now inthe North 14, FadbLengch Female Nude, Aranging Her Carolina Museum of Art) was reproduced in Private collection Hair —Bust ofa Woman —The-Quarter- The Studio in December 1903, contrary © Length Portrait of Seated Man his wishes, The porte was probably Lithographs; 5 prints recur the, Collection Prine Sale: 6 Ref: Alley 1981, no. 4995 Purchased by Ch, Chanat for 18 fi. Not in sale ‘Tae Gallery, London, Presence by Miss Hilda Trevelyan, 1939 4995 Philippe-Chatles Blache Fach 181g Blanche records in levee af an 26, 939: “The painting din 657 for Degas 1s Tipe Irland to hi quite a lang tie, He had illo canvas. 4359.5em iin his bedroom." Signe lef Probably aeuied fom the dealer Alphonse ote 54 ru Lei, abou 94, when Eagine Boudin Degas adie Blache’ work tthe Salon de Frech 1824-1898 la Sociéeé Nationale des Beau Arts Collection Sale I: 2 18, Beach Sumer Purchased by (Maurice Feuille foro f ——-_ Watereolrs, 13525 em an 5x25 em Refs Degarindi 989, p 410, lees fom Both stamp rght EB. Degas o Hortense Fourchy dated Dec.7__Pasiblyaoguited from the Eugene Boudin and 20,1894 saley March 20-21, 189% the works bear the stamp of the sale but cannot be identified with specific lot mambers in he sale at 16, lowe 892 logue Clon cndboar, 55 46 cm Colleton Sle I 97 (Sod as evo watercol- Signed upper let and dated sina ame: Plage, Sli onc) Acquted fom Bache fr 500 fe. probably, Purchased by Bello for 50 Tike no. 15 above) about 1894 x Colleton Sale I: Purchase by Aubry for 3 20. Taw Sais ofthe Shy Ref: Degas in. 0. 10 Pasel 165519 em and 14x23 em Samp ight E. 8. ‘Acquired for Degas by Durand-Rucl atthe Eugene Boudin posthumous sls, March 20-21 1899 (se lows 243-54, 264-70, 275) Collection Sale I: 99 Purchased by Bellot For 460 Ref: Kendall 199, p. 10, fg. 86 Private eallecsion Jacques-mile Blanche Frnch 861942 Flix Bracquemond French 1835-1914 19, Tivo Seudies ofthe Sty 7 Pastel, each 14 20 0m Stamped right E.B. “1p. Francis Pieter, 1887 Acquired for Degas by Durand-Rul at the Oil on canvas, 26.5 x16. em Eagéne Boudin posthumous sale, March Signed right: JE. Blanche 87 oy = 20-n1, 1899 (se lots 245-54 264-70, 275) 4 0 seLLeRocHeE a Reading the Bible Watercolor ‘Acquired before 1879, when Degas sold ito Emest May Not in sale Refs Degas Leto 1947, 90.28 “Musée du Louvre, Paris, Département des ‘Ants Graphiques RF 6159 22, Bromus, after Hobin, 1863 Etching, 25 x20 6m Colletion Print Sale: 7 Purchased by René de Gas fr 170 fi his sale, Nov 10,1927 ot , co Gobin Refi: Bera 85 (ol. 3), no. 39 2 123, Edmond de Goncour, 1885 Etching and stpple, 1338 cm Signed and inseribed 8 mon ami Degas Presumably given co Degas by Beacquemond Collection Print Sale: 8 Purchased by Loys Dekel for 13 fe Ref: Bald 885 (vol. 3), no. 54, frst state fh, “The Cleveland Museum of Ar, hit Anniversary Gife 1951.58 24. The Thames, near Limebouse, 1871 — A Duck, 871 Etchings 2 prints CCalletion Print Sle: 9 Purchased by Jean Guiftey for 20 fi Included in anonymous sale (probably Jean Guifftey esate), Hotel Drouos, Nov. 25, 1955 lors Refs eral 885 (vol 3), wo. 203, (The Thames) 25, Poplrs.on the Bas of the Seine Erching Collection Prine Sale: 10 Purchased by Gros for 6o fe Refi: Bera 1885 (ol 3), no. 218 26. The Old Rooter Erching Signed and numbered CCalletion Print Sle: 11 Purchased by Duval Fleury for 330. Ref: Bera 1885 (ol 3), no. 222 27. Yung Woman in Spanish Costume, afer Manet Etching, 21x32. Possibly acquired through Manzi from the Ph, Burty sale, March 4-5, 189 (Collection Prine Sle: 12 Purchased for o ft: by Henei Fee: his sale, June 23,1925, lot 87 Refs Bera 1885 (ol. 3), no. 279, 28. Boiy dnl a the Convention, afr Dekaron Eeching Signed allection Prine Sale 13 Purchased by Loys Deel for Ref: Beal 885 (0.3). no. 34 29. Madame Grange, afer Ingres, 1867 Erching, 28.7 x20 cm With dedication Collection Print Sale: 207 Purchased by Duval Fleury for 200 f Ref: eral 1885 (vol. 3), no 56 4 Poet of Baudelire Eiching 305 x16 Not in sale, tained by Degas ies ‘Musée d'Orsay, Pais, Fonds Fevre RF 43165 bisa 31. Bus of Auguste Comte, afer Joseph Guichard Deypoinc and etching, 35x22 em Signed lef Joseph Guichaed del 810 2] Bracquemond scul. [2] aqua fori Not in sl, retained by Degas heirs ‘Musée d'Orsay, Paris, Fonds Fee RE 43016 bis Edouard Brandon French, 1830-1897 52, The Schoolmaser and the Student Oil on panel, 1257.5 em Signed left Collection Sale H: 4 Purchased by Aubry for 65 fi Lois Braquaval French 1854-1919 53, Village Sires, Snow Efe Oil on pane, 4537 em Signed let Callction Sale Hi: Purchased fr 210 fe by René cle Gass his sale, Nov 10,1927 ot 63, t0 Simonson BRAQUAVAL John Lewis Brown French 1829-890 34, The Hunting Cry Oillen canvas, 93x19 em Signed lef ‘Acquied through Malco, in exchange fora pastel (Previously sold in che John Lewis Browse, June 11-12, 9, a lot 2 for 1,000 fr, presumably to Manzi, rom whom Maleou acquited ic) Collection Sale I: 6 (Sold as Lala) Purchased by Eres May for 5300 fi Refs Degas inv, 0.35 35. Mounted Knighe with Lance Watercolor, x17 em Signed sight ‘Acquired from Durand-Rul, April 24,1895, for 30 ft. Collection Sale I: 100 urchated by Bernheim Jeune for 520 fe Ref: Degas inv, 0.12 Descibed by Degas 28 Louis XVI dressed in red, ona white horse 36. Hone Black call, 5.5 x24 em Signed right “Acquired fiom the John Lewis Brown sale, June 16-12, 1891 could be one of several lot ‘numbers Collection Sale : 101 Purchased by Schomeyer for 65 fe Refs Degas nv, no. 11 Described by Degas in bie inventory 383 horse walking, shown front view 7. Bellowing Stag in he Middle of « Pool — ‘Rider oa Piebald Horse —Progam forthe ‘Evening of May 23 —Fan fom she Moker (Circus —Moliers Ciseus Riders, ee. Lichogeaphs, 8 princs Collection Prine Sale: 14 Purchased by Levy (or Les) for 26 fr. Ref Hediard 1996, nos. 9,10, 15,145 others not densified 38, The Marsal of Conflans —The Ford — The Courier —A Lancer Rider, Eichings 10 prints CCallestion Prine Sle 5, Purchased by Levy (or Leg) for 27 fe Alfred-Louis Brunet Debaines French, b 1845 3, Seilboas at Sea Erching, 211% 34.4 cm Signed lef A. Brunet Debaines se [Not in sale, retained by Degas heies ‘Musée d'Orsay, Paris, Fonds Feve RE 406 bis 43: Copy after a Painting by Claude Lorain Prine ©), 29.5 43. em Signed lef: Claudio di Lorena iw. Signed right: L. Caracciolo f, [Norin sal, retained by Degas hes Musée d'Orsay, Pris, Fonds Fev RE 43018 bis 40. Fated City a he Waters Edge Etching, 21x 34.2 m Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux Signed lef A. Brunet-Debaines French, 127-895 [Not in sale, retained by Degas hes “44 Anatomical Study 1866 Black and colored chalks, 22x 30cm Inscribed: Hommage admiration pour le ‘gsi de Delacoi, son ami B. Carpeaur, 1866, Stamped right: Vente Delacroix Collection Sale I: 158 (Sold as Eugtne Delacroix, Etude deorché) Purchased by Baron Viea() with Delacroins Standing Male Nude (ee n0. 254, below) Musée ? Orsay, Pais, Fonds Fevre RE 43106 bis 8 4, Boar ona Riverbank Etching. a8 3446 [Notin sl, ened by Degas his Musée d Orsay, Pais, Fonds Fevre RE 43107 bis ‘Auguste-Joseph Carrier Gustave Callebore French, 1800-1875, Fronch, 1848-1894 45 Young Girl Seated in a Garde, 1836 ion canvas, 27.5 x34-5 cm Signed left and dated: 1856 Colletion Sale I 6 Purchased by Aubry for 10 f Mary Cassatt Ameria, 1844-1928 «Yl rn Vor 82 Siemens ate Sado gh Spe and ted wpe ee om Gaile oer Marl ‘Keldeespaiecaion Dad Roe Jun whi ws mote Chin Se 7 ol Flea Pore by Fura Ermer iyen Degen, 4 GL AraginHe Han 86 ta Simcoe feedings sel, Wen Ealing Sl To, reo Catectn Se Pare y Daan Rar Ms #.0. Have a0 Private collection, United States L.Caracciolo Ieaian, seh centary Refi Breeskin 1948, no. 146 ‘National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., (Chester Dale Collection 1963.10.97 4. Young Woman ina Loge, 21879 Pasel and metallic paint on canvas, 65.4 Si3em Acquired sometime before Nov 1893, sehen Degas lent ito the Casat exhibition at Durand:-Ruel held Nox-Dec 1893, Callecton Sale I: 102 Purchased by Trot for 10,000 fi Ref: Breeskin 1948, no. 6: Dhiladelphia Muscum of Are, Gift of Margaret Sargent MeKean 1990-52-41 * "48, Litle Girl with Brown Hair, Looking 1 the Lei e3.1983 Pastel on cardboard, 0.2% 483m. Callection Sale I: 103 Purchased by Schémeyer for 1350 fe Ref: Breeskin 1970, no. 591 Privat collection "49, Bust of Young Gir, a. 1885 Pascel, 42.9 x 38.6 cm Collection Sale I: 104 Purchased by Vildrc for 1,900 fe Ref: Breeskin 1970, no. 168 ‘The Fine Arts Museums of San Francis, ‘Achenbach Foundation for Graphic At, Da. T. Edward and Tullah Hanley Collection 6930.22 5. Kautng inthe Libary, ca. 188, and Kaistng in the Glew ofa Lamp, ct, 1880 Erchings in sofiground and aquatng, ist and second sues, 29.4 x22.8 em and 29.4% ay8em Collection Pint Sale: 17 (Sold as Lene, “deux planchesdifféentes") Purchased by Durand-Ruel for to Ref: Breeskin 1948, nos 30, second state, 3. The Metropolitan Museum of Are, New ° York, Rogers Fund, 1920 20.12; Rogers Fund, 919 19.425 *50. Study for “The Visitor “ea. 1879-$0 Sofeground (recto) and graphite (verso), sheet 4o.x30.9 cm Collection Sale I: 82 (Sold as Jeune fone, cen ile de vil, debou pris dune fee) Purchased by René dle Gas for 450 fe Ref: Mathews and Shapiro 1989, p. 57. fig. 26 ‘The Cleveland Museum of Art, Gift of Fifty Members of The Prine Club of Cleveland on the Occasion of the Fiftieth Annivesary 1966.1764-b : 3 cassarn 7 2: Mrs, Casatt Threading a Neel ca 881 ‘Drypoine and aquating, 23.4159 cm Ref: Breeskin 1948, no. 45, Probably Collection Pint Sale: 18 (Solas LAigull) Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 75 fe S.J the Garden 1881 Etching and drypoint, 2.8 x 16.8 om Ref: Breeskin 1948, no. 56 Probably Collection Print Sale: 19 Purchased by Jeanne Fee for 10 ft “ 54. The Folding Chair, ca. 1883 Etching and deypoint, 20 x15. em Refi: Breeskin 1948, no. 53 Probably Collection Print Sale: 20 (Sold as Au Jardin, “composition dient) Purchased by Feapier for 35 i, syd a Loge, ca. 1880 Sofiground erching and aquatine, 16.6 x 25.4em Ref: Breeskin 1948, no. 25 5 Jn he Opera Bas (ne. 3) ca. 1880 a Sofiground etching and aquatng, second Probably Collection Print Sale: 25 (Sod as state, 20.4:038.7 cm Au Thre) (Collection Print Sale 21 (Sold as Au Thre Purchased by Loys Dell for 175 fi leone Femme i Evenai, oe of four sates) Purchased by Jeanne Fevre for 280 f Ref: Breeskn 1948, no. 2, second sate ss Private colletion, on loan 10an American “8, Woman Seated in Lage ca. 1881 Lichograph, a. 22cm Galleon Print Sale 24 (So as Au That (La Lorre) Purchased or 160 fi by Hens eve: his sale, June 2,193, lo #8 56. the Oper Bax (no, 2), c. 1880 Ref: Breeskn 1948, o. 25 Sofiground exching and aquatng, 2.2.x 1s8.em Muscum of Fine Arts, Boston, Bequest of Refi Breeskin 1948, no. 2¢ WG. Russell Allen 63.309 Probably Collection Prin Sale: 22 (Sodas Au Thatire (lene Femme a UEvenal, “planche diferente,” ist sae) Purchased by G.0) Dubois for 70 ft. 9. Lydia and Her Mother at Te, 1882 Sofiground etching and aguatng, 17.8 x agen Collection Print Sale 25 (Sold 2s Les Dewe Amiesprenant le th, lc oF four different states) Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 200 fe. Ref: Breskin 1948, no. 69 ‘One ofthese works may have been included in the “Modern Prins” eahibition, Prederick Keppel 8 Co., New York, Feb. March 4, 9m, a8 no. 17. 60, Mrs. Caat and Lydian the Library, 182 Sofiground etching and aquatint, 21.4 x 283em Ref: Breeskin 1948, 00.70 Probably Collection Print Sale: 26 (Sold ax Les Dews Amie) Purchased by Le Garec for 27 f “This work may have been included in the “Modern Prints” exhibition, Frederick. Keppel & Co New York, Feb. s-March 4, 1922, a8 90.17. 61 Before he Fireplace (no. 1), ca 1882 Sofiground etching and aquatne, 16.4 x 2osem Colletion Print Sale: 27 (Loe of two sates) Purchased by Rowatt for 160 Fe Ref: Breeskin 1948, no. 64 62, Befie the Fireplace (no, 2), e21879 Sofiground etching and aquatnt, 2.6 x 146 em Ref: Breeskin 1948, 80.65 Probably Collection Print Sale: 28 (Sold as Femme asise dans un fiuteuil or of two impressions) Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 245 f ‘One of chese wat inca in the "Modesn Prints’ exhibition, Frederick Keppel & Co. New York, Feb, j-March 4, 1922, a8 no. 6, “from the Degas collection.” 63. The White Shawl, ca. 80 Softground erchi rosem Ref: Breskin 1948, no. 26 Probably Collection Prine Sale: 29 (Sold as Femme en pied asise dans un fate eo impressions) Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 70 fe and aguatng 15% 654. At the Dring Tale ct 1879 Sofiground erching and aquatine, 528 x Ref: Breeskn 1948, 10 10 Probably Colletion Print Sale: 3 (Sodas Jeune Fonme isa tile, Bist ste) Purchased by Durand -Ruel for 140 fe 65, Standing Nude, ea. 1879 AAquating, 27.3 «37.7 6m Collection Print Sale: 5 (Sok as Femme nue eons, de do ist state) Purchased by Durand-Ruel fr 185 (with no. 66) Ref: Breeskin 1948, no. 8 cassarr |g 10 (66. Sanding Nude with a Towel, 2.1879 8, Whiting ca. 1879 Sofiground, eching, aguatine, and drypoint, _Sofiground etching and aquatng, third state, wAxasa 28x47 em (Collection Print Sale 32 (Sold as Femme Collection Print Sale: 34 (Sold te tile, lot of cree states) Femme asise dams un fatal Purchased by Darand-Ruel with no. 65 planche,” lor of thie states) Ref: Breeskin 1948, no. 9 Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 195 (with no. 69) Refi: Breeskin 1948, no. 1 Unula and R. Stanley Johnson (67. Mademoiselle Luguet Seated on a Couc, a. 188) Sofiground etching nd aquatint, 21.9 x zen a . 6. Waiting 1879 Calesion Pin Sl (oks Fille Sundin and guint, cond Purchased by Duval Fleury for 220 fi. ea Collection Print Sale 4 (Sold as fume Femme asise dans wn uta, "petite planche,” lor of three states) Purchased by Durand-Ruel with no, 6 Ref: Breskin 1948, no. ar “The Metropolitan Museum of Azt, New York, Rogers Fund, 1919 19.423 Ref: Breeskin 1948, no. 49, 70. The Comer of the Soft (no. 3), 1879, Softground etching and aquating, 31.2% sem Gollection Print Sale: 55 (Sod a feune Femme ase dans un fete “grande planche,” le of sx impressions) Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 55 f: (fora lor of 6) Ref: Breskin 1948, no. 16 “71, The Corner ofthe Sofa (ne. 3) ca. 1880 Sofiground etching and aquatint, third stats, Collection Print Sale 35 (Sold as Jeune Femme asise dans wn fates "grande planche,” lot of si impressions) Purchased by Durand: Rul as pare of larg- cor (se na. 70) Ref: Breskin 1948, no. 16 ‘The Ar Insitute of Chicago, Kate S Buckingam Fund 1965.869 12, The Comer of the Soft (a3 1879 Sofiground etching and auatnt, second sate, 312819. CCallection Prine Sale 35 (Soli as fume Femme ase dans un fatal, "gande plance," oof ix impresons) Purchased by Durand-Ruel spr fa age ele ee 0.70) Ref: Breskin 1948, no. 16 ‘Museum of Fine Ares, Boston, Bequest of W.G. Russell Allen 63308 poe 73 The Corer ofthe Saf (v.24. 1879 Sofiground eching and aquacng, 20.63 om ‘Collection Print Sale: 36 (Sold as eone Fomne ase daw fate “moyenne planche") Purchased by Durand-Ruel fr Bo fe Ref: Breskin 1948, no 15, 74. Robert Holding a Cat, ca 1882 Deypoing, x7. 12.8 em Collection Print Sale: 37 (Sold as LeJeune Gargon au cat) Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 80 f. Ref: Breeskn 1948, 00.85 % 75. Caste Seudy afer Gavarniy ca 1878.0 earlier Erching,drypoine and aquatnt, 203 Gem Refi: Breeskin 1948, no. 2 Probably Collection Print Sale: 38 (Sodas Jeune Femme 3 mi:jambes, deface, lo of ‘hice tates) Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 100 Fi: *76, The Benguet, ca 1880 Sofground etching and aquating, fs sere, 242 x16 5m Collection Print Sale: 39 (Sold as Jeune File sie, en robe dole) Purchased by Frohier (or Frapiee) for 35 Ref: Breeskin 1948, no. 19, fis state Ursula and R, Stanley Johnson 77. Mr. Gardner Casats and Her Baby Seated Neer a Window cs 1887 Drypoine, 21.8 x 13.8 em Ref: Breeskn 1948, no. 2 Probably Collection Prin Sale: 40 (Soe as La Jeune Mere) Purchased by Duval Fleury for 0 fo, Mrs Caats Reading to Her Children, a. 880 Sofiground etching and aquating, 16.2 Ref. Breeskin 1948, no. 58 Probably Collection Prin Sale: 43 (Solas La Petite Famille, Fist sate) Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 36 Fi 18. Reading she Newspaper (no. 2), ca 1882 Sofiground etching and aquatnt, 14.3 sem Refi: Breeskin 1948, no. 73 Posibly Collection Print Sale: 41 (Sold as a Lecture du oir, ewo impressions) Purchased by Jean Guiry for 70 fi: Included in anonymous sle (probably Je Gite eae), Hotel Drouot, Nov. 23, 1953, loc 8 81 Mademoiselle Luguet ina Coat and Hat, a. 1885 Sofiground etching, 21.6: 18.7 cm Colletion Print Sale: 44 (Sold as La Petite File a mantean de fours) Purchased by Dubos for 120 fr, Ref: Breeskin 1948, no. 48 79.Mr Casas Reading, ca 1882 Sofiground etching and aquatnt, 16.5 x sem Collection Print Sale: 42 (Solas Le Liteur) Purchased by Gabriel Fevte fo 65 f Ref: Breskin 1948, n0. 74 Privat collection fe a, Lyla Reading, Tarmed toward the Right, 188: Sofiground etching and aquating, 18x rem Ref: Breskin 1948, no. 6 Probably Collection Print Sale: 45 (Sod as La Petite Lise) Purchased by Darand-Ruel for 45 f 83, Nursing 3 890 Drypoing, 25x 18cm Collection Print Sale: 46 (Sold as Le Sin) Purchased by Henri Fevre; his sl, June 23, 1925, lo 89, For 185 fi Ref: Breeskin 1948, n0.135 4. Meditation, 3 1882 Sofiground etching and aquating, 9.1x yom Refi: Breeskin 1948, no. 67 Probably Collection Print Sale: 47 (Sold as LaSongewe, wo sats) Purchased by Durand-Ruel fr 65 fi 85, Sewing onthe Gras, 2 1880 Deypoing, 22.3 14.2 em Collection Prine Sale: 48 (Sold as Sur Pherbo) Purchased by Rouart for 9 f (with no. 86) Ref. Broeskin 1948, no. 78 86, Lydia at Afternoon Tea, 182 Softground etching and aquatin, second. state, 14 22.5 em Collection Prine Sale: 49 (Sold as La Tisse desid) Purchased by Rowart with no. 85 Ref Brecskin 1948, no. 68, second state ‘The Los Angeles County Museum of Ar, \Walls Foundation Fund in memory of Hal B. Wallis AC 996:27.1 8p. Maternal Cares, 2.1891 Drypoine aquating, and sofiground erching, printed in color, 36.7 x26. om CCalletion Prine Sale: 0 (Sold as Tendree rmaternele) Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 190 ft Refi: Breeskin 1948, no. 150 © 88, Gander Held by his Mother 1889 ypoing, 24 x1.8 cm Collection Print Sale: 51 (Sold 25 Tendese Maternle,“panche dilféente") Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 100 f: Ref: Breeskin 1948, no. 113 % 9, The Stacking, 1890 Deypoint, 26 «8.5 em Collection Print Sale: 52 (Sold a La Tiere delenfime) Purchased by Gabriel Fee fr 10 fe Ref. Broeskin 1948, no. 139 gon, Casa Kiting Pf Ves Sotground ching and oun, 45 Gataion Pin Sle 5 ol Le Fecal by Dun ur et kn eon 3 cassarr 3. 