A Comparative Study of Task Based Approach and Traditional Approach in English Language Teaching

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Article  in  Hamdard Islamicus: quarterly journal of the Hamdard National Foundation, Pakistan · March 2020


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4 authors:

Nayab Waqas Zahida Rizvi

University of Management and Technology (Pakistan) University of Management and Technology (Pakistan)


Huma Iqbal Zainab Asghar

University of Management and Technology (Pakistan) University of Management and Technology (Pakistan)


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Sentence Formation in Second language Acquistion View project

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Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/



Nayab Waqas Khan1, Zahida Rizvi2, Huma Iqbal3, Zainab Asghar4

This study is conducted to examine the practicality of Task based teaching method in the teaching of
English language in government sector colleges of Lahore. Language teaching is never stress-free
occupation for English language teachers. The traditional method is still dictating in Pakistani colleges for
teaching English and no innovations have been implemented by the educational policy makers and
teachers. The traditional method did not provide fruitful results in enhancing reading comprehension skill
of the students. The technique is used in this study is experimental and is designed to trace improvement
in comprehension and reading skills of low proficient English learners at graduation level. Both pre-test
and post-test conducted to measure any improvement in the students’ learning process. The group of sixty
is divided into two groups from the local college of Lahore. The Experimental group is given treatment
through dynamic intervention comprising of task based lesson plans based activities. The Control group is
taught through the traditional method encompassing of Grammar Translation Method. The data collected
from the two groups is analyzed using SPSS. The proportional result of both groups (Experimental and
Control) illustrated a substantial development in the learning method, comprehension and reading skills
of the subjects of the Experimental group. The analysis verifies the suitability of task based teaching
approach in an ESL context. The study shows that the constructivism is the actual learning theory in
which the TBLT falls should be implemented in colleges. It proves its effectiveness in the enhancement
of reading skills of low proficient English language learners.
Key Words: Task based teaching, traditional, Reading comprehension skill, ESL context.
The emphasis of the current study is to discuss the issues related to English language teaching. It
investigates the use and usefulness of the two approaches to teach language: traditional and task
based method. As in the government sector since ages, traditional method is carried out in order
to enhance English language teaching but the results are not fruitful. This introductory chapter
provides background information about this study, plus the statement of the problem, the main
aim of the study, research questions, null hypothesis, framework of the dissertation and research
limitation. In the introduction phase, the main purpose of this chapter is to analyze a major
pedagogical issue that is a matter of concern for the researcher. The researcher is particularly
interested in discovering a pedagogical approach that can help the low proficient ESL learners of
public sector institutions become proficient in English reading skills. The researcher is trying to
see the potential of the TBLT in order to help students. In order to study the merits and demerits
of TBLT based approach in an ESL classroom, the researcher designed this particular research.
Most of the students don’t even understand the main idea of the passage when the difficult
questions are being asked in the exams.
For better comprehension level in the learning process of low proficiency students, it is vital to
stress on an approach towards teaching that is real and brings a comparatively permanent change
in the learners’ attitude towards learning. A comparative study can be conducted to observe the
difference in the learning processes and eventual comprehension of learners exposed to Task
English Lecturer, University of Management and Technology, Pakistan

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/
based teaching as opposed to the long practiced method of Teaching. According to recent
studies of English Language Teaching, task based teaching has emerged as a crucial notion of
language teaching (Martin Bygate 2015; Willis 2013).Task based teaching is an approach that
creates the atmosphere of an incessant process for teachers, in their lesson and syllabus design
and more importantly, it develops communicative factors. The rationale behind choosing TBLT
is because the researcher wanted to change the method of teaching for students to involve
themselves for better learning outcome. It is believed that the low proficient ESL learners of this
particular Public sector college had little exposure to the English language both inside their
classrooms and in their homes as they were being taught the English language through the
Grammar Translation method. The main drive of the researcher to see the effects of TBLT on
students reading comprehension skill and how much TBLT doles the learners or not. Task-based
language teaching (TBLT) is the method that endorsed interactive learning. (Nunan 2000, Bygate
1999). The objective of this study to scrutinize the outcome of a comparatively new-fangled
teaching methodology (TBLT).The traditional classroom is mind-numbing and full of drudgery.
Traditional method centers on rules of learning, parsing and morphological aspects, but Task
based teaching on awareness about language usage practically (Gray, 1989).
Research Questions
1. To what extent the use of TBLT method is effective than the traditional method?
2. What is the significant difference on the performance of English students before and after the
teaching method of TBM employed?
Literature Review
This study is based on two language theories respectively constructivism that covers the method
of TBLT and behaviorism that is an umbrella term for the traditional method. This phase also
discusses the theoretical framework and development of Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT)
including subsections about TBLT. Various Elucidations have been evolved over time about
language theories; the common and significant are behaviorism and constructivism. Despite
these many theories emerge over time and deconstruct within new pedagogical trends. These
methods have influenced the educational settings and set new trends in teaching practices.
According to the theory of Behaviorism which basically rooted in the field of psychology
stimulates the behavior that can be measured or assessed scientifically without the involvement
of central mental conditions. The theory of behaviorism is also called Empiricism and stimulus-
Response theory as well. The behaviorist school of thought is associated with the physiologist,
Ivan Pavlov. The word behaviorist introduced by Watson (1924). The principal supporters were
Ivan Pavlov, who investigated traditional molding, John B. Watson (1878-1958) who scratched
off thoughtful techniques and should limit brain research to trial lab strategies. B.F. Skinner gave
moral establishing to behaviorism. A few behaviorists contend basically that the perception of
conduct is the best or most advantageous method for examining mental and perceptual
Some consider that this, actually, the suitable method for exploring such advancements, along
these lines still others guarantee that conduct itself is the main fitting subject of brain research,
and that normal mental and scholarly articulations have no referents and additionally just
indicate to conduct. The individuals who gave the positive reaction to this idea some of the time
allude to their field of concentrate as conduct examination or behavioral science as opposed to
brain science.
Theoretical Assumptions:
There are some theoretical assumptions on which the behaviorist theory is based.

