User's Manual: Transformer Ohmmeter

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Transformer ohmmeter

User’s Manual


Art No. ZP-BN01E Doc. BN034794AE V01a 2018


Transformer ohmmeter

User’s Manual


© 2018, Megger Sweden AB. All rights reserved.
The contents of this manual are the property of Megger Sweden AB. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, except as permitted in written license agreement with Megger Sweden AB. Megger Sweden AB has made every reasonable
attempt to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this document. However, the information contained in this manual is subject to change
without notice, and does not represent a commitment on the part of Megger Sweden AB. Any attached hardware schematics and technical
descriptions, or software listings that disclose source code, are for informational purposes only. Reproduction in whole or in part to create
working hardware or software for other than Megger Sweden AB products is strictly prohibited, except as permitted by written license
agreement with Megger Sweden AB.
Megger® and Programma® are trademarks registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other brand and product names mentioned in this
document are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Megger Sweden AB is certified according to ISO 9001 and 14001.

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BN034794AE ZP-BN01E MTO106 3


1 Introduction
.............................................................. 6
1.1 Product description.......................................6
Features and benefits................................................... 6
Applications................................................................. 6
1.2 Winding resistance testing ...........................6
1.3 Receiving instructions....................................7
1.4 Warranty......................................................7
Warranty repair............................................................ 7
2 Safety
.............................................................. 8
2.1 General.........................................................8
Symbols on the instrument........................................... 8
2.2 Safety instructions.........................................8
Maintenance................................................................ 9
3 Instrument description and
Accessories........................................ 10
3.1 Panel..........................................................10
3.2 The display..................................................11
3.3 Accessories.................................................11
Included..................................................................... 11
Optional..................................................................... 11
4 Setup and operation
............................................................ 12
4.1 Preparations................................................12
4.2 Testing Single and Dual windings................12
4.3 Testing Delta winding resistance..................13
5 Application examples
............................................................ 14
5.1 Testing transformers with tap changers.......14
5.2 Temperature correction...............................14
5.3 Manual demagnetization of a transformer..15
6 Troubleshooting and Calibration........ 16
6.1 Troubleshooting..........................................16
7 Specifications
............................................................ 18

4 MTO106 ZP-BN01E BN034794AE

BN034794AE ZP-BN01E MTO106 5

1 Introduction

1 Introduction

1.1 Product description 1.2 Winding resistance

The MTO106 transformer ohmmeter is an easy-to-use, testing
line-operated instrument specifically designed for safe
and accurate field measurement of winding resistance Transformer winding resistances are measured in
in smaller transmission and distribution transformers. the field in order to check for abnormalities due to
loose connections, broken strands, and high-contact
It has dual channels with a wide measurement range
resistance in tap changers. Interpretation of results is
and can accurately provide information about the
usually based on a comparison of measurements
vast majority of power transformers, reactors and
made separately on each phase in the case of a
instrument transformers. The test current can be
wye-connected winding or between pairs of terminals
manually set in five different ranges to fit transformers
on a delta-connected winding. Comparison may also
of various sizes.
be made with original data measured in the factory.
The unit has built-in safety protection for testing
Winding resistance measurements in transformers
transformers and other components with high
are of fundamental importance for the following
inductance. To ensure operator safety, MTO 106
automatically discharges the stored energy in the
transformer at the end of each test. If a current lead ▪▪Calculations of the I2R component of conductor losses.
is disconnected while current is flowing through ▪▪Calculation of winding temperature at the end of a
the transformer, the current will flow through the temperature test cycle.
alternate path of the potential lead without damage
to the instrument or risk to the operator ▪▪As a diagnostic tool for assessing possible damage in the
Features and benefits Problems or faults occur due to poor design, assembly,
▪▪Test current up to 6 A and stable current generation handing, poor environments, overloading or poor
maintenance. Measuring the resistance of the
▪▪Up to 48 V output voltage for fast charging of windings assures that the connections are correct and
transformer windings the resistance measurements indicate that there are
▪▪Light weight and portable no severe mismatches or opens. Many transformers
have taps built into them. These taps allow ratio to be
▪▪Very short start-up time increased or decreased by. Any of the ratio changes
▪▪Ease of use involve a mechanical movement of a contact from one
position to another. To tetect contact wear, winding
▪▪Resistance range, 10 µOhm to 30 kOhm, for testing a resistance measurements are usually performed at
wide variety of transformers. each tap in a load tap changer.

