Buying Utility Assets - Failure Should Not Be An Option

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Outsourcing Services the way we see it

Buying Utility Assets—

Failure Should Not Be
An Option
Asset optimization best practices can help utility
companies save billions of dollars by dramatically
improving failure rates.

Despite what the Apollo 13 crew What’s the difference between the
believed, failure is an option that industries? A large part of the answer
many companies in the fossil power lies with asset optimization. After being
generation industry seem willing among the early adopters of asset
to risk. optimization best practices, the airline
and nuclear power generation industries
An unfair statement? Perhaps, but each achieved dramatic improvements
consider how the fossil power in their failure rates. Meanwhile, except
generation industry stacks up against for a handful of visionary companies
other major industries in terms of within it, the fossil power generation
failure rates. From 1994 to 2004, industry’s failure rate improved only
the airline industry saw its failure slightly. And billions of dollars of
rate improve by 78 percent, according opportunity were missed.
to the National Transportation Safety
Board (NTSB). Yet another unfair statement? Again, the
facts speak for themselves. Among other
Meanwhile, the nuclear generation benefits, asset optimization best practices
industry recorded a 68 percent can enable fossil power generation
improvement rate, according to companies to predict and avoid forced
the Institute for Nuclear Power outages. Considering that just a single
Operations (INPO). Yet, during that forced outage on a medium-sized unit
same time period, the fossil power can create a $10-million loss, imagine
generation industry’s failure rate how many billions of dollars the
improved by just 10 percent according industry could have saved had it
to the Generating Availability Data embraced asset optimization in the
System (GADS). same way that the airline and nuclear
generation industries have.
When utility companies buy fossil What Are Asset Optimization
power generation plants, their first Best Practices?
consideration is rarely whether the Asset optimization best practices go
price is right. Instead, the companies’ beyond the traditional constructs and
corporate development teams are ideas associated with asset management.
typically more focused on operational They extend to the deployment of
margin calculations related to age, effective process improvement and
condition, and generation costs versus innovative technology to predict failures
market settlement price. And they and improve reliability.
almost never factor asset optimization
practices into the equation, even Best practices are achieved through
though they can—and normally do— the integration of world-class diagnostic
improve not only the purchase price, and predictive failure technologies,
but the long-term business value of together with effective operations
the plant. and maintenance (O&M) and outage
planning and scheduling systems.
Which all begs the questions: What
are asset optimization best practices, Because only a few visionary fossil power
and how can and should the fossil generation organizations have achieved
power generation industry adopt them? such a high level of integration, the
industry is, by and large, missing the
benefits that asset optimization best
practices can deliver.

A single forced outage

on a medium-sized unit
can create a $10-million
loss. Imagine how many
billions of dollars the
fossil power generation
industry could have saved
had it embraced asset
optimization in the Failure Rate Improvement

same way that the airline

and nuclear generation
Fossil 10
industries have.
Nuclear 68

Airlines 78

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Percentage Improvement 1994 to 2004 (10 years)

Sources: Generating Availability Data System (GADS); National Transport Safety Board (NTSB); and Institute for
Nuclear Power Operations (INPO)

Outsourcing Services the way we see it

Successful Asset Optimization— traveling at 35,000 feet in an aluminum

Airlines and Nuclear Generation tube with two gas turbines hanging off
The airline and nuclear generation the wings. Why is it that this inherently
industries have achieved success in and logically unsafe mode of transport
large part because they have adopted does not cause major concern among
asset optimization best practices that the majority of the traveling public?
have enabled them to predict failure The airline industry is actually very
and take corrective steps to avoid it. safe. It has achieved reliability to
such an extent that airline travel is
Consider the airline industry. Though a common mode of transport, with
passengers frequently complain about little thought given to the obvious
flight delays and lost luggage, very fact that it should, by its nature, be
few travelers give any thought to the considered unsafe.
reliability issues associated with

Asset Optimization Best Practices

What they are

Implementation of a diagnostic and predictive operational environment
with the ability to predict failure and avoid unplanned outages.