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/
 Language learning is a tradition establishment.
 Language learning is the experience of new knowledge and behavior only.
 Language learning is an exterior happening because the outer tendency of behavior can
be seen easily and this change comes into existence because of stimuli that affected from
the environment.
 Behaviors can be examined and expounded without any internal cognitive capacity or in
other words consciousness.
 Only human beings have the capacity for language learning. They acquire a language as
discrete units of habits, independently trained, not as an integrated
Watson’s view was simply reorganized by the Russian physiologist Ivan P. Pavlov who
explained about classical and operant conditioning. The most influential version of this theory is
put forward by B. F. Skinner in 1959. The one more psychologist who worked in the domain of
behaviorism that was called Skinnerian behaviorism. According to him behavioristic approach is
not mechanistic and known as the radical approach in behaviorism. Skinner gave the baseline
and principled foundation to behaviorism that quite closed to pragmatism. In the nutshell, one
basic thought by behaviorism is presented that learning is a sudden reaction to the environmental
stimulus (Pavlov, 1925). One more assumption related to learning is the invention and can be
recognized to environmental stimuli and responses (Watson, 1929). Learning is a trial and error
process (Thorndike, 1919). Moreover, learning is credited to independent and dependent
variables (Hull, 1934). Furthermore, learning befalls through operant conditioning which takes
place in response to the environment and receives a positive and negative reinforcement
(Skinner). The behaviorism basically promotes repetition, memorization and individual work
rather than the group or team work. The two types of reinforcement have been used in it.
Through the mode of this theory, it comes from the traditional method of teaching. The control
group will be taught by this theory.
Jean Piaget was a theorist and scientist that proposed ample learning theories that encompassed
"genomic epistemology". Piaget course work of learning syllabus and set the roles for teachers
and particularly for students to enhance their critical and logical thinking pace. The curriculum in
constructivism has a very important position because of teaching demand. This theory promotes
variations in the curriculum for students’ benefit and the quest of their interest. On the other side,
interaction evolves between teacher and student with the passage of time. Piaget's theory
explained about accommodation and assimilation. Assimilation is the integration of two form of
knowledge the old one and the new one Accommodation is reconstructing new ideas.
Development of human behavior (learning) can be understood when examining the
chronological order of speech and action. At an early stage, the child’s action precedes his/her
speech while in a later stage the child’s speech precedes his/her actions. The teacher functions as
a true helper and manager in the class. The biological and environmental factors are interlinked
(Vygotsky, 1978). The strategies that merely use by the teachers in this theory are pair work,
group work, conducting interviews, role plays and aiding answer in discussion. The students
who are good at studies and finish their task in the classroom before time got opportunity to lead
the group and monitor other students who have slow speed. Constructivist educators urge pupils
to consistently assess how the movement is encouraging them in better understanding. The
constructivist's adage is to check the students in the classroom preferably "master students. “The
constructivist school of thought emphasizes the role of social interaction in cognitive
development but behaviorists believe in human behavior and introspection. (Piaget, 1970; 21

