Beverage Technology: Innovative Solutions For Your Success

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Beverage Technology

Innovative solutions for your success

Phone: +49 661 6003-0
Email: [email protected]

Dear Reader,
Drinking is essential for maintaining the right balance of water The beverage industry is another area in which we at JUMO
in the body. Popular beverages include water, juice, milk, offer you only the best. We do so by providing a multitude of
coffee, tea, wine, and beer. However, only a producer of these solutions for the most varied applications.
beverages knows to what extent their production and process-
ing depends on efficient procedures and precise measuring Our solutions support you in implementing HACCP concepts
technology. or the IFS standard.

Here, JUMO is at your side as a reliable partner to help when This brochure provides an overview of JUMO products and sys-
you have questions and to provide you with quick solutions. We tems for the beverage technology industry. Of course, we would
do so regardless of whether you monitor your process through also be happy to work together with you to create customized
pressure, temperature, conductivity, or pH value. We’re also solutions for individual requirements.
at your side for controlling the cleaning process or reducing
production costs. PS: Detailed information about our products can be found
under the product group number at
So how do we do it? Through long-term experience and ex-
pertise: because for more than 60 years, JUMO has been one
of the leading manufacturers in the field of measurement and
control technology. As a result we are also an expert partner
for the beverage industry.

We place great value on regular new developments, constant

improvement of existing products, and on increasingly eco-
nomic production methods because only this path allows us to
achieve the highest degree of innovation for you.

Mineral water and 4

soft drinks

Fruit and vegetable juice 8

Dairy products 12

Wine 16

Beer 20

CIP cleaning 24

JUMO Engineering 26

2 3
Mineral water and
soft drinks
Each person should drink 1.5 to 2 liters of fluids every day. To ensure beverages
exhibit a consistent level of quality, various quality and process checks must be
performed during production. This is where the first-rate measuring and control
equipment from JUMO comes into play.
Beverage Technology

JUMO AQUIS touch S/P JUMO CTI-750/JUMO tecLine Ci

Modular multichannel measuring devices with Conductivity transmitter stainless steel case
integrated controller and paperless recorder as well as hygienic inductive conductivity and
Types 202581, 202580 temperature sensor
Type 202756, type 202941

Level measurement in water wells

The level height is measured regu-
larly for changes in hydrostatic pres-
sure in well water using a level probe.
JUMO MAERA S28 with its piezo-
resistive measuring cell is particularly Pressure transmitters Level probe
suitable for this type of application. The Types 404366, 402050 Type 404392
probe features overvoltage protection
which protects its electronic compo-
nents from an indirect lightning strike.
Additional high overload resistance
and long-term stability gives the JUMO
MAERA S28 a high level of security.
Precision pressure transmitter Electromagnetic flowmeter for
Type 405052 hygienic applications

Conductivity measurement in mineral Types 406015, 406018

Conductivity measurement can be per-
formed as an incoming goods inspection
after the water from the well has been
transported to the plant. The conductiv-
ity value depends on the level of water
Paperless recorder for FDA- Measuring, controlling, and automation system
mineralization. The more minerals compliant data recording with controller module as well as input and output
that dissolve from the rock layers, the Type 706585
Type 705000
higher this value is. The JUMO CTI-750
transmitter in stainless steel version is
used for measuring conductivity. The
FDA 21 CFR Part 11
integrated conductivity measurement
allows a precise and quick temperature
compensation that is particularly im- JUMO RTD temperature probe JUMO dTRANS T1000/p35

portant for temperature measurement. Type 902815, 902810 Temperature and pressure sensor with IO-Link
Type 902915, 402058
Additional functions, such as the com-
bined toggling of measuring range and
temperature coefficient, also allow the
optimum use in CIP processes.