4 a >» *o1. The Vist, ca 1879-80 +93, The Visitor ca. 1879-80 Sofiground etching, aquatint, drypoin Sofiground etching, aquatint drypoing, Hf second state, 39.8x hem seat, 39.9 31cm CColletion Print Sale 4 (Sod as La Viste, Collection Print Sale: 4 (Solis La Visite unique series of thirteen states) unique series of thieten states) Entire series purchased by Durand-Ruel for Purchased by Durand-Ruel as pat ofa larg- ass erlot (se n0. 91) Ref: Breeskin 1948, no. 4 second state Refi: Breeskin 1948, no. 34 fh state Ursula and R, Stanley Johason “The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Rogers Fund, 1919 19.421 % 95. Afternoon Promenade, ca. 18 Sofiground etching, 3.3 x 2.7 em Ref: Breskin 1948, no. 33 Probably Collection Prine Sale: 55 (Four prints sold under thre tides: La Lecture, Femme en pied Jee Femme asi) Purchased by Durand -Ruel for 105 F o “92. The Visor ca. 1879-80 Sofiground etching, aquatins,deypoins, 04. The Visitor ea 1879-80 third state, 39.9 x 31m Softground etching, aquatne,deypoine, Collection Print Sale 54 (Sold as La Viste, sich state, 39. 31m ‘unique series of thirteen sats) Colletion Prine Sale: 54 (Sold as La Vit, Purchased by Durand-Ruel a par of alg unique seis of thietee states) cerloc (see m0. 91) Purchased by Durand-Ruel as pat ofa larg- Refi: Breeskin 1948, no. 3 third state cer lor (se 20.91) “The Metropolitan Museum of Are, New ees York, Rogers Fund, 1920 20.13 Steling and Francine Clark Are Insiute, Wiliamstown, Massichusers 1967.4 6 96. Gerge Moore, 2. 1881 Sofiground exching and aquatng, fest sate, maxigem Collection Print Sale: s6 (Sold as Porte homme, ass dans un fauceui, tee pros in ewo different sates) Purchased by Jean Guilfey for 75 fi Included in anonymous sale (probably Jean Guiry exte), Hotel Drouot, Nox. 2, sp louis Ref Breeskin 1948, no 27, fist state Private collection ” 97. Ellen and Robert Casa 1882 rypoiny, 1.2 x ut cm Ref: Breckin 948, 0. 39 Probably Collection Print Sale 7 (Sod as Buatesdenfnts, ive rare prool) Purchased by Durand-Rue! for 230 fe. 8. A group of thrrsen proofs printed fom ‘unfinished plac, ca 1879-8 Sofiground etching, aquatint, tes located prints are itemized below a8 nos. 99-104 Collection Print Sal: 58 (Sold as Réunion de vie dprewes da, de planches res ‘pour la plapar:inachewds) Entire lot purchased by Frapier for nsf 99. Inthe Shade, ca. 1879 Sofiground etching and aguatnt, 13.7 x bem Collection Print Sle 8.1 (Sold as parc of _group of thiteen proof printed from untin ished plate) Purchased by Fraper (se no 98) Refi Broeskin 1948, no. 7 Unsla and R. Stanley Johnson 100. Woman Driving im a Vitoria, ea 1879 Sofiground ering 13.3 x16:7 em Collection Pine Sale: 58.2 (Sold as par ofa _roup of thirteen profs printed from wnfin= ished places) Purchased by Fraper (se no 98) Refi: Breeskin 1948, no. 13, first sate Unf and R. Stanley Johnson, “tor. The Corer af the Sofa (na. 2), ca 1879 Softground erching and aquatnt, second state, 20.6 16.3 cm Collection Print Sale: 58.5 (Sold s part of group of thirteen proofs printed from unfin- ished plates) Purchased by Fraper (se no 98) Ref: Breskin 1948, no. 5, second state Unswla and R. Stanley Johnson, ox, Warming His Hands, 1880 Sofeground etching and aquatint, 6x m7em Collection Pint Sal: $8.4 (Sold as part of « 10up of thirteen proofs printed from unin shed plates) Purchased by Frapier (ee no. 98) Ref: Breeskin 1948, no. 28 Usula and R. Staley Johnson 10, The Rownd- Backed Armehaiy, ca. 1881 Sofrground etching and aquatint, 27.8 Wem Collection Print Sal: 58.5 (Solas parc oF a group of thitreen proofs printed from unfia- ished plates) Purchased by Fraper (se no 98) Refi: Breeskin 1948, no. 36 ‘Unula and R’ Stanley Johnson, cassatr | a5 6 ‘Musée d'Orsay, Pats, Fonds Fevre RE go19 ter Jean-Charles Carin French, rqr-901 107. Thatshod Cotage in Picardy Black chal, 2.528 em Signed right, dedicated: F. Degas Presumably acquired aa gift From Cazin 4 Collection Sale I: 83 Purchased by Trot for jo 04. Mrs. Cast Reading 0 Her Gnandebidven (no. 3), 188. Sofiground etching 1.1 15.8 em Paul Cézanne CCllesion Print Sale: 58.6 (Sold as pare ofa French 1839-1906 group of thirteen proofs printed fom unfin- ished pats) Purchased by Frapier (een. 98) Ref: Breeskin 1948, no, 60 ‘Unsula and R.Sraney Johnson. “Aterbuted to Mary Cassatt 8, Vnu and Cupid, 183-75 ion canvas, 21 x21 em Acquited from Vollard for 0 fe, June 2, 1897 Colletion Sale I: 9 Ref: Rewald 1996, no. 374 ca. 1878; 103. Bor Deg Vener 193, 0.54 Exching Takei Art Muscum, Japan, CCallection Pin Sale: 16 Purchased by Jan Gi for 90 Inchided in anonymous sale (probably Joan Guilfey estate), Hotel Drouot, Nov. 2} 1955, lov s ‘Anne-Claude-Philippe Caylus French, 1692-1765 106. Sy of Capt fm Heliado eo, copy er Raphael eladeras Driven fom the Temple Bxching 325215 em ™ Inscribed: Raph I Cab. da Roy C. Seu. Not inal, etsned by Dep ie 109. Apples 5-77 Oilon canvas, 19 x 26.7 em Purchased by Paul Rosenberg fo 16,200 ft Acquired from Vollad for 200 fe, Nov. 29, 1895 Collection ale I: 10 Purchased by Knoodler (for Maynard Keynes) for 9.000 fi Ref: Rewald 1996, no. 346, 8 a 878: Venturi 1936, no, 190; Degas nw, 0.19 “The Provost and Fellows of Kings College, Cambridge (Keynes Collection), on loan 10 the Fitewillism Museum, Cambridge Ho, Self Port, 1879-80 il on canvas, 35.5 24.5 em Acquired from Vollard for 30 fe Collection Sale Is 1 Purchased by Rosenberg ) (or Reinhard) For 30,500 fr Ref: Rewald 1996, no. 416; Venti 1936, no, 3675 Degas in, 90.16 (Oskar Reinhare Collection "Am Romethol,” Wineerthur, Switzerland ‘su. Bathe with Outsreched Arms, ca 1883 Oil on canvas, 55x 24cm Acquired from Vola for 200 fe, Now 20, 15 Collection Sale Bord de Fea) Purchased by Léon Bollag for 23.100 ft Ref: Rewald 1996, no. 369, 5 1877—78; ‘Venturi 1936, no. $44 42 (Sold as Baignewr au Collection Jasper Johns “un, Too Pru ca. 185 3m canvas, 19.0 25.2. cm Acquired from Vella for 200 fe, March 9, 1896 Colleton Sale I: 13 Purchased by Twi fr 8,000 fi Ref: Rewald 1996, no. 57; Degas int, Galeti Yoshi 113, Glas and Apples, 1879-82 (Oil on cams, 35x 40cm Acquired from Volar for 400 f, Jan. 6, 1896 Collection Sale I: 14 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for 24,700 fr, Ref: Rewald 1996, no, 424, 8 1879-80; Vensurs 1936, no. 339: Degas iv. no. 17 ‘adolf Seaechelin Family Foundation, Basel 14, Vetr Chocgues, ca 1877 (Oil on canvas, 35.2% 27.5 ‘Acquired from Vollard for 10 fe, May 6, 196 Collection Sale 1:15 Purchased by Bernhcim Jeune for 22,500 fr, Refi: Rewald 1996, no. 2975 Venturi 1936, no, 375; Degas inv, 0.15 Virginia Museum of Fine Ars, Collection of Me-and Mrs. Paul Mellon 83.14 "us, Three Pears ca 1888-89 ‘Watercolor and graphite, 215 x 50.5 €m Acquired from Vallad for 100 fe, Nov. 29, 1895 Collection Sale I 105 Purchased by Léon Bollag for 4,400 fe Refs Veneui 1936, no. 136; Degas ine, 0.18 “The Henry and Rose Peslman Foundation, Inc. Camille Pisaro described the acquisition of {his work ina eer this som Latin dated Dee. 4, 1895: "Degas and Renoir are enthur- astic about Céeanne’s work, Vola showed se a drawing of some frat, which they both wanted to acquire they drew saws to deteine the lucky one” (Pisa 980, p27) 16 106. For, euy afer a plaster cast ormes- Ay abated wo Michelangelo. Verso: Head aft Woman Asep: 893-96 Graphite 288 em Ref: Chappuis 1973, 108, ves0 no. 5095 Venu 193, 0.1453 Daniel Barr, New Yorke According to Chappuis, this drawing was acquired from the March 1918 Degas saleby Léon Bollg, Zurich, who bought paintings bby Cézanne fiom the sume sale, However, the drawing cannot be identified witha spe sfc lor number, and cere is ao supporting documentation for Degas ownership of it a 117, Seping Hermaphrodie, 1895-96 Graphite, 2436 em “Acquired from Vollard or a an auction afer Cézanne’ death in 1906 Ref: Venti 1936, no, 1465 Chappuis 1973, 0. 1129 Formerly Collection of Suzanne Bollag, Zatch According to Chappuis, this drawing was acquired ftom the March 198 Degas sale by Léon Bollag, Zurich, who boughe paintings by Cézanne fiom the same sie, However, the drawing cannot be identified with a spe- ‘ic lor number, and there is no supporting documentation for Degas ownership of. Cezanne 7 8 ‘After Philippe de Champaigne See Robert Nanteil no. 908, below ‘Théodore Chase French 119-1856. 8 Various Subjees and Ports 15 prints by or afer Chasers CClletion Prine Sale: 59 Purchased by Le Garrec for 70 fe Luigi Chiaiva Swi 1842-1914 119, Sheepdog Pastel 34 255 6m Signed ight Possibly acquired as a gif from Chialva Collection Sale I: 84 (Sold as Chien de berger) Purchased by Aubry for 26 fi. (Chinese Painting ‘See Works by Unidentified Arist, no. 102, below Auguste Clot French 1858-1936 120. Dancen Mid-Lengt, afer Degas Lihograph, proof priced i color (Collection Print Sale: 105 bis Purchased by C. Comioe fa 195 fe Auguste) Comte tat Porrsit ofa Man with a Green Embroidered Cape, Pnibly Auguce Dogar ‘Miniature on ivory, encircled with copper; oval, m2 x9.2 em Signed along lft edge: Comte [Not in sale, rerained by Degat’ is Musée d'Orsay, Pais, Fonds Fevre RF 43230 Henry R. Cook. Engh active fre halfof vot conry 122, Porrit of Lady Walingham, after E:T. Parris Etching, 20..«12.7 em Not in sale retained by Degas heirs Musée d'Orsay, Pais, Fonds Fevre RE 4316 bis ‘Jean-Baptste-Camille Corot French, 1796-1875 By 135, The Limay Bride, with the Chit des Cloris, 1855-1860 (Oil on canvas, 25 x 35 em Signed lef ‘Acquired from G. Goupy sale, March 50, 1898, lot 4, for 3,950 fr, Colletion Sale I: 16 Purchased by Trt for 20,50 fe Ref: Rabaut 1905, no. 822 Oskar Reinhare Collection “Am Rémethol,” Wincerthut, Switzerland “124, Raad in Normandy ca 1860-65 il on canvas, 20 «30.5 em Signed right Acquired from Brame fl for 1.500 fe, February 189 Collection Sale 1:17 Purchased by Robaroe() For 6600 fe. Ref: Robaut 1905, no 595; Degas 0.24 André Bollag-Bloch, Switzerland 125, Roky Chesnut Wood (Morvan or Auvergne), 1830-55 Oil on canvas, 54x84 em Signed right Probably che landscape purchased for Degas by Durand-Rcl fom Berim Jeune, December 1899, fo 6500 fi: (ex oll Chéramy) Collection Sale I 28 Purchased by Trot for 23,500 Fi Ref: Winterthur no, 21; Robaut 1905, no. 294; probably Degas iw, no. 27 Oskar Reinhart Collection “Am Remethol,” Wincerthur, Switzerland 26 126, Runs in she Roman Campagna, with Claudian Aqueduct 2. 1826-28 (Oil on canvas, 22x32 Signed lef inscribed on reverse: Etude ‘offerte pat Corot & M, Panis, profeseur de dessin Sainte Babe Acquired from Comte Armand Dora sale, May 4-5 1899, lor 93, fr 150 fe Collection Sale [19 Purchased for 5,600 ft by Knoedler, ac the lochest of Chatles Holmes, for che National Gallery, London Ref: Robaut 1905, no. 9 biss Degas in, 0.25 ‘The Trustes ofthe National Galler, London NG 3285 127, Tio Ville Be: Stady of Tie 1843 Oil on canvas, 29 x24 em Stamped right: Vente Coroe ‘Acquired fom Conte Armand Doria se, May 45,1899, lot ub for 410 Calletion Sale I: 20 Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 2,000 ft Ref: Robaut 10s, no. 45 Degas in, 128, Seared Fealian Woman, 1826-28 (ion cama, 23.5 26 om Stamped let: Vence Corot ‘Acquited from Alphonse Porter in exchange fora pastel. Previously sld in Dufeu colle- tion sale, Hte! Drowot, April 6, 1879, for sf) Collection Sale I 21 Purchased by Max Dearly () for 2.950 fe Ref: Reba 1905, no. 13: Degas in no. 22 Collection of Robert and Christine Emmons, Santa Barbara, California 129, Mountain in he Auvergne, 1840-40 Oil on canvas, 19.5129 6m Samped le: Vente Corot ‘On eves: Vente Coot sal -Acquited fom the deer Maou, in ‘exchange fora drawing worth Boo f (Previously Comte Armand Davia sle, May 4,199, lor no, for 520) Galeton Sle I 23 Parchased by Rochete for 3,700 fi Ref: Robaue 1905, no. 647; Degas in, 10. 26 Mount Vewvine Eupring See Works by Unidentified Ariss, no. 1035, 130 lian Landeape, 2.165 Etching, 5:7 %238.m Collection Print Sale: 60 Purchased by Gabriel Fevre for 26 ft Ref: Deel 910, no. 7 Gustave Courhet @) Grenh, 189-1877) 131, Porn of Hunter Oil on cans, 64 x52. Acquired asa Courber fom Montaignac for s00 fi, Dee 28,1896, Collection Sale Ti: 9 Presumably the work sold as Modern School, Le Chase (bse) Purchased, buyers name illegible, for ose fi Refs Degas inv, no, 28 Described by Degas asa bus-length portrait ‘of bearded hunter in a gray Fel hat, with a green jacket and a gunpowder sack. The Aescrption fis the work now in the F. G. Buble Collection, Zusich (Ferner 1977-78, no, 72), but the provenance ofthe Buhle oro ems dicoun: Depa cvnenip ‘Thomas Couture French, 1815-1879 132, Porm of Man Gil on canvas Posibly sold as Modeen School, ceo, 1096 below: or aot in sale Ref: Lafond 198, p. 2 After Aelbert Cuyp 133.4 Hore illon pane, jo 38 em Acquired from Hector Brame, April 1900, for 6.000 Fe Collection Sale Ix Purchased by Durand-Rud fr Land) for $00 fr Ref: Degas ine, no. Degas desctibes this panting is inven tory asa work by Cuyp that he had red to prchase in 198. Honoré Daumier French, 808-1879 “144. Don Quizare Reading (Man Seated in an Armchair, 865-67 (ion canvas, 83.9 x 65.16 ‘Monogrammed sight: H.D. Collection Sale 1:23, Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for 20,000 Ref: Maison 1968, vol 1, no. La93 [National Museum and Gallery, Cardiff NMW A 2454 “13, Bus oft Man—Tioo Male Head Lithograph crayon, pen and ink and wash, x95 1059.5 DauMiER | 19 Counbel— Fortra! 0 homma bug ban Chedh ene Chop enn b ‘ bm yas hare op UE Pays ve tnd 7 (aes PG fond Bo eo froins, ~ Daapeny owt le Wegr, Dovid he day foe aul frerrovhon , [Mb Ge mR Cape! Jory Frblam - eectute S00” WO de Iyoutavh ary nut be tpn! 9b ae acre *Courber— Costatn EOE, Ceufod Corr (<2 tetoileg dip. alr jal. gue Mice ha Cheval @ putrat) — Dh lalloot Begs gus lm Senne 8c Courbel— avail? Btornn ov Ce [Retrntt pomm we Guyprap hen Se theta a ane DOR ras , tm lontruin Ket ellirere Ce Colbert. Dart ow Jaswaprtin lo rt MI hop Om Ate, [sa ib Bust-lengeh portrait ofa man, a hunter, gray felt hat, beard, green woolen jacket, cord of the powder horn wrapped around. / Seems to have been cropped, must have had completely different dimensions, perhaps cut from another picture. | Purchased 500 ft. / Monsieur de Montangan [sic] brought it to me in 1896, on behalf ofa certain Colbert, picture restorer (this reining indicates that it was he alone who must have cropped the portrait). And this Colbert said that Courbet’ sister recognized the subject of the portrait asa certain Letellier,a friend and hunting companion from Ornans. This Colbert must know mote about it. Ir seems that he has since retired to Brie.” From Degas’ inventory ofhis collection (Degas inv, no. 28). Private colleetion. See no. 13 in this catalogue. Bust of Man signed let with monogram “Acquired as gfe rom Henri Rouart, Calletion Sale I 106 (Sold 2s Bute domme) Purchased by Bollag for 1,050 ft Ref: Mason 1968, vol. 2, nos. 69,128; Degas in, no. 31 Private collection 36 "196. Collector atthe Slle Drowot Pen and brown ink and wash, 1133 6m Initiale upper le Acquired as gift rom Henri Rouare Collection Sale I 107 (Sold as Ler Amateurs de peintre) ached by Too 409 sion 1968, vol. 2, no, 388; Degas ing, no. 30 “Museum of Ae, Rhode Iland School of Design, Providence; Gift of Mrs. Gustav Radeke 22.2684 7 137. The Toximony ofa Minorca, 1860 Lithograph crayon, pen and ink and wash, us x345 am Signed lee Acquired from Durand-Ruel, who pur- chased it for Degas atthe Aubry sale, May 10,1897, lot 40, 38 Deposition de inure, for 861, paid for by Degas on May 12,1897 Collection Sale I: 108 (Sold as Le Tuna) Purchased by Trt fo 3,600 Fe Refi Mason 1968, vol. 2 no. 645 Ny Carhberg Glyprorek, Copenhagen EN. at 138, Study for Ancient History Lithogeaph crayon on paper, 26.5 x17. em. Collection Sale 85 Purchased by Lepoutre fr 405 fe Ref Maison 1968, vol 2, n08. 452-69 “This works probably fiom dhe group of ar ictus of casi gods and godess that Daunirdeew fora "Fre" performed in 1853. Many fom the series were owned by Hen Rouar 9 139, Un Reni des bons ranse—Un Renter ches Cris 1834 Lithograph, 29x 25 em Collection Print Sale 61 Purchased by Henon Joulty for 18 f. Ref Dele 1925-26, no. 87 140. Un Rentir des bos roux —Un Rentior des Cots 1834 Lithograph, 29x 25 em Colleton Prine Sale: 62 Purchased by Ley for 65 i Refs Dekel 1925-26, no. 87 a xt. That One Cam Be Set Free!—Bring Down the Curtain, the Comedy Is Over—Modera Galileo, 1834 Lithographs, 5 prints: 23.4 35.5 ems 20x pS em 24 x275 cm Collection Print Sale: 65 Purchased by Vildac for 15 Ref: Dele 1925-26, nos. 85, 86, 93, 12. The Legiative Belly 834 Lithograph, 28 x 43.1 em Calletion Prine Sale: 64 Purchased by Vilrae for 1150 fe Refi Deltel 925-26, no. 51 Associaton des Amis de Daumies, Valmondois us 1a, Vey Haugh and Very Mihy Legiinise Bras 134 Lthogaph, 3047 8em Colleton Prine Sale: 65 Purchase by René de Gas for 70 fe Ref: Dl 125-26, no. 12 paumiee | ar 144: Freedom ofthe Pres, 1834 Lithograph, 30.7 43. em Collection Print Sale: 66 (Sol a5 Ne ous y itr pas) Purchased by Gouverneur (for 505 Fe Ref: Dekel 1925-26, 0.13, 145. Freedom ofthe Pres, 1834 Lithograph, 30.7 x 43.4 em Collection Pint Sale: 67 (Sold as Ne vos fate ps!) Purchased by Vilrac for 165 Refi Deel 1925-26, no. 35, 146. Done for, Layee, 134 Lithograph, 29.1 42.em Callection Print Sale: 68 Purchased by Vildrac fot 390 fi Refi: Dell 1925 “7 147. Rue Transnonain, Aprils, 1834 1834 Lithograph, 29 «445 cm CCalletion Print Sale: 69 Purchased by Le Garec() For 955 fe Refs Dell 1925-26, 0.15, 148. Caricatures Lithographs, 55 prints fom La Caricarure and Charvari Collection Prine Sale: 70 Purchased by Reime for 10 fe 149. Plates from La Caricature Lichogeaphs, 3 prints Collection Print Sale: 7x Purchased by Levy for 240 fr sso, Pari, The Fret of January 1842 Lichograph, 248 20m Callection Print Sale 72 Purchased by Duval Fleury for 305 Refi: Dell 1925-26, no. 996, fis state a Ist. A Peau. Vl, ota Feneo!.—fe sie conten de vos, mes rave! —Enfoct le ers patil, 835-35 Lidhographs four prints: 20.5 x 24 ems 17.8 27.8 cams 25 x 28.7 em 1g x24 cm Collection Print Sale: 73 Purchased by Levy for 47 fe Ref: Deteil 925-26, nos. 232,158, 194,216, 152, The Present Crisis Derpetan 1833 Hand-colord lchograph, 26.5 x23 em Collection Print Sale: 74 Purchased by Gouverneur for 30 fs Refi: Det 925-26, no. 169 3 153 The Bluesockng, pate 51844 Lithograph, 23x87 em Colletion Print Sale: 75 Purchased by Loys Dele for 230 fe Refi: Deel 1925-26, no. 125, fist sate 154. The Good Days in Life, 845-46 Lithographs, 27 peins, dimensions vary Collection Print Sale: 76 (Solas Les Bezwe ows del ie Purchased by Pll for 12 fi Ref: Det 925-26, nos. 38-3, 146, 1151-575 9, 65-69, 171, 1176, 179-81, 1,184 156, Pariian Boaters, plate 2, 1843 ee Lichograph, 25:7 «20.5 em Calletion Prine Sale: 78 Purchased by Le Gare for 80 Fe Refs Dele 1925-26, no. 1024, fas state “7 157. Paiian Boaters, place 5 843 Lithograph, 248 x 20.5 cm. Collection Prine Sale: 79 Purchased by C. Comiot for 1 Refs Dele 1925-26, no. 1027, fs state 5 195, The Middle Cas, 1846-47, 154, 1852 Lithographs, 17 prints, dimensions vary Colleton Print Sale: 77 (Sold 2s Les Bons Bourges) Purchased by Vildrac for 360 Ref: Dell 1925-26, nos. 1477, 1479. 