Leverage of an extensive knowledge base

to maintain and/or improve fossil power generation plant performance.

Enables fossil power generation organizations to move beyond

the traditional constructs of preventative maintenance, Reliability Centered Maintenance
and ‘hope and pray’ philosophies.

Minimization of operational and commercial risk.

Achievement of top decile reliability and costs.

What they are not

Run it until it breaks — a philosophy that is still commonly employed by many industries
and businesses.

Preventative maintenance — provision of tender loving care on a regular basis, and hope
for continuous operation until the next planned maintenance activity.

Kaizen — incremental and continuous improvement philosophies prevalent in the Japanese

business environment, which attempt to engage and engender participation at all levels of
the organization.

Reliability Centered Maintenance — commonly termed RCM as developed by the late

John Moubray. It is currently perceived as the holy grail of many maintenance engineers
across a wide spectrum of sophisticated process industry operations—providing
‘mean-time-between-failure’ capabilities.

Buying Utility Assets—Failure Should Not Be An Option 3

The chart below details the evolution To be fair, not all of these achievements
of the airline industry in terms of are the direct result of asset optimization.
reliability and reduction in unplanned But these techniques and the sharing of
failures, i.e., crashes. The trend is data, together with a focus on safety
obvious and provides a clear indication versus top line economics, have clearly
of the art of the possible. created a significant fiscal benefit and
improvement in reliability.
Improvements in
Airline Failure Rate Overall, reliability in the nuclear
It’s no coincidence that the airline generation and airline industries is
industry’s failure rate improved due in large part to a small number of
after it embraced asset optimization factors (outside of the excellence in
best practices. The same types of engineering), including:
improvements were achieved by the
nuclear generation industry after it ■ Deployment of predictive asset
did likewise. optimization technologies
■ Sharing of data and asset optimization

And that’s not all that the two industries best practices
have in common. In fact, one of the ■ Funding of semi real-time hosted
key components of the airline and
systems to capture, track and record
nuclear generation industries’ success
the performance characteristics of
has been their willingness to share
thousands of operational units to
critical data, through third-party solution
create a comparative database (airlines)
providers. Using asset optimization best
■ Standard operational philosophies
practices, competitors openly share
operational, performance and failure associated with maintenance
mode information. This practice has ■ Adoption of an operational

allowed these industries to break the philosophy where reliability is

standard paradigms of independent paramount and failure is not an
asset management, greatly improve option, rather than being driven
failure rates, and achieve a standard of only by top-line economics
excellence—not to mention, billions
of dollars in savings from the dramatic
failure rate improvements.

World Wide Historic Airline Failure Rate—per Million Departures

Number of Accidents

10 89 92 83 80 75 72 54 54 51 34 37 38 19 20
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

Study Years 1991 to 2004

Source: [National Transportation Safety Board]