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/
Vygotsky, 1978). The functions that differentiate the constructivism from other theories are the
involvement of the students not for the sake of accomplishment of lesson but for professional
purposes as well (Lee 1999).
The constructivist school involves a genetic or developmental method and argue that cognitive
process is complicated process and for understanding this progression; culture plays a very active
role (Vygotsky, 1978). In other words, learning happens according to a genetic development in
the child and speech mediate learning in early childhood. The role of the socialization cannot be
diminish because of its enough involvement. The role of the home, mother, relatives, school,
surroundings and community take initial part in child’s mental and emotional growth. These
social agencies shape up the personality of a child. The constructivist theory apprehends that
learning is usually fabricated. The students figure their ideas and make a road map for any
certain concept. Learners contour their own genuineness and perceive them through experiences.
Language learning is more reasoning and based on facts rather than social (Piaget 1971).
Key Assumptions of Constructivism
 The students’ involvement and point of view are important.
 Constructing the meaning is endless progression and every individual has his own
baseline of knowledge.
 Learning is conceptual in constructivism for students.
 Constructivist classroom has the core objective of problem solving.
 Teachers don’t take the role of the sage on the stage.
The classroom has various activities for accomplishing the task. Reciprocal Teaching, situated
teaching and cooperative teaching are part of constructivism. Assessment is an effective tool.
Mostly assessment that used in the classroom includes deep portfolios, case studies, the group-
projects, presentations, poster making, debates and role playing. The students who don’t give an
appropriate answer while attempting tasks then teacher don’t snub him or her but the teacher
comprehends the understanding level (Brooks 1994). The teacher doesn’t want to become
judgmental and impose questions on the students but understand the mental ability of the
students regarding taught concept.
Theoretical Framework of Tasks-Based Language Teaching
The word task has diverse meaning. Problem- solving, drama, role play, debates and comparing
are generally associated with the term task (Brown, 2010). The task has been discussed in the
field of psychology, cognition, education, sociology and language learning by many researchers.
Nevertheless, In Task-Based Teaching (TBT) classroom is the fun with learning class. To finish
a certain thing is the basic ingredient of TBLT. Burt (1999) defines it as: it is not an easy job for
learners to finish the task in a target language but teacher’s motivation and well-planned lesson
make this possible. If we talk about traditional classroom environment then it is an absolute truth
that there will be the communication barrier between teacher and students. Skenhan reviews;
(1999) that Meaning is superlative and the task is meaningless until it is accomplished in a well-
organized manner. The word task has been in debate since the 1980s. Richards (1981) presented
scholastically oriented definition: Task is the correct version of comprehending the language
while proper actions. Task based method gives an opportunity to integrate all four skills in one
task or individually focus them. Although, complete the difficult puzzles, find out the outcome,
jumble up the strips and characteristic of any feature of the story. The role of communicative
competence is an essential tool in which modern teaching classroom utilizes students’ cognitive
abilities. Carless (1999) recapitulates that TBLT emphasizes on authenticity and originality.

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
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Innovation and welcoming of new ideas are also acknowledged by TBLT while finishing tasks.
The sense of judgment, analysis and giving opinion improved by TBLT in students.
Jane Willis’s Three-Phase Framework of TBLT
 Theory of Language
In the theory; language makes relation through meaning. Richard and Rodger stated TBLT
doesn’t only give connections in sentences but also it enhance communicative competence
among learners. Lee ascribed that many models like structural functional advocated about TBLT
and focused on task based instructions. Vocabulary acts as a pivotal role in language learning.
The right use of words according to the context gives strength for powerful writing skills. Even
while reading enhances vocabulary for ESL learners too. Usage of lexical phrases and formation
of different words give exposure to readers and they can even predicate or guess the meaning of
the word if they are skimming the text.
 Theory of Learning
The link between input and output is indispensable in the process of language learning. Through
tasks, a learner learns a language through innovation, experimentation, communication and
comprehension because these tasks develop the process of language learning. On the other hand,
it is parallel that achievement is dependent on the motivational level of a learner. If the
motivation is high then the success rate surely will increase. TBLT is the most modern method
that emphases on assessment and empowering a child to learn a language with understanding. A
learner excels in language learning if external factors of classroom level up the motivation.
Richards and Rodgers elucidate that in TBLT the focus is on the authentic use of language. In
other words, we can say that focus is on the process as compared to the product. The error
cannot be omitted easily because learning cannot be possible without errors but fossilization
should be avoided.
Task-based Approach (TBA) VS Traditional Teaching Methods
The task based frame work that proposed by Willis’ based on real life activities rather than
cramming grammar rules and structure in the customary classroom. The students in customary
classroom drill the tenses and translate the Urdu (national language of Pakistan) into the target
language. The word bank also provided to students in key books. The students in traditional class
never got an opportunity learn through relic. The syllabus in the task based teaching carried out
with pedagogical and real type activities. In the conventional syllabus, the learning is focused on
themes, language functions, vocabulary, Macro skills, and translation. To accomplish the task
with ease and fully disciplined class (Bygate 2001). In every theory, foundational thinkers
synthesize the procedure of that method and elucidated the concepts according to their own point
of views. Task has been defined by various thinkers like Breen, 1989; Crookes, 1986; Ellis,
2003; Lee, 2000; Long, 1985; Nunan, 1989; Prabhu, 1987, Bygate, Skehan 2002). In the
traditional classroom the students and teachers only follow the pre- decided curriculum and time
schedule but in TBLT class the timings and the syllabus both are flexible (Frost, 2000). Teaching
in task-based revolves around CLT because it gives exposure to the students to interact with each
other to solve true life situation (Ghosn, 2003). Task-based teaching invites integration in skills.
To integrating reading and writing or reading and speaking or any other combination is truly
accepted in task- based.
The study is an experimental research using a pretest-posttest with a control group and
experimental group design, which is a common educational research strategy to investigate
effects of educational innovations (Dugard & Todman, 1995). Students from two intact classes