1484, 1490, 1495 1499, 150, 1502, 1504, 1508, 1520, sat, 1528, 152715372598 (pl 1) 2524 (Single plate) 198. The Heir Apparent, 843 Lichogeaph, 2.7 19 em CCallection Print Sale: 80 Purchased by Duval Fleusy for 395 fe Refi: Dell 1925-26, no, 1006, fst state 159. The Human Comedy: Do I Need Elo- quence, 1843 Lichograph, 2218.8 em Collection Prine Sale 81 Purchased by Duval Fleury for 250 fe Ref: Dell 1925-26, no. 1007, fst state ve Josefowiee Collection 160, The Cousin, 1837 Lichogeaph, 215289 em Callection Print Sale: 82 (Sold as Cowrs Ahisoire naturelle, plate 6) Purchased by Le Garre for 160 i Ref: Dell 1925-26, no. 5, fst state Sketches of Expresions, 838 Lithographs, 7 prints, dimensions vary CColletion Print Sale: 83 Purchased by Barthélemy For 7 f Ref: Dell 1925-26, nos. 480,482, 45, 487, 489-91 we paumien 23 4 163, The Divorces, 848 Lithograph, 25x21 om CColletion Print Sale 84 Purchased by Loys Delt for 385 fe Ref: Dell 1925-26, no. 1769 ist sate 16, Foreigner in Paris, 1844 Lichographs, prints, dimensions vary CCllection Print Sale: 85 Purchased by Masson, Fix @) for 30 fe Ref: Dell 1925-26, os. 1272-77, 1279-83 184 164, Telemachus Questioned by the Sage, 1842 Lithograph, 24.7 20.8 cm Collection Prine Sale 86 Purchased by Vildrac foe 260 f. Ref: Dele 1925-26, no. 966, frst sate 6 16, Ancient History plates 44, 5, 1842-43 Lithographs,» prints: 23.2 x 20.2 em Collection Print Sale: 87 Purchased by Frapier for 1 fe Ref: Dele 1925-26, os. 968,974, first 16 166, The Death of Sappho, 1843 Lithograph, 3.7 18.6 em Collection Print Sale 88 Purchased by Loys Deel for 220 f [Refs Dele 1925-26, no. 973, is state 6 167, Parisians in 1852, 1852 Lithographs, sx prins, dimensions vary CClletion Prine Sale: 89 Purchased by Vilrac for 82 fi Ref: Deltel 1925-26, nos, 2219, 2220, 2222 ny, 2227, 228, 168 Pastoral Seees, plate 1, 1845 Lithograph, 25:2 22.6 em Collection Print Sale: 90 Purchased by Le Garec for 350 fi Refi: Dell 1925-26, no. 1998, fist sate 165, Pastoral Scenes, plate 1, 1845 Lithograph, 23.7 x 20.2 cm CCalletion Print Sale: 91 Purchased by Loys Dele for 505: Ref: Deltel 1925-26, no, 1400, fist stare 170, Whatever You Pl, plate 50, 848 Lithograph, 24.7 x21 em Collection Print Sale 92 (Sold as Tow ce ‘gquion soudra, pl. 50) Purchased by Loys Deel for 235 fi Ref Dekel 1925-26, no, 1696, fst state 171, Ee Member ofthe Ex Socey of the Be Tenth of December 1850 Lithograph, 24.5 x 2¢ cm. Callection Print Sale: 93 Purchased by Duval Fleury’ for 185 fe Ref: Dell 1925-26, no, 2045, fst state 173 In Naples, plate, 185 Lithograph, 20:6 x 27 em Collection Prine Sale 94 Purchased by Vileac for 245 f Included in Guerin sle, Dee. 1921 lot 8s Ref: Deel 925-26, no, 2142 175 Cuaron Events—Vyag in China, vai us dates 1843-45 S lichographs, ist sare Collection Prat Sale: 95 Purchased by Duval Fleury for 330 fe 174. Comic Album: Bashers Pariian Boats, Pleasure ofthe Champs-Ebdes, 1839-44, 25 lithographs in an album Colletion Prine Sale 96 Parchased by Pll for 1s fe 175, Comic Album: Robert Macair, Maried Collection Prine Sale: 97 Purchased by Mme Lippmann for 150 176, Comic Album: The Bachelor: Day The Musicians of Pars, The Bangueters,e., 9-49) 24 lithographs in an album Collection Prine Sale: 98 urchased by Pillet for 160 Fi 77. Comic Album: Parisian Emotions, 8-40 2s lithographs in an album Collection Prine Sale: 99 Purchased by Loys Dekel for 170 fe 178. LAnnonee ela réelame —The Middle (Clss Lena 1859 1847; various dates "lithographs (9 colored), various dimen- Collection Print Sale: 99 bis Purchased by Mme Lippmann for 90 Ref: Dell 1925-26, nos. 621, 1505, and ‘unidentified ten from LAcuaité 179, Political Caricatures and Scene of Manner 830-33 Lithographs, 10 prin CCalletion Prine Sle: 120 Purchased by Pll for 75 fc #80, La Plce (one print from lot of 25), 85 Lithograph Collection Print Sale: 100 bis (Sold 2525 Tichographs, 9 colored) Purchased by C. Come for 145 f Josefowiee Collection paumiee © 35 26 18, Parisian Tiper—The Bluesocking-—AquatieSkeaches—Men “af usice~Parsian Emotions, et, 1838-55 Lithographs, 3 prince Collection Prine Sale: 101 Purchased by Le Garte for 70 ft 1a, The Good Days of Lfe—The Human Camedy—Draatic Sketcher— Garrent Events et 845-64 ishographs, 48 pris Collection Prine Sale: 102 Purchased by Pll for 125 183, Lithographs from various series published in Chervari Lithographs, 330 prints Collection Print Sale: 103 Purchased by Pll for 105 fe. 184, Studie afer the Column of Trajan Black chalk ecto and verso Acquired a gift of Antne Alexandre Not insle Ref: Degas int, no. 29 ‘Jacquer-Louis David French, 1748-1825 "Bs, Male Nude Sedis fr “Le Serment dd Jou de Peume,"1790 Graphite, ecto and verso, 245289 em Acquired from M. de Montansan for So fe Collection Sale I 159 (Sold as Eugine ‘Delacroix: Etudes dena) Purchased by Schimeyer for 500 fi (cogether with Delacroix drawing, no. 2s1 below) Ref: Degas int, no. 33, ‘Musée du Louvre, Pais, Departement des Arts Graphiques, life inerest gif of Louis-Antoine and Véronique Prat RE 44310 Study of Young Girl edaine Family) Collection Sale I 109 See Jean-Honoré Fragonard, no. 475 (below) Ms fed de Drews French, 110-1860 186, Varios views oFhorses Lithographs, 1 prints Colletion Print Sale: 104 Purchased by C. Comiot for 95 fe Alter Edgar Degas 187. But ofa Woman, 1873, Photograph secouched with colored pencils Collection Print Sale: 105 Purchased by Jean Guiry fora Incladed in anonymous sale (probably Jean Guitfiey estae), Hotel Drouot, Nov. 25, 953 ora Edmond Dehodeneg, French, 1860-1857 8 288 Seated Arab Musician Watercolor, 1623.5 ‘Acquired fromm Come Armand Doria sae, May 89,1853, 260 (as by Delain, for sf Galleon Sale 12 (Sold as Fuge Delarois:feune Muse are) Purchased by the Musée ds Louvre for 1650 fe Musée du Louvre, Pais, Département des Ants Graphiques RF 4509 ty 189, A Moroccan. Verso: Honer and Soldiers Pen and brown ink with graphite, 185 x ale left E.D. CCallection Sale I: 109.2 (Sold 2s Eugine Delacroix: ene Tan) Purchased by Kner with Delacroix drawing, no. 301 (below) Sterling and Francine Clark Are Insitute, Williamstown, Massachusets 1419 EB. 190 190. Head ofa Horse Pen and graphite, x0 x # em Inialed lef ED, Collection Sale Delacroix: Tete de cheval) Purchased by Knoedler with Delacroix rawing, no. 501 (below) Steiling and Francine Clak Art Insite, Williamrown, Masachusere sgt 109.5 (Sold as Bugine 19x. Mountain Landcape and Tivo Studies af «1 Horses Head. Veco: Tee Carisatural ‘Studies ofa Man Pen and brawn ink, 19x 125 ¢m Inisled le E.D. Colleton Sale I: 109.4 (Sold as Eugine Delacroix: Chel dans wn size moncagneve) uchased by Knoedler with Delacroix drawing, no. 30t (below) Seeing and Francine Clark Are Insite, Williamstown, Massachusets 1235 Eugine Delacroix French, 708-1863 2. Loni Auguste Scbwiter, 826-30 il on canvas, 217.8 1435 em Signed lef ‘Acquized Irom Montaignac in exchange for 3 pastels worth 12,000 fi, June #895 Collection Sale I: 24 Purchased by Knocler atthe behest of ‘Charles Holmes forthe National Gallery London, For 8,000 Fe Ref: Roba 1885, no, 190; Johnson 1981-89, no, 835 Degat in, 20.38 “The Trustees ofthe National Gallery, London NG 3286 ws “193. Copy afer Rahens “Henri IV Enorts the Regency t Marie de Médiis, "ca. 834-95 ion canvas, 89 x15 em ‘Vente Delacroix salon reverse, on the stretcher Acquired from Durand Rul in exchange for 2 pastels worth 6,000 and 2,000 fe, Sept. 4, 896 Collection Sale I 25, Purchased by Paul Rosenberg for 24,000 Ref: Johnson 1981-89, no 20: Degas iw. 10.36 Los Angeles County Muscum of Art, Los Angeles County Funds 5812 +104. The Death of Charles the Bod a he Barre of Nancy 838-29, Oil on cams, 48.5 69.5 em Vente Delacroix salon reverse, on the stretcher ‘Acquired by Durand-Ruel for Degas a the Mme Veuve (Vicor) Choequet sal, July 14, 189, aslo 46, LeRoi Ja & le baile de Poitiers, for 6,700 fs paid for by Degas fon July, 1899 Collection Sale I: 26 Purchased by Trot for 3,000 fe Ref: Robaut 185, no. 261; Johnson 1981-89, no 142; Degas in, 20.46 Ny Carlsberg Glyprote, Copenhagen IN. 905 petacnors | 27 28 +195. The Entombmen, 849 il on canvas, 5546 em Signed lower edge, near center ‘Acquired from Bernheim Jeune fr 23,600 fi. after the Desfosss sale, April 26 899, ‘where Degas was outbid by Bernheim Jeune, ‘who acquized i lor 28) For 16,800 ft and soldi aRerward to Degas. Colletion Sale 1:27, Purchased by Paul Rotenberg for 52,000 fr Ref: Johnson 1981-89, no. 459, a8 The Lamenstion Private collection (courtesy Galeie Nathan, Zurich) 196 +196. AmédéeBernyd’Ouwille, ca 1830 (Oil on canvas, 61.6 x 50.2 om Signed right, dated 830 @) ‘Acquired by Durand-Rucl for Degas From the Gustave Arosa sie, Dec. 17-18, 1895, lot 16, for 900 F (Collection Sle I: 28 Purchased by Georges Via for 5,000 Fi Ref: Robaut 1885, no. 38; Johnson 1981-89, 10. 76 Fundagio Medeiros ¢ Almeida FMA 225 ‘7 +197. Hone Standing in a Meadors, 819 Oil on canvas, 149 x 21.6 em ‘Vente Delacroix sel on reverse, om the stretcher Acquired through Durand-Ruel from the iar pere sale, April 2 1897, le 125, for nsf CCalletion Sale I: 29 Purchased by Knoedler for 900 Ref: Rebaut 1885, no. 30; Johnson 198t-89, 0. $1 Lent by che Provost and Fellows of King’s College, Cambridge (Keynes Colletion), on loan tothe Fitzwilliam Maseur, Cambridge 98 1198. Greek Officer 1822 ion canvas, 41x 31cm Vente Delacroix salon reverse, on the stretcher ‘Acquired from Aimé Diot sls, March 8-9, 1897 ot 56 for 367 fe 50 centimes Colletion Sale I: 30 Purchased by Paul Rosenberg for 6,000 Fe Ref: Johnson 1981-89, no. 29 (sce also no 28); Robaut 185, no. 8o; Degas inv, no. 50 Gixeborgs Konstmaseum, Gieborg, ‘Sweden WL 17 "199. Count de Mornay Apartment, 832-33, Oil on canvas, 41x 32.5 em Signed ight Acquired through Montaignac for 2,200 ft in 894 Collection Sale I: 31 Purchased by the Muse du Louvre for 22,000 ft Ref: Robau 885, no. 444, Johnson 1981-89, no. 219; Degas inv, no. 62 ‘Musée du Louvre, Paris, Département des Peineures RF 2206 “200. Landlcape with River (Champrosy), 18500) Gillon canvas, 26x oem Verte Delacroix seal on revere, on the steecher Acquired from Hector Brame for 1500 fs February 1901 Collection Sale 1:32 Purchased by Paul Rosenberg for 2,100 fi Ref: Robaut 1885, no. 1176; Johnson 1981-89, no. 482; Degas im, n0. 49 Mrs, Ulla Tall 201. Abel Widmer ca. 804 Oilon cams, 59.7 48.3. em (oval Acquited by Durand-Ruel for Degas a the Gustave Aros sale, Dec. 1718, 1895, 1015, for 590 fe Collection Sale 1:33, Purchased by Knoedler a che behest of ‘Charles Holmes forthe National Gallery, London, fr 4100 ft. Ref: Robaut 885, no. ns; Johnson 1981-89, 0.78 ‘The Trusts of the National Gallery, London NG 3287 “202. Hercules Rescuing Hesion, Study forthe (Old Hite de Ville, 852 il on canvas. 24.5 47:5 em Acquired by Durand -Ruel for Degas atthe ‘Mme Veuve (Vitor) Chocquet sl, July 154, 1899, a8 lor 55, for 500 fs paid for by ‘Degas on July 8, 3899 Collection Sle I: 34 Purchased by Trot for 5,0 fe Ref Robaut 1885, no, 135: Degas in no. 45 Ordrupgaatd, Copenhagen 203. Cicero Cillon panel, 16:19 em (hexagonal) Acquired from Hector Brame, Now 1899 Collection Sale 1:35, Purchased by Belloc for 700 Fi Refs Degas inv, n0. 47 Described by Degas a a skesch forthe deco- ration inthe library of the Senate depicting ‘Cicero a the Tribunal, withthe heads ofthe studience beneath him, 204, Saint Jerome il on panel, 16319 em (hexagonal) Acquired from Hector Brame for 340 fr, Now. 1899 Collection Sale I 36 Purchased by Bellot for 975 fe Refs Degas inv, no. 47 Described by Degas asa skeech for the deco- ration inthe library ofthe Senate depicting Saine Jerome with the lion a his fet 205. Madame Barnet, 822 (Oil on canvas, 46338 em Inivled lei E.D. Acquired from the dela Rochenoire se, Dee. 4-5, 199, a work by Delacroix, lot 21, for 70 fe. Presumably Collection Sale Is 15 (Solas “Modern School, Tet de veil forme) Purchased by Moreau-Nélaton for 1.200 Fi Ref: Johnson 1981-89, suppl to no. 6 (vl, 3); Sérulla 198, no. 2 bis; Pomartde 1992, 84, entry for Nox. 1, 1918; Degas in, o. 48 Private clletion ‘Moreau-Nélaton mentioned this workin his journal account of the Degas sale: “Jachire tune belle ete de ville femme par Delacroix donnée comme anonyme” 206, Danial in the Lin Den Oilon canvas Acquized from M. Jouve for 200 fe, March 1896; formery belonged to Mme Andrieu. Not in sale: kept by René de Gas, sold in his sale loc, a8 "“Papets Delacroix,” Aubry. Tacluded in the Aubry sale of March 1,193, lot 76: purchased by the Vicomte de ‘Neailes Ref: Degas int, no. 60, and se Johnson, 98-85, vol. 4 90.55 27 207. Anab Tracking Lion Pasel, 2.529 em Signed left “Acquired from the “Comte C.” sale, Hétel Drowot, April 30, 1898, lot 74, For 1,000 Fe. Colletion Sale I: 10 (Sold as Anabe affe (hase au hon)) urchased by Vildrac for 8100 fe Ref: Johnson 1981-89, no 180; Degas inv, ro. 61; and see Johnson 19, 1. 11 mnt wot "208, Landucape with Setting Sun Pasel, 22 255 em Collection Sale I: Purchased by Knoeder ac the behest of (Charles Holmes for the National Gallery, London, fr 900 fi. “Trustes of the British Museum, London 97st 209, Cluster of Liles in Bloom Paste, 40 x rem ‘Vente Delacroix stamp right ‘Acquired from the Ph. Burt sale, March 25351891 ot 73, as Ly et Hore, ede a pastel, fo 8 fe (Collection Sle I: 12 Purchased by an unrecorded buyer for foo fe. Ref: Degas in, no. 6, and see Johnson 1995, p79 butacnoix 29 30 240. Seated Morocean in am Incr, 1832 ‘Watercolor and graphite, 19 29-8 em Vente Delacroix stamp right Acquired for 840 fn June 1899 from Leon: Michel Levy, who had outbid Degas fr ita the Comte Armand Dora sale, May 4-5, 199, or 262 Collection Sale E13 (Sold as Maroc) Purchased by the Musée du Louvee for 2.800 fe Ref: Rebau 885, no. 4: Degas inv no. 43 “Musée du Louvre, Pais, Déparement des Arts Grphiques RF 4874 ant, Mars al Keir, Aficen Coat. 132 ‘Watercolor, 17.5 x26. em Inscribed lef: Mars al Kebir ‘Vente Delacroix stamp right Acquired by Ducand-Ruel for Degas a the Mine Veuve (Vietor) Chocque sale, july 1 1899 lor a3 for 500 fs paid for by Degas July, 1899 CCallection Sale I: 14 Purchased by Bello for 1550 fe Ref: Robau 885, no. 1655 Watercolor 1614.5 cm ‘Vente Delacroix stamp righ Callection Sale I 5 Purchased by Mathey for 1.28 fe 213, A Border of Flowers (Hydrangeas and Likes) ‘Watercolor and graphite, 83x29 cm Vente Delacroix samp right ‘Acquited by Durand-Ruel for Degas a the ‘Mime Veuve (Vietor) Chocquet sale July 14,1899, lor 19, a8 Hortense et rs or 300 fs aid for by Degas July 8, 199 Collection Sale I: 16 Purchased by che Musée du Louvre for 2860 fr, Refi Escholie 1926-29, vol. 3, facing p. 148 Musée du Louvre, Pats, Département des Acts Graphiques RE 4508 ang, Study of Sade, 1835 Watercolor and graphite, 26.6 18.6 rm Insribed right: Samedi 9 jul. Vente Delacroix stp left Collection Sale I: 117 Purchased by Knoedler at dhe behest of (Chatles Holmes for the National Gallery, Landon, for 300 fe “Trustes of the British Museum, London 19783.835 245, Arab Horseman, 1838 ‘Watereolor 18x19 «mm Dated sight: 138. Vente Delacroix stamp lef ‘Acquired by Durand-Ruel for Degas at che Mme Veuve (Victor) Chocquer sal, July 1899, loc 142,25 Cavalier arabe dans ne Fantasia, for 650 Fes paid for by Degas July 8, 1899 Collection Sale I: 18, Purchased by Paul Rosenberg for 2,450 fi Another seudy fora Fantasia was recorded by Degas as having been purchased from Heyman for 30 fr, May 1896 (Degas ine, 10.35: and se Johnson 1981-89, no. 35) “216. Four Sous of Saddles, a. 125 Graphite and watercolor, 183 x26 em Vente Delaroix stamp right Collection Sale I: 19 Purchased by the Muse des Aes Décoratifs far 260 fr, Musée des Arts Décoratif, Paris 20951 217. Morocean Ste, 1832 ‘Watercolor, 14x24 em ‘Vente Delacroix samp lft Acquired by Durand-Ruel for Degas a the Mme Veuve (Vietor) Choque sae, ly 14, 1899, lo 116, a8 Les Forts tw palais de _gowoerneur en Algérie for 350 fe paid for by Degas July 8, 1899 Collection Sale I 120 Purchased by Meyner fr 50 fe Ref: Johnson 1995, n0. 24 Private cllestion a a8 Sudy of Medios! Knight ‘Watercolor, 20 x 285 em ‘Vente Delacroix stamp right Collection Sale Is 28 Purchased by Knoedler atthe behest of Charles Holmes for the National Gallery, London, for 420 “Trustees ofthe British Museum, London 758036 Seared Arab Musician Collection Sale I: 422 See Dehodencq, no 188 (above) "20, Four Studie of Moroccan Costume ‘Watercolor 25.5 x 31cm ‘Vente Delacroix stamp eight Collection Sale I 123 Purchased for 1100 fi by Georges Viaus lent by him eo “Eugtne Delacroix,” Musée da Louvre, 930, m0. 317 Ref: Escholicr 1926-29, ol. 2, p. 38 Collection Count and Countess Christoph Douglas ‘221. Sonit of Gibralter: Affcan Coast, 1. Watercolor, 1623.5 em Inscribed lef: Cte d’Aftique, détroit de GGibeaear 3 js Vente Delacroix stamp right Acquired from M. A. Marmontel sale, March 28-29, 1898, loc 13, for 420 ft CCallection Sale I: 124 Purchased by the Musée du Louvre for 34300 fr Ref: Roba 1885, no. 425; Degas inv n0. 37 Musée du Louve, Pars, Département des ‘Aes Graphiques RE 4st0 ‘r2n. Cloud Study, ca. 1824-26 Watercolor 1515 6m Signed righe Callction Sale I 127 Purchased by Sehémeyer Fo 3,700 F Ref: Roba 885, no. 187; Bordeaux 1963, 0.94 Private clletion ‘Watercolor, 272x398 cm Vente Delacroix stmp tight Collection Sale 1125 (Solas Bude de ciel) Purchased by dhe Musée du Louvre for 1.900 fc. Ref: See Robaut 185, nos. 1817-22 ‘Musée du Louvre, Paris, Département des Ars Graphiques RE 4st 235. Gentleman in a Seententh-Cntary Cotwme ‘Watercolor and graphite, 24.2% 17.46 ‘Vente Delacroix samp lee CCalletion Sale I: 128 (Sold as Ue Gentbbomne) Purchase by Knoedler a the behest of (Carls Holmes for the National Gallery, London, for 2450 fe. “Trustees ofthe Brcsh Museum, London 75337 233, Selbite Wounded Waterco, 9.5 26.5 em Vente Delacroix samp right Colleton Sale I: 136 Puchased by Bollg for 2,420 fr Refs Rabaut 18%, no. 279, 226, Fast and Mephisopbele ca 895-27, ‘Watercolor, 24 x85 em ‘Vente Delacroix seamp let Colletion Sale I: 129 Purchased by Caron for 150. Inchided in the G. Aubry sale, March x, 1933, 38 Far dans la chambre de Marguerite, 224. Bucking Hone, 1826 DELACROIX | 31 32 lo 62, x coll. Degas tothe Vicomte de Noles Ref: Escholie 1926-29, vol 1, facing p. 206 Ee 227, Mounsainows Ste ‘Watercolor, 17 29.5 em ‘Vente Delacroix samp lee Collection Sale I: 130 Purchased by Betnhcim Jeune for 2,100 f Include in the Bernheim Jeune exhibition Gros, Geriealt, Delaroin,” January 954, 10.109 Ref: Fscholie 1926-29, vol. , p. 301 “228, Hone ina Landucspe Watecolo, 3x20 6m Collection Sale I 151 Purchased by Knodler atthe behest of (Charles Holmes far the National Gallery, London, foe 2,000 fe “Trustees of the British Museum, London lo7s.038 229, Seaseape, Sing San Watercolor, 25 39 em Vente Delacroix stamp right Colleton Sale I: 132 Purchased by Paul Rosenberg for oo fe 230, Dante among Pander an dace Cf, can 18) 21822 Blk chal and ink, 278 333 em ence Delacroix sap right Rossby acquired from of sometin afer the Baron R Portals sale, March 4 187, prob- ably lox 70 Calletion Sale I 153 Sold as Crgus pour te Dantes fgdcon)) Purchased by Eenese May for 560 Graphische Sammlung Albertina, Vienna 2405 Purchased by Knoedler a che behest of (Charles Holmes fo the National Galley, Londo, with nos. 231 and 33, Refs Robaut 185, n0. 