Electronic temperature switch Pressure transmitter with wireless
with display and analog output data transmission
Type 902940 Type 402060

4 5
Mineral water
According to the mineral and bottled water regulation, min- may be added, whereby carbonic acid (H2CO3) is created in
eral water is a type of groundwater with specific characteris- the water. Deferrization is often brought about using ozone.
tics. It must originate from an underground water source and It is carried out for many types of mineral water to prevent a
be completely pure. Mineral water is bottled directly at the brown coloring from entering the water over time. Most types
source or water well and requires official recognition. While of mineral water show a much lower carbonic acid content
it is permissible to intervene in the context of approved proce- at the outlet location than they do after bottle filling. The aci-
dures when preparing drinking water, mineral water should dification of the water through the addition of carbon dioxide
be changed as little as possible from its original composition. promotes, among other things, its shelf life, as it provides a
Only iron, manganese, sulphuric, and arsenic compounds as stable antimicrobial environment.
well as fluoride may be withdrawn. Only carbon dioxide (CO2)

Measurands and devices in the production of mineral water and soft drinks*

 Water well  Filter

„„ Level „„ Conductivity
„„ Controller „„ Controller
„„ Flow „„ Flow

 Syrup room  Temporary storage  Mixer

„„ Level „„ Level „„ Temperature
„„ Indicator „„ Pressure
„„ Controller
„„ Flow

* Process flow soft drinks in point  and  identical with process flow mineral water.
Beverage Technology

Soft drinks
Cold drinks that are produced by the food industry for re- Fruit juices, carbonated fruit juices, lemonades, and sodas are
freshment purposes mostly have a sweet-and-sour flavor among the most popular soft drinks. For its manufacture, mi-
and are carbonated. These are “Water-based beverages with neral water is mixed with a precisely-defined quantity of juice
flavor-giving ingredients” such as sugar, sweeteners, and aro- or syrup and then bottled. To maintain a consistent level of
mas according to the German Foodstuffs Code as well as the quality across all beverages, it is vital that the quantity of juice
international Codex Alimentarius. In addition, the beverages or syrup and the CO2 content is always the same.
may contain fruit juice concentrate, carbonic acid, minerals,
vitamins, and further ingredients.

 Temporary storage  Bottling plant

„„ Level „„ Pressure
„„ Indicator „„ Temperature
„„ Flow „„ Controller

 Buffer tank  Bottling plant

„„ Level
„„ Pressure
„„ Pressure
„„ Temperature
„„ Temperature
„„ Controller 6 7
„„ Indicator
„„ Flow
Fruit and vegetable juice
Fruit and vegetable juices are considered everyday beverages such as water and
coffee. Furthermore, fruit juices are also a common ingredient in fruit juices.
For juice production various processes are involved depending on whether direct
juice or fruit juice concentrate is being produced. JUMO temperature probes and
controllers are particularly suited for quality and process inspection purposes.
Beverage Technology


pH combination electrode Transmitter and controller series
Type 201022 Type 202551

Temperature measurement and

control for juice production
During juice production, the tempera-
ture in various processes is measured Modular multichannel measuring devices with Pressure transmitters
and controlled. When manufacturing integrated controller and paperless recorder Types 404366, 402050
Types 202581, 202580
fruit juice concentrate, the most import-
ant measuring point is the temperature
measurement taken during evapora-
tion or aroma recovery. If the volatile
flavored compounds are extracted from
the juice either before or during the
concentration process – and if these
are stored in a cool place separate from
Precision pressure transmitter Electromagnetic flowmeter
the de-flavored fruit juice concentrate – Type 405052 for hygienic applications
then any undesirable mixing with other Types 406015, 406018

juice components is essentially impos-

sible. Each fruity flavor consists of a
number of components which differ to
a greater or lesser extent from one an-
other in terms of quantity, solubility, and
boiling point. The quantity of vapor to be JUMO mTRON T JUMO DICON touch
evaporated in the vaporizer depends on Measuring, controlling, and automation Two-channel process and
system with controller module as well as program controller
the type of juice, the operating condi- input and output modules Type 703571
tions, and the intended flavor yield. The Type 705000

flavored concentrate is cooled to a clear

liquid and removed from the plant. Both
in the production of fruit juice from fruit
juice concentrate and the production
of direct juice, the juice is pasteurized
JUMO LOGOSCREEN fd JUMO RTD temperature probe
before it is bottled. The temperature Paperless recorder for FDA- Type 902815, 902810
measurement is also an important compliant data recording
Type 706585
quality criterion here for guaranteeing
the shelf life of the juice. When it comes
to safely documenting the reached tem-
perature in a comprehensible manner, FDA 21 CFR Part 11
the tamper-proof paperless recorder
JUMO  LOGOSCREEN  fd is the perfect JUMO dTRANS T1000/p35 JUMO DELOS T
Temperature and pressure sensor with IO-Link Electronic temperature switch
device for the job. with display and analog output
Type 902915, 402058
Type 902940

