R5 ES DP221 Deployment Approach

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R5 Deployment Approach

Vodafone Group Services (VGS) &

Vodafone Spain (VF-ES)

Reference: R5 Deployment Approach version 0.1doc

Version: 0.1

Date: 28th May 2010

Status: Initial Draft

Author: John Hope

Approvers: Dierk Thomas, Campbell Smith, Fernando Garcia,

Belinda Jones , Youcef Ramdane, Lewis Stafford,
Stefano Russo, Gwyneth Holt

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Document History

Version Name Changes Date

V0.1 John Hope Initial draft for review 28/5/2010

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1 Introduction........................................................................5
1.1 Background.............................................................................................5
1.2 What Is Cutover.......................................................................................5
2 Deployment Scope.............................................................6
2.1 Key Cutover Activities............................................................................6
2.1.1 Technical Cutover............................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.2 Data Migration..................................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Business Cutover................................................................................................................................ 6
2.2 Streams/Teams Impacted By Cutover...................................................7
2.2.1 VGS and VF-ES Business Processes.................................................................................................7
2.2.2 Application........................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.3 Data Migration..................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.4 Infrastructure....................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.5 Testing................................................................................................................................................ 7
2.2.6 Change & Communications................................................................................................................. 7
2.2.7 Training............................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.8 VOCH.................................................................................................................................................. 7
2.2.9 MDM................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2.10 User Access Management.............................................................................................................. 8
2.2.11 Live EVO Opco’s............................................................................................................................. 8
2.2.12 Multi-Vendor Team......................................................................................................................... 8
2.2.13 Support........................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3 Overall Deployment Responsibilities....................................................9
2.3.1 Overall Release 5 Deployment............................................................................................................ 9
2.3.2 Non-System Related Cutover Activities..............................................................................................9
2.3.3 Non-EVO Technical Cutover............................................................................................................... 9
2.3.4 EVO Technical Cutover....................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 Interfaces...............................................................................................10
2.4.1 VGS:................................................................................................................................................. 10
2.4.2 VF-ES............................................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 RICEFWs................................................................................................13
2.5.1 VGS RICEFWs.................................................................................................................................. 13
2.5.2 VF ES RICEFWs............................................................................................................................... 13
2.6 Data Objects..........................................................................................14
2.6.1 VGS Data Objects............................................................................................................................. 14
2.6.2 VF ES Data Objects.......................................................................................................................... 14
3 Deployment Approach & High Level Plan......................16
3.1 Deployment Approach..........................................................................16
3.2 Deployment Deliverables.....................................................................17
3.3 Deployment Timeline............................................................................18
4 Governance.......................................................................19
4.1 Escalations............................................................................................19
4.2 Deployment/Cutover Meetings............................................................19
4.2.1 Weekly Deployment Cutover Status Meeting....................................................................................19

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4.2.2 Daily Go-live Operations Calls With Live OpCos...............................................................................20
4.2.3 Daily Go-live Operations Calls With R5............................................................................................. 20
5 Project Locations.............................................................21
5.1 Go-Live Operations Room....................................................................21
5.2 Technical Cutover.................................................................................21
5.3 Live OpCo Sanity Checks.....................................................................21
5.4 Business Readiness Checks...............................................................21
Appendix A - Deployment Framework................................22
Appendix B – System Technical Deployment
Appendix C - Deployment Team Structure.........................24

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1 Introduction

1.1 Background
To enable VGS and VF-ES to “go-live” on EVO, there are a series of business and technical activities that need to
be carried out, prior to, during and after deployment. The Deployment Team’s primary objective is to ensure that
these activities are identified and then effectively co-ordinated and managed.

The purpose of the Deployment Approach is to document how the EVO deployment will be carried out for VGS
and VF-ES

1.2 What Is Cutover

Cutover is the process of transitioning from the “As Is” systems and processes to the future state operating model.
All of the activities required for ensuring a successful cutover, e.g. loading data, rerouting interfaces, changing
business processes, carrying out business readiness checks, ensuring the infrastructure is in place, etc. need to
be identified and managed through the whole cutover process, which will impact all business and technical
streams of the EVO Project.

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2 Deployment Scope

2.1 Key Cutover Activities

The cutover stream is responsible for managing the preparation and execution of all deployment activities for the
EVO R5 Go live in VGS and VF-ES. Cutover is broken down into 3 main areas, please see below for the main
cutover tasks covered by each area:

2.1.1 Technical Cutover

 Transporting the software changes made for VGS and VF-ES into production.
 Making manual configuration changes in the EVO production environment for VGS and VF ES.
 Rerouting interfaces and turning them on and off.
 Ensuring all of the necessary environments and tools are in place.

