Lecture Notes On Philippines Budgeting

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Lecture Notes VIII Philippine Budgeting Process, Approach and Techniques

Jai Leonard I. Carinan

Performance Budgeting – it uses statement of missions, goals and objectives to

explain why the money is being spent. It is a way to allocate resources to
achieve specific objectives based on program goals and measured results. The
key to understanding performance-based budgeting lies beneath the word
“result”. In this method, the entire planning and budgeting framework is result
oriented. There are objectives and activities to achieve these objectives and
these form the foundation of the overall evaluation.

Planning Programming Budgeting System (PPBS) – is a concept that stresses

the importance of establishing a strong linkage between planning and
budgeting. It emanates from the policy of the government to formulate and
implement a national budget that is an instrument of national development,
reflective of national objectives, strategies and plans. Under the PPBS concept,
the budget is anchored on the degree by which the accomplishment of economic
plans and attainment of target contained in the Medium-Term Philippine
Development Plan (MTPDP) and the Medium-Term Public Investment Program
(MTPIP) are supported.

Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB) System – a method of budgeting expenditures in

which each expenditure is justified on its overall merits rather than being based
on the budget for the previous year. A zero-base budget is most often proposed
(but seldom implemented) for governments. Governments generally establish
budget expenditures based on expenditures for the previous year.

Required Video Review

Philippine Center For National Budget Legislation


Required Reading

Book VI National Government Budgeting

Lecture Notes VIII Philippine Budgeting Process, Approach and Techniques
Jai Leonard I. Carinan


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