8 9
For the production of fruit juice, only ripe, washed fruit is clear fruit juice. There are 2 basic procedures within fruit
used. Citrus fruits are pressed in special citrus presses. juice production: the production of fruit juice from concen-
Other fruits are pulverized to a mash in a grinder and then trate and from direct juice. To create fruit juice concentrate,
mechanically pressed. The addition of special enzymes can the flavor and water must be extracted from the freshly
alleviate the flow of juice from the sacs and increase the pressed juice at low temperatures and in vacuumed con-
overall juice yield. For stone fruit and soft fruit, the stones ditions. What remains is then condensed to approximately
and stems are removed before pressing. The separating and a sixth of its original volume. Fruit juice concentrate and
filtering process turns the naturally cloudy, pulpy juice to a flavoring are stored and transported separately from one

Measurands and devices in the production fruit and vegetable juices

 Washing machine  Press  Separator

„„ Level „„ Pressure „„ Pressure
„„ Temperature „„ Indicator „„ Controller
„„ Flow

 Vaporizer  Cooler
„„ Pressure „„ Pressure
„„ Temperature „„ Temperature
„„ Controller „„ Controller
„„ Flow
Beverage Technology

another in tanks. Orange juice concentrate, for example, is for a few seconds. Direct juice, on the other hand, is proces-
stored at -15  °C. To generate juice from the concentrate, sed immediately after fruits are pressed. It is first filtered
water and the relevant fruit flavor are added along with fruit before being pasteurized between 80 and 85 °C to prolong
pulp and fruit sacs if necessary. The advantages of this pro- shelf life. This prevents fermentation from taking place
cedure for the manufacturers are savings in transport costs and guarantees the shelf life of the juice. The direct juice
and being independent of the harvest season. For preser- is then bottled or stored in a sterile condition in a tank for
vation purposes the produced juice is pasteurized at 85 °C bottling later on.

 Filter  Pasteurizer
„„ Pressure „„ Temperature
„„ Controller „„ Pressure
„„ Flow „„ Controller
„„ Recorder
„„ Flow

 Storage tank  Bottling plant

„„ Level „„ Pressure
„„ Temperature „„ Temperature
„„ Indicator „„ Controller
10 11
Dairy products
In dairies major emphasis is placed on hygiene. This is so because milk is a sen-
sitive product that must be especially protected against germ contamination. The
sensors for hygienic applications from JUMO support all the stages of milk pro-
Beverage Technology


Process pressure transmitter Pressure transmitters
Type 403025 Types 404366, 402050

Measurement technology for milk

The value chain in the dairy industry
is shaped by special challenges when
it comes to hygiene and process en- Precision pressure transmitter Electromagnetic flowmeter
gineering. Type 405052 for hygienic applications
Types 406015, 406018

Milk processing in particular has spe-

cial demands for monitoring, analyzing,
and logging the production processes.
Different rules and regulations define
essential processing parameters. These
include pH value and temperature limits JUMO mTRON T JUMO SVS3000
Measuring, controlling, and automation Process visualization software
in combination with temperature hold system with controller module as well as Type 700755
times. The reason here is the microbi- input and output modules
Type 705000
ological potential of milk in relation to
pathogens and external germs. These
make processing more difficult and al-
ways reduce the shelf life.