538 “Trustes of the British Museum, London 975340 233, Saudy fr he Decorative Frieze of the Palais Bourbon Graphite and watercolor, 8 x 55 cm Vente Delacroix stamp cone Collection Sale I 236 Purchased by Knoadler atthe behest of (Charles Holmes far the National Gallery, London, with nos, 23 and 232 Ref: Robaut 1885, no. §36 “Trstes ofthe British Museum, London 97540 "231, Sudy fr the Decoatoe Frieze ofthe Palais-Bourbon Graphite and watercolor, 18x 55cm Vente Delacroix stamp center Collection Sale I 134 Purchased by Knoedler atthe behest of (Charles Holmes for the National Gallery, London, with nos. 232 and 233, for 4,000 Fe Refi Robaur 185, n0. 557, Trustees of the British Museum, London w7st59 “232, Study forthe Dente Free ofthe Paloie-Bourbon Graphite and watercolor, x55 em ‘Vente Delactoix stamp center Collection Sale 1:35 aa 234, Lion and Lines Graphite 1837.4 mm ‘Vente Delacroix stamp righ Collection Sale I 137, Purchased by Knoedler a the behest of ‘Charles Holmes forthe National Gallery, London, for 720 ft. Trastes ofthe British Museum, London 1975342 235. Chore Accusing Vers Graphite, 18x 27 cm, hexagonal Vente Delaroix stamp neat center Probably the work acquired by Durand-Ruel for Degas atthe Mene Veuve (Victor) CChocque sale, July 4, 899, lo 82, Bude de pendentif pour un plafond de a Chambre es Dipuss for 160 f Collection Sale I 138 (Sold as Cictron) Purchased for 700 i by Georges Via his sale, Dee, 194210017 Ref: Robaur 85, no. 874 "236, Sheer of Stas of Medioal Armor and Costumes, 1825 Graphite, ink, brown and gray wash, 2.5 Ineribed near center: Vendredi 8 juillet. ‘Vente Delacroix stamp right Collection Sale I 159 (Sold as Frude darmares (829) Purchased (with no 239) for quo fi. by Carle reps len by him 0 “Eugene Deacto,” Musée ds Louvre, 1930 Refs Probably Robaut #885, no 19440 Musée du Louvre, Pais, Département des Arts Graphiques RF 30050 7 237. Hale ana the Specter Geaphice, 26x19. cm Vente Delacroix stamp sight Collection Sale I 140 Purchased by Caron (or Carle Dreyfus) for 60K Ref: Robaut 185, no. 570 Detroit Insivate of Acts, Founders Sociry Purchase, Charles L. Freer Fund, Detroit, Michigan 47.52 258 Study for “Ovid Among the Sethian” Graphite, 20 245 em hexagonal) Vente Delacroix stamp near center Probably he work aeuited by Durand:-Roe for Degas ar the Mme Vewe (Victor) Choeguee se, Jly 14, 189910179, “Frade de pendentf pour un pafond de a ‘Chambre des Depts,” for 500 fe Galleon Sale 142 Purchase by Cale Dreyfus for sof Included inthe Viaw Colleton sl, Dee. 119421016, 50 fe 239, Stay of Armar fom the Time of Francois I 1825 Pen and ink, with wash and waercolon, 27 sem Inscribed, cop: Samedi 9 juillet. Vente Delacroix seam righe Collection Sale 1142 (Sold as Frade armure) Purchased by Carle Dreyfus with no. 236 Ref: Probably Robau 1885, no, 194 oF 19155 Degas inv no. 51) ‘Musée du Louvre, Pats, Département des Ars Graphiques RE j0029 —_ o "ayo. Bel, Sindy fr the Frieze in the Selon chu Roi ofthe Pala Bourbon, ca 1853-34 Graphite 42% 42.6m Vente Delaroix stamp sight Collection Sale I 143 (Sold 2s Frade pour sume pari de la fise del deoration da Palas Bourbon) Purchased by Knoodler (for Maynard Keynes) for 420 fr. ‘The Charleston Teuse 241. Tow Sodir of Women Consumes Graphite, 22 x9 em ‘Vente Delacroix stamp right Collection Sale I 44 Purchased by Meynet (or Menet) for 460 Fi ‘ag. Bust oft Bearded Man, Nude Graphite 15x10 em ‘Vente Delacroix stamp cght Collection Sle 1145 Purchased by Schémeyer fo 150 Probably che work Degas described as deawving fer the model Dubose petacnorx | 33 34 Refs See Degas in, no. 38 Private collection, New York 243, Study of Hors Pen and ink, 15 20.5 em ‘Vente Delacroix stamp near the right Callestion Sale 1146 Purchased by Paul Rosenberg foe 600 fr (vith no. 249) Private collection 244 Sy of Hore Ben and ink, 1653225 cm Vente Delacroix stamp eight Galeton Sale 1147 Purchased by Pal Rosenberg wih 0.243 245. Stuy of Mena and Moroccan Cones Graphite, 14 15 cm Vente Delacroix samp right Collection Sale I 148 (Sold as Etudes de cos- sume mayen-ige et Afrique) Purchased by Ed. Pte far 200 fi: (with no. 2a) 246. The Prisoner of Chillon Brown ink, 20.5 «16.5 em Acquired by Durand: Ruel for Degas atthe Mme Veuve (Vietor) Choeque sale, July 4 899, lo 135 "Le Prisonnien,” for 125 fs pid for by Degas July 8, 1899 Collection Sale I: 149 Purchased by Meynet (or Menet?) for 1.0 fe Ref: Robaut 185, n0. 263 247. Four Drawings: Sword: Study of Legs Daggers A Dusarf Pen and ink and graphite, four drawings: 1251 em 105 XB as 10.5 em 15x Vente Delacroix stamp on each drawing Collection Sale I: 150 Purchased by Ed. Peti with no. 245 “248, Hamer Reproaching His Mother Graphite, 23.5175 em ‘Vente Delacroix stamp right Collection Sale I: 1st Parchased by Fleury for 360 i Ref: Roba 885, no. 573 Paivate collection 9 *249, Stay of Hones Graphite, 1466x248 em ‘Vente Delacroix seam right Collection Sale I 152 Parchased by Pal Rosenberg for 630 i (with 20.250) Drivae collection, Philadelphia 230. Sudy of Horses Graphite, 8 24 em ‘Vente Delacroix stamp near center Colletion Sle I: 155, Purchased by Pal Rosenberg with no. 249 2st Study of Hones Graphite, 8x 24cm Vente Delacroix stamp tight Collection Sale I: 154 Purchased by Schomeyer foe 300 ft: (with 1.185 above) 252, Medel Consumes (Held, id and Gelan) en and ink, 20 36 cm ‘Vente Delacroix stamp right Collection Sale I 95 Sold a Costumes smayege hen, eva es borg) Purchased by Carn for 25 (vith 0.23) 258 Teo Studies of Ars and Armor Graphite and watercolor, 27x 8 em each Vente Delaccoix stamp sight Collection Sale I 156 uchased by Caron with no, 252 Ref. Degas im, no. st) 254. Sanding Male Nude Graphite, 28 x16. em Vente Delacroix stamp sight Colleton Sale I: 157 Purchased by Baron Vita () for 520 ft. (vith no. 4, above) Anatomical Seudy CCalletion Sle I: 158 See Jean-Baptiste Carpeaun, no. 44, above ‘Male Nude, Suds for “Le Sermon da Jeu de Pune” Collection Sale I 159 See aeques-Louis David, no. 1 above) 255, Fe ofa Fort Watercolor, i515 em Inscribed left: Valmont, 840 Vente Delacroix seam right Collection Sale I: 160.1 (Sold as one of ro landscapes in a frame) Purchased by Owen for 680 (with 10.358) 256, Banks of River Wash, 27 x18 cm Vente Delaroix samp left Collection Sale I 160.2 (Sold as one of wo landscapes in a fame) Purchased by Oven with no 55 257, Romantic Scene Wash, 27 x rem Vente Delacroix stp lft Collection Sle I: 6 Purchased by Rusen for 720 fe 28 258, Std for “Ovid Amon he Shia,” cus Graphite o lack hall 45x syem Vente Delacros samp lf Acquited by Durand-Ruel for Degas tthe Mane Veuve (Vicor) Chocguct se July 141899, a 175, Ode ces le Sete for aao fs pai for by Degas uly 81899 Collection Sale I: 16 (Sod as Camperent arco) Purchased by Beene Jeane for 4000 f Ref: Robaut 885, no. 1574.12 se abo Johnson 181-85, os. 534,345 (159 9.1) “1x9, Heads of Arabs and Black Graphite, 225 «28.5 €m Inscribed let: Nage de Médéah ‘Vente Delacroix samp sight Callction Sale I: 165 Purchased by an unrecorded buyer for 420 fi (with no. 261) ‘Areuro Cudllar and Johannes Nathan 2. Sry fr Saint Ame (The Education of the Virgin), 1842 Black chalk, 3128 em Vente Delacroix samp left Acquted by Durand Rul for Degas tthe ‘Mame Veuve Views) Choeque ale, July 154, 1899 lo 169, as Erude pour une decona- t,t 70 fs pai or by Degas July 8, 1899 (Collection Sale 164 Purchased by Knocdler at the behest of Chale Holmes forthe National Gallery, Landon, fr 700 fe “Trustees ofthe British Museum, London 975343 261. Siu of Sli, afer Marin Schongauer Pen and ink, 18.5 x23. em Inscribed upper right: dessin du cabinet de ‘Minich. Marin Schoen, Liber chronicerum, 1493. Vente Delacroix stamp near the center Colletion Sale I: 165 Purchased by an unrecorded buyer with 0.259 261. Studies of Costumes (Afer Old Manuscrips) Pen and ink heightened with watercolor, 26 xs Stamped right ED. Clletion Sale H: 86 Purchased by René de Gas for 4oo f Included in the M.X.. (René de Gas heit) sale, Now. 24,1964, or 263, Slr The Departare em and ink at 17.5 Stamped righ ED. Collection Sale I 873 Purchased for 360 ith no. 264) by Maurice Meyer his ale, Feb 24-35 1938, oes 64, Fishermen fom Diggpe ‘Waterco 9 21cm Stamped right: -D. Dated: 7 janvier Calleion Sale 87.2 Purchased by Maurice Méayer hiss, Feb 24-25 1938, lor, with no. 265, 65, Srudy ofthe Decoration of Room ithe Palace of Fontainebleau Watercolor, 46.5% 28.5 em Stamped right F.D. Inscribed: 28 Mars, Fontanchleau Collection Sale H: 88 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for 150 fe 266, Sy ofa Morccan Hows, 132 Watercolor, 1516.5 Stamped lee ED. Collection Sale I 89.3 Purchased for 10 ft (vith no. 267) by ‘George Vin en by him to "Eugéne Delacroix,” Musée da Lure, 193, 90.37 Posy Via sale, Dee, 1942 fot 22.438 Abitecure dens jardin (1.6) 267. Detail of Mervean Arbiter Watercolor 9.5235 em Stamped ef ED. Collection Sale : 89.2 Purchased with no. 266 by Georges Viau: lent by him to *Eugtne Delacroix,” Musée dda Louvre, 1930, no. 398. Possibly Viau sale, Dec. 194210 22.2, a5 Itercur dane ‘maison Marocine (9X15 em) 268, Clif in Normandy Brown ink, 7.5 x11 cm ‘Stamped lef: ED. CCalletion Sale H: 90.1 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune For 450 fe. (with no, 269) DELACROIX 35 36 2169, Rocks atthe Seashore ‘Watercolor 125x155 em Stamped left ED. Collection Sale I: 90.2 Purchased by Beenhim Jeune with no. 268, 1270, Study of Standing Male Nude Seen fom the Back Graphite, 345% 285 em Stamped right: ED, Callecton Sale I: 9 Purchased fr 6 f by Henri Fev; his le, June 22,1925, lott 71 Standing Male Nude, Right Arm Raited Graphite, 30.1185 om Stamped lef E.D. Collection Sale I: 92.1 Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 200 fr. (with 0.272) 272, Conching Male Nude Graphite, 185 24.5 em ‘Stamped let ED. Collection Sale : 92.2 Purchased by Durand-Ruel with no, 272 273. Morocan Howe, 1832 Graphite and watercolor, 10x15 cm Stamped lee EDD. Collection Sale i: 93. Purchased by Jean Guilfiey for 1 (with 10.274) ‘Charles Ryskamp, New York 274. Morecan Bed Watercolor, 9.515 em Seamped efe ED. CCallection Sale Hi: 93:2 Purchased by Jean Guifvey with no. 275 Private collection 375, Female Nude Pen and brow ink, 169 10.6 em Stamped right E.D, Collection Sale I: 94.2 Purchased by Betnheim Jeune for so0 i (vith nos. 276,277) Ref: See Johnson 1981-89, no, Dt, Study of Mulaees Sterling and Francine Clk Are Insitute, Williamstown, Massachusetts 1420 276, Lance Knight Pen and ink, 19x 65 em Stamped right: ED. Calletion Sale I: 94.2 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune with nos. 275, 27 277 fsters Watercolor 17.523 em Stamped lei E.D. Collection Sale I: 94.5, Purchased by Bernheim Jeune with nos. 275, 276 278 Study fr “Chansons de Beranger” Pen and brown ink, 9 7.5m Stamped lef ED. Collection Sale Ti: 951 Purchased by Berni Jeune for A. Meyer (2) for 430 (with no. 279) Ref: posibly Robaut 185, no. 318 279, Seip Bowe ink 9x1 6m Stamp righ ED. Collection Sale Hi: 95.2 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune (for A Meyer [9 with no. 278 Refs Degas inv, no. 42 "280, Male Nude from the Back, Stuy for “The Bargue of Dance,"ea. 10-22 Pan and brown ink 15x 21 rm ‘Stamped leis ED. ‘Acquized from the PJ. Méne sale, Feb. 20-21, 1899; presumably part of lor 52, Six Studies for "The Barque of Dante,” purchased bby Degas for 300 Ft Callection Sale It: 96.1 (Sold 2s Darn accochant la argue du Dani) Purchased by Carré for 570 ft. (vith no, 281) Refs Sérullar 1984, vol 1p. 33 ‘Musée du Louvre, Pars, Département des ‘Arts Graphiques RF 31218 281, Dante, Study for "The Bargue of Dante,” x Ba0-22 Black chalk: heightened with white, 40.5% a7sem Stamped ight ED. ‘Acquired fom the BJ. Méne sale, Feb 20-21, 1899; presumably pat of lo 52, Si ‘Shui fr "The Baru of Dene,” parchased by Degas for 300 fe Callection Sale I 96.2 Purchased by Cart with 0,280 282, Shuts for “The Barge of Danse,” a thom Fou sketches in black chal 28.5 x 3.5 em Seamped near the right E.D. Possibly one ofthe sc studies for The Bargueof Dante acquired fom the PJ. Méne sal, Feb, 20-21, 1899, a lo 2, for oo Collection Sale I: 9 Purchased by Daragnts for 230 fr. (wich 10. 285) Ref. Escholier 926-29, vol. 1p. 67 8 283, Studies of Damned Man, for “The Banque of Dante"ca. 820-22 Pen and broven ink ove black chalk and graphite, 27 x 33.5 em Stamped lef E.D. Possibly one ofthe six sruies for The ‘argue of Dante acquted fom the P.) Mene sale, Feb, 20-2, 1899, alors, for oof. Collection Sale H: 97.2 (Sold as Ende pour sun damnd) Purchased by Daragnés with no, 282 Ref: Fscholie 1926-29, vol. 1p 66 “The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Rogers Fund, 1961 61.25 284. A Hons, tsce-quarcer view Pen and ink with wash, 7x 7.5 em. Collection Sale M98. Purchased by Gabel Fevre for 420 fi (with 10,285) 285. A Hone, profile view en and ink with wash, 2.5 2.5 em Stamped left ED. Collection Sale Hi: 98.2 Purchased by Gabriel Fevee with no. 284 286, Study for "The Chios Mare” en and ink with wash 25x31 em Samped le E.D. ‘Acquired from or shory after the Coutan- Hlauguet Sale, Dee 16-17, 1889, lc 150 Collection Sle H: 99 Purchase by René de Gas for 340 fe Sold in che M. X.. (René de Gas hei) sale, Nov: 24,1964 as loc Ref: See Johnson 185, no. 105 287. Study for "The Chios Masare” Graphite and rouches of essence, 22.5 scm Collection Coutan-Hauguet stamp at lef Acquited from or shory afer the Coutan- augue sale, Dec. 16-17, 2889, lot st Colleetion Sale TI: 100 Purchased by Neuberger for 1230 Ref: See Johnson 185, no. 105 288. Ara, Seen from she Back Graphite and watercolor, 16x11 em ‘Stamped ef E.D. Collection Sale H: rox. Purchased by Gabriel Feve for 245 (with sno, 280) 289, Door at Méquines Graphite and watercolor 10.145 em Stamped left: E.D. Collection Sale I: 1012 Purchased by Gabriel Fevre with no. 28 2g Ne hfe Dp Graphiee, 20533 em ‘Stamped right ED. Collection Sale I: 102 Purchased by Fiquet for 310 “This lot posblyincldes the drawing described by Degas as potzaic of George Sand in a dressing gown, acquired from Monvaignac for 500 ft (Degas iv. no. 59), see also nos. 428-44, below 291. Painters Seo Brown ink, 15x 20 cm Stamped left ED. Calletion Sale H: 103, Purchased by Bernheim Jeune fo 500 ft 292. Landiespe Study: Eroded Barth and Brus Watercolor 17x85 em Stamped tight: E.D. Collection Sale I: 104. Purchased by Gabriel Fevee fr 00 fe Possibly inthe Marcel Guéin sale, Dec. 9, 1932 lot 100, Une Baie au Maroc, environs de Tanger a watercolor witha "scene arabe" on the verso petacnors | 37 38 293, Study of Hors, 183 ‘Watercolor and wash, 20% 27.5 Stamped right E.D. Dated lef 29 aot 1832 (Previously in the Barbedienne collection.) Collection Sale I: 105 Purchased by Knoedler for 460 ft Ref: See Johason 1981-89, no. 254 Sealing and Francine Clark Are Institute, Williamstown, Masachusens 1416 294, Female Nude Branching a Staff. Study for “Liberty July 28,1830 Graphite, 32.4 22.8 em Stamped right: ED, ‘Acquized at an uaknown dae; was formerty among ether the staies for Liberty boughe by Arosa or those Bought by Mouflard atthe ‘Delacroix sale in 286, Collection Sale H: 106.1 Purchase by Koechln (for Amis du Louvre) for 2,100 ft (with nos. 295, 296) Ref: Johnson 1981-89, no. 14435 ‘Musée du Louvre, Pars, Departement des Ants Graphiques RE 4522 95 *295, Draped Female Nude Brandishing a Staff Sey for "Liber, July 28, 1830" Graphite heightened wich white, 29.9 rosem Stamped right: ED. Acquired at an unknown date; was formerly among ether che seadies for Liberty bought by Arosa or those bought by Mouflaed ae rhe ‘Delacroix sale in 186, Collection Sale I: 106.2 Purchased by Koechlin (for Amis du Louvre) with nos. 294,206 Ref: Johnson 981-89, no 14:6 ‘Musée du Louvre, Pars, Dépareemene des Ars Graphiques RF 4533 296 296. Draped Female Nude, Seu fr “Liberty, Tily 28, 30" Graphite and black chalk, 29x20 em Stamped right ED. Acquired aran unknown date was formerly among ether che studies for Liberty boughe by Arosa or those bought by Mouflard atthe Delacrois sale in 186, Collection Sale H: 106.3 Purchased by Koechlin for Amis ds Louvre) with nos. 294,295 Refs: Johnson 1981-89, no. 144:7, ‘Musée du Louvre, Pars, Département des Aus Graphiques RF 4524 297. Liberty, aly 28,1850 Pen and ink, 38x 20.5 em Stamped right: ED, Colletion Sale Ht: 107.1 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for 400 fe (widh 0.298) 298. A Wounded Man Graphite, 20.5 x 26.5 em Stamped right E-D. Inscribed lft: Brine, ‘ue du Bouquet des champs, . 2,3 Challe, pts a barriére Colletion Sale I: 107.2 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune with no. 297 299. Head ofa Man, Seen Full Face Graphite, 75x10 cm ‘Seamped lef E.D. Collection Sale 108.1 Purchased by Henri Fev for a20 fi (wich ‘no, 300); his sale, June 22, 1935, oe 2.1 4300. Porat of Delacroix, Three-Quarters View c2. 1830 Graphite, 12% 10 em Stamped right: ED. Colletion Sle : 108.2 (Sold as Tee tome vue de os quart) Purchased by Hensi Fevte with no. 299: included in "Eugene Delieois.” Musée du Louve, 1930, no, 53, lent by Dubaut Refi: Escholie 1926-29, vol. 2, p. 222 “jor. Tivo Sues of Lies, ca 1850-60 Pen and brown ink, 13x19 em Stamped le E.D. Possibly acquiced fiom Pierre Andrieu sale, May 6-7, 1892 Collection Sale H: 109.1 Purchased by Knoeler for 910 fz. (for lor of four) Sterling and Francine Clark Are Insite, Williamstown, Masachusers 1417 “The the ather drawings sold in this lo are now ateributed to Edmond Dehodeneg se nos. 189-191 above 302, Tivo Sri oft Nude Toro Graphite, 10.6168 em Seamped right E.D. Private collection Probably Collection Sale Bude de a, 175 1 €0) Purchased by Fiquet fir 550 (with no. 303) 104 (Sold as 303. Tono ofa Woman Graphite, 6.54.5 cm Stamped right ED. Collection Sale Ii: 110.2 Purchased by Fiquet with no. 302, 404 Sy for “Liberty 28, 1830 en and ink, 1.34 cm Stamped right .D. CClfecron Sale H: sn Purchased by Berni Jeune for 450 (with no 305) 305, Sketch fr “Liberty” Pen and ink, 22x 35 om Colletion Sale He 111.2 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune with no. 304 Ref: Eschoier 3926-29, vol. 1p. 271 Private collection 306. Arab on Honeback Pen and inky 32x 215 em Stamped lef E.D. Previously inthe Barbedienne callection ‘Collection Sale 112. Purchased by F Serres For 1.900 Ft: (with 10.307) 307. A Rearing Hone Pen and ink, 30.5x19.5 em Stamped right: E.D. Previously inthe Barbedienne collection Collection Sale He 112.2 Purchased by F Serres with no. 06 308. A Porter—Woman and Child Pen and ink, 21x28 em ‘Stamped right: ED. Collection Sale H: 13.2 Purchased by Henri Fete for 925 fi (with os. 309-310) 309. Young Seated Arab Pen and ink, 28x23 em Stamps nese center ED. Collection Sale He 13.2 Purchased by Henri Fete as pare ofa lot of 4: see no. 308 0. Figure Study (Wretes) Pen and ink, 26x26 em Stamped neat center: ED. Colletion Sale Ht 1133 Purchased by Hens Feve as pare of le of 4: see no. 308 431. Study forthe Dea of Alexander Pen and in, 19.5 30m Stamped lee ED. Collection Sale 113.4 Purchased by Henti Feve as part of lor of 43 ee no. 308 sua, Figure Studies en and ink, wash, and graphite, 20 x stem Stamped right: ED, Collection Sale Tk: 114.1 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for 30 ft. (vith nos. 35 14) 513. Sai of Female Nude Graphite), 19 27.5 em. Saamped right: ED. (Collection Sale H: 14.2 Purchased by Beenhcim Jeune as part of fot ‘of see no, 312 314. Marguerite at Church —Male Heads Graphite and wash 18.5 27 cm. Stamped let ED. Collection Sale I: 114.3 Purchase by Bernheitn Jeune a part ofa lot, of §;sce no. 312 Included in the Bernheim Jeune exhibition “Gros, Géicale, Delacroix.” 