Science 9 Q2 Week 3

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Learning Competency (Essential Competency)

• Explain how ions are formed; (S9MT-IIe-f-16)

In your second module you have learned that compound has different types,
one of which is ionic compound. It was partially discussed how this compound
formed. The physical properties like melting point, hardness, polarity, electrical
conductivity was also tackled. In this module you will learn about ions and its

Let’s Recall (Review)

Identify ionic and covalent compound based on their physical properties.
Check the blank.
Physical Properties Ionic Compound Covalent Compound
1. Low melting point _______________ ________________
2. Conductor of electricity _______________ ________________
when melted
3. Low to non-polar _______________ ________________
4. High boiling point _______________ ________________

Week 3 Day 1: Describe Ions and How it is Formed

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Describe ions and how it is formed.

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

Neutral Atom
• An atom is initially neutral. It has an
equal number of electron(-) and proton(+).

• An ion is a charged atom or a charged

group of atoms. An ion that is composed only
one atom is called a monatomic ion while an
ion that is made up of two or more atoms is
called a polyatomic ion.
Ex. Monatomic Ions Polyatomic ions
Li+1 MnO4-1
Cl-1 NH4+1
• An atom becomes an ion by gaining or losing electrons and attaining a
noble gas electron configuration with the expense of the least amount of
• The valence electrons are the outer electrons of an atom.
Ex. 1
Na11 atomic number Electron configuration of Na11

Element symbol 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s1

Valence electron
A sodium atom with atomic no.11 Outermost energy level
is neutral because it contains 11
protons and 11 electrons but not For sodium element it is easy to loss1
yet stable. According to “OCTET valence electron than
RULE”, an element to become to gain 7 to become stable. Thus,
stable tends to attain the electron
configuration of a noble gas with Na11-1e=10 8 valence electrons
8 electrons in their outermost
1s2 2s2 2p6 (stable)
energy level except for helium
with only 2 electrons yet stable.

Upon losing 1 electron, sodium now has 11 protons (+) and 10 electrons (-)
therefore, it is no longer neutral atom instead an atom with a charge Na+1ion
because it contains now more proton than electron. The no. beside the charge of an
ion indicates the no. of electrons lost by that element. Sodium (Na11) achieved the
electron configuration of a noble gas Neon with atomic number 10.

Ex.2 7-valence electron

Cl17 For chlorine, it is easy to
1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5 gain 1 electron to become
stable than to loss 7
Outermost energy level electrons.

Thus, Cl17 + 1e= 18

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6

Upon gaining 1 electron, chlorine now has17protons and 18 electrons

therefore it is no longer neutral atom instead an atom with a charge that is Cl-1ion
because it contains now more electron than proton. The no. beside the charge of an
ion indicates the no. of electrons gained by that element. Chlorine (Cl17) achieved
the electron configuration of a noble gas Argon with atomic number 18.

Let’s Apply

Given the following electron configuration of an element, show

the formation of ions and determine the noble gas electron configuration achieved.
Refer to your periodic table for noble gas elements.

Element Electron Ion Formation Noble Gas electron
Configuration configuration achieved
1. Li3 1s2 2s1 _________ _________
2. F9 1s2 2s2 2p5 _________ _________
3. Mg12 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 _________ _________
4. N7 1s2 2s2 2p3 _________ _________

Let’s Analyze
Answer the following questions.
1. Describe ions and how it is formed?
2. In the compound magnesium chloride, MgCl2, how many electron/s came
from magnesium atom to form the compound? How many electron/s can be
received by a chlorine atom?

Week 3 Day 2: Differentiate Cations from Anions Based on their

Tendency to Lose or Gain Electron

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Differentiate cations from anions based on their tendency to lose or gain

Let’s Recall (Review)

Match the descriptions in column A to its term in column B. Write the letters
of your answer before each number.

A. B.
_____1. It contains equal number of protons B. Ions
and electrons.
_____2. A charged atom or a charged C. Valence electron
group of atoms.
_____3. An ion that is composed only one atom D. Neutral atom
_____4. The outer electrons of an atom. E. Monatomic ion

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

➢ Elements on the left side of the ladder like structure in the periodic table of
elements are known as metal elements. These elements are most likely to
lose electrons and become cation.
➢ Elements on the right side of the ladder like structure are non-metal
elements that gain electrons and become anion.
➢ Non-metal elements are electronegative than metal elements, meaning it
has a higher tendency to attract electrons than metal elements. Halogen is
the most electronegative in any period.
➢ Noble gases are stable elements. It contains 8 valence electrons.
➢ Atoms with less than 4 valence electrons tend to lose while atoms with more
than 4 valence electrons tend to gain.

Let’s Apply

Fill up the boxes with the correct answer.

Element Loss or Gain No. of Electron Cation or Anion

Electron loss or gain
1. K19
2. S16
3. O8
4. Na11

Let’s Analyze

Answer the given question. Write your answer in your answer sheet.

1. Differentiate cations from anions based on their tendency to lose or gain

2. Among these elements: O8, Mg12, and Cl17, which will have the highest tendency
to form a cation. Why?

Week 3 Day 3: Show the formation of ions using the Lewis Electron Dot
Symbols (LEDS)

At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
1. Show the formation of ions using the Lewis Electron Dot Symbols (LEDS).