The MTO106 is mainly intended for field
measurements of smaller transmission and distribution
▪▪To verify factory test readings
▪▪As part of a regular maintenance program.
▪▪To help locate the presence of defects in transformers
such as increased contact resistance in terminal
connections and tap changers.
The instrument can also be used for general resistance
measurements of for instance control wiring, voltage
regulators, motors, generators and all types of

6 MTO106 ZP-BN01E BN034794AE

1 Introduction

1.3 Receiving instructions 1.4 Warranty

▪▪Check the equipment received against the packing list to Products supplied by Megger are warranted against
ensure that all materials are present. Notify Megger of any defects in material and workmanship for a period of
shortage. one year following shipment.
▪▪Examine the instrument for damage received in transit. If Our liability is specifically limited to replacing or
damage is discovered, file a claim with the carrier at once repairing, at our option, defective equipment.
and notify Megger, giving a detailed description of the This warranty does not include batteries, lamps
damage. or other expendable items, where the original
manufacturer’s warranty shall apply.
▪▪This instrument has been thoroughly tested and inspected
to meet rigid specifications before being shipped. It We make no other warranty. The warranty is void
is ready for use when set up as indicated in this user in the event of negligence abuse (failure to follow
manual. recommended operating procedures) or failure by
the customer to perform specific maintenance as
indicated in this manual.

Warranty repair
▪▪Equipment returned to the factory for repair must be
shipped prepaid and insured.
▪▪Contact your Megger representative for instructions and a
return authorization (RA) number.
▪▪Indicate all pertinent information, including problem
▪▪Specify the serial number and the catalog number of the
▪▪If you need to return the instrument, please use either the
original crate or one of equivalent strength.

BN034794AE ZP-BN01E MTO106 7

2 Safety

2 Safety

2.1 General 2.2 Safety instructions

For your own safety and to get the maximum benefit 1. Single ground system - This equipment can
from your instrument, please ensure that you read be used only in electrical systems with single
and understand the following safety instructions and ground. Before connecting this unit to power
warnings before using the instruments. you must verify that High Voltage Ground
Read and comply with the following instructions. and Low Voltage Protective Ground create a
Always comply with local safety regulations. single protective ground with no measurable
voltage potential existing between these ground
Symbols on the instrument systems. If a voltage potential is found between
the ground systems please consult local safety
Caution, refer to accompanying regulations.
documents. 2. Mains cord protective conductor - The
instrument is equipped with a power cord with
Protective conductor terminal. integral safety ground pin. Do not defeat the
safety ground in any manner. The equipment
must be connected to a grounded mains outlet.
3. Ground lead - The first connection made, and
last removed is the connection of instrument
WEEE, Waste Electrical and Electronic Protective conductor terminal to station ground
Equipment. Please utilize your using the separate ground lead.
local WEEE collection facilities in Make sure ground lead is checked for continuity
the disposition of this product and and securely fastened.
otherwise observe all applicable
4. Use an easily accessible power outlet - This
will ensure that you can disconnect the power
The unit can also be returned to
quickly in case of a problem. The instrument
Megger at any time at no charge for
should be operated only from the type of power
the disposal.
source indicated on its nameplate.
5. Connecting - It is very important not to
connect any leads on top of or too close to
one another. Take the necessary precautions
to as-sure one lead falling off will not take a
second lead with it. Never connect the test
equipment to energized equipment. Never make
any connection or disconnections while the test
equipment is generating or discharging.
6. Testing - When applying current to a
transformer with very high inductance,
additional care should be taken not to remove
current leads while current is still flowing.
Removal of terminals while current flowing
may generate an arc that may result in lethal
injury: electrical, thermal or by fall. Ensure that
the transformer to be tested is completely de-
energized. Check every winding. Ensure that all
terminals of the transformer are disconnected
from line or load at the transformer.
Connections to ground may be left in place.

