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Cven3303 Steel Structures: School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

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School of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Trimester 1, 2020


Units of Credit 6
Contact hours 6 hours per week
Class Mon, 16:00 – 18:00 Sir John Clancy Auditorium (K-C24-G17)
Thurs, 11:00 – 12:00 Mathews Theatre A (K-D23-201)

Workshop Fri, 13:00 – 15:00 http://timetable.unsw.edu.au/2020/CVEN


Course Coordinator and Scientia Professor Mark A. Bradford

Lecturer email: [email protected]
office: Civil Engineering Building (H20) Level 7, Room 702
9385 5014


Steel Structures (CVEN3303) was introduced in 2016 in the third year, as part of the structural analysis and
design component of the structural engineering stream. In this course, loading types, fundamentals of the
design of steel tension, compression and flexural members, design of bolted and welded connections will be
dealt with.


A course on design concepts and specific design of structural elements subject to bending, shear and
combined bending and axial compression. Topics include: introduction to limit states design and codes of
practice (design objectives; strength and serviceability limit states); loads and load combinations
(permanent/dead, imposed/live and wind loads); design of structural steel tension members; Euler column
buckling; design of stocky and slender compression members; design of laterally supported steel beams,
laterally unsupported steel beams (lateral-torsional buckling in bending and shear strength); steel beam-
columns (in-plane and out-of-plane failure); steel members subjected to biaxial bending; design of steel
frames, steel connections and detailing (force and moment connections).

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The objectives of this course are:
• To become familiar with the different types of structural steel components in the context of the
Australian standard for steel structures AS4100.
• To develop an in-depth understanding of the philosophies and principles of structural loading and
• To develop the ability to proportion and check the adequacy of steel members subjected to tension,
compression, flexure or a combination of flexure and compression.
• To use gained knowledge of solid mechanics to assess the loading capacity of steel members and
connections with respect to the material properties of steel and the modes of structural failure.
• To nurture abilities in creative and critical thinking through the opportunity to develop and design
new types of structural systems.


Private Study • Review lecture material and textbook

• Do set problems and assignments
• Join Moodle discussions of problems
• Reflect on class problems and assignments
• Download materials from Moodle
• Keep up with notices and find out marks via Moodle
Lectures • Find out what you must learn
• See methods that are not in the textbook
• Follow worked examples
• Hear announcements on course changes
Workshops • Be guided by Demonstrators
• Practice solving set problems
• Ask questions
Assessments • Demonstrate your knowledge and skills
(assignments and final exam) • Demonstrate higher understanding and problem solving


For each hour of contact it is expected that you will put in at least 1.5 hours of private study.

This course is designed to address the learning outcomes below and the corresponding Engineers
Australia Stage 1 Competency Standards for Professional Engineers as shown. The full list of Stage 1
Competency Standards may be found in Appendix A. After successfully completing this course, you should
be able to:

Learning Outcome EA Stage 1 Competencies

Employ structural design concepts to determine the initial size and to
1. check the adequacy of structural steel members such as tension PE1.1, PE1.5, PE2.1
members, compression members, flexural members and beam-columns

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and connections in practice.
Demonstrate an understanding of advanced concepts in structural
2. PE2.1
Interpret and understand the requirements of a design brief and identify
3. PE2.3, PE3.3
the potential design problems presented by the objectives of the brief.
4. Use computers to solve engineering problems. PE2.1
5. Communicate their design in written and graphical form. PE2.1, PE3.4


Date Topic Lecture Content Demonstration Content
17/02/2020 Introduction to structural Introduction, Limit States Introduction, Limit States
20/02/2020 design Design principles, Actions and Design principles, Actions
effects of actions and effects of actions
(Week 1)
24/02/2020 Axially loaded members Steel tension members Steel tension members
27/02/2020 Steel tension members
(Week 2)
02/03/2020 Axially loaded members Steel compression members Steel compression
05/03/2020 Steel compression members members
(Week 3)
09/03/2019 Axially loaded members, In-plane effective length and In-plane effective length
12/02/2020 Flexurally loaded second-order effects and second-order effects
(Week 4) members In-plane effective length and
second-order effects
16/03/2020 Flexurally loaded Steel flexural members Steel flexural members
19/03/2020 members Steel flexural members
(Week 5) Steel flexural members
23/03/2020 Non-teaching week for all
(Week 6) courses
30/03/2020 Flexurally loaded Steel flexural members Steel flexural members
02/04/2020 members, Connections Welded and bolted connections
(Week 7)
06/04/2020 Connections, Combined Welded and bolted connections Welded and bolted
09/04/2020 actions Welded and bolted connections connections
(Week 8)
16/04/2020 Combined actions Steel beam-columns Steel beam-columns
(Week 9)
20/04/2020 Combined actions Steel beam-columns Steel beam-columns
23/04/2020 Steel beam-columns
(Week 10)
27/04/2019 Review of material (TBC) Review of material (TBC) Review of material (TBC)
(Week 11)

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The final grade for this course will normally be based on the sum of the scores from each of the
assignments (class work) and the Final Examination. The Final Examination is worth 60% of the final grade
if the class work is included and 100% if class work is not included. The class work is worth 40% of the final
grade if included. A mark of at least 40% in the Final Examination is required before the class work is
included in the final grade. The formal exam scripts will not be returned. Students who perform poorly in the
workshops are recommended to discuss progress with the lecturer during the semester.