Let’s Recall (Review)

State whether the following ions are cation or anion.

1.N-3 _____________ 4. O-2 ___________
2. Ga +3 _____________ 5. Na +1 ___________
3. Ca +2 _____________

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

• Lewis dot symbol is the symbol of an element with one or more dots
representing the valence electrons of the element. Gilbert N. Lewis (1875-
1946), an American chemist, suggested this system of representing the
valence electrons of an element.
Formation of ions using the Lewis Electron Dot Symbols (LEDS)
and electron configuration

Ex 1.) Li3 1s2 2s1 valence electron • Li

Highest energy level Lewis Dot Symbol

• Li -1e Li+1 (cation)

Lewis Dot Symbol (LEDS) Formation of Ions
➢ Lithium is a metal element. It needs to lose 1e to become
stable. Upon losing 1e it gains positive charge 1 and became

Ex 2.)

O6 1s2 2s2 2p4 valence electron

Highest energy level Lewis dot symbol
Electron configuration

+ 2e O-2 (Anion)
Lewis Electron Dot Symbol (LEDS) Formation of Ions

Let’s Apply

Draw the Lewis Electron Dot Symbols (LEDS) of the following elements.

Element Symbol Lewis Electron Dot Symbol

1. Be4 ___________________________
2. S16 ___________________________
3. Mg12 ___________________________
4. F9 ___________________________

Let’s Analyze

Show the formation of ions using the Lewis Electron Dot Symbols (LEDS).

1. 2. 3. 4.

_______ _______ ________ ________ Formation of ions

Week 3 Day 4: Write Chemical Formula of Ionic Compounds Based on

the Charges of Ions


At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

1. Write chemical formula of ionic compounds based on the charges of ions.

Let’s Recall (Review)

Draw the LEDS and show the ion formation of the following elements.
1. Ca20 _____________ _____________
2. Br 35 _____________ _____________
3. Na 11 _____________ _____________

Let’s Understand (Study the Concept)

Chemical formulas are symbolic representations of substances. In an ionic

compound, one of the elements presents is a metal. An ionic compound formed
from a cation of a metal and an anion. Conventionally, the cation is written first
followed by the anion.

Writing chemical formula of ionic compounds based on the charges of ions.

Ex 1. Potassium Chloride Chemical Formula

Li+1 Cl-1 LiCl
Since the absolute values of the charges are the same (both1), the formula of the
ions are just copied without indicating the charges.

Ex 2. Calcium Fluoride Chemical Formula

Mg+2 F-1 MgF2 subscript

In this example, the absolute values of the charges (2 and 1) are different
and not divisible by the same number, the absolute values should be crisscrossed.
The absolute value of the charge of each ion becomes the subscript of the other. A
subscript of one (1) should not be indicated.

Ex 3. Iron (III) Oxide Chemical Formula
Fe+3 O-2 Fe2O3
Ex 4. Lead (IV) Carbonate Chemical Formula
Pb+4 CO3-2 Pb (CO3)2

The absolute values of the charges are different and divisible by the same
number divide these values by their greatest common factor (GCF). So, the absolute
values should be divided by 2 and if the subscript of an ion is greater than 1,
enclose the ion in parentheses.

Let’s Apply

Write the chemical formula of ionic compounds based on the charges of ions of
given elements.

1. K+1 & Br-1

2. Ca+2 & S-2

3. Al+3 & S-2

4. Ca+2 & P-3

5. K+1 & S-2

Let’s Analyze

Write chemical formula of ionic compounds based on the charges of ions.

1. NH4+1 & SO4-2

2. Pb+4 & PO4-3
3. Cu+1 & SO4-2
4. NH4+1 & OH-1
5. Fe+3 & PO4-3

Let’s Try (Evaluation)

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the letter on your answer sheet.

1. How do ions formed?

A. Ions formed from losing of electrons.
B. Ions formed from gaining or losing electrons.
C. Ions formed from gaining electrons.
D. Ions formed from sharing their electrons.

2. Which of the following elements have a higher tendency to attract
electrons and why?
A. Na is a metal therefore has a higher tendency to attract electron.
B. Al has 3e- therefore has a higher tendency to attract electrons.
C. O is a nonmetal and needs only 2e- to become stable.
D. Cl belongs to halogen group the most electronegative among all
nonmetal elements.
3. Which of the following illustrations show the correct electron dot symbol
for Phosphorus (P15)?
•• ••
A.• P • B. P • C. • P • D. P •

4. Given the ions Cu+1 and CO3-2, what would be the formula of ionic
compound formed?
A. Cu2(CO3) B. Cu2CO3 C. Cu2(CO3)1 D. (Cu)2CO3
5. Show the ion formation of sulfur.
A. S+2 B. S-1 C. S-2 D. S+1
Show the LEDS and ion formation of the following elements.
6. Cs ___________ ___________
7. N ___________ ___________
8. Be ___________ ___________
9. Ga ___________ ___________
10. I ___________ ___________

Let’s Create
Complete the table below. Write the chemical formula of ionic compounds
based on the charges of ions. Copy the table and write your answer in your answer

Cation Cl-1 F-1 MnO4-1 PO4-3

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