8 MTO106 ZP-BN01E BN034794AE

2 Safety

7. Water and moisture - Do not use the

instrument near water. To prevent fire or shock
hazard, do not expose the instrument to rain or
moisture. Do not touch the plug with wet hands
8. Ventilation - Slots and openings in the
instrument are provided for ventilation. They
ensure reliable operations of the instrument,
keeping it from overheating. These openings
must not be blocked nor covered during
9. Accessories - Do not use any accessories that
are not intended for use together with the

1. DISCONNECT the MAINS plug before any
cleaning or maintenance.
2. Refer all servicing to Megger authorized
Do not attempt to service the instrument
yourself. If you attempt to service the instrument
the warranty is no longer valid.
3. Read and understand Safety in the User
Manual before performing any service.
4. Routine maintenance is all that is required
for these test sets. The cables and connector
panel should be inspected frequently to be
sure all connections are tight and all ground
connections intact.
5. Cleaning - Use a damp cloth for cleaning. Do
not use liquid cleaners or aerosol cleaners.

BN034794AE ZP-BN01E MTO106 9

3 Instrument description and Accessories

3 Instrument description and

3.1 Panel
1 2 3 4 5 6

7 8 9

R2 SENSE Selector for test currents.
Voltage input 8. ON/OFF
2. CURRENT OUTPUT Toggle switch ON / OFF for generation of test cur-
1 mA - 6 A, 48 VDC rents. Red Indicator lamp lit during generation.
Current output
3. R2 SENSE 9.
Switch for selection of single/dual channel meas- Protective conductor terminal: To be connected to
urement. Dual channel measurement is active station earth (ground) using separate ground lead,
when the switch is in the “ON”position. see "2.2 Safety instructions" on page 8.
4. Touchscreen
4 inch, backlit, monochrome display
Built-in discharge circuit safely discharges the test
object when test is completed. LED and audio sig-
nal indicate the charging status.
6. 100-240 V ~ 5 A
50 / 60 Hz
Mains input and fuse box: Always use the power
cord supplied with the unit. The unit is powered
when the switch for power input is in the “on”

10 MTO106 ZP-BN01E BN034794AE

3 Instrument description and Accessories

3.2 The display 3.3 Accessories

1 2 Included
Test lead black with banana connector and Kelvin
clamp, 10 m (33 ft) 1 GC-32310
Test lead red with banana connector and Kelvin
clamp, 10 m (33 ft) 1 GC-32312
Ground lead, 5 m (16 ft) 2.5 mm² 1 GA-00200
Mains cable 1 AA-00010
User’s manual 1 ZP-BN01E
MTO106 Report pad 1 XP-BN01E
MTO106 Reporting template file 1 SB-0022E
Carry bag 1 2000-091

3 4 GC-32310 GC-32312

1. Injected current. The current value displayed may

differ slightly from the selected current.
2. Measured resistance value. The value is typically
displayed with four significant digits. If fewer dig-
its are displayed, it is recommended to lower the
test current. GA-00200 2000-091
3. Voltage measured over the “R1 SENSE” connectors.
This voltage is divided by the injected current to
calculate the resistance reading. Optional
4. Stability reading. Reaches 100% when the meas- Transport case for instrument and leads 1009-744
urement is stable. MTO106 dual channel measurement lead set GA-19000
Note: In large transformers the MTO106 may be Parts included in the MTO106 dual channel meas-
unable to fully saturate the core and the reading urement lead set (GA-19000).
may approach 100% only very slowly. Sensing lead, black, 10 m (33 ft) 1 KG-00530
Sensing lead, red, 10 m (33 ft) 1 KG-00532
Note If dual channel measurement is selected, the Timing clamp 2 KD-03040
above values are duplicated. Test cable, black, 2 m (6.5 ft) 1 04-35030