1954, 90.79 315, Sdy of Lio en and ink wah, Stamped ight .D. Collection Sale Ti: 11. Purchased by Gabriel Fee for 1205 f (with nos. 316-38) and graphite, 33 23 em $16, Sud of Armor and a Sard 825 Pen and ink, wash, and graphite, 26.5 x 285m Stamp eight ED. CClleton Sale Hs 15.2 Purchased by Gail Fee spar of lot of se no. 35 539, Toe Suite of Armor ‘Pen and ink, wash, and graphite, 19.5 asm Stamped ight: ED, Colletion Sale I: 1153 Purchased by Gabriel Fevre as pare of alot of gs no 315 DELACROIX | 39 288, Armor and Helmet Pen and ink, wash and graphite, 19 x 24cm Saraped righe ED. Collection Sale Hh 35.4 Purchased by Gabriel Fee as pat of loc of ¢ see no. 35 OL x9 5319. Study oft Woman Left Arm Graphite, 17.5285 em Samped lef: ED. Collection Sale I 116.2 Purchased by Koechlin (for Amis du Louvre) for 360 fr. (with nos. 520-22) Musée du Louvze, Pars, Départemenc des ‘Arcs Graphiques RF 4531 0 320, Four Studie of Feet a 1823-09 Graphite, 25719 om Stamped le, at mid-height: E.D, Collection Sale I: 16.2 Purchased by Koechlin (for Amis du Louvre) as part ofa lor of 4 se no. 39 Musée du Louve, Pars, Département des Ants Graphiques RF 4529 40 | petacnarx su 52. Study ofa Knecng Man, afer Antiquity Graphite, 25.619.5 6m Stamped left E.D. Collection Sale I: 16.3 Purchased by Koechlin (for Amie du Louvre) 8 par of alot of 4 se no. 319, Refs probably par of Robaveigtt Musée du Louvre, Pars, Département der Arts Graphiques RF 4532 a "san, Study ofa Right Arm and Tio Ft 26 Graphite heightened with pastel, 18.6.x ase ‘Stamped near the right: E.D. Colletion Sale I 116.4 Purchased by Koechlin (for Amis du Louvre) as part ofa lor of 4; ce no 519, Ref: Escholier 926-29, vo. I . 249 Musée du Louvre, Pars, Département det Aut Graphiques RE 4530 323. Study of Medial Cotumes Watercolor, 37.5% 27.5 em Stamped center: ED. Collection Sale He 117. Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for 500 fe (with no. 324) 324 A Medioal Feioal ‘Watercolor, 23 «23 em Stamped lef E.D. Collection Sale Hs 217.2 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune with no. 525 32s, Say of Nude Pen and ink, graphite, and watercolor, 31 ‘Stamped center: ED. Collection Sale 1181 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for 700 fi (with no 326) 526. Study of Dian Cortames Pen and ink, graphite, and watercolor, 23x gosem ‘Stamped lef B.D. Colletion Sale H:sx8.2 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune with no. 525 527. Reclining Female Nude ‘Watercolos, 9.5 14 em Stamped right: ED. Collesion Sale Il 119.1 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for sf. (ith no 328) Ref: Degas inv, n0. 39 @) Possibly the wosk described by Degas asa watercolor ofa dark-skinned female nude reclining on her bed, 14319 cm 528 Decovaive Design: Vou and Cupids ‘Watercolor, 20x31 em Stamped center: ED. Colletion Sale U: 119.2 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune with no. 527 329. Studie fora Portrait and the Head o Gas, 1829 Graphite, 19.533 cm Stamped lefe E.D. Dated sgh Colletion Sale H: 120.2 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for 700 fe (wich nos 530-333) 330. Tew Profiles 1860 Graphite, 119 ‘Stamped lef E.D. Dated: 28 mars 1860 Collection Sale I 120.2 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune as part of aloe of see no. 529 sp Sd fs Nad Woman Caring an ‘Anptoe 6 Grape 285m Samped ight ED. Dated lf 9 aot 4 Collection Sale Hi: 120.3 Purchase by Berbeim Jeane as pre fa ot of sce no. 39, 332, Sontish Landicape-—Tvo Knights (llustrations for Walter Scot) Graphite 145 x21 em Seamped let ED. Collection Sale I: 120.4 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune as pat of lot of see no. 329 333 Tivo Knights —Scontish Landveape (lusecions for Walter Score) Graphite, 145% 21 om Stamped right: E.D, Collection Sale I: 120.5 Purchased by Bernhsim Jeune as par of lot of sce no. 529 334. Female Nudes afer Rubens Graphite, 28.5x39.5 ‘Stamped right: ED Collection Sale He 128.1 Purchased by Rouar for 420 fi (with no 338) 535. Tio Sis ofa Nude Graphite, 1828 6m Stamped right: E.D. Collection Sale I: 1212 Purchased by Rouart with no. 334 336. Solos Costumes Graphite, 20.5 x28 em Seamed nea che left E.D. Callction Sale H:r22.1 Purchased by Gabriel Fevse for ao fe: (with 0.357) Possibly the work exhibited in “Eugene Delacois.” Musée du Louvre, 1930, a5 no. 605, from the collection of M. Claude Roger-Marx sa Russian Coachmen Graphite, 2229.5 em Stamped right ED. Collection Sale H: 122.2 Purchased by Gabriel Fevee with no, 336 vt 38. Arab Seated at a Table, Writing Graphice, 30.5 x20 em ‘Stamped right: ED. Collection Sale Hs 123, Purchased by Roware for 350 fe Ref: Probably Escholier 1926-29, vol. 2 pas 539. Skene afer Gaya “Caprichoe” Graphite, 19x13 em Stamped right: ED. Collection Sale H: 124.1 Purchased by Caré for 120 fi: (with no. 340) "340. Sms of Head (afer Goya), ca. 818-27 Pen and brown ink, 12x 20 cm. Stamped right: ED, Previously owned by Philippe Busty Collection Sale I: 124.2 (Sold a5 Tees homme et bute de forme) Purchased by Carré with no. 339 Ref: Robaut 1885, no. 1962 ‘Musée du Louvre, Pars, Département des ‘Arcs Graphiques RF 31217 44, The Algerian Harbor Maser (Morocean Voyage). 831 Pen and ink, 3.512 em Collection Sale Hs 125. Purchased by Gabriel Fevte far 320 fi (with sno 342) sya. Male Head, Four Sketches Graphite, 2617.5 em ‘Stamped le E.D. CColletion Sale H: 125.2 Purchased by Gabel Fevre with no. 342 343 Studie ofthe Nude Graphite, cwo sheets: 2 2 cm; 26:25 ct 2) Seamped top right: ELD, 2) Stamped top lef ED. Collection Sale I: 126 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for 200 fr 5. Studies ofthe Nude Graphite, 19 27 em ‘Stamped lef E.D. Collection Sale H: 127.1 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for 20 fe (vith no. 345) 345. Skrhes afer Acone Bronzer Graphite, 9 28 em ‘Stamped nex the right: ED. Collection Sale H: 127.2 Purchased by Bernhcim Jeune with no. 344 346. Antique Coins inthe Colleton of M. de Blacas) Geaphite and wash, wo sheets in one fra, 30.5 x19 em, 24 x355 em 1) Stamped right E.D. 2) Saamped center: ED. Collection Sale H: 128 Purchased by Gabriel Fevre for 125 *347- Study of Mechlae The Front and Back of ‘2 Morccan Burnoase, 132 Graphite, watercolor, and wash, 24375 cm Stamped near center: ED. Collection Sle He 129.4 (Sold as Burnous ‘marcainy,éude) Durchased by the Musée des Aree Décorcifs for 350 Musée des Arts Décoraif, Paris 2153 A (ith no, 348) betacnors | 41 2 548 Study of Mechle: Figure Wearing a ‘Burnoese; Black and Yellow Burnoas, 1832 Graphite, watercolor, and wash, 22.5 x 33 em. Seamped fight: ED. Collection Sale: 129.2 (Sold as Burmous ‘marocans, ude) Purchased by the Musée des Arts Décorstifs with no. 347 Musée des Arts Décoratif, Pats ans3 B 349. Hacks “Three watercolor in rae: 10cm, 85 2145, 185x 10m 1) Stumped right: E.D. 2) and 3) Stamped ef ED, Callesion Sale He 130 Purchased by Durand-Rue! for as 350. Interior of a Moovsh Courtyard, 832 ‘Watercolor and graphite, 10 53.2.6 Samped right ED. Collection Sale He 131.1 Purchased by Amis du Louve for 760 fr (ith 205 551-39) Ref: See Robaut 1885, no, 1632 “Musée du Louvre, Paris, Département des ‘Ars Graphiques RE 4535, 3st Algerian Interior ‘Watercolor and graphite, 10.8 x6 cm ‘Stamped lef ED. Collection Sale Hs 132.2 Purchased by Amis du Louvre as pare ofa lot of 4s no. 350 Ref: See Robaut 1885, no. 1632 Musée du Louve, Pais, Département des Ams Graphiques RF 4537 352, Bay Windows in am Arab Intron 132 ‘Watercolor and graphite, 2.2 26.8 em Stamped right E.D, Collection Sale M133 (Sold as Frade de Finrew} Purchased by Amis du Louvee apart of lot of see 90.350 Ref See Robaut 1885, 0. 1632 ‘Musée du Louvre, Pars, Départemenc des Ares Graphiques RF 4526 359. Morccen Interior: Green Door ‘Watercolor and graphite, 24.422. Stamped right: ED. Collection Sale M31. (Sold as Ende de rte) ‘Racha by Amis Lou a pr ofa of 400 n0. 350 Ref See Roba 1885, no, 1632 ‘Musée du Louvre, Pars, Département des Acts Geaphiques RE 4528 354. Arab Interior, Said to Be Deleros oom at Mn, 32 ‘Watercolor 135x205 cm Stamped right: ED. Collection Sale I: 12 (Sold as Frude dinttriew arabe) Purchased by Amis du Louvte for 400 ft. Ref: See Robaut 1885, 0. 1532 Musée du Louvre, Pats, Département des ‘Ares Graphiques RE 4521 395. Antique Coins Graphite, pen and ink, 16 29 em Callction Sale He 1334 Purchased by Serobe Sevan for 200 fe. (ith 20. 356) Possibly the work sold in the Sevan sale, June 1-3, 1927, lor, subsequendy sold ia the Georges Aubry sale, March 11,1933 a8 lore. 136 336. Studies ofa Pages Costume Graphite, pen and ink, 14.528 em Stamped right: ED. CCollesion Sale Tl 153.2 Purchased by Serobe Sevadjian with no. 335 Possibly the work sold in che Sevadjan se, June 1-3, 1927, a8 loc 4 387. Tio Soules of Female Nude Pen and ink, 13.5 x21 ‘Seamed right: ED. Collection Sale II: 134.1 Purchased by Serabe Sevadjan for 550 fi (with no. 358359) 558. Five Figure Sri, after Rembrande Pen and ink, 17.5 x 15 cm Seamped near the center E.D. Collestion Sale I 134.2 Purchased by Serobe Scvadjan as parc ofa loc of 3 see no. 357 399. Nine Skeches (Female Nude and (Oriental Figures) Pen and ink, 24.5 x39. m Stamped near the center: ED. Collestion Sale I: 154.3 Purchased by Serobe Sevadjian as pare of loc of 3 see n0. 357 360. A Hone ina Stable ‘Watercolor, 17 x15 em Stamped lef E.D. (Collection Sale Il 135 Purchased by Serabe Sevadjian for 2,000 fi (with no. 361) Possibly the work sold in the Sevajian sale, June 13, 1927, a8 lot 7 361. Hones inthe Wild Watercolor, 185 x30.em Stamped right: ED. Collection Sale He 135.2 Purchased by Serobe Sevadjan with no. 360 Possibly the work sold in che Sevadjan sale, June 1-3, 1927, 28 lor 6 362, Study of am Ar neror Waterson, 43x14 cm Samp lef ED. Colleton Sale I: 136.1 Purchased by SerobeSevadiian for 30 fe (wich 0.565) Trbably the work old in the Sean le, Jane 3, 1927, 38 oe 9 365. Sry af Divan Waterco 1236. m Stamped lee ED. Colleton Sale I: 36.2 Purchased by Serbe Sadia wih no. 362 Probably the wor sold in che Sevadian sale, June 13,1927, asloc8 564. Jacob Wrestling with she Angel, Stuy for ‘he Chapel of the Holy Angels in the Church of Seine Sulpice Graphite on tracing pape, 55.5 x57 rm Stamped near the center: E.D. Collection Sale H: 157, Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for 300 fi 365. Heliadorus Driven fom the Temple ‘Seudy far he Chapel ofthe Holy Anglin the Church of SaineSulpice Graphite on tracing paper 55.557 em Stamped neat the right: E.D. Collection Sle I: 238 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune with no. 364 366. Turkish Officer ‘Watercolor 15.5 x 85 em Insribed: Don de Jenny le Gouilon la Gouy— «Bug. Delacroic a M. Dufeul?) (ets ancienne aquarele) Cetfé par Alfred Robaut peLacrotx | 43 CCallection Sale 139. Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for 2,800 ft. (ith nos, 367-369) Private collection ea 67 367 Young Ove Watercolor. 155 10m Stamped lef ED. Colleton Sale I: 39:2 Purchased by Bernheim June as prof lot of sce no 366 Included inthe Bereim Jeune exhibition *Ghos, Géicault, Delacroix” 1934, 380. 9 Ref: Ble Lamers, Delaroiesfemer Alger (ts. 1937) il p.3 i 8 44 | DeLAcRorx. 68. Thee Young Women Watercolor, 21 10.5 em Seamped right: ED. Collection Sale I: 139.3 Duchased by Bernhsim Jeune as part of alot of 4: see no. 366 Private collection 6 369, Srud forthe Pore of Count Palatono, 1836 Weterolorand ink 9 x15 ¢m Stamped right: ED, Colletion Sale 139.4 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune as part ofa lot of see no. 366 Ref: Variant of Rabaus 1885, no. 170 Jane Voorhees Zimmerli Are Muscur, Rutgers, The Stare University of New Jersey, ‘Steen Collection, Philadelphia Museum of ansfer 64,017-005 370. Morocan Arab, 132 Watercolor, 27 19.5 em Stamped right: E.D. Collection Sale Il 140 Purchased by Trot for 900 fi Ref: Bordeaux 1963, 00.107 Privat colletion 71 Rocky Coastline Watercolor, 125 118.5 em Scamped lef: E.D. Inscribed in pencil, right: Abia. Lee Calpe Collection Sale 141.1 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune fr 1,700 fe (with no. 372) 572. Camoe on a Beach Watercolor, 10.5 «20.5 em Stamped lef E.D, Colletion Sale H: 241.2 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune with no. 571 Ref. Deg inv, no. 44 @) Probably the work described by Degas as 2 seascape with a beached boat and white elif. in the distance 373. Cif of Ett, Cloudy Weather Wrercalor 3.51165 em Stamp lft ED. Callection Sale H: 142.1 (Sld as Flies Eire, emp gr) Purchase by Bernheim Jeune fr 1.000 (with no. 374) Ret: Degas nwo. $6 74 Clif of Ener, Sunny Weather Watercolor st5 247 em Stamped sight E.D. Collection Sale H: 42-2 (Sl as Flas Err, oferde lel) Purchased by Beri Jeune wih 90.373 375. Suilloas and Canoes Pen and ink wih wash, 19 x 12cm ‘Stamped right: ED. CCalletion Sale H: 143.1 Purchased by Betnicim Jeune for 500 (vith no. 376) 396, Sailboat at Sea Watercolor, 85x14 6m Scamped right: ED. Collection Sale Ul 143.2 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune with no. 375 577. Seated Arab Watercolo, 18x Stamped right E.D. Collection Sale Hi: 144.1 Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for 2,300 fe (with no 578) 78 Algerian Jewes Pen and ink with graphite, 20.523. em Collection Sale Hi 144.2 Purchased by Berheim Jeune with no. 377, Probably che drawing lent by Bernheim Jeune tothe exhibition “Eugene Delacroix, “Musée du Louvre, 1930, 8 0. 519 379. Studies of Moorish Women Four sketches, watercolor and graphite, 27x Stamped right: E.D, Collection Sale 145 Purchased by René de Gas fo 5 fe 380. Jewish Woman of Tangier in Festive Costume, 132 ‘Watercolor over graphite, 22 «145 €m Stamped righe ED. Collection Sale I: 146 (Sold as Fone juive Alger, ase ne de fie et cae de ‘abouches rouge) Purchased by Bernheim Jeune for sof. Ref: Variant of Rabati 1885, no. 438 Stamped left ED. Collection Sale He 147.1 Purchased by Lafarge foe 520 fr. (with no. 383) 382, Sade Hone Wacercolor 95x15 Stamped right: ED. Inscribed botiom: 8 av, dimanche ce dgjeunane Galleon Sale 47.2 Purchased by Lafarge with no. ke Refs Degas inv, mo. 4t@) eos the work described by Degas sofa smal white karnewed horse inseibe: 8 aca} 383. Rider ‘Wateroloy 145 185 em Seamped right: E.D. (Collection Sale W: 148.1 Purchased by René de Gas for 30 i (wich no. 384) 384. Kaid on Honeback Seven watercolor sketches ona sheet, 10x 155m Stamped ight: E.D, Collection Sale 148.2 Purchased by René de Gas with no. 385 385. Raine of Fortified Carlen the Pyreneer ‘Watercloe, 205x165 em Stamped right: ED. Collection Sale Hs 149 Purchased by Paul for 370 fe 36 586. Cherm Hore in a Normandy Landepe Warereolo. 13x16 6m Stamped right ED. Clletion Sale Hs 50 Purchased by Pal for 30 ft Included in the exhibition "Eugtne Delacroi,” Masée ds Louvre, 1930 0.64, len by Clade Roger-Mars as ex col: Degas Ref: Study for Raut 185,20. 487 387. Pesan Costume Study Graphite, 165 x12 m, Stamped right: ED. Collection Sale I: rst (Sold as Toi Bde de costumes ersan et soulote: Pesan) Purchased by Jeanne Fee for 310 (with os. 388, 385) | Included in dhe M.X (Hens Fev) sal, June 22,1925, lor3.2 388. Soulios Costume Study Gaaphite,29 x39.5 em Stamped lee ED. Collection Sale M112 (Sold as Trois Erudes cde corures pers ee sous Solin) Parchased by Jeanne Fevre as par of lor of 5300 no. 387 Included in the M. X (Henri Fevre) sale, June 23,1925, loe 3.2, and later in che M.X. (René de Gas het sale, Nov. 24, 1964, lot 4 ‘The Provost and Fellows of King’s College Cambridge, on foan tothe Fitewilliam. Museum, Cambridge 385, Man Wearing an Acnathan Cap Pen and ink over graphic, 25x 65cm Stamped eight: ED. Collection Sale 1513 Sold as Tos Brudes cde costumes perce ouiotets Homme oi di bonnes dasrakan) Purchased by Jeanne Fevre as part ofa lot of ss see no. 387 Included in the M, X (Hens Fevre) sale, June 22, 1925, oe 3.3 y ® 590 "390. Standing Morvecan, 1832 Watercolor, 27 x18 em Stamped right: ED. Previously owned by Petre Andrew Collection Sale : 152 (Sold as Arabe de Mars) Purchased for 550 ft. by Maree! Gudsin; lent by hie to “Eugene Delacroix,” Musée dua Louvre, 1930, 38 no, 302 Ref: Escholier 1926-29, vol. 2, ill p. 5 Private colletion, New York 391 Study of Oriental Costume Watercolor over graphite, 27.5275 mm Stamped right: ED. Collection Sale I: 153.2 Purchased by Debray fr 360 fr (with 10.392), Detacrorx | 45 46 92. Soul of Geghounds Pen and ink, graphite, and watercolor, 20x suse Stamped right! ED, Colleton Sale He 153.2 Purchased by Debray with no, 394 95. Monk Shaking Hands with a Man in Armor GGraphiteon wang paper 2.6 x15 em Acguitd by exchange with Dr. Gouber, who discovered ira St. Genmain, presi ably afer the E. Pot sale, June 23,189, where ews pare fle 362 Collection Sale HI: hors eat. (Sold as partof slo of 20 tems fom Delacroix sedi: se 10429, below) Purchased by Morea-Nelaton Refs Degas in, 0.55 Mu du Lowe, Paris, Département des ‘Art Graphigues RF 9335 394, Studi of the Head ofan Oven Man jna Bonoose, ca 123-24 Graphite, 25x 288 em Collection Sale I: hors eat. (Sold as pat of 4 lorof 20 items from Delacroirsseudi se no. 429, below) Purchased by Moreau-Néaton Musée du Louvre, Pais, Département des ‘Arts Graphiques RF 10028 395. Study for the Auattnaton ofthe Bishop of Lge. Verso: Medieval Figure in 2 Landscape, 1827 Graphite (vers: ink and wash), 21 42.5 em Colletion Sale I: hors eat. Sod in one of ‘oo lots of multiple items from Deacroa’s seudio purchased by Léonce Benéde; se nos. 435 459 PPrsibly inthe Léonce Bénédie Collection sale, May 3h, 1928, lot 84, "Hommes darme, Evéque, ete” 21x 32cm, black chalk Pavate collection 396. Teo Female Tasos Black chalk 1.2 285 em Collection Sale Tl hors ct. Solid in one of ‘seo lots of mulkpl tems from Delacroins stadio purchased by Léonce Bénédive; see os. 453 434 Léonce Bénédlite sale, May 31,1928, lo 75 7 397. For Sead of es Counceeproof of drawing black and eed chalk 26:5 39.5em Collection Sale I: hors eat (lds par of aoc of seem fom Delacrir’ studio sce eo) Purchased by Le Garree Eric, Calin se 398. Echt Study of Upper Body with Uprased Arm CCounterproof of deawing in blac and red chalk, 26 39.6em Collection Sale IH: hors cat. (Sodas part of| alo of stems from Delacroix’ studi; see 10.438) Purchased by Le Garree tie G. Calon 9 4399. Sradio of Eugene Delacroix, Anatomical Study of Soriding Male Nude with Left Arm Raed Redland brown ink, 28.7 x 342m. Collection Sale I: hors ext. (Sold as pare of a lor oF 5 items from Delacron’s studio; se 1. 