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/
were chosen. Then, they randomly allocated to both groups. Dependent variables included
students’ achievement towards language learning through reading comprehension. The
independent variable is the use of TBL in reading comprehension lessons. The reading
comprehension tests prepared to accumulate the quantitative data about the students’ success in
learning and reading comprehension before and after the experiment.
This study targets students of bachelor level (18-20-year old) in governmental local college.
English language curriculum for the graduation (Bachelor in Arts) in Pakistan particularly in
Punjab is vastly consistent throughout the province. The government institution follows the
similar courses and the textbooks for instruction in the English language and literature. All
students participating from a college are Pakistani, shared the parallel features in relations of
socio-economic status. The group of 60 is divided into two groups from the local college of
Lahore. The participants from the two intact classes were casually consigned into two groups: 30
students in the experimental and 30 in the control group. The participants were supposed to be at
the similar level of English proficiency since they have learned English as a second language
from their early years of schooling and just finished the first academic year of their graduation.
The researcher has arranged the sample in two groups. All subjects belonged to Arts Group.
This provided a fair chance of all these students to be a representative of a randomly selected
sample. By applying systematic random sampling, every 9th student from a mixed ability class
of 60, students divided into two groups. This ensured proper representation where every student
has a chance to be selected to either group. The two groups held 30 students each keeping in
view the mortality threat to validity regarding the study. The variables such as age, gender and
educational background were controlled.
Data Collection Tools
The study included the following variables:
1. The independent variable represented in the TBLT based instruction of the novel “The Old
Man and the Sea”.
2. The dependent variable represented in the graduate students’ comprehension reading skills and
retention that will be measured through the clarity of the reading comprehension test.
The researcher uses the following instruments to move on with the experimental study:
Pre-test: The pre-test included questions on the novel’s structure and characters. The Pre- test
assessed the understanding level and ability of the students on the reading comprehension skill.
Post-test: A Post-test based on reading comprehension based on the TOFEL (sample paper of
Reading section). It is an effective tool to observe and trace any enhanced learning abilities
developed in the subjects at the end of the experiment. Post -test question items based on the
MCQs pattern as close as possible to the learning objectives.
The following Hypothesis was developed:
Null Hypothesis N1: It is hypothesized that employing and integrating of TBLT activities in the
teaching of “Language” might not prove effective in increasing the level of students’
comprehension level.
Null Hypothesis N2: It is hypothesized that there is not any significant difference in the
performance of English students before and after the teaching method of TBM employed?
The teachers usually feel tangled while panning about curriculum. TBLT is a preferable
substitute to PPP (Lopez 1999). According to this reason then teachers will have the options to
adapt new lesson plans that based on TBLT. The material that found in the traditional textbooks

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/
nor fulfills the need of the students neither fulfills the demand of the studies for professional
point of view. For this reason, the researcher changed the way of teaching the same material
found in the prescribed books for students. The text which used is the classical Novel of English
Literature” The Old man and the Sea” written by Ernest Hemingway”. The traditional teaching
of language in Pakistani government colleges is reading aloud in the class by the students and the
teacher further explains in it into easy English with Mother tongue interference. The different
key books or guides have been used by students for exams purposes with the complete
translation of the English text into Urdu for the better understanding of English language.
Therefore, the implementation of TBLT in the class for teaching the English language more
effectively used in this current study. The effectiveness of TBLT with the comparison of
Traditional Method and students’ learning achievement examined in further data analysis
chapter. It is possible to teach the whole Novel within a limited time frame because of the length
of the material. The intervention lesson plans according to Willis’ framework of TBLT have
been planned for teaching language in the treatment phase for the experimental group.
Reading Comprehension Tests
Two reading comprehension tests were conducted as pre and post tests to assess’ participants’
reading comprehension attainment before and after the experiment respectively. The tests
focused on measuring two main reading skills skimming and scanning. Reading tests were
selected from the textbook of Punjab board of “The Old Man and the Sea” with newly framed
lesson plan according to Willis’ TBLT framework. A pre-test was specified from the Novel
scrutiny understanding of students’ reading skills. A pre-test was specified to both groups, but
the experimental group was controlled in a period of months which was called treatment period.
Finally, a post test was given to both groups. The timing of piloting the formative assessment in
both control group and experimental group was 2 months approximately 8 weeks one lesson per
week of 45 mins. The whole Novel of “The Old Man and the Sea” can easily be taught in two
months because of not too much lengthy reading stuff. The experimenting group got treatment
throughout the session by learning the Novel through TBLT. The reading comprehension test of
15 multiple choice questions used while collecting post-tests for both control and experimental
groups. The internal consistency of the two tests checked by the SPSS and the Paired sample T-
Test conducted.
In week 1, the pre-test on reading comprehension was administrated to the two groups to
measure participants’ reading skill in reading comprehension before the study. From week 2 to
week 7, the tentative group was trained with TBL and the control group was taught with
GTM/Outmoded method. In the week 8, the post tests conducted in both groups. After the
intervention, the post-test on reading comprehension and were administrated to all participants to
gain insights into how he intervention influenced their learning achievement and reading
comprehension. In the control group, students learned reading comprehension through typical
traditional reading lessons, mainly focused on three stages. At the early stage, students were
provided with lists of new vocabularies collected from the reading text. They worked on them
through activities such as copying down, remembering Urdu meaning and listening and repeating
word by word. In the second stage, they read a text and dealt with some reading comprehension
questions or true/false statements. The third stage focused on translating the whole text. In the
experimental group, students learned reading comprehension through task-based activities
designed in an order of before-task, task sequence, and dialectal concentration. The post-test has