Outsourcing Services the way we see it

At the same time, both the airlines BPO gives companies the ability to
and nuclear generation entities have leverage a comprehensive asset base
maintained their competitiveness, beyond its own boundaries. This has
improved the overall reliability been demonstrated in the airline
standards within their respective industry, where the world’s leading
industries, reduced failure costs airlines have adopted this approach
and increased operational margins. in their development of outstanding
asset optimization models. If the fossil
How Can Fossil Power power generation industry is to make
Generation Leverage Asset the next critical step, it needs to make
Optimization Best Practices? a similar paradigm shift.
Leading-edge companies in today’s
increasingly competitive operational and A New Journey for Fossil
commercial environment are looking to Generation Companies
organizations with the experience and Geoffrey Moore (Crossing the Chasm,
skills to develop and deploy integrated 1991) argued that the difference
maintenance technologies that can between early adopters of technology
deliver predictive asset optimization (enthusiasts and visionaries), and
functionality integrated with world class the majority (the pragmatists), exists
O&M philosophies. because of the differences in expectations
that these groups exhibit. It is clear
Sharing critical data within hosted that some industries—the airlines and
centers of excellence enables companies nuclear generation among them—fall
to leverage an extensive knowledge into the category of early adopters.
base without jeopardizing their Yet the fossil power generation
competitive advantages. This approach industry—while not a laggard—is
also enables organizations to move clearly in the pragmatists group.
away from traditional constructs of
preventative maintenance, RCM and The fossil power generation industry
“hope and pray” philosophies prevalent can be viewed, in Everett Rogers’ terms
in the last millennium. (Diffusion of Innovations, 1962), as
being part of the late majority.
However, fossil power generation
companies cannot expect to achieve The categorization of the fossil power
these goals rapidly on their own. To generation industry as a late majority
bridge the gap, they will need to bring player is based on its willingness, or
in a third party with the capability to lack of, to adopt innovation and the
enable implementation and transition general level of awareness, interest, and
the companies toward a completely acceptance of technologies and the
diagnostic and predictive operational speed with which it adopts and adapts
environment. The adoption of a business to innovative ideas and technologies.
process outsourcing (BPO) approach
also can help bridge the chasm, and The most visionary fossil power
deliver improvements in availability and generation companies are taking the
in measurable service level agreements first steps on this journey to realize the
and key performance indicators. benefits of asset optimization best

Buying Utility Assets—Failure Should Not Be An Option 5

practices and improve reliability in Much of the answer centers on asset
the way that the airlines and nuclear optimization best practices. That’s
generation sectors already have. These because the value realized by asset
companies are clearly the innovators optimization is found not only in
in the industry. reduction of the failure rate, but
also in the hidden costs related to
For many fossil power generation market interaction and the ability
companies, the journey to become to effectively manage and maintain
innovators may be difficult, potentially market presence. Lost opportunity cost
costly, and fraught with pitfalls and has multiple elements that impact the
missed starts. Some companies will total cost of forced outages, including:
be tempted to protect perceived
intellectual capital and to build ■ Failure to meet market commitment
capabilities in-house by bolting ■ Costs of balance market ‘make-up’
together disparate component systems. ■ Customer service/public perception
In fact, the historic tendency of the
■ Political impact
industry—build it in-house inside the
comfort zone—is a paradigm that will ■ A 5 to 20 percent improvement in

be difficult for many to overcome, and maintenance efficiency will enable

if they do not, these companies will an avoided cost of additional labor
clearly rank among the late majority of up to ~$700,000 on an average
and the laggards. mid-sized base loaded unit, according
to the Federal Energy Regulatory
The value realized by What options are available to the Commission (FERC)
asset optimization is fossil power generation companies ■ Increased revenue from improved

found not only in reduction to achieve the standards of excellence generation reliability, is greater than
exhibited by nuclear generation and $445,000 on one mid-sized base
of the failure rate, but also the airline industries and enable them loaded unit per year, according to
in the hidden costs related to adopt a philosophy that positions the FERC’s 2006 Equivalent Forced
to market interaction and them as members of the early majority? Outage Rate (EFOR) Study
the ability to effectively
manage and maintain
market presence.
Adoption of Innovation