In process engineering, the main focus JUMO dTRON 304 JUMO IMAGO 500
is on optimizing processing steps to Compact controller Multichannel process and program controller

ensure stable processes and end pro- Type 703044 Type 703590

ducts through an increased degree of

automation. Continuous flow conditions,
constant pressure, and the change bet-
ween product and cleaning media are
monitored through the sensor program JUMO LOGOSCREEN fd JUMO RTD temperature probe

from JUMO. At the same time, devices Paperless recorder for FDA- Type 902815, 902810
compliant data recording
with a high level of protection against Type 706585
tampering record and control these fac-
tors. As a result, the milk industry has a
complete portfolio at its disposal which
FDA 21 CFR Part 11
reliably fulfills the demanding legal and
procedural requirements.
JUMO dTRANS T1000/p35 Membrane pressure
Temperature and pressure sensor with IO-Link separator for homogenizers
Type 902915, 402058

12 13
Specific processing of the raw milk is an essential prelimi- steps. Temperature control of the milk is the dominant mea-
nary step for the production of many different dairy products. surand with regard to product safety. After milk production,
Regardless of the end product, key process steps exist that a temperature of 4 °C must be maintained immediately
are applied in varying combinations. Yet, the premise still which must not be exceeded until processing. Pasteuriza-
applies that even a slight deviation from defined parameters tion is the most important step for drinking milk production.
or non-hygienic constructions significantly affect the pro- Here, programs are implemented the purpose of which is
duction costs and the quality of the end products. For that to substantially reduce the colony-forming units of the spo-
reason, JUMO offers sensors for the essential measurands re-producing Bacillus cereus: for UHT milk 2 to 10 seconds
as well as suitable evaluation and recording devices for all at up to 150  °C, for fresh milk 15  to  20  seconds at up to

Measurands and devices in the production of milk products

 Storage tank  Separator  Homogenizer

„„ Temperature „„ Temperature „„ Temperature
„„ Level „„ Pressure „„ Pressure
„„ Indicator „„ Indicator „„ Controller
„„ Controller „„ Controller „„ Recorder
Beverage Technology

75  °C. At this point, temperature probes must be quick, fittings can have negative impacts on the product stability.
precise, and reliable so that all risks are completely elimi- They must be permanently monitored as well as compen-
nated. The levels are monitored via pressure. In addition, sated through auxiliary systems. The prerequisite here is a
pressure differences that are deliberately controlled are es- smooth embedding of the pressure transmitter into the pro-
tablished to ensure that no contamination of the pasteurized cess automation. Especially designed devices for analysis
milk takes place in case of equipment damage. Plants such and recording are available so that all parameters such as
as centrifugal separators or homogenizers are operated pH value and conductivity can be monitored. In summary,
and controlled in a pressure range of approximately 5 bar JUMO offers a coordinated system for process control and
or respectively 250 bar. Pressure losses over pipelines or monitoring.

 Pasteurizer
„„ Temperature
„„ Pressure
„„ Controller
„„ Recorder
 Filling plant
„„ Temperature
„„ Pressure
„„ Recorder

14 15
Wine is considered to be one of humanity’s most ancient cultural goods and has
played a significant role since antiquity as an agricultural product, both for the
economy as well as for society. In wine production, especially during fermenta-
tion and storage, measurement and control devices from JUMO come into play
and ensure a consistent quality of wine across the board.
Beverage Technology


Differential pressure transmitter with display Pressure transmitters
Type 403022 Types 404366, 402050
Efficient filtration monitoring with the
JUMO dTRANS p20 DELTA differential
pressure transmitter
The wine filtration process consists
of first cutting out turbid substances
and removing any potentially harmful
yeasts and/or bacteria before bottling.
During sheet filtration, the cloudy wine Precision pressure transmitter Electromagnetic flowmeter
is pressed through layers of cellu- Type 405052 for hygienic applications
Types 406015, 406018
lose, diatomaceous earth, and pearlite.
During membrane filtration, however, a
thin plastic film filters the wine so that
it becomes clear. The additional filtra-
tion prior to bottling is also called ster-
ile filtration; it makes the already very
Dial thermometer JUMO mTRON T
clear wine germfree. During filtration,
Industry version Measuring, controlling, and automation
the pressure on the filter gradually in- Type 608002 system with controller module as well as
creases. This pressure is related to a input and output modules
Type 705000
certain degree to the purity of the wine.
With the JUMO dTRANS p20 DELTA dif-
ferential pressure transmitter, you can
measure precisely how long the filter
will last by determining the increase of
differential pressure. This enables you to JUMO Quantrol JUMO DICON touch
ensure the quality of your wine and opti- Compact controller Two-channel process and
Type 702030 program controller
mal use of your filters.
Type 703571