435) Purchased by Le Gare Collection of Thomas and Marsha French This work was purchased in sequence with nos. 597 and 398 but sno longer artsibuted to Delacroix, 400, Nineteen Seudis of Figures in Fifeenth- Century Coste (sone erce fom wood cuts in The Nuremberg Chronicle of 1493) Graphite 165 x 2.4m Stamped left ED. Collection Sale hors eat? Presumably sold as pare of lot of multiple items (ee nos. 428-441) Private collection “This drawing beas both Degas and Aubry amps got. Studie of Medial Tomb Sculprares Graphite, 26% 20. Collesion Sale Ul hors eat? Presumably sold as pare ofa lor of muleple items (se n05. 428-441) ‘The Snite Museum of Art, University of Notte Dame, Notte Dam, Indiana, Purchased with funds provided by Mr. and Mrs, Hasry Coffman 866 ‘This drawing bears Degas stamp, 40 Sh of Sie wit Henle Desi, 1835, Gropies 98x42 om Collection Sle sors at? Posi sl as par af lo of pe ite enon 8) ‘Sterling and Francine Clark Are Instiute, ‘Williamstown, Massachusets 1989.68 ‘This drawing has both a Delacroix and a Degas atelier amp. 403 Say of Ter Watercolor and graphite, 1929. Inscribed: Pate de devant Collection Sale shore et? Presimably sold a pre of lo of mulple ‘items (see nos. 428-441), Taelided in Bernheim Jeune exhibition "Gros, Geral, Delco,” 1954, 80.87, Etude de tigre, ex coll. Degas Ref: Degas inv unnumbered 04, Ph Hak in fle nly fe Graphite, 817 om Previously Delacroix sale, Feb 16, 186, lr Giga Tite dun jeune Te, dea des suri méme file, mine de pl" Collection Sale Is hrs cat? Presumably sold as prof lo of muhipe items (20 nos. 38-44) Ref: Degas in, no 40 405. “Le Démon tras par Larchange Michel," Sudy fr the Sains-Anges Chapel at Seine Sulpice, Paris, 2. 1850-61 Black chalk, 23 20 em Collection Sale I: hors ct? Probably sold as pare ofa lor of multiple ces (ee nos. 438-441) Included in the Ingrs/Delacoix exhibition, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, 1936, 0.114, lent by Pierre Dubaur, Paris as ex cll Degas, Collection Sale I 406, Tivo Heads of Horses, or Arab Horses ‘Watercolor and wash 1613 em ‘Stamped ight | Collection Sale I: hos ca? Probably sold as pare of lot of mulkiple items (ce nos. 438-441) Sold in the Georges Viaw sale of Feb 24, 1943, a8 le 15, “Ancleane collection Degas,” for 31,00 fi. Ref. Rscholir 1926-29, vol. 2, p. 21 7 47. Sd of Cats Blcechal, 2 345 om Irie a ght: Dent of Cerants Imeribed in graphite on ver provient dea callecon Degas, heir para faile Fete. Acer ump love eft ‘Acquired by Durandal for Deas at an anonymous se, Jn 161894157, 38 1 cm sold vo Dga July, 1834, for S470 fe [Not in sale, posibly retained by Degas’ eis Musée du Louvre, Pari, Département des ‘Arts Gaphiques REC 11 408. Anatomical Sketches Black chal, 25x 21.6 em Noc in ale, retained by Degas hes Musée d'Orsay, Pats, Fonds Fevre RF 43219 ELAcRoIx | 47 a 49. Study of Tirso Black chalk, 213 x 32.em Not in sl, retained by Degat here ‘Musée d'Orsay, Pars, Fonds Fevee, RE 43220 410. Study of@ Thumb Black chalk, 116.7 em. "Nor in sal, retained by Degas hits Musée d Orsay, Pats, Fonds Fevre RE 43221 4 Sy of Fee, Tre Quaren Left ‘Black chal, 23:85 cm Not in ale, reine by Degas eis Musée d Orsay, Pars, Fonds Feve RP 43222 «412. Landiape with a Tie with Praned Bruncher Black chall, 19.8 25.1 em [Not in sale, retained by Degas heirs “Musée e? Orsay, Pais, Fonds Fevre RF 43223 483. Study for "The Education of Acie Drawing, watercolor, pastel, or ol sketch? Acquired from Berni, Feb. 1899, in exchange for a small pastel and small drawing Nor in sale Ref: Degas inv, no. 34 Described by Degas as a small sketch ofthe library decoration in the Conps Légilait and as having been cxalogued by Robaut (Gee Robaut 1885, 0. 845-45, 899, 1438, v7) 444, Les Chartres, Marseille ‘Watercolon, 235% 3 em Dated: 7 7bre, Jeu, Charteux Possibly acquired from Durand-Ruel tthe Donop sle, May 29,1897 lor 86, for 330 fi Not in sles possibly not acquired Ref: Degas indit 1989, p. 408, letter DB6, I is not certain whether Durand-Ruel uc- ‘ceeded in buying this work for Degas atthe Donep auction, since the only reference to the acquisition comes from letter of June 2, 1897, in which Degas asked the dealer ifit hhad been aquired. The work is not recorded in the Durand-Ruel stockbooks, iis notin the sale catalogue, and chereis ao other sup- porting documentation for Degas owner ship of, 45. Madame Fréddve Vil, 1833 Erching, £58 cm CCallection Prine Sale: 107 Purchased by Le Garec for sof Ref: Deltel 1908, no. 15, 46 416. Nobleman from the Time of Frencis 1853 Etching, 17.5x13.4em Colletion Print Sale: 108 Purchased by Jean Guiffiey For 50 f Included in anonymous sale (probably Jean Guilfey esate), HBtel Drouot, Nov. 2, 1953 lot 20 Ref: Dele 1908, no. 16, second sate “7 417. Tiger Lyng inthe Dee, 8462? Erching, 9x13:2.6m Callection Print Sale: 109 Purchased by Loys Delt for 55 F Ref: Det 908, no. 24, third state 14:8. Antique Coins, 1825 Lithographs ive prints; dimensions vary CColletion Print Sale: 11 Purchased by Loys Deel for 8 Ref: Dele 1908, nos. 43-47, second sate “9 419. Fast and Mephistopheles inthe Hartz Mountains Lithograph, 24 x 20.5 em Collection Prine Sale: 12 Purchased by M. Delacroix for 66 fr. Probably included inthe exhibition “Delacroix,” Galerie Marcel Guiot, Pais, Now. a5-Dec. 24, 19375 a8 n0, 26 Ref: Dele 1908, no. 71, second state 420. Wild Hone, 1828 Lithograph, wo impressions, 225x335 cm Collection Print Sale: 1x3 Purchased by Le Garrec for 8 fr. Ref: Dele 1998, no. 78, ist and second “yan, The Atlas Lion 1829-30 Lichogrsph, 417 x 3.7m Collection Print Sale 14 Purchased by Le Véel fr 13 i Ref. Dell 1908, no. 79 ‘The Baltimore Museum of Art Gift of Knoedler Galeries BMA 1959.35: 422. Stent (or Redgaunsle) Purse by a Goblin, 839 Lithograph, 26. 21.6 6m, Collection Print Sle: 15 Purchased by M, Delacroix for 160 ft: Ref: Dell 1908, no. 8, fise sae 43, Duque Sister 129 Lithograph, 252. 20.3em Colleton Prine Sale 6 Purchased by Le Gate for 130 fe Ref: Dele 198, no 8, ist ae 424. Death of Wengen from “Goes de Berlchingen," 1835-43 Lithography 32:7 27 em Collection Print Sale: 117 (Sold in acom- plete suite of seven prints) Purchased by M. Delactox fr 1250 fi Ref: Dele 1908, nos. 19-125, ‘Museum of Fine Ans, Boston, George Peabody Gardner Fund, 1963 65.1338 425. Bight print: Algerian Jews with Her Servant; Greck Coins; Lion Devouring a Horas; Portre of Deleros, by Gigows Erchings and lithographs, various Collection Print Sale 118 Purchased by Loys Deel for 55 Ref: Delel 1998, nos. 18, 430%, 126 Formerly Attributed to Eugine Delacroix 426. Copies afer an Early Fragment Black chal 33.223 774.6 Signed: E. de Valeme, Datdi du 12 aod 30 Giver by Maurice Sand to Degas’ fiend Evariste de Var, Aug 12,1830 Not in se retained by Degas’ hes Musée Orsay, Pais, Fonds Fevee RF 38 After Eugine Delacroix Algerian Jus, after Delacrote See Works by Unidentified Ariss, no. 1098, below 427. The Enary ofthe Crasaders ito Constantinople Erching, 16.5 22.8 cn [Not in sie, retained by Degas hei ‘Musée d'Orsay, Paris, Fonds Fevre RF 43065 bis Studie afer Antique Coins See Gillot Saint Evre, no. 11, below Engine Delacroix and His Stadio Acconting tothe procs-verbal (handwritten minutes) of Deas Collection Sale II, many works attributed to Delacroix and his school ‘were sald in large lot, hos caalogue (uncat- alogued), at the end ofthe second day ofthe DELACROIx AND HIS STUDIO | 49 50 sale. They wore described a items rom the Delacroix sai piers pronenan de Mater Deacon"). Some dewings by Delacroix maybe identified as coming fom eran of hese lige los onthe basis of thei subjce and subsequent provenance (ce no, 393-399) Presumably other Delacroix drawing thc were formeay owned by Degas ut te not corded in the sale cat logis were lo par ofthese age lots ee 108 420-406) Thisinvetory (Degas ine, nos. 52-58), Degas recorded the following cre volumes of asoreed drawings by Delacroix: ‘Abound volume of fcsimiles, eters and sketches measring 3040 cx, with 39 works itemized in such cxegores 8 Cas, Medicral Coseumes, and Skeches aftr Old Masters. Although these general subjects correspond wo those of Delacroix drawings sold in che collection sls, es nor posible to match them individ lot numbers ‘thou further information ‘Asal pockec album (15x 9m) includ ing 3 sheets of sketches in ink, graphite and watercolor, which Degas purchased from Monsieur Jou for 4 and which, he noted, ad previously belonged to Piet Andria ‘smal geen album, 1% 6¢ em, with 20 pags of ine dewings after statues. Tei ily cae the deswings fom dese albums were either sold individually in che collection sales or ncuded inthe large los of mukipl ems old in Collection Sale I. 428, Bight lems from Delacroix Studio Collection Sale I: hors et Purchased by Debray fr 20 fc 429. Tent ems fom Delacoss Stadio Collection Sale H: hors cat. (See 90. 593, 394) Purchased by Moreau-Nelaton for 1,000 ft 430. Eleven lems from Delacroix Studio Collection Sale I: hors cat Purchased by Hausel (possibly Jos Hese?) for 520 fe. 4p Ten lems fiom Delacroix: Studio Collection Sale H: hors cat Purchased by René de Gas for 400 f 1432. Fighter Items fom Delacross Studio Collection Sale H: hors cat. Purchased by Fiquet for 1,900 fe 495. Toenty Tso lems from Delacroix Studio Collection Sale H: hos cat. (See nos 395, 5396) Purchased by Léonce Bénédite for 1,200 fi «34, Fiften Items fom Delacros Studio Collection Sale H: hors cat Purchased by Hausel (possibly Jos Hese?) for 0 fe «435-Ffteen Iems fiom Delacroix Studio Collection Sle T: hors cat. (See nos. 397-399) Purchased by Le Garec for 10 fr 43 Ten lems from Delacross Sudo Collection Sale H: hors cat. Durchased by René de Gas for 170 fi 437. Ten Ito: fm Dlacrois's Srudi Colleton Sale I: hors cat. Purchased by René de Gas for 10 fe 498. Twenty Ler fom Dlacois Stadio Colleton Sale I: hors cat. Purchased by Brumel for 140 f 439. Eight lems from DelcroiesSeudi Collection Sele I: hors cat. (See nos. 395, 396) Purchased by Léonce Bénédi for 215 +440. Tenty-One lems and « Group of ‘Skesehes fom Delacros Studio Collection Sele I: hors cat. Purchased by Tésiss fr 240 fr 44, Lot of Drawings fom Delacros Studio Collection Sale I: hors et. Purchased by Bernheim Jeune foe 240 Fi aul Delaroche French, 1797-1856 442. Claude-Emmanuel Joseph Pierre, Margis de Psores, ca. 1829 il on canvas, 53x 122.6 em According to Guile, acquired from Plessis: Belize sale, May 10,1897, oe 2s, bu sold soon aerward to Pierre Decourcelle, and sold a his sale, May 29,191, no, ‘no farther substantiation of Degas owner- ship ofthis work Not in sle Ref: Zif1977, no. 38, il 34; Jean Guifey, “Recent Acquisitions of the Department of Painings.” Mueum of Fine Arts Bullen Boston) 9, no. (Oct 91), pp. 46-49 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Susan ‘Cornelia Warten Fund and the Picture Fund, na49 Auguste Delitre French, 1822-1907 143. Tule Ficings and Drypoines 1877 Etching and drypoint, x2 plate with 2 others sudded ar sle, one with dedication Collection Prine Sale: 119 Purchased by Valentin for 6 fe. Marcellin Desboutin French, 1833-1902 444. The Bays Outing —Poreats of Children a. 1878 Erching and drypoing 5 prints ‘The Babys Outing, 27.6 198 em Collection Print Sale: 120 Purchased by Le Gatrec for 140 fi 5 445 Dogar with His Hanon His Moh iss Daypoint Acie from De Ninis and Desbouin about 7s. Daa nots ina eer of March toe choc he wo had made che pia at learn yet fre at De Nii hos, and that Degas owned proofs oft Nor inal Ret: Clementanin 90, p26 no. 6328 “Dega amain srs bouche": Daas ni 985.89 446. Head of Bearded Man Erching [Nor in sale, recained by Degas heirs Musée d Orsay, Pats, Fonds Fee RF apis big +447. Man Seated in am Armchair Eiching Nor in sale, retained by Degas’ heirs Musée d Orsay, Pars, Fonds Fevre IF gus bis Paul-Emile Detouche, known 25 Destouches| French, 1794-1874 448A Yoong Girk Oil on canvas, 42.35 em Collection Sale I: 7 uchased by A. A. Hébrard for 450 fe Ref Degas inv, no, 64 44. Bgar Degas asa Child Oil, oval formar, 46.1% 38.3 em Probably commissioned from Destouches by ‘Degas parents and aoquted by inheritance Not in sle Kept by René de Gas Ref. See Lemoisne 1946-49, vol, fllow- ing p. 85 Degas in 0. 64 Musée d Orsay, Paris RF 19925 450. The Fsbusfe Seated at Her Window Holding a Black Bass Oil on canvas Acquired through Darand-Ruel atthe Léon Row sale, May $8 1903, lt 30, Lr Paisarde, for 150 Fi Refs Degas in, n0. 6 Achille Devéxia French, Boo-1857 4st Porn Lihographs Notin sale Ref: Lafond 1918-19, pp. 17-21 Emest Duer French, 183-1896 452. At the Seaide; Poppy Branch in Bloom ‘Watercolor, 50.%74.6m Signed right Colletion Sale I: 154 Purchased by Foucar for 40 fe Albrecht Diirer Gorman, 1471-1528 453. Stone fom te Lif ofthe Virgin: The Death ofthe Virgin, 110 Woodeu, 29.4 x 21 cm [Not in sale, retained by Degas’ heirs Ref: Strauss 1980, no. 146 Musée d Orsay, Pars, Fonds Fevre RE 43186 bis +454 Scene fom the Lif ofthe Virgins The Golden Gate, 1504 ‘Woodeut, 30.5214 em Not in sle, retained by Degats heirs Ref: Stauss 1980, no. 96 Musée d'Orsay, Pais, Fonds Fevre RE 4386 bis 455 Sunt Jerome, 1514 Engraving (fcsmile), 398 x 28.7 em [Nor in sale, recained by Degas’ heirs Refs Suauss 1977, no. 77 ‘Musée d Orsay, Pars, Fonds Fevre RE 4186 bis-2 Gérard Edelinck. Flemish, 1640-1707 456. Charles esi, after H. Rigaud epetiner 51 2 Engraving, 47 x35:7 em CCllection Prine Sale: 1 Purchased by Jeanne Fevre for 3 fe Ref: Rober Dumesil 1844, vol. 7, 0.184 Eisho ‘See Japanese Ukiyo-e Artists, 10s. 7384743 below Ein See Japanese Ukiyore Artists, nos. 738-745, below enti Fantin-Latour French, 1836-1904 457. Head of Woman, 1863 Graphite, 32% 23cm Signed upper right and inscribed: Durany ‘Also: Mare de Gombaul, 84 ans —20 Mars 1865 Collection Sale M171 Purchased by Jean Guilfey for no fe 438. The Musician, 1877 Lichograph, 27 23.3 ¢m Dedicated (Collection Prine Sale: 123 Purchased by Loys Dekel for 90 fe Refs: Hédiard 1906, n0. 15, Jean-Louis Forain French, 152-1930 "459. The Tibunal, ca. 190.-5 Oilon canvas, 6073 em Signed right Probably aequited fom Forain Collection Sale I: 38 Purchase by Knoadler at che behest of (Charles Holmes forthe National Gallery, London, for 4,700 f “Tate Gallery, London, Purchased 198 5288 460. The Blow-Hole (2) Drawing, 21 38cm Inserted upper igh: Le cinguitme acre Emo. Sigoed nigh Collection Sale 166 Sod aL Tv de snufle) Pchased by Durand-Ral (Fr Gallatin for sok {46 The Peace Country (Seat ofthe Competent Ruler) Ink, 41x26 em Signed left ‘Acquire from dhe Foran sale, May 2, 1898, oc 72, for 100 fr. Collection Sale I: 167 (Sold as Dow pays (ches le mine compéent)) Puschased by Ulletn for 360 Refi Degas in, n0. 65 1462. Fachoda Ink, 26.345 em Signed right Colletion Sale I: 168 Purchased by Fasieux for 360 6 465. Inthe Loge Graphite, 48x38 em Signed right Collection Sale 1: 169 Purchased by Mancini for s00 fe 464, The Sort of State Tak, 3526 em Signed righe Colletion Sale I: 170 Purchased by Pasiews for 450 fe 465. Woman Arianging Her Hair Graphite, 395x275 Signed righ and inscribed: A Degas, som ami Forsin Presumably acquired as gift from Forsin CCalletion Sale L372 Purchased by Durand-Rue (or Galli) for soo ft 466. Ousward Signs of Respect Drawing heightened with color, 26 x35 em Signed righ. Legend at bottom: Le prési- dent du Conseil: ‘Je en pri, Joseph, bre ton chapeau, attends un général” Colletion Sale Is +72 Purchased by Mancini for 460 fe 467. The High Coure—At he Fist Sil, ts Three Months in Prison Daawing heightened with color, 27 x35 em Signed right Collection Sale I: 175 Purchased by Mori for 390 fe MF Se a *468. The Colonels Drink Pen and ink, 28 x34.¢m Signed righe Collection Sale I: 174 Parchascd by Darand-Rul (fr Gallatin) for 30 fe ‘The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, GifeofA.E. Gallatin, 1920 20167 460. Cher Up, Reinach, Dont Forget You Were an Officer en and ink, 26 x 34.5 em Signed right (Collection Sale I: 375 Purchased by Ullen fr 400 fi 1470. That Seoundvel D. Pen and ink, 26 x 345 Signed righe Collection Sale I: 176 Purchased by Dupar fr fo fr, 7 Judge Pen and ink, 54x 401m Signed right Collection Sale It 172 Purchased by Kan (or Khan o¢ Kahn) for 260 fr 472. Monkey Pen and ink, 55x 40cm Signed right Collection Sale I: x75 Purchased by Berthélemy for sof 473. Gir Monotype Collection Print Sale: 122 Purchased by Mime Berthelemy for 57 fe Marie-Anne-Julie Forestier French, b 1782 474, Copy after a Self Poet by ges, a. 806 Oil on cana, 65x 53 em Acquired from Durand-Ruel, Feb. 51899, for 3,000 fe Collection Sale I-39 Purchased for 8,00 fe. by Henry Lapauze; his sale, June 21,1929, no. 63, to M, Chaffardon Refi Degas Later 1947, no. 230 European private collection Jean-Honoré Fragonard French, 1732-18ob “ays, Sud of Yung Gi Sedine Family) Red chal, p 19 em Probably aoqied fom S. Meyer, who Sought iar the Coutan-Hlauguet ale Dee 16-17, 1883 loe 0 Collection Sale: 109 (Sol as J-L- Davi rude de jeune file (fail Sedine) Purchased by Knocler athe behest of ‘Cares Holmes for the National Gallery, Londo, for 3.100 Fe Refs Degas in 0.32 “Trastes of the British Museum, London 19753835 ‘After Jean-Honoré Fragonard See Pierte Marler no. 886, below Alphonse-Louis Galbrund French, 810-1885 428 Edgar Degas hil (Naples, 840 Giloneanas Inher fom Degas aher Nori ale Ref: Lemoine 1946-9, vl, fllowing papa of Deanne no 6, Daan 1985p 66 Possibly che porta now inthe Mase Ona, Par, catloged ar amok by an anonymous ais, RE 19927 caemunn | 53 4 Paul Gauguin French, 1845-1905 ” 477. Madame Hilaire Degas Graphite and gouache, 46 38 em [Nor in ale, presumably retained by Degas bai Musée d Orsay, Paris (no inv. no.) 1480. The Moon and she Earth (Hina Tifton), 1895 Ollon burlap, 14.3 x 62.2 em Signed left and dated: 9 Inscribed right: Hina-Te Fatou Acquired as gift fom Gauguin, with the promise ofa farure exchange, shor aer the Durand-Ruel exhibiion in November 189s, where Degas had admired it Collection Sale I: 40 (Sold as Titienne) Purchased by Paul Rosenberg fr 14,000 f Refs Wildenstein 1964, no. 499: Degas inv, 10.79 ‘The Museum of Modern Are, New York, Lille P Bliss Coletion, 1934 498. Hilaire Germain Degoe Graphite and gouache, 47 38 em Nor in sale, presumably retained by Degas’ hie Musée d'Orsay, Paris (no inv, no.) Louis Garreau French, 1th century 479. The Prodigal Child afer Sebastien Vranes Etching, 185 x35 em Inscribed center: Garten se. [Not in sale, retained by Dogs’ heirs Musée d'Orsay, Paris, Fonds Fevre 481 Sulkng (Te fuaruma), 1891 il on canvas, 91x 68 em RF 43166 bie Signed left and dated: P Gauguin 91 Insribed upper lee Te Fuaruruma Acquired from Var, Now. 1, 1898, for joo. Collection Sale (Tabi) Purchased by Jos Hesel for 14100 ft. Refi Wildenstein 1964, no. 440; Degas in. no. 69 1 (Sold as Femme ase ‘Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, Massachusers, Museum purchase 1921186 482, La Belle Angele (Madame Angie Satre), 1889, Oil on cama, 92x73 em Signed leis dated: 89, ‘Acquired from the Gauguin sale, Feb. 23, 19, lor 3 for 450 fi. Collection Sale I 42 Purchased by Vallrd for 3200 fe. Ref Wildenstein 1964, no. 355 Degas inv, 0. 