Late Majority

Early Majority

Early Adoptions


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Adoption Percentage

Source: Diffusion of Innovation Theory by Everett Rogers, 1962

Outsourcing Services the way we see it

■ A typical mid-sized fossil power shared information, together with

generation fleet can expect to endure leveraging the benefits of third parties
more than $300 million in lost to provide the governance, guidance
opportunity costs associated with and impartiality that are required to
forced outages in an average year enable these concepts to be realized.
For airlines, it is the Federal Aviation
Considering these factors, along Association (FAA) and for nuclear
with the potential benefits of reducing generation, it is the Institute for
both direct and hidden costs, how Nuclear Power Operations (INPO).
can fossil power generation companies
leverage the broader data sets available What is the organization that has the
within the overall industry without capability to provide this service to
compromising their intellectual capital the fossil power generation industry?
or competitive advantage and become Capgemini believes that the Edison
early adopters? Electric Institute (EEI) has the
capability, experience, skills and
For many companies, the solution impartiality to fill this role. EEI is
is Business Process Outsourcing. As positioned with its unique bi-partisan
the airline industry continues to approach, comprehensive membership
demonstrate, BPO achieves the and powerful advocacy capabilities.
synergies demonstrated by hosted EEI has the credibility to enable the
centers of excellence. Sharing of data fossil power generation industry to
is critical to the deployment of asset share operational data in an effective,
optimization best practices and enables confidential and impartial way, while
individual companies to maintain the also enabling the achievement of
integrity of competitive data. improvements in-line with the leaders
in the deployment of asset optimization
The BPO approach to data sharing best practices—the nuclear generation
enables individual generation plants, and the airline industry.
generating companies and utilities
to share operational data related However, establishing this capability
to multiple elements of the plant will take time and effort. In the interim,
operation, while at the same time the use of impartial third-party
maintaining the confidentiality of their international organizations with
data. The potential savings, according demonstrated capabilities in the areas
to FERC, and the achievement seen of BPO can provide the capabilities
within the airline industry, make this and hosted functionality that are
a multi-billion dollar opportunity that required to enable the initial
the fossil power generation industry implementations to be successful and
cannot afford to ignore. the necessary data to be shared.

Who Are the Visionaries that Clearly, asset optimization should

Will Lead the Way? be a topic on every fossil power
Nuclear generation and the airlines generation company executive’s
are clearly innovators, as these two agenda—today’s deregulated markets
industries have adopted best practice require every company to minimize
asset optimization technologies and risk and achieve shareholder value.

Buying Utility Assets—Failure Should Not Be An Option 7

Moving Forward Global Outsourcing Leader.

With an unprecedented wave of merger Capgemini is the global leader in
and acquisition activity expected to developing closer, more effective,
inundate it, the fossil power generation trust-based outsourcing relationships
industry stands to benefit dramatically that deliver better, faster and more
from asset optimization best practices. sustainable results. No other service
Indeed, the plants that strive to be provider matches the range and
innovators—following the lead of flexibility of Capgemini’s intelligent
the airline and nuclear generation mix of solution portfolio, commercial
industries—will represent the best model or delivery location options.
investments for the visionary fossil Capgemini’s innovative Rightshore™
power companies that recognize the approach means having the right
outstanding business value that asset resources in the right location, and at
optimization best practices offer. the right cost. As our clients’ needs
change, we provide flexible and
Why Capgemini? scalable solutions through over 100
Industry Expertise. With more than integrated delivery centers globally.
10,000 consultants dedicated to energy,
utility and chemical projects across Trusted Partner. Capgemini is a
Europe, North America and Asia results-driven business partner trusted
Pacific, Capgemini brings industry- by leading utility companies. For more
specific experience to help address information about how Capgemini is
the complex business issues that helping its utility clients, please visit
executives face.

About Capgemini and the

Collaborative Business Experience

Capgemini, one of the collaboration-focused methods and tools.

world’s foremost providers of Through commitment to mutual success
Consulting, Technology, and Outsourcing and the achievement of tangible value,
services, has a unique way of working we help businesses implement growth
with its clients called the Collaborative strategies, leverage technology, and thrive
Business Experience. through the power of collaboration.

Backed by more than three decades of Capgemini employs approximately 61,000

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Collaborative Business Experience is global revenues of $8.7 billion USD.
designed to help our clients achieve better,
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Amin Bishara Paul Halpin

Vice President Senior Manager
Utilities Outsourcing Practice Utilities Outsourcing Practice

North America North America

[email protected] [email protected]

Copyright © 2006 Capgemini. All rights reserved.

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