2.1.2 Data Migration

 Data cleanup & preparation.

 Extracting master & transactional data from the legacy systems.
 Transforming the data from the legacy systems into the format required by SAP.
 Loading the data into EVO.
 Reconciling the data loaded into EVO to ensure it’s loaded correctly.
 Business sign-off of loaded & reconciled data

2.1.3 Business Cutover

 The Transformation Team will identify, agree and communicate business process changes and freeze
 Identifying and implementing actions and workarounds to ensure minimal business disruption before,
during and after the Business Cutover with the VOCH, VGS and VF-ES.
 Communication to the business, customers & vendors explaining any changes they will encounter with
how VGS and VF-ES will carry out its business will be made by the Change & Communications Team.
 The Training Team will ensure all necessary training is carried out to enable the business users to work
successfully in EVO.
 Carrying out business readiness tests.

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2.2 Streams/Teams Impacted By Cutover
Input will be required from each of the following project streams to ensure that all of the relevant cutover tasks for
the above have been identified and agreed to ensure successful cutover:

2.2.1 VGS and VF-ES Business Processes

 Define freeze periods, identify and agree process workarounds, etc. for:
o Finance
o HR
o Master Data
 Define & carry out business readiness tests.
 Agree Ramp up plan.
 Roles management.

2.2.2 Application
 Software changes, configuration changes, rerouting & turning interfaces on & off, etc.

2.2.3 Data Migration

 Master & transactional data extraction, transformation, load, reconciliations & sign-off.

2.2.4 Infrastructure
 Environments, application down-loads, GUIs, printers, etc.

2.2.5 Testing
 Confirmation of UAT completion & results at a level acceptable for sign-off.
 Ensuring that regression testing is successfully carried out & signed-off by the live OpCos prior to the
scheduled start of technical cutover.

2.2.6 Change & Communications

 Communication to the business, customers & suppliers relating to changes arising as a result of the
EVO implementation.

2.2.7 Training
 Confirmation that adequate & timely training has been carried out for the EVO users prior to them
having to use EVO for the first time.

2.2.8 VOCH
 Confirmation that the VOCH are trained, their infrastructure is in place, the correct communication
and escalation channels are set up for urgent transactional needs, etc. The VOCH contribution to
go/no go decision will be based upon their go/no go readiness checklist as the go live readiness
checklist is the key mechanism for these decisions for all entities.

2.2.9 MDM
 Management of the loading of Vendors, Materials & Catalogues for VF ES and Vendors & Materials
for VGS into MDM.

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2.2.10 User Access Management
 Ensuring that all staff requiring access to EVO have the correct roles built for them and are able to
access EVO when specified.

2.2.11 Live EVO Opco’s

 As the VPC, VOCH, VF-Hu, VF-De, VF-PT, and VF-NL will go live with new functionality immediately
after the technical cutover, their confirmation will be required that all functionality and processes can
be continued as before the technical cutover.

2.2.12 Multi-Vendor Team

 Ensuring that all of the technical aspects of the SAP cutover are aligned & managed.

2.2.13 Support
 Confirmation that the ramp up can be realized as designed by the detailed deployment plan.
Conformation that the hyper-care and post go live support is adequate and in place.

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2.3 Overall Deployment Responsibilities
Please see below for the main deployment responsibilities. Further information is contained in
Appendix A.

2.3.1 Overall Release 5 Deployment

 Vodafone will lead the overall R5 Deployment, including rehearsal and final cut-over activities.

2.3.2 Non-System Related Cutover Activities

 VGS and VF-ES will be responsible for all the “non system related” cutover activities, e.g. Business
transformation, Change & Communication, training, etc. with support from VOCH.

2.3.3 Non-EVO Technical Cutover

 Vodafone will be responsible for the System Technical Cutover for non EVO systems, e.g. Legacy
deployment, Legacy connectivity, GUI installation, etc. in conjunction with any 3 rd parties responsible
for the non-EVO applications.

2.3.4 EVO Technical Cutover

 The Multi-Vendor team in conjunction with Accenture, Axon & IBM will conduct the System Technical
Cutover for EVO systems. The System Technical Cutover activities that will solely be managed by
Vodafone e.g. Technical Infrastructure & Transports are shown in Appendix B.