72 Musée Orsay, Paris RE617 e "483. Day ofthe Gad (Mahan no ata), 1894 Oillon cama, 67x90 em Signed lets dated: 94. Inseribed: Mahana no Ana Acquired from Gauguin studio exibition in December 1894, for 500 fi. Collection Sale I 43 (Sold as Le Repos an bord de a mer Tai) Purchased by Jos Heel for 12,600 fr, Refi: Wildenstein 1964, no 3; Degas inv, “The Art Insitute of Chicago, Helen Birch Bardlese Memorial Collection 1926.98 (55) 484. The Mandal (On a Chair), 1880 Oil on eanvas, 47x 30.em Signed and dated: 1880 ‘Acquire in exchange for a pastel, Dancer Adjusing Her Slipper (L699); lent by Degas to the Sixth Impressionist Exhibition i 18 asno.34 Collection Sale I: 44 Purchased by Meyret (Meynee?) for 1,000 fe Ref: Wildenstein 1964, no. 46; Degas im, 10.75 Private collection as “is. Martinique Landape (Ales et venues), 188) Oil on canvas, 72x92 em Signed right and dared: 87 ‘Acquired from Manzi by exchange after the Gauguin sae, Feb. 25, 2891 loess Collection Sle I: 45 Purchased by Jos Hessel for 8,000 ft. Ref: Wildenscin 1964, no, 230: Degas in, 0.73 (Carmen Thyssn-Bornemisza Calle 486. Copy after Manet "Olympia, "891 Oilon canvas, 12x 89 em Signed lef: aprés Manee I. Gauguin ‘Acquized from the Gauguin sale, Feb. 18, 18, lor 49 for 230 fe Collection Sale I 46 Purchased by Galerie Vikrac for 12,50 fe Refi Wildenstin 1964, no. 43; Degas iv, 10.77 Paivate collection "487. Bashers Tahitian Landbespe). 897 ion canvas, 60.4 93.4cm Signed rghe and dated: 97 Ref: Wildenstein 1964, no. 572 see Degas National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. Gil of Sam A. Lewisohn 1951531 Possibly Collection Sale I: 47 (Sold as Tibi, paysage, 93 x 61cm) Purchased by Jos Hessel for 14,010 fe ‘This is possibly the painting described by Degas as showing women in the water up to their kes that was acquired fom Voll in November 1898 as Négeses or 500 ft. The dimensions correspond to those listed for Collection Sale I 47, reversed. See also Basher at Tait, no. 48, and the reference in Wildenstein 1964, no. 567, 0 lost work: 488, Bother at Tai, 1897 Cilon burlap, 7339.8 em Ref: Wildenstein 1964, no. 564; ee Degas i, n0.70 ‘The Baber Institute of Fine Arts, The University of Birmingham Possibly Collection Sale I: 47 Purchased by Jos Hessel for 14,010 fe Thies posibly the painting whose prove- nance is given inno, 87, above, Hessel ad the picture now in Birmingham until January 1925. See also Bathers (Taitian Landscape) no. 487, and Wildenstcin 1964, no. 567 ” “1, A Vat of Flowers 896 ilo cans, 64x74 6m Signed lef F Gauguin. Dated 96 ‘Acquired fiom Danie de Monfied for 150 fe, june 858 Galleon Sale I 48 Purchased by Kaocier ade behest of ‘Chacles Holmes forthe National Galley, London, fr 860 fe Ref Wildensten 964, no. 55; Degas inv 10.78 “The Trustees ofthe Nasional Galley, London NG 3389 Gavoutn | 55 ‘The posible identification with Collection _ See Washingron, Chicago, Paris 1988-89, Sale I:177isbased on the virwally unique __p. 379, fora watercalor ofthe subject. use of gold painc ina drawing of his subject and dae. The dimensions and placement of insctipcion corzespond, but in reverse, 0 ‘hos listed inthe catalogue, although the medium, described a pastel, docs noc. IF Sale 177 is noc the Manchester drawing, it must bea lost work. 490 40. Woman of he Mango (Vahine no tv, oa Oil on canvas, 72.7% 445 6m Signed top left an dated: 92, Inscribed: Vahine no te Vi Acquired from Gauguin sale, Feb. 18, 1895, os 495. Tit (Te Fave Maori), 894 Colored monorype, 35x29 em Jot or 40 fe Posy the work acquired from she Callection Sale I 49 (Sl une Gauguin sale, Feb. 1, 1855, 2 “desi,” at Tiitienne) Sy for 3 fe Purchasd by Paul Rosenberg fo 4.000 fe Collection rit Sale 126 (Sold as Tt) Refs Wildenstein 1964, no. 449; Desi Purchase by Vile fo 250 0.74 “42, la Orne Mara 1894 Ref Feld 1973, n.5 8 Te Fare Maove ; ‘Watercolor monorype, 265 x 182 em “The Bakimore Muscum of Ar: The Cone Collection, formed by Dr. Clasbel Cone ___Calleton Print Sale 125 (Sold as La Vege oreing ands a Coe kin Meant ly ute Ref: Variant of Field 1973, no. 1; Degas iu, 0.76 Shinichi Kinoshita Presumably the monocype that Degas described ofa sanding woman, child on her shoulder, with 2 Tahitian house in the background, acquired from Gauguin for 50 fin December 1894. 493. The Bath ‘Watercolor monotype wt ‘Acquited 3s “Femme au bain, de 196 the Gauguin sale, February #8, 1895, loc 59, fora a "496, Words ofthe Devil (Para no varua) 1894 Collection Print Sale: 124 ‘Watercolor monotype heightened with colon, Purchased by Jos Hessel for 220 fc. agrxassem wt Signed with woodcu seal, upp lee PGO Ore 5 ‘Acquired from the Gauguin sale, February a ip ge Tithe eee ec odpb ang 77x exon se Re ren 2 adh NS emihe Cosine Pi Sy Gold el Spat dcdi cage Canam iyrhessorek, — momype een eee chad by La De fr th ‘The Whitworth Are Gallery, The University Scape witha hut by the water no. 497) ‘of Manchester D 1926.20 Collection Print Sale: 125 (Sold as La Case, Ref.: Field 1973, no. 9; Washington, bly Collection Sle 1177 Soldas Ex at) Chicago, Pais 198-89, no. 195; Degas inn, Noy Clie Sat a ease oe Purchased by Caron for 1850 ft Refs Degas inv no. 66 De. and Mes, Martin L. Gechs, Chicago 56 | caveuin 497. Word ofthe Devil (Areare no sarua in) 894 ‘Watercolor monorype heightened with color, 23x16, Acquired from the Gauguin se, February 18,189, Jor 53, a8 “deus dessins, sous ver far 32 ft. (with no, 496, above) Collection Print Sale: 127) Purchased by Loys Deltil with no. 496 Ref: Field 1973, no. 8; Washington, Chicago, Pass 1988-89, no. 193; Degas ine, 0. 67 National Gallery of Are, Washingron, D.C., Rosenwald Colletion 19433.9078. 498 Suite of Wooden Masrations for Noa- ea, 1893-94 ‘Woodeuts Dimensions vary Probably acquied fiom Gauguin studio eahibition in December 1894, wiich,accond- ing to critics’ reviews, included a set of Now ‘Noa woodeuts mounted on blu paper Collection Print Sale: #38 ised by Tahitian tikes and described a eres often wood ‘cuts mounted on blue paper Purchased by Loys Deel for 931 Nos. 499 and 500, below, are probably among those in Degas’ 499. Nave nave fonua (Delighfl Land) From Noa-Noa suite, 853-94 ‘Woods printed in black and grayish brown with touches of watercolr, mounted ‘on mottled blue paper, 356 20,3 em Collection Print Sale: 128.2 (See no. 498) Purchased by Loys Dele spare of larger lor (se no. 498) Ref: Kornfeld 1988, no. 14 state 3 ‘The Metropolitan Museum of Are, New York, Rogers Fnd 922 22.26. *500. The Univene It Creted From Noa-Noa suite, 1893-94 ‘Woodaut printed in ochre and black over seletvely applied colors, mounted on mar ded blue paper, 20.5355 cm Collection Print Sale 128, (Sce no. 498) Purchased by Loys Dele spare of larger Tot (see no. 498) Ref: Koenfeld 1988, no. 8.11.8 ‘The National Gallery of Ar, Washington, D.G,, Rosenwald Collection 1947-156 Impresions of No« Noa woodcurs Manao ‘supapas (The Specter Waebes over Her) and Te po (The Night), also mousced on blue paper, are in the Muscum of Fine Arts, Boston, sot. Walking Sick ‘Wood Acquired as gift fom Gauguin ac the time ‘of the Durand-Ruel exhibition in ae November, 893, Not ins Ref: Gray 1980, cited under no, 106 02, Standing Woman Drawing or monosype Acquired as “Femme debout, dessin,” rom the Gauguin sle, Feb 8, 895, ot 50 for fof, Nor in sale Refi Degas inv, no, 68 With no 50), chis work ems to have been sefered wo by Degas as" Femmes Tai, Tune ass, Faure debout, impresion Vea 503. Seated Woman Drawing or monotype Acquired as "Femme assis, dessin,” from the Gauguin sale, Feb 18,1895, or 56 for fof Notin sale Ref: Degas in, no. 68 With no. 502, this work seems to have been refered to by Degas as "2 femmes 4 Tai, ‘Tune assis, Pare debour,impresion & Pea Gavauin | 57 Armand Gautier French, 1835-1894 04. Village in she Dues Watercolor, 14265 em Signed right Collection Sale Hi: 174 Purchased by Léon for 20 Paul Gavarni French, tSog-1866 505. Conume for MademoielleJalionne ‘Watercolor, 25x13 em Collection de Goncourt stamp, center. ‘Acquired atthe Goncourt Colleton sale, May 897, loc 9 Collection Sale Hs 175 Purchased by Kan (or Khan of Kaha) for nsf Ref: Degas ined 985, pp. 506, Slegping Woman Graphite and wash, 16 34. em Signed ight Collection Sale Hi: 176 Purchased for 1,400 fe. by He sale, June 22,1935 lot 7 507. Monmicur de Beurmancé Lithographs, 2 impressions, 4.4 14.2 em Collection Print Sale: 129 Purchased by Loys Delt for 44 fe Refi: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, n0. 4 Nore for nos, 507-587: It is known that Degas exchanged work of his own for GGavarni prints from the print dealer Charles Delorée, although i is not certain which prints he aequredffom Delorére. He also received 93 lithographs from Alexis Rowart in February 1881 (Loyrete 1991 p. 47) 08, Pores of Ch, Chandelier —Porsai of Thenot —Poreni of Villenave, 1839-42 Lithographs, 3 pens: 21.5x17.6 em, 19.9x acm, ag x15 cm CCallestion Prine Sale: 130 Purchased by Loys Deel for 76 fi Ref: Armelhault and Bocher 1873, nos. 17, 67 509. Fortunate Tedexo Lithograph, 36218 em Collection Print Sale: 131 Purchased by Henti Fevte for sof Ref: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, n0. 64, fist state 10, Méladir de Madame Gvarni, site of ro plates Lithographs, dimensions vary Collection Prine Sale: 132 Purchased by Durand-Ruel fr 0 fe Refs Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos 146-s5, second state S31. Genre Scene, 32 plats from Arse Lithographs, dimensions vary Collection Prine Sale: 33, Purchased by Le Gartec for 4 a $12. The Pots —Sentncee —The Knigh of ‘Nogarouet —Monsicur Loyal, 1837-40 27 lithographs, dimensions vary Collection Prine Sale 134 Purchased by Héon for 57 fe Ref: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos, 8-68, 264-67, 425-28, 72-76 515. The Carnival in Pais 1845-43 Lithographs, each 2. 20:015.7 em Colletion Print Sale: 13$ (Sold as 46 plates including duplicates) Purchased by Cl, Chana fr 58 fi Ref Armelhaule and Bocher 873, nos soe s14, Clichy 1840-41 Lithographs, each 2.19.8 15.6 em CColletion Print Sale: 36 (Sold a 18 prints rom series of, with 3 proofs add) Purchased by Thelu for 23 fr, [Ref Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, os, a8 $15. The Dock Worker, 184042 Lighographs, ca. 19.8 15-4 cm Collection Print Sale: 137 (Sold a incom= plete series of54of 66 plates with several proofs added) Purchased by Ch. Chana fr 4 F Refi: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos Ese 36 516, Eloquence dele chain 1845-44 Lithographs ca 2033355 ms each Collection Print Sale: 198 (Sold as 7 prints, ws Collection Print Sale: 144 (Sold as Les 15 proof) Lovee grop of 28 prin) Paschase by Frpie fr 76 Purchased by Loys Dele 7 fe (vith Refs Armelhaul and Bocher 1873, nos nos. 523-59) sai Ref: Armehaule and Bocher 87,20. 763 IL: Anne Bonafou-Murat archives, Trustees ofthe Bish Museu, London Pars 19805-10165 amy 9 $19. Fourberis de femmes en matin de seni- ‘ment (second seis), 840-38 Lithographs, ca, 20 15.6 em (Collection Print Sale: ur (Sold as 49 prin from a series of 52; 18 proofs) Purchased by Pll for 100 fe Ref Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos a 662-700 17. Les Enfant tribe, 859-42 Lithographs, dimensions vary Collection Print Sale: 139 (Sold a 31 prines fiom a series of 50; 6 proof) Purchased by Pll for 33 20. Impresions de ménage, 1843 ae ce plate 2, 1841 Lithographs, 20553 em lah Colleton Prine Sl: 143 (Sold 222 pins Ms fate from series of 6; pron ands prin added) Putas by Lays Deel para lot of Som Purchased by Pillet for 82 ff. (with no, 521) pena Nef: Armetalt and Becher. 90% RUE Ameen Bryne Amica and Bosker 0 64 ae 704-39 “Trustees of the British Museum, London pees sa, Lepans econ 1839-48 Lithographs, dimensions vary Collection Print Sal: 145 (Sold as series of 2 prints pls x proof) Purchased by Pllee with n. 520 Ref Armelhault and Bocher 1873, nos 741-60 3 18. The Students of Paris 839-42 Lithographs, ca. 20 15cm Collection Print Sale: 140 (Solas 46 pris from a series of 60} Purchased by Pill for 49 f Ref: Armelbaule and Bocher 187, nos, 614-61 a, Les Lone plate 32, 1842 Lithograph, 39.937 em CCallection Prine Sale 144 Purchased by Loys Dekel pare of le of 938 no. 522 Refs Armelaule and Bocke 187,80. 794 Trustees ofthe Brsh Mascum, London 522 La Coie plate 2 of Le Lavras tgs 8OSTONGT Lithograph 198 15.8 em GavaRNT | 59 v7 5, Les Lavette plae 36,1842 “527. Les Lovee place 571849, sap, Les Loree, phate 77,1843 Lithograph, 20 «15 8 cm Lithograph, 19.9 15.8 em Lithograph, 20.5355 em Collection Print Sale 144 Collection Print Sale: 144 Collection Print Sale: 144 Purchased by Loys Dele as part of lor of Purchased by Loys Deel s part of alot of Purchased by Loys Dell as par ofa lor of 95 ee no. 522 95s no. $22 9300 no. 522 Ref: Anmelhault and Bocher 1873, 10.798 Ref: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, no. 819 Ref: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, no. 859 ‘Trustees of the British Museum, London. “Trustees of che British Museum, London. “Trustes of the British Museum, London 1980-5 10-168| 198-510-171 190-510473, “526 Les Loe plate 4,143 528 Les Late pate 68,143 “so, Le Loe plate 79,1843 Lithograph 19.9157 em Lithograph 20 156m Lithograph ats 2355. Collection Pint Sle 144 Collection Pit Sale 144 Callie Pit ue igg Patched by Loys Dem partof not of Pacha by Loge Deen prc ofalorof feared bp tgs Dee es prof lot oF mates Stee wo 54 ice 0.22 Refs Amethaleand Bocher7s,no, 81 ‘Re: Armelaultand Bocher 7.810 Refs Amelhalt and Bocher 17, no qt Truss ofthe Brigsh Muscum, London Trees ofehe Bish Museum, London _Trystes of che Brith Museum, London spio-s1069 lope wsforsiong ssn, Ler Lore, 1842-95 Lithographs, 57 pris Collection Print Sale 145 (Sold as alo of 57 Prints Foes Les Loree) Purchased by Feapier for 0 fe Refs Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos. 763-841 60 Gavanwr 532, Les Loe, 1. Lithographs, 9 impresions on s sheets Collection Prat Sale 145 Sod spac of Jovof 57 pins from Le Loree) Purchased by Feapicr sparc lo of 57 see no. $31 Josefowitz Collection, 533. Panis by Nigh, 26 prines, 840-41 Lithographs, dimensions vary Collection Print Sale: 146 Purchased by Pll for 48 ft (vith no. 534) Ref: Armelhault and Bocher 1875, nos. ours oa 534: Transactions —Un Couplet de vaudeville —Les Patrons, 1839-40 Lithographs 1 prints, dimensions vary Colletion Print Sale: 447, Purchased by Pllee with no. 535 Ref. Thamaction: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873.10. 938-64: Un Coupler de vaudeville Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, 0s. 965-705 Les Patron Atmelhaule and Bocher 1873, no. 40 435, The Lif of Young Man, 840-38 Lichogeaphs, cach 9.9357 am Colleton Prine Sale: 48 (Sod as 52 pins and 2 pro) Purchased by Thea fort fe (vith no. 36) Refs Armelhaule and Bocher 373, os. 997 536. fiche lle, 844-46 Lithographs, dimensions vary Colletion Print Sale: 149 (Sold as 6 prints andr proof) Purchased by Thelu with no 535 Refi Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos 998-1003 7 537. Carnaval, 78 plates, 1846-48 Lithographs, dimensions vary Calletion Print Sle: 0 Puschased by C. Comiot for 78 Ref Armelhault and Bocher 1873, nos. 1024-68 198 Carmanal 10 places, 846-48 Lithographs, dimensions vary CCllesion Print Sle: 51 Purchased by Loys Dell with no. 39 Ref: Armelhault and Bocher 1873, os. 1014-68 539. mpresions de menage, 8 plates 1846-47 Lithographs before leering, dimensions vary ‘On ewo, annotations in Gavarnishandbwric- ing CColletion Prine Sale: 152 Purchased by Loys Dekel with no. 538 Ref: Armelhaule and Bocher 1875, nos, 1090-1138 40. Impresion de menage, 846-47 Lchogeaphs 17 prot dimensions vty Colleton Print Sale 193 Purchase by rapier fr 4 (vith no 54) Refs Armelhaule and Bocher 173, no. sogo-mb sa sat Les Parents tribe, 1846-55 Lithographs, ro prints, 9 x16 cm Collection Print Sal: 154 Purchased by Fraper with no. 540 Ref: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, n0. 129, and see nos. 1420-36 S42. The Perfect Creditor, 846-47 Lithographs, dimensions vary Collection Print Sale: 155 (Sold 287 prints from a series of) Purchased by di Gardier for 1 i Ref: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos. 130-32, 154-37 Sip Les Anglais ex es, 852-53 Lithographs before lettering ca 19.2 x 16 em Collection Pint Sale: 156 (Sold as 12 prints from a series of 20) Purchased by Loys Deel for 238 f Gavannr | 6t Refi; Armelhaule and Bacher 873, nos. ray9-56 544, Bobemians 1853 Lichographs, ca 19.2 16 em Collection Print Sale: 157 (Sold as 10 pes from a series of 20) Purchased by Loys Delt for 80 fi Ref; Armlhaule and Bocher 873, nos. 157-76 as 545. What Is Done in the Bes Societies 1853 Lithographs, 10 prins, 2.19.2 16.16, CClletion Prine Sale: 158 Parchased by Valentin for 2 Ref: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, no. 1277 546, Studies of Andogyney, 1853-53 Lithographs, ca. 20.2 x16 em Collection Print Sale 159 (Sold as 6 prints froma series of 10, plus a duplicate) Purchased by Loys Dekel for 106 fe Refi Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos. 82-91 a 62 | Gavarnt 47, La Foie ates amows, 153 Tihographs, 6 prints, 20 x6 em CCallection Print Sale: 160 Purchased by Thelu fr 32 fe Ref: Armelhauleand Bocher #73, nos 1295-95, 1298, 1299, 1301 548 Histoire don dire dws, 1855 Lithographs, 19.2164 em Callestion Prine Sal: 161 (Solas 5 pris From a series of 10) Purchased by Loys Delt for 30 fi Ref: Armehaule and Bocher 1873, nos yortt 9 49. Hinoire de politique, 852-53 Lithographs, 52 prin 2. 