Temperature-controlled fermentation
This process includes checking the alco-
holic fermentation, which is the process
of changing sugar from the grapes into
JUMO LOGOSCREEN fd JUMO RTD temperature probe
alcohol at low temperatures. To retain Paperless recorder for FDA- Type 902815, 902810
as much flavor as possible in the wine, compliant data recording
Type 706585
the grape juice is cooled during fermen-
tation to approximately 15  °C. Conse-
quently, fermentation then takes longer,
allowing maximum flavor to be retained. FDA 21 CFR Part 11
The JUMO Dtrans T100, a compact tem-
perature probe with an integrated trans- JUMO dTRANS T1000/p35 JUMO humidity and temperature
Temperature and pressure sensor with IO-Link measuring probe
mitter, is ideally suited for temperature
Type 902915, 402058 Type 907023

16 17
Wine is an alcoholic beverage, made from the fermented than the grape juice (pressed juice) is fermented between
juice of grapes. The most popular wines are red, white, and 20 and 30 °C. This is because almost all the dyes are found
rosé. Sparkling wine is made from wine that has undergone a in the skin of the grapes. These dyes are separated from
second fermentation process. Lightly sparkling wines are the skin of the fruit during the fermenting of the existing
known as semi-sparkling wines and generally have carbo- alcohol mash. The most important steps in the production of
nic acid added to them. The main difference between the red wine are de-stemming, mashing, pressing, and fermen-
production of white wine and red wine is the order of the ting. The most important work steps in the mashing process
workflow. In the production of red wine, the mash rather are the immersion of the pomace (which can be performed

Measurands and devices in the production of white wine

 Press  Fermenting tank  Filter

„„ Pressure „„ Temperature „„ Pressure
„„ Controller „„ Controller
„„ Flow

Measurands and devices in the production of red wine

 Mash tun  Fermenting tank  Press

„„ Temperature „„ Temperature „„ Pressure
„„ Controller „„ Controller
Beverage Technology

either manually or mechanically), the carbonic maceration, chanical means. Alternatively, the mash can be heated to
and the heating of the mash. To produce a full-bodied red accelerate the process. After fermentation, the red wine is
wine, as intense a color yield as possible must be achieved developed. This maturing process can be performed in bar-
and the correct quantity of tannin from the skins should be rels, barriques, or tanks of varying sizes. Depending on the
introduced into the wine. To achieve optimum extraction, type, quality, potential, and year of the wine, the time it takes
the skins and the grape juice must remain constantly in to mature can be between several weeks and years. Finally,
contact with one another. For this reason the floating layer the wine is bottled.
of mash is immersed repeatedly in the juice through me-

 Storage tank  Bottling plant

„„ Temperature „„ Temperature
„„ Pressure „„ Pressure
„„ Controller „„ Controller

 Filter  Storage tank  Bottling plant

„„ Pressure „„ Temperature „„ Temperature
„„ Controller „„ Pressure „„ Pressure
„„ Flow „„ Controller „„ Controller
18 19
The brewing process takes time. It consists of a large number of work steps:
mashing, purification, wort boiling, wort cooling, fermentation, and filtration. For
all these processes, the precise monitoring of temperature, pressure, pH value,
and conductivity is necessary. A task in which JUMO‘s first-class as well as tried-
and-tested products provide perfect support throughout the entire process chain.
Beverage Technology

the brewhouse control system JUMO tecLine HY JUMO AQUIS touch S

JUMO mTRON T – a system that can Hygienic heavy-duty electrodes for Modular multichannel measuring
measuring pH value device for liquid analysis
master the measurement and control Type 201022 Type 202581
tasks in the brewery. Up to 9 program ge-
nerators enable autonomous control of
mashing, purification, and wort boiling.
This way, for example, the next batch
can already be mashed during wort bo-
iling. While the temperature-time-pro-
grams of both processes are running, Inductive conductivity transmitter Process and differential pressure transmitter
JUMO  mTRON  T registers all required Type 202756 Type 403025, 403022

data such as temperature, pressure,

pH value, flow, steam temperature, and
stirring speed. The process can be indivi-
dually automated with the CODESYS PLC
programming system.