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/
given to both control and Experimental groups of reading comprehension test about the Novel
according to the MCQs pattern of TOFEL (sample paper of Reading section).
Data Collection
The experimental group was trained while using the task-based program (TBP) planned by the
researcher and the control group was educated using the orthodox method of teaching used by
teachers of the local college. Both the experimental and the control groups were pre-tested and
post-tested in their reading comprehension towards English. The experimental group was trained
by the investigator (female) while the control group was also taught by one teacher: female. Both
the teachers have Master degree in English and also have vast teaching experience.
Data Analysis
In this paper, calculable data composed from the pretest and posttests were evaluated and
interpreted in light of participants’ perceived challenges and benefits learning reading with TBL.
Quantitative statistics unruffled from the pre-test and post-test on reading expertise and the
questionnaires were subjected to SPSS. The reliability of the instruments was checked through
Reliability Statistical Analysis. Paired Samples t-tests were showed to equate the mean scores
between and within the two groups before and after the experiment.
Reliability and Validity
A review is legitimate when it genuinely speaks to what it was planned to speak to. In an
exploratory review, legitimacy can be isolated into two gatherings; to be specific Internal
Validity and External Validity. Internal Validity means to decide if a causal relationship exists
dependent variables and independent variables. To guarantee interior legitimacy of this
exploration outline the analyst painstakingly composed the lesson arranges in view of TBLT
guidelines so that any change (or absence of it), was speaking to the impact of errand construct
direction in light of understudies' READING comprehension skills. It has been watched that
individuals now and again perform better when a similar test is rehashed with them. To address
this, issue a Control gathering was utilized as a part of this review. Then all over again, at times
if the pre-test and post-test are distinctive, the modification in the scores might be a consequence
of the second test being less demanding than the main instead of the instructing technique. That
is the reason the post-test depended on some indistinguishable ideas from the pre-test to
guarantee legitimacy of results. The main change was connected to the introduction of the post-
test. External Validity of a study configuration alludes to the generalizability of a study. As it
were, can the consequences of a review be connected to the overall general population?
Extraordinary care was taken to address the issues influencing the External legitimacy of this
examination plan. For that, students were not told the conceivable result of this review the
specialist was meaning to accomplish. This was done as such that understudies' execution of the
test scores ought not to be influenced by a craving to perform better since they were by and large
piece of a review.
Data Analysis
In the present review-test, were used with a specific end goal to answer the exploration
questions. Moreover, t-test examination was used to discover huge contrasts between uses of task
based strategy among the two groups of members which were the experimental and the control
groups. Further, the Null hypothesizes were accepted or rejected on the findings will be
T- Test Analysis
In the following section, In order to provide the most convincing support that task based method
represents a significant influence on students’ performance t-test analysis was conducted.

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/
Table 1: Paired samples t-test of the Control group
Test N Mean SD Mean t df sig

Pre test 30 9.09 1.79 0.28 0.942 38 0.61

Post test 30 8.81 1.11

The above table demonstrated that there is no noteworthy shift in the examination between
posttest and pretest mean score of the control amass where t = 0.942, P = 0.61 > 0.05 which
showing that the execution of EFL students represented no any critical changes as far as reading
understanding. Whereas, in case of experimental group, analysis showed that the posttest mean
score of experimental group was higher than mean score of pretest where mean differences was
7.41, t=-2.80 and the level of significance was at 5%. On the other hand, there is significant shift
in comparison between posttest and pretest mean score of experimental group.
Table 2: Paired samples t-test of the experimental group
Test N Mean SD Mean t df sig
Pre test 30 7.59 2.82 7.41 -2.80 22 0.00
Post test 30 15.00 0.95

Table 3: Independent Samples t-test Results of the posttest between both experimental and
Control group
Test N Mean SD Mean t df sig
Control 30 9.10 1.11 6.1 -2.83 22 0.00
Experimental 30 15.6 2.60

In addition, t-test analysis between the result of posttest of experimental and control groups
revealed that there were significant differences between posttest mean score of the control group
and experimental group. Instead, it can be stated that mean score of experimental group
significantly higher than control group where mean differences was 6.1, t=-2.83 and the level of
significance was at 5% level.
This result remarked that use of task- based method had a significant influence on students’
performance. In this area, the after effect of hypothesis testing are exhibited in view of the t-test
examination comes about. Likewise, if there should arise an occurrence of the first hypothesis
task-based technique is not effective for teaching English language " the hypothesis rejected
where the investigation demonstrated that Task-based is a helpful strategy for teaching the
English Language. Additionally, if there should be an occurrence of second hypothesis " There is
no distinction between the performance of EFL learners through task -based technique " the
hypothesis rejected in light of the t-test examination result where positive huge contrasts was
found between the introduction of EFL learns of exploratory and control gathering.

