Magee 6th Edition - OPA - Table of Contents

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1 Principles and Concepts, 1 Active Movements, 163

Passive Movements, 169
Patient History, 1 Resisted Isometric Movements, 171
Observation, 17 Scanning Examination, 172
Examination, 18 Functional Assessment, 179
Principles, 18 Special Tests, 180
Vital Signs, 19 Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution, 199
Scanning Examination, 20 Joint Play Movements, 202
Examination of Specific Joints, 31 Palpation, 205
Functional Assessment, 43 Diagnostic Imaging, 207
Special (Diagnostic) Tests, 48
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution, 57
Joint Play Movements, 61
Palpation, 61
4 Temporomandibular Joint, 224
Diagnostic Imaging, 64
Applied Anatomy, 224
Précis, 75
Patient History, 226
Case Studies, 75
Observation, 231
Conclusion, 76
Examination, 234
Active Movements, 234
Passive Movements, 237
2 Head and Face, 84 Resisted Isometric Movements, 237
Functional Assessment, 237
Applied Anatomy, 84
Special Tests, 239
Patient History, 86
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution, 240
Observation, 110
Joint Play Movements, 240
Examination, 116
Palpation, 242
Examination of the Head, 116
Diagnostic Imaging, 244
Examination of the Face, 124
Examination of the Eye, 127
Examination of the Nose, 132
Examination of the Teeth, 132 5 Shoulder, 252
Examination of the Ear, 133
Special Tests, 134 Applied Anatomy, 252
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution, 136 Patient History, 257
Joint Play Movements, 137 Observation, 264
Palpation, 137 Anterior View, 264
Diagnostic Imaging, 139 Posterior View, 266
Examination, 270
Active Movements, 271
3 Cervical Spine, 148 Passive Movements, 283
Resisted Isometric Movements, 286
Applied Anatomy, 148 Functional Assessment, 286
Patient History, 152 Special Tests, 290
Observation, 162 Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution, 346
Examination, 163 Joint Play Movements, 351

viii Contents

Palpation, 353 Joint Play Movements, 536

Diagnostic Imaging, 356 Palpation, 538
Diagnostic Imaging, 541

6 Elbow, 388
9 Lumbar Spine, 550
Applied Anatomy, 388
Patient History, 390 Applied Anatomy, 550
Observation, 392 Patient History, 555
Examination, 394 Observation, 562
Active Movements, 394 Body Type, 562
Passive Movements, 395 Gait, 562
Resisted Isometric Movements, 396 Attitude, 562
Functional Assessment, 398 Total Spinal Posture, 566
Special Tests, 402 Markings, 568
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution, 412 Step Deformity, 569
Joint Play Movements, 416 Examination, 569
Palpation, 417 Active Movements, 570
Diagnostic Imaging, 419 Passive Movements, 577
Resisted Isometric Movements, 577
Peripheral Joint Scanning Examination, 583
7 Forearm, Wrist, and Hand, 429 Myotomes, 585
Functional Assessment, 588
Applied Anatomy, 429 Special Tests, 593
Patient History, 434 Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution, 612
Observation, 434 Joint Play Movements, 616
Common Hand and Finger Deformities, 436 Palpation, 618
Other Physical Findings, 440 Diagnostic Imaging, 620
Examination, 441
Active Movements, 445
Passive Movements, 447 10 Pelvis, 649
Resisted Isometric Movements, 448
Functional Assessment (Grip), 451 Applied Anatomy, 649
Special Tests, 465 Patient History, 650
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution, 478 Observation, 654
Joint Play Movements, 484 Examination, 659
Palpation, 486 Active Movements, 659
Diagnostic Imaging, 491 Passive Movements, 663
Resisted Isometric Movements, 667
Functional Assessment, 668
8 Thoracic (Dorsal) Spine, 508 Special Tests, 668
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution, 675
Applied Anatomy, 508 Joint Play Movements, 676
Patient History, 511 Palpation, 679
Observation, 513 Diagnostic Imaging, 681
Kyphosis, 514
Scoliosis, 515
Breathing, 518 11 Hip, 689
Chest Deformities, 518
Examination, 519 Applied Anatomy, 689
Active Movements, 521 Patient History, 689
Passive Movements, 527 Observation, 695
Resisted Isometric Movements, 528 Examination, 696
Functional Assessment, 529 Active Movements, 697
Special Tests, 529 Passive Movements, 700
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution, 535 Resisted Isometric Movements, 700
Contents ix