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2.4 Interfaces
The following interfaces are all within the scope of EVO and will either need to be switched on, rerouted, etc. and
will all be covered in detail in the cutover plan. A limited number of interfaces will be tested during the Deployment
rehearsal, due to the effort involved in creating all of the new links in the A environment. However, extensive
testing will be carried out against the production environment to ensure the interfaces work as specified.

2.4.1 VGS:

Type EVO RICEFW Id Name Legacy

Local VGS-FIN-INT-008 VST - Payroll FIN VST

Local VGS-FIN-INT-009 VST - Optical Filing FIN VST

Local VGS-FIN-INT-010 VST - Expense (Webex) FIN VST

Local VGS-FIN-INT-012 CWT - Travel booking FIN CWT

Local VGS-FIN-INT-013 Company Phone - Usage & Master data upload FIN Company Phone
GFR(GIS) - OLAP (Forecast & Actual Extract from
Non Wayfarer
Local VGS-FIN-INT-016 Non Wayf. OpCo - Plan & Actual to BW FIN
Active FTE and headcounts into Hyperion from EVO
Local VGS-FIN-INT-054 HR Plan FTE Data FIN EPM

Local VGS-FIN-INT-052 Hyperion Interfaces - Outbound FIN EPM

Local VGS-FIN-INT-053 Hyperion Interfaces - Inbound FIN EPM

Local VGS-HR-INT-017 Logica CMG - Payroll (Employee data changes) HR Logica CMG
PRO Business
Local VGS-HR-INT-018 HRMD to PRO Business(ADP Interface) HR
Local VGS-HR-INT-043 International Payroll Interface HR International Payroll
Enhance LUX payroll interface to include VRS and
Local VGS-HR-INT-045 HR LUX Payroll
Local VGS-HR-INT-011 CWT - Employee data HR CWT

Local VGS-HR-INT-019 HR0003 - HR Data into Watson Wyatt Pension HR Watson Wyatt

Local VGS-HR-INT-020 Waston Wyatt - My Choice HR Watson Wyatt

Inchcape Car
Local VGS-HR-INT-021 HR Extract for Inchcape Car Leasing HR
Local VGS-HR-INT-022 Grass Root ( R & R ) - Employee data changes HR Grass Roots

Local VGS-HR-INT-024 BUPA Interface (Employee Full data) HR BUPA

Local VGS-HR-INT-025 Computer Share Interface (Employee Changes) HR Computer Share

Norwich Union (AVIVA) Interface (Employee
Local VGS-HR-INT-026 HR Norwich Union
Local VGS-HR-INT-034 Job Posting for Job Centre Plus HR Job Centre Plus

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Local VGS-HR-INT-035 Broad Bean Interface (Recruitment) HR Broad Bean