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/
4. Graph of Pre-test score comparison between Control group and Experimental group

The bar graph indicates that the score of pretest of both groups almost equivalent and the
students of the control group and the experimental group have the same level of reading
comprehension without major changes in their scores.
5. Graph of Post test score comparison between Control group and Experimental group

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/

The bar graph of the post test of both groups showed significant fluctuations and overall
improvement in the performance of the students in the experimental group. Likewise in the
control group the students didn’t show even trivial improvement in reading comprehension.

Table 6: Control Group Post-test Analysis per Question

Questions Right Wrong Percentage

Responses Responses
1 15 15 50% 50%
2 19 11 63% 37%
3 18 12 60% 40%
4 20 10 67% 33%
5 17 13 57% 43%
6 12 18 40% 60%

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
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7 20 10 67% 33%
8 17 13 57% 43%
9 10 20 33% 67%
10 11 19 37% 63%
11 17 13 57% 43%
12 9 21 30% 70%
13 8 22 27% 73%
14 6 24 20% 80%
15 14 16 47% 53%

Table 7: Experimental Group Post-test Analysis per Question

Questions Right Wrong Percentage

Responses Responses

1 25 5 83% 17%
2 22 8 73% 27%
3 21 9 70% 30%
4 28 2 93% 7%
5 27 3 90% 10%
6 24 6 80% 20%
7 21 9 70% 30%
8 19 11 63% 37%
9 23 7 77% 23%
10 21 9 70% 30%
11 25 5 83% 17%
12 28 2 93% 7%
13 29 1 97% 3%
14 29 1 97% 3%
15 30 0 100 0%

According to the mentioned research questions, descriptive analysis, and t-test analysis were
conducted in order to find statistically acceptable answers for them. Furthermore, the result of
revealed that there was a positive significant relationship between variables. In accumulation, t-
test analysis was shown in order to realize any substantial modifications between performances
of students who used the task based method and who not used the task based method. The results
supported that there was significant differences between experimental group and control groups
of the present study which indicated that there was significant differences in performance of EFL
students who use the task based method in their learning in comparison to those not use task
based method. The overall reliability of the test is 0.95 coefficient. The different parts of the
TOEFL test have separate reliability coefficient as 0.77 for the sections of writing and listening
skills, 0.77 for reading skill, 0.85 for speaking skill, and 0.94 to 0.95 for the total test score.

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/
There were some social and cultural factors that affect the overall performance of the students.
Some of them complained about their mood swings, anxiety issues, and desire of getting the high
score and other problems on the examination day. Anxiety is not only the factor but sometimes
expectations of the high score also effect on the students result. Although, some of the students
who scored less they were not personally satisfied because they were expecting more scores in
post-test. Though the teacher stimulated the students to comprehend the text of the Novel. There
was a huge improvement for some students who feel very nervous in the traditional class. They
liked to learn the language in the pairs and groups. They learned quite well in the interactive
class. Based on table 1 and 2, it showed that there is no significant shift in the comparison
between posttest and pretest mean score of the control group where t = 0.942, P = 0.61 > 0.05
which indicates that the performance of EFL students represented not significant changes in
terms of answering the questions. Whereas, in the case of the experimental group, the analysis
showed that the posttest mean score of the experimental group is higher than mean score of
pretest where mean difference was 7.41, t=-2.80. On the other hand, there is significant shift in
the comparison between posttest and pretest mean score of the experimental group In addition, t-
test analysis between result of posttest of experimental and control groups revealed that there is a
significant differences between posttest mean score of control group and experimental group. On
the other hand, it can be stated that mean score of the experimental group is significantly higher
than control group where mean difference was 6.1, t=-2.80.
The data presented the post score of the control group in clear way that the half of the class were
not sure about the right answers. The questions that have the higher level of difficulty were most
of the time being marked wrong. The questions where extensive reading required for answering
the question; control group students had the lack of difficulty because they didn’t have any
practice regarding getting the main idea from the given text. Even in some questions, students
were unable to provide one-word answer because finding that one-word reading techniques were
required. Dialogue recognition is very important while reading or teaching the Novel but control
group students were unable to identify the right choice about who said what. This selective
Novel was rich in symbolism and sayings but through the traditional teaching, the students were
only memorized prolonged questions without getting what is written in the novel. The students
when found themselves in the dangling situation then they marked those choices like “none of
these’’ for safe side. The pretest and post test score of the control group didn’t show many
changes because the students were actually busing in cramming things and finding the meanings
of the difficult words. The teacher of the control group didn’t put any effort regarding changing
or modification of the teaching strategies. The reading aloud in the class not only promote
passive learning environment of the class but also students feel hesitate about participating in
reading because of their weak pronunciation
The table number of 6 depicts totally opposite facts of control group progress because of the
vigorous planning of the experimental group teacher. The teacher modified the lesson according
to the theoretical framework of Task based method proposed by Willis. The analysis question by
question gave the crystal clear facts that teaching language through TBLT really improve the
progress of the students in a learning process. The percentage of the wrong answers gradually
decreased after implementing TBLT method in the teaching English language. The students
marked the correct responses because even in difficult questions because working and learning
through collaboration and proper involvement ultimately enhance the cognitive skills and
shaping the minds of the young ones. This all happened because of the TBLT implementation in
which the slow learners got the chance to participate in group work and read the text without