Precise control of the cooling zones
Pressure transmitter Precision pressure transmitter
with the JUMO diraTRON controller Types 404366, 402050 Type 405052
Several cooling zones exist in the cylin-
drical fermentation tanks which ensure
that the young beer is circulated during
storage by using different temperatures.
JUMO  diraTRON perfectly controls the
exact temperature of the individual coo- JUMO flowTRANS MAG H01 JUMO mTRON T
Electromagnetic flowmeter for Measuring, control, and automation
ling zones, which ensures the quality of
hygienic applications system with controller module as
the beer. Type 406015, 406018 well as input and output modules
Type 705000

Optimum setting and monitoring with

the JUMO CTI-750 conductivity trans-
In the bottle cleaning plant, the glass
bottles are cleaned by warm lye baths
and subsequent rinsing with water at JUMO LOGOSCREEN 600 JUMO diraTRON

different temperatures. However, the Paperless recorder with innovative Compact controllers
operating concept Type 702110, 702111, 702112,
constant transport of the bottles causes Type 706520 702113, 702114
caustic soda to be displaced which ch-
anges the concentration of the lye. This
is where the JUMO CTI-750 comes into
play: it continuously adjusts the concen- 21 CFR Part 11

tration of the caustic soda to optimum

levels via conductivity measurement JUMO DICON touch JUMO dTRANS T1000/p35

and thereby ensures reliable cleaning of Two-channel process and Temperature and pressure sensor with IO-Link
program controller Type 902915, 402058
the glass bottles at a consistently high Type 703571

20 21
Beer is a drink that is obtained by fermentation from subs- from the starch of grains (barley, wheat, rye, oats, millet, rice,
tances containing starch. Furthermore, it is not distilled. The maize) by malting or other enzymatic processes. The alcohol
carbonated beverage is produced by adding hops or other sea- content of most beer is between 4.5 % and 6 %. Non-alcoholic
sonings. Beer is produced by fermentation. The raw material beer is produced by 2 different processes – stopping the fer-
for the fermentation of beer is always starch. Sugar is obtained mentation or extracting the alcohol from normal beer.

Measurands and devices in the production of beer

Malt mill

Malt silo  Mash tun  Lauter tun

„„ Temperature „„ Temperature
„„ pH value „„ Differential pressure
„„ Controller „„ Controller
„„ Recorder

 Fermenting and storage tank  Filter

„„ Temperature „„ Temperature
„„ Pressure „„ Pressure
„„ Controller „„ Controller
Beverage Technology

Temperature is one of the most important measurands in beer measurement with regularly-calibrated temperature probes
production. Only through exact control of the processes and can optimize costs. Even a process temperature correction of
precise temperature control can the work steps of mashing, only 1 °C in the right direction can, for example, significantly
wort boiling and cooling, fermentation, and storage be carried reduce energy costs.
out reliably and reproducibly. In addition, exact temperature

 Wort boiler  Whirlpool  Wort cooler

„„ Temperature „„ Temperature
„„ Temperature
„„ pH value „„ Indicator
„„ Pressure
„„ Controller
„„ Controller
„„ Recorder

 Bottle cleaning plant  Filling plant

„„ Temperature „„ Temperature
„„ Pressure „„ Pressure
„„ Conductivity „„ Controller
„„ Controller 22 23
CIP cleaning
The basis for every good process is a hygienic, thoroughly cleaned plant.
This is guaranteed by “CIP cleaning”, or “Cleaning in Place”. In this area
JUMO also offers first-class systems and solutions that you can rely on.
Beverage Technology

Measuring – Controlling – Displaying – Recording Conserve resources – reduce maintenance costs