Local VGS-HR-INT-032 EVO to German Z09 (HR Master Data) HR Z09

Local VGS-HR-INT-076 Employee Relations HR Advisor Plus

Local VGS-FIN-INT-082 Bank of America FIN Bank of America

Local VGS-HR-INT-048 Ebase - Eforms HR Ebase

Global VGS-FIN-INT-014 FCH - GL Accrual FIN FCH

Global VGS-FIN-INT-050 FCH - AR/AP Invoices FIN FCH

Global VGS-FIN-INT-051 FCH - Payment Settlement FIN FCH

Global VGS-FIN-INT-055 Finance Actuals to Hyperion Global FIN HFM

Global VGS-FIN-INT-004 Deutsche Bank - Payments FIN Deutsche Bank

Global VGS-FIN-INT-037 Deutsche Bank - Statements FIN Deutsche Bank

Global VGS-FIN-INT-005 Citibank - Foreign Payments FIN Citibank

Global VGS-FIN-INT-006 Citibank - Bank Statements FIN Citibank

Global VGS-SCM-INT-039 Mobile Approval (Shopping Cart & Expense) SCM Blackberry

Global VGS-SCM-INT-040 B2B - PO & GRN SCM B2B Hub

Global VGS-SCM-INT-041 B2B - POR SCM B2B Hub

Global VGS-SCM-INT-042 B2B - E Invoice SCM B2B Hub

Global VGS-SCM-INT-049 IBX Catalogue SCM B2B Hub

Global VGS-HR-INT-027 EVO to vCDS Global Outbound (HR) HR vCDS

Local VGS-EPM-INT-060 GL Accounts EPM EPM EPM

Local VGS-EPM-INT-061 Cost Centres EPM EPM EPM

Local VGS-EPM-INT-062 Profit Centres EPM EPM EPM

Local VGS-EPM-INT-063 Internal Orders EPM EPM EPM

Local VGS-EPM-INT-064 IM Positions EPM EPM EPM


Local VGS-EPM-INT-066 EVO Depreciation Forecast EPM EPM EPM


Local VGS-EPM-INT-068 Actual Balances EPM EPM EPM

Local VGS-EPM-INT-069 IM Balances EPM EPM EPM

Local VGS-EPM-INT-070 WBS Balances EPM EPM EPM

Local VGS-EPM-INT-071 Opex (P&L) Plan EPM EPM EPM

Local VGS-EPM-INT-072 Capex Plan EPM EPM EPM



Global VGS-FIN-INT-058 T&E - Trip creation interface (CWT Interface) T&E Barclaycard

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Global VGS-FIN-INT-059 T&E - Credit Card Interfaces T&E Barclaycard

Global VGS-FIN-INT-075 T&E - CWT Interface for BI Reporting T&E CWT

Local VGS-FIN-INT-077 T&E - German Payroll Interface T&E Z09

2.4.2 VF-ES

Type EVO RICEFW Id Name Legacy

Global   Total Compensation Report HR SAP Legacy

Main Employee Master Data Interface from EVO to
Local ES.HR.INT.001 local SAP Legacy  HR SAP Legacy
Recruiting Channel Interfaces. Vacant position to
Local ES.HR.INT.002 external Job Board.  HR HR Synerquia
Projects, Work Breakdown Structures and Assets
Local ES.FIN.INT.002 creation - SPI FI SPI

Local ES.FIN.INT.004 Operating Readiness Date (Asset) - SPI FI SPI

Projects, Work Breakdown Structures and Assets
Local ES.FIN.INT.002 creation  - PPM FI PPM

Local ES.FIN.INT.004 Operating Readiness Date (Asset) - PPM FI PPM

Local ES.FIN.INT.005 Locations  FI SPI

Local ES.FIN.INT.006 Return Payments  FI SAP Legacy

Local ES.FIN.INT.007 GL Interface  FI SAP Legacy

Local ES.FIN.INT.008 GL Payroll  FI SAP Legacy

Local ES.FIN.INT.012 Internal orders  FI SAP Legacy

Local ES.FIN.INT.013 Vendor Master Data  FI SAP Legacy

Global ES.FIN.INT.014 Local gaps: Checks  FI Deutsche Bank

Global ES.FIN.INT.015 Local gap: Confirming  FI Citybank

Core gap: Direct Debit - EVO Outbound (with ECC
Global ES.FIN.INT.017 extension)  FI Deutsche Bank
Massive upload of Course evaluation results (Happy
Local ES.HR.INT.003 Sheets).  HR HR Happy Sheets
Training catalogue inf. for the notes application Travel NOTES (Travel
request. From EVO to Notes (2) via EVO IL and VFES Requests)
Local ES.HR.INT.004 IL.  HR
Modification of EVO to VCDS global interface; 6
Global ES.HR.INT.005 additional fields are required regarding the workplace.  HR VCDS
Infotype 7,8 (coming from Red Online) via custom tab
Local ES.HR.INT.007 on SAP Legacy and back via Main MD Int.  HR SAP Legacy
Core GAP : PR item automatic load for high volume
Global ES.SCM.INT.002 line items - PR by CO owner  SC Manual

Global CR2064 - AP/AR AP/AR interface Change for Taxes FI FCH

Local ES.FIN.INT.026 SAVIA: P&L accounts balance FI SAVIA

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Local ES.FIN.INT.023 SAVIA: FI Balances FI SAVIA

Local ES.FIN.INT.022 Cost centre master data FI SAVIA

Local ES.FIN.INT.021 Accounts master data FI SAVIA

Local ES.FIN.INT.025 Investment movement details FI SAVIA

Local ES.FIN.INT.027 SAVIA:Asset Totally depreciated FI SAVIA

Local ES.FIN.INT.024 SAVIA: Investements detail FI SAVIA

Global CR2064 Outbound of payment document numbers FI FCH

Local ??? Tax Solution - GL Interface for VAT FI SAP Legacy

Tax Solution - Payment documents for Withholding
Local ??? Taxes FI SAP Legacy

All of the in-scope RICEFWs for VGS & VF ES are shown in the attached spreadsheets. Please note that the final
list of RICEFWs may change slightly, due to new Change Request approvals.


APSE Close-Out
Design Final backup.xls


100520 Objects

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2.6 Data Objects
The data objects that are in-scope for VGS & VF ES are below.