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/
hesitation. Using the genre of Novel was a bit challenging but on the other side, learners got this
opportunity to learn through the innovative method and explore their hidden talent and overcome
the learning barriers.
This picture which depicted the result regarding improvement in students reading skills only
happened because of TBLT. As it is cleared now that there is not any difference between pre and
posttest scores of control group because of the outdated method of teaching. The researcher had
positively able to justify the hypothesis and the research questions posed by the framework of
this experimental study under the statistically proven evidence. The researcher may suggest that
TBLT based instruction played a pivotal role in providing these students with the confidence in
their own ability to practice reading skills under the guidance of a knowledgeable peer or
teacher. The TBLT based approach appears to be a promising alternative for these low proficient
ESL learners who are taught reading skills in a traditional manner which is more close to the
Grammar Translation method. In the public sector institutions in Lahore, the students are mostly
instructed to memorize a long list of rules of grammar but they are never provided with the
necessary exposure to the English language that can help them in practicing those rules or
observing them in the real life language usage. The TBLT based instruction may also help in
providing these students with the exposure to the texts written in the English language from
which the students of these institutions are far removed. They do not bother themselves with
reading texts in English which are the major reason for their lack of skill as far as writing in
English is concerned. Another advantage that TBLT based instruction may provide is that it can
also contribute towards raising the interest of the students in reading texts in the English
Critique of the Research Design
This research was intended to be experimental in nature, utilizing two groups; Experimental
group and Control group. The foundation behind utilizing these research configuration was to
accomplish a comparative investigation in research. The researcher chose an exploratory plan to
test the viability of TBLT based approach in enhancing the perusing cognizance of low capable
ESL learners of a government college in Lahore. The groups were shaped utilizing efficient
irregular examining to guarantee that each individual from the class was a genuine illustrative of
the group. The groups were formed using systematic TBLT-based instruction in teaching of the
novel “The old man and the Sea” and its effective outcome on the learning process of the
students related to their comprehension and reading skills was used as the independent variable
of the study whereas the dependent variable was the students’ English comprehension and
reading skills and retention that was further measured through the use of reading comprehension
test in Posttest.
To guarantee the internal validity of this research design the researcher precisely planned the
lesson arranges in light of TBLT based guideline so that any change (or absence of it), was
speaking to the impact of TBLT construct direction with respect to students learning abilities. It
has been watched that individuals now and again perform better when a similar test is rehashed
with them. To address this issue a Control group was utilized as a part of this review. Then
again, here and there if the pre-test and post-test are distinctive, the adjustment in the scores
might be an aftereffect of the second test being less demanding than the main as opposed to the
educating strategy. To redesign the post-test keeping strictly in mind that the questions for both
the pre-test and the post-test were the same but the style of asking the questions was different to
ensure the validity of results. At the end of the research, can the consequences of a study be
generalized to the overall public? Outrageous care was taken to address the issues influencing the