New possibilities with the JUMO AQUIS touch S Whether the application is implemented with the modular
The JUMO  AQUIS  touch  S, a modular multichannel mea- multichannel measuring device JUMO AQUIS touch S or the
suring device, provides new approaches to CIP cleaning. proven inductive conductivity transmitter JUMO CTI-750 de-
For example, the concentration setting of the acid and lye pends on the orientation of the plant. Both systems have
solutions, the level of both tanks, and the flow velocity can proven themselves through their numerous benefits. For
be measured, controlled, and displayed as well as registe- instance, the JUMO CTI-750 is the ideal solution if a PLC
red on-site – all with one device. Essentially, a maximum of is worked with in the background. The JUMO AQUIS touch
4 analog analysis sensors can be used while a total of up S on the other hand works as a stand-alone solution. The
to 10 parameters can be measured and managed simulta- low-maintenance sensor and the highly precise measuring
neously. Alongside countless simple alarm, limit value, or by the inductive transmitter help to conserve resources and
time-controlled switching functions, up to 4 higher-order reduce maintenance costs for your plant.
control loops can be defined in the JUMO AQUIS touch S at
the same time.


Modular multichannel measuring
device for liquid analysis
Type 202581


JUMO AQUIS 500 Electromagnetic flowmeter
Transmitter and controller JUMO tecLine Ci for hygienic application
series for liquid analysis Hygienic inductive Type 406015
Type 202560 conductivity and
temperature sensors
Type 202941

JUMO tecLine HY
pH combination To the plant
Type 201022 Fresh Acid Lye Batch
water water
From the plant


Inductive conductivity Inductive conductivity
transmitter transmitter
Type 202756 Type 202756


Pressure transmitter
Type 404366

24 25
JUMO Engineering
Food and Plastics and Industrial furnace
beverage packaging construction

Renewable Pharmaceuticals
energy and biotechnology

„„ Project management
„„ Feasibility analysis
„„ Product requirement specifications
„„ Project planning
„„ Startup
„„ Training

„„ Control „„ Renewable energy
„„ Recording „„ Mechanical

„„ Monitoring

„„ Automation „„ Pharmaceutical

„„ Pressure engineering


„„ Humidity „„ Chemical industry

sensors + a

„„ Water and waste-


„„ Flow
„„ Level water engineering
„„ Industrial furnace

„„ Analytical
measurement construction
technology „„ Food technology
„„ Temperature „„ Railway technology
„„ Shipbuilding
„„ Heating and air-con-
ditioning industry

pe ic

rti v
„„ Personalized consulting and se S er „„ Service and maintenance
support concepts
„„ Individual and market-oriented „„ Technical support
solutions „„ Training courses and workshops
„„ Wide range of technologies „„ Implementation concepts
„„ Decades of experience „„ On-the-job training
System solutions
JUMO Engineering points the way!

System solutions – JUMO Engineering

What began with a customer application in climate control tries. Our engineers and technicians are always available
that required sensor technology, control, recording, and au- for clarifying technical details, for your further training in
tomation has now become the basis for JUMO Engineering. our workshops, for the development of subapplications or
As a system provider specialized in complete solutions, we complete solutions, and much more. The structured process
take a holistic yet individual approach to meeting your needs covering the specification sheet creation, implementation,
in a customized manner. In addition to the required devices documentation, and startup through to final training deli-
that we provide we also take on project planning and project vers clear and transparent solutions. Our worldwide sales
management of plants. You benefit from the expertise we organization is your reliable contact and would be happy to
have acquired over decades of working in a variety of indus- provide you with further information.

Our services Your advantages

„„ Feasibility analysis „„ As a central contact partner JUMO develops
„„ Creating a technical concept including product technical system solutions
requirements specification and specification sheet „„ Extensive expertise with all measurement and
„„ Complete project planning and documentation automation devices
„„ Project planning including PLC programming, „„ Global support through experienced specialists
visualization, network technology, etc. „„ A flexible, tailored solution to suit your individual
„„ Continuous project management needs and application
„„ On-site startup
„„ Training and support

In a nutshell
„„ Precise and prompt communication channels:
This saves time and prevents mistakes!

„„ Highly developed expertise for maximum flexibility:

For fully reliable and secure project planning!

„„ Technology that has proven itself over decades reduces downtimes:

For excellent plant and process reliability!

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