2.6.1 VGS Data Objects

The current list of in-scope data objects for VGS is contained in the attachment below.

Data_Object Scope
List_VGS 2010_05_10_V10.xls

2.6.2 VF ES Data Objects

The current list of in-scope data objects for VF ES is shown below:

Stream Data Object Data Owner

FI Master Data  
FI Bank Mamen Gallego
FI Chart of accounts (local) Albert Corchon
FI Chart of accounts (global) Albert Corchon
FI Cost Element Pablo Antona?
FI Profit Centre Pablo Antona
FI Cost Centre Pablo Antona
FI Internal Order (Project) Fernando Marqueda
FI Internal Order (WBS) Fernando Marqueda
FI Projects Fernando Marqueda
FI WBS Fernando Marqueda
FI AUC MD Simeon Cruz
FI AUC values + AUC Transactions Simeon Cruz/Blanca
FI Investment management Mariana Garcia
FI Transactional Data  
 FI AR Open Items Concha Martinez/Sonia
 FI AP Open items Fernando Torija
 FI GL Open items Albert Corchon
FI GL balances Albert Corchon
FI Controlling Current year data Pablo Antona
FI Values for Budgeting project and WBS element Fernando Marqueda
  Fixed Assets MD Simeon Cruz/Blanca
FI/SCM Fixed Asset values + AUC Transactions Simeon Cruz/Blanca
SCM Master Data  

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SCM Material Ana Esnarrizaga/Gloria

SCM Customers Concha Martinez/Sonia

SCM Vendors/Employee Roberto Luengo/Marta
SCM Purchase Info Records Gloria Cejuela
SCM Catalogues Gloria Cejuela
SCM Transactional Data  
SCM Open Purchase Orders Gloria Cejuela/Ana
SCM Open Purchase Orders Gloria Cejuela/Ana
SCM Open Purchase Orders (History) Gloria Cejuela/Ana
HR HR Org. Unit Inés González
HR HR Job Inés González
HR HR Task Inés González
HR HR Position Inés González
HR Employee Inés González
HR Employee with Exedencia Inés González
HR NON Employee Jaqueline Grubba
HR T&A Inés González

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3 Deployment Approach & High Level Plan

3.1 Deployment Approach

A very detailed deployment plan will be built by the Deployment Team, with input from all of the streams
mentioned in section 2.2 above, as well as The VPC, The Support Organizations and the live countries.

The plan will be communicated and agreed with all relevant parties and actively managed to ensure that all
activities are carried out on schedule and in the correct sequence. The plan will incorporate all of the following:
 Transports
 Business processes
 Master & transactional data migrations
 Technical tests
 Interface management
 Infrastructure
 Deployment rehearsal
 Communication
 Training
 Regression testing
 Go/no-go decision points, including go-live acceptance criteria
 Go-live readiness checks/business readiness tests
 Stabilisation
 System Technical Cutover
 Transition to support

The Deployment Team will set up and create a GLO room (Go-Live Operations), to manage the deployment from
the deployment rehearsal in August onwards. The GLO team will be composed of decision makers from the key
areas involved in the deployment from VGS, VF ES, the live OpCos and the SIs.

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3.2 Deployment Deliverables
Please see below for a list of the deployment deliverables and their anticipated completion dates.

Deliverables Responsibility Due Date

P R5 Deployment Approach Vodafone 31/5/2010
P Business Deployment Approach (including Plan) Vodafone 30/06/2010
P Go-Live Support Plan Vodafone 30/07/2010
P Detailed Deployment Approach (by work stream) Accenture/Axon 11/06/2010
P Detailed Deployment Plan Vodafone 09/07/2010
R System Deployment Rehearsal 1 into Product Test (Closure Memo) Accenture/Axon 24/09/2010
P Go-Live Preparation Action Plan (Dependant Projects) Vodafone 09/07/2010
P Refined Business Continuity Plan Vodafone 03/09/2010
P Go/No Go Criteria Vodafone 30/08/2010
C Data Conversion Executed (Closure Memo) Vodafone 15/10/2010
C System (Technical) Cutover Executed (Closure Memo) Accenture/Axon 15/10/2010
C Business Cutover Executed Vodafone 15/10/2010

 P = Preparation
 R = Rehearsal
 C = Cutover

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3.3 Deployment Timeline
The deployment timeline below details the technical tasks that have been agreed by the Deployment Team.