19x16 Colleton Print Sale 162 Purchased by Loys Deel for 2 ft. Ref Amelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos. wi37 550, Les Ialides cc sentiment, 853 Lithographs, ca. 1922 x16 em Collection Print Sale: 163 (Sold as 9 prints from a series of 3) Purchased by Lays Dell for 160 fi Ref: Armelhaule and Bocher 175, nos. 367 st Let hides du sentiment, plac 8,853, Lichogeaph, eal proof, 19.116 em Collection Print Sale: 165 Purchased by Loys Deltll in aloe of 9 sce no. 550 Ref Armelhaule and Bacher 1873, no. 135 ‘Arséne Bonafous- Murat archives, Paris 552 Les Lovet viel, 853 Lithographs, 4 prin, a, 19.2.6 em Collection Print Sale 164 Purchased by Loys Delt for 70 ft Ref Armethaule and Bocher 1873, n0s.1376, 18, 585, 1586 sa 453. Hutands Always Make Me Laugh, 152-53 Lichographs, 1 print, ca 19.416 em. CCallestion Print Sale: 165 Purchased by Mme Salvador Meyer for fo fe Ref: Armelhault and Bochet 1873, nos 90-1419 4 534 Les Parag 152-53 Lithographs 1 pins, 19 x36 om alletion Prine Sale 66 Purchased by Mme Sulvador Meyer for wo ft Refs Armelhaul and Bocher 173, ns. wr7s 535. Pano, 153 Lithographs, 7 prints, ca. 1.2% 16 cm Collection Print Sale: 167 Purchased by Le Garrec for Bo Ref Armalhaule and Boch 1875, nos, 1486-95, 56 556. Ley Prpas de Thomas Vtelogue, 1853 Lithographs, sprints, ca, 20x26. Gallection Print Sale: 168 Purchased by Mme Salvador Meyer fr 40 fx, Refs Armlhaule and Bocher 1873, nos. 100, 1504, 1506 ss 57. Masicinscomigues et pittresques, Bans Lithographs, 28 prins, 3.9.2 45 mm Collesion Print Sle: 169 Purchased by Adey (posibly Aubry) fr 35 fe Refs Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos, 52-99 558. The Phyiognomy of Singer 1844-45 Lihographs, 28 prints, ca 20 x15 emt Galletion Print Sale: 170 Purchased by Chanat fr 30 fe. Ref: Armelhaul and Bocher 1873, nos. 1540-56 559. Daprs nature, by Gavarni exe by Jules Janin, Paul de St-Vietor, ete 1858 Lithographs, 40 prints, ca. 2016 em Collection Print Sale: 170 bis Purchased by Jean Guiftey for 100 f Ref: Armelhauleand Bocher 1873, nos 1389-1638 560. “Tens, Fanny cst pas out... "1858 Lithograph, 20:3 16 cm Collection Prine Sale: 17 bis (Sold as part. ‘of Diapis nazar, by Gavarni, ext by Jules Janin, Paul de Se-Victo, etc, 40 prints) Purchased by Jean Guiffiey as part of lor of 40% see no. 559 Ref Armthaule and Bocher 1875, no. 1607 “Trustees of the British Museum, London 980-510-246 cavaner | 6 ss 61 Srdieof Children, 840 Lithographs, 1 prints, ca. 24x 18cm Collection Print Sale: 171 Purchased by Mme Salvador Meyer for 100 fe Ref Armelhaule and Bocher 375, nos. reas 62. Here and Ther, 857-58 Lichographs, 5 prints, ea. 20 16 em Collection Print Sale: 172 Purchased by Thelu fr 56 fe Ref: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos 00-1849 64 | cavagnr 5 $63, Parisian Physiognomicn, 857-58 Lichographs, so prints a. 29x19 em Collection Print Sale: 173, Purchased by Chana for 35 f: Ref Armelhauleand Bocher 1873, nos 50-99) 564. Parisian Phsognomies, 1857-38 Lithographs before leering, 18 pris, ct 29 xigem Collection Print Sale: 174 Purchased by Thélu for 40 fi Ref Armelhaule and Bocher 1875, nos. 1850-99 565 6s. Parlor Games —Carnoal Souvenirs, 837-40 Lithographs, 10 prints, ca. 20.135 em Colletion Print Sale 175 Purchased by Aubry for 35 fe. Ref: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos. 1974. 19751977, 1979, 2016-22 $66. Gavi Studies, 154 Lithographs, ca. 3123 em, Collection Print Sale: 176 (Sold asa com- plete series of 6 prints) Purchased by Durand-Rue! for 240 fe Refi Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos. 1995-2000 67. Causerie at Bal Matgué Cat ne pas crvie, ec pas. Eo vert 44 Lithographs, 3 pris, dimensions vary Collection Print Sale: 177 Purchased by Loys Deel for 222 fr. Ref Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, 0s. uss-60 68 568. Somenis ofthe Chicard Bal 1839-33 Lithographs, dimensions vary Collection Print Sale: 178 (Sold a 18 prinss from a series of 20) Purchased by Ady (possibly Aubry) for asf Ref: Armelhault and Bocher 1873, nos. apgt 569. Journal des ge du monde, 1833 Lithographs, ca 16x 12cm Collection Print Sale: 179 (Sold as 2 prin, ‘many colored) Purchased by Chanat for 92 ft Ref: Armethaule and Bocher 1873, nos. aytot 570. Album Tevet (ou Tavertcements) Lithographs, cover and 10 prints, dimensions vay Collection Pint Sale: 180 Purchased by Caré for 47 fe, Ref. Armethaule and Bochet 1873, nos 2627-39 71. Homme di monde, by Humans, 1847 Lithograph, 167 15 ex Collection Prine Sale: 18t Purchased by Duval Fleury for 200 f Ref: Armethauleand Bocher 1873, 0. 265 572, Mass and Faces Lithograph, 10 prints, dimensions wary CCollestion Print Sale: 182 Purchased by Loys Delt for 120 fi 573. Tielve works from various series Lithographs Collection Print Sale: 185 Purchased by Thelu for 90 i: 74 Balivernerespariinnes—Fuit et gees des propriuares—Diapis nature, et, 84-38 Lithographs, 15 prins, dimensions vary ‘On on, 3 notation in Gavarn’s handwriting Colletion Print Sale: 84 Purchased by Le Garte fr 110 fi Refs Balivernerispaiienner. Atmelhault and Bocher 175, nos. 1004-25; Fite geen nas. 1081-86; Dips nature: nos s89-1628 575. Various works Lithographs, 19 prints Collection Print Sale 185 Purchased by Durand-Ruel for 360 F 576, Bais tgs du propridaie—Les Pets Bonbeurs—Mask and Faces, et. 1837-53 Lithographs, 24 prints, dimensions vary Gallection Print Sale: 186 Purchased by Thelu fr 35 fe Ref: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos 1081-86, 1966-73, 1259-1501 77. Portas ofJ-B.labey Porta of Sauvage —The Crs of frat —Un Cabinet chee Peon —Vois mon mari dete, ios4 Lithographs, 5 prints, dimensions vary Gallection Prine Sale: 187 Purchased by Kelu (Llu) for 70 ft: (wich 10.578) Refi Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos. 78, 80, 2060, 2065, 2066 78. The Acrresee—The Marys—Poltigue es fmmes—Det Mere de fnille—The Mises, et 1859-48 Lithographs, 3 prints, dimensions vary Collection Prine Sale: 188 Purchased by Kelu (Lely) with no. 577 Refs Let Actricen:Aemelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos. 251-44; Les Martyre: nos. 862-715 Politiques nos, 180-97; Der Mires: nos 1076-80; Les Mes: nos. 288-90 579. Le Blanche Journal da jeunes peronner—The Fin Works by Gasarni— Various serie, 829-67 Lchopeaphs, 59 pins, dimensions vary Colleton Print Sale 89 Purchased by Ady (pos Georges or Hens Aubry foe 75 Ref: Ler Blacher Armebaule and Bocher 1875 no 198 urna nos, 369-86; Fin Works p. 247410 90. 8. Sees de moewrs Lithographs, 63 prints, dimensions vary Calletion Prat Sale: 190 Purchased by Chanat for 107 fe. wth 1.581) sf, Nuance of Feng Paris in the Morning —Pariian Srdenti Make and ‘Faces —Comtemporary Artes et Lithographs, 8o prints, dimensions vary Colletion Print Sale: 191 Purchased by Chanat with no $80 Refi Nuance: Amethaul and Boche 1875, nos. 877-901; Pars le matin: nos. 02-13: Brudiants: nos. 614-St; Arties 0s. 1675-79 82. Cosmer—Sednes de mocurs Lichographs, 82 prins, dimensions vary Collection Print Sale: 192 Purchased by Adry (posibly Aubry) for 45 fi (with no. 583) 85. Costumes dommes —Les Pasrons—Les Paroagess Lithographs, 100 prints, dimensions vary Collection Print Sal: 193, Purchased by Ady (posibly Aubry) with so. sf 84. Mass and Face, 1852-53 Lithographs, dimensions vary Callection Print Sale: 194 (Sold as 126 prints, including doubles) Purchased by Carré for 67 f (with no 85) Ref. Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, nos. 39-1509, sf. Lithographs from La Mode, 55 prints by Nargeot, Poller, et. colored Lithographs Collection Print Sale: 195 Purchased by Carré with no. 584 586,280 Lithographs from Chervari Lithographs Colletion Print Sale: 196 Purchased by Adey (posibly Aubry) for so 587. Manibres de weir des veyageur plate 9, B55 Lithograph, tril proof CColletion Prine Sale: 185,194, 0 96 Ref: Armelhaule and Bocher 1873, no. 1788 Arstne Bonafous-Murat archives, Pats ‘Théodore Gérieaale French 791-1854 S88, Study of Hones Pen and ink, 29 x46 em. Stamped let: CC, Collection Chennevitees] Acquized by Durand-Ruel for Degas fom the Marquis de Chennevitres sale, April 4-7, 1900, probably part of lot 624, for 46 f: (Degas also purchased, through Durand- Ruel, lor 627 for 120 fe) Collesion Sale Hs 177 Purchased by Maurice Denis for 240 fi cintcaurr | 65 66 sf, Study of Horses Graphite, pen and ink, 29 x 46 em Stamped lee C.C. (Collection CChennevitres Acquired by Durand-Ruel for Degas fom the Marquis de Chennevitres sale, April 47, 1900, probably par of lot 624, for 46 f Collection Sale I: 178 Purchased by Henri Fevre for 380 fr his sale, June 22, 1935, oe 8 590 Sindy of Hones Graphite pen and ink 29 x 455m, Stamped ef CC. [Cllecion Chenevies ‘Acard by Durand Ret fr Degas fom the Marui de Chennevites ale Api 47, 1900, probably part of ot 6a, for 46 Collection Sale 179 Purchased by Berni Jeune for 520 ft 91 Study of Heres Graphite, 29 x 455 em. Stamped left C.C. [Collection Chennevitres} Acquired by Durand-Ruel for Degas from the Marquis de Chennevitres sale, April 4-7, 1900, probably pat of lo 624, for 46 fi Collection Sale I: 180 Purchased by Carté fo 230 fe son. Hones Graphite, 28x 46cm Stamped lee: C.C. (Collection ‘Chennevitres] Acquired by Durand-Ruel for Degas from the Marquis de Chenneviéres sale, April 4-7, 1900, probably pat oF lc 64, for 46 Fi Collection Sale H: 81.1 Purchased by Lebel fr 210 i, 593 Hors Graphite, 29 x 46 em Stamped left C.C. [Collection Chennevitres) Acquired by Durand-Reel for Degas Fm the Marquis de Chennevites sale, April 4-7, 1900, probably par of lor 624, for 46 fi, Collection Sale xn. Purchased by Daragnés (or Taragvere) for po Théodore Gévicaule and after Géricault 594. Sali of Hore, 1822 Lithographs, each approximarely 25x 35 em Collection Print Sale: 197 (Sold as Dierses Brudes de Chea; 10 print) Purchased by Gabriel Fevee fr 40 fx, Refs Dekel 1924, nos. 81, 83,86, 81-92 ‘Musée d Orsay, Pars, Fonds Feve (8 of 0) RE 43it7 Gigoux See Fugéne Delacroix, no. 435, Vincent van Gogh Dutch, 1853-1890 sos, Sil Life with Frit, 887 Gillon canvas, 46.5 x 55.26, Acquired from Vollard Collection Sale I 92 (Sold as Poeme, poires,cton et raisin) Purchased by Paul Rosenberg for 16,500 fe Ref. Fille 1970, no, 382; Degas i no. 173 ‘The Ar lnstcute of Chicago, Gift of Kate L Brewster 1949.215 596. Tv Sunflower, 887 Oil on canvas, $0 x 60.7 em Signed right and daced: 87 ‘Acquired from Voll in exchange for so ‘smal sketches of dancers valued at 400 fe, (Oct. 29, 895. (Previously had belonged to Gauguin.) Collection Sale I: 93 (Sold as Towrneol) Purchased by Paul Rosenberg for 18,200 f Ref: Fille, 1970, no. 376: Deas inv, no. 172 Kunsemuseum Bern, Gift of Professor Dr Hans R. Hahnloser, Bern 2140 7 592, Pecont Woman Gleening 1885 Graphite 55x Signed righ: Probably acquired from Vollad Collection Sale I: 245 (Sod 28 Glanewe) Purchase by Caron for s.380 fe Proably ac Soi Lomdon, May 4 960, lot 183 Ref: Probubly Fille 1970, no. 12624 Carolus Goupil S98, Portis ofthe Artists Mother 836 Drawing Inherited from Degas father Refi A. Roquebercin Degas indi 1989, p66 El Greco (Domenikos Theotokopoulos) Greek 540-1614 99 *599, Sain Idfonse ca. 1603-14 Oilon canvas, 12 658 cm Signed lee ‘Acquizedtheough Durand-Ruel from the Mme Miller sale, Apil 4-25, 1894, lot 261, for 2,000 ft. (Collection Sale I: 2 (Sold as Sunt Tdefonse evans ous la diet de la Vere) Purchased by Knoedler a the behest of ‘Chasles Holmes for the National Gallery London, for 2,000 Fe Ref: Wethey 1962, 9. x361 (as workshop of EL Greco): Degas nw, no. 2 [National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., Andrew W. Melion Collection 1937.85 *600. Saint Dominic ion canvas, 104.7 x 830m Inscribed lower lft, on rock: Domenikos “Theotokopoulos e poe’ [in Greek charac- ves] ‘Acquired from Zachare Asruc for 3,000 fe, ‘September 1896 Collection Sale 3 Purchased by Trot for Herman Helbuch, Copenhagen, for 52,500 fi Ref: Wethey 1962, no. 205; Degas inv, no. 3 ‘Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Maria Antoinette Evans Fund 23.272 Jean-Baptiste Grewze French, r25-ttas 601, Head of Madame Geuze Oil on canvas Presumably inbred from Degas father. From 188 co 183 Degas placed this work on depose with Durand-Rucl. On Oct. 31,185, he ha it sent by Durand-Roel, insured for 4,000 fr, to Edmonde Mori in Naples, Tray Nor in sale Henri Guérard See André Jeanron etal no. 749 Joseph Guichard French, 86-1880 602. Auguste Comte Etching, 349 x 22.5 em [Nor in ale, retained by Degas’ heirs Musée d'Orsay, Pars, Fonds Fevre RF 43016 wr Alfred Gaillard French, 1810-1880 603. Two works Collection Prine Sale: 22 bis [Nor in catalogue, added ro sale a “Deux pies, 122 bis,” according to proc-erbaus Purchased by Jean Guiry for 70. Armand Guillaumin French, 1841-1927 604. Bus ofa Woman Pascel 45 32 cm Collection Sale I: 178 Purchased by Dupate for 420 fe Frangois Joseph Heim French, 78-1865 605. The Count of Hanchempe Graphite 40x 25 em Signed lei, dated: 1826 Acquired from Salvador Meyer for 25 f: Collection Sale 1279 Purchased by Moch fr 28 fe. Refs Degas ine, no. 81 606. The Dale of Maile Graphite, 40 x 26 cm Signed lef, dated: 1826 ‘Acquited from Salvador Meyer (5, ue Laie) in 189 for 25 fe Calletion Sale I: 180 Purchased by Moch frst Refi: Degas in, no. fo (607. Five Poets in a Frame (Count of Pastors; Monsieur Benoit de Saint-Denis; “Monsieur Debet, architect) Graphite, 17 x ems 17x ems 105 x65 ems 1410.5 ems 14 X15 cm Acquired from Salvador Meyer fr 25 fi Collection Sale I 181 Purchased by Dr. Comar for 200 ft Ref Degas inv, no, 82 Paul Hellew French, 859-1927 ot "608, Alesis Rowe by 1897 Deypoint, 54 415 cm Signed, with dedication by Rowart a mon ami Degas, /Al, Rouare 1897 Presumably acquired a a gift from Rowart Collection Print Sale: 198 Purchased by Véron for 120 fx, Sterling and Francine Clark Art Intute, Williamstown, Massachusets 1985.34 neviey | 67 68 [After Joha Frederick Herting Se. 69. Racing, plate 1. Sadang etching by J. Harris and W. Summers, 1856 Color aquatine and eching, 1048x527 em Collection Print Sale: 199 Purchased by Mme Salvador Meyer for 95 Ref: Siltaer 1925, ps2 Tchiyusai Hiroshige Japanese, 797-1858 (10, Landivapes Color woodeuts, 7 prints Collection Print Sale: 528 (Sod as eysages, 1a plapart par Hirscighd) Purchased by Henri Veer for 230 ft 61, Landicapes Color woodeuss, 35 prins Collection Print Sal: 328 (Sold as Paages, 1a plapart par Hivscighd) Purchased by Condchégul @) for tos 612, Monks—Variow Birds —Flowers— Fib-—Cnfih—Landcapes Ink, wash, and wacercolo, items Collection Prine Sale: 29 Purchased by Condehégul (for 270 fe Hokusai See japanese Ukiyo-e Artists, nos. 738-745, ‘fier Hans Holbein 633, Two albums of photographs afer Holbcin ‘Acquired through Durand-Rusl at A. Bida sale, April 26,1835, for 35 Fs probably pare ofl: 422, which included “ois abu ainsi que plusieurs lors de photographs Not in sale Refs Loyrete 9, p. 799, m0. 465 Jean-Baptiste Huet French, 1809-1869 614, Peasant Woman with Child on « Male Surrounded by Sheep Erching, 54-433 em Signed upper lef and dared: JB. Huet Yan 4 Not in sle, retained by Degas Musée Orsay, Paris, Fonds Fevre RE 43125 biv-6 JJean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres French 1780-186 617. Améidée-David, Marquis de Pstoret (appt), 806 as, Achilles Receiving the Envoy. (il on canvas, 103 83.5 em ‘Agamemnon, sot Signed lef, dad: 1826. Inscribed upper lef Oil on panel, 25x 32.5em AM, de Pastore, Aesat 32 Signed left dated: 1801 Acquired from Durand-Ruel, who pur Acquired from Bernheim Jeune, Dec. 898, chased i for Degas atthe Marquise du in exchange fora drawing, (Previously Haro Plesis-Blliere (née de Pastore) sale, May sale, April 2-3, 897, lc 163) sont, 1897 lot 8, for 8,715.20 ft Collection Sale I 50 Collection Sale I 52 Purchased by Alle for 1,800 fe Purchased by David Weil for 90,000 fi: Refs Widenstein 194, no, 85 Degas in, Refi: Wildenstin 1954, n0. 167 0. 90 ‘The Ar Insticue of Chicago, Bequest of Nationalmuseum, Stockoley NM216i Dorothy Eckhart Willams, Robert Allerton, Bertha E, Brown, and Major Acquisitions endowments AIC 71.452 a6 1616. Oedipus and the Spins, ca 826-28 oa Oillon canvas, 1751.7 €m, Signed ight 618 Jacyuer Mangus, Baron de Monbreton Acquired from the Come de La Bérauditre de Norvins (1767-18), 811-12 sale, May 18-0, 1885, lo 35 for 500 fi: (il on canvas, mounted on panel, 97.2 x Collection Sale I: 52 787 em Purchased by Knoedlr atthe behest of Signed right, on the bas of searuere: Charles Holmes for the National Gallery, Roma, Ingres, P Ro. London, fo 550 fe ‘Acquired from Haro for 7.700 fe, June 3 Ref: Wildenstein 1954, no, 6 ro) : Collection Sle I: ‘The Trustes ofthe National Gallery, Lit TeainG Purchased by Knoedler a the behest of ‘Charles Holmes forthe National Gallery London, for 70,000 fe Ref: Wildenstein 954, no, 8; Degas in, The Trustees ofthe National Gallery, London NG s291 6 69, fq Lins Leblane (1774-1846), 33 Oion canvas, 213 95.6em Signed sight, on paper: Ingres pins ‘Acquted for Degas by Durand Ra at Mame Jean-Heny Place (née Isaute Leblanc) sal, Jan 25,1896, lot 47, for 7.500 fe Collection Sale I 54 Purchased by Durand-Ruel (for the ‘Metropolitan Museum, New York) for 270,000 fr (with no. 620) Ref: Wiklenstein 1954, no. 155; Degas in, 0.19 “The Mecropoitan Muscum of Art, New York, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection, Wolfe Fund, 1918 19.77. 620, Madame Jacques Louis Leblane, nde Francote Pncelle (178-189), 1823, il on canvas, 19.4 x 92.7. em Signed left, daced: 1825 ‘Acquired for Degas by Durand-Rucl at Mane Jean-Henty Place (née Isaure Leblane) sale, Jan, 2, 1896, oe 48, fr 3300 fe Calletion Sale I 55, Purchased by Durand-Ruel (forthe Metropolitan Museum, New York) with 10. 619 Refi Widenstein 1954, no. 152; Degas nw, 0 119 ‘The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, Catharine Lorillard Wolfe Collection, Wolfe Fund, 1918 19.77.2 ox as, Roger Froving Angelica, 1819-39, Oil on cams, 47.6 39.4.6 Signed tight Ingss p [Acquired from Frédéric Reiser sle, April 16, 1894, lor 18 Collection Sale I: 56 Purchased by Knoedlera¢ the behest of Charles Holmes for the National Gallery, London, for 32,000 fe Refi: Wildenstein 954, no, 227; Degas in “The Trustees ofthe National Gallery, London NG 3292 oe "622. Head ofa Woman, ca 1891 CGilon canvas, mounted on panel, 20 em Signed lef Acquize from Hector Brame, August 1900, in exchange fr a smal pastel worth 1,500 (Previously Haro sale, May 36-31, 1892, lor 4) Cllesion Sale I 57 (Sold as Tee de femme (rude pour Jésus a mien des dosews) Purchased by Beenheim Jeune for 3,500 F Ref: Wildenstein 1954, 144; Degas in, 0.52 Private collation "623, The Feet of Homer, Seudy for “The Apotbeass of Homes, "ea 1817 ion canvas, 17 x 225 em Signed right ‘Acqited from Manzi, Oct. 897, in ‘exchange fora drawing of a standing bacher, (Previously Haro se, May 30-51, 1892, lor 13) Collection Sale I 58 Purchased by Bembelm Jeune for 1500 f Refi Wildenstin 954, no. 174s Degas it, 10.97 “Musée du Louvre, Pais, Déparemen des Peineuses RF 3773 “624, Profle of Raphaek, Hand of Raphac incres | 69

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