Note: The coordinator reserves the right to adjust the final scores by scaling if agreed by the Head of

Supplementary Examinations for Trimester 1 2020 will be held on Monday 25th – Friday 29th May (inclusive)
should you be required to sit one. You are required to be available during these dates. Please do not to
make any personal or travel arrangements during this period.

Assignment 1: Design/Tension Members issued on: 21 February due on: 05 March
Assignment 2: Compression Members issued on: 13 March due on: 27 March
Assignment 3: Flexural Members issued on: 27 March due on: 09 April
Assignment 4: Beam-Columns/Connections issued on: 09 April due on: 24 April

Late submissions will be penalised at the rate of 20% per day after the due time and date have expired.

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Item Length Weighting of Learning outcomes Assessment Due date and Deadline for Marks returned
Total Classwork assessed Criteria submission absolute fail (indicative)
(%) requirements

1. Introduction to design 4 hrs 10 Strength limit state Assignment 05 March 12 March 13 March
2. Tension members 3 hrs 10 Design of tension Assignment 05 March 12 March 13 March
3. Compression members, 7 hrs 20 Design of Assignment 27 March 03 April 09 April
second-order effects compression
members in frames
4. Flexural members 8 hrs 25 Section and bending Assignment 09 April 17 April 23 April
5. Connections 5 hrs 10 Bolted and welded Assignment 24 April 29 April 08 May
6. Beam-columns 8 hrs 25 Combined actions Assignment 24 April 29 April 08 May

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• N.S. Trahair and M.A. Bradford. The Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures to AS4100. 3rd Australian
Edition, E&FN Spon, London, 2017.
• M.A. Bradford, R.Q. Bridge and N.S. Trahair. Worked Examples for Steel Structures. 4th Edition, Australian
Steel Institute, Sydney, 2013.
• S.T. Woolcock, S. Kitipornchai, M.A. Bradford and G.A. Haddad. Design of Portal Frame Buildings. 4th Edition,
Australian Steel Institute, Sydney, 2011.
• AS4100-1998 Steel Structures. Standards Australia, Sydney, 2016
• AS4100 Supp 1-1999 Steel Structures – Commentary. Standards Australia, Sydney, 1999.
• AS/NZS 1170.0-2002 Structural Design Actions: Part 0 General Principles. SA Sydney / SNZ Wellington,
• AS/NZS 1170.1-2002 Structural Design Actions: Part 1 Permanent, Imposed and Other Actions. SA Sydney /
SNZ Wellington, 2016.
• A very useful link is that to the Australian Steel Institute: www.steel.org.au

Australian Standards may be accessed through the UNSW Library as follows:

1. Go to the library homepage at www.library.unsw.edu.au
2. Select “Data Bases”
3. Locate “Australian Standards”
4. Click on “Australian Standards (SAI Global) and enter the relevant standard into the search field.
Refer to MyUNSW for Important Dates available at:

Beware! An assignment that includes plagiarised material will receive a 0% Fail, and students who
plagiarise may fail the course. Students who plagiarise are also liable to disciplinary action, including
exclusion from enrolment.
Plagiarism is the use of another person’s work or ideas as if they were your own. When it is necessary or
desirable to use other people’s material you should adequately acknowledge whose words or ideas they are
and where you found them (giving the complete reference details, including page number(s)). The Learning
Centre provides further information on what constitutes Plagiarism at:
(Formerly known as Common School Information)
For information about:
• Notes on assessments and plagiarism,
• School policy on Supplementary exams,
• Special Considerations: student.unsw.edu.au/special-consideration
• Solutions to Problems,
• Year Managers and Grievance Officer of Teaching and Learning Committee, and
Refer to Academic Advice on the School website available at:

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Appendix A: Engineers Australia (EA) Competencies
Stage 1 Competencies for Professional Engineers

Program Intended Learning Outcomes

PE1.1 Comprehensive, theory-based understanding of underpinning fundamentals

PE1.2 Conceptual understanding of underpinning maths, analysis, statistics, computing

PE1: Knowledge
and Skill Base

PE1.3 In-depth understanding of specialist bodies of knowledge

PE1.4 Discernment of knowledge development and research directions

PE1.5 Knowledge of engineering design practice

PE1.6 Understanding of scope, principles, norms, accountabilities of sustainable engineering


PE2.1 Application of established engineering methods to complex problem solving

Application Ability
PE2: Engineering

PE2.2 Fluent application of engineering techniques, tools and resources

PE2.3 Application of systematic engineering synthesis and design processes

PE2.4 Application of systematic approaches to the conduct and management of engineering


PE3.1 Ethical conduct and professional accountability

PE3.2 Effective oral and written communication (professional and lay domains)
and Personal Attributes
PE3: Professional

PE3.3 Creative, innovative and pro-active demeanour

PE3.4 Professional use and management of information

PE3.5 Orderly management of self, and professional conduct

PE3.6 Effective team membership and team leadership

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