August September October

w/c w/c w/c w/c w/c w/c w/c w/c w/c w/c w/c
16th 23rd 30th 6th 13th 20th 27th 4th 11th 18th 25th
Transports E*/A*
21/08 - 22/08
(GIS/IBM/Tech Delivery/Multi-Vendor/R5/Live OpCos)

Dress Rehearsal (A*)

23/08 - 10/09

Mock 3 (A*) 23/08 - 10/09


Regression Testing (A*) 23/08 - 09/09

(Live OpCos)

Go / No Go decision to Z*

Transports Z*
(GIS/IBM/Tech Delivery/Multi-Vendor/Live OpCos) 10/09 - 12/09

Stabilization Z*
13/09 - 17/09
(GIS/IBM/Tech Delivery/Multi-Vendor/R5)

System Technical Cutover - Manaul seetings checks 13/09 - 03/10

(GIS/IBM/Tech Delivery/Multi-Vendor/R5)

Migration Cutover activities

20/09 - 15/10

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4 Governance

4.1 Escalations
Please see below for the proposed escalation path for Cutover/Deployment.

Area Management Level 1 Management Level 2 Management Level 3

Cutover/ John Hope Dierk Thomas Niall O'Sullivan
Deployment Lilian Corvington
VGS Nigel Maughan Campbell Smith Nigel Evans

VF ES Ana Rial Manoj Rajpal Fernando Garcia

VOCH Judit Mester (VGS) Belinda Jones Robert Horvath

Nico Verhelst (VF ES) Jason Haward-Grau
Global IT Youcef Ramdane Marcus Cotes Albert Hitchcock

VTIS Christian Markus Marcus Cotes Albert Hitchcock

Achim Vierneisel
Support David Ford Barry Dewey Petra Heine-Brach

Accenture Stefano Russo Alberto Bergamini David Golding

Manel Ballart
Axon Rob Soley Gwyneth Holt Margaret Smith

IBM Barry Walton Paul Bolden Trevor Goddard.

Annette Nobbes
SAP Michaela Kresak Michaela Kresak Brian Rimmer

4.2 Deployment/Cutover Meetings

The following Deployment/Cutover Management meetings will be held during the cutover period.

4.2.1 Weekly Deployment Cutover Status Meeting

The objective of this meeting is to ensure that Deployment is on schedule and that any risks and issues
have been identified, are being appropriately managed and escalated if required. The meetings will be held
each Monday starting from June 22nd (invitations already sent) and will initially be attended by
representatives from VGS, VF ES, VOCH, Accenture, Axon, IT, Support & Testing. Eventually
representatives from all of the areas mentioned in 2.2 above will attend the meeting.

The Deployment Cutover Status Meeting updates will be made in Clarity & will feed into the VGS/VF ES
overall status and then up to the OPB and SteerCo meetings. Any escalations will follow this path, until the
beginning of September when the daily GLO calls will start.

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4.2.2 Daily Go-live Operations Calls With Live OpCos
The objective of these calls is to ensure that the Live OpCos are fully informed of what is happening with R5
and provides them with a forum to discuss their issues and any support calls. The calls will be managed by
the Cutover and GLO Managers and will be attended by representatives from all of the live Opcos, the SIs
and Support Teams. The daily calls will start at the end of August and continue until after go-live.

4.2.3 Daily Go-live Operations Calls With R5

The objective of these calls is to ensure that VGS and VF ES are fully informed of what is happening with
Cutover and provides them with a forum to discuss their issues and any support calls. The calls will be
managed by the Cutover and GLO Manager and will be attended by representatives from all of the key
areas of R5, including the SIs and Support Teams. The daily calls will start in early September and continue
until at least the end of October.

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5 Project Locations

5.1 Go-Live Operations Room

A GLO (Go-Live Operations) room will be set up and operational in one location from late August until at least the
end of October to control the Cutover. The location has yet to be determined, but will need to be in either Newbury
or Madrid. The GLO room will need to have sufficient space for at least 20 people with full network connectivity
and excellent video and tele-conferencing facilities. The Cutover and GLO Manager will be based in the GLO
Room along with representatives from the EVO Management Team, IT, Accenture, Axon, IBM, SAP, Support, etc.
The location and the full list of people to be based in the GLO Room will be determined by the end of June along
with any requirements for satellite GLO Rooms in other locations.

Please note, the business staff from VGS & VF ES will continue to work in their home location and will only need
to dial into the GLO meetings if requested.