Functional Assessment, 702 Normal Parameters of Gait, 985

Special Tests, 705 Base (Step) Width, 985
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution, 731 Step Length, 985
Joint Play Movements, 732 Stride Length, 986
Palpation, 733 Lateral Pelvic Shift (Pelvic List), 986
Diagnostic Imaging, 736 Vertical Pelvic Shift, 987
Pelvic Rotation, 987
Center of Gravity, 987
Normal Cadence, 987
12 Knee, 765 Normal Pattern of Gait, 987
Stance Phase, 987
Applied Anatomy, 765 Swing Phase, 991
Patient History, 766 Joint Motion During Normal Gait, 993
Observation, 771 Overview and Patient History, 994
Examination, 780 Observation, 994
Active Movements, 781 Examination, 996
Passive Movements, 782 Locomotion Scores, 997
Resisted Isometric Movements, 783 Compensatory Mechanisms, 1000
Functional Assessment, 786 Abnormal Gait, 1000
Ligament Stability, 790 Antalgic (Painful) Gait, 1007
Special Tests, 834 Arthrogenic (Stiff Hip or Knee)
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution, 851 Gait, 1007
Joint Play Movements, 855 Ataxic Gait, 1007
Palpation, 857 Contracture Gaits, 1007
Diagnostic Imaging, 859 Equinus Gait (Toe Walking), 1008
Gluteus Maximus Gait, 1008
Gluteus Medius (Trendelenburg)
13 Lower Leg, Ankle, and Foot, 888 Gait, 1009
Hemiplegic or Hemiparetic Gait, 1009
Applied Anatomy, 888 Parkinsonian Gait, 1010
Hindfoot (Rearfoot), 888 Plantar Flexor Gait, 1010
Midfoot (Midtarsal Joints), 890 Psoatic Limp, 1010
Forefoot, 891 Quadriceps Avoidance Gait, 1010
Patient History, 891 Scissors Gait, 1010
Observation, 895 Short Leg Gait, 1010
Examination, 914 Steppage or Drop Foot Gait, 1011
Active Movements, 914
Passive Movements, 919
Resisted Isometric Movements, 920
Functional Assessment, 920 15 Assessment of Posture, 1017
Special Tests, 924
Reflexes and Cutaneous Distribution, 941 Postural Development, 1017
Joint Play Movements, 947 Factors Affecting Posture, 1022
Palpation, 950 Causes of Poor Posture, 1022
Diagnostic Imaging, 955 Common Spinal Deformities, 1022
Lordosis, 1022
Kyphosis, 1024
Scoliosis, 1027
14 Assessment of Gait, 981 Patient History, 1029
Observation, 1031
Definitions, 981 Standing, 1032
Gait Cycle, 981 Forward Flexion, 1044
Stance Phase, 982 Sitting, 1046
Swing Phase, 982 Supine Lying, 1048
Double-Leg Stance, 984 Prone Lying, 1049
Single-Leg Stance, 984 Examination, 1049
x Contents

16 Assessment of the Amputee, 1054 Dermatological Examination, 1086

Examination for Heat (Hyperthermic)
Levels of Amputation, 1054 Disorders, 1087
Patient History, 1057 Examination for Cold (Hypothermic)
Observation, 1061 Disorders, 1087
Examination, 1065 Laboratory Tests, 1087
Measurements Related to Amputation, 1065 Diagnostic Imaging, 1088
Active Movements, 1065 Physical Fitness Profile (Functional
Passive Movements, 1069 Assessment), 1088
Resisted Isometric Movements, 1069 Tests for Return to Activity Following
Functional Assessment, 1069 Injury, 1096
Sensation Testing, 1069 Sports Participation, 1099
Psychological Testing, 1069
Palpation, 1070
Diagnostic Imaging, 1070 18 Emergency Sports Assessment, 1105
Pre-Event Preparation, 1105
17 Primary Care Assessment, 1072 Primary Assessment, 1105
Level of Consciousness, 1107
Objectives of the Evaluation, 1076 Establishing the Airway, 1109
Primary Care History, 1076 Establishing Circulation, 1111
Examination, 1077 Assessment for Bleeding, Fluid Loss, and
Vital Signs, 1078 Shock, 1113
General Medical Problems, 1078 Pupil Check, 1114
Head and Face, 1078 Assessment for Spinal Cord Injury, 1114
Neurological Examination and Convulsive Assessment for Head Injury (Neural
Disorders (Including Head Injury), 1079 Watch), 1116
Musculoskeletal Examination, 1080 Assessment for Heat Injury, 1118
Cardiovascular Examination, 1081 Assessment for Movement, 1119
Pulmonary Examination, 1085 Positioning the Patient, 1119
Gastrointestinal Examination, 1085 Injury Severity, 1122
Urogenital Examination, 1086 Secondary Assessment, 1122

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