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/
External validity of this research plan. For instance, the student was not told the conceivable
result of this review the researcher was meaning to accomplish. This was done as such that
students’ execution of the test scores ought not to be influenced by a longing to perform better
since they were, as a rule, some portion of a review. The scope of the research was kept
constrained to just B.A student of one Public Sector College in Lahore. The researcher felt that
the scope of the study could have been extended to incorporate distinctive review levels. The
researcher likewise felt that the time traverse of the study ought to have been longer with the
goal that more concentrate could be put on executing the TBLT based teaching method. The
examination of the information created from both the Experimental group and the Control group
was finished by recalling to answer the research questions. Information was exhibited as tables
and was likewise clarified in further for illumination. Outrageous care was taken in making
determinations from the information and the conclusions attracted were achieved the light of the
writing survey.
Language is certifiable material. Language energizes connection. Language frequently rich in
various layers of significance, and can be adequately dug for exchanges and imparting
sentiments or insights. Language extends language exposure. Language educates the whole
person (cited by Lazar 1993). Language acts as a key to open the hidden thoughts and nurture the
entire individual as well as the society. By looking at qualities in artistic literary texts, educators
urge learners to construct ideas about them. These qualities and mentalities identify with the
world outside the classroom. Language is engaging. Language holds high status in many
societies and states. Consequently, students can feel a genuine feeling of accomplishment at
understanding a bit of exceedingly regarded language. Additionally, language is regularly more
intriguing than the text found in course books. The distinctive characters, social perspectives,
standards and conventions and the precepts utilized by creators in language genuinely open the
skylines of deduction for students. English language instructional practices need further study
and more development. The changing in the syllabus of English language at graduation level
should be changed. The prevailing teaching method is outdated and needs a proactive approach.
Only that teaching method can bring achievement for the students’ learning which promotes
students’ active participation. This is true that different teaching methods evolved but we cannot
say that teaching practices are only limited in the text of books because a new teacher cannot
individually prepare himself because proper preparedness is required. Task based method offers
plenty of activities according to the need of lesson’s demand. TBLT sets the class in which
students are enthusiastic and energetic. Problem-solving is never an easy task especially when
we talk about language learning. This kind of performs prepare the students to correct and fluent
in learning a language particular in ESL classroom.
Educational strategies
Teacher education of English teaching is an imperative issue in our present situation. Albeit a
few parts of educator training advancement have achieved an adequate level, for example, the
enactment and use of assessment for new instructors before employing them as will be talked
about in the blink of an eye. In any case, a considerable measure of advancement work is
critically required in different parts of educator training particularly those identified with expert
improvement and instructing permit. Notwithstanding the fulfillment and disappointment about
the over a wide span of time advancement, the present nearness of the thought of improvement in
educator instruction is promising. For many year in college education, English language mentors
offered to English language structure, tuning in, perusing, keeping in touch with, a few bits of

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/
English writing, phonetics, some semantic speculations, few and brief courses in brain research,
educational modules, and showing aptitudes, and interpretation from English into Urdu and the
other way around. This study primarily offering a pivotal suggestion to the English language
teachers to change or modify their teaching methods on the framework of TBLT. The current
educational policies should provide opportunities to English language teachers to reconstruct
their lesson with TBLT theoretical framework (constructivist learning theory).
Recommendations for curriculum decision makers
The revision, assessment criteria, check and balance approach for teachers’ lesson planning,
changing in educational policies should be addressed by the curriculum makers. Educators and
students along with administrators should be part of learning process. Further, we cannot
overlook the role of the parents because home is the first agency of socialization development.
The guidelines should be flexible and incessant and particularly on regular basis. Re-framing the
curriculum is an important issue in the educational sector of Pakistan.
1. Construction curriculum upon a constructivist best practice pattern.
2. Curriculum needs to emphasize for students need.
3. Teaching method should be student centered.
4. The more resources should be added to the existing material of the classroom.
5. Audio/Visual aids should be added in the public sector colleges. Unfortunately, which is not
being used by the teachers.
6. Teachers role should not be neglected while framing educational guidelines.
7. The concept of teacher’s license is not part of Pakistani government educational policy and
even in the private sector where check and balance approach prevails; teaching license is not
needed. Make compulsion for the teacher to be authorized and licensed for the purpose to
maintain the validity.
8. Standardized and unified curricula should be implemented across the country.
Many research articles and journals have shown the positive impacts related to implantation of
TBLT for ESL learners in their results as well. The government teachers can take full advantage
from this study for the purpose to change their old teaching method with the new solitary. The
researcher trusts that the extent of results can be broadened to incorporate students learning at
various levels in various foundations upon particularly in Pakistan's ESL instructing setting. The
limitations that the researcher experienced in directing this study like a little sample
measurement if the size of the sample will be increased or. The results may open vistas for
instructors to try different things with TBLT based guideline as well as various academic
strategies, whatever they consider applicable to help their students. Language is being explored
and demonstrated that the TBLT method is hypothetically confined by the constructivist learning
hypothesis, which accentuated the part of social connection in psychological improvement
(Piaget, 1972) and is additionally knowledgeable by Dewey's (2006) impression of learning
through exercises. Teaching a language has created crosswise over time. The investigation has
analyzed the impact of TBLT on understanding reading skills for students in one Government
College. The treatment group is contrasted with the control one further the Mean scores were
contrasted too. On the basis of the posttests, it was demonstrated that the students who were
taught by the experimental group have shown progress in reading rather than control group
students. It was also examined that the TBLT method was more effective than the customary
instructing technique. The investigation has demonstrated that the real topic of this examination

Hamdard Islamicus, Vol. 43 No. 1 (2020),895-911
https://hamdardfoundation.org/hamdard Islamicus/
(TBLT) falls in a constructivist instructive setting. The teaching should be innovative and full of
curiosity for students rather than rote learning and paste them in the papers.

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