5.2 Technical Cutover

During the technical cutover period from Friday September 10 th until Sunday September 12th, the Deployment
Lead and the System Technical Cutover Managers, will need to be co-located in either Dusseldorf or one of the
Live OpCos’ locations to manage and co-ordinate the Technical Cutover.

5.3 Live OpCo Sanity Checks

The live OpCos will have a window of approximately 4 hours on Sunday September 12 th to carry out checks in the
production environment after the Technical Cutover has finished, to ensure their key processes have not been
detrimentally impacted by the R5 changes. Support staff from Accenture and/or Axon will need to be deployed to
some of the live OpCos locations to provide on site support. The specific support requirements will need to be
agreed before the end of July

5.4 Business Readiness Checks

The R5 entities will be carrying out tests in the production environment prior to go-live on October 4 th, to ensure
that their key processes work prior to access being provided to all of the business users, e.g. checking that
production access works, the roles created for the entities can access the correct screens, shopping carts can be
created, etc. The full list of tests and the testing schedule will be produced by the business and fed into the
Detailed Deployment Plan. The users carrying out these tests in Newbury and Spain will be fully supported,
however, the support requirements for the other VGS entities in Italy, Germany, USA, etc. need to be defined by
the end of July.

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Appendix A - Deployment Framework

Overall Deployment Activities Summary

 Workstream’s main activities and related responsibilities

Business transformation
• Agree business impacts
• Prepare / Execute Business Readiness Activities
• Manage Communications (vendors – customers)
• ….

Legacy Deployment Final Cut Over Final Cut-over

global and local • Technical Change and Communication
• Define Communciation Plan • Data cleansing
• Back-up Infrastructure • Data Extraction and enrichment
• Code Deployment Activities • End User Training Readiness
• Execute end user Communication Plan • Data Reconciliation
• Legacy settings • Transports
Application (SAP, Global &Local Legacy)

• …. • … . • ….
Mock Cycles / Reharsal
• Data cleansing
• Data Extraction
• Data Reconciliation

Data Migration
Preparation Rehearsal
and Rollback Plan • Technical Activities

EVO SAP Deployment

Across ECC-FIN/ SCM, ACCENTURE / Axon Final Cutover (CR2209)
ECC-HR BI – FIN/ SCM, • Data Transformation
BI-HR, MDM • Data Load

Mock Cycles / Rehearsal

• Data Transformation (CR2209)
EVO SAP Deployment
• Data Load
Across ECC, XI, SRM,
• Support to Data Reconciliation
Informatica, ECC-HR ,
Portal, e-Rec

Vodafone Responsibility
Note:Vodafone will overall manage and own the data migration and deployment work stream for MDM. Accenture &Axon will execute all CBM-
deployment related tasks (Catalogues, KVM, MDA technical manual settings). Mixed Contribution (ACN + VDF)
Accenture/ Axon Responsibility
1 Confidentiality level on title master Other Vendor Responsibility
Department on title master Version number on title master

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Appendix B – System Technical Deployment Responsibilities

System Technical Cut-Over Responsibilities

Focus on the Technical Cut-Over activities identified to have
ACCENTURE/ AXON Vodafone Contribution / Guidance VODAFONE
Depl. Preparation

Deployment Plan definition Vodafone is responsible of this deliverable

ACN/ Axon is involved in IT &Infrastructure plan Tech. Infrastructure and operations plan VF GIS is responsible for planning and execution
ACN/ Axon has to define system Technical cutover VF has to define and detail the overall rehearsal and Cut-Over
Define Deployment Activities
activities activities
ACN/ AXON has to provide input on system technical Detailed Deployment Plan (work plan) Vodafone has to define and manage the overall plan Level 1
cutover plan (level 2) and 2 (including Global Plan)
Manage dependencies with other projects Vodafone owns the release strategy on EVO and will need to
manage overlapping and dependencies, to fit the
Rehearsal / Cut-Over Deployment requirements
ACN/ Axon will be responsible for Application Manual
Application Manual Settings
Settings R C
Transports Execution VF will be responsible for Transports during Final Cut-Over
ACN/ Axon will provide the list of transport for C
Transport Execution Users Management Users IDs and authorization roles has to be managed by
R C Vodafone including Deployment team accesses
CAB Approvals CABApproval is a Vodafone defined procedure and will be
ACN/ Axon will provide the list of transports for CAB R C managed by Vodafone
Approvals VF is responsible for Legacy systems. Deployment of Legacy
ACN/ Axon will support for connectivity with SAP EVO Legacy Related activities
R C systems and related connectivity will be totally managed by
ACN/ Axon will be responsible Rehearsal Check Rehearsal Checks and BAU Tests VF will provide Users IDs and appropriate authorization roles to
Activities in BAU R C enable Deployment team accesses
VF will be responsible to perform Sanity Checks and Business
ACN/ Axon will support Sanity Checks and Business Sanity Checks and Business Readiness Tests
C Readiness Tests in Z*
Readiness Tests
ACN/ Axon will be responsible for Transformation
Data Migration (Transformation)
(CR2209) R C
ACN/ Axon will be responsible for Data Load during
Mocks / Rehearsal Data Migration (Data Load)
ACN/ Axon will be responsible for final Data Load in
productive environment Data Migration (Data Load) (CR2209) C
ACN/ Axon will support for reconciliation of data Data Migration (Extr., Cleans., Enr., Rec.) Data Migration extraction, cleansing, enrichment and
transformed (CR2209). R C Reconciliation are Vodafone Responsibility
2 Confidentiality level on title master 27 May 2010
Department on title master Version number on title master
Accenture Responsibility Vodafone Responsibility Activity split (ACN + VDF) R Rehearsal Stream C Final Cutover Stream