KG-00530 KG-00532 KD-03040

BN034794AE ZP-BN01E MTO106 11

4 Setup and operation

4 Setup and operation

4.1 Preparations 4.2 Testing Single and Dual

Always follow the safety instructions in 1] Make sure that the test current switch is set
Chapter 2 of this manual. Always comply to “OFF”.
with local safety regulations. 2] Connect the Kelvin-type test leads to the
MTO106, see figures below.
▪▪Use the Megger supplied safety ground lead to connect The leads marked "Generator" to the "CUR-
the MTO106 protective conductor terminal directly to RENT OUTPUT" terminals of corresponding
local station earth (Ground). colour and the leads marked "P/Meas" to
"R1 SENSE" terminals of corresponding colour.
Note If using separate voltage and current leads
instead of the standard Kelvin-type leads, If using separate voltage (sense) and current
do not clip potential leads on to the current leads, connect them to the corresponding
leads, since this will add contact resistance "CURRENT OUTPUT" and "R1 SENSE" termi-
to the measurement. Potential leads should nals.
always be placed inside (between) current For Dual windings:
leads Connect the second channel sense leads to
the terminals "R2 SENSE" of corresponding
Use a jumper cable to connect two phases
(according to table 1 on next page) for simul-
taneous winding measurement.
3] Connect the test lead Kelvin clamp to the
test object (e.g. transformer) according to
the required configuration.
4] Once all the precautions and steps of sections
"2 Safety" on page 8 and "4.1 Prepara-

Connection diagram for single winding test. Connection diagram for dual winding test.

12 MTO106 ZP-BN01E BN034794AE

4 Setup and operation

tions" on page 12 are complete, the mains

power cord is connected to the power outlet.
4.3 Testing Delta winding
5] Set the "RANGE"selector to the required resistance
test current, as high as possible but not more Testing Delta winding resistance may be a very time
than 10% of rated current (power transform- consuming procedure, in particular LV winding
ers, reactors, rotating machines). For a CT, deltas. The correct balance time can take up to 30-60
preferably use 1 A. minutes for a large transformer, which far exceeds the
time restriction of many tests.
6] For Single winding
Set switch "R2 SENSE" to "OFF" position. The method for quickly testing delta configurations
requires that both the high side and low side be
For Dual windings:
connected in series with the Transformer Ohmmeter’s
Set switch "R2 SENSE" to "ON" position.
current source (see connection table 1). By using
7] Set switch "TEST CURRENT" to "ON", to initi- both HV and LV windings to magnetize the core, the
ate current. effective test current increases with the turn ratio.

8] The current and resistance values must be Table 1. Transformer connection schemes for
observed on the display. Wait for the stabil- injecting test current and measuring two
ity reading to reach 100% and then note the windings
displayed resistance value in the supplied Measurement setup
reporting sheet or other location. Vector
Current Connections
Meas Meas
Group ch 1 ch 2
9] When the measurement is finished set the + Current Jumper - Current + - + -
"TEST CURRENT" switch to "OFF". H1 H3-X1 X3 H1 H3 X1 X3
The "DISCHARGE" lamp and sound will indi- Dd0 H2 H1-X2 X1 H2 H1 X2 X1
cate that the discharging is in progress. H3 H2-X3 X2 H3 H2 X3 X2
H1 H3-X0 X1 H1 H3 X0 X1
10] Discharge is complete when both discharge Dyn7 H2 H1-X0 X2 H2 H1 X0 X2
indicator and "TEST CURRENT" lamp are off. H3 H2-X0 X3 H3 H2 X0 X3
H1 H3-X1 X0 H1 H3 X1 X0
Dyn1 H2 H1-X2 X0 H2 H1 X2 X0
H3 H2-X3 X0 H3 H2 X3 X0
Do not disconnect any test leads until H1 H0-X1 X0 H1 H0 X1 X0
the "DISCHARGE" light goes out and the YNyn0 H2 H0-X2 X0 H2 H0 X2 X0
sound stops. H3 H0-X3 X0 H3 H0 X3 X0
H1 H0-X1 X2 H1 H0 X1 X2
Ynd1 H2 H0-X2 X3 H2 H0 X2 X3
Note The discharge of a transformer after testing is H3 H0-X3 X1 H3 H0 X3 X1
critical to prevent excessive voltage build-up H1 H3-X1 X2 H1 H3 X3 X2
across the transformer bushings upon removal Dy1 H2 H1-X2 X3 H2 H1 X1 X3
the test leads. The MTO106 discharge circuitry H3 H2-X3 X1 H3 H2 X2 X1
is built-in and will automatically initiate when H1 H0-X2 X1 H1 H0 X2 X1
the current source is disconnected from the YNd7 H2 H0-X3 X2 H2 H0 X3 X2
transformer. It will also provide visual and H3 H0-X1 X3 H3 H0 X1 X3
audible indication of discharging. H1 H2-X0 X1 H1 H2 X0 X1
Dyn5 H2 H3-X0 X2 H2 H3 X0 X2
H3 H1-X0 X3 H3 H1 X0 X3
H1 H3-X1 X3 H1 H3 X1 X3
Dy11 H2 H1-X2 X1 H2 H1 X2 X1
H3 H2-X3 X2 H3 H2 X3 X2
H1 H2-X1 X0 H1 H2 X1 X0
Dyn11 H2 H3-X2 X0 H2 H3 X2 X0
H3 H1-X3 X0 H3 H1 X3 X0

