DK On The Heresy of Separateness

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The Great Heresy of Separateness: the sense of I-ness and the spirit of separative

individuality which has brought all the troubles of humanity.

DK: "... the sense of uniqueness ... is the subtle seed of the great heresy of
separateness." -

DK: "... the glamour of a "free and independent soul" - a paradoxical idea and one
which shows forgetfulness of the fact that the heresy of separateness, of aloneness
and of independence is a part of the world glamour." -

DK: "The soul can be regarded as the principle of intelligence - an intelligence

whose characteristics are mind and mental awareness, which in turn demonstrate as
the power to analyse, to discriminate, to separate, and to distinguish, to choose
or to reject, with all the implications conveyed in these terms.

As long as a man is identified with the appearance, these aspects of the mental
principle produce in him the "great heresy of separateness." It is the appearance
of the form nature that glamours him and completely deludes him. He regards
himself as the form, and then proceeds from a realisation of himself as the
material form, and as identified with the outer appearance, to a realisation of
himself as an insatiable desire.

He then becomes identified with his desire body, with his appetites, good and bad,
and considers himself as one with his moods, his feelings, his longings, whether
they ray out in the direction of the material world or inward toward the world of
thought or the Kingdom of the soul. He is torn by a sense of duality.

Later, he becomes identified with still another of the appearances,—with the mind
body or nature. Thoughts become to him so tangible that he is swayed, turned and
influenced by them; and to the world of material appearances, and to the world of
the great Illusion is added the world of thought forms.

He is then subjected to a triple illusion, and he, the conscious life behind the
illusion, begins to unify the forms into one coordinated whole, in order the better
to control them.
Thus the Personality of the soul makes its appearance. He stands then on the verge
of the probationary path. He enters the world of quality and of value, and begins
to discover the nature of the soul and to shift the emphasis from the appearance to
the quality of the Life which has produced it.

This identification of the quality with the appearance grows steadily upon the path
until the fusion of quality and appearance, of energy and that which it energises,
is so perfect that appearance no longer veils the reality, and the soul is now the
dominant factor; consciousness is now identified with itself (or with its ray) and
not with its phenomenal appearance.

Later, the soul itself is superseded by the Monad, and that Monad becomes, in
verity, embodied purpose.
The union, then, of the aspects of appearance - quality - purpose or life, results
in an abstraction from the appearance, and therefore the end of phenomenal
This is true of the human being, of the Christ in incarnation; it is equally true
of the cosmic Christ, of God incarnate in the solar system.
The work before all students of this Treatise on the Seven Rays is the fusion of
quality and appearance, and therefore they need to study the nature of that quality
in order to produce a true appearance.
This self-conscious aspect is brought to fruition in the phenomenal appearance of a
human being; ..." -

DK: "... the outstanding human weakness, the great sin or heresy of separateness.
There is surely no greater sin than this; it is responsible for the entire range of
human evil. It sets an individual against his brother; it makes him consider his
selfish, personal interests as of paramount importance; it leads inevitably to
crime and cruelty; it constitutes the greatest hindrance to happiness in the world,
for it sets man against man, group against group, class against class and nation
against nation.

It engenders a destructive sense of superiority and leads to the pernicious

doctrine of superior and inferior nations and races; it produces economic
selfishness and leads to the economic exploitation of human beings, to trade
barriers, to the condition of have and have not, to territorial possessiveness and
to the extremes of poverty and riches; it sets an important emphasis upon material
acquisitiveness, upon boundaries, and the dangerous doctrine of national
sovereignty and its various selfish implications; it breeds distrust between
peoples and hatred throughout the entire world and has led since time began to
cruel and destructive wars.

It has today brought the entire planetary population to its present dire and
dreadful condition so that men everywhere are beginning to realize that unless
something is fundamentally changed, mankind is practically already destroyed.
It is a civilization at present founded on materialism and one which has signally
failed to instill into men a true sense of values—the values which alone can bind
humanity together and bring to an end the great heresy of separateness." -

DK: "Thus the expressed aims and efforts of the United Nations will be eventually
brought to fruition and a new church of God, gathered out of all religions and
spiritual groups, will unitedly bring to an end the great heresy of separateness.
Love, unity, and the Risen Christ will be present, and He will demonstrate to us
the perfect life." -

DK: "The Jews are a group of people in whom the principle of separation is
pronouncedly present. For ages they have, with determination and in obedience to
the injunctions in the Old Testament, insisted on regarding themselves as a people
set apart. For ages they have held themselves separated off from all other peoples
in the world. The result is that they are now evoking from the races among whom
they are scattered a corresponding desire to force that very separation upon them.
Under the law, we draw forth from others what is actually present within ourselves,
and to this law, races and nations are no exception. Through the inter-relation of
Jew and Gentile, of Semitic and Aryan, and through the solving of [581] the Jewish
problem will the great heresy of separateness eventually be fought out." -

DK: "The veil of illusion resembles the moment before dawn when the world of
familiar things is seen through the fogs and the streamers of mist which veil the
world form and also veil the rising sun. Then we have that half-time, that
mysterious and vague period when the real is hidden by the unreal; then we have
that weird and distorted condition when forms are not seen as they truly are but
lose their shape and colour and perspective. True vision is then impossible.
As far as humanity is concerned ... It is the interlude between the dominance of
the animal consciousness and that of the spiritual, and this interlude of astral
illusion is only known in the human family.

There is no astral plane except in the consciousness of the fourth kingdom in

nature, for man is "under illusion" in a sense different to the conscious awareness
of any other kingdom—subhuman or superhuman.

I despair in making my meaning clear.

How can one who is subject to the illusions of the senses, as are all human
creatures, conceive of the state of consciousness of those who have freed
themselves from the illusions of the astral plane or realise the state of awareness
of those forms of life which have not yet developed astral consciousness?

It is the dual nature of the mind which causes this illusion, for the mind of man
presents to him the keys of the kingdom of heaven or locks upon him the door of
entrance into the world of spiritual realities.

It is the concretising unprincipled mind which brings about all the troubles of
humanity. It is the sense of I-ness and the spirit of separative individuality
which has brought humanity to its present condition, and yet even that is a part of
the great developing process.

It is the consciousness of duality, and the subjectively realised and synchronously

acknowledged sense of "I am God" and "I am form" which has plunged mankind into the
great illusion. Yet it is this very illusion which renders up to man eventually the
secret password into the kingdom of God and brings about his release.

It is this maya itself which serves to guide him into truth and knowledge; it is on
the plane of the astral that the heresy of separateness has to be overcome, and it
is on the field of Kurukshetra that the individual aspiring Arjuna, and the cosmic
Arjuna learn the lesson that the knower and the known are one." -

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