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Appendix C - Deployment Team Structure
As the deployment impacts several business and technical areas within VF Portugal and VF Group, plus the VOCH, Accenture, etc. it is vitally
important that all of their interests are represented in the Deployment. Therefore the organization structure below has been proposed to properly
manage the Portugal deployment and its many dependencies and relationships

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EVO R5 Deployment R5 Deployment Committee
Fernando Garcia, Campbell Smith, Dierk Thomas,
Organization Belinda Jones TBC, Youcef Ramdane, Howard Bradley

Deployment Lead
John Hope (VF Group)
System Technical Cutover
Stefano Russo (ACN), Gwyneth Holt (Axon), Javier Regress ion
Go Live Operations Testing
Ibarrola (VF ES), Itzik Toorgeman (EVO/ VF Group), Richard Mojer (EVO)
Pedro Rosa (IBM), Lewis Stafford (EVO) Pedro Videira
Business Deployment
Nigel Maughan (EVO/ VGS) MDM
Manoj Rajpal (EVO) Rob Hawker
Multi-Vendor Transformation, Comms &
Ana Rial (VF-ES) Training
Lewis Stafford (EVO)
David Harvey (ACN) Nikki Absolom (VGS) BI Reporting
Gemma Baz (VF-ES) Orla Cullen (EVO)
Carolyn Barton (VGS) User Access Management
Sarah Smith (VGS) Martin Schiefer (EVO-VGS) VPC
Application TBC
Ana Rial (VF-ES) Brian Hanson (EVO-ES)
Global and Local IT/ Legacy Luis Herrera (VF-ES)
Deployment SAP Technical Cutover Shalin Chanchani (VGS)
SCM Hungary
Javier Ibarrola (VF ES) TBD (Axon) Tara Walshe (VGS) TBC
Richard Elliott (VGS) Javier Revert (ACN) Pilar Sarrió(VF-ES) Post Go-Live Support
Jeroen Temme (VF Group) David Ford (EVO)
Moises Gonzalez (VF ES) Germany
HR Julia Turnbull (VGS) TBC
Data Migration Mat Esrich (VGS) Barry Walton (IBMOn-
Data Migration Simon DuBoulay (E- VGS) Herminia Senz (VF-ES) shore)
Sandra Ramsbotham (VGS) Jose-Miguel Barragan (E – VF-ES) TBD (Axon) Portugal
Melissa Coupe (VF ES) Leonardo Bernal (T&L - VGS) TBD (Accenture) TBC
Simona Fiano (T&L - VF ES) John Ford (VOCH)
Nico Verhelst (R5)
Agoston Papp (VOCH)
Judit Mester (VGS) Netherlands
Infrastructure Adrienn Feil (VF ES) TBC
VGS Entities
IT&Infrastructure US - Lori Schiek
James Hennessy (VF Group) Business Readiness
IT&Infrastructure IT – M. Giovannelli
Jeroen Temme (VF Group) Testing
Volker Arnold (ACN) Lux– S DuMoulin
Laszlo Fekete (VF Group) Nuno Baptista (VF ES)
Ravi Gopan (Axon) DE – Paul Gordon
Miguel Angel Sanz (VF ES) Andy Gardner (VGS)
1 Elliott (VGS) John Ford (VOCH)
VGS PMO Confidentiality Level - C2

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