BN034794AE ZP-BN01E MTO106 13

5 Application examples

5 Application examples

5.1 Testing transformers 5.2 Temperature correction

with tap changers Cold winding resistance measurements are normally
converted to a standard reference temperature equal
The tap changer allow ratio to be increased or to the rated average winding temperature rise plus
decreased. Any of the ratio changes involve a 20ºC. In addition, it may be necessary to convert
mechanical movement of a contact from one position the resistance measurements to the temperature
to another. It is this contact that needs to be checked at which the impedance loss measurements were
by way of its resistance. The contact may go bad for a made. If winding resistances are to be compared to
number of reasons. factory values, resistance measurements will have
▪▪Misaligned when manufactured causing insufficient to be converted to the reference temperature used
surface contact. Full load current overheats contact at the factory (usually 75°C). The conversions are
surface causing it to burn. accomplished by the following formula:
▪▪Current passing through contact exceeds full load rating. Rs = Rm ( Ts + Tk ) / ( Tm + Tk )
▪▪Load tap changing operation not "Make before break"
creating internal arcing of contact surface. Rs resistance at desired temperature Ts
Winding resistance measurements (WRM) are Rm measured resistance
normally performed for every tap the same way as Ts desired reference temperature, in °C.
WRM for individual windings. The test instrument is
Tm temperature at which resistance was
continuously injecting test current and the resistances
measured, in °C.
for each tap are measured sequentially as the tap
changer is stepped through its positions. Results are Tk 235 (copper) 225 (aluminum)
typically presented as a graph or table with resistance
values for each tap. Resistance changes between
taps should be consistent with only small deviations
between different tap position changes. Fig 1 shows
a typical behavior for a transformer/tap-changer in
as-new condition.

Fig 5.1. Winding resistance vs tap position for a new trans-

Measuring the winding resistance for each individual
tap is quite straightforward. The most common
issue is probably that the tester has not waited for a
sufficient time for taking measurements after a tap
change. Monitor the resistance value closely before
storing the value to make sure the resistance value has

14 MTO106 ZP-BN01E BN034794AE

5 Application examples

5.3 Manual
demagnetization of a
The MTO106 does not include and automated
demagnetization feature and demagnetization, if
deemed necessary, must be performed manually
according to the method below.
1] Run a normal winding resistance test accord-
ing to the instructions in section "4.2 Testing
Single and Dual windings" on page 12.
2] Swap the terminals, preferably by swapping
the Kelvin clamps, select the next lower test
current and inject current until the current
reading has reached at least 50% of the set
3] Repeat step 2 for each test current range
down to the lowest selectable test current

BN034794AE ZP-BN01E MTO106 15

6 Troubleshooting and Calibration

6 Troubleshooting and
6.1 Troubleshooting
Resistance Voltage
Current value Probable cause Action
value value
1. Increase test
1. Too low test current current
U < 0.06 2. Sense leads switched 2. Check sense leads
Close to set value
mV 3. Sense leads not connected 3. Check sense leads
“----“ is 4. Current leads shorted 4. Check current
displayed leads
U < 0.06 No current loop, current leads
0.0 A Check current leads
mV not properly connected
Typical less than 50%
U > 20 V Too high test current Lower test current
of set current value
“< 0.010 mΩ” Resistance below measurement
is displayed range
“< 0.10 mΩ”
“< 1.0 mΩ”
“< 0.010 Ω” Too low test current Increase test current
“< 0.10 Ω”

16 MTO106 ZP-BN01E BN034794AE

7 Specifications

BN034794AE ZP-BN01E MTO106 17

7 Specifications

7 Specifications

Specifications are valid at nominal input voltage. Specifications are
subject to change without notice.
Application field The instrument is intended for use in
high-voltage substations and industrial
Operating -20°C to +50°C (-4°F to +122°F)
Storage & transport -50°C to +70°C (-58°F to +158°F)
Humidity (operating) 0% – 90% RH, non-condensing
LVD 2014/35/EU
EMC 2014/30/EU
RoHS 2011/65/EU
Mains voltage 100 - 240 V AC, 50 / 60 Hz
Input power 400 VA (max)
Case Ruggedized plastic case with removable lid
and carrying handle, IP 67 when closed
Dimensions (W x D x H) 360 x 304 x 194 mm (14.2 x12 x 7.6”)
Weight 7.3 kg (16 lbs) excl. cables
Display 4-inch, backlit, monochrome
alphanumerical display
Test leads 2 x 10 m (33 ft), with banana connectors
and Kelvin clamps
Ground lead 1 x 5 m (16 ft), 2.5 mm²
Measurement section
Measurment range 10 µOhm to 30 kOhm
Resolution Up to 4 digits
Open circuit test voltage up to 48 V DC
Measurement voltage up to 20 V DC
range Resistance range Inaccuracy Resolution
6 A 10.00 mΩ to 5.000 Ω ±(0.25%rdg + 1 digit) 4 digits
0.010 mΩ to 9.999 mΩ ±(0.25%rdg + 2 digits) 0.001 mΩ
1 A 100.0 mΩ to 30.00 Ω ±(0.25%rdg + 1 digit) 4 digits
0.10 mΩ to 99.99 mΩ ±(0.25%rdg + 2 digits) 0.01 mΩ
100 mA 1.000 Ω to 300.0 Ω ±(0.25%rdg + 1 digit) 4 digits
1.0 mΩ to 999.9 mΩ ±(0.25%rdg + 2 digits) 0.1 mΩ
10 mA 10.00 Ω to 3000 Ω ±(0.25%rdg + 1 digit) 4 digits
0.010 Ω to 9.999 Ω ±(0.25%rdg + 2 digits) 0.001 Ω
1 mA 100.0 Ω to 30.00 kΩ ±(0.25%rdg + 1 digit) 4 digits
0.10 Ω to 99.99 Ω ±(0.25%rdg + 2 digits) 0.01 Ω

18 MTO106 ZP-BN01E BN034794AE

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▪▪Tachometers & Speed Measuring Instruments ▪▪GERMANY ▪▪SPAIN
▪▪TDR Test Equipment ▪▪HUNGARY ▪▪SWEDEN
▪▪Transformer Test Equipment ▪▪INDONESIA ▪▪TAIWAN
▪▪Transmission Impairment Test Equipment ▪▪KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN ▪▪THAILAND
▪▪Watthour Meter Test Equipment
▪▪STATES® Terminal Blocks & Test Switches ▪▪PAKISTAN ▪▪VIETNAM
▪▪Professional Hands-On Technical and ▪▪PHILIPPINES
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Postal address: Visiting address:

Megger Sweden AB Megger Sweden AB
Box 724 Rinkebyvägen 19
T +46 8 510 195 00 [email protected]
F +46 8 510 195 95

Subject to change without notice. Printed matter No. ZP-BN01E Doc